276170 �: �, 3 ��� �� � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � FINAL ORDER IN � BY CONDEMNATION PRQCEEDINGS � File Na—��"i 'z� ,�I In the Matter of �;,�, �,� � ��� ��t� � � � � ` �r�;�',�� � �M'� �#� '�t 11I�� � '�'i� � �,iM�M� � #�R�' , � *1� � �I� ��� ��t � . All tt�t pe.rt of the SE,—i, o#' Section 33 - T291v - R22W described as a 604;�`�`�'f' strip in said u section, said strip being baunded on the North by the Sauth line of McLean Avenue, on the South and East by Su�urba.n Hills and on the West by Kings Additon, and, also tha.t part of Lo�s 8 and 9, Block 30, Suburban Hills, a11 lying within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet and with its center located 20 feet south of the North litte of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills and 555 feet more-or-less Ea.st of the center line of (Hester) Frank Street and also a11 that part e of the South 30 feet of said 60 foot strip lying Northwesterly of above described circle. Also, except the above described circle and except the West 80 feet of the North 1 66.� feet of Lot 11, and except the East �+U feet of the North � 163 feet of Lot 12, the North 30 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and Lot 13, East of (Hester) Frank Street in Block 30, Suburba.n Hills. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, euts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support f�om subject lar�d or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Suburban Avenue from Frank Street to appraxime�tely 600 feet East. , ___; ; ___ . __ _ __ ---- --, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made �&54��-F�LiR�IoI€R;�-t�e-Cee�-�ereb�r-deter�riaes-t�ee-eslate-reqe�ired--€er�syntproYameat-�le�-be �€�sur�pla,-abeelate-awc��easeFne�is-ae-�eser�bed�-abore�a�t�ee-6i�}�-0f€ieere-ea�-Git�y-�tofaey-ers-�3ereby�e�k�arized �d�ct�d-te�,ake�ai��a�ieRe-neoesseFy-to-eac�,�re-eai�-real-estate-by�-p�rrekase-or-��e�t-�c��aiR- FURTHER RESOLVED. That tLe Conncil hereby determinee that the eatate reqnited tpr tLie improvement De as deecHM ed above, and tLat t6e proper City otticers snbmit a report to the City Connoil tor t6e pucpose of tIIe Connail's making an award of damages for the iMerestaa�r d determination of asseasments. if any. against the beaetited ptopercy. �qtiii ed JAN 13 1981 COUNCILMEN Adopted b ncil: Date Yeas `'fc.3�`�3 ys Hunt ;i,r;,t Levire � rtif'ied P y ouncil Se etary Maddox F-?'J't - McMahon In Favor �` ' '�'' Sho�:valter JAN 1 �`'� ��� ., , Tedesco� �A�iilst . :i�,�.. ,. Wi�son Mayor �e;��t,;�-�, � � S4N e'� 4198� F � . . � .. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . v�� ��`��� ��� • CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,:' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 21$ CiTY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �,���p�y0 .; September 26, 1980 File 18157 S Page 18157 G The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on October 14, 1980 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Grade and pave SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to 600 feet East• Also, open, widen and extend SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to approximately 600 feet East by condemning and taking a permanent street easement over the following described land: All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29N, Range 22W described as a 60 foot strip in said 1/4 section, said strip being bounded on the North by the South line of McLean Avenue, on the South and East by Suburban Hills and on the West by Kings Addition, and also that part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 30, Suburban Hills, all lying within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet and with its center located 20 feet south of the North line of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills and 555 feet more-or-less East of the center line of (Hester) Frank Street and also all that part of the South 30 feet of said 60 foot strip lying Northwesterly of above described circle. Also, except the above described circle and except the West 80 feet of the North 166.5 feet of Lot 11, and except the East 40 feet of the North 163 feet of Lot 12, the North 30 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, East of (Hester) Frank Street in Block 30, Suburban �Hil�.s. