276156 WHI'FE - CITY CLERK� �-����� PINK � - FINANCE � �' r �4,�i � ' CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR . Fll@ N O. C �z cil e lution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul enter into an Agreement with Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the Commissioner of Transportation for the installation and maintenance of railroad crossing signals and the crossing surface at the intersection of Homer Street with the tracks of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company in the City of St. Paul and appointing the Comnissioner of Transportation agent for the City of St. Paul to supervise said project and administer available Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1978) . The City of St. Paul 's share of the cost shall be ten (10) percent of the total cost; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authori�ed to execute said agreement. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto and included herein by reference COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Publ iC Wo�ks Levine [n Favor ��LG��� Maddox a/ McMahon B snowaite� _ Against Y � Tedesco Wilso d� � JRN 6 1981 Form Approved by Ci y rne A ed bv Counci - Date _ . Certified Y .:ed by Counc� Secretary BY I , A rov d by ;Vlayor. at � AN 9 �9$� Appc e by ayor f � sion to Council By w�'s�€o !A rs 1 7 t9 st • • . -. . � � . �.. . R � � �Gr ��'.�t�� . AGREEt•1ENT N0. 60246 - • DATED: S.P. G2-00127 Minn. Pro� . RRO OOOS(3) � Railroad Cross9.ng Signals and Surface Homer Street, St. Paul, MfI CfiICAGO, riILF;AUKF.E, ST. PAUL & � PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPA.'VT Ramsey County AC�NCY FU�'DS THIS AGREErIENT, made and entered into by and between the TIiE CITY OF ST. PAUL, hereinafter calle� the "City", RICF.ARD B. OGILVIE, AS TRt�STEE OF THE � PROPERTY OF CHICAC-0, MIL4IAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPI�iY, DEBTOR, hereinafter called the "Company", and the COr^4ISSIONER OF TRAIr'SPORTATION, .STATE OF MLI�'Iv'E°OTA, hereinafter called the "State", �,�ITNESSETH: k'HEREAS, the Federal Fiighway Adn�..nistration, when acting in cooperation with ttie '�'ransportation Departtaent of the State of Minnesota, is authorized by Act of Congress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of eliminating hazards at railroad gra.de crossings within the State of t4innesota; and WHEREAS, the State, pursuant to Piinnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1978), is suthorized to cooperate wiCh the United States_Government in supervising � improvenents of public highways wit��in the State of Minnesota not included in the trunk highway system, and to act in disbursing and accounting for Federal Funds in connection theretoith; and Wf�IEREAS, FIomer Street, as now established, crosses the track of the � � Compsny at grade in St. Paul, Ramsey County, ;iini:esota, the location of said crossin� and railway track being sl:own on the print liereto attached, narked �xhibit "E", and herein referred to and �ade a part of this agreement; and WI:EF�1S, Ctie City and the Company deslre thnC this grade crossing be protectecl by railre,d cr.os�ing si.F;r.al�, Canti.le.ver type , nnd the Company is - 1 _ f��'"�� ' � , , ' . � , • �`�.��� AGR�II`1EPJT N0. 60246 willing to install, mainta3n and operate such signals upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated; and WHEREAS, the City and the Company have determined that the crossing surface snould be replaced with a treated timber sections surface, and the Company is willing to install and maintain the surface upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. NOW, THEN, IT IS AGREED: 1. The State of Minnesota, Departnent of Transportation, "Standard Clauses for P.ailway �Iighway Agreements", dated September 1, 1980, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and hereinafter referred to as "Standard Clauses". Except as hereinaf:ter e:cpressly modif3ed, all of the terms and conditions set forth in the "Standard Clauses" are hereby incorporated by reference and raade a part of this agreement with the sar�e force and effect as thou�h fully set forth therein. � - Standard Clauses Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are