00-744Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall G �..�����.� RESOLUTION ORIG��L Presented By ReCerred To CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA !q Conm�ittce: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council adopted Council File Numbered 99-868, dated September 8th, 1999, 2 said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the HewittlAldine Residential Street Paving 3 and Lighting Project, identified as Technolo�y & Management File Numbered 18886; and 4 5 UI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the pazcels listed in attached Exhibit "A" were assessed for street paving and lighting improvements as indicated in said exhibit; and WHEREAS Hamline University, who as apart of their plan to expand, improve and benefit their campus, requested as a part of the above mentioned project, standazd lighting in and around their campus; and WHEREAS, Hamline University has agreed to pay for the lighting improvement assessments affecting and benefitting their campus azea, this includes the parcels abutting the Hamline University campus area as listed in Exhibit "A ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessments levied against the parcels listed in Exhibit "A" be reduced to by the amount indicated in said exhibit, this amount reflects the lighting portion of the assessment plus interest and: F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the total amount of the reduction indicated in Exhibit "A", which is part of the street paving and lighting revenue, be added to the assessments for Hamline University. N" Councit File # 00 — 7 4�{ Green Sheet # l0t)881 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green 5heet Number: 100881 2. EPARTMENTDTRECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCII. �O�'� ntact Person and Phone Nomber: .o "� 1 ATTOR`� �' d! W CLER% J�I�AII OI�tIZ Z6G'HgSO � j7p� .&MGT.S�'CDII2. 3 YOR(ORASSIITANT) ust be o onsent enda b: -� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end Assessment Amounts on t}ie parcels indicated and add to assessment for Hamline University ewitt/Aldine Residential Street Paving and Lighting Project TMS FYIe #18886 coN�rmazloNS: aerxovE (a) oa RE7ECT B) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Gnn ever worked mder a contraR for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has tLis persod5rm ever been a City employee? YES NO CR7L SERVICE COMMLSSION . Does flris persov/Srmpossess a skiD not normally possessed by any YES NO c� coamuTTSe current C�ty employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 4 DISTI2ICT PLANNING COUNCIL (� 17ATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): amline University has agreed to pick up the cost of lighting on all properties abutting their campus. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The properties will have a reduction in their assessment ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: A resource of neighborhood funding wilt not be atilized and private owners will have to pay for lighting. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACT'IViTY NUMBER: aNCiar, m�o�rnTiox: ��rLnnv> �QUY!CS� R�S4o.T;;h �E'?`°P Auc Q � �Qaa � 27-2943-31-0084 27-29-23-37-0085 27-29-23-31-0086 27-29-2331-0088 27-29-2332-0058 27-29-2333-0001 27-29-2333-0002 27-29-2333-0003 27-29-2333-0004 27-29-2333-0005 27-29-23-33-0052 27-29-23-33-0053 27-29-2333-0054 27-29-2333-0057 27-29-23-33-0073 27-29-23340097 27-29-23-340098 27-29-23-34-0099 27-29-23340100 27-29-23-340101 27-29-23-34-0102 27-29-23340103 Z7-29-23-34-0104 27-29-2334-0105 Z7-29-2334-0126 27-29-2334-0�27 [ag Street Lights Totai 47 51,167.95 5206.33 57,37428 48 57,192.80 S210.72 51,403.52 40 5994.00 S775.60 $7,i69.60 83 S2,062.55 5364.37 52,426.92 100 $2,485.00 $439.00 S2,924.00 45 S1,'17825 $797.55 S7,315.80 67 S1,664.95 S294.13 51,959.08 67 S1,664.95 $272.18 57,937.13 62 57 S1,416.45 S250.23 S1,666.68 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 S1,A62.00 71 51,764.35 S311.69 52,076.04 59 S1,466.15 5259.01 $1,725.16 50 S1,242.50 $279.50 $1,462.00 90 $2,236.50 5395.10 $2,631.60 249 $6,187.65 $1,093.'li $7,280.76 44 S1,093.40 $193.16 $1,286.5fi 50 S1 5279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 51,462.00 50 S7,242.50 S279.50 51,462.00 50 S7 5219.50 S1,462.00 50 $i,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 S7,242.50 $279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 51,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 Sl $219.50 S7,462.00 50 $1,242.50 5219.50 S1,462.00 QO �7�� K �.-� �v. �`- � Correctetl Corrected P'roperty Annuai Annuai Annuai Annual (ntere5t Owner stailment Interest Installment Interest Difference Credit 568.71 599.61 S58.40 S84.65 $25.27 S221.28 .