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Suburban Avenue from Frank Street to approx- imately 600 feet East� The total estimated cost of this project is $52,300.00 and will be financed as follows: Direct Assessment $43,092.00 City Aid $ 9,208.00 To ta 1 $52,300.00 The estimated rate per assessable foot is $45.00. -continued on Page 2- . , � � " +-y.r. b,t' �r ' -2- �t�1 �� If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction information (Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessment information (Department of Finance and Management Services). In addi- tion the City Technical Advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss [his proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements, that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. F�ILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER , ,� . . ; • . ' • , i �' , ����� ., r= ; . . , . . . , � � � . , . . J : � . '1�011��bAl" ?�F,� l.� , Mr. Paul Deaeh - Departm�nt,a� Finance , . _ . Rc�om 21$, Cit,y Hal.l - . � Dear 8ir t , . � . ' _ Ti� City Gbunai2 aet n date of hearing far J�r►uery 13th, 198� to> consider tt� follo�ring Fina]. Ordera. ilil.l you plesse aenEl" . � no�ticeB to praperty o�lners as req�ir� by laM4 � � 1 - lrinal Order in Condamaatioa Proceed�qgs ia the mst�sr of . - _ opening� Midening and extending 9uburbaa A�re. tYom Fraulc 8L. . _ � to sp�roxirrately 600 tt. �►at. (P.O. 27�61) . , _ 2 - Fiisal Ord�r ia t�e me►�ter o! 6rsdio6 md, pa�in6 Suburban A�►e. ` _ ! froa� Fru� St. to 600 !t. Fsst. �P.O. 239660� 3 = Fina1 Order i� the e�tter oP constxuc�iug �aan��tsry seMer iia Sub�rbaa Av�e. t�om 245 ft. esat of Freu�k 3t.;to 59D ft. ,.east ot P��ok St. (P.O. 2'T 5��) � 4 - Finsl Ord�r" ieY the matter ,of oonstruating a b..ieieh rafier �ia ' in Suburbm, Aw. t�m spprosimnte�y 1T3 ft. ea�t-oP irraak Bt. _ . i'or apD�os�a�t1,Y 3� t"t. east. (P.o. 2?5�3) , � � Very truly �rours, ,,.� �� - �ose ttix City Glerk : : , A80 sls - ac t YaYu�tion �agic�eer `� � � - �nblic i�orlcs D�pt. ' - . ��,4 �� � . : . , � � � . � ' . � . . . . � . . . p ,Fv . . .... � ' � �- ' ' . . � . . � . . ' ,/"-� . , . . � . . . . ' ' ` . . . . . ' :�,.. .. . .. • I. . . . . � . . . . �. r . . . . . . . . .� � . . . . . . . . . ...i. .: .. .: � . � , \ ��1`� � � � ; . : � � �1lovember 24, 198E3 � Mr. Panl Deach _ Deparfi►�eat,of Finance _ � _ Room 218, Cita► F�11 : _ ' Desr 8i.r t • ' .J , �� . __ Tl� City Gbuaail set n dste of 2�earing far Jsnuar�r 13th, 19� to conaider the follo�►ing. Final Orders. iii]1 you pleese send , noticeB to property oMaers as reqtxired by ls�r! � 1 - lrina2 Order in Conde�ation Proce�dfngs ia the �atfisr of . : _ . openin8s Mid�ning and extendiag 3uburDan A�re. t�os Frank 8t. � to epproxiaately 600 !t. =ast. (P.O. 27�661} ' _ 2 - Fival Ordsr ia t� etatter of gradipg md. BsYi.�B 8uburbm Atts. " ' ! . t�om'Fran�t St. to 600 ft. Saa�E. �P.O. `2��660� 3 '� F?4ne3. Order irl the evatter of cou�tructing sarrftery aeWer 3a 8ub�rban Ave. t�om �ks Pt. esat of l�enk 3t., to 55C? ft. ;.sast o! FrNak St. (P.O. 2T9662) � � - Final �rd�r" in the msttesr 'of oonstructing � 6«ineh �ater asin - in SuburDea' Aw, t�COm approycimntely 173 ft. esat-of irraak S�. . tor uDP�ti+�,Y 3� t"t. east. (P.v. 275�3) . : , . V��r truly gour�r� � ,.�. . ,- ' , f . ; ,. Ross laix . City Glerk . � A80 s].a - ac s YaYust.ic�a �agineer _ -" �� , - �blic Worlcs Dept. � , ;; } � ' � � �vs • ; _ ., - - ` � ,� , . . � - . ,,, � ; � , • �� :, . . . , , . . . . . � ' . . � � . , � . i �4i�. . �. . . _ . . � � ' . . . . . . . � . � � - ' r.