277003 WHITE - CITY CLERK �� ,. " /�f. L-1
BLUE - M,YOR File N O. �
N t
`� �` - o ci solution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil
Service Ru].es with regard to certificati.on.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in Section 8
tl�reof so that said Section 8 shal]. be designated as 5ection 8.A; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended
by inserting immediately after Secti.on 8.A the following new language:
"8.B A.fte r a review of the file s and records of the Pe rsonnel Offi.ce,
th.e Director of Personnel, if the records so indicate, may
determine that a disparity as to women, or as to race or
, a� origi exists within a job or a series of jobs within
� a-3epar men . f Those jobs which shall constitute a series of
jobs shal]. be established by the Personnel Office and shall be
on written record therein.
If a disparity is determined to exist as to women, then when
vacancies are created in that job or series of jobs, the Personnel
Office shall certify the three highest eligible candidates for that
posita.on and sha11 then also certify the next three highest women
on the eli gible li st. The appointing offi ce r may then appoint one
of those so certified.
If a disparity is deterrnined to exist as to race or naia.onal origin,
then when vacancies are created in that job or series of jobs, the
Personnel Office shall cerfa.fy the three highest eligible candidates
for that position and shall then also certi.fy the next three highest
candidates who are members of a protected class relating to race
or nati.onal origin. The appoinia.ng officer may th.en appoint ane of
those so certified.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
McMahon B
snowa�ter __ Against Y —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� � �' ,��.�.Pe �' � 8/-9�
� � Db not deta�h thts memorandum irom the �
* � ' resolution so that this information wili be ����
available to the City Council.
Date: April 10, 1981
FR: Personnel Office
RE: Resolution for submiasion to City Council
We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council.
This R.esolution expands tlie certificata.on on the �.rst vacancy and every
thi rd vacancy the re afte r to include the name s of women and minority
eligibles so that the City's Aff'irmala.ve Acla.on Goals can be met.
Re solution and copy for the City Cle rk.
WHITE - CITY CLERK � 'J� /' /'F�r_i
PtNK - FINANCE ti � � jJ�j��
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
- 2 -
"If a disparity is determined to exist as to both women and
race or national origin, then when vacancies are created
in that job or series of jobs, the Personnel Office shall
certify tlie three highest eligible candidates for t�.at position
and shall then al so ce rti.fy the next three highe st candidate s
who are members of a protected class relati.ng to race or
nati.onal origin, and shall then also ce rtify th.e next three
highest women on the eligible list. The appointing officer
may then appoi.nt one of those so certified.
This Section shall apply only to original entrance eligible
L�totwithstanding any other provision of Section 8. B, the
procedures of Section 8.B shall be used only for the first
vacancy and every third vacancy thereafter in any such job
or series of jobs. "
App rove d:
hai rm
Civi1 Ser 'ce Comxnission
and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED� That this resolution sha11 take effect upon its
approval and publication and shall only be applicable to those Civil
Service tests and exa.minations administered after its effective date.
COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�evine In Favor
Maddox �/
McMahon «/
snowaiter __ Against BY
JUN 1 6 1981 For Approved by rn
Adopted by Council: Date — c
Certified a-_ by Counc' Secr BY
App by Mayor: D e _�N 19 198i Appro y Mayor for S mission to Cou
PUBLiSHfD JUN 2 7 �ggj
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File N 0.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that Mayor Latimer is hereby requested to submit
to the City Council, within 30 days, a comprehensive recruitment
program that focuses on recruitment opportunities for protected
class persons; and be it further
RESOLVED, that this rearuitment work program will specifically
focus on underrepresented groups for city employment. The recruitment
program will include recruitment and training, which overcome language
barriers, community meetings, and liaison with protected class employ-
ment and service agencies; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that a report on the initial results of the Civil
Service rule changes (Sec. 8. B. ) be submitted to the City Council
within 90 days.
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In Favor
McMahon B
snowaiter _ Against Y
For Ap roved City ttome
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor fot Submission to Council
By _ By
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and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution shall take effect upon
its approval and publication and shall only be applicable to
those Civi1 Service tests and examinations administered after
its effective date.