deleted from this agree�ent. 2. The Company shall furnish all material for and with its regularly employed forces install a complete railroad erossing signal system and crossing surface on lioner Street, as indicated on attached plan marked �xhibit "B". The place�ent of the signals shall be in accordance with Part VIII of the Ztanual on L'niform Traffic Control Devices (tiUTCD) . Detailed plans, specifications and the work to be dor.e shall be sub�ect to the approval of the Depart�ent of Transportation of the State of 1`!innesota. Work of installin� thie signal system and cross3.ng surface shall be prosecuted so as to be completed witliin 12 months after ttie date the Company is authorized to be�in work. �r��, . � 2 � . . , � . . ' N ,� N ��$��� , , AGREE,�I�PJT N0. 60246 If the CoMpany shall deCermine it impossible to complete the work within the period h�rein specified, it shall make a written request to the State for an extension of time for conpletion, setting forth therein the reason for such extension. � 3. The actual costs of the pro�ect herein contemplated, includin� pre— liminary engineering costs, are to be financed with 90;' Federal Funds and 10% City of St. Paul Funds. The State and City will reimburse the Company as provided herein for only such items of work and expense as are proper and �eligible for paynent wiCh Federal Funds. Only materials actually incorporated into the proj ect �aill be eligible for Federal rei�bursement. The State's 90% portion (reunbursable with Federal Funds) will be paid to the Conpany in accordance with Article 9 of the Standard Clauses, Exhibit r�A�r. The City's 10% portion will be paid to the Conpany when the pro�ect has been completed and the Final Bill has been approved by the State. It is understood that the following estimate�is for informational purposes only. The estir,�.lted cost of the work to be done by the Co�pany hereunder with its own equipment and regularly employed forces and in accordance with the Company's agree�ents caith such regularly employed forces is as follows and in further accordance witli detailed estitaate attached hereto and marked �xhibit ����� . SIGidAL ��?OP.K � Material $10,548.00 I.abor $26,352.00 TOTAL $3G,900.00 � ��y� ' - 3 - - � . : ��� f ��, AGREEMENT N0. 60246 TRACK WORI� Material $ 7,097.00 Labor $ 4,294.00 Contingencies $_ 1,139.00 TOTAL $12,530.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $49,430.00 � Portion of costs allocated to City of St. Paul (10% of ' actual cost.) $ 4,943.00 Reimbursable i,ith � Federal Funds $44,481.OQ • 4. In the event it is deternined that a change from the foregoing statement of work to be performed by the Conpany is required, it shall .be authorized only by a written change or ektra work order issued by the State prior to the performance of the work involved in rthe change. � 5. The said grade crossing signal system and crossing surface shall be maintained and operated by the Company upon completion of its installation, but this said obligation to maintain said signal system and crossing surface shall continue in accordance with the Iaco of the State as it shall be from time to time in the future. 6. The signal systers shall not be renoved unless there has been a determination that said signals are no longer required at this location. If the si�nals a=e to be removed, the Corapany upon request of the State shall . reinstall it at �or.ie other cros�ing witlijn the State on the CoMpany's tracks. The location und division of cost uf such relocation s'k��ll be agreed upon between the Conipany ai�d the State prior to such rc�moval. (�,�, � - �, - - , �• , , - ,. . A, ;� (�.��� AGREEMENT N0. 60246 In the event that either railway or highway improvements will necessitate a rearrangement of the signals at said crossing, the party whose improvement causes said changes will bear the entire cost of the same without obligation to the other. � 7. This agreement shall be bindin� upon Richard B. Ogilvie, not as an individual, but solely in his capacity as Trustee. - 5 - I�'f" . � � A�R�1T NO. 60246 IN WITi�.SS Wf��FtDOF, th� p�rties hereto h�ve caused this agreerrent to be c�uly executed. . � Approved as tA fozm: CI7,'Y OF ST. PAUL ...... .