CAI�ARY -' DEPA TMENT COUIICII r �` �,.D'� �91�+
BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L File N��'�.��1�/
� ' Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WF�REAS, The Cotmcil of the City of Sa.int Paul by Council Resolution C.F.
276081, adapted Deaember 16, 1980, and approved on Dec�nber 18, 1980 did approve the
action of the St. Paul Board of P,ppeals and Review with respect to th� public hear-
ing held on November 18, 1980; and
WI�REAS, sai.d resolution contained. errors whiclz shpuld be corrected..
NOW TI-�REE'ORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Cot�cil Resolution C.F. 276081, adapted
December 16, 1980, and approved on Deoember 18, 1980 is hexeby rescinded and is re-
plac:ed in lieu thereof by this resolution.
BE IT FUR'I��R RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of 5aint Paul hereby
certifies and approves the action of the City of St. Paul Board of Appeals and Review
pertaining to the follawing listed property and as shown by the Exoerpted Minut�es of
said Board of Appeals and Review, dated Novc�nber 18, 1980, and marked E�i�IT A, which
is herein incorporated. by referenoe.
11/18/80 34-80-H 951 W. 7th St. Michael Roach
(14 tmits)
BoA,RD ACTI�: �renc7�d Council File 275816, wherein varianoe was granted tA permit
occupancy of six dwelling tmits, to designat� room rnunbers of
those Lmits affected, as follaws: Room Nos. 5-7, 11-12, 14-15, 16-17,
21-22, and 24-25.
Property Description: Stinson's Subdivision of Block 25 of Stinson, Brawn and
Ramsey's Addition, '.Lots 10 and 11, Block 25
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine [n Favor
McMahon B
Showalter - __ Agai[ISt Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B ~ � �
Bv --
Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ – BY
. �
. �t���2
11/18/80 42-80-H 529 Portland Ave. W. J. Uhlenkott
(four units)
BQARD ACTI�t: Grant�ed variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13,
pertaining to bas�nent occ�ancy, to pe.rnut contin�d occupancy
of bas��t Lmit nx�re than 50� belaw grade.
Property Description: Auditor's Subdivision No. 11. Subject to Eas�.nts,
W. 10 Ft. of Lot 16 and all of Lot 15, Block 18
11/18/80 43-8-H 1897 Carroll Av�. Clarence J. C�irley
(three tuiits)
gpARD AGTI�T: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.11,
pertaining tA basic facilities, tA pernlit oocupancy of two
lmits sharing one bathroo�n facility, on condition �hat all
mn,a;ni�g itams listed in city's lettrer of 9/30/80 be �leted
and that occupancy of said units be limited to four persons;
said variance to be effective only for the period of awnership
by Mr. and/or Mrs. Clarence J. Curley.
Property Description: Merriam Park
Lot 10, Block 14
11/18/80 45-80-H 1524 Carroll Ave. Nancy & Tcan Kernan
(two tmits)
Bpp,RD A�TI�t; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13,
pertaining to bas�nent occupancy, tA ��;t use of sleeping rocens
more than 50$ belaw grade, on condition that: (1) a smoke door
be provic�d lea.ding into the sleeping room, (2) a srbke det�ctor
be installed in area iirmediately adjacent to the bedrocen, and
(3) an escape windaw be installed opposite the door of the sleep-
ing roan, with a sill no more than thirty (30) inches above
floor level.
Property Description: Adams Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ipt 5, Block 2
-=-�5 /- 8�/ __._
, �l����
11/18/80 40-80-H 42 So. St. Albans Fillmore-Walter
(six cnndcaniniians) Condominiimn Associatian
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of Minnesota. Unifo�n Bui.lding Code, Article
13.03, pertaining t�o use of fire rated materials, to permi.t
c�ntinued occ�aricy of six conclomi.ni�n wzits, each equipped with
front entrance doors which do not ��ly with fire-safety code
requir��ts after having received a signed waiver, a capy of
which is marked as E�BIT B and herein incorporat�ed by refer-
ence, by the conduninitan c�+mers aclazawledging and assuni.ng the
risks created by this yariance. Variance is granted on condi-
tion that any future replacenent. of said doors must meet code;
said variance tA be recorded on deed of each oondominitun unit
placing future purchasers � not�-oe of the variance granted
herein and th�e restrictions related th�reto. This variance is al-
so c�difia.oi�cl t�on the Hanc.-�zers Association posting a copy
of this resolution for two weeks in a oonspicv,ous and ooniron
area of the condominitun cam�lex.
