277018 WHITE - CITY CLERK A,.,���� PINK - FINANCE n f)� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT 1 A U L COURCII 'r BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. Co ' R tion Presented By LICLi��i C01•��ITTLL Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date '�JI�::�AS: rroper notice has been rece_ved as to a char��e of oificers in �'he 1-ipothecary Sllop, Inc., Uff :.>a1e Liquor ]�icensee at 361� St. Peter atreet, �therefore, be it :'�SOLU�;ll: Tr�at the officers now are i'rar�k J. A�oudry, President �.nd Treasurer, iiarbaret A. i:oudry is Secretar3T arid Daniel J. lloudry ys ti'ice Pres�der�t, be ar�c� tb.e same is hereby approved. COUNCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox ,�/ McMahon V B sr,oweiter __ Against Y — Tedesco �Ison JUN i 7 ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified -sed by Council Se ary BY Y ��, Appr by :�lavor: D `�UN � 9 19gt Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PUSLISHED J UN 2 7 lgg� � �r �������� ,� ,..,,.,�,,,,,� _=�:�`'T' °';;-,,,, C I TY O F SA I NT PAU L '� �": DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� nii�iii�ii '' %� �` `>° = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �..• ��'����1,������„�'`` Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 19��1 I�s. President and �:"=onorable i:embers of t7ie (:ity �ouncil �aint P�:ul� ':iinriesota .:r. i-resic�_er�t a:id �,onorable ::embers: Currentl5r the :pothecar`T S7�op, lr.c. holds an Off Sale Ziquor License and :�iscellaneous licenses issue�3 to LY:e� at 36l� St. Peter �treet, doin�; business as 1-oudrtT �:pot�-,s�car�J S:�op. �'roper notice has been r ece'ved as to a cPian�e of off�cers in the corporation. FranT> J. ,`cudry is Presi.dent and lre^surer, '�_ar;-,ar�t �i. �_cudry i� Secrr�tar�,� and. i;aniel J. �ioudry is �'ice Pres,�dent. `"his ay'l�lication ras been reviewed bz- the �icense ,�-�d Perrit DivAsion anc� t��.s C:_ty ::t�crr_ey's office. `�'he recor.:mer�d- ation is for ap�,roval. ti'�r�T trul�, rours, � , . J oseph 1'. Carchedi License Inspe ctor �O