� . . . . ` . J . . � � �1���� �. . . � . _ . . �/ . . . . . . .. .. . - 4y, � . � . . . . � . . � . , � . . . : . � , . ... . . .. . � �u. � � � � � . � , . � . . . . . •. . . - � . . . .. � . . .� . - � � � . . 1 .� . ., . � . . . • - . . - . . .. . . � � .. .. . _ . . .i . . . . . � � - . . �. . � . � . . . - � � . . � .�. . . . . . , _ . . . `.. _ , - . . � tt,' . . . . , ,. .. . , . . . . � � . .. . �. . . � � � - � . . . � � ' � � � . � . . �i . . - . . - � � . • . . � . � � . � � , � , . �. �., . . . � , . .. � , - ' � - October: l4i 198Q _. � . , � Cauncilme;n'•Victor �'edes�o � Chairman, Pnblic �Iorke Comeittee , ,' � � 'Tth F�oo�,' C�ty Hall ; �� _ � ,. , � ,-:.. , � l�ear CourieiLnan Tedesco s ' . . . , �� , Th�e�.:C�.�.y Council today re�'erred the f'vlloxing Final Orders to t2� _`". Public Warks Coa�i.ttee for conaideratiori and recoa�asnda�ion� �°; , , _ ;:�:, '� J : . . h , . ,1 - Final Order tn Con�emnatioan Proc+aeidinga`;in the matte� af ; . - operii}�g! wider�ing sud textendi.etg Suburbari Av�e. from Fr+�etk S� : � to a�pproXimate3:y 600 ft. $ast. �P.O. 275��.y � � , 2 • Final Order in the ma�ter .of g�ading �nd psving .Suburban /4v+e. ' . f�om �'ra�k 3t. to 600 t�.: Eaet. (P.O. 275660) " , - 3 - F�nel,Order in th� matter of con�tructing san3tary e..�wer i,u . Suburban Ave. trom 24g Yt. east of Frank St. to 550 �t« e�t � , , � i- of Frank St. {P.O. 275662) ' , : ; � - � �t • Fietal Order in th� mstter of �onetrucsting a 6-inch weter sin _ , ia 8t��lt�baa Ave`: t'ron� Appraaieate3�y 173 ft. esst o��Fa�r►k 81:. , ' ' far aPDrc�cimate�Y 300 t't. eset. (P.O. 27�3) , . . Very truly yours,. � , _ , , . , , _ � � ' , ,,, ; , . Ibsf l�ti�t _ 1 � � Ci�y �l.�rlt � � � ;. , - , , � ' • • , ; . e � �� _ ABO:la , ' ' � #� �t��' � cc s Piibli� Norlu Dept. • : '� i,� ' Valuastioo l�ngin�rer # r�� � � I, � ` ,� I . . + _ .- � �� , ,. _ , .J . }� , '� -- �'����:'`- �. . •CITY o�' (��lz?�'�' �A.�L r - t.`� •ri/� ' � � . . � i 7.��� �"i� . . � . � ' ri ..�Utl. �':=-� ' OFFZC� t)F T.�IL GITX C0�1 CtL ������ �' ��i i:.4.`��' �;':i ; - ~i ��• :�,�.r.r:�,}J t - �� � -' .f_� �,�• v,���� Da t e ; November 10, 1980 :---•.-F• .. , � � . \..'._� �'�����4-� . . � � C', � �!s� ��r� � 1 � � L� � � � � � � . � � �� ° . .,, � -- , T0 : � �oin� Paui City Cauncil : �-. - ��0� = CO1`�tl�Tl1'���A Uil Public Works - : victor J. , Tedesco ; ct�oiFinan, m�kes the fof to�fring � � repo�t an C.F. [� flrdinanes - . [� Resotufiiorr � _ � . ' � Oitter� - - . � ���� : Surburban Avenue improvements • � The Public Works Committee recommended. to the City Council that the total �, project be built at this time, which is opening, widening and extending Suburban �Avenue, grading and paving, constructing sanitary sewer and six-inch - - . water main in Suburban Avenue near Frank Street. � . �V _ _ _- . " � . - �- - ��_� �/ C1TY �-Tr1I.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAItiT PAUL, 1�II�tiESOTr1 $�tU� . ,..''� 1 ^j4- ,� ' � CITY Of ST. PAUL �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ASSESSMENT DIVISION • Z LH CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 December 26, 1980 �`'j��,l��'� File 18162 Page ' 18158 Page The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Courthouse (third floor) at 10;00 A.M. on January 13, 1981 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Construct a 6 inch water main in SUBURBAN AVENUE from approximately 273 feet East of Frank Street to approximately 573 feet East. Also, construct a sanitary sewer in SUBURBAN AVENUE from 245 feet East of Frank Street to S50 feet East of Frank Street. Also, sewer service connections. Total estimated costs and financing are as follows: ° SANITARY WATER SEWER MAIN Direct Assessment $11 ,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Utility Aid 000,00 $ 2,800.00 Total $11 ,500.00 $11 ,300,00 Estimated Assessable Rate per Residential foot $17,10 $12.60 Sewer and water service connections