276183 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUtICll * •r�,1 • CJ►NARY"- DEPARTMENT G I TY � SA I NT�� �PA U L �f �/��� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. c Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RE90LVED, That the Cotmcil of the City of Sa.int Paul hereby certifies and =.�l��roves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining t�o the follawing listed property and as shc�m by the Exoerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dat�ed December 9, 1980, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attaclZed. heretA and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUI�'S CASE NO. PRUPEE�i'Y APP�'r.r.�r�r�' 12/9/80 46-80-H 1166 E. 7th St. F�dward F. Wittenberg (11 tu�its) BCIARD ACTI�IV: Granted varianae of St. Paul Legisla.tive Coc1e, Section 54.11, per- ta.�ning t,o basic facilities, to perr�Li.t oontinued occupancy of 10 imits sharing two bathrooms, on condition that (1) no m�re than fiv� persons share one bathroom, (2) the builcling be inspect�ed on a yearly basis, and (3) the awner be responsible for maintaining clean]_iness of shared facilities. Property Description: Terry's Addition E. 28 Ft. of Lot 3, Block 4 12/9/80 48-80 H 681 Fry Ingebrigt & Gunvor (four �its) Olness BQA1� ACTION: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, Section 54.11, per- taining tro basic facilities, t�o permit aontinued occt�ricy of two seoond floor units sharing ane ba.throcan, on condition that (1) all rei�a.ining work orders listed in city's letter of 10/21/80 be c�¢�r- plet�ed, (2) there be annua.l inspection of the shared facility, and (3) the cx�mer be responsi.ble for maintaining the cleanliness of said facility. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon _ Ag81I1St By Showalter — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B}�. l'� �� sy —_ Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK �e - FINANCE d� E/IIVARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L COUIICII -J ' �l���.) � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � v Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Property Descriptioaz: Wood I�wn Park Addition Lot 3, Block 5 12/9/80 54-80 B 415 S�rHnit Dennis Brose (four units) BQ�RD P�I'ICI�T: Granted varianae of Minnesota Unifoizn Building Code, Section 3302-C, pertaining to distance between exits, to permit occupancy of two third floor apartrn�zts where distanoe between exits is less than required by code. Prap�xty Description: Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 38 Lot 6 12/9/80 56-80-H 1127 Ross Ti.mr�thy Shanley (four tuzits) BO�tD ACI'IC�T: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.11, to pernlit continued occu�x-ulcy of two �its sharing ane bathroo�n facility, on condition that no nx�re than on�e persan occ�y eaclz of sa i.d Lmits. Property Description: Terry's Addition Ex, W. 44 Ft. Lot 13 and all of Lot 14, Block 4 and be it FURTF�R RES(�LVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct�ed. to trans- mit a c�py of this resolution for recording to the Ran�sey County Offioe of the Regist�x of Deeds. _ _ COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon �1 Showalter _ Against BY T�leeec Wilson Adopted b ounc' : Date JAN 1 � 1QQ1 Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ified Pa_- by Cou cil Secr�ary By �����/ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv y ,Vlavor: Date ���� By - — BY � .�A N 2 4 t961 � . ' \ - �� �� �"`�� . , . . � ; , . , - _ , � � , , , - ,. . � . . Jsnuarg'16, �1961 _ . _ . . C�mt�r tie�cord�r :- . `__ � l�oo� 1SS � _ . - D�il.di� - , _ . ,� - Di�ax Sir s . - � EncZaaad for :r�cording ia your "offige i� a c+opy o! Council Fi1� I�o. - � - 27b18�. , . , . _ � • , Very. tral3r qou�ra, , - F-- -..