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I�ar I�yor t .
, At t� C3t,y Ovunoil s�etittg ot Jt�e- 4t� 1981a �t�ons ttere � - _
� � ado�tsd aaking tsbe folloN3n� r�qweets td �Le A�fni��rati�on. �
1. Request that Ad�i.ni�strati.on, 8eve2op a recruit3,ag �
. . and �x'aining program for �ev�ryv�ne and repor�_bacl€
: - - to the Fl.narfce� 1�a►n��eeeetrG :8a Pereostnel Co�ovittee ,
� - in^thirtY dalV'a. - � ;
_ ;, '2: Thnt tbe me��ter of tbe handicapped be re�'�rre� ,to �
� � � t�e.Pereonael O!"!#.aa a�ct �uaa Rights D�pt. for
, gasaible 1s�uage �s�snd�t to t.bs re+�l�tion at thi •
, • =
= 3ec�nd �eading : -
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� ; 3. ?hat #� Perscu�t�el Dept. emd_t3ivil �ervice tlo�siss3,c�q► �
� ` x'sarieM ttM Fir� Fig#�trer►'��t�+�� it� ccc�pera,ti7ot� xith `
, tb� Firt pl�ter's uriioaE'� othsrs aa�.r�epor� bac�t .'
• ,� , oa t1� prog�rsss ot t1�ir revi�sre. .
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rateu► reflect the applicant's or em- �3) Government o�cis]s inveeGigatin� ahall develop, within slx months of the
ployeo's Job akills, aptiWde. ar whatevar comDliance with the Act shall be pro- eflective date Qf ttils Dart. a. transition
othtr factor the test purports to mcaa- vlded relevs�nt informaWon upo� re- nian aetttng iorth the atepu necesssrY to
ure, re.ther than re2lectlnQ the appli- quest. nompleta such chan8es. T�e plan ghall
ca.nt'a or employee'e impaired ec�ensory. �§ II4.15-84.20 LR�•NCrved] be developed with the assistance uf !n-
munual,or apeaking akllla (except where terested persons, including hanciicapped
thase akilLs are the factor� that Lhe teet Subpart C--Program Accesslbilky persons or organ.izations representlnB
purports to messure). handicapped persona. A copY o1 the
�84.21 Diecriminnlion prohibital. transition plan shall b� made avalle,ble
� lt4.1=1 1'reen�pioyu�cnt inip�iricx. No quellfled handicapped petsori tor pub11C 1nsyCCtion. The plarl shall, al
�u) Except as provided in paragraphs ��� �&�e a recipient's iacilltiea e►re a �xiimum:
lb) and <c) oi thLs aection, s recipient ��cessible to or unusable by haadi- �1) Identliy physical obetacles in tbe
may not conduct a preempIoyment med- capped persona,be denied the beneRts of, =��plent's facilities that Ilmit the acces-
� ical examination or maq not m�Ya pre-' � �cluded from pnrticlpation in, or slbility .oi its proeram or activlty to
employment inqutry o� an e�pplicant na otherwlse be sub�ected to diseriminatlon ha.ndicapped persons;
to whcther tha sppllcant fa a haudi- �er a�y pragram or acUvity to whlcb �y� �scrlbe in detall the methods tbai
capped person or aa to tha nature or ��part aApl�. will be used to make the facilitfes ac-
severity of a handicap, ri reciplent g g�,q2 Exist[ng iwcillues. � eessible;
may. however, make prternployateat in- �a) Propram accessibtlity. A reclplent �g� ���y�e�hedule for.taking the
quiry into sn applicaat'a ability to per- 8� o��� � p�� �, ���ty atepa necessary to achieve fuli program
fornt �ob-related itmctlone. accees1b111ty and, if the time period o!