___'_-'_._._ __.-._ _-.____ ____. _'__. ____ _ _- . . - 570.'I8 $101.73 559.64 586.45 - 525.8� S225.99 558.48 584.77 S49.70 S72.05 527.51 $188.33 5727.35 $i75.90 5703.'13 5749.49 544.63 S390.78 574620 5211-93 S12425 5180.11 553.77 S470.82 565.79 595.37 $55.97 587.05 524.20 S21't.87 597.95 5741.99 $83.25 S720.68 536.03 S315.45 596.86 S740.40 S8325 5120.68 533.34 S291.91 583.33 5120.80 570.82 S102.66 S30.65 5268.37 573.10 $705.97 562.'13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5103.80 $150.47 58822 S127.88 S38.18 5334.28 58626 $725.04 S73.31 S106.27 S31.72 5277.78 S73.10 S105.97 S62.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5731.58 $190.74 $'111.83 5762.10 S48.39 5423.74 S364.04 S527.71 $309.38 $448.48 $133.88 $1,172.34 564.33 59325 $54.67 579.25 $23.66 $207.16 573.10 S705.97 $62.73 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.10 S705.97 $62.13 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.70 5705.97 562.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 573.10 $705.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 $235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 $62.13 $90.06 S26.88 5235.41 S73.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 S235.47 573.10 S105.97 562.13 590.06 526.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.�6 526.88 $235.4t $73.10 S105.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 S235.41 �� Exhibit °LA" Transfer this Assessment Amount to Hamiine UniveXSity �78zS�2• , ' . ;':' il . . il; __ . MAR ? 61999 - oo -?yy STATEMENT OF APPROVAL O�' PROPOSED IMPROVEMEIVT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF A.PPEAL COSTS A S ESTIMATED AGREEil�IENT FOR INST'ALLATION OF IMPROVEMENT'S AND tiVAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARDTNG THE TNSTALLATION OF STREET LTGHTING ON HEWITT AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLEWOOD AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Trustees of the Hamline C3niversity of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Otivner") ofproperty legally described as: see Attacliment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). 2. Owner enters into this a�reement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assib s. 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are $250.000.00 to be fully repaid over 20 years at the prevailing interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessment against the Subject Property via property taxes. 4. If the assessment amount actuatly levied against the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Owner hereby waives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest including any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Paul City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constitutions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State ofMinnesota or the United States. 5. ?f su�h improvements are appreved and constructed O�vner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of special benefit to the Subject Property in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest chazges set forth in Para�raph 3. 6. O�vner also reco.gnizes that the instatlation of street li�hting as outlined above �vill result in lighting �vhich may require higher annual ener�y costs than before the improvements. Date: .3 � Signature: G�� -c� � �� Title: /��s T. Tiu,,,, r , .� , j ATTACHMENT Hamiine University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOD3ROE'S SLSBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2 lying Souch of Pierce Butler Route (a.k.a. Narthem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BROWN'S SUBDIVISIO�I OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDNISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lying Souih oFPierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route), ffiat part of Lot 1, Block 4 lying South of said Pierce Butlec Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Block 4, Lots 1 ihrou�h 4 and Lots S through 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7lying East of Snelling Avenue. Lou 4 throu�h 14. Block 8, [he West SS.S feet of Lots I and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. Block 9, the East SS fee[ of the �,Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. ICERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lou I through 12. Block I. Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 7 tluough 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lying �Vest of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together �vith that part of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the North by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. JOHNSON AND BTGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. 