276168 WHITE - CITY CLERK � '^ PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ����� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L N � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept a grant from the St. Paul Companies, Inc. in the amount of $38,859. 00, said sum to be utilized in defraying fixed costs for a project known as the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordination Project; a description of said project being herewith attached and made a part of this resolution, and FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to perform such tasks as are necessary to see to the successful completion of the project. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Request�d by rtment of: Hunt ��t�� Levine _� [n Favor Maddox � / � �ite _ Against By [�6 ' Tedesco wlson JAN 8 �98� Form A roved by it y Adopted by Council: Date ° Certified P•s e b Council re By 1 , App by Mavor: a AN 13 1981 Approv Mayor for Su 'on Co c' $y — BY ptl�tr�o ;,►A N 1 719 81 r " ���� . ��.__., CITY �F SAINT PAUL •' ' DEPARTMENT OF POLICE . : : i�ii�ii � .� � Wm W McCutcheon, Chief of Police ,��. 101 East Tenth Street $aint Paul,Minnesota 55101 \ 612-291-1111 December 23, �9so RECEIVED DEC 2�31g8p -- . - Pau� : CITY ATTO��JEY The attached has been approved for funding by the St. Paul Companies. Could you please prepare a resolution. Thank you. /�� !: . . + � . � � t � �O J <�= �>�:, ��= "�`�' . ' .r � ����� I I IL S I . I'/1UL i.11t�11'/1N 1 I_`,i, 1 NC. SUf'i'LI_��iLN1�L • , GR/1NT /11'I'LIC/1TIUN �lame arid Address of Organization Uate November 10, 1980 St. Paul , Pol ice De��artinent 101 E. lOth Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Contact Person Barbara Renshaw - Phone 292-3583 F'urpose of Organization � To provide public saFety services for the City of St. Paul . Objectives SEE ATTACHED Geo�raphic Area Served City of St. Paul Population Served PJumber of people/ye�r 263,000 citizens of St. Paul l�escriptive data abo��t. targc�i: pc��ulal ion N/A , I I II ti I . I'l1Ul. i t►f ll'JIN I I 1� I NG. , - •- sui>i�i � Mr.,r�iiu. ..: � -. GEinN r ��,��i��_�c;ni �uN ��b�.�� f'ercent of �arc�cl po{:�ulat.ion servi�cl linkr�c�wii Uther �population served N q ----L_______.._____._._.--_— ._ Financial 4Jhat percentaye/amount of income in your� current budget is from: . � $ Private Foundations p Corporations p Government � Inditiidual� Contributic�ns p � Earned Income � p Other (Please Specify) 100 w City of St. Paul General Fund . Total Budget $17,130,252 Dates of Fiscal Year• January l, 1981 - December 31 , 1981 Volunteers Elow'many volunteers work for your organization 185 (118 Police Reserves and 67 N110' s) _ Wha� dollar value do you place on t;heir time $180,000 What functions do they perform Traffic details, crowd control , non-enforcement service-oriented duties. Amount B�in� Requested ar �7?_ ,230 (for 18 months}` � Total Amount Needed $7?_ ,230 (for 18 months) Period of Time Grant �1onies �leedecllQeginning January 1, 1981 - for 15-18 months. Other Sources /lpproached Gnd Status of Requcst N/A Pu rpose of�Request Provide a liaison between the con�imanity and the St. Paul Police Department , ----—-- � _. ___------_f_.__ _____._.--- , I I II `.�I . I'I'�UI. '.UI il'11td 1 I '�� I fJl:. r .. � �ui�i�i ! ���i.r�t n�. �tfi�.��3 Gitnr�i ;�.��i'11C/11Ii�N �` `iri ordcr to iin��rc�vr, comniiuiic��tioii ancl �:r•inie �ri�evc�iii.i��ri efforts. Antici_pated Source s of Lon Term Fundinc The position could be picked up . --5--�__- -�-- -- - -.�_�______ by the City in the future. arief Description of Project Evaluation Records of ineetings and information _distributed, questionnaire to Team Lie�atenants and District Planning Councils and completion of plan for crime prevention priorities. . Qoard Approval Date of Approval of Request by Board of Directors Signature of [3oard Chairperson Signature:. of Executive Director Revised 9/80 ' . •� OIi�!I 1; I I Vi '� �!��.�� llc:wrclitiq l.c� Sl:. I'�it.il CiL,y Urclin�in�t� N��. 1!,:43/, ti��c;Lic�ii 7, the St. P�ul I'Ulicc f)���artinent is ��t�hli;hed to ��erform thc� fc�llowinc� functions: (a) Preserve tf�c� ��ubl ic �����acc, prevent cr:i���e, ar�d detect and arrest. . offenders. (b) Administer and enforce laws regulating, directing, controlling and : restricting the niovement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the gen�ral use of the str•eets by vehicles and the public. (c) Operate a training program to maintain and improve the efficiency of the members of the Department. (d) Prepare reports on injuries to persons and property occurring by accident or otherwise on the street, in alleys and other public places within the city as required by law. (e) Provide a proced�are for the sale, destruction or other disposition of all weapons or other articles used in the commission of crime or coming into the custody of the department; provided, that where such weapon or articles may be used as evidence in either a civil or criminal proceeding, it shall in no way be disposed of except upon a written order of a court " of law. � (f) Provide a procedure for the sale of unclaimed, lost or stolen articles coming into the custody of the Department. �` ���y/�1�� � fll i�� �� 111 �{ll� �) ��11���1 i ���;i �.