Property Description: Stmtit Park Additian
Apartznent Ownership No. 25 Knawn as Fillnx�re and Walter
Condcanini�ns, Being W. 30 Ft. of Lot 15 and All of Lot 14,
Block l, Sumlit Park Additian
Apartm�it Nos. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B and FaB, and an Undivided 1/12
11/18/80 SO-80-H 420 Hersch�l St. Paul W. Iarson
(five tu�its) "
gpARp A�.`I'IC�T; Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legisla.tive Code, Section 54.11,
pertaj.riirig tr� basic facilities, to pern�it occupancy of apart-
ment where handsink is located outsid,e t�oilet/shawer room.
Property Description: Lovering's Addition. Lot 26, Block 1
-�A� /-c��'/
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
and be it
FURTf�R RESOLVID, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed tc�
transmit a copy of this resolution fo recording t� the i�nsey Co�ty Office of th�e
Register of Deeds.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favo[
McMahon B
snowa�ter � __ Against Y
JAN 13 1g8� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopte y Coun il: Date
C ified Y• - ed by Cou .il Secre ry . � ���
App b 1�lavor. t �AN t-� 1��1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By – — BY
��� JA�J 2 � 1981
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Jaauarq 16, 1981 . ,
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Deiar Sir: , - _
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` I �leo�a f�r fillug in yrnir cffice a,aopy of Couacil File' No. 276182. - �
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Very t�ly.yours, . -
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, - S- 11/18/80 - Nleeting No. 167
40- 80-H 42 So. St. Albans Fillmore-Walter Homeowners
(six condominiums) Association, by. Beverly Vavoulis
SUBJECT : Request re-opening hearing on appe al to vary Section 13.03 , of
the Uniform Building Code , pertaining to fire-rated doors , as designated
in city' s letter of 9/16/80 , to permit continued use of wood p anel doors
with decorative glass in entrances of all six condominiums , because of
their beauty and compatability with architectural style of building.
Prior Hearing 10/14/80 : Motion to grant appeal failed for lack of a
majority vote.
APPEARANCE : Beverly Vavoulis
- 6- 11/18/80 - �leeting No . 167
. PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Vavoulis asked that the case be re-opened on the basis
of further details she had provided, namely, a detailed diagram of the
layout of each floor, illustrating the location of the back door' s distance
from the front door in each unit, and showing how all other safety recom-
mendations of the housing code office had been followed, including the
installation of fire extinguishers , smoke alarms , and door closures on
each landing. In addition, she presented a declaration, signed by all
condominium owners , stating their willingness to accept the risk inherent
in the decorative panelled front doors .
The board agreed to re-open the case . There followed a discussion of �he
various aspects of the situation relative to the fire safety of the building.
Ms . Bijjani requested the board, if it should consider granting a variance
on the entrance doors , to specify that, if the glass panels should ever
in the future need replacement , a fire-rated door be required, and that
it be so recorded on the deed to be sure that any future owner would be
aware that he was not protected by the normal means .
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance of Section 13. 03,
o t e Uni orm Building Code , to permit continued use of the present
entrance doors , on condition that, if there should be a need for replace-
ment of the doors in �he future , a fire-;rated door be required; and, fur-
ther, that the variance be recorded on the deed of each condominium to
insure that any future buyer would be awa�e -�of the risk inherent to
tenants of the building. A copy of the declaration signed by the tenants
should also be attached to the deed of each condominium. Chairman Tieso
THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 1 (Peake) Abstentions - 0
=:`ovembar 1980
^he undersigneci, beiY�; �11 0_ tize six iee a:-?ners
livir_� in the si� unit� of the co^c?o�~:inium '�u?ldi?�L; a•t
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the ris?� inherent in r�tenticr_ of t�?e original decor�.tiva
glz.ss in the fro�.-� doors of tll�ir ur:its� �rd FrilZingl�=
c��oose to do s�riti�out tne �rotection of s�rire—z.r�nr�gr_ated
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This in��ru�ent T�,as �re��red b;�: 5ubscribed and sworn to
� , before me this 1 th ay
i�_�,1 ^�r�J��� . M1��_ November,19 8 4. �
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i /�y .omm�ssion expiros tdov. "L4,ti36
11/18/80 - �leeting �o. I67
Tuesday, November 18 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso , Acting Chairman .