will be assessed in addition to the above at the actual cost per connection, If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may• telephone 292-6281 for construction information or 298-5241 for assessment infor- mation. In addition, the City technical advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER � � p �,, ► ; � „ , , ._.,. jJ... .. • CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �'`'' ASSESSMENT DIVISION �+����� 2 18 CITY HAII ST.PAUI,MINNESOTA SS1C2 December 26, 1980 File 18157 S Page 18157 G Page The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10;00 A.M. on ,Tanuary 13, 1981 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Grade and pave SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to 600 feet East, Also, open, widen and extend SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to • approximately 600 feet East by condemning and taking a permanent street easement over the following described land: All thaC part of the Southeast l/4 of Section 33; Toanship 29N, Range 22W,described as a 60 foot strip in said 1/4 section, said strip being bounded on the North by the South line of McLean Avenue, on the South and East by Suburban Hills and on the West by Kings Addition, and also that part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 30, Suburban Hills, all lying within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet and with its center located 20 feet south of the North line of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills ' and S55 feet more-or-less East of the center line of (Hester) Franl� Street and also all that part of the South 30 feet of said 60 foot strip lying Northwesterly of above described circle. Also, except the above described circle and except the West 80 feet of the North 166.5 feet of Lot 11, and except the East 40 feet of the North 163 feet of Lot 12, the North 30 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, East of (Hester) Frank Street in Block 30, Suburban Hills. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Suburban Avenue from F'rank Street to approx- imately 600 feet East. The total estimated cost of this project is $52,300,00 and will be financed as follows: � Direct Aeseasment $43,092.00 City Aid $ 9,208.00 Total $52,300.00 The estimated rate per assessable foot is $45.00. If you wish ,detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction information (Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessment information (Department of Finance and Management Services). In addi- tion the City Technical Advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements, that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for o� against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER , . . ,. . , . . . . . . ' . . _ .. . . _ � ' _ � . . . . . . . , �. . .. . . . :.i � � . . . . . r. , . . . . . . . _ � . . �.Y • , ;! . . . . ., . '- . . . . . � � . . . . . . . i/ � �. , u,.�, � , .� . � . , � � . . . . . ,._ � � .- . . � � . . . . . � • � � � � .���� , ��. �. . . . . , . �' ' � ' . � . � - ��:s ... . � �� � � � � . � , � . , � . � � . � . �� , �� � .. .. . . �. . - � . . � . . � . - � .. ' � ; . .,; . . - . � � . . � . . � . . '. � - .. . � . �. . �' . � . r �'�: .. . , . • . . . . � � . �. ' . . . - �;:ri . . � .. . . ' .. ' . . . � � ' , . � .. � �! .� ., ' � . . � � . . . . � . . � . � ' . . . ��` � f . . , . - . � . . . .. _ . . . . � .{.,.:, � , pctober ?, 1980 ��° ,_ , , , . . , . . _ ; ' ' � Mr. Don 1�YSsard . ` : Director of�Pubiic Works • . 6th Floor� City Hall Ann�ex � � , ,.; . , , , . 1�ear 3ir: � T!� Cou�cil referred ta you the attacbed petftion oP aev�ra�:, a'e�idents r�eque$tit�8 the improv�iaer�� of Suburban �lvenu� trom , !'rank Street to e�pproxims�el,`�r 268 faet eaat. , , , . . . Ve3"Y ��Y YoiJ�'A� : . � ', - � � , ' Rc3s'��i�c , � City;C].erk , . � - � Atta�h. • , � , - � , ABO:Ia , ' . . • - , . _ � . � . . . � . ; �., . � . � ' " .. � i . ., � .. . � . . . ., .' . � . �� .. 