0 o-1Ny Lots 1 through 5, and Lou 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3. Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION A'O. 47. Lots 6 and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGEVIENT OF PART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots I and 2, Block 1. COLL£GE PLACE `VEST DIVISION. The East �0 feet of Locs 11 and 12, Siock 6, HAh4LIDIE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 6, Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 7, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot ] 0, Block 6, HAVILIVE PLAT, according to the dury recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly cecorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 14, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBAIVISION NO. 47, a duly rewrded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Together �aith all cacated streets, avenue and alleys accruin, to said lands and subject to ali easements and encumbrances of record. � Ait of said land bein� accordin� to the plats therzof on file and of record in the offices of the County Recorder and/or Registrar of Titles in and for Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall G �..�����.� RESOLUTION ORIG��L Presented By ReCerred To CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA !q Conm�ittce: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council adopted Council File Numbered 99-868, dated September 8th, 1999, 2 said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the HewittlAldine Residential Street Paving 3 and Lighting Project, identified as Technolo�y & Management File Numbered 18886; and 4 5 UI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the pazcels listed in attached Exhibit "A" were assessed for street paving and lighting improvements as indicated in said exhibit; and WHEREAS Hamline University, who as apart of their plan to expand, improve and benefit their campus, requested as a part of the above mentioned project, standazd lighting in and around their campus; and WHEREAS, Hamline University has agreed to pay for the lighting improvement assessments affecting and benefitting their campus azea, this includes the parcels abutting the Hamline University campus area as listed in Exhibit "A ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessments levied against the parcels listed in Exhibit "A" be reduced to by the amount indicated in said exhibit, this amount reflects the lighting portion of the assessment plus interest and: F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the total amount of the reduction indicated in Exhibit "A", which is part of the street paving and lighting revenue, be added to the assessments for Hamline University. N" Councit File # 00 — 7 4�{ Green Sheet # l0t)881 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green 5heet Number: 100881 2. EPARTMENTDTRECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCII. �O�'� ntact Person and Phone Nomber: .o "� 1 ATTOR`� �' d! W CLER% J�I�AII OI�tIZ Z6G'HgSO � j7p� .&MGT.S�'CDII2. 3 YOR(ORASSIITANT) ust be o onsent enda b: -� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end Assessment Amounts on t}ie parcels indicated and add to assessment for Hamline University ewitt/Aldine Residential Street Paving and Lighting Project TMS FYIe #18886 coN�rmazloNS: aerxovE (a) oa RE7ECT B) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Gnn ever worked mder a contraR for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has tLis persod5rm ever been a City employee? YES NO CR7L SERVICE COMMLSSION . Does flris persov/Srmpossess a skiD not normally possessed by any YES NO c� coamuTTSe current C�ty employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 4 DISTI2ICT PLANNING COUNCIL (� 17ATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): amline University has agreed to pick up the cost of lighting on all properties abutting their campus. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The properties will have a reduction in their assessment ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: A resource of neighborhood funding wilt not be atilized and private owners will have to pay for lighting. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACT'IViTY NUMBER: aNCiar, m�o�rnTiox: ��rLnnv> �QUY!CS� R�S4o.T;;h �E'?