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Cod� Enforcement
Al.ice Bij jani � �`�
OTHERS PRESENT : Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinb auer Jerome Wlymcyzk
Tom Kernan W.J. Uhlenkott
Paul W. Larson A.W. Uhlenkott �
Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Miller
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
Mr. � Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1 :50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
(14 units)
SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wor� ing to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsec{uently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from William
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the r�s?L inherent in r�tentiar of t�e ori�a.nal decor�tiv�
�la.ss in -�he fron� doors of treir urits� �.�d �•rillingly
c.�oose -to do �ritl�out t's�e 3�rot.ecticn of s�rire—irnnr��•r_�ted �
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This ins�ru^�ent �-;as pre;�.�.red ��r: Subscribed and sworn to
, before me this 1 th ay
�; � � �� November,1980.
_._...__l�d''� � �, . . . . -%7 j ��
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� MY ��mmission expires Nov.29,IS36 '
11/18/80 - hieeting No. Iti7
� '= XN �Q �7 A . � , --,
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Tuesday, November 18 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso , Acting Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT : D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
OTHERS PRESENT: Edward tiYittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinbauer Jerome Wlymcyzk
Tom Kernan W.J. Uhle�nkott
Paul W. Lars on A.W. tihlenkott
Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Miller
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
Mr. � Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1 : 50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distri.buted to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
(14 units)
SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wor i�ng-to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsequently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from �Villiam
.... ...... .._. ._. .. ... .. . .. . . .. . . . .. ........ .._.. .. . .:, . .,. .. . ._._. . .. _ ..... . . .. .._. .,..-...___..-.�.._ma...,....w..___.,,�--.:r<...
, . _Z_ � 11/18/80 - Meeting Ajo. 167
PROCE�DINGS : Chairman Tieso called attention to the HeaZth Department's
written request that the room numbers of the units affected by the
variance granted on 9/9J80 be listed in the resolution.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to amend the resolution passed on �
0 an later approved by the City Council in Council File 275816 to
specify that the variance applied specifically to the following six two-
xoom sleeping units : Room #5- 7, Room #11-12 , Room #14- 15 , Room #16-17,
Room #21-22 and Room #24-25. Mrs . Peake seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
. _2_ 11/18/80 - Meeting No. I67
42- 80-H 529 Portland Ave. W. J. Uhlenkott
(four units)
SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement
occupancy, to permit continued use of apartment more than SOo below grade ,
because of economic considerations .
APPEARANCE : W.J. Uhlenkott , Art Uhlenkoft -�--
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Uhlenkott stated that all the work orders listed in the
city s letter of 11/8/80 had been completed, with the exception of the
order to discontinue occupancy of the basement unit.
Alice Bijjani confirmed Mr. Uhlenkotts ' statement , noting that provision
had been made for escape in an emergency and all life safety recommenda-
tions had been fulfilled in a satisfactory manner.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance of Se�ction 54. 13,
pertaining to basement occupancy, to permit continued use af the unit.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
Board member Naibi arrived at this time.
- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---
11/18/80 - hleeting No. 157
Tuesday, November 18, 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso , Acting Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT : D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas� Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bi j j ani �`Y
OTHERS PRESENT: Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinb auer Jerome Wlymcyzk
Tom Kernan W.J. Uhlenkott
Paul W. Larson A.W. Uhlenkott
Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Mi11er
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
� Mr. � Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1:50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
(14 units)
SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wor�ing to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsequently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from Williain
__ _ _._ _ _ .. _ . _ _ _. . _ __ �_.._ ____ __. ._ � .. _ ___._.._,.,,._._.,�..,-.�...-
_ 2_ 11/18/80 - 1�leeting No. 167 ;
.. :����ul�S�
43- 80-H 1897 Carroll Ave. Clarence J. Curley
(three units)
SUBJECT : Rec{uest variance of Section 54. 11 , pertaining to basic facilities ,
to permit continued occupancy of two apartments sharing one bathroom,
because of financial considerations .
APPEARANCE : Mr. $ Mrs . Clarence J. Curley
- 3- 11/18/80 - �leetino No. I67
� PROCEEDINGS : Chairman Tieso noted that two letters had been received
advocating the granting of the requested variance with a limit ont�eeffective
period to the lifetime of the present owners . T he letters had come fram
the Nierriam Park Community Council and the Merriam Park Neighborhood
Housing Services organizations .