• As�istant City Attor�ey ��r . Director, Public Wor Director, Finance and Management � Servioes In Presence of: RIC��ARD B. OGILUIE: AS �tUST� OF Z� PROPEFt'1'Y OF �iIC�, I��LL�1U'�E, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RAII�ROAD �'R�A►VY, DFBTOR BY: R+eoannenc�ed for Approval: STATE OF N�F�OTA OCY�T'�SSIONER OF Z�2ANSPORTATION Mariager, Railraad Operations In Presence of: By: Assistant �nnissioner Public Transportation - . �a�• , 19 Approv�d as to Form and �ecution: ApP�VV�p; I�PAFt7T�3VT OF AL�IIlVISTRATION By: Special Assistant Attorney General Authorized Signature _ (, _ . • • 1 STA'1'E OP 1-TIN�d�OT� D��'AR�P,�I',��"P, Or' TRAIJSI.�ORTATION S`rANDARD CLAUSIS FOR � ' RAIL'J11Y-HIGFi1�lAY AGR�FT�ZF��TS , . s�r�� 1, a.geo 1 1. The State wilJ. review plans and specifica.tions for the con- struction o£ the �rade separation structure and approve the s4para.tion of � grades of the tracl�s of the Compaxiy and of the truzi�,- higYiti�ay, as sho�m in the pl�.ns and �p�cifications refer•red to in this agreement. 2. The State a�rees to let a contract pvssuant to law for the con- struction of the hi��±ay projeci; referred to in thi� agreeu:ent, in accordance with said plans and speca.fications referxed to i.n this agrce�ant. � 3. The Sf;ate agrees t�iat all wor'r, provid.ed to be done by the State on the righi; of way of the Co;npany shall be perfoxmed ar_d ccmpleted in accor�.ance with sa�_d plans and specifications in a manner satisfactory �;o . . the Chie� 7�z�ineer of the Com�::ny, or his authorized repres^ntative. The State a�ees tha,t any contxac�: let by it, for the perfor�;l^nce of any co.lstruc- tion hoyk contemplated by this a��eement, will require tl�e contxacto.r to co�iply t.�ith all of the ,provi.sions relatin� to r�ork an r�il.roa,d right of way coni;ained in 'T�iinnesota, Department o£ Trans�ioxtation, St. �'aul, St2ndard Speci- fications for Hig}zwatr Construction", dated J�nuary 1, 1}78, to fur.-ni�h to the Company a Railxoa,d Yrotec�;ive Liability Insurance Po]_ic� and to cesry re�zlar Contractor's Public Liaoility �nd Pxoperty Damage Insurancc, both as specified i.n the Federal-l�id Fighway Pro{,�ram� Marival, Volur�e 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsecti.on 2, aw.nd Yxaving limits of liability, as- specified in the specifica- � ' tions and special provisions xeferred to in this agreemenl;. Said Railroad , Protective Liabilii;y Policy and evidence of said Contxactor's PuLlic Liabili�y and property Da.nag�e Insurance, executed by an insurer qualified to write such policies in �the State of Plinnesot�,, shall be delivered to the Coa�pany . prior to tho eni;zy upon or 1?se of the Company's property by the Contractor. 4. The Sta.te reserves the ri�ht �b �ake such chavges in the plans or chax�.cter of tr.e ��rork, as the work tuider the contract pro�resses, as sh�.11, � in the Conunissioner. 01' Transport;ai;ion's judL;meni:, be reasonably necessary to cause the a�reed tzi�ilway proj�ct to be in all thinf;s cor.structed �und completed in a sa�;isfactor.y r.�.-uiner., and to that enci, and as suppJ.ementZl to any contrac�t let for i;he constructa.on ot said project, �l;o enter intu any supplemental a�reement with t;he contraci;or_ f'or the peri'orci.a.nce of' any e.:tra work or work occasioned Uy a.ny neceysary, adva.ntl�eous or desirable ch��;e in the plans. • Any sucli chan�e� a.n plan ox the cl-�arac�;er. of worlc, involvin� tlie Ccmpa,n,y's Sacilities or property, will be subjr.ct to the approval of the Company. k:�iIBIT "A" - �.'a�e 1 . ' , . . " � ., -�� ;�(�.��i,D 5. The State a�rees to .pay the entire co,t of the work to be per- formed under the coni;ract i:o be let by the S1;ate, includin� the State's supervision o£ the contracl: work, provided, however: a.� tha.t r_othin� herein contained �hall prevent tlie ,State from � pursuin�T and enfo-rcing any of it� common lata and statutory ri�hts, r�h.ich it r�ay have against any tortfeasor, including ar�y contractor and the Company; � b.