`°P Auc Q � �Qaa � 27-2943-31-0084 27-29-23-37-0085 27-29-23-31-0086 27-29-2331-0088 27-29-2332-0058 27-29-2333-0001 27-29-2333-0002 27-29-2333-0003 27-29-2333-0004 27-29-2333-0005 27-29-23-33-0052 27-29-23-33-0053 27-29-2333-0054 27-29-2333-0057 27-29-23-33-0073 27-29-23340097 27-29-23-340098 27-29-23-34-0099 27-29-23340100 27-29-23-340101 27-29-23-34-0102 27-29-23340103 Z7-29-23-34-0104 27-29-2334-0105 Z7-29-2334-0126 27-29-2334-0�27 [ag Street Lights Totai 47 51,167.95 5206.33 57,37428 48 57,192.80 S210.72 51,403.52 40 5994.00 S775.60 $7,i69.60 83 S2,062.55 5364.37 52,426.92 100 $2,485.00 $439.00 S2,924.00 45 S1,'17825 $797.55 S7,315.80 67 S1,664.95 S294.13 51,959.08 67 S1,664.95 $272.18 57,937.13 62 57 S1,416.45 S250.23 S1,666.68 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 S1,A62.00 71 51,764.35 S311.69 52,076.04 59 S1,466.15 5259.01 $1,725.16 50 S1,242.50 $279.50 $1,462.00 90 $2,236.50 5395.10 $2,631.60 249 $6,187.65 $1,093.'li $7,280.76 44 S1,093.40 $193.16 $1,286.5fi 50 S1 5279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 51,462.00 50 S7,242.50 S279.50 51,462.00 50 S7 5219.50 S1,462.00 50 $i,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 S7,242.50 $279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 51,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 Sl $219.50 S7,462.00 50 $1,242.50 5219.50 S1,462.00 QO �7�� K �.-� �v. �`- � Correctetl Corrected P'roperty Annuai Annuai Annuai Annual (ntere5t Owner stailment Interest Installment Interest Difference Credit 568.71 599.61 S58.40 S84.65 $25.27 S221.28 .___'_-'_._._ __.-._ _-.____ ____. _'__. ____ _ _- . . - 570.'I8 $101.73 559.64 586.45 - 525.8� S225.99 558.48 584.77 S49.70 S72.05 527.51 $188.33 5727.35 $i75.90 5703.'13 5749.49 544.63 S390.78 574620 5211-93 S12425 5180.11 553.77 S470.82 565.79 595.37 $55.97 587.05 524.20 S21't.87 597.95 5741.99 $83.25 S720.68 536.03 S315.45 596.86 S740.40 S8325 5120.68 533.34 S291.91 583.33 5120.80 570.82 S102.66 S30.65 5268.37 573.10 $705.97 562.'13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5103.80 $150.47 58822 S127.88 S38.18 5334.28 58626 $725.04 S73.31 S106.27 S31.72 5277.78 S73.10 S105.97 S62.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5731.58 $190.74 $'111.83 5762.10 S48.39 5423.74 S364.04 S527.71 $309.38 $448.48 $133.88 $1,172.34 564.33 59325 $54.67 579.25 $23.66 $207.16 573.10 S705.97 $62.73 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.10 S705.97 $62.13 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.70 5705.97 562.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 573.10 $705.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 $235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 $62.13 $90.06 S26.88 5235.41 S73.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 S235.47 573.10 S105.97 562.13 590.06 526.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.�6 526.88 $235.4t $73.10 S105.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 S235.41 �� Exhibit °LA" Transfer this Assessment Amount to Hamiine UniveXSity �78zS�2• , ' . ;':' il . . il; __ . MAR ? 61999 - oo -?yy STATEMENT OF APPROVAL O�' PROPOSED IMPROVEMEIVT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF A.PPEAL COSTS A S ESTIMATED AGREEil�IENT FOR INST'ALLATION OF IMPROVEMENT'S AND tiVAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARDTNG THE TNSTALLATION OF STREET LTGHTING ON HEWITT AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLEWOOD AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Trustees of the Hamline C3niversity of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Otivner") ofproperty legally described as: see Attacliment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). 2. Owner enters into this a�reement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assib s. 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are $250.000.00 to be fully repaid over 20 years at the prevailing interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessment against the Subject Property via property taxes. 4. If the assessment amount actuatly levied against the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Owner hereby waives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest including any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Paul City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constitutions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State ofMinnesota or the United States. 5. ?f su�h improvements are appreved and constructed O�vner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of special benefit to the Subject Property in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest chazges set forth in Para�raph 3. 6. O�vner also reco.gnizes that the instatlation of street li�hting as outlined above �vill result in lighting �vhich may require higher annual ener�y costs than before the improvements. Date: .3 � Signature: G�� -c� � �� Title: /��s T. Tiu,,,, r , .