Mr. Curley said he would not mind the limitation pronosed by the community
groups . He told the board that he and his wife were retired and needed
the income from the two units on the second floor which shared one bath-
room facility.
Ms . Bijjani reported that all remaining work orders listed in the city' s
letter of 9/30/80 had been taken care of except for the installation of
automatic closure devices for smoke doors leading into the kitchen from
the basement. She explained the importance of this requirement.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Naibi moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 11,, per-
taining to basic facilities , to permit continued occupancy of two units
sharing one b athroom, provided th at all. remaining items in city' s letter of
9/30/80 be taken ca� of, and provided that no more than four occupants be
permitted to share one bathroom facility , said variance to be effective
for the period of ownership by either Mr. or Mrs . Clarence Curley.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 �` Abstentions - 0
-- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
11/18/80 - �Ieetina No. 167
. .
Tuesday, November 18 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
ME�IBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso , Acting Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani �`�
OTHERS PRESENT : Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinbauer Jerome Wlymcyzk
Tom Kern an W.J. Uhlenkott
Paul W. Larson A.W. Tihlenkott
Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Miller
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
Mr. � Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1 : 50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
(14 units)
SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wo�to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsequently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from tiVilliam
" -4- 11/18/80 - Meeting No. Y67
45- 80-H 1524 Carroll Ave . Nancy and Tom Kernan
(two units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement
occupancy, to permit owner to use room in basement as a bedroom on an
occasional basis for family visitors , because remodeling costs would be
a financial hardship.
APPEARANCE : Tom Kern an
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Kernan explained that he had two children from a previous
marriage w o spent every other weekend with him. He therefore needed the
space in the basement , formerly a recreation room, for them to stay over-
night when they visited.
Ms . Bijjani said the mother of the children was concerned about this
arrangement and had asked the Fire Prevention Bureau to inspect it . The
bureau had referred the matter to the Housing Code Division.
Mr. Kernan proposed to install larger windows that would reach to abaut
two feet above floor level and construct a windowwell outside it to provide
an escape route. He said he would also apply 5/8" sheetrock ta the door
into the sleeping room to provide fire separation from the furnace area.
Mr. Gausman advised that a smoke detector be placed in the area ad}acent
to the sleeping room, in addition to the one existing within the room.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 13,
pertaining to basement occupancy, provided that a fire door into the room
from the rest of the basement area be installed, that a smoke detector
be installed in the area adjacent to the sleeping room, and that an escape
window be installed opposite the door to the room, with a sill not more
than 30" above the floor. Mr.. Naibi seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
11/18/80 - i,leeting No. 167 ,
Tuesday, November 18 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEbIBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso , Acting Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT : D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
OTHERS PRESENT : Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinb auer Jerome Wlymcyzk
Tom Kernan W.J. Uhlenkott
Paul W. Larson A.W. Uhlenkott
Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Miller
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
Mr. $ Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness .
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1: 50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
� (14 units) �
SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wo�i g to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsequently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from William
_ _ .. , _ »_._--_-�---..-T,�.-.
, - 7- 11/18/80 - Meeting No. 167
SO- 80-H 420 Herschel St . Pau1 W. Larson and
(five units) Leroy L. Peterson
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 54. 11 , pertaining to basic facilities ,
to pe m t handsink outside toilet-shower room, because of practical
APPEARANCE : Paul W. Larson
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Larson stated that his firm was completely redoing the
property an had installed bathrooms in a11 five units . However, in one
of the units there was no space for a handsink, so they ha�d put in a vanity
just outside the bathroom.
Ms . Bijjani reported that mos � of the work on the building had been inspected
and approved. She said that many bathrooms in new construction were set
up in this manner and, since this was not a case where a kitchen sink had
to serve as a substitute for a bathroom handsink , there was no objection to
such an arrangement.
Chairman Tieso said that Merriam Park Community Council had written a letter
to the board stating that they approved the granting of a variance in this
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 11, to
permit occupancy of an apartment where the bathroom handsink was located
outside of the bathroom facility. Mr. Naibi seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
11/18/80 - 14eeting No. 157 �
� �G /�.��
Tuesday, November 18 , 1980
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso, Acting Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Glenn Gausman
A. Wali Naibi
Ron Glassman
ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Thomas Reiter
AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bi j j ani �`�
OTHERS PRESENT : Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelson
Harry Steinbauer Jerome ti9lymCyzk �
Tom Kernan W.J. Uhlenkott
Paul W. Larson A.W. Uhlenkott
Leroy ,L. Meyersen Craig Miller
Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara
Mr. $ Mrs . Clarence Curley
Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order by Acti�g Chairman Tieso at 1: 50 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to
the members .
