276159 - � � �7� i s�
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Council File No."?76ID9 — BY '113ctor�J. . asfolbws: a :•. ; . „
Tedesco— • ,., aJ'Phit ' " strnctures; or
RE80LVtD 1�k upOU ihe Q�Pier treec ar�e�wi4pxp:t6e'� .
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FrnmdqC�,P�ttem,ShoP;tp� tLdi,ect�oir �� er
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�„z4ame�er��ted �Rioued ; ' �;. �Mt�or '
a;a pubiic sf�: " ��� �0�'
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'1he Southerlp 18 flet of lfye Norlherly 25 ' ' _
feet�t��Si��'4M'�'R►i100 b)7bat� � '` '�I�s� ten
feet`ot l.ot 3�and the Norther�y IQ feet.of . �' ''�itY.
Iut t.all in sl��ll.tqy�ot�a. w
Contalqtng2,�0�qM�'�- . <',- e)T6q,R,,� x . ,�'�!leithin
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aud 3 aud of . '" t9,'a6w!i�M�d _ . �, k ::c �
the�.uey.edl iu� �li�ee ffie��r allbat. '° t��ir cuc-
�robklF�u� ak�ael�io " °�O� �.��'.
sald Blocks t�fE�aaf�![ooi�p �;�Ow�c� �opd[�ons of
Levee��4eelc�elladsaidLDt�:B�RIc �. fa!��7:�-
1,of MPiplpq��'��on to Wesf'�t
Paul that ir �a line dMe�$- - �Cit�:of : ater
-e�as�(bw�: ' �t.the IItillr'� ents.
nwnu�aent at thc �ve`s�er19 a�o�f, �. �em s11
IAt 1.�ek if Hro9klja�d. s�dts. ' . tihaA
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Nerth`3i°Qi W $esterly Une tM`Petltioners.their
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lta'�3fkx�dd,.• from afl svIts�
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the Nort6v�,r 1i� ` f c 2su4� ' tY8 ta; a�rleim
Slock tJ�t1ie:-�Biook � b�1tle'd��y':�iqf�a�eS: or
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feet t��� aid alndt�YlOi�:' ,:��oLcaodpct of said
Lot 2. , : r • �`el�hn or
the Noa� �, �+ ' lock y si an any
20.fOr � (ng � ¢Y � �made
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2.'Phat thr ," t�ttuee rights Wa�er after
t P� � #�actury
•of the Cttg' egre�and In-
. B�'��'�` . �vq�Ytiod arm pme/i�.`�;W�ttorney.
for the ���. AdoP�ed'bp�ttae�ouncll Janp�3`1961.
taiqi� �, Approve9 Jan�y 9.19�t.
3•lbpt th�►� �+arrieis to -Wenuary 1T.19811
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5.That a�rp��, �`�:, �
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6.That s iF qiat e�pent bt,t'�ie�ned
ior tl�t�l ,r�iE Btilit9.or�future water
rtwln that may be loested la tJils ease-
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To; Ron Maddox, Council President and
Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donova.n
Valuation and Assessment Engineer �
Date: December 8, 1980
Sub�ect: Petition of Pier Foundry and Pattern Shop, Inc., Donald
M. Grilz, president, for the va.cation of part of State
Street and portions of Lots 3, �, 5 aild 6, Block 20,
tvwn of Brooklynd. .
Public Hearing - December 9, 1980
The petitioner requested this vacation to add the cited property to the abutting
land nc�w owned by the Pier Faundry and Pattern Shop, Inc. The lands requested to
be va.cated include portions of Sta.te Street and ad3oining lands tY�a.t were
initially acquised as right-of wa.y for the St. Pa.ul Floal Control Project. The
la.nds are outside the area. being utilized for the Flood Control Project and are
thus surplus to the City's needs. The va.ca.ted area will be used in the following
Part I will be used for constructing a building to house
electric melting equipment to meet the Minnesota Air Quality
Sta.nda.rds as stipulated in an Agreement with the Sta.te of
Minnesota. -
P�rt II will be used to enlarge autside equipment storage and
employee parking facilities.