� that when the Com,paxiy has liability or obligation to the United Si;a.tes or the State for ar�y portion of the ra.i.lway- hi�*ay project, the Co�pany shall pay its shaxe of the xailw�,,y-highti:�a.y project in the �a.nr_er and i:o the extent - ` ' set fox�h elsewhere in this a�ee�ent. 6. The provisions contained in Federal-Aid Hi�,way Program Manual, Yoluye 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 1, and Volw�e 1, Cr.apter �, � Sectio� 3, shall apply to the xa,ilway-high�r�,� project, regardless of the method of financin� the project. . , 7. If the Co�pany enters into a contract or a�ee�ent rrith a con- tractor, to perform all or any pori;ion of the Compar�y's �rork set foxth in this a�reement, the Cornpany for i.tself, its assi�ns and �ueces�ors in interest, - agrees tha.t it wi11 not discri�inate in its choice of con�ractors and wi.11 include all of the nondiscximi.nwtion provisions set forth in APP�'DIX "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, in any sueh contx•act or agreer�ent. 8. The Co�pr.�ny agrees �hat its repiesentative in chaxge of the �rork set forth a.n this agreement shall furnish the Siate's I��aneer in charge of the project: a.� "Form �09a, Minnesota Department of. Transpoxtation, Payroll - Monthly Report", si?�ed in duplicate, sho�;*?ng the number , of inen ori payroll, classifica�;ion; total ��o7•ked and � startin�, stopping, resr.r,iption and complei:ion dates for • each month, not later than the week follol•ring the month in which the wark was performed. � . b.) Upon xeque�t, full detailed ixiformation as to pro�-ress of work and amount of labor and material used as of the time of xequest. . ' In addition to �he foregnan� records and acts, the Company wil�., from time to tirae, make such oi;her repari;s, keop such other records and perform such other �aork in su.ch manner and tisne as ma.y be necessary to enable the State to collect and obtain available Federal. Aid. 9. To the extent �et for.th in �;hi� agreement, the State will re- ' imburse the Conipany f or. actual expense incurred perforLnir� the work set forth in this �;xeement. Payment� will be made in accordance i��ith the following; F�CIII�3IT ��A�' _ Page 2 9-].-80 . , , ! 4 a.� At le�,st 9Cf'o of paxtial bills r,iarked "Pro�ressive Bill No. l, No. 2, etc.", or "Fir.s�, second, ei;c.", si�ned by a�n officer of the Cor�p�.ny, rendered in septuplet. Partial. bills shall be based on actual costs that cari be substantiated by chec�.i.ng • - the Company's records but do not need to be in detail: or, b.� At Least 75°� of pastial bills maxked �a1d si�ned, as rec3nired , above, based on the Cor�pan� E�gi.neer's' estima�te of the �er-- cent�.ge of completion of the various cost reimburuable i1:e�s, as �hoYrrx on th� detailed estim.atc, *lrhich is attuched �:0 4nd mad.e a pa,rt of' this ao eement, sub�ect to the State �gincer's concurrence anct approval of sa�.d completion percentage. Zn no everl� will a combina.tion of partiul billing ba,sed on actual . ° cos�:, and ��ineer's estiznates, be rei.mbursable. c.� At least 9d;� of final bill r�arked "F9na1", si{,�ned by an officer of i;he Compwn3*, rendered in septup].et, in �,ccoxda..�ce with F��e?'a.l- Aid N�ahti�ay 1''ro�'um I�Ianual V�olume l, Chapter 4, Section 3 e Sa.id final bill sha11 be a compl.ete, detai?ed and itenized sta�;e:���r:t � of al�. items of worY ,pexformed by the Company, as shown in �h� ' appropriate exhibii: or exhibits attac�l�d to thiy agresment. - d.� Fina,l payment s•�ill be made after audit of the final bill. � The C:o;npany shall keep account of its work in such a toaY that said acco-ants �ay be rea.dily audited. In the even-L- that 2ny a„ao�ant previousl;� p�.id to the Company is in excess of the ac�ual cost determined by audi�, the Company, upon • notice of the State, shall pay to �;he State the di.fference. 10. In the event that the State does no� enter into a contract for constrtzction of the projecl; contemplated by this agre�ment on or before a day twelve (12) raonths after the da�e this a�reen�nt is fully e�:ecuted, then either part3 ma�*, at any time thereafter, sezwe notice of cancellation upon the o�her party, b3• xegistered Lia.il, an3 this agree�ent shall immediatel.y be cancel7_e3 � and termin�te�; provided, her;ever, that the Comp�ny shall be rei�bursed in full by the State far all reimbtusu.ble costs incurred af;ter. this a�'recnent is iully executed a.nd tiriox �to said c�icellat:ion. ].1. The reimburswble saaini;en�.nce costs slk�ll not extend i:o the repair oS ar�y d�..ra^�e to t7ie b.rid�e stz�lcture resultin� fror� i:he operations of ths Company for which the Cox��any has any coxmcn ]_aw or s�Latutory lia.bility. The reimbur�able ma.intenance co�ts sha11 be limited to the acttzal cost of la;.o� � and m.�,texials used and to xental value oz equ:i.pment used. The a.ctual cost of labor and a�;�tcrial: and �he ren�:al value of equipm�ni; referred to shall be ascert;ai.n�d in accorda.nce with the provisions ot the Federal-�id Hi�horay P�ro- �a,� I�Zanual, Vol�ie 1, Cha��:�r 4, Section 3. Except as hexeinafter pro�-iCed in the case of eme��;ency rena,irs, rea_mbursement shall be made oiily if the Comp�y lias subn:itted its praposed rep�irs to the St;ate, includ5n� any estinate • of co:t of such repairs, arici a.pproval has beeri xeceived from �:he State in writin� in ad�rance of st�.�s ti:i� wor�t by i;he Company. If thA Company is unable to obi:�,in the Stat;e'� a,ppro-.a1 oi the pr.oposed repwirs, it may xequest and require i;he �tate to le�t �, contract for �the nece�sary work. In the event of. an ez�er�ency requixin� i�n�aediate re�airs to said brid;e stz�uctur.e in order to rxinBZ�r ����� - P�.�e 3 9-1-�0 • . , . maintain railroad. �raffic, the Co�p�,ny :liall be only required i;o notify t�:e - Si;ate a� woon a; rea�onably po�sible tY:at the e:�cr�enc� h�:� arS.�en and t�k:� thc Compa.r�y i:, proceed�.n�; w�i�h the wor�. 'Phe Compan;� hereby a���o�led,;es thai: x�; rnay be nece���.xy to file a le��.slati.ve claim t'or reimbursement of a^� cosi�s incu_..-�e3 before State I�nds �u'e encLU�ibered in 2n a..�nounL sufficieni: �� • cover the cost� of the work. In all events, rei.mbu�sable a�a,intenance costs shall be li�it;ed to ner.e�sary repairs. ' If any maintenance work i.s such t}iat it cannoi; be performed by the Corapany 4rith its o;•m equipment a.nd re�ul�ly e�iploye3 forces, the Co�nany ��y . eontract tne wor�.. Hati�re•rer, �he Cac�pa.�y sl�.11 no� awa;.d the contract oi ���t work until the contract ha:: been appr.oved by the Cor�-�issioner o� Transpor�?�ion and i:h� nece�sary State fu.:dy ha✓e been encu�zbered. � ,• • 12. It is. further a�eed by and betr�een the nartie� hereto a.ny1c�_::�; , to the contraxy her�in notr�itnsta^.din�, tnat the Co^�isai.oner of Transpa.r���ion of the Sta�:e of J:i:�neso��, is actinb in hiti official capacity only ans tha� :e shall not be psrsonally respcnsible or liabl.e to t;ne Co�pa.ny or to a.*:y pe��on or persons whoras,oe��er for anf claims, da�:a�;es, actio�s, or c4uses of ac�ic-� " of any �:ind or character �isir.g ou� o.f or by reason o£ the execution of ��s •a�reeLlent or the peri'ox�rna.nce or completion of the project proJid�d `or he�_��. 13. Before this a�r.eenent shwll become binding �r,d �u`'i ec�ive, i� :,'r!all have received the ap�roval of' such State o`'i ice��s �.s the latia c.�ay provide �: addition to the Co:a.�issioner oi Tr�nsportation. lQ. The la��;s of tlie State of I•iinnesota. shall �,overn wll oues�io::� �.s • to i;he execution, n�fuxe, obli�ation, constxuction, ralidity a.nd perfor::�rr*:��� of this a�rcer�ent. 15. If it appeaxs to the Cor.►pzny zt a.ny tic�e subsequen� to ;;he 3::e of this a�xeement and prior to iinal co�p].et�ion or �uch Y;o�?:, tha� �he actu�; �VJV of suc�i �rork :�rill exceed the e�ti�.a�ed co�t, the- Cor.�p�-�;; �iia.11 irn�edia�el; so notify the State in ti�rrit�.n�, thereof, and, after �he addit�io:lal fu.nds ���� 'encu.-�bercd, such no�ice will have the afiect of ;jmendin� �}iis a�reecaen;, so . as to anclade i;he supple:�eiz�al cost of sucti kork. • 16. As pxovided un�er rlinnesota Lw�as 19�0, Chap�er 614, Sec. 51, � all boo�:s, records, docur�ent;�•, aild accountin;; procedures and practices of t::� Company releva.nt to tliis contr��,ct a.re subject to exa�ir.a±ion b� 1�in�D(7r and either i;he legislative auditor or the State auditor as appropri.ate. 1�7II�3IT ��/l" _ i�ar;e � 9-1—�0 - • . . . . M�rooT ss2s:c,zns� APPENDIX A � Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself. its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agrees as follows: (1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contracto� will comply with Regulations of the Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Com- merce (Title 49, Code of Federat Regulation, Part 21, hereinafter referred to asthe Regula#ions),which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race, color, or national origin ' in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro- hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix "A", "B" and "C". (3) Solicitations for Subcontracts� Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a sub�ontract, including procurements of materiats or equipment, each potential subcontractor or sub- plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations. under this contract and the � Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or nation origin. (4) Snformation and Reports: The contr�ctor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and wi�t permit access to its books, �ecords, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Depart- ment of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructicns. Where any information required of a contractor is in ihe exclusive possession of another who fa+ls or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to the Department of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate. . and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. � (5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event ef the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimi- � nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transportation shall impose such contract • sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including � but not fimited to, � (a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, andJor , (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. (6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6) in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threaten- ed with, Iitigation wiih a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and in addition, . the contractor.. may request� the United States to enter into such liiigation to protect the interests of the United States. � :.���__. ,. . . . . .. . _ . � . �- `c ,. t.. /� '� i i e 3 } iy � �l` ��' - �-YQr. (��!�: h�� �'�\I \\� �: I �_ u �'�' � �: i �/ O� '� -_ `^ �,�% - t . ' �•V�' �'�_ '/ ' :tii ": Cj: t; `•;�'u : Q3 ', . . `I \.. � il-. �� :t!1.< f� � i� ; f . ,� J+'-.:.__�, � . . � 'I �;' -^�` i\ ; _. . 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Gi_fiCE c�r 11���_��:f:��Ti',J:,�dcF _� i—. j__M//,/til�ii��G�S��/nJ/lr��rfl - - ---- —.' _ �� ' � – -- — - --- _ __ �._ i — , __�,__ � — --—�-- r' _._ �_ ._ �_ _ - - �'- ___ _-----_- �--.--- �- ---� ----- �-.�.__._ - _.-- = ---..._.- - ---... ___ ._ __---- --- - �-._. __-:_���__.._._... .__. _._.--- - -.-.- - --�-- -- --,r- �- �_.___. .:_ ___._�-------�----- •. .____ .._. _ .----. - =-•-- ---� -- -- -- --- '=:; _..._:�--_� .._F_:_�_:: _ :. . .. : �.:::� :�.:"_ :_.. .. . _ .� __ - . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _.�. , . OM 01 : 12/1975 , � Revs 918/76 . . �� � , cXPLANATION 0� AtTMlMFSTRATiVE ORDERS, . RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � „ . - . l�iii�V,;�� Date: December 19, 1980 : � C�'''� :-w� '1���'�i�i�'. . . . . OEC 2 �1.980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer RE: Railroad Crossing Signals on Homer Street, �orth of Stewart Street. ACTION REQUESTED: The Resolution would authorize the execution of an agreement between the C ty and M nnesota Department of Transportation covering the installation of railroad crossing slgnals on Homer Street at the Chitago, Milwaukee, St. Pau1 and Pacific Railroad's track. The work (installation of signa1s and reconstruction of crossing) wiil be done under the direction of the State. The State will act as the City's agent in administering available Federal Funds. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTlON: The total estimated cost of the pro,ject is $49,430.0_0. The Clty's share of cost is 10� or an estimated $4,9#3.00: The State wili pay the remaining 90� which will be reimbursable f rom Federal Funds. � The City's costs will be charged to PIR Fund Code 60,200-735 to be reimbursed from 1980 MSA. Public Works Pro3ect No. T-1148. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution TJE/RAH/dc