277015 WNITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE . � I��15 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F A I N T ��U L COUIICII li BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co tion Presented By LIC'����i: COi��LIi TL�: Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ::Tt�:;;��„W�: Pro�er notice Ylas been received as to a c�-an�;e of licensee of the Cn �ale .1i.ne License and niscellaneous licerises issued to �oseph F. F,isanz a.t 1�70 S. Cleveland �venue, doinE; business «s Club uar arid :;:'acery, therefore, ce it �:W��LJiD: That ��rith Joseph F . �isanz incorrooratin�, this business operation, �the licensee is Club Lar aric_ �.ater�r� Inc., Joseph r. i;isanz holdin�; �he off�ces of Pres�dent and i'reasurer, and tiir�;inia ��is��z holciin� the ofiices of �Tice I'res�dent and Secretary, and Joseph F. Lisanz is the sole stockholder, be ar�d the sanie is hereby approved. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B Showalter __ +�gainst Y - Tedesco �Ison JUN i 7 �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d Y s• d by Counci Secr ry BY e By A pr d by :Nayor. e �u� 1 9 �� Approved by Mayor for SubmiSsion to Council - By PUBUSHEQ J UN 2 7 198� � � '_ �'����'.. a..�ov�i�l�� ;�`'T' °':''-., CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�• :�., 'e ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES =: ii�iuii �' �"'>�• "` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��� �!'• �-'�� Room 203,Ciry Hall ��lm a-.�.� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 19g1 ;;r. President and Honorable i�le�bers of trie City Council Saint '_'�ul, =�jinnesota P�;r. i'resident and �ionorable i'embers: Currently Joseph i. � isanz holds an On Sale �;�ine License and r�iscellaneous licenses issued to hiM at 1.�70 S. Cleveland ��venue doirlg business as The Clul� a1a.r anG �atery. troper notice r.as beeri received as to a cY�an�e of licensee. i•ir. t�isanz has incorporated and the name of the corporation is Club ;�ar and La,ter�r, Inc. The officers are Joseph r'. i3isanz, President ar_d �reasurer, anc `v"irginia Lisanz is the Vice President and Secretary. lr_e sole stockholder is �osepr j''. Pisanz. lhis a�plication has been rev_,eVred by the License and �erriit Division and tYie City tittorney's office. ^lr.e reconmendation is for ap�,roval. Very truly ours� � . ���� � Joseph F. Carched.i License Inspector ��