276228 WHITE_ �- CITY CLERK ^ ��'{ PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 !�;�(�(xJ � C/�NARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA ZT L •����!,^�"�—� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � • f / Ordinance N 0. r � ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 235 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Additional �ewer Connections Prohibited. �� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 235 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting there�rom, in their entirety, Sections 235.02, 235.03, 235.04, 235.06 and 235.08. Section 2. That Section 235.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read; 235.01. Connections outside city. No connection shall be made, directly or indirectly, through intermediary, private or public sewers, to the sewer system of the city of Saint Paul to serve property lying outside the limits of said city exce t as authorized b resolution of the city council. When an such resolution is ado ted he owner of said ro ert shall a the cos of ublication � thereof in addition o any other charges provided in he resolution. Section 3. That Chapter 235 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is further amended by adding a new Section 235.02 to read: 235.02. Additional requirements. A permit shall be COUPICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Pub 1 i c Works �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon snoweiter Against BY Te� Donal d E, Nygaard, D i r r 1�� wi�son Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by it A ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap d by Mayor o i on to Council By � � �r6�� Page 2. obtained from the city in which said property is located, specifically authorizin� the person owning said property to connect, by extension, to the sewer system of the city of S�int Paul for disposal of sanitary sewage. Section 4. That Section 235.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is amended to read: 235.09. Char�es. That said permittee or his successors in interest shall pay, in addition to all other sums re quired to be paid or to become payable hereunder, all sewer �e��a� service charges rendered from time to time against said property for or on account of the P4}�ea�e���s-S�}��-���t� Sa������-��s��}e� cost of o eration and maintenance of the sewa�e disposal sys em and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Sewage Treatment Works, pursuant to the e��}�a�ee resolution or other provisions of law having regard to the location of such real estate without the corporate limits of the city of Saint Paul. That said permittee or his successors in interest shall pay all sewer connection char�es pursuant to the resolution or other provisions of law. Such charges shall include permit fees, sewer availability char�es and advance assessments for sewer connection. Section 5. That said Chapter_ 235 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby further amenc�ed by substituting, where the same do appear, the words "Metropolitan Waste Control Commission" for '�Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District; �� the words "city engineer�� for "chief engineer; " and "director" for "commissioner" of public works. . : � - ►• WN17'� - CITY CLERK � ' y� ' t PINK - FINANCE C011i1C11 t C�,NARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L :�i'i BLUE - MAYOR . Flle N O. • / Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. 1 (o �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Section 6. That this ordinance shall take ef�ct and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays p Pub 1 i C Works Levine b In Favor Maddox � McMaho� Showalter _�;;,�_ Against BY ' T� Donald E ygaard, cto �Ison FEB �J �98� Form Approved b C y orn Adopt y Council: Date rtified P s y cil Sevretary BY Approved ayor: Date B 6 1981 pppr y Mayor f S m s on to Council By s PU�.tsHEO F EB 14198t OH Oi : 12l1975 ��+r . Rev:_ 918I76 ` �W�� , EXPlANATION OF ,aDMINISTRATIVE 0'RDERS, - ` RESOLUTtONS, AND ORDINANCES • ,_ Date: Dece�er 23, 1980 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER _ FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer RE: Chapter 235 Legislative Code, entitled "Additional Sewer Connections Prohibited" � � r . ACTION REQUESTED: This or.di�ance repeals sections of 235 which are obsolete or not needed in the code. Language has been added reflecting the changes irt permitting procedures now in effett. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: 235.01 . Present 235.01 contains an absolute prohibition. � Such connections are allowed, - with proper City Council approval , so language is added to reflect this and for a charge for publication of the authorizing resolution. 235.02. This is a new 235.02, it's being added so a permit shail be obtained from the City in which the property is located. 235.Q3, 235.08 and existing 235.02 are ob�olete and should be repealed, language � providing for charges for service has been added to 23S.Q9. 235.04 is covered "in 235.13 and should be repealed. 235.06 is not needed in the legislative code and should be repealed. ThrougMout the chapter, references to "Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary Dist�ict" and "Chief Engineer'' have been changed to "hktropotitan Waste Control Commission" and "City Engineer" respectivety. ATTACHMENTS: .Ordinance RAH:d11 l St � — y'�� -- %!� _ � 2nd_ �--���7 -��1 — i,� .� (/ •- �;.-/ r 3rd 1 — , ./ � — ,'S % . .Adopted �� �� — �.: / Yeas Nays � .HUNT � . 1 �7�� . ;. - LEVINE _ McMAHOV '. ����FrV . � SHOWALTER � TEDESCO � WILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � % i - -_.._a __ _.____ _ -- - _--- _ • ; ,..� ��..:: _::;��r ,�;c.