277007 WNITE - CITY CLERK •f /' /o� C NARY - D PA TMENT COUIICII � iv / � �1 BLUE - MAYOR G I T O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. c ' esolution Presented By LIC�i;S:� COii:�Tl'i�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :?F�OL"J'i:'D: `l'hat appLications for perraission �o conduct :singo var�es, applied �or by the following . organizations at the audresses stated, for ttie daJs, dates a:acz hours indicated on each ap�l_cation, be arid the sai,le are hereby �raa�ted. Como r�rea :�ockey Association 1079 =�.ce Street 52 Pds. ��ppn. �;,20672 �',ene.ral DAiT, Inc., St. �au1 Cirapter i;o. 2 1060 university :�ve. 51 " " t��20721� " 5t. Paul lur.ners :Jo!�en�s ��a�liary �08 ilain atreet 49 " " �2U967 �� COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Nladdox d McMaho� Showalter __ A g81 tl S t BY — Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date JUN 17 19�1 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified as-ed by Counci Sec ry BY BY A r by 1�layor: D ��N � 9 �9g1 Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council By BY PUBLISNED ,1 UN 2 7 1981 _.> . 4 , I .`�r,,,'�'����°7 a...ua,,,i�R _=`'�`'T' °'�'�--, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .,.,, 'a ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� n�i�iilii �' ��`>�• "c DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ���'�rlm��!�°c���``` ROORI YO3, Clty Hd�� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 1981 iir. President and �ionorable �lembers of the City Council Saint Paul, :•:innesota I�:r. �'resident and I�onor�.ble i�ieMbers : ihe �ono Area iiockey �ssociation Makes application for permission to conduct Eingo ganes zor 52 per�ods at 1079 Rice Street be�inning June 22, 19a1. The application has been r�ade by P�iichael F�. Turner, Presycient, ar_d �1. ��d Amaro will be mana.�iro the games, which will 'oe played on i:onday evenings betr•re%r. the hours of 8:00 Pi� and 12:00 midnight. TY�is applic�tiion has been revie;aed b�T the License and i'err:iit Division and the City tittorney's office. Tl.e recommend- ation is for approval. Very truly �rours, �` . --, Joseph �. Carchedi License Ir,spector �N �� � � - ��i�a�� � � • • ;--"`�*� o:°w . s=�.� :-..,,, CfTY OF-SA(NT PAUL �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;.. �i�um :� ��� �� = DIVISlON OF UCENSF AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION Y�`""��„,„.�"'" Room 209.City Hall GEORGE UITIMER Saint Paui;Minnesora 55102 MAYOR June 12, 1981 Mr. Michael R. Turner 1279 Woodbridge St. Paul, MN 55117 Como Area Hockey Assoc. Your spplication for a Bingo 52 Periods licer.se has been received by this affice. lifter review and investigation of this �plication, this o�fice w-ill recor.uaend to ti:e License Committee that su�h licer.se(s) be �ranted. A hearir� on your �p�ication for said license(s ) will be held before the L-�cer.se Commi.ttee on � 198g �ate �t 10:00 AM at Council Chambers , third . 00r, City Hall and i�me� Loc ati on Court House. �ou are hereby requ�red to a..�pe�r at suci: re�'�n�, If 3-c� a-•e unable to appe�:r at sain ��earin€, please not,y�'y this o�f,�ce i.:s�eu;atel�r. � teler�none number is 29��-5056. JGSEPii � . Ci=:t�C'r.�',DI i�icense Ir.�pector � x . 5�4;' � � �yTe3��,ray�vx ��� ,. - v' , � #�� tt��T��*�F�� �z... ; , X � � ���{ �- `�`��`�Q�J'7 , . � , �. _.. '.' _ 4 ���., . . . y, .. � .�.�t� . X�+.. . . . �.a.wq4qn . . - . . . . .. � . . _�a`�ITT p�.1ry''' � . _�. ;,,,, _ "ClTY OF=SAINT PAUL �% �� �i '= DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ��n�u �3 �`" �� DIVISION'�OF::LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '`���,,,1T.,N�,,.