276969 WHITE - CITY CLERK •)' i���� CANARIR. DE ARTMENT COUflC1I iv a BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. City Attny/JTH O C • �ZOn , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, there has been prepared and submitted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Housing Development And Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Develop- ment Project together with a Project Eligibility And Activities Report, Relocation Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan for said Project; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan proposes the undertaking of a program and project to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing for all income groups with emphasis on low and moderate income families, to provide such housing in cooperation with private d�velopers on blighted and deteriorated sites within the City thereby effecting their development or redevelopment, to assist in the provision of low and moderate income housing in such development at affordable prices and rents, and to undertake and finance these activities by means of tax increment generated by Project improvements and develop- ment; and WHEREAS, as demonstrated in the Project Eligibility and Activities Report, eleven of the eighteen sites constituting the Project Area are undeveloped land which by reason of subsoil conditions, parcel configuration or topographical problems, and the cost of correcting these conditions have prevented their normal development by private enterprise, and these and the remaining sites involve land or structures which have not COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK CnC PINK .� FINANCE �r��fr'� CANARY= DEPARTMENT COU[1CII �� a va��v BLUE - MAYOR � C I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. : Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date –2– developed or redeveloped for reasons of infeasibility of private action unaided by public financial or other program assistance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 81-6/3-12 approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project has determined that the housing development sites constituting the Project Area are blighted or deteriorated within the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 462 .421 Subdivision 13 (1) , (2) or (3) , and constitute housing, housing development and redevelopment project undertakings within the provision of Section 462 .421 Subdivisions 12, 13 and 25; that the program proposed and Project activities provided for in said Plan can be accomplished and feasibly finaneed only by their undertaking as one housing development and redevelopment project and tax increment financing district; and that the displacement to occur by the Project undertaking is limited, relocation of displaeees can feasibly be accomplished and residential dis- placees shall have priority in applying for purchase or rental of new housing units developed in the Project undertaking; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission by its Reso- lution, File No. 81-21, and after consideration of the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project Program, Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans, determined said Plans to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of said Plans; and 0 � COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FBVOT Maddox st,o„,aite - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � sy Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �`f969 PINK � FINANCE 4 CANARY ,- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F � S A I N T � PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing upon and heard testimony respecting the Plan and Project proposed there- by, has reviewed and considered the Project Redevelopment Plan and supporting documentation including the Project Eligibility And Activities Report, and, upon this evidence and