(b) When e recipiart ia takln� t° which thfs part applies so.that the �he transltion plan is lon8er than one
remedlal action to cornct the e�ecte p�� or activity. when vie�aved.in ib year, ldentliy steps��fihat wilI be taken
of past dkcrimination pt].reUant to 4 8f�,s entirety. 1s readl�y accessibie to handi- �� each year oI tbe transltion pe-
(a).when a rEClDtent is talcing voluntar�r �'PPed l�rsons.Thfa pnrngraph does not riod� and
action to overCOme the etfacta oi con- �� a recipient to make each oi ib �4) Zndicate tha t�erson responsible
dltSons that reaulted in Laiit�eci par- exfating facititiea or every part oi s fa�- for implementatlon of the p]an.
tSclpation !n its tedersilY oaslated Dro- Cility acccssible to and usable by handi- �f) Nottee. The reclpicnt ahall adopt
gram or activity pursuant to f al.Q(b). �aD���On°� and lmploment procedures to ensure
or when a reciplent le te.king a�irmative <b> Methods. A reclplent may campl�► �at interested persons, including per-
actioa pursuant to sectlon b03 0l the with the requirement of parn8raph (a) dons wlth impaired v4sion or hearing,can
Ack t,he recipient may invlta appllcanta ot this sectlon throu8h auch meana as obtafn intormation ea to the existence
for employment to fndicate whether and ��ign oi cquipment, reessi¢nment ot y�d loeation �i aervlcea, activiWea, and
to what extent they are handtcapped, classes or other Qervices to accessible facllities that are accessible to and us�-
Prov{ded, That: bufldings, assignment of atdes to bene- �le by handicapped persona.
li) Zhe ieclpfent etatee clesrIy on aciaries, home vlslta, delivery oi healtb.
any written queeWonnaire uaed for thLs weltare,or other aoeial sarvfcee at alter- �$�•23 New cons�ruction.
purpose or makes clear ora11Y if no wrlt- �� ��lble eites, slteration o1 exiat- (a) Desiyft and corsiruct{ou.Each Sa-
` ten questlonnaire is uaed that the in- �'facllities and oonstniction of new fa• �wty or part ai a facllity constructed
lormation requented is lntended for uae cilttiea in conformance with the requlre- by� � behalf of, or for the use of a re-
solely 1n connectton with ite ramedlal �Ents of ; 84.23, or any other methoda cipient shall be deslgned and constructed
actlon obligations or !ta volunts�►ry or that result fn making its proeram or ao- m auch manner that t2ie iacility or Par�
utTtrmative f►ction etforts• and ��ty accesslbla to handicapped persona. of the facillty is readlly accessible to and
(2) The recipient statea clear�yr that A reciplent !a not required to, make �able by handicapflecl persons, if the
the informatton la being requeatecl on a ���ctural changes in exfsting iaclllWes construction was commenced a(ter tlie
voluntary basis.that lt wi11 be kept con- �hera other methode are etYective in eftective date of thls i�srt.
fldentlai as pravlded in para8raph (d) ��eving comDIiance wlth paragraph �b)�Alteratton. Ea.ch fac111Ey or part
of thls eectton, that refwsal to provide �0.� of this sectlon. In choosing among of a facility which ia altered by. on
lt wlll not sub�ect the applkant or em- avallable methocis tor meeting the re- p�alf of, or for the use ot a reclpient
' pIoyee to any adverae treatment, and a�rement of pnragraph <a) of thls sec- �fter the effective dste oi thls part in a
E thnt it w!ll be used only !n accordance �on,�a recipient shall Bive priority to �anner that affecte or could aifeet the
�!���� those methods that otTer prograrns and usablllty oi the incillty or part of the fa-
ec) Nothing in this section ahall ��ivities to hctndicapped persor►s in the �uity shall, to the maximum ex�t fea-
rohlblt a reciplenL from conditloning most lntegrated setting appsopriate. slble,he sltered in auch manner at the
D (c) Smni1 hea.�th,welJare,of other ao- ��red nortion of the facillty is readllc
an ofler of emploqment on the resulta �service prov{ders.If a recipient with accesslble to and usable•by hsndfeapped
of a medscal ezaminatlon canducted fewer than fliteen emplayeea Lhat pro- persons.
prfor to tha employee'e entrance on �dea health, weltare, or other social �c1 American National Standards 1�►-
duty. Provided, 1`haL: (1) A11 enterin$ services ftnds, atter consultaGion with a S�itute accessibitity atandards. Design.
employees are aubjeeted to Buch an handlcapped person seeking 1ts services. construction,or alteration�of faeiliLies in
! oxacninatlon reSardless ot handlcRp,and y�gt �ere 1s no method of complyln6
(2) the results of euch an examinatlon with purs�graph (a) of this sectlon other conformance with the "American Na-
are tised on�y !n �,:cordance wlth the re- than making a eigniflcant alteraWon � tlonal Btandard 6peciflcations Sor Mnk-
qulrements o1 this part. iW exSsting facUftles, the recfplent may, �g Bulldings and Facilitles Accessible
as an alternative,refer the handicapped t°'and Usable by� f)!e Physically Handt-
<d) Tniormatton obtained !n accord- capped;' published by the AmerJcnn Na-
ance wlth thls section as to the medi- person to other providers of those serv- tional l9tandards Instltute, Tne. �ANSI
esl condlLion or hlstory of the appllcant 'ces that are accessible. � A117.1-1962 tR1971));whlch is incorpo-
ahall be collected and maintalned on td) 1;inee period. A reclpient shaII ��d by reference in thls paat, shatl
sepurate forma that shall be accorded comply wlth the reQuirement oi para- �onsWtute compliance with paragraphs
� conildentiallty as medical records, ex- Qraph (a) of this sectfon within elx�� ��� �d <b) oi th7s aection. Departures
cept that: • dnya of the egective dQte of thia part irom pQrticular requirementa of those
(1) Supervisors and managers may be except that where structural changea in atandards by the use oL other methods
lnformed re8arding resLricWon9 on the facllitlea are necessary. euch che►nges ahall be permitted when !t 1s clearly
work or dutiea ot handicaDpec! Dersons ahall be made wlthin three yeara of the evldent that equivalent acceas to the
and regardin8 neceasarY accommoda- etlective date oi this riart, but in snr facuity or Dart oi the facllity is thereby
tlona; event as expeditlouely sa passible. nrovided.
(3> Flrst aid and aatety •pereonnel (e) Transttion fltan.In the event tha�
may be lniormed, where spPropriate, ii etructurnt changes to iscillttea are nea- ��pie. oat.tm,b�• irom Amerla►n N.-
Lhe condition mtght require rmergency esse�rY to meet the iequlrement of parb- tloniJ 8tanduds Instttute, ina., �sso�ro.a-
• trestment; ancl , grsyh �a) of this section, a reciplent .+eY.New York,N.Y.10018.
. �` � � � . � � r .� •F, �'?' .�1� �
j � � . � ' . � �' .
§84.7 Designadon of responalble em- �84.10 Eficet of a�ate or locnl law or (7) 8election and flnanclal support for
;i ployee and sdoplion ol rritvanee od�er recrairements and e(Tec! of em- tTR1n111g, itaCluding �ppientiCaship, pTO-
� proCedu�e8. ployment opportunitiee. fesslonal meetinea, conierencee. QiIC�
(a> Des{gnalfoa oJ responsibte em� (a) The obli�ntion to comply with thia other related actiVltiee,end selection tor
� pioyee. A recipient that employs Biteau part is not obviated or ulleviated by the leaves ot absence to pursue traYning;
or more persons shail designate at least existence of any state or lceal law or <8) Employer sponsored sctivitlee, in-
one person to coordinate its eftorta to other requlrement thnt, on the basis of cluding social or recrea.tional progrnms;
comply with this part. hnndtcap, imposes prohibttions or limita �d
(b) Advption o1 Drieoance proced:�res. u�:on thc eliyiblllty o[ qualifled handi- �9) Any other term,cohdition,ar priv-
A recipient that employs flfteen or more capped pe►•sons to receive servlces or to ilege ot employment.
