276981 - CITY CLERK � [} DE ARTMENT COUIfC1I -�s9V� MAYOR G I T Y O�F A I N T PA U L File N O. � � ' solution resented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wt�RE'AS, The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforce�rnn.t has request�ed the City Cotmcil t,o hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and neoessity of the oorrection or wrecking and reempval of the follawing described buildings, said structures havi.ng bee.n reported t�o constitut�e a public haza.rd: 7 E. ArlingtAn Subject to Avenue The S. Z of Vacant Single fami.ly Alley Adj.' � and H Soo line Plat home and shed. Ntmiber 2 WHEREAS, it appears that as of May 15, 1981 the fee owner of said structurES is Madline R. Bliss (knawn address 1990 Burns Ave., #219, St. Paul, NIlV 55119) . Contract purchaser is Marissa. Bongiovanni, 1691 E. California, St. Paul, NIl�T 55106. There are no liens of record. WI�RF.�S, the Division of Housing and Bui.lding Code �fo�roement, on behalf of the City Co�cil did notify by mail the above noted par�ties of interest at their last lazavn addresses. Wi�RFAS, a public hearing was held by and before the Council of the City of Sai:nt Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. on Z'fiursday, J�e 11, 1981 to consider the advisability and necessity of orclering the correction or wrecking and r�val of said structures on the above described property as said structures are reported to arnstitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; Wf�S, upon the facts presented at the saa.d hearing oonsisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recanarenda.tion of the Bui.lding Depart�nent, it is further determined that the above buildings constitute hazardous buildings within the defini.- tion of Mirinesota Statute 463:15 for the follaving reasons: a. The subject property has been boa.rded up by the awner/city since Jan�zy 1981. b. This builcling is badly vandalized. c. It has beexi broken into several t-ures and has had the siding torn off. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt 1�7 �2 �11t Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon sr,o,�,aite� __ Against BY — Tedesco wlson Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed by Council Secretary �c 3=.2L� B� Approved by ll�layor: Date Appr ved by Mayor for Sub� ss' n to Council By _ B �s98x 2. d. The oonditions outlined above constitute a public hazard. e. The awner has made no att�t t�o satisfact�orily repair the dan�age. f. 'I'he continued vacant and b�arded up condition contri.but�es a blighting influence on the neighborhood. naw, therefore, be it, RF50LVID, That in ac�rdance with Minnesota Statutes 463.15 through 463.25, and ba.sed upon the foregoing findings of the Gity Cotmcil, the Council of the City of Saint Paul c3�oes hereby make the following Order; 012DER 1. The c�mer of the above described buildings shal.l make the same safe and not d�etr�mental to th,e public peaoe, h�ealth, safety and welfare by ha.ving the said build- ings razed and the materials therefran removed frcan the premi.ses within thirty (30) days fram the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to ao�ly with this On3er or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey CoLmty, Minnesota, within twenty (20) da.ys from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for stumiary enforcement of this order to raze and remr�ve the said buildings will be made to the Ra.�ey County District Court; 3. In the event that the buildings are to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judc�lt of the District Court, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and resroval of this building shall be re.moved within ten (10) da.ys from the entry of judc�nt; and if not so r�noved, the City of �aint Paul shall rem�ve and dispose of such. personal property and fixtures as pravided by law. 4. If the City of Saint Paul is �elled to take any corrective action herein, all necessazy costs expe.nded by the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and c:ollected as other taxes; and be it �r4� s.a.�_�i - CITY CLERK - FINANCE - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T -PA U L Council �;�6�Q�i � MAYOR File N O. V�� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. � RESOLV�, that a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order h�exein be served upon the last record c�mer of the above described property in the manner provided by law. COUNCILME[V Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor —������ nPVpl�rvrlPnt Meeldeir— O M`M�„�. _ __ Against BY Tedesco ��lilsvrT� Adopted by Council: Date �U� � � 1'ot Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council cretar B}� __ _ 'S�G v/ � r App by ;Vlayor. at ��� ��� A o by Mayor for S is oq to Couacil PUBLISHED JUN 2 0 �981 ���b���� o4.�tT•�.�4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r iil�l l�n o � ,. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �... 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR May 27, 1981 RECEIVED MAY 2 9 1981 MAYORS OFFICE TY�nas Strohkirch Housing and Building Code �forcement 502 City Hall Bldg. Re: 7 E. Arlington Your file #3848 Our file S71-1790 Dear Tom: In response to your letter of May 12th requesting that my office prepare a resolution for presentation to the Cotmcil on J�e llth for a resolution/order concerning the repair or demolition of the ab�ve hazardous buildings, please note that such resolution is attached heretA. If you have ariy questions, please call. very truly yours, -C" �" _...,.. 4�LTER A. ER , Assistant City Attorney WAB:rl F3zc. ' �-�r_,�. .�g�:.;�� . . ,� . ����"� A,`�tTY oP�y, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� __ ,, - �'` � `'c��'�-�� - DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT -... Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4212 AMayor June 9, 1981 Mr. President and l�mbers o� the City Co�cil Re: 7 E. Arlingtan File #3848 Honorable CoLmcil: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby sub- mitting its report on the condition of the structure at the loca- tion referred to above. The owners of record are: (C.P.) Ma.rissa Bongiovanni, 1691 E. California Ave. E. , St. Paul, �Ai. 55106, and (Fee) Ma.deline R. Bliss, 7 E. Arlington Ave. E. , St. Paul, DMt. 55117. The legal description of the property is:Subject to Ave the S. � of Vacant Alley Adj and H Soo Line Plat Nwnber 2 , parcel code 09-69010-020-08. The building is a single family home and a shed. The subject property has been boarded up by the owner/city since January 198L This building is badly vandalized. �I� Has been broken into several times and has ha.d the siding to�n off. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined abo�e constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisf�.ctorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contribut�s � blighting influence on the neig�.l�rhr�od, it is the recom- mendation of this Ilivisic�n;t�.t th,is matter be re�erred to the City At�orney's o�fice.��or ra�i.n�.iand rernoval through DiS�ri�t Coizrt proceed- _ .� . � , ings /� . �. � Yo � ruly, . , Ienn A. Erickson Supervi.sor of Code Enforcement GAE:TAS: rd cc: Messrs. George Latimex, Ma.yor Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney I�n No�rgran, Fire NFarshal F. Staffenson, Housing Code L. Levine, Couneilman ��