� , j ATTACHMENT Hamiine University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOD3ROE'S SLSBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2 lying Souch of Pierce Butler Route (a.k.a. Narthem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BROWN'S SUBDIVISIO�I OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDNISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lying Souih oFPierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route), ffiat part of Lot 1, Block 4 lying South of said Pierce Butlec Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Block 4, Lots 1 ihrou�h 4 and Lots S through 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7lying East of Snelling Avenue. Lou 4 throu�h 14. Block 8, [he West SS.S feet of Lots I and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. Block 9, the East SS fee[ of the �,Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. ICERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lou I through 12. Block I. Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 7 tluough 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lying �Vest of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together �vith that part of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the North by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. JOHNSON AND BTGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. 0 o-1Ny Lots 1 through 5, and Lou 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3. Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION A'O. 47. Lots 6 and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGEVIENT OF PART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots I and 2, Block 1. COLL£GE PLACE `VEST DIVISION. The East �0 feet of Locs 11 and 12, Siock 6, HAh4LIDIE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 6, Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 7, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot ] 0, Block 6, HAVILIVE PLAT, according to the dury recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly cecorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 14, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBAIVISION NO. 47, a duly rewrded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Together �aith all cacated streets, avenue and alleys accruin, to said lands and subject to ali easements and encumbrances of record. � Ait of said land bein� accordin� to the plats therzof on file and of record in the offices of the County Recorder and/or Registrar of Titles in and for Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall G �..�����.� RESOLUTION ORIG��L Presented By ReCerred To CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA !q Conm�ittce: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council adopted Council File Numbered 99-868, dated September 8th, 1999, 2 said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the HewittlAldine Residential Street Paving 3 and Lighting Project, identified as Technolo�y & Management File Numbered 18886; and 4 5 UI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the pazcels listed in attached Exhibit "A" were assessed for street paving and lighting improvements as indicated in said exhibit; and WHEREAS Hamline University, who as apart of their plan to expand, improve and benefit their campus, requested as a part of the above mentioned project, standazd lighting in and around their campus; and WHEREAS, Hamline University has agreed to pay for the lighting improvement assessments affecting and benefitting their campus azea, this includes the parcels abutting the Hamline University campus area as listed in Exhibit "A ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessments levied against the parcels listed in Exhibit "A" be reduced to by the amount indicated in said exhibit, this amount reflects the lighting portion of the assessment plus interest and: F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the total amount of the reduction indicated in Exhibit "A", which is part of the street paving and lighting revenue, be added to the assessments for Hamline University. N" Councit File # 00 — 7 4�{ Green Sheet # l0t)881 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green 5heet Number: 100881 2. EPARTMENTDTRECTOR 4 CITYCOUNCII. �O�'� ntact Person and Phone Nomber: .o "� 1 ATTOR`� �' d! W CLER% J�I�AII OI�tIZ Z6G'HgSO � j7p� .&MGT.S�'CDII2. 