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publk�nkt dtl�fii,be��ed t6e'
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betwaeo qMl�I1�It�iteitlCimdactended
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'��e's � of 8�t:�:
3!Torth oue-ha}t.�-�oelt S.Winh�traddi-
tion to St. .
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subject expressly to the followiag c�is -;
�d refiervations:,,.,:^.g ; - �
i.That the vacstidi�'be'sub�t Ml all the !
� terins and ltio�s ot � �'at�
LAe�t.`Paa{,�" �df�end.
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'%trxF�re pelautted evithL�the ease-
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' " Sures. materlal storege� fixture or �
�'^otheroDjecta th�t wiil prodibit noH `
mal acceseto saiaeeaneent. - -�
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(Re�istered$tll No Bll141)�p�18 in.
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, Apprasead Jatwqe�'9.1981 »��u..�.;?- ;{
w:" . (denuary 17.1i�11'i' s -
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To: Ron N�ddox, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donovan
ValUation and Assessment Engineer
Date: December l, 1980
Subject: Fetition of J. Hawa.rd Broderius Trust
for the vacation of part of Grotto Street
near Hubbard Avenue •
Public Hearing - December 9, 1980
The petitioner requests the va.cation of tha.t pa.rt of Grotto Street which
lies north of the extended North litte of the alley in Block 3,, J. R.
Weide's Rearrangement to the South line of Hubbard Avenue, in order to
consolida.te their awnership. The petitioner owns all of the property abut-
ting this portion of Grotto Street and the street dea.dends here due to the
railroad tracks. The petitioner �also sta.tes that the street has never been
officially graded and it is doubtful that it ever wi11 be. The area to be
va.cated is 60 feet wide by 12�+.3 feet (amounting to 7,1+61 squa.re feet) and
is zoned I-l.
The Depa.rtment of Public Works has reviewed the above referenced vaoa.tion
of Grotto Street, and reco�nmend the follawing two conditions:
l. A pex�manent easement for snow storage purposes across the
southerly 10 feet of the proposed vacation area.
2. Pa.yment of the engineering and inspection cY�arges bill of
$1,5�+9•5�+ for North Grotto Street which is still aut-
standing against the petitioner.
The sta.ff of the Depa.rtment of Planning and Economic Development has re-
vie�red the praposed va.cation area and has no ob�ections to the vacation as
Northern Sta.tes Power Co�upar�y reports a three inch �a.s service and a tra.ns-
former served by a 13,000 volt underground cable in the proposed vacation
area. They request tha.t theis interest be protected.
There were no orther reco�endations or objections from any other public or
private agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend the vacation be approved, subject to
the follawing terms and conditions;
l. Tha.t the description of the street to be vacated read
as follows:
. .
� ' � � � ..t
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Al1 that pa.rt of North Grotto Street lying
between the extended North and extended
Sauth lines of Lot 1� Block 3, Joseph R.
Weide's Rearrangement of Block 3 and North one-
half of Block 2, Winters addition to St. Pa.u1
Minne sota..
��2'. That the va.ca.tion be sub ject to all the terms and conditions
of Chapter 228 of the St. �.ul Legisla.tive Code, as amended.
z �3! That a 10 foot wide permanent snow easement must be retained
across this south portion of the vaca.tion area, subject to
the following restrictions:
a) That no bui.ldings, structures, or trees are
permitted within the easement area, or a�y
te�porary structures, m�terial storage, fixture
or other objects that will prohibit normal access
to said easement.
3 :� That a specific easement be retai.ned to protect the interest
of t�e Northern States PaFrer Compar�y.
� �5: That the improvements for Grotto Street from Pierce Butler
Route to the alley, (Re�istered Bill No. B1�+191) be pa.id in
�.i1.�. �$1�549•5�) '
�� Tha.t the petitioner pa.y to the City the sum of $7,150.00 as
compensation for the va.cation (iri addition to payment-of
Registered Bill No. B14191).
�p r7: That the petitioner flirnish the City with a bond in the amount
of $5,000.00, and by accepta.nce of the terms and conditions of
this va.cation agrees �o indemnif�r, defend and sa:ve harmless the
City of Sa.int P�ul, its officers and employees from all suits,
actions, or claims of ar�y character, including, but not limited
to, a cl.a.im brought because of any injuries, or damages received
or susta.ined by ar�y person, persons or property, on accaunt of
this va.cation; or because .of a�y act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of said petitioner; or because of any claim or
liability arising from or ba.sed on ar�y violation of any law or '
regulation made in accordance with the ]�aw, whether by the
petitioner or any of its a�ents or employees.
cc: Mayor George Lati.mer