34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach
(14 units)
SUBJECT: Rec{uest by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific
wor ing to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subseQuently ratified by
City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from William
�. �� b
•� I ��
� Coun,ty os Rameey ) ad.
�j Rose Mix: .�� ��
T, . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
o� �'he Ci.ty ob Scr„i..n,t Pau,2, M.i.nneao�a., do he�ce6y ceh.ti.�y zha,t
I have compcviced �'he ai',t.a.ched copy o� Caunc.i.2 F.i.ee No.?�6182 . .
aa adop�ed by �he C.i�y Counci,2 ,,January.l3: .. .. . . , , . . . ��1 . .
and a�pnoved by �h.e Mayon . . , , ,, ,January.l5: .. .. .. .. , . . 1981 . .
w�.#h �he ar,i.g�.na,e �heneo� on �.i.ee �.n my o��.ice.
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PINK - . FINANCE ������
BLUL+' � - MAYOR � - - .
, ._ , - - -— _ File N 0.
�, . : Council Resolution
Presented By � . - �
Referred To Committee: Date.
Out of Committee By Date
�r '� DOw�dI o! t8s Citp G�` l3�it P�, by C7oaa�2 Pesolutf+aat C.F.
.Z�6tt81� a�dc�d D�o�ml�e� 1B� 198Q, �1 a�p[�d CR D�o�eaC lS� 1980 dLd a�sv� tl'le
a�ctf�aa o�! tbs St. PaulBoa�od o� ]1�xr�]s aad �v3er rith �ct b� ti�e p�a13c ha�r-
' fag 3�eld cn � 18, I980f aod
' �S, ',�aid smcaiut3on acntaf�eci � � ehoy2d bi aaaraa�cb�d.
" b1Q+t � BB TT R�.VBl, �s! Q�il l�esoit�d,oa C.P. 2�6081, adr�bed
Deoa�est 16, 1981}, a�d a�p�a�cl cn Dao��be�r 1�, 14SQ is I�a�eby z�esGinci�d aaad 3s z�e�-
p2acaed in I3��u � by t-hfs zeso6lt�ti��on.
e� IT � �.YEa, '�at �et Coa�Cil of �ae CYtp o! Sa1nt P�tl l�re?�y
ceztifies and � tt� actiron o� the Citg o� St. P�I Boerd o+i �tppeal9 a�yr3 Re�vigw
b� tbe �o1l,a+ing listaci pac�ty and as sh�aa� 2�y the Daoe�pbed Mfn�a ot
ssta aoara of �ts a�a �evs�., aa�ea �o�+�,c is, ssao, afla �r�ea �rr �,, �
is he�esn suvocpo�at�ed b� r�.
'� � 0!' B�f�
� � � � AP�LAt�
C7� .
!C 12,/18�80 34-� 951 K. 7th S't. , l�hael Aoach
� tla mits�
Bt�►liD X��: �m�cied �1 Fi�a 275816, �d�eta variarioo wes granbed b� pexarit
ooca}�r�c.y o� ais dwellir�g vait�, i�a d�sf�gaats rood rn�rs �
t�a mi.ts af�ectbd, as Satla+s: tir�os�a�s. S�7, II-12, 1t--15, 1�-17,
2I-22, and 24-25.
PrcpmacttY D,ecrfpti,on: S'tfa�ean's St�bdivfsicn cT Bl�oc'!t 25 of 8'tis�aa, Hroaat aad
Fa�ey's �it�on, -I�at� lb aod 11, B�c�Ic 25
COUNCILMEN . Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine IIl FBVOf
�i� Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BI"��`���`�" �� � ��
gy, .
Approved by Ylavor: Date App�oved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
, �
� ).�' f y.. ' i.
. . �����d'} .
11/18/80 42-80-H 529 Portland Ave. W. J. Uhlenkott
(four �its)
BC�RD AC.TICN: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislativ�e Code, Section 54.13,
pP�.a i n�g to basHt�ent o�upanCy, t�o permit cantinued occ�ncY
� of bas�it. imit nx�re than 50$ belvw grade.