other relevant information within the knowledge of the Council mc�mbers, has concluded that the Project undertaking i� necessary and in the public interest in order to accomplish the purposes and objectives set forth in the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan; Now Therefore, be it, RESOLVED by the Council of th� City of �aint Paul, upon the foregoing recitals hereby adopted as findings, that the following further findings are hereby made: (1) That the sites in the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project would not be made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing including housing for low and moderate income families be accomplished, without the financial aid sought and to be provided under the Project Financing Plan; (2) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and Project area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole, for the provision of new housing by redevel- opment of the Project area by private enterprise; and COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor T Maddox McMahon B Showalter _ Aga1RSt Y — Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY B� Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By _ By WHITE - CITY CLERK ��Ryyyaaa��� ^ ^ PINK r- FINANCE �C��� CANARY�� DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A U L . COUtIC1I ■� BLUE" - MAYOR � y . - File N 0. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- (3) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for said Project conforms to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan which is the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan and New Housing And Blighted Lands D�velopment Project therein proposed are hereby in all things approved, and that upon the approval by the City Council of the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Tax Increment Financing District and Plan, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of th� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is authorized to undertake said Project in accordance with the provision of said Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox � � � McM�.. � _ A ga i n s t BY '��C//1'1�' p� 0���, Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City At rney _, Adopted by C ouncil: Date � �� � CertiEiE:d a�s d by Coun � Se ar BY B� p / Approv :Vlav r: � � v' Appr e by Mayor for miss' d to Council By -��� — By pU6LISHED J UN 1319Q� ' . . ' /� �' . � AFFIDAVIT OF NUBLICATION STATE OF MIIVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY - NoT�EE ROSEMARY J FRANK , being OF PU9LIC MEARING UPON TME PROPOSED NEW HOUS• �U�Y sworn on oath, say�s: that he is, and dunng OEVELOPMENTTEPROJEGT AND T�x INCREMENT F�- all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the NANCING OISTRICT AND Northwest Publications, Inc., t1ublisher of the UPON TME DEVELOPMENT r AND REOEVELOPMENT AND � TAXINCREMEHTFINANCING . ' � (�QW$ a er known 8$ th�e St. Paul Dispatch� St. PLANS FOR SAIO PROGRAM. P P � PROJECTANGDISTRICT Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunda P�ioneer NOTICE IS NEREBV GIV• , Y }Eh�e�py'n�1�IVpi'fAe Chy of5a1n1 �.,,�.Mlnnewl�wlll be he10 in Press, a newspaper of general circulation within „� �„� c,,,,,��� Chembers, thQ C1L of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. ' ttfy Hal,1S Wtst Kelloqq Bo,ul• y . � evsrd.N IP.YD o'clock�.m.on ,pr�ppOSil����M! Ho�sleq and � . aedevelo meM Aut�orlfy o� T�hat the Notice hereto attached was cut from 1ne G+r o�5s�^t Psul,�nione:o- . ta fo u�dertakc�New Housinq the columns of said� newspaper and was printed ��a si+ynrw �.�ds oewio�- ,,,.,,, P��,.,m end prokK+, o and published therein on the following dates: jop pislrlcfMfo asslSf In flnanP � Inq sald pro r�m and Drolecl, .