277008 WMITE - CITY CLERK •^syy/ t PINK - FINANCE L '���' CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I�NT �A U L COUIICII ,� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C il s l tion Presented By �C:�i�Sy CQiu:I�'1.';� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �wSULV�: That kpplication ���20908 for Gamin� �ession License, A,�D Applica�ion C,20725 for �emn- orary On Sale :jalt �ever�.�e Licer�se, iu:J �lpplication �Z20902 ior >inE;o 1 Yeriod License� all a�ulied for by Our Laciy of Guadalup,� Church at 53� l�ndr'e�.� �treet, Y�e and the same are her�.by �;ranted. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levi�e In Favoc Maddox � McMahon snoWaite► _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JUN 1 7 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified V• -,ed by Council S ret BY � ! J N � �9 198t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro by ;Vlayor: — By BY Pt�LISHED JUN 2 7 1981 � �'�. ��t - � ����"� ,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,� =-'.�`'t' °,:',-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�. ,,,,, '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: i i iiii �: �"'-�• "Q` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'��n•lm�\�!'��-''��_ Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Jur�e 17, 1951 T�ir. President a.nd Fionorable ��iembers of tl�e City Council 5aint F'aul, �'.innesota iir. �resident arid �ionorable t�:erlbers : Our La.dy of Guadalu�e vhurch ma?ces application for a Gamirlt; Session License, a .liingo Ga^�e License and a Tenporar�� On Sale _�alt L�vera�e License to be cor.c�.ucted at >30 ��Zdr�w �treet. FatY�er :?ayriond G. i�:onsour submitted the application and the Gar.il�lin.g iianager will be �oseph Ruiz. i�iis applicatior. has been reviewed b�- the Licer�se �nd PerrLit �)ivision arid the City i�i�torr,ey's ofiice. 2'he re- comraendation is ior approval. LreT�t truly �;ours, �� Joseph �'. Carchedi License Inspector �� ..;. ....w. .. . _,., ,� _.yk,.. .,.� . ..:_ ,.�... ,�, ..:.,., _.,. :.. .�'-. . .. .: -, �.. .. . .- � ,�'M- . � c .... : � , . . .. .. ... _� � �.�. , . �`/����8 �N N\ny4 �����`'T' °'�'° � CiTY OF SAINT PAUL :.� .�- _4 .,i �' ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :o s� ����iva :_ �y: �� _- DIVISiON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADM1NfSTRATION ""��T„„'��'��` , Room 209.Ciq Hall GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul;!v{innesota 55102 NUYOR June 12, 1981 Father Raymond G. Monsour �30 Andrew St St. Paul, MN 55107 Your application ior a Gaming Session, Bingo, Temporarv license has been received by this office. Beer. �fter review and investigation of this �plication, this office will reconmead to trie License Committee that such Lcer_se(s) be �rar.ted. A hearing on vour application for sa3.d 1_cense(s ) will be held before the Licer.se Committee on _ June 17 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers , third floor, Cit Hall and �lime Location Court House. �ou are hereby rec,��:ired to ��ear at suct. :Ea-�inE. If ��cu a^e unable to appeur at said i��e�*�n�, please not-yf5 th:s oifice _^.*�ed�ately. Gur �e�er�hone nu.�ber is 298-5056. JOS�F�: . . �"��C:WDI I�icense In�pec�or