276175 WHITE - CITY CLERK 1/° .w��• PINK - FINANCE COURCII `:] CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L T ��� • V BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By G�'lvl�/ -L+� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that in conformance with 4 MCAR � 4.140 E 1, the City Council sitting as a committee of the whole of the Energy, Utilities, and Environment Committee, will conduct a public hearing with respect to proposals for a cable cocranunications franchise on Tuesday, January 13, 1981 and Thursday, January 15, 1981. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon snoweice� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JAN 13 1981 Form Ap roved by ity Attorne Adopted Council: Date — � C ified Yass y Coun �1 Secretayy By � i L���f/�--�:a Appr by :Nayor: te '�� �9�� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council g By � JAN 241981 - ����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� OFFZCF. OF THE CITY COUNCIL ��. �en�'Jy�c seL.�.: . �w cs�sv a-� _ �!B�eC [t�" - . ___�-�, _ C � � , � � � � ' January 14, 1981 JOANNE SHOWALTER Councilwoman �ILEp , ;-,, '{ �, _,�� �It�� 4' �l � f � . � C(i;' �I_�P.,P''� r�Fi�E � ��� ;'n u L, t�f�°:'��. T0: APPLICANTS FOR SAINT PAUL CABLE FRANCHISE This is to let you .know that expense disclosure forms are due in my office by noon on January 27. A11 expenses germane to the pursuit of the Sain� Paul cable franchise must be indicated on these forms. The specific require- ments are described on oagPS 7, 8 and 18 of the Invitation for Applications. If you have questions on this, please submit them to us in writing. Thank you for your cooperation. Sinoerely, � JOANNE SHOWALTER Councilwoman JS:vo CIT�' HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, b�INNESOTA 55102 612/295-�239 �O , • ,,�:.r.. �� �� ` CITY OF SAINT �AUL �� OFFICF OF TEiE CITY COUNCIL �' RSE�F4.t'.�•�� IA'7dOR9e'�?.�`�P �7+'�i�S&FI�IiiU�.. _ .__..4._� . January 14, 1981 JOANNE SHOWALTER Councilwoman Fll;D Mr. Yusef Mgeni , Chairperson G�.� : SUAC Commtani cations Subcorr�ni ttee ` ` �' � � ��' 1084 Laurel Avenue ! '' � :�`; � ;-�: _� � St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 � = :_, ;;. � Dear Mr. Mgeni : I have reviewed the letter you sent me on December 19 regarding the involvement of minorities in the St. Paul cable system. In the letter you raised a numb�r of questions related to the St. Paul cable franchising process thus far. In. going_ over the questions you raised, I find that many of the items have already been addressed. Our files contain a letter from Katie McWatt dated April 23, 1980, and a response to her from former councilman David Hozza �ated April 25, 1980. Mr. Hozza's letter appears to cover several of SUAC's concerns. - Evaluation criteria that would cover minorities are identified in the IFA. In particular see pages 3, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 a;�d also Forms K and M. In addi- tion, minority concerns are discussed on pages VI-36 and 24-28 of the Appendix in the CTIC final report. Ongoing monitoring and regulation of the cable system are accommodated in the cable � regulatory ordinance: The Ca-b1e Communacations Officer, Linda Camp, and the C.able _ . Communications Commissian will have most of the responsibility for oversight. There are also provisions to give the Cable Officer and the Commission additional duties as necessary. The franchise ordinance will also cover monitoring and regulation. We have requested comprehensive information on- the past hiring practices of all the franchise applicants: Council members will have this information before they have to make a decision. The FCC, Minnesota Cable Communications Board, and the City all have regulations related to employment and discriminatian. Annual reporting requirements are included in these. The franchisee will have to comply with all of these regulations. As I am sure you are aware, the franchisee will have to camply with Section 74.03A of St. Paui 's Legislative Code--Rules Govern- ing Affirmative Requirements in Employment. The section requires those who con- tract with the city to develop and file affirmative action policies. While there was no substantial �iscussion of minority interests in CTIC's pre- liminary report, minorities are addressed on pages VI-36 and 24-28 of the Appendix in the final CTIC report. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612J298-5289 °�� � Mr. Yusef Mgeni ' January 14, 1981 Page 2 While there is no way we are going to be able to answer all of your concerns, we are putting forth every effort to come as close as possible ta addressing the needs of the minority communities in St. Paul . As I explained to you previously, the law does not allow changes in the proposals once they are received by the city. The CTIC preliminary report asked far clarifications, but only clarifications, of what was already there. It would be illegal for any company to now offer any additional locations, equipment, programming, etc. This is done to keep companies from reading other pr000sals and then offering the best items from each. We have received some excellent proposals from several companies, and I am certain �the company we choose will be more than willing to s�t down with persons of different ethnic backgrounds in our city in order to arrive at specialized programming that will fi11 their needs as well as ours. If you have any other questions, please contact me. Sincerely, - � JOANNE SHO',�ALTER Councilwoman _ JS:vo Enc. cc: City Council Members City Attorney City C1erk Mayor Latimer . ' . . � � . . . s.. , . . �'�:Y_J(� f .:, - =,,\ i:. ..._. .. . . .. _.� - t.�_�; �, F,�: � �-,� �. � .. .ti.::;J � . ��;� � n:��t,:� Ea.. t�o�z�.. . Apri 7 23, 19�0 � Councilperson David Hozza 7th Floor City Hall St. Paul , Ni�J 55102 Dear Counci7person Hozza: Tn Februa.ry of t�is year a c�►��7�i��t�e o; �+�Q S►��,u^��i� �n��ersi�:y Acricrn coali'�ion n�e� a;��' �ror,mula�pd -a p�sitzon par�r or� caale tele;°is�ian cs that syste;�► shcul d rel a�te �0 81 ack anu athe•r %hi rd ��Jorl� co�u�-t�.i es. 7hi s aras presented to th� cout�ci 1 a� an even��g rr:.�zti ng tha� sat�p �r;�:�t'r.. t•;e ast<ed for a r�spanse to our co;��ents: �s ye�, wz h=�v� ri��c r�ar� ;rom any cau��71 pzrson 7n r��l�� to �ur re;u?s�. �,e a�,e cti�;���t�n�� t�a-t �th� very • real anu s�.�io�.�s issues and reca��rcda�ions raised by o�.�r nr�i�� be cor„id2red in any �?C1Si0ilS on pr���sed sys�er�s. � t�Je ho�e �co h�ar tror� th�se ���t� a�i.�end�d tn� FeSr�xat y ccunc-�1 m��ti�,g and stancl reudy to a;�sti-1�r any qu2stio�� or c���:�;�r��ts necess?:�;� ;o�� an unc,�rstand7ng of our pasi�ion. Thanu yau f�r ycur atte���ian. � , � • Sincerely, • • . �/° �C,"�'-'" +J ��,� i t,���� � �`L�� �i-�� . Ka�ie tilc!y'att, Cha3rperson Surr�mit-Univer�ity Ac�:io�i Coalitian lCt��6d:g g � cc: ��layo�� G.�c�rge La�'t��er � . r ,J � . ,a".{.:x"4;;.�.:tij��� �� ]� .�T �,i�� ►J�J.l�f r1� ��L1111.� t^^ � .. i: '-Y''r",'^Z:�=. 1 r 1 �--2.J��- ` , =.=��W.� �t,�__ �;'_'� p t�'P'IG1r: U�;, •1,7�Z F C;LTY GOTJ�'C7L i �' ;�c��C'':� t .� ' :�,a�s':oa���_�:= i ;�1 . � . � . -'.� - _- _ '�'i'�'�'Z� . � ,.� ���•._ t,..-� � _ . . . . . •�4'��� �"j� � . �i` T.�, _�.�� . ' �_:�. '� .�, �'+ ' : •-i „'n Dr.VID rt. Hozz� '� � � . '':' �' =•� 11��ri1 25, 19�0 $a :,,. *.. :_, .� t Councit�ulii �+t;' � i '_;a'.'i ,'�►Y�Ft`a �3�-ii�� Ms� Y.ati e C�clJatt Chairperson Su�r��it-University Action Council c/o Urban League � 401 Se1by Avenue - St. Paul , MPa. 55102 Gear P9s� f�c4latt: In response to your letter dated l�pril 23, 798�J regardii�q �:he SUAC ca51e TV positio� paper deliv�red at �lie pub'lic h^aring on Feb�Ruary 5, 1980. The Council general7y replies to co►nn�ents made in hearings by adapting or acting on the recon�me��dations made by citizens and arganizatians testifying. The Council has adopted the follo�����ng policies: - - the City v�ill require applicants �o Gdop�t: iffirinative acti�n employinent practices and ��rill evaluate past practices. - the City �•ri l� requi re compl i ance �•!l th a11 Feder�l , � � State and Local laG�s regulating equal op;�or�unity in e.aployr�e�it an�1 service. - the Ci�y is seeking .proposals ti•�hich designate video origination sites in the community such as the Lexington Public Library or the Inner City Youth League. - the Counci 1 adopted ancl i ncorporated t�y reference tl�e fol7owing recom�n?ndation of the Citizens Advisory Corr�nittee on Cable TV: "We suggest that program offerings be presei�ted tidith diverse audiences in mind. In particular, o�ir black, native Ilr�e��ican and Hispanic con-�unities should have the availabil�ity of special interest programming on a regular basis.