persons s�all adopt grlevance proceduree Practice any occupatlon or profession. �c) A reciplent's obligatton to comply
that Incorparnte appropriate due ptocesa �b� The obllgatlon to comply with thLs with thls subpart is not aSected by any
standazds and that provide for the Dsrt is not obvinted or alleviated be- �corisistent term of any coAective bnr-
prompt and equitable resolution of Com- cause employment opportunities in any Baining ngreemenE to whlch it 1s u party.
plaints�lle�ing any action prohibiEed bq �cupation or professlon are or may be §84,12 ]tcn:�onablc aecomma�luliun.
thls part. Such prceedures need not be more ]1mlted for handicupped persons ��� A recipient shall make reasonab2e
estabiished wlth respeCE to complatnta than tor nonhnndicapped persons. _ accommodation to the known physical or
irom applicants,for employment or from Subpart B—Emptoyment Pract:ces menl;al limtta.tions of an otherwise qual-
appllcants.for admisslon to postsecond-
ary educational lnstituttons. 3 81.7 1 lli•crimiru�tion pru6ibii�•d. ified handicapQed sppllcant or employee '
, unless the recipient can demonstrata
§8-1.ti l�o�icr. (a� Generat. (1) No qualiRed handi- Lhat the accommodatlon would lmpode
capped person sl�all, on the basis of an undue hsrdship on Lhe oper�tlon of
(a) A rectpient that einploys Afteen handicap, be sub)ected to dlscrimination j� program.
or more persons shall take appropriate !n employment under Any pro�ram or �b) Reasonable sccommodation may
initlal and contlnuing steps to nottfy activity to which this part applles. include: (1) making facilities used by
psrtictpants, beneflciariea, appllcant�, (2) A recipient that receives assistance employees readlly accesslble to and us-
snd employees, including those wlth 1m- under the Education of Lrie Handicapped able by handlcapped persons,and (2) ,►ob
paired viston or hearing, snd union� Act shall t�►ke posltive steps Lo employ restructuring, part-ttme or modiRed
or protessional organizations holding col- and advance in employment qualifled work schedules, acquisitlon or modiRen-
lective bargatning or professtonal agree- handlcappeci persons in programs as= tlon of equipment or devlces, the pro��l-
ments wlth the reclpient that Jt does not slsted uridec that Act. sion of readers or lnterpreters,and other
! dtscrtminate on the bssls of handicap!n (3> A recipient shnll make all decLsions simllar actions.
f vlolation oi sectlon 504 and this psrt.The concerning employment under any pro- (c) In determining pursuant to para-
notiflcation shall state, where eppropri- grnm or a^.tivlty to which this part ap- graph (a) of this section whether an ac-
; ate, that the recipient does not dlacrlm- �Iles in a manner which ensures that commodation would impose sa.n undue
; inate in admission or access to,or treat- discrimination on the basLs ot handicap hardshtp on the operation of a rect�i-
' ment or employment in, !ta programa doea not occur and rnay not limit,segre- ent's program, tactors to be consldered
i and activities.The notlflcation shall also gate, or classlty upplicants or employees �clude:
� include an identiflcatlon oi the respon- iii sny way that adversely aBects their (1) The overnll size of the reclpient's
� sible employee designated pursnant to opportunities or status because of program wiih respect to number of em-
� 4 84.7(a).A recipient ahall make khe tnl- handicap, ployees, number and type of facilities,
tlul notifleRtion required by this para- (4) /.i•eciptent may not pai•ticipate!n nnd size oi budget;
� graph within 90 days of the eRective date a contractunl or other relationshtp that (2) The type of the reclplent's opera-
i of thls purt.Methods of lnitiai and con- has the etfect ot subJecting qualUied tion, including the compositlon and
' tlnuing notiAcation may include the handicapped applicants or employees to struCture of the reclplent's workforce;
postin� ot notices, publication in newe- dlecrinilnation prohibtted by thlv sub- �d
� papers and maguzines,placement ot no- part The relntlonships referred to in this (3) The nQture and cost of the accom-
� tices in reclpients' publication, and dis- subparagraph tnclude relationshlps wlth modAtion needed.