�a+o coos��er,pwo�a�o��tie 2 3 rd May , 19 81 Devslopment and Redevelop• day Of mtM Plan and Tsx locremenf � pins�Nny plsn for sald Dro- � pnm,prolacf aod dislrld. . TM New Mousln9 a^d day Of 19 Bllpfifed L�nOi 0lvClopTlnt � pro{ect would pe undortsken ro � � Incrcau the suDO�Y of deceM. � yab�nd s�nll�ry Aousiny av�l1- r - �OIe In Salrt1 Paul to meel f�e d ay O1 � � 19 Aousfnq �aeds M s11 income � qrovys w1tA emD�asls on the � � � orov{si0n ol ffnf�l housle9 for . � 1Ow�nd moAsrste lecome per .. . c sons�nd��mllfes,10 dwelo0 or d ay �1 �� � Kdevllop. 1n cooplrallon wHh f prlrafe sMNPrlse, N9��een b1lyAfed,vndevelopee or Ineo- proprl�teh useA sltcs for D�ovl- . sloe of such�„���o,�o.b.�st�� d ay of , 19 .� fhepr ev�slon o�remN Aousi�p ror law �nd moderste Income . Ismlllgi In fMse developments. . (� Inps byf1rtNa�s of ts incaement d ay �of 17 fl�sncln9• � UDOn sa10 D�bllt hearl�q �s!4'tAe Clfy Co�+ncll wlll thnld- r 'er w1+efAer l l l tAe�pro�ect erea � d ay O1 . � 19 ���Md Sifl6 queHly as�hOU51nQ. .. �ouslny Aevelopment snd rede- velopmenf Molecis under Mln- newt� Slatutes SecHon�62.�Y1 . and st re0evelopme�t Ond � � `�housl�q distrlcts ueder Sectloo . . , �71.73, (7) t�e D�olect lend ? 7�). . ( � �would not b! made evs11aD1e �7 / . .for tA! bevelopmeaf to occur , _ � i -�.wH�in 1�e ro�wnable foto�e �-?sol�ly IDrooqh prlvale en- . '�ferprlae wit�o�1 1Ae tax incre- . . ;,mp��� ���.���s� e=.�s�s�« o�o- Subscribed and sworn to before me this , �ReOeveloD�Deand Tsx Incre- � H 1 �'ment Finsncin9 Pla^s w��� °�' 5 th June 19 day �►f . e Iord ma:imum,eonsishnt with� , , � ' ��Me SOUnd MlCs ot tAe 1ocMlty , . . ��s s w�Ofe,fo/development or i � � /'1 ' '�redevelopmeM of »�d DroieN '. `���/�' 1 �,t/.� areas �od dlslr{ct 6Y.PrWNe � � 11//11��,, ��/ T.. • �nlarp►lu. CI) fhe OeveloD- ///�' /'J• �'. / �meot anA Redevelopment and . �/ ���r T�K IncremeM fi��htlnq Pl�ns I conform fo Me Comprehenslve . . f�lee Po�S�IM P�ui,eod 1511ne Notar�� Public . . ro�ed sed Dlslrlcl should Ee � ,cras/eA�snA 11�e Proqrsm and �flnancln0 P1�^s tAo�ld be aD- �o�a�� Washington �o9��.w��N�►+o�s,�9 C�►unty, Minnesota � . ':�nd B1i0Me0 Lands Oevelop- 'ment Pro1ec4 DaveloDmenf ��ed ReOeyveloDment Pl�n QCt 10 � 19 8'� I Pesi Ae Eport.1DRelocellon Plsn j snd T�■ ��cremen� Froanc+np M}' CO1T1(il1SS1017 expires Plsn sr�on/lla ie Me olHtes of . fhe City Clerk,Room J1A,GW i Ha11 sed o1 1Ae Housloy end � - Redlvel0p mlot AWhorlly Of tl+e G�y M Ss�n�Paul.Ml�neso- �qA�AAAAAL1.AaA��`AAAAACJAkPP,I�A�Gl.AA4�►; � ��, 1Tfh fbw,enr H.0�.onex, a � {;AV M t71TCF�1F � snd sre�vallsble fo��as tion . � ;•••,:_��: � Ovrinp reqol�rDvslmas�rs. '-'� �'�' (�(1',pRY PU4lIC �1���'lE���A Defed MaY�t.1N1 � . .� � . � AlDert Ohon ' N;�"�=/:{t 'i .,+� �s' WASHI�JCijONCC�UN�IY „r��� ls�� ;P�eis oiskp+�aysa-none � a '`'vj`���� p,1y Cummissi0n E�GirCS Oct. 10, 1987 � a h C'dbtl''t+tlG`v yM G'tl'�V�t7�9d'Gtl'tl'W'r/'r"�'ti'b�'tl'IY WX � , � . �'� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUIVTY OF RAMSEY �,���^- ROSEMARY J FRANK bein � a�*`��" duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and�during w "''` r°�T� H all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the " � "" Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the -MR � newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. �, ��� Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer � ��;� Press, a newspaper of general circulation within ,�_� '�"'a'�r°, the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. ��; +M '0 That the Notice hereto attached was cut from `�� ���� „ the columns of said newspaper and was printed �� and published therein on the following dates: �, n An.nc- Q. � � � � 23rd day of May � 19 81 t " � Ag day of , 19 �. "'°"'"' day of , 19 ��� ��.. �' � �b,►�,.� day of , 19 e ,�: ,;�„'ns,��'° day of , 19 ��"� day of , 19 i�Y��� �wil�e �� day of , 19 �; a.�� ��assn� ?. el�+�ana � o^ j� �����ur � /// .Q H� "��r�_ ^�1�1"; 11roPfli prW�te tn- � w1moW 1Ti i�x►ncrs- ;.�M��'�'`""",�� Subscribed and sworn to before me this �, t , �MS�.""''� 5th day �►f June 19 81 w n+��» � jF t fo►AevM6P�+1 or R ,k � ar��' , i�` /��� �T � 6'""" we�� Notan• Public � � �� I _: y;; •.