Praperty Description: A�ditor's Subdivision No. 11. Subject to Easgrents,
W. 10 Ft. of Lot 16 and all of Lot 15, Block 18
ll� ------------- -------���_
� 11/18/80 43-8-H 1897 Carroll Ave. Clarence J. Clarley
�' (three units)
� BQARD ACTICi�i: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Secti� 54.11,
pertauzing t�o basic facilities, to permit occupancy of two
imits sharing one bathroan facility, � condition that all
mmaininq itens listed in city's letter of 9/30/80 be �let�ed -
and that occ-�x-�ncy of said i.mits be limit�ed to four persons;
said variance to be effective �ly for tt� period of ownership
by Mr. and/or Mrs. Clarenae J. Curley. '
praperty Description: Merriam Park
• Lot 10, Block 14
11/18/80 45-80-H 1524 Carroll Ave. Nancy & Tan Kernan
(t�ro im.its)
BOARD AC.TICIV: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Sectian 54.13,
pertaining to basa�it oa.-upancy, to permit use of sleeping rocn�s
mr�re than 50$ belaw grade, on oondition that: (1) a smoke door
be provided leading into the sleeping ro�n, (2) a smoke detector
be installed in area inmediately adjacent to the bedroan, and
(3) an escape windaw be installed opposite the door of the sleep-
ing roan, with a sill no more than thirty (30) inches above
floor lev�l.
Property Description: Ada¢n.s Addition to the City of St. Paul, Lot 5, Block 2
� � o
' - ti��i:.`.��:�i�
� �
11/18/80 40-80-H 42 So. St. Albans Fillm�re-Walt�ex'
(six v�ndaniniuns) �ndceninitun Association
BpARD AGTI�T: Granted varianoe of Minnesota Unifonn Building Code, Article
13.03, pert.aining to use of fire rated mat�esials, to permit
continued occup�ncy of six ooa�c7c$niniun imits, each equipped with
frc�nt entrance doors which do not ocn�ly with fire-safety code
r�nts after ha.ving reveived a sic�ed waivpx�, a capy of
which is marked as �IIBTT B and herein inoorporat�ed by refer-
enoe, by the condaniniun c�mers acJmc�wledging and assixning the
� risks created by this varianoe. Varianoe is granted on c�ndi-
� tian that any future replaeement� of said doors imast meet oode;
,� said varianoe to be reoorcied ari d�eed of each o�rx�aninitnn imit
� placing future purchasers � notic� of the varianoe granted
C. Y�erein and the restrictions relat,ed theretA. This varianoe is al-
ry so c�o�i�Ei�1 Upon the HaY��v�mers Associatioa� posting a wpy
�2 of this resolutiari for twn wee.ks in a o�nspicuous and �emm�
area of the oatxkxni.ni.tan ��plex.
Praperty Descriptian: Stmtit Park �..itiari
Apart�nt Ownership No. 25 Krxx�m as Fil].more and Walter .
Condanini�, Being W. 30 Ft. of Lot 15 and All of Lot 14,
- Block l, S�nit Park Ac�dition
Apartireizt Nos. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B and 6B, and an Undivic�ed 1/12
11/18/80 50-80-H 420 Hersc�el St. Paul W. Iarson
(fiv� units)
gC�,RD p,CrICN: Granted varianc�e of St. Paul Legislative Coc�e, Section 54.11,
�r+aining t�p basiC faciLities, ta pexmit occupancy of apart-
ment where handsink is located outside t�oilet/shawex rooan.
Property Descriptiari: Lovering's Addition. Lot 26, Block 1
�/ -��`�3 i-� d'i
WHITL•� - CITY CLERK � (']� !�
P�NK� - FINANCE n COU[1C11 ����j��
. �����BLU6 �- MAYOR File NO.
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
and bs it
F� RESOG�, That �s City CL�ic ia h�y av�o�f�d a�d df.recGe�i t�
� � �� this se�alutl�a �o �eaa�dl�q �o th� Ren�ay C1�nLy Off3�oe cat' th�
Cit �
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine �Q FaVO[
McMahon V Against BY
wi�� JA N
1 3 �, Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date .; �.,� "�, '�� � �. f/
Certified Passed by Council Secretary B� l �-` - __..
Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council
By _ BY
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