tribution of inemoranda or other wrltteq emnloyment nnd referral agencies, with (d) A recipient may not deny any em-
communications. labor untons, with organtzations provld- ployment opportunity to a qualifletl han-
(b) If a rectplent publlshes or usw re- �S or adminLstering trtnge beneflts to dlcapped emploqee•or applict►nt if the
crultment materials or publlcattons con- employees of the reciplent, and wlth basis for the denla! fs the need to make
tatning general inlormatlon 4hat !t organtzattons providing training and ap- reasonable accommodatlon to the physi»
makes avalluble to particlpanta, bene- Prenticeshlp programg. cal or mental l:mitaElons ot the employee
flcinrles,applicants,or employeee,!t shaU �b) SpeciJlc actiuities. The provtslons or appticant.
fnclude ln those msteriaLs or publtcatlons ot this aubpurt apply to:
a stntement-ot Lhe pollcy descrfbed in �1) R.ecrultment, udvertising, and the §II�.13 Eroplo;meot criteria.
para.graph (a) ot thfa section. A reclpl- Drocessing of applicatlons for employ- (a) A recipient me►y not make use of
ent may meet the requlrement of thls ment; anq employment tesL or other selection
pnragrnph elther by includi�g appro- (2) Hiring, upgrnding, promotion, crlterlon that acreens out or tends to
priate inserts ln exLsting materlala and award of tenure,de[notion,transfer,lay- screen out handlcapped persons or artiy
publicatlons or by revlsing and reprint• ofl,termination,right of return Irom lay- ciass ot handicspped persons unless:
ing the materials and publicatioru, oQ,and rehiring; (x) the test score or ottter selection cr!-
� 8-1.9 Administr�tive require�nenle for �3) R&tes of pay oc e,ny othet fot'm Of �H������y�e I''ec�pient, !s showri
nmell recipicnss. compeneation nnd changes in compensa- tO�iob-related for the posltten in ques-
tlon; tion,and (2) alternative�ob-related tests
The Director may requlre any recipl- or criteria thaE do not screen out or tend
ent with frwer thaa fliteen employees� «� Job assignments, job classitica- �screen out as msny handicspped ger-
or any class o1 such reclpien!a,to compu tlons,organlzationnl structures, posltlon BOn,y are not shown by the Director Lo
f with 4 4 84.7 and 84.8,ln whole ar in psrt, descri3�tlons, iines of progression. and �availsble.
� aenlority lists;
� when t,he Dlrector Snds A vlolatloa ot (b) A recipient shall select Acnd adm4�-
i this part or Snd$ that auch compltsnce �6) Leaves of a.bser�,slck leave,or any ister Leats concerning employment eo ns
' wlll not sigalflcant�y fmpalr the ablllty other leave; best to ensure Lhak when admicustereci
` of the tectplent or class ol reciplenta tp ��$� �ge beneflts ava�ilable by vlrtue ta sn nppllcant or employee who has a
anpioyment, whe�ther or not Qdminls- handlcap thwt impuira sensory, rnanu�I,
provide benents or services, terec!by the recipient; or speakln�skills, !he ta�t results accu-
ROERA� RlOIfTER, VOL. 41, NO. �6--WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1►77
. ` . . :... �.,r�..,�,.�...�,.r.,....-..�•
r � -• � . . � � � v � �
, � - � �
I � .
� .
� OPPONENTS: Gary Trudeau, President
St. Paul Fire Fighters
Cordy Clausen �
Self - .