4�. . . � . . . � .. .. , . . ' . �. . , � . �') - � � � `� . � . ' ' � . � � � . { ' . . . .. , . . . . . . . . .' . • .•. . ' , . ' . S�' � • , . : , . ... . \ . . . . 'I '1 s ' - . . - �. . � . . . , ' . / � . ' . �`. .� , . �1 +] . � ' - , , , � , � 7 � � � . . _ �� � + � .�� ..� , � � 3 ; _ , �;' ��: t � � � _ � a • ' ;°� , • � \ . , ' _ , , z��` „--- -- ,� , �_v • •n U- ` � ,��, , . � � -=;,�� �l���r� , ,,,.., ;,`��; - �, , ; , . _ , r ; � September 22, 1980 City Clerk City Council of St. Paul Court House 4th and Wabasha St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Sirs: We the undersigned to her`Fby amend the following petition to read as follows: Open, grade and pave Suburban Avenue from Frank Street to approximately 268 feet east. NAME ADDRESS ��!!�. � i /X'-ec� ,� ��� �G� e� _. v`� �_ �. � � � .c._ � .��, /�� ^ / ' ��'^ � C�r,�� .��� �.�� �' �C.1 -�-�' / '�� .Su�4�ti���►� .��, r� � r • ;��' ... %,�^-L � r ',�.1;,�'li���'�-Z ���/7.. ,��1r'J 7_ �i�c���, �� 1 F, �.� Yj, ::;�� /l/. ' u� St. Pau1, Minn.--...../.-ll�� �.'. � _ ' �---.. .- -�-�-- 19. _... 'l'�� 1'he IIonuraWc, Thc Council, _ l City of St. Paul, Minn. / Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hcreby petition your Hunurable Boc]y to cause thc fullowing improvement to be made: . --�-----:' �t'?�. _ ,-...��: � �s7_ � r ;t -V C(:�f�s:� � � " � - -------- ------ -------------------- ---- -._._--- �----- --�-- � - - �---�--- - � - , -�- - - =- - • -- ----- �— , _ _ . --- ---- _._... `: =�- 'l��_�'�'..,�� - ---•--- -. .. -•--•-.-•-•- L " • ' � .�� t .-�`, ---------------- - - ------ -- - - -- - ------------ �-- �--�----�-.-------- st _ . from .I.. .."�'"z - � , � -- - - -- . ve. . � , ' -�--� -- ----------------- -�-- �t. Ave. ' � ---�--------------------- to---L:.: : ..... � _ ,. __ ��;�G l. 1i�.�� � " , . �-- .t� � j • --•-- -��--- - � -:�-- �r �- , ;;. ---�y�--=�:.�._�_...,..... St Ave. -------------��--------..... , _ _ NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /i�i. �- }yq [ � � ') ^ � r - - ----//L:sZ__1�==`_�/i�'_%I:•,.� \'S (' '' // � - .,`�_ i�l� �� l� �. 1 _/� ' , — �--y�-- �;.G:"'�E:�� --�'`I�-- /?1?��_L?7�-��:��-%'_/L_���-, , C�v,. - p►v ,�-I� ILc J _�� �'_.�:.°_CG_c.zy �;ta,v—.�c�e= , ��.. �l -�� —,�!// —�, '•�� __.,!� .�, __ � . 1�_1_�` _ ��=-_l� -_�__���= � ,� / � --- , - -- •-�- -� __ , � r -c ,L�1;'��- � . %•_i . . � ' . — �L+�.`�1- .__���.u..�.r'(„'U �./�S �- ' --- — - -- —���?..__ ���_��c.c. ,:.,�_l� C�-� � SC � '� ,�:ti,��,. T-� � � I , �'� � �:.L:� -- - _ � — — ------I------ � � � --� - --- � . . ��,:.� s; :,.,,.. October 11 , 1980 ������ Ron Maddox, Chairman St, Paul City Council City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Mr. Chairman We , the undersigned DO NOT want the Public Works Qepartment to implement the following improvements that will affect our properties : 1. Grading and paving SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank St. to 600' east, 2. Constructing water,and sanitary sewer in Suburban from 245' to 550' east of Frank st. , and 3. Constructing a storm sewer in Frank St, from Burns to Suburban. Further, we petition that the city stop and desist in its plans to implement improvements to our community as described in the September 26, 1980 correspondence, Files 18158, 18157G,18157S and 18162, from J. William Donovan. The letters are attached to this petition. PJAME ADDRESS TEL NQ . 1. , f Mc. �`f— b`E � � 2• " /-� �- 3. , . / � � —a��/ G, 6.��� ,� ��� - C . � � �� / �. � . _ � 8. • �-'z 0 cc �' /��S z(.Q.t , � `� �7 � 9. ' -- / d 8'' �o. • �,� � ,-- 5� .� �� �'� i i. ' -,.�.;/•� . ' / g �r �� � � }�.►�� �7 7,� � :�� -:._3 12. • • �o_ ,�,: ��ti CtTY OF 5T. PAUL '�'����y� DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERYICES 1lSSE55MENT DIVlSfON Z 1 8 CITY MAIt ST.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 September 26, 1980 Albert H and Helen J Weidner . 