The area to be va.cated is 16,9�+7 square feet more-or-less and �is zoned I-2.
The Department of Public Works has reviewed the proposed va.cation of State Street
and adjoining area and reports that a 21-inch storm sewer is presently located
northeaster],y of the proposed vacation. A twenty foot permanent sewer easement
must be retained centered along the existing sewer for the protection and �inte-
nance of said sewer. The petitioner has flirnished a legal survey shrnering the
storm sevter to be centered at least 10 feet away from the praposed vaca.tion, thus
. making the retention of the easement unnecessary.
Water Utility reports that there is a 20-inch water main within the State Street
right-of way portion of the proposed vacation area. A thirty foot easement
centered over the sa.id water me.in must be m�.intained until such time that the wa.ter
main is moved. They also request a thirty foot ea.sement centexed aver any Puture
wa.ter mai.n that might be looa.ted in this vacation area.
The Department of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed the request and
finds no ob�ection to the vacation as indicated.
Northern Sta.tes Power Campar�y states that they ha.ve overhead and underground electric
distribution facilities within this area and request that their facilities be pro-
.��_-�. -
_ . � .
, � , „ . m�
-2- yr d.y
� ��.�
Northwestern Bell Telephone Compa�}r has a buried cable in Sta.te Street from Ala.bama
Street north, under the railroa.d tracks on the west side, that provides telephone
service to the Pier Founclry. They need this buried cable to serve this customer
and, therefore, wish to continue their utility easement in State Street.
The Department of Ar�y Corps of Engineers ha.s no objections to the proposed va.-
cation, but recommend that a11 drainage be kept away f�om the Levee, and that the
petitioner provide ba.rriers, such as precast concrete parking blocks or a guaxd-
rail to prevent vehicles from encroa.ching on the Levee. These ba.rriers must not
restrict drainage.
There were no ob3ections �om any other public or priva.te agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend that the va.cation be approved, subject to
the follcn�ring conditions:
1. That the description of the property to be va.cated read as follows:
The Souther]y 15 feet of the Northerly 25 feet of Lots
4, 5, 6, and of the Easterly 10.0 feet of Lot 3, and the
Northerly 10 feet of Lot 1, all in Block 20, town of
Brooklynd. Containing'2,680 square feet.
All tha.t part of Lot 1, Block 1 of Marshall's Addition
to West Saint I�.ul and of Lots 2 and 3 and of va.cated Lots
10 and 11, and the alley all in Block 20 of the town of
Brooklynd and of State Street adjacent to said Blocks and
of the la.nd kncr�rn as the Levee or the extension of said
Lot 1, Block 1 of Marshall's Addition to West Saint �ul
tY�at is encompassed by a line described as follows:
Beginning at the iron pipe monument at the Northwesterly
corner of Lot 1, Block 20 of the town of Brookl,ynd, thence
South 23°09' East along the Westerly line of sa.id Lot 1,
for 55.90 feet to the iron pipe monument, thence South
69°36'32'� West for 60.07 feet to a point on the Easter�y
line of Lot 7, Block 6 of Marsha.11`s Addition to West Saint
Paul, thence North 23°09' West, along the Easter]�y line
of said Lot 7, for 19.0 feet to the Northerly corner of
sa.id Lot 7, Block 6," thence continuing North 23°09' West,
along the Westerly line of 5tate Street, for 60.62 feet
to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of Marsha.11's
Addition to West Saint Pa.ul, thence continuing North 23°09'
West, along the Ea.sterly line of said Lot 1, for 60.d+ feet,
thence North 38°57'30" West for �99.03 feet, thence South 60°
28'32" East for 93.31 feet, thence South 68°27' East for �
144.61 feet to a point on the Northerl,y line of Lot 3, Block
20 of the tcywn of Brooklynd, thence North 62°05'30" Ea.st,
along said Northerly line,for 35•39 feet, thence Sauth
27°54'30" East for 10.00 feet, thence south 62°05'30" West,
parallel to the Northerly line of sa.id Lots 2 and 3 of Block
20 of the tvwn of Brookl�ynd, for 80.00 feet to a point on
the Westerly line of said Lot 2, thence North 27°54'30"
West, along the Westerly line of Lot 2, for 10.0 feet to
the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2, thence South 62°05'30"
West, along the Northerly line of Lot 1 of said Block 20,
, • _3_ i D �y
ti �����
for 28.01 feet to the point of beginning and foresaid
lines bearing South 60°28'32" East and South 68°27' Ea.st
are 10.0 feet SouthNresterly of (measured at right angles)
the existing storm se�wer. Containing 14,267 sqvare feet.
