277038 WHITE - CITY CLERK �{F'" (� PINK - FINANCE � ' ` CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L COUIICII � :i y *�38 BLUE - MAYOR . Flle N O. cil Resolution Presented Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recor�nendation of �he Mayvr, the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby approve �he a�t�tched Agency Agreement between the C�ty and the Hvusing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of certain CD Year V�I ac��vities as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the attatched agreement. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays �Q Hunt � PED (Corr�nuni ty Deve1 opment Di vi si on) �ev�ne [n Favor Maddox � ' McMahon B .�;��.�y��• �,�'j1 snowaite� __ Against v Tedesco �Ison JUN 2 3 �gg� Form Ap by City Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date — / �o Certified �s•ed by Coun il Sec tar By T y , � App y 1!layor: �JUN 2 4. igg� APP v y Mayor for S s ' o Council BY — gY H D JUL 31981 LIS E � i . YEAR VII ���r �� COMP�UNITY DEVELOPNiENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AGENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 1981, by and between the CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated as "City" , and the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Sections 462. 411 et seq. , hereinafter designated "Authority" . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in compliance with the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383) , as amended, and Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the City has duly made application to the U.S. Department of Housinq and Urban Development for the City' s_ Seventh Year of entitlement funds under the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a grant for Community Development Year VII for the purpose of carrying on the program ' approved by the City Council and submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared, approved and submitted for ratification to the City Council, its Redevelopment Plan for Community Development, which Redevelopment Plan was ratified, by the City Council and which Redevelopment Plan is contained in and made a part of the City' s Federally-approved Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City and Authori.ty desire to enter into this ���3� � Agreement for the purpose of setting forth their respective responsibilities in carrying out to a successful conclusion the City's approved Community Development Block Grant Program in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND AUTHORITY DO HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLbWS : 1. Term of Agreement : This Agreement and activities authorized hereunder shall take effect and be in force from and after the lst day of June, 1981, and shall be in force and effect for the term of the City' s Community Development Program Year VII as established and as may be extended by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2. Scope of Services: The Authority shall perform a11 those activities set forth in the City' s Federally-approved Community Development Grant Program and Authority;' s City-approved Redevelopment Plan which specifically provide for and require development and implementation by the Authority. The program activities to be ur.dertaken and coordinated hy the Authority are set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be undertaken by the Authority in ' accordance with the provisions contained in the City' s Federally- approved Community Development Block Grant Program. In carrying out its activities under this Agreement, the Authority shall report periodically to the City on the status of the programs. 3. Funding: Al1 funds required for these programs undertaken by the Authority shall be provided by the City with funds derived from its Federally-approved Year VII Community Development Block Grant. The Authority� shall be entitled to receive advance of funds - 2 - � �r :i �! �`JtJ upon submission af a �equest therF�for. The request for payment of advances shall be in such form as may be required by the City to comply with all Federal, State and Local requirements. All requests for funds shall conform to the items contained in the Budget (HUD Form 7015. 5) attached to this Agreement and the provisions of this Agreement. The City shall make such advance payments to the Authority within three working days from the receipt of the Authority' s request. All requests for funds shall conform to the items contained in the Budget attached to this Agreement, marked Exhibit A, and any increases or transfers of funds contained in the Budget and Program items set forth therein shall first require the approval of the City Cou.ncil expressed by its resolution; provided, however, that . the Authority Executive Director, with the prior written approval of the Mayor, may increase any line sub-category by a total amount not to exceed $20, 000 without the Council ' s consent. Any change in total budget amount shall require the prior a.pproval of the City Council expressed by its resolution. In addition to the quarterly report required under paragraph 6, of tnis Agreement, the Authority shall report to the City on a monthly �asis respecting all transfers of funds authorized hereunder. - 4 . Independent Contractor : For the purpose of this Agreement, the Authority shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the City. The Authority shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, personnel and all other contractual obligations entered into pursuant to and in the performance of this Agreement. 5. Non-Discrimination: The Authority shall be deemed a contractor for the application of all provisions hereof and ordinances _ 3 _ : '. � �, ,��; � � and other laws against unl�awful di:�crimination on account of race, creed, sex, age, disability, or color. This Agreement is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196� (Public Law 88-3b2) and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, and the Authority shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" , as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (4 CFR, Part 60) . The Authority agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in Chapter 238 , Laws of Minnesota for 1941. The Authority further agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to non-discrimination, and specifically, Section 74 . 03A thereof pertaining to affirmative action, the provisions of Chapter 74 are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 6. Regular Reporting : The Authority shall submit to the City on a quarterly L-asis a full account of the status of the work outlined in the work program. This status report shall record the activities of the previous quarter, as well as the cumulative work and activities performed, and shall be submitted using such format as the Deput_y Director of the City' s Community Development Division may prescribe. � 7. Other Requirements : The Authority shall comply with all requirements imposed upon the City pursuant to the "Housing and Community Development Act of 1974" (Public Law 93-383) and Rules and Regulations adopted, and as may be amended from time to time, �uL:.uar.t to said Act by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and codified in Title 24 , Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570. The following Regulations shall specifically govern the activities of the Authority as the same may be applicable : - 4 - (a) Sectio�s 570. 200 to 570. 206 - "Eligible Activities" . (b) Section 570. 207 - "Ineligible Activities" . (c) Section 570. 506 - "Program Income" . All program income earned by the Authority shall not be retained by the Authority, but shall be remitted to the City. The City reserves the option of addin� such Program Income to Community Development Programs in accordance with the authority contained in Section 570. 506. (d) Section 570. 509 - "Audit" . (e) Section 570. 510 - "Retention of Records" . (f) Section 570. 601 - "Nan-Discrimination" . (g) Section 570. 602 - "Relocation and Acquisition" . (h) 5ection 570 . 604 - "Historic Preser_vation" . • (i) Section 570. 605 - "Labor Standards" which makes applicable the Davis-}3acon Act to all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on construction work assisted with funds received from the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 , as amended. (j) Section 570 . 608 - "Hatch Act" . 8. Termir.ation or Re3uction of Payrzents: The Secretar�- of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is empowered by Section 111, Title I, Publ�c Law 93-383 , to terminate or reduce payments to the City, or to limit availability of payments to the City should the Secretary find, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing, that the City has failed to comply substa,ntially with any provision of Title I of the Act. The City agrees not to do anything which will cause the Secretary to take such action, and the Authority shall be notified of any proposed action by the Secretary, and the Authority shall be given opportunity to be represented at all such hearings. The City' s obligations to - 5 - �`?7�.�`�� provide �unds to the �uthority is deemed dependent upon the City' s receiving funding from the Secretary, and all obligati�ns of the City hereunder shall either terminate or be reduced or limited in the event the Secretary should take such action as authorized by said Section 111. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Ayreement to be executed the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �7 �� � ���Cl 1 �� As ' stant City Attorney Mayor Director, Department of Finance and Management Services HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TFiE CITY OF SAINr PAUL, MINNESOTA By Its By Its - 6 - • � r:.h►< <i;r�r � �����7 IfOUSING & RI:f�F'V,;i.C)PMEN'.P 71U'I'iiORITY OF�' `l'IiE CITY OF 511:[NT P11UL, MINNESOTA COi�1h1UNITY DEVL•'I,OPr1ENT I3LOCK GR�1NT YE11R VII CON'1'R11C'1' IIY }iUD LINE ITEM � ORIGINALLY APPROVED � Project # Title 1lmounr 7/50-156 West Side I'I.'11 �. 11cc�uisition (1) $ 15, 000 Clearance (4 ) 5, 000 Reloc�tion (II) 10, 000 7/51-157 Marqar.et-Sibley ITA : � 1lcquisition (1) $ 15, 000 Cle�ir.�nce (4) 5, 000 Relocation (8) 10, 000 7/52-161 Rail..r.oad Isl�ind IT11 1lcclui.sitiori (1) $ 15, 000 Cle�zrance (�i ) 5, 000 Relocation (8) 15, 000 7/53-164 Ric� St:.—L�cvis P�rk ITI1 1lccluisition (1) $ 15, 000 Clearance (� ) 5, 000 Ftelocation (8� 10, 000 7/54-167 1lruncle.l-G�zlti.er ITA 1lcquisition (1) $ 25, 000 Cle��rance (4) 5, 000 l�elocatioii (8) 15, 000 7/55-169 C1i Ef St. ITI� 1leqtiisitio» (1) $ 15, U00 Cle��.r.ance (4) 5 , 000 Relocatioti (II) 10 , 00(1 • / • ' I'1 �! �/ �� Project fl '1'.iL1c 1lmount 7/10— �C(�111S1Llnll (� i �1�cZXt 12C'jL1G1111C� :�t.�iL-ion (1) $ 175, 000 7/22-101 Comm�rcial Itehabilitation (12) $ 100, 000 7/23-193 I'i'11 Special P�ograms (12) $ 50, 000 7/25-17G ITA Pul�licity Activity (12) $ 25, 000 7/27-102 * Multi-Uc�it Rehabilitation Laans (12) $ 500, 000 ��2g-p27 Ilotising Rchak�ilitation Loans (12) $ 500, 000 7/2g-U28 ** }iousincl Rclz�il�ili�ation Gr�ints (12) $ 750, 000 7/30-14 0 Se.lec:tive C] c<<rancc (f3) S 100 . U00 : 7/23-211 ITA Exterior Improvement Grants (12) $ 210,000 TOTAL 2,610,000 * �ITA' s to receive priority for $240,000 of programmed funds ** ITA' s to receive priori�y for $410,000 of programmed funds - 2 - t . ��'�J> � � - - � t� : i2/2�1'S ; ; _ �e�.r �1/8I76 � l�r. ; �J?/�t} � E�RLIkNATI(�1 4F I�IMINISTRATIiIf ��', ` Rev,': 4/�i8� , RfSt1l..UTIONS ANO ORDI�A1�'S , � �.�.�� �� �. �ate: �une ls, �9s� . REC��VED � � �� . �0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER •IUM 1 ��98� , ta,a4t'F�1.� .SIG�. � !�� X�5$� - �rtt�; WILEIAM Q. PAT�O�- - • C1TY AITORNEY (�E: CITY - HRA AGENGY RGREEMENT FQR EXPEMDI�URE OF CtN�1N�TY . QEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT YEAR VII FUNDS � R���j'�p A�CTI�1 tt�QU�S,�; Approval and signature ���, '� $ �Q81 . � , ' . MAYt}RS 0►�FICE ` � F ' t� fRPOSE AHQ RATIQNALE FOR THIS ACTI�i: Agency agreement is req��r.ed to carry out : ; the citywide loaR and grant prugrams and and ITA activities as, speciffed in th� . apProve,d CDBG Year VII application. i ' , : ;. . . , . . F NANCIAL I�: Funds fo� the �ctivities listed in Exhibit A' of th� prv�s�ed �� agreement were allocated as part of the� 1981 Capit�l. Improvenient ; Budget. . .. E . . ' . � . . . . . . � . � . . . . . � , � . . . � � . `�'?%y` . A�'fAC�1h1E f'�: Proposed agreement ,� � _ . � _ . . i , . 3