1152 McLean Ave. St. Paul , Mn. 55106 File 18162 Pa�e 1 18158 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearin� in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Courthouse (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on October 14, 1980 on the advisability of the proceeding with the following City ptoject: Construct a 6 inch water main in SUBURBAN AVENUE from approximately 273 feet East of Frank Street to approximately 573 feet East. Also, construct a sanitary sewer in SUBURBAN AVENUE from 245 feet East of Frank Street to SSO feet East of Frank Street. Also, sewer service connections. Total estimated costs and financing are as follows: SANITARY WATER S EWER Mr1IN • Direct Assessment $11 ,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Utility Aid 000.00 $ 2,800.00 , Total _ $11 ,500.00 $11 ,300.00 Estimated Assessable Rate per Residential foot $17.10 $12 .60 Sewer and water service connections will be assessed in addition to tne above at the actual cos[ per connection. If you wish detailed informetion regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction inforasation or 298-5241 for assessment infor- mation. In addition, the City technical advisors will be available to meet wfth you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to I0:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires �hat we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements thet could affect yo� or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hesring, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF ST. PAUL �e�`�'�� DEPARTMENT Of fINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIY1510N 2 1� CITY MALL 5T.PAUI,MINNE507A 55102 Septemher 26, 1980 Albert H and Helen J Weidner 1152 McLean Ave. St. Paul , Mn. 55106 File 18157 S Page Z 18157 G The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10;00 A.M. on October 14 , 1980 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Grade and pave SUBURBAN AVENL�E from Frank Street to 600 feet East- Also, open, widen and extend SUBURBAN AVENUE fram Frank Street to approximately 600 feet East by condemning and taking a permanent street easement over the following described land: All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29N, Range 22W described as a 60 foot strip in said 1/4 section, said strip being bounded on the North by the South line of McLean Avenue, on the South and East by Suburban Hills and on the West by Kings Addition, and also that part of Lots 8 end 9, Block 30, Suburban Hills , all lying within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet and with its center located � 20 feet south of the North line of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills and 555 feet more-or-less East of the center line of (Hester) Frank Street and also all that part of the South 30 feet of said 60 foot strip lying Northwesterly of above described circle. Also, except the above described circle and except the West 80 feet of the North 166.5 feet of Lot 11 , and except the East 40 feet of the North 163 feet of Lot 12 , the North 30 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11 , 12 and 13, East of (Hester) Frank Street in Block 30, Suburban Hills . Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned hy excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Suburban Avenue from Frank Street to approx- imately 600 feet East• The total estimated cosc of this project is $52 ,300.00 and will be financed as follows: Dizect Assessment $43 ,092 .00 City Aid $ 9,208.00 To ta 1 $52 ,300.00 The estimated rate per assessable foot is $45.00. -continued on Pege 2- —�— �����e�� If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for censtruction information (Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessmenc information (Department of Finance and Management Services) . In eddi- tion the City Technical Advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss [his proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charcez requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements, that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views aCout it known co the City Council , wt,ether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONGVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER . ♦ , ' a !