��(i! 11171...J ' � � fJl li�lll,Oi�ll�il��i i�.itl��l I'Itl '�I I�lI IiIN � lli►I;IiINAI IUtJ I'IZO�JC(:�I� �(���� Il�t� 5l . I'��iil I'nl ic �� I�������i'luu�ii� � � ��u��sLs I.I���L I.iic S�iint Pdul Cc�m4�anic�s fuiicl iLs Nc�i��lil,��r•hc����l (;�•iin�� I'i �wri�Lic�i� C����� �liii�it:iuii I'r�c�,i��cl . This projcr.0 wc�uld ��i���vi�l�� for the h i ri ng o f �� ('rograni Goor•d i r�<i 1,ur wlic� w�u 1 d be empl oyed by the Pol i ce De�»rtmr_i�t ��iid serv� �as �� I i��i son be�Cw��c��� tlic.� I'c�i i ce D�partment and tlie comnun► i l y. . � 1St. Paul hr�s s+ime cif the resources i�eeded to establ ish a community crime prevention efior,t. Tf�� f'olice Department trains and utilizes volunteers for certain ,police functions through the Police Reserve and Neighborhood Assistance Officer Progra�ns. It also has a sn�all Crime Prevention Unit that examines residential and commercial premises to recommend security measures to reduce opportunities for crime. And the concept of Team Policing was designed to �make � polic�::a�cessible to the community for� involvement in crime prevention. Despite the existence of these resources, coordinated community crime prevention has not been fully achieved. The Police Department is charged with the responsibility of public order maintenance in a community that, historically, has prided itself on its fragmentation. As evidence of the fragmentation, one needs only to look at the 17 Community Planning Councils and the diversity of concerns that reside within each of those 17 areas, One aspect of public order maintenance is crime prevention., an effort that helps neighborhoods, blocks, and houses to understand and respond to the social phenomenon of crime. The St. Paul Police Department Team Policing structure is an effort to provide publac order and respond to fragmentation, using the limited resources available for police service. The Police Department also has tried to respond to the issue " of crime prevention by encouraging Team officers to participate with crime prevention programs, neighborhoods and, where appropriate, with individual homes in developing a crime prevention theme. However, in the real world of police service, crime preventior� is of a relatively low priority in that it produces no tangible, easily measured results. Therefore, when a Team Commander assigns � people to crime prevention, over a long period of time, he runs the risk of dele- gating resources to unmeasurable programs. � In recent interviews, most Team Lieutenants reported that they attend community meetings, but that their priority activities were calls-for-service. Police personnel have demonstrated a willingness to cooperate with community ' efforts; however, they sometimes lack the resources to initiate those efforts. The Neighborhood Planning Councils could provide effective initiatives, but their efforts are fragmented and they often lack an understanding of the kind of services that can be provided by police. In an effort to structure a city-wide crime prevention program and format, this Department participated in two planning sessions. Although a great deal of Department resources were experided in meetings, the results were a splintering of the planning group into irreconcilable camps. It is the Department' s position that a city-wide crime prevention program will not happen. The communities of interest are different, the problems dissimilar and the people incoinpatible. At the same time, there is a strong argument that crime prevention programs will work if the relative area of concern is small , problems are localized and people participating have a voice in the strategy of problem solving. Team Commanders believe such an approach makes sense, that it car� and has, worked. + ����� Nctnc�tl�c�lc�ss, Ihr frr����n����L��L�it��i o' I�����r�r•l�nc���f. i•csaurces prohibits thc�incl c�i coni:iiiuit,y iicc.es;�ir�.y fc�r str��teqy 1.