��-2' That the vaca.tion be sub3ect to all the terms and conditions of
Chapter 228 of the St. �ul Legislative Code, as amended.
,�,-�: That the vacation be sub�ect to the righ�s of the City of Saint
Paul to egress and ingress over and across the va.cation area
for the purpose of aperating and m�.intaining Flood Control
3 -� That the petitioner provide 'barriers to prevent vehicles from
encroaching on the Levee and tha.t these ba.rriers do not restrict
��: That a specific easement be reta ined to protect the interest of
Northern States Pc�wer Campany.
,s.�:" That a specific easemea�t be retaitted to protect the interest of
Northwestern Bell Telephone Compa�y.
(�7: That a 30 foot easement be retained centered along the existing
water main for the Water Utility, ar� ar�y fliture wa.ter �.in that
may be loca.ted in this easement area..
Restrictions within the easement area. are as follows:
" a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are
permitted within the easement area., or arry
temporary structures, materj,al storage, fixture
or other ob�ects that will prohibit norm�l access
to water fhcilities for maintenance purpos�s.
b) Tha.t no change f�om the existing grade is permitted
without written permission Prom the Water Utility.
c) The.t no change in surf�.cing within the easement area.
is permitted without written permissioa from the
Water Utility.
d) That the petitioners, their successors and assigns
shall by acceptance of the terms and conditions of
this va.cation agree to 2lilly indemnify, defend and
save harmlese the City of Saint Paul and the Water
Utility, tbeir officers, agents, employees, and
servants from all suits, actions or claims which
shall arise flrom any ia�uries or damages received
or sustained by an�y break in aqy service pipe, or
connection in said reserved easemeirt, arising out
of or resulting trom ar�y action or negligence of the
petitioners, their eacployees, ageats or business
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��1.�' iN.�.�' '..—r.,.^a
��/.�: That the petitioner must pay all the cost of relocating said ���„��I�'
� water main, all to be done to the satisfaction of the Water
�f9: Tha.t the petitioner pay to the City the sum of $10,700.00 as
compensa.tion for the va.ca.tion.
��d. That the petitioners flirnish the City with a bond in the amount
� of $10,000.00, and by acceptance of the terms and conditions o°
this �ra.cation agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the
City of Sa.int Pe.ul, its officers and employees f�om all suits,
actions, or claims of ar�y character, including, but not limited
to, a claim brought because of ar�y injuries, or damages received
or sustained by arLy person, persons or property, on account of
this vacation; or because of ar�y act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of sa.id petitione�; or because of ar�y claim or li-
ability arising from or based on ar�y violation of ar�y la.w or
regula.tion made in accorda.nce with the la.w, whether by the •
petitionerSor ar�y of #t�s agents or employees.
�� -("p Fr tZ
.-N� I fl�rther recomtnend tha.t the proper City Officials be authorized and directed
to convey to the prime petitioner, Pier Foundry and Pa.ttern Shop, Inc„ the
City's interest in all those portions of the herein described vacated ways
]ying North of the Ea.ster�y extension of the South line of va.cated�Wa�r Street
after petitioner has submitted satisfactor•y proof of c�mer�hip._.to the ity
Attorney. �`'�
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cc: N�yor George La.timer