�� �{' /c�(I„} �Il�� /r`!�.S v �'r� � �li �� � � `.O �. I � . � I ; : 1 �� �,, _ ' � � . � ------ . ; , ,-- - - - - � -- - - - ---� � _ _��1' _ �o _io� . � ._60 _ I__ ~ LI e_ ; � � -- � ��.���.���� .� ----- -- _ w _ -- o T — ---- - � r.l� � z,—_' _�C.'�;- ` � ' �' 'r."t /aU S'[Y , 1._�1 .r�-s E D n�-�.� �--,;�� �� ,,•,fy� / _.�r � f�_ f -..��-�f i --i — � � %00 i a - ------ -I .� %779 � • f � � �� � � � o!� j '�c� 0 , , ��� , ;: u, ; �t' � -o � �� `�� , I + r I � t� ' �� p Cti � I � I ! t� ls� � :��; � � �. � � �� � � ,oi , '� C - . � - � � � � rv� �� UNC'RF_�C'� �-I ( � 11 '�i � _ _ ,,MeyE,� �� ,� � wc� ;�� ! , --� , �� ; � _ ,_ I _ °�, ._ �I ; i D�'' ,° � � � 7G/.c'/�/E� �' t i t/r w�t�i►�CE � ,� 1 � . �^ -�i�z "�'��,; C+� i ` � � �,� (r, ,� �� � ,> �,� �' _I__ - .. - - �C- � , I ��, -- ---- -- ---- ' 1 � �� � �;�,V�N- n, � . � � ' f;,�TT��� , ,,, • , �; �� ; � : �' t ��,� _ �..,r.--- ,,� i ,u��r�E/� � � . I ��6h7J.lU �M� + Q` c n : a.•�. �-- - /OD l01� ��n ��>J x1 t 1Y �� .)C,[�l)� ��� �� �?Cl I �Tl � �l I�!C �n•'1 I � . O Ci V � I � ��. � !�_ ---\ �— .._. _ _ . -- - � I� G� lv '� . � � � < • � ��, �, " , c�, ,,/� � cD , P � �� � --� - - - - - - -- - •- � �`-� i ` ' ' � ' (.__ � ._ . � _ - -.__ �---- I ' � r �,en�.v�e,C `; �o , � � , _.... _._ . y; � -� C!,�L L t/1/�f � O L.I � —._, C., ,, � O �; � - - -- �� � � �u1►I R� - --__' _ �----------- _ � , 3 ��� � � , � � {, � ,,t, h,� A� � � �p ,T� , O; lo � � �- � -- --- ----� , �� �1�i`��C'7/NEZ izo V �.s�-�u� :- -�--- ---\ -�, �--- ,. �: °� �( o_' �oo ��� "; � , ^, :7 �. � - - - _ -�1 /OU .. _ � _60 _ _ /�{3 .. • � -!"�d�....�� aa,. � �; �,�y�Fwy�,� � �;- -- - ° ,, ,o �- i . � - -�'�� �� �; ,^ -- �rs- - --�----%2s-- - -. � �- � , r w '� 'y�.' � 1.. l� L � ►... ,, .�� 3 � , , � o �' , ` � � k _ .�,__ � � � _ _ __'�` ,� � �^ � � a s--�--- , ^ �o � � � , ,:,.� o � � �_ o = __ _ , � M � � �- --,�.. i � ��'- � -r) V \ � o - �— --- -- --i �°'_�t�:�, -- C � v�i �� (r� I �7 11 : % t, � . 1 - ---•�- , � � . � �o =' �,, o ' ir9.t� . �. , --- � 3n.f `- � ,- -------- -- ----- -' - - -- - !�—J��C> o , L�'��/-''�"%r""�• .�� t - - - ---------- - -- -�--- - ---- � 3U3 �,� r' . ?�i. io � - - '-I�B` �O 'D �•, ���� � � � � o i � � � 1 � - � i � .'. _ _. ' ._ "'_. _ 'r � . � � � ►� �� � ��E � � �� �ra.�. �a.i� ,G.; October 11 , 1980 I�r(t�� f�' Ron Maddox, Chairman St. Paul City Council City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Mr. Chairman We , the undersigned DO NOT want the Public Works Department to implement the following improvements that will affect our properties : 1. Grading and paving SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank St. to 600' east, 2. Constructing water,and sanitary sewer in Suburban from 245' to 550' east of Frank st. , and 3. Constructing a storm sewer in Frank St. from Burns to Suburban. Further, we petition that the city stop and desist in its plans to implement improvements to our community as described in the September 26, 198a correspondence, Files 18158, 18157G..18157S and 18162, from J. William Danovan. The letters are attached to this petition. tdAME ADDRESS TEL PJO �. ' a � � 7 �3 z.' r �' � � � � - a � . 3. ��...�..�? // � � y � �� s� ' 4. � , � � �C-���' 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. � 12. CITY OF ST. PAUL r*� �► � •-<,-� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �1���.'��1' ASSESSMENT DIYISION 21$ CiTY HALL ST.