-� � ... . Room.209,Ciry Hail GEORGE UTIMER Saint Pau�;Minnesota.55102 MAYOR June 12, 1981 A9r. A. E d Amaro 894 N Western Av St. Paul, MN 55117 Como Area Hockey Assoc. Your application for a Bin�o 52 periods � license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this $pplication, this office will recoAmend to the License Committee that such license(s) be �ranted. A heari.ng on your application for said license(s ) will be held before the I�cer.se Committee on :.- -June 17 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers third floor Cit Hall and lime� cation Court House. You are hereby required to a�pe� at such h��-2ng. If 3-ou a�•e unable to appear at said hearin€, please no�ify this orfice i:amed.-�atel,y. Our telephone nuznber is 29�-5�5b. � JQSLPii F. C��C��DI L.icense Inspector . � � �'����'�`7 ,....,..,�.,,,�ry. =��`'T' °'�'''� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _,• .,�-,,, �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEM�NT SERVICES ;, uum c? ;• � �uu �`'�• "_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION /J J'"�m;����°'�` Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 1981 1�:r. President and �ionora�le i•:embers oi the City Council Saint Paul, i�inriesotia 55102 i's. Fresident and �:onorable i•.embers: The Disabled American Veteraris, :it. Faul Chapter ;�o. 2, Inc. makes application ior pern-.�ssion to conduct ?;in�o �anes for 51 periods at 1060 University Avenue, beginnin�; June 18, 19B1. The application has �een r:ade Ly Zlo�d J. Jackson, Com- mander, and ':Ialvin C. Anderson :aill be mana�,inb the yames, which will be pla;red on Tt�ursday evenin£�s, be�,�reen the hours of 8:00 Pi�I and 12:00 midni�ht. il:is application has �een rev�ewed k�� the License and i'ermit i�i�Ti.�ior� and i:.e Cit�T ��ttorne�T's oFf�.ce. '1'r�e recommend- ation is i'or anproval. Very truly urours, �� � Joseph 1''. CarcYledi Licer�se Izls;�ector �� � a��a � �,� �,, �;: ,� a; _. ' _ . � + � � Y���� � 7�� -`� a�s . � �0 ����. � +`' .. . � � g b'�. � s. . � �p w�,� , . '' " � �4.ya`+ �.3�:' � " .. '� � .. _ . - .� .... � �.-;�,,. �. .. .�: .. . ,�,,,�nuy� . . . ,:;. ,:... ,�_ . . . _��C,T' o,1���� . . ' , . _�• �-.,,, . CiTY OF SAINT PAUL _� `'i DEFARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES =• u�i1�� '= ;,� �� _- DIVISION OF.LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'V44�� ���• _ ��,.�"` _ Room 2Q9,Ciry Hall GEORGE UITIMER Saint Paul;Minnesota 55102 NUYOR June 12, 1981 Mr. Lloyd J Jackson 2145 E Geranium Av St. Paul, MN 55119 DAV, Inc. St. Paul Chapter #2 Your a}�plication for a Bingo 51 periods license has been received by this office. After review and investigation of this �plication, this office will reco�mend to the License Committee that such license(s) be granted. A hearing on your application for s�.d license(s ) will be held before the I.LLcer�se Committee on : June 17, 1981 Date at 10:00 AM $t Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall and lime�— cation Court House. You are hereby req�.iired to �pear at suct� rsa�ir_�. If 3•aL a�e unable to appear at said 'near-�n�, please notyfv t u.s o�fice i:ulecl-:ately. Our telephone number is 298-5o5b. J0.S�Ff; F. C�CF��DI License Inspector � � � Y. � . . � .. .. , : , �`(�0�'7 � �w�\yyn �`� ``T* °'L�'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL -=.• •�� _� ;-, �� `` DEPARTMENT OF FtNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVlCES ;� niwu. �� '�.. n i� � ^� `•' =- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'L�� ���• ' '�m�M•.,.�c`"' Room ZQ4,Ciry Hall GEORGE UTIMER $aint Paul,Minnesow 55102 MAYOR June 12, 1981 Mr. Halvin C Anderson, Jr. 119 E Wheelock Pkwy St. Paul, MN 55117 DAV, Inc. St. Paul Chapter #2 Your application for a Bingo 51 pe riods ?icer.se has been received by this office. l�fter review and intTestigation of this application, this o�f�ce will recorimend to tr:e License Committee th�.t such l�cer_se(s) be �ranted. A hearir.� on vour application for sa.