3 YOR(ORASSIITANT) ust be o onsent enda b: -� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: end Assessment Amounts on t}ie parcels indicated and add to assessment for Hamline University ewitt/Aldine Residential Street Paving and Lighting Project TMS FYIe #18886 coN�rmazloNS: aerxovE (a) oa RE7ECT B) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/Gnn ever worked mder a contraR for this deparhnent? YES NO PLANMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has tLis persod5rm ever been a City employee? YES NO CR7L SERVICE COMMLSSION . Does flris persov/Srmpossess a skiD not normally possessed by any YES NO c� coamuTTSe current C�ty employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 4 DISTI2ICT PLANNING COUNCIL (� 17ATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): amline University has agreed to pick up the cost of lighting on all properties abutting their campus. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The properties will have a reduction in their assessment ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: A resource of neighborhood funding wilt not be atilized and private owners will have to pay for lighting. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACT'IViTY NUMBER: aNCiar, m�o�rnTiox: ��rLnnv> �QUY!CS� R�S4o.T;;h �E'?`°P Auc Q � �Qaa � 27-2943-31-0084 27-29-23-37-0085 27-29-23-31-0086 27-29-2331-0088 27-29-2332-0058 27-29-2333-0001 27-29-2333-0002 27-29-2333-0003 27-29-2333-0004 27-29-2333-0005 27-29-23-33-0052 27-29-23-33-0053 27-29-2333-0054 27-29-2333-0057 27-29-23-33-0073 27-29-23340097 27-29-23-340098 27-29-23-34-0099 27-29-23340100 27-29-23-340101 27-29-23-34-0102 27-29-23340103 Z7-29-23-34-0104 27-29-2334-0105 Z7-29-2334-0126 27-29-2334-0�27 [ag Street Lights Totai 47 51,167.95 5206.33 57,37428 48 57,192.80 S210.72 51,403.52 40 5994.00 S775.60 $7,i69.60 83 S2,062.55 5364.37 52,426.92 100 $2,485.00 $439.00 S2,924.00 45 S1,'17825 $797.55 S7,315.80 67 S1,664.95 S294.13 51,959.08 67 S1,664.95 $272.18 57,937.13 62 57 S1,416.45 S250.23 S1,666.68 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 S1,A62.00 71 51,764.35 S311.69 52,076.04 59 S1,466.15 5259.01 $1,725.16 50 S1,242.50 $279.50 $1,462.00 90 $2,236.50 5395.10 $2,631.60 249 $6,187.65 $1,093.'li $7,280.76 44 S1,093.40 $193.16 $1,286.5fi 50 S1 5279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 $219.50 51,462.00 50 S7,242.50 S279.50 51,462.00 50 S7 5219.50 S1,462.00 50 $i,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 S7,242.50 $279.50 51,462.00 50 S1,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 51,242.50 5219.50 $1,462.00 50 Sl $219.50 S7,462.00 50 $1,242.50 5219.50 S1,462.00 QO �7�� K �.-� �v. �`- � Correctetl Corrected P'roperty Annuai Annuai Annuai Annual (ntere5t Owner stailment Interest Installment Interest Difference Credit 568.71 599.61 S58.40 S84.65 $25.27 S221.28 .___'_-'_._._ __.-._ _-.____ ____. _'__. ____ _ _- . . - 570.'I8 $101.73 559.64 586.45 - 525.8� S225.99 558.48 584.77 S49.70 S72.05 527.51 $188.33 5727.35 $i75.90 5703.'13 5749.49 544.63 S390.78 574620 5211-93 S12425 5180.11 553.77 S470.82 565.79 595.37 $55.97 587.05 524.20 S21't.87 597.95 5741.99 $83.25 S720.68 536.03 S315.45 596.86 S740.40 S8325 5120.68 533.34 S291.91 583.33 5120.80 570.82 S102.66 S30.65 5268.37 573.10 $705.97 562.'13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5103.80 $150.47 58822 S127.88 S38.18 5334.28 58626 $725.04 S73.31 S106.27 S31.72 5277.78 S73.10 S105.97 S62.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 5731.58 $190.74 $'111.83 5762.10 S48.39 5423.74 S364.04 S527.71 $309.38 $448.48 $133.88 $1,172.34 564.33 59325 $54.67 579.25 $23.66 $207.16 573.10 S705.97 $62.73 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.10 S705.97 $62.13 590.06 $26.88 $235.41 $73.70 5705.97 562.13 590.06 S26.88 S235.41 573.10 $705.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 $235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 $62.13 $90.06 S26.88 5235.41 S73.10 $105.97 562.13 590.06 $26.88 S235.47 573.10 S105.97 562.13 590.06 526.88 5235.41 573.10 $105.97 562.13 590.�6 526.88 $235.4t $73.10 S105.97 562.13 $90.06 S26.88 S235.41 �� Exhibit °LA" Transfer this Assessment Amount to Hamiine UniveXSity �78zS�2• , ' . ;':' il . . il; __ . MAR ? 61999 - oo -?yy STATEMENT OF APPROVAL O�' PROPOSED IMPROVEMEIVT PROJECT AND WAIVER OF RIGHT OF A.PPEAL COSTS A S ESTIMATED AGREEil�IENT FOR INST'ALLATION OF IMPROVEMENT'S AND tiVAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL REGARDTNG THE TNSTALLATION OF STREET LTGHTING ON HEWITT AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Holton Street), ENGLEWOOD AVENIJE (Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street), AND PASCAL STREET (Taylor Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue) The undersigned is the legal representative of the Trustees of the Hamline C3niversity of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Otivner") ofproperty legally described as: see Attacliment (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub,}ect Property"). 