�:, , . - ; . . R�ose , , _ . . _ . City CZ�t � Attach. � - _ : sch ,_ , . , , . � � . - , __._ . r , - . - . , , � ' - f � . - . - � . . ; - . .; - . -6- 12/9/80 - �ieeting No. 168 �(���� CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 56-80-i-1 1127 Ross Timathy Shanley (four units) SUBJ�CT: Request variance of Section 54. I1 , St . Pau1 Leg�slative Code , pertaining to basic facilities , to permit occupancy o� t�vo efficiency units where occupants share one bathroom faciTity, be cause of financial considerations . APPEARANCE : Mr. $ Mrs . Timothy Shanley PROCEEDINGS : Chairman Wozniak stated that he and the appellant were involved in an adverse situation. If the appellant so wished, Chairman �Yozniak said he tvould abstain from the hearing. Mr. Shanley indicated that he had no objection to the chairman' s participation. �1s . Bijjani said all cvork orders had been campleted except for connecting a Iaundry tub drain. She did not. object to the shared bath arrangement if the 'CtiJO units involved tiJere each restricted to one occupant. . 12/9/80 = b7eeting No. 168 ' I�iINUTES OF THE N1�ETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPFALS F� REVIE�V Tuesday, December 9 , 1.980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House . 1 : 30 p.mo hiE�IBERS PRESENT: D.D. tiVozniak, Chairman Estyr B. Peake Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Tom Reiter A. ��Tali Naibi AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Hausino and Building ";Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Richard �mey OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Hughes Tim Shanley Cindy Shanley Ingebrigt Olness - - Gunvor Olness - Edward F. �Vittenberg John tiVold Dennis Brose Philip Garen STAFF PRESENT: Patricia P��oxness Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1: 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 18 , 1980 , �Jere anproved as ma�.led out to the board members. , ' -3- 12/9j80 - Meeting No. 168 ������ CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 48- 80-H 681 Fry Ingebrigt � Gunvor Olness (four units} SUBJECT: Request variance _of Section_54. 11, pertaining to basic facilities , to permit con-Ginued occupancy of two units sharing one bathroom, because of economic considerations . APPEARANCE: Ingebrigt $ Gunvor Olness PROCEEDINGS: Asr. Olness stated that the two second floor apartments tvhich shared one bathroom �vere vacant at this time while he worked on bxinging the units up to code, but he asked that a variance be granted on the shared bath. He said he did not plan to rent either unit to more than one person. . -4- 12/9/80 - Meeting Nv. 168 BOARD ACTION: Chairman �Vozniak moved that a variance on Section 54011, pertaining to basic facilities , be granted to permit occu�ancy of ttiv� second floor units sharing one bathroom, on condition that all reraining work arders listed in city° s letter of 10/21/80 be completed, that occupancy be restricted to one person per unit , that there be a yearly ins�ection, and that the o�vner be respansible for upkeep and maintenance of the sharPd bath facility. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Absten�ions -- 0 -- - - -- ° e _ - - - �- - --- ---- --- - -- -- ---- -- -- -- - � -- - -� _ - _ - _ -_ _ ___ �.. �__.. _.. --------- . 12/9/80 - Aleeting ;Vo. 7.b8 ' AiINUTES OF THE �I�ETIi�G ST. PAUL BO.fiitD OF APPEALS �, REVIEtV ' �° � ° ;� l���� Tuesday, December 9 , 1J80 City Cauncil Committee Roorn 707 . City Hall and Court House . 1 : 30 p.m. hiEAiBERS PRESENT: D.D. L�lozniak, Chairman Estyr B. Peake Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Tom Reiter A. �Yali Naibi AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - nivision of Housinb and Building'"Code Enforcement . Alice Bijjani Richard Amey . OTHERS PRESEN'I : Ed Hughes Tim Shanley Cindy Shanley Ingebrigt Olness - � Gunvor Olness - Edivard F. Wittenberg John Wold Dennis Brose Philip Garen STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Asoxness Chairman 6Vozniak called the meeting to order at 1: 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of Novembex 18, 1980 , were approved as mailed out to the board members. � -6- 12/9/80 - bieeting No. 168 �G+��-��� CASE N0. PROPERTY .t�PPELLANT 54- 80-B 415 Summit Dennis Bxose (four units) SU�JECT: Request variance of Section �302-C, Uniform Buzlding Gade , 'per- taining to arrangement of exits from the �Ghird floox, because of }�racti�al difficulty and financial considerations . APPEARANCE : Dennis Brose PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Brose explained that he was asking �or a varia�.ce on e co e requirement that there be a- certain amount of space between twQ exits from the third floor. � In this case , the axchitect had provided for a second exit which was too close to the main exit, and thexe appeared to be no reasonable alternative to this location. Richard Amey said he did not consider the placnment of �he exitsa as shoti� on the architect ' s sketch , to be a problem. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Glassman moved to grant a vaxiance of Section 3302-C, of the Uniform Building Code , to permit occupancy of tivo third fioar units i�rhere the distance bettiaeen ti�•o exits was l�ss than code requirements. Chairman i�Vozniak seconded. Di0TI0i� CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - S Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 , 12/9/80 = I�7eeting No. 168 > �y � . • I�tINUTES OF THE P�i�ETING �.���� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIE�V Tuesday, Decem�er 9 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall an d Court House . 1 :30 pem. h1EriBERS PRESENT: D.D. �Vozniak, Chairman� Estyr B. Peake Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman Glenn Gausman ABSENT: Tom Reiter A. �'Vali Naibi AGENCIES P RESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housin g and Building'"Code Enforcement , Alice Bijjani Richard Amey - OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Hughes Tim Shanley Cindy Shanley Ingebrigt Olness - - Gunvor Olness - Edward F. tiYittenberg John Wold Dennis Brose Philip Garen STAFF PRESENT: Patricia 1�.7oxness Cliairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1: 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 18, 1980 , were approved as mailed out to the board members . ' -2- I2/9/80 - Meeting No. 168 � EXH � i3rT q . .�`r�:�� - -.- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - � CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 46-80-H 116b E. 7th St. Edward F. �Vittenberg (11 units) SUBJECT: Reauest variance of Section 54. 11 , pextaining to basic faca.lities , to permit continued occupancy of ten efficiency units sharing two bathrooms , and request variance of Section 54. 13, pertainzng to fi asement occupanc.y, to �ermit continued use of unit more than 50% below grade , because o� �inancial considerations of botFi the o�,mer and the renters . Prior Hearing 11/18/80 : Case continued to Decembex meeting to allo��t time to get legal opinion on possibility of obtaining rooming house license. APPEARA�vCE: Edward F. tiVittenberg PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani distributed pictures of the bua.lding and an eva uatlon report on the cellar unit. She pointed out that the top of the tiaindotas in the basement was 20" below grade level , �,rith no possibzlity of raising them higher because the ceiling height i,rould no� allow it. � There was a space of only 4 z ft. beti�een the �va11s af the building and the building adjacent to it, tahich severely limited light and ventilation . Another dra�aback of the unit �aas that there was no direct exit outside. She said her dep artment recommended denial of this p art of the appeal . Ms . Bijjani then referred to her inquiry to the city attorney' s office an the legality of classifying the property as a rooming house. The attorney h� advised that the housing code office stipulate the areas -of particular �oncern that were required of rooming houses and work them into a set af , - 3- 12/9/80 - Meeting No. I68 conditions ti�rhich the board could make a part of the variance , should they decide to grant one. SIie proposed three such conditions : (1) that -there be a limit of no more that six person sliaring one bathroom, (2) that the bui.Id- ing be inspected annually , and (3) that the owner be responsible £�x main- taining the cleanliness of the whole structure. She said the proper.ty would still be classified as an apartment house. Chairman Nozniak suggested an amendment to the oxdinance so that when the board requires a property owner to be responsible for cleanliness , failurE: to do so would bring _a t�ckete As of now, the only way to enforce com� pliance with a board directive would be for the housing code office to report failure of an owner to the board, tiaho could then revoke his vax%ance. Mr. Wittenberg sa%d he would be willing to replace the basement laindotivs with a sliding type and to install ladders leading to them from� insidey in the windowwe3ls he would alsa install ladders. leading un to ground �eve]. . He had put in a private bath for the unit two years previously, and the boiler area was sheetrocked and provided with a smolce door equipped tll"�}'l automatic closer. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Tieso moved that Mr. Wittenberg explore further �aith housin code office to see if there "was some way to overcome or correct the defic° iencies of the basement unit, and to return to the Fetrruary meeting �aith his plans . Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ay�s - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 BOARD ACTION : Chairrnan ZVozniak moved to g 'rant a variance on� Sectioi�. 54. 1I , • pertaining to basic facilities , to permit continued occ,upancy of ten uni.ts with coolcing facilities sharing two b athrooms , on eondition that (l) n o more th�an five persons share one b athroam, (2) the building be inspected by the city on an annual basis , and (3) the owner be responsible for maintain� ing the cleanliness of the structure . I�4re Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 --- ---- -- - -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- --------_ --_ ____ __ � a�G / � 3. , 12j9/80 - Meeting No. 168 , I�IINUTES OF THE 1�I�ETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F, REVIEtY Tuesclay, December g , T9$0 City Council Committee Room ?fl7 City Hall and Court �Iouse , 1 : 30 p.m. NiE11BERS PI2ESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Estyr B. Peake Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman Glenn Gausman ABSENTa Tom Reiter A. {�ali Naibi AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Depto - l�ivision af l�ousin�; and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Richard Amey � OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Hughes Tim Shanley Cin dy Shanley Ingebrigt Olness - - Gunvor O2ness � Edward F. �Vittenberg John tiVald Dennis Brose Philip Garen STAFF PRESENT: Patricia r��oxness Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 7.: 35 g.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 18, 1980 , were approved as mai3.ed. out to the board members . ! � f � � • f � r'. �/ � � �/ STAT� OF MINN�SOTA ) �! Coun,ty o s Rams ey ) ab. � CITy OF SAINT PAUL ) C�2 Rose Mix, .�y �� I. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o� �'he Ci.ty o� Sa.i,n.t Pacc�, Mi.nne.a o�a., do heh.eb y ce1r�',i.�y �ha,t I have compcviced �he a,tt.a.ched copy a� Counc.i.e �-i.�e No 76183 . . . ad adop�ed by �he Ci.ty Counc,i,e. ,, ,January.13:_ .. . . . . . . . ��1 . . January 15, � 1�1 and a.ppnoved by xhe Ma.yon . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . �, w,i.th �he o�r,i.g�.nu.Z �'heneo� on �.i.ee �.n my o���.ce. w � ' rq.-� •� • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • � • • • • • • • � • • • !� N � . . . � . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . .. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . PJ.� . . . • . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �' . • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • . . • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • . •• • . r. • • • • • • • . • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • . . • . � • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . • •• • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • . • • • • • • • - • • • . . • • . • . . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . � • • • • . • • . . • • • • • • • • . • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • . • • • . •• •• • • . • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • . • . • . • . . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • ' • • • • . • • • • • • • . . • • • • . • • t . . • • . • • . • � . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • . • • • • • • • • •• . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •• . •• • • �• • • • . • T �wr�'he�c ce�ti.�y �hcc.t bcu.d copy .i.a a �.cce and co�vr.e.c.t cop� . o� a a,i,d oh,i,g.i,n.a.� a.rcd �he who.�e �he�c.eo�. `^ ' �`�� . '°'x` ,��-Y wI TN�SS m y ha.v►.d and �he a ea.2. o� �he Ci�y o� Scci.n,t Pau,�, .� ,, ., � �s � �.��` �� M<,nn. �h,t,d 15 th �y o� January .A.�. 19 81. . . , ° �;i . .. . . . . .