� ,�nsl��rciicc� ai�d soliiti0n Sharinc� it thc Te�ain l evel , iie i c�lil���►•hac�cl I evel c�r bl o� �: I eve l . Recen� devel opments have eniphasized the need for im4�roved communicat.ion �ind crime prevention efforts in St. Paul nei�hbor•f�c�ods. 11ie Incfo-Chinese refuyce coiiniiunity of over 10,000 persons poses srecial, problems and requires special attention in terms of lanc�u����� and cuitural communication. l�t a recent incident on Rice Street, racial and ethnic''tensions surf�ced. That community now seems to be particularly concerned about�interaction wii:h the police, and the Department is concerned about prevention of a �similar disruption in the future. � The conmion thread running throuyh our efforts in crime prevention is the need for continuity, the need for in�naqement knov�ing what Teams are doing, Teams knowing what management is doing and the communities, in all their diversity and independence, being aware of crime problems and how solutions to those issues can best be addressed. The best way to address th� problem af continuity is to create a position of Program Coordinator. This person would be charged with the responsibility of program `coordination serving two constituents - the community and Team Commanders, and responsible to the Chief of Police. PROGRAM GOAL: To provide a liaison function in the St. Paul Police Department that will . work to effectively coordinate the crime prevention efforts of the District Planning Councils and the Team Police Lieutenants through public information, crinje'-prevention assistance, training and cooperative problem solving, so that toge�her the resident:s and police will improve public safety in St. Paul neighborhoods. ; PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: (a) To identify areas for improved relations between the Police Department and the neighborhood Planning Councils. . . (b) , To identify and implement improvements in Police Department policy 'and service delivery. (c) .To' identify and implement crime prevention priori.ties for Department . : policy and long-range planning. : ,:.� (d) To`�assist Team Lieutenants to prevent or resolve neighborhood problems. ,:, : (e) 7o`�`provide a formal communications link between District Planning Councils and police to insure that commitments are met and their success evaluated. ,, (f) To improve conm�unications between police and the community by making , the District Planning Councils aware of existing resources within • the Police Department. � ~ ' ������V ' ' ItI SI11.,iS l.Xl'(:(:ii.U: (��) Inc:ri�r�;eci rc�iiL�i� l.: I���I.w����r� til.. I'��ul I'��l i� c� I)r����i-I.nicnt ��nd neicJhl�cir�i��ci�i or�]�iiirations. . (b)„ More information made available to the community. ' (c) Pl;evention oF inajor disturbances. , :�,; (d)� ,.,R�'an of crime �revention pri�rities. METHODOLOGY: � � Hire a Program Coorcfinator to serve as liaison between the Police Department and the District Planning Councils. This person should be knowledgeable of community organizations and criminal justice and not a sworn officer. The person 'would assist Team Lieutenants to respond to community problems, suggest solutions and evaluate police response. This person would also work with the District Planning Councils to insure that they make the best use of police services. He/she would recommend to the St. Paul Police Department P1anagement Team policies affecting the resources of the Police Department' s Crime Prevention Unit. �'The Coordinator would work with Team Lieutenants to identify .areas where volunteers and neighbors are unable to solve problems and areas where police service needs expansion. This information would be communicated to the Chief of Police. Such a coordination and liaison function will provide information needed,to estabTish goals for crime prevention and long-range planning. , , EVALUAfiION: E,valuation of the function would be made by the Police Chief. The following will be used to evaluate the success of the Pro�ram: _ - Records of ineetings attended, information given to the community in the form of mailings, reports, etc. - A� before and after c�uestionnaire will be distributed to District Planning Councils and Police Team Lieutenants. - ` Completion of a plan for crime prevention priorities. BUDGET::.' This function would be supported by a grant of �52,158 for one year. The grant would begin January 1, 1981 and run from 15 to 18 months. If proven successful , the position would be requested in the 1982 budget. Continuation . fundang �may be requested for years 2 and 3 to meet the needs of neighborhoods as identified in the pilot year. �`;• ;, �� . �� r �•`' ���1�V � �i . i�nii� rni_ � r:r i�i�i�ni?rr�i N i NI I��I IltOftl l(1��1� CIt i P11: I'ItI.VI ��T tON• CQOI�n�rin r[�N PROJECT :�' l3Ul)(.�LT • :, LL� ,� 12 MONTHS 15 MONTHS 18 MONIHS Salat�y , 24,�'00 31,000 37,200 Qenefits � 5,500 6,875 8,250 Tr.avel , Lod9ing, Meals ; 2,7Q0 3,375 4,0'��� Registration Fees ,i'' �00 1,000 1,7nn ,. Vehicle Purchase !`��� 8,000 8,000 8,000 �, Fu�l ' /��, 1 ,000 1,250 1,500 � Maintenance l��r 800 1,000 � 1,2�0 Telephone . 275 345 415 ;r , Equipment. (Work Statioa) N� 3,500 3,500 3,500 ,; Postage (100 Pieces, P�onthly) ✓ 200 250 300 , Printing �, 2,000 2,500 3,000 Organization Dues 50 100 100 . Books, Periodicals � 50 65 75 Administration (5%) �' 2,484 2.,963 3,440 �,. �•.}3 '�� �52,159 $62,223 �72,230 "�; . . t � .;�n `�} `r� � f ,.I -. � r: . �� �;1''. � � �<' l �t �� ���J. ..:•:.�y., . . .�1 L'^ . /'� 1 . ';u ' . r1t� . � I. 1., 1 I 't �� . �yj. K � �