2. Owner enters into this a�reement and waiver on behalf of itself, its successors and assib s. 3. The estimated assessment amounts for the construction of this improvement are $250.000.00 to be fully repaid over 20 years at the prevailing interest rate (simple interest), and that such payments would be collected as an assessment against the Subject Property via property taxes. 4. If the assessment amount actuatly levied against the Subject Property is equal to or less than the estimated assessment amount, Owner hereby waives any ri�ht it may have to contest the validity of or appeal from the special assessments plus interest including any procedural or substantive rights pursuant to Chapter 13 and 14 of the St. Paul City Charter, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, or any other statutes, constitutions, la�vs, or judicial decisions of the State ofMinnesota or the United States. 5. ?f su�h improvements are appreved and constructed O�vner agrees on behalf of itself, its successors or assigns that such public improvements would be of special benefit to the Subject Property in at least the amount of the estimated assessment plus interest chazges set forth in Para�raph 3. 6. O�vner also reco.gnizes that the instatlation of street li�hting as outlined above �vill result in lighting �vhich may require higher annual ener�y costs than before the improvements. Date: .3 � Signature: G�� -c� � �� Title: /��s T. Tiu,,,, r , .� , j ATTACHMENT Hamiine University Campus Consolidated Land Description: Lot 2. W. S. MOD3ROE'S SLSBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2 lying Souch of Pierce Butler Route (a.k.a. Narthem Route) and Lots 3 throu�h 10. BROWN'S SUBDIVISIO�I OF LOTS 1 AND 4, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. WATERHOUSE'S SUBDNISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. That part of Lot 2, Block 3, lying Souih oFPierce Butler (a.k.a. Northem Route), ffiat part of Lot 1, Block 4 lying South of said Pierce Butlec Route. Lots 2 throu�h 14 of said Block 4, Lots 1 ihrou�h 4 and Lots S through 14, Block 5. Lots 1 through 7 and that part of Lots 8 through 14. Block 7lying East of Snelling Avenue. Lou 4 throu�h 14. Block 8, [he West SS.S feet of Lots I and 2 and Lots 3 through 14. Block 9, the East SS fee[ of the �,Vest 110 feet of the north 125 feet of Lot 1 and the South 40 feet of Lot 2. Block 10 COLLEGE PLACE EAST DIVISION. Lots 1 through 5. ICERAN'S REARRANGEMENT. Lots 1 through 4. COUCH'S REARRANGEMENT. Lou I through 12. Block I. Lots 1 through 4 and Lots 7 tluough 12. Block 3, that part of Lots I 1 and 12. Block 6, lying �Vest of the East 50 feet thereof, the North 130 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 7, HAMLINE PLAT, together �vith that part of said HAMLINE PLAT bounded on the South by Englewood Avenue, on the West by Snelling Avenue, on the North by Hewitt Avenue and on the East by Simpson Street. Lots 1, 2 and 3. JOHNSON AND BTGGLESTONE'S REARRANGEMENT. 0 o-1Ny Lots 1 through 5, and Lou 10, 11, 12 and 13 except the Easterly 50 feet of said Lot 12. Block 1 and Lot 3. Block 2. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION A'O. 47. Lots 6 and 7. E.C. LONG'S REARRANGEVIENT OF PART OF BLOCK 6. COLLEGE PLACE, TAYLOR'S DIVISION. Lots I and 2, Block 1. COLL£GE PLACE `VEST DIVISION. The East �0 feet of Locs 11 and 12, Siock 6, HAh4LIDIE PLAT, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 6, Block I. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly recorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 7, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, together with the South 10 feet of Lot ] 0, Block 6, HAVILIVE PLAT, according to the dury recordzd plats thereof in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The East 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 1. AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION NO. 47, a duly cecorded plat in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Lot 14, Block 1. AUDITOR'S SUBAIVISION NO. 47, a duly rewrded plat in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Together �aith all cacated streets, avenue and alleys accruin, to said lands and subject to ali easements and encumbrances of record. � Ait of said land bein� accordin� to the plats therzof on file and of record in the offices of the County Recorder and/or Registrar of Titles in and for Ramsey Counry, Minnesota.