�.d license(s ) will be held before the Licerse Co:nmittee on . �Fune 17, 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers , third floor, City Hall and �1 i*�e; I�oc ati on Court House. You �Te hereb5� re�aired �o arpe2s at suci: :�_ea_�n�. If 3'0�:. 2:'E �able t0 Syp2E;T' 3i, sa;d i�ear:.Sl€� �ZESSE riO�ift' ��1i5 O�ilCP, y.:.r.�e��ately. Our te�er�none nu.-�ber is 29�•-5055. J0.S�Fi� F. C�tC��DI License I;��ecior . 3 ��`����'��° �....��a�«����R ==`'�`'T' °'�°'�-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�• :-,, '� '�: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: �i i°ii �= �`��• �c` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION /l��'��„n;",'„��''�`�� Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 17, 19II1 �;r. Fresident and ��onoraule j'lem��ers of the City Council Saint ;'aul, ��ir�nesota :•r. President anc, I;onorable •:emkers : `i'he St. Paul �-'urners ��omen's l�uxilia.ry ma.kes ap�li- cation �or perr.ussion to conduct �i_nbo games for 1.�9 periods at 1!_OS :Iain �treet be�innir�; July 9, 1981. i'Yie application has been made by Lenore See"er, Presi- dent and I�lary xnne ?Jetsc:�ka �11 be managing the �;ar.e:, wY:ich will be �layed on LYiursday evenings between the hours of 7:30 �i�i and 11:30 P.:'. This arplica�ion lia.s been r�:v;.ewed by the Licer.se and Permit ::'i�.n�sion and tt:e City �ttorr�e;;r's office. The reco�nmend- ation is for approval. `Jer;r truly yours, �'r � Joseph 1''. Caxchedi License Inspector °�� s • ' , =-�_• �' ' `�"7���7 � ..��;::�o;�,, . 2. ::� ;''�--., C(TY OF�SAINT PAUL ��~ `' DEPARTMEIVT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVtCES ;: �i�ii�u, `� ;. �� `-• = DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT<ADMINISTRATION ��`"�ym„.�������` Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE L/�TIMER Saint Paul;Minr►esota.55102 MAYOR June 12, 1981 Lenore Seeger 533 N Dale St St. Paul, MN 55103 St. Paul Turners Womens Aux. Your application for a Bingo 49 periods licen.se has been received by this office. kfter review and investigation of this �plication, this of�ice will recor.imend to the License Cor,imittee that such licer.se(s) be �ranted. A hearin.g on Sour a�plication for sai.d Lcense(s ) will be held before the I.�cense Committee on _ June 17, 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall and �iime; Location Court House. �ou are hereb3- req•,:LLred �o a��ezr at suc2: ::ea�*�. If ��c�� a-�e �nable to appe� at sa�d iiea_r�n€, please notify t!�.is orf�ce =.:.med�ately. C)ur telephone nur:�ber is 29�'•-5�55• JOS�,Fii F. C�r�CN�DI License I ns�ector , _ �`j('���'''f ' • ' `_ _ � �`� l �1';J I . . ,,,,....,.,�„4, =�``'T' °'°''' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL :,. .-- =4 j, '� �' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;: i�ii��' '= ,,. �� `>• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINtSTRATION �..•c,.=� ""�lm,„�.„. Room 2Q9.City Nall GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul;Minnesota 55102 N1/1YOR June 12, 1981 Mary Anne Wetschka 1346 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 St. Paul Turners Womens Aux. Your application for a Bingo 49 periods license has been received by this office. hfter regiew and investigation of this �plication, this o��ice k-ill reconmend to the License Committee tha� such L cense(s) be �ranted. A hearing on your a�plication for sa3.d Lcense(s ) will be �,eld befere the 'L�cer�se Committee on _ June 17, 1981 Date, at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall and _ime� Location Court House. �ou �e ?�ieret-3- req•,ai^ed �o arae�.r at suc'r. i-_Ea:-in�. If ;;cu aY•e u.�able to appe�r at s�;ri iie�ryn�, please not-yfy �his o�'fice i L*�ed;ately. Gur te-er�r�one nunber is 29��-5056• JOS�Fi. . . C-';t��C:�DI I.icense Ir.specior