276240 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. ����� � Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, The Board of County Co�nission�rs of Ramsey Caunty, under and pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 950, has the authori:ty and paw�r to acquire real and personal praperty for park, open space or recreational purposes; provided, howevex, that before acquiring any interest in real or personal property pursuant tro the Act, the County shall obtain the appraval of the govexning body of the manicipality in which the property is located; and Whereas, Ran�sey County has proposed the acquisition of real estate located within the City of Saint Paul far its open 5pace program, identified as the Lilydale-Altendorfer Mushroom Caves Project, the legal description of said real estate being more fully set forth in the attached Exhibit A; nav, therfore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City ot Saint Paul does hereby approve the Ramsey County Lilydale-Altendorfer Mushroom Caves Project, and does hereby approve Ramsey Caunty acquiring for park and open space the lands located within the City ot Saint Paul and legally described on the attached Exhibit A. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � COITIITA1T77.t�7 SPSVIC2S �evine In Favor Maddox � McMahon �,�i�� __ Against I�dacco. Wilson Adopted ounc� : Date JAN 2 2 1981 Form Approve y �ty Attor Cert ied Pas� d b ouncil �ecr ry BY � � B� Appro A�lavor: D _ t�V� App y Mayor f t bm' s' n o Council By �.ts�� ,!A N 31 1981 �~ . � N 1� � ,. . � �x� ig �T OPEN SPACE PROJECT #�72-6, LILYDALE - ALTENDORFER MUSHROOM CAVES �d���� Parcel A - A tract bounded on Northwesterly side by levee, on Northeasterly side by Westerly line of Block,] , Grand View and said Westerly line extended Southerly to most Northeasterly corner of Lot 16, Block 2, said addition, on South side by North ]ine of said Lot 16, on Southwesterly side by iine which bears North 35 degrees, 40 minutes West from point on East line of Section 12 and 72.6 feet from 1/4 section corner on East iine of said section, being part of Government Lot 8 in S�ection i2, Township 28, Range 23. and A tract bounded on Northwesterly s e by levee on Nor�heasterly side by line ,which bears North '35 degrees, 45 minutes West from point on North line of Block 3, Grand Yiew, 1g6.8 feet from most Northeasterly corner of Lot 16, Block 2, said addition, on South side by said North line of Block 3 and same extended West and on Southwesterly side by line 80 feet Southwesterly from and parallel with 2nd boundary line herein described being part of Government Lot 8, in Section 12, Township .28, Range 23. and � Southwesterly 1/2 of Lot 5 and a11 of Lots 6 thru 10, Block 1 , Grand Vi�w Addition. Parcel 6 Lots 14 through 20 inclusive, Block 1 , Langevins 4th Addition. Parcel E Lot l , Lot 2, Lot 3, East 20 feet Lot 4, Lot 12 and Lot 13, all in Slock 1 , Langevins 4th Addition. Parcel F Lots 21 and 22, Block 1 , Langevins 4th Addition.. , , OM O1: I2/2975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRPaTI`l£ ORDERS r RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ����� Date: January 5, 1981 �� �-a✓-� .+ _ �� , ,--�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER , �' Thanas J. Kelley � �Z� � RE: . � Council.Resolution approving Ramsey County's ac,�quisition of Altendorfer Mushroom Caves in St. Paul as part of Lilydale Open Space Project ., ACTION REQIIESTED: Appraval of Cauncil Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE' FOR TBIS ACTION: Ramsey Caunty muast have appraval of St. Paal in order to proceed with acquisitian of Altendorfer Nlushrocsti Caves to be part of Lilydale Park ATTACAMENTS: . Cauncil Resolution with Exhibit A