�.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . �� � , :, ��, , i , �t.� F= � ' ' •� u,r � - ,A -� , � � i , �_ _ '� i 7�: f � �^'.�t � • • � • •)� . . • • �I/•���j��' • .• .� �. � . • • • • • . • � . . ';� h � l./' /�� .�.� �1p L � , VtilJ, lr(. IC. / 763� $ 04.00 - A WMITH - CITY CLERK ^ rINK - �INANCE � COUOCII � CAN/►�{lY - D[PARTMENT � C I TY O F .SA I N T PA U L File N O. �1� � �'St1 •LU[ i�AYOR .� . . .___�__.,:----..._------•- - -_. --- - - - - -: Cauncil -Reso ution --- -- Presented•By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �B 1T �Ot�, '!l�nt the aD�il. Ot` tlye Cfty o�f Snint Paul 11� e�rtifie� and �opes t3�e actian a� t3�e Cftiy of Sa3At F� Bcx�d of l�panls �d Arvis► pertninin4 b� t�c �Ilror�3ag. I3sbed p�ope�rty a�d as e�oMn by tbe 3�oa�be8 !lSaa�ee� o�` said Boand of �pa�als and aevi�+r, dabsa Deoea�e�c 9, I98tf, mn�d �sloed �2? l►, and at#aal�ed Ae�+et� a�d ma�s a part bmt�eo� by �+e�fe�+�oes �T� t7F BC�l�3 � Q�� 1�?. � 1�Pi���.AbTS' 32�'9//�0 46-8t�i 1i66 8. 7th S� E3�rard l�. t�ttt�er�be�+g (11 wft�) BC�1Rfl A1C1'IC�t: �ruebad � c�€ SL �anu�t T�eg#ala�re Oodes, Secti�on 54.11. Per-' tainiaq ficf be�c £adliti�es, tn P�t ca�ied aoa�p�c.q o�!' IO �i#s sd�a�dAg fiwo bn13�s�oo�ec, ao ocoditLon tt�tt t1) t� a�e � - tiaa pe�aris a't�a�sis cc� bn�+oos, {�j the �inq bs 3mpecb�d ca a p�ar3Y b�is. aod t3I th� c�w�e�c be seapoe:sd,bLe � me�i�r�tainirg c�Ifneaa af sh�t�e�d tid.3itses. Prcperty Desc�ciptian: Teay's �dit3�m ` ,� $. 28 lrt. uf Lot 3, �,odc 4 t^ � �� d'' � . � 1?,�/8t� �t�-8�H (f�i�i� 02�t i (�soa� C�2 BC�►�D 2liCr�ts t��ed va�ia�oe n� st. Paaii Legi.s]ative taoae, Sectiaa 54.11, Per- taiu3,cig to b�sic gactlit3�s, � p�it oon�ua�d oxup�+rx.y o� tWo �cnnd 11rx� noctita a�asing ane bat�a�oa�, aon aooditLa�a t�t �1J aIl sa�ini�aq �mi� a�CS 1i96ed �a dtp�s 1et� o� 3A/?2,/�0 be mm- . 1�. G?J � 3�e a�u�l 3nspe�.,�t3on af tbc sl�uCied fadlity, and t3� �e c� be zespu�sdbls flo� the c�=I�ness cf eaid t`adlity. COUNCiLMEN - Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt ��e [n Favor Maddox Mcneano� y.�,�i� Against BY Tedeseo • �Ison . � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attomey � Certified Passed by Council Secretary g��ct -..c� ��?�-:��•a�r.c �-� �'/ By Approved by Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , � • - -. — _ ----- , _ . _ _ .. ., ._ � - � , , - WH1�& ~, r LITY CLERK � - P�NK - FINANCE C011I1C1I �' � C�AN�;.tY - qEPARTMENT G I T Y� O F S A I N T PA�U L ��(���� Bw� „ - .MwvoR File N O. Council $..esolutio�---------� ����-- __...Piesenfed By.__ _.-_ ___--- a� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date Pnopszt�r De�sctfpt3cns i�ood I�n Patk aydditia► Lot 3, BlociE S � ]2,�➢/8t! , 54-St?-B �15 S�mit . D�ts e�wa � tf�ur u�its3 � eC� �s G�ca�ted varf�aa of �a tabifaacm Huildi� CbcT�, Sect3�ou 3302-C, t� c�ista�e ba��eai �dtat, tio per�it a�arx.q o�f biwD t�isd floar � �t�a � bet�aen exita is 3,e�ss tha� s�quix�ed by c�ac�s. pr+cperty Ues�ip�tian: �1u3ito�'e S1�r�c3iv3siaci �b. 3� I�t 6 � 12/9/� 36-8fl-� , 1127 Aosa T�o�l ffi�il,ey ttF�ar nr�i.ta�� � BMt� A�CZ'Z�cl+ts t�raa�ed var3anoe c�f St. Pa�r1. Lagislutiaa Oode, Sec�i,on 5l.11, bc� � peac�odt aontira�ad ova�pae�c�► c�' tsac� uaits atwrfrr� aoe ba�roa� tacility. �,, cu caapditZocs t�aat :a mare tt�a ac�e per�on axl�pq each u! eafd tnita. r�-! � De�riP�.i+ms S�.zya AdditfR�a �2 &�-�1:= d4 Ft. Lat 33 �d aI1 of Lot lt, B�odc t T �.y and be it � �� Tl�at ti�e City' C.t�exlc 3s � aut�m�f��d a�d directed bo tr�ns-- mit a aopy a� tb3s z+ae�c�tu�,an far �neao�q � tt�a � Oo�s�t� �ffrae o! tt� �egi�tiea� o� Dd�e+cls: -�- COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt t.er��e [n Favor nnaddox McMahon �,���� � Against BY Tetiesco �Ison �pN 13 19a� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY—'""' ` ` �� �� /^� �' By Approved by ldavor: Date �tl1L� � �qR1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � . . � �\� � � � �' 4J f —1 N s.- , . � � lD (� � � � � � 1'1 a'1 � N N O D -C N � '"� � � �' � cm � � ro Qo � � O ZZ � �, '"' � � a � � w � � N �; n � z n �` ��'I Z c.�°i O � e � Z � �'��'� o ° o a ? ' v� N � ' m °' ` � � � � O �' � � � � �. �. � '" �° a _ N c� O • oW � ° s � . � mq y �, � �� �.. �► Z Q � N' N � �« � � � � � �� , � � � c : � �