° - the Counci 1 al so a.pproved the fo11 o�.di nc� statemen�t as a prioriTy considerazio►� for applicants : - t'I"CY "ziA1.L � � St�\'f�N"i'ti'f'LOU}? " SAIN"f I'Al1L, DiiNNI:SOTA 55102 612,'2�35��-:5 _�_�_� ✓ 6+s. Y.atie h1c41att Aori-1 25, 1980 Pac�e Tt�io "Provide services to loti•r-income households by proposing �aniversal service arhich �,iould offer tf�e subscribers �he access and p�.�blic service channels for the cost of installation alone and!or the d�ve�lop�lent of a nu;nber of cornrnuni ty vi ewi ng centers i n publ i c 1 i brari es ancl co<<�muni ty cen-�ers. " I bel ieve that the above-mentior;ed i tems t�hi ch have b4,n adopted by the Council address SUAC's stated concet�ns. I inv�ite you to attend the heari ng on P�ay 13 i n the Counci 1 C}��m��rs ��rhen the Tnvi t�ti on i s scheduled for adoption. ���-- ; � - � f -Sincerely�.. � �,� � � `�; � . ' `�/. � t �� ' � \. �,. ' `7 ' . � =�H'�:.�: f 'J �i d id Hozz�� . ; ; - �ounc.'lman " .�, �J '�� ; // � � , D�-f�i:ls cc: 1�ayor Ge�rge La�cimer P4embers of the City Council `� � ���, � � 1":-s_.._..�o ��....o`3 ..... _ . . . � T�LEPROMPTER CORPORATION 1202 COMMERCE BUILD�NG, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55t01 � � (612) 221-0280 , � s�.�5 ��ILED r .. . . � i � ry� � January 14, 1981 - f,,v �. �-i•� V��'•,I ����.�=�. . .:r i Iv.�. � :.i . . ,�_��i ��� ..�. Councilwoman Joanne Showalter St. Paul City Council 72?. City Hall St. Paul, Minnesata 55102 Dear Councilwoman Showalter: This letter will serve as an amendment to the list of off�- icial representatives for Teleprompter of St. Paul, Inc. , f iled on January 1, 1981 . Please add the name and address to our list as follows : David Lebedoff Lindquist & Vennum IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 This name will be added to the form required to be f iled on February 1, 1981. Thank you. Sincerely, TE�EPROMPTER ORPQRATION % - �� � ���r��� Robert J. Klukas Area Manager RJK/j lw • � - �/J�� 1Vietro es��nz � FiLE� Richard C.Hickman Vice President Engineering { '" ., :�� ��.�} a '_' � 1� . , G'T " ���� {I;:'� ?=:�:January 9 , 1981 ���L� . ,7 i � r,�J 1_r '1 �;. . � _kj�� � �����,.�� Mr. Dean Lund Group Health Plan, Inc. 2500 Como Avenue St . Paul , Minnesota 55108 Dear Mr. Lund: I am in receipt of a letter written by Mr. McKay of Group Health Plan, Inc. , to Councilwoman Showalter , outlining potential cable communication needs in the future and asking for a response from each of the cable applicants in St . Paul for a willingness to provide for future needs . Capitol City Cablevision is pleased to� announce that our system is completely compatible with the plan outlined by Mr. McKay, and will cooperate fully in its implementation. We have proposed two quality cable systems for the City of St . Paul . The first system deals with the subscriber network which concentrates on subscriber entertainment services , access programming and security services . The second cable is 150 miles of wide-band communications institutional networking . This cable is to provide for the need of the educational , government , medical and other institutional users in the community. It would appear this would be the cable to serve the needs of Group Health, Inc. This cable would provide a conduit to transport signals ta the designated delivery locations . If we are the successful applicant , we would work deligently with you to see that your cable communications plans are implemented. We spend a great deal of money installing the institutional network. To date the industry has experience under-utilization of this impor- tant wide-band communications tool . �Ye look fortivard to working with you in the years to come. Sin e1y, . .... ° �� � � /� r j���_rj • /}�Cr.. . �: C,�--- Richard C`: Hickman Vice President RCH/)_�f----_._---__---T_ ----- cc ���_HoxLOr_able__�Toanne _ Showalter`', Henry W. Ha�-ris --___�--------__ 211 Perimeter Center Parkway /Suite 930 Atlanta,Georgia 30346/ E404) 394-8837