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 September 26, 1980 Albert H and Helen J Weidner _ 1152 McLean Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55106 File 18162 PaRe 1 18158 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Courthouse (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on October 14, 1980 on the advisability of the proceeding with the following City project: ' Construct a 6 inch water main in SUBURBAN AVENUE from approximately 273 feet East of Frank Street to approximately 573 feet East. Also, construct a sanitary sewer in SUBURBAN AVENUE from 245 feet East of Frank Street to 550 feet East of Frank Street. Also, sewer service connections. Tota1 estimated costs and financing are as follows: SANITARY WATER SEWER MAIN Direct Assessment $11 ,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Utility Aid 000.00 $ 2,800.00 Total $11 ,500.00 $11 ,300.00 Estimated Assessable Rate per Residential foot $17.10 $12 .60 Sewer and water service connections will be assessed in addition to the above at the actual cost per connection. If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction information or 298-5241 for assessment infor- mation. In addition, the City technical advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER � � ��������� CtTY Of 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMEN7 DIYISION 21$ CtTY HALL ST.PAUI.MINNESOTA 55102 September 26, 1980 Albert H and Helen J Weidner 1152 McLean Ave. S t. Pa ul, Mn. 55106 File 18157 S Page 2 18157 G The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on October 14, 1980 on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Grade and pave SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to 600 feet East• Also, open, widen and extend SUBURBAN AVENUE from Frank Street to approximately 600 feet East by condemning and taking a permanent street easement over the following described land: All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29N, Range 22W described as a 60 foot strip in said 1/4 section, said strip being bounded on the North by the South line of McLean Avenue, on the South and East by Suburban Hills and on the West by Kings Addition, and also that part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 30, Suburban Hills, all lying within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet snd with its center located • 20 feet south of the North line of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills and 555 feet more-or-less East of the center line of (Hester) Frank Street and also all that part of the South 30 feet of said 60 foot strip lying Northwesterly of above descrihed circle. Also, except the above described circle and except the West 80 feet of the North 166.5 feet of Lot 11 , and except the East 40 feet of the North 163 feet of Lot 12, the North 30 feet of Lots 9, 10, 11 , 12 and 13, East of (Hester) Frank Street in Block 30, Suburban Hills . Also condemnfng and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills , including the right of removal of lateral support fram subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Suburban Avenue from Frank Street to approx- imately 600 feet East• The total estimated cost of this project is $52,300.00 and will be financed as follows: Direct Assessment $43 ,092 .00 City Aid $ 9,208.00 Tota1 $52 ,300.00 The estimated rate per assessable foot is $45.00. -continued on Page 2- �+�.. aj +,{ -z- ;����.��l� If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction information (Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessment information (Department of Finance and Managemen[ Services) . In addi- tion the City Technical Advisors will be available to meet with you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvements, that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known co the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DON�VAN VALLiATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER . ' r� /�'t1,3 �If / '!� v '�� , . � �V a..:, a� � ;c �\r •"1 'I � .S � � � L I I 7r{��� ! �� .. 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