277013 WHITE - CITY CLERK ryµµ�y��///��� PINK - FINANCE ��' /� !�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COURCII f q� ,,9 BLUE - MAYOR File N O. CO � tZOyl Presented By �C���y ���"�'ff�ri'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ,i::i�l�':�1:�: Proper notice has been receiv�d as to a chan�;e of tre area for tlie service of liquor for ':;ilebsY.i �,rcthers, inc., ��older of an On ;�ale Liquor �cense, expirin�; January 31, 1982, issued i,o tr_er1 at 601-3 ��. ':estern t�ve�iue, doin� busi..ess as ':.'ilebs�;i Lrotl��ers Lar, therefore, Ue it ���:��:Lb'iD: '1�hat the second floor ballroom be ir�cluded in the area for the service of liquor at 601-3 i+. ilestern Avenue, L,e and the szme is hereby approved� i�aith the iollowing stipulation to t�al:ich tlie licer�see consents tnat ';t ere t�rill Le s,��fic-ient vent�lation upstairs so �'rie_�e t�rill be rio rie�d at ai��r iime to open doors arid/or w_ilc+_o?�rs to accon.,iodate ttiie flot-a o�' air. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilwn JUN � 7 �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertiEied a-s d by Counc� ecr BY sy, _ Appr by :Navor: JUN � U �QRI Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By PUBLISHED J UN 2 7 �9$� . � ��r��1� __�♦�C�T*t\1O:•.,,'' . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� �"= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: ii�iiiii �� "'>�• "c` DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��`��nl,�«!!'���'`� Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 1981 i�lr. �'resident ai�d ��onora��le iiembers of tYle C�ty Couricil �aint Paul, �:innesota lir. �resider�t and i�onoraole l;embers : ;.rilebsIci Erothers, inc. (Thaddeus :1. ';_lebski, Jr., Presiderit) �akes application to �ncrease the area for tre service of liquor at 601-3 i�. �'�estern �iveriue. Their On ;;ale Li4uor �icense currently allows them to serve liquor in tt:e main bar room only. They desire to include the second floor ballroor�. `�":iis application has been rev�_ewed bSr the License and Perr2it Livision and the reconmendation is for approval. Ver�- tru� �rours, �Gw6.I��,.�,� C��� �oseph I''. CarcY:edi �cense Inspector �� , ♦ ' ` � ^a. . . �, . .. .. . . ... '��. ������� I _````i T*n�o;ylI � � :,.� ;,��,.,,, ClTY OF SA I NT PAU L �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� i�����1° ;� '%: �� `'' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'�L„ ,... ; '�mn,,,...�'�� ROOrtt 209�CILy Hill GEORGE UITIMER Saint Paul;Minnesota 551U2 MAYOR June 12, 1981 '�haddeus A. Wilebski, Jr. 1171 Beech St. St. Paul, MN 55106 Yots application for �increase in area for service of liquor licer.se has been received by this office. l�fter review and ir.��estigation of this application, this ofiice will recoruaend to the License Committee that such licer_se(s) be �ranted. ?. hear-in.g on vour a�plication for said license(s ) will be held refore the L�cer.se Committee on . �une 17, 1981 Date a� 10:00 AM at Council Chambers , Third floor, City Hall and �lime I.ocation Court House. �ou are hereb3r rec��aireci to ar�e�r at sucY: r8a„in�;. If --ou a�•e unable to appe�s at ss;n iiearin�, ple�.se notify this office _�*�e::;ately. Uur te�er�none nunber is 29E�-5�Sb. J0.SiF:: :. C��C��DI License Ir.�pecior