277009 WHITE - CITY CLERK . PINK - FINANCE ��(��(� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR G I TY F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. �r �� v C il solution Presented By �Cui��l�� CG:li�`1'T'� ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �°1i�:;,`.Wui: ��illiam G. a;rennan, doin�; busir�ess as Ca:�i-col City ^�. Co�npar.;�, has made t:pplication �;20796 for license to operate '�wo (2i motor ve'r�cles as �ar�ca'�s upon the streets of the Cit�r oi %�. �'aul, descr3_bed �s rollot�Ts ; `iasicah i�tio. -�al.e :�erial Insurance 27 1979 Cl.evrolet 1L35G9J259293 Insured to 7-1-�1 by Guarant;� :iational �nsurar�ce Co�any, �=olic;r �3i, 70 i 10� 29 1979 Ctievrolet 1L35u9J126988 Insured to Continuous by �:�uarar:t;; i�utional Ins :rance Co., '�'ol;cy _�x 'j0 �102 ,il.Li;.�'r,:�: Saici ap�;licarit izas filed a copy or �he certific�.�e of ix�sur��ce z�rith ihe Cit;; o� �;t. Paul ana said certificate i,.as �;een approved. as to foria a��d execution by- the Corporation �ow�sel, therefore, be it P�UZVI:D: �i�a.�: license to operate sa�d mo�;or vehzcles as t<xica��s upon �he streets of the �ity of :�t. Paul be and the sai�e is iiereby �rar,ted to :.illiam �<. 1_:rennan. i;ew �-�ailin�; kd��ress: 176 �i�estr_ut ��reet St. �'au1� ..innesota 5�102 COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowaiter __ Against Y Tedesco • Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 1 7 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P -sed by Counc' S ta BY App by :Vlayor. t �U�����8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY PUBLtSHED JUN 2 7 �g$� . � �`�`����� �...��a���,�„R _=�:�``T' °'�;;-,,,, C ITY OF SA I NT PAU L '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: ��i iiii �� ��'>�° "c` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��`'� '••' Room 203,City Hall '''imi�w�....o°�`` . GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 19�1 iir. President ar�d i-onora'�le :_embers o� tre City :,ounc__l �aint Paul, :iinr�eso�<. iir. �resi clent and .:enorai:le ::e?nl:ers : :7illi� :�. ::re�.nan makes a�;plication ior two Ta,Yi- cab Licenses� �;o. 27 a��ci �;o. 29. �.e �,rill operate tihese cabs personally �Ld c:o business as �apitol C�ty iaxi Corn�;a;iy. ihis ap�lication has been rev=�.ewed b;� titie Licer�se ar�d 1 ermit �i��s�on ar.d the City ��ttorney's oifice. �1he recoruzend- ation is �'or apuroval. �Tery truly -rour.s� �� i Josenh i'. CarchecLz Licet:se 1nsrector �� �d'7����►9 � , ..w.M�4� � -��`'" °'�''��-- C(TY UF SAINT PAUL :�. , ;, '� �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVI�ES s� �i�i 1�U� '! �.• �� `-• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMlT ADMINlSTRATION 'V�.`'��m„'"�'�_�= Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 hMYOR June 12, 1981 Mr. William G. Brennan 2213 Hague Av St. Paul, MN 55104 Your application ior a Taxicab - 2 #27 � 29 �icer.se ha.s been received by this office. xfter review and in�*esti�ation of this �a;;lication, this c���ce will recoruaend to tr.e License Corunittee �hat such licer.se(s; be �ranted. A hearing on vour �;plication for sai.d 1-_cense(s ) k�ill be held be�'ore the Licer.se Corimittee on . June 17, 1981 Date a� 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall and 1 i?ne; Loc ati on Court House. °ou are here�3- req�red to ar�e� at sucl� '.-���^�. If �'Cii 2.'_"2 u.-�able �i.0 a�pe� at sa�c ii=�w:1€� Ylease P_0�=f�' �tii,S Cri�CP i��e;�2te1;�. Ou.r tele��'r�one nur:ber is 29e.-5o56. JCS�ri. r. C�i c?WDI �.�cense insr.ec�or