Chuck Harding �
� Amexican Leagion �
John 0'Neill � -
�reterans of Foreign {Vars
, � �
�. '� " � + � . � �� � �o � �
PROPONENTS: Louis Zachary blinnesota Dept. of Human Rights
"�j James Brown, Director Ramsey Action Programs
Jose Cruz Alinza Dor Accion Policia
Sue Medina Hispanic Advisory Committee
Ricardo Flores Hispanos en Minnesota
Carla blessman Citizens Budget Advisory Committee
Lia Ozols Lessoeurs
Jeremy Rockman American Indian Center
Steve Belton Council on Black Minnesotans
Carol Connolly Human Rights Commission
Jim Shelton St. Paul Urban League
� Steve Cooper Neighborhood Justice Center
� Joann Cardenas de Enos Self
--�"-� � �-Marge Charmoli Women's Political Caucus - -
Robert Harris Self
Re:ginald Harris Self
Jimmy Mann Self
Dr. George Berry Self
hiember of Civil Service Commission
Kate �Vulff iYorking Opportunities for Women (WOW)
Rosalind Carroll Self (Early) �
� Jose Trejo Minnesota Spanish Speaking Councils
� Jesus Cervantes bfinnesota Migrants
Brad Benner Nt�ACP
j .
, czir o�� V 1'.�` a.: U.�� ►�J.�.��� ��' .UTJ - � -- —
` '�,•~ "�`;-� , . O�PICE OF THE MAYOR
� �o ,�L`� a • �) n/� .
?°i► �1111'il1'C�I c� � . . ' � � v`�J . � . � .
� "� � 347 CITY HALL � �-� �
� �''•����.:/ ^ SAINT PAiJL. I�lINhE50TA SS103
k GEORGE LATIti1ER (612) 298-4323 � -
biAYOR � '
April 21, 1981 - -
� Civil Service Commission • ' . � - ' . -
2fi5 City Hall ' : - - -
Saint Paul, P�tN `551U2 � �- . �_ �. �
• ' Dear Civil Service Commission. . � : � : _ : :�
At the April.meeting of the riayor's Advisory Comma.ttee on
- � Handicapped People, the Committee� unanimously passed a
resolution stating that the handicapped should be included .
as a protected class in. the proposed Affirmative Action . � �
Plan. The Committee feels that in order for the City to �
' adequately recruit and hire disabled people, a goa], must .
be set, as with other protected groups. � �
� . .
It is hoped that the Civil Service Commission wi.11 under-
stand the need for an active recruitment and employmen�.
program for handicapped people and the importance of •
including the disabled in the Affirmative Action Plan in
oXder tQ attain this goal.
Si.ncerely, � �
G;' � . .
� - �- �� - . - - . .
� Bea Fox .
� � • Chairman, - P�layor's Advisory Committee ori . - .
Handicapped People � �
. cc: City Counci]. -
�: M�ayor Latimer
v � ,"Tom Gleason�.�.; . �
� BF/7r ' _ -
� •
, . .
i • � �
_._.� _______.._._.4_
- , , . � �� � a�3
�.a es�:�g��
Councilman Lee slative Aide
June 3, 1981
T0: Mayor Georg Latimer
City Counc'1 embexs
FRO�I: Ron Maddox ���
Council Pxe ident
RE: A£firmative Action
The City Council meeting to discuss and debate the affirmative action
�roposal is scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 1981, from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
in �ity Council Chambers.
I would r�spectfully desire to lay doti�rn a specific f�rmat for the meeting.
- __._._.__ _._
At the outset, I would propose that Mayor Latimer submit an explanation and �
overview of the need and the Civil Service Proposal. I would then recommend
that 45 minutes of testimony be allotted to proponents and 45 minutes tor
opponents of the proposal. At the conclusion, the City Council will debate
and deliberate its course of action.
Several persons have alxeady called expressing their intent to speak. If
you shpuld receive any simila�c requests, please refer them to Kaxl Neid, Jr.
. If you have any questions, please let me know.
� �V e, 21.�S t o t� cs �����
�U� �e�s Y o,�.,a � �q�a,�c�
� 1
—'� ,J �� , JC �� I C�...a
� �� �
� �,--� , ,��, _..._ �-1 ,�� � �
— ��c o � �`� �
CITY HALL SEVENT� �...�''� ��AIPT PA�, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-4475
L�, �S � �'� b l r