�,,,�,� Washington County, Minnesota �� '�'- � '. na;: ,�.;� ±� '�a► My commission expires Oct 10 , 19 87 �i�'����°°"`'�+�`"�� ��.a� °�+� �"'"'�"R�. �� xaa,��►aa���►�e►e►�►n��a,��a�a�4u�+�c��►� �"' � t�te ���.A �` , , � KAY M RITCHiE t�. � �;;�,�`,^,.t'• NOTARY PUBItC hfi+dNE50TA F r Z�( ' ;�d�y' WASNINGTON COUNTY ���'"�'�- � �`�.� My Commission Expires Oct. 10,1981 � �Crro�i���r�roPrrnmr�erwrororr"v���ir�Yx � , �'1 AFFIDAVIT UF NUBI.ICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ,- NoTiCeE ROSEMARY J FRANK , being OF PU6LIC HEARING UPON � . TNE PROPOSED NEW MOUS- . �U�y sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during - � DEVELOPMENT PROJECT � � . AND TA% INCREMENT F�- . � all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the � UPON1TME OtEVELOPMENT NOCthWeSt Publications�,� Inc.� publisher �I the AqD REDEVELOPMEHT AHD � � TAXINGRPJiAENTFINANCING news a er kno�wn a$ the St. Paul Dispatch� St. PLANS FOR SAID PkOGRAM, . p p PROJECTANDDISTRICT . PiIUI Pioneer Pres�s, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer � NOTICE IS HEREBY GiV• � - Me C u�C1D1uM IAe C ty o/Se�M �.��,Mi�nesot�wlll De�eld In Press, a newspaper of general circulation within �,� �,<y <o�^�„ �"°m°°'s, the City of St. Paul and xhe County of Ramsey. - tlty Mafl,1S West Kelloqg Boul- - . � �v�rA,H 10:00 o'cl«k�.m.on � June �, 1q1, fo consider the proPOSaI of t�e Novsl� and Redevalopme�� ��+�a•p,Y o� That. the Notice hereto attached was cut rom Ihe Clt�oi Sa��t Paul.Mi�neso• � ,a�o��ae�t•ke.H�w Ho�s�^o the columns of said newspaper and was printed ' •nd BNqMeC Lsndt Oevelo�. ment pro ram s�d D�olecl, o CEN�l��..���.�me�+F��s��- and published fherein on the following ates: ' I�p Dictrict fo ssslst In tlnanc- , Iny sNd Droonm and Drolect, snA to comider sPProvN of the . . 2 3 rd May , 19 81 peveloOmeM snd Reeevelop• d$y Of menl Plsn and Tax Increment � Financiny Pl�n lor ssid �pro- pnm,pro�M snd dislrld. � � The Nev+ Nousl�q a�d day Of � 19 gllq�ted 1.snds Oe•elopmenl � Pro�ec1 woold be endoHake��o - . Increase tAe suDD�Y o1 decent, y�fe and sanlhly Aeusleq av�ll- �ple In Safrtf Pavl 10 meel fhe �. daY ,Of � 1(� housM9 needs o1 all income � I � pro��s w11A emD�ssis on 1he Prov sloo ol rontal housln9 for ow snd moderele Income Der- tons and 1�miUes,to develop or d ay of -_ , 19 redevelop.1e coopersllon wHh� . p�ivsfe MfMp�lse, ti9Hfeen p�ioprtNelv aused sltos for prov� � . r (� sion o�auch houslny,to asslsl 1� d ay OI r 17 1ne p�ev�:ron ol reo»I housinq . lor lo�v and moderale {ncome � f�mliles 1n Mess Aevelopme�is. (� � inqs bY}'�ns olhts Inc�rement � d�]y Of . � 17 � � � flesncinq. � . UOa� ���d Dubllc hesrioq sll leterested Dersons wll� be pivee oDDOrfunity 10 be heard day Of � l9 sne the City Councll w1U constd- . er wANDer(1►fhe Dro�ed erea � �od sH�s que�lly as houslnq. . . ��AOUSin9 devalopmeMand rede• � �velopmeM Y�o�eds un0er Min- � , � newf� Sfatvtes Sectlon �6t.l21 en0 •s reGevelopment •oA ���]�3,9�')�ihe Droiect le'nd t7 . � 1 would no1 be made avsilsDle . ��/j. . .� 1� !tor tha CevelopmeM lo occor � � � • ',wHhio 1he ressonable f�turo � � . .ksolely IDroupb Drfvele en• � terprise wifhout fhe taa Incre• � ',menl flnsocial essistance v�o- Subseribed and sworn t0 before Ille thl$ �!OoseA,(3)t�e Deveiopmeot snd , � o� �•Reaeve�oD�^t a�d Tar�ncrr -rjth day I►C June lq o �menf Fln��cinq Plans wlll al- I � . i�tord m�:fmom,consisfeM wH� . � � �1�!SOYnd nelAS OI 1h!locsllty �iedavNopment of ssid projKt I �`Ness seA dislricl Dy Drlvate' � � � ��nNrprlse. Ul I�e OeveloD- .. /�/�� meot and Redevelopment and T�x InverneM Floaocinq Pbns . {conlorm fo��e Compretieoswe �pi.�(m Sa1M Paul,e�e�s>rn� Notarc Public ;prol�t a�e Ocstrlct snould De 'crealed MA f�e Proqram snd i p���M1np plsns sfw�ld Ee aD- � 10�0��. Washington CoplcSOlMaNewHousio9 � C��UI�ty, Minnesota . 1 an0 BlfqMed Lsnds Deve�op- � ��ment Proletl. Oerelo0me�1 •od ReOevelopmenl Pl�o OC� �O. