277036 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE [[��,, (� CANARY - DEPARTMENT TT COUIICII ���t� BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y A I N T �� lJ L File N O. '}�� C � tZOyl , Presented By LIC�::�i CO��::I1'Ti:i; Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date F''�:xiUL'JLD: Tliat :�pplication �;2101?� �or i,he tr�ansfer of On a�.le I�iquor License 7.0. 991i1, hiJD npplica�ion �:�Z1C;1> for �he transfer of the �unday On Sale Liquor Ia.cense, Hi�li xp�lica�;_on t�21016 �or -�i�e trar_s�er oi the Cl�.ss G2-�:�e�tiaur;nt �icer�se, all e�iring �anuar�,� 31, 19�2 a:�d all issu�d to i:ernard i�:. ::e�°ke at 371�-76 St. 1'eter Street, be and �i?e sane a_-�e nereL� tr�:nsier;:�ed to i:oon i:ullin�s, =nc. at ��-ie same addsess to do business as i�iulli�;an's. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahow•-��/�J� 'V B snowaiter - __ Against Y — Tedesco �..,, l /�gsTc�srd��/ Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 3 �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified •s b ounc� , cret BY App o d tiy iVlayor: t `�UN � � ,�v� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �uB�isH� .�U� 319�1� _.- � '...�.- �������°=' r • � . -r--�--.,,....,.._.__.. . _ __:`C1T7���O:♦'''' � . _� ;,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ��; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� ii�i 1�ii �: �'��• �` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �`����,m�!'���'` Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 19�1 �:r. President and :�onorable liembers of ti�e Cit�T Coarlcil �a�_tit Paul, ilinnesota lar. �'resident a-c.d I_onorable ::embers : �3ernard i:. �3erke ar�d i�Ioon i�ullin�s, Inc. request �hat tne On �ale �i.quor Licer�se, Su12da3r On :ale Liejuor License, ar.d Class i.2- ;�staura..�t License preseiitly issued to �e:�nard Ii. ierke at 371.�-76 5t. :eter �tr::et be transierred to l��oon ::ullin's, .-'�nc. at tl;e s ame adures s. ihe sole officer of tilis corporatiorl is =':ok:ert J. ilullan holding the o�fices of P-_°es:ident a�:d Secrcta.r�y. �_e is also the sole stockholder. ��r. ;:ullan vaill oper�te this business personally a.nd �.t ti�ryll �e knoc:ri as � ulli�;an's. i� is applic�;.tior_ has been 2'ev�_e*��ed ��- the License and :er:lit Div_sion a«d trie C,�tr Yttornev's olrice. Ihe recomn:end- ation 's for ap�_rov�l. V 2T'y tiTrll�Jr �'pUY'�S� 'r � � ��9�� Joseph r'. Carchedi Lic�nse Inspector �0 � � `,i.y '�_� . ��'�'��3� . . � : ;���TT`p�U��l � ' ' _;.� ;;�-,,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� �'; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;' �i�ii°i ;` �4: w c :" DIVt510N OF LlCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRA710N ""'y�,�„',������� Room 2Q9,City Haii GEORGE L/1TIMER Saint Paul;Minnesota S5'102 NUYOR June 12 , 1981 Mr. Robert J Mullan 1285 Euclid St. Paul, MN 55106 Your application for a transfer On Sale Liquor license has been received by this office. kfter review and investigation of this �pplication, this of�ice will reconr,iend �o the License Committee that such licer_se(s) be €ranted. A hearirg on S�our a�plication for sai.d license(s ) will be held befare the L�cerse Cor.uzittee on .June 17 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, third floor, Cit Hall and ��ime; Loc�tion Court House. `-ou a.re herer;- rec�.:�red �0 2r�e�r at such 'r.�a:^in�. If � a:�e unable to ap�e� at sa�d i�ea_r�n€, tlease no��fy this orfice V�.:.r,e::;a�ely. 'JtL7' �eler�none nw�ber 1S 29��-5056• J0.S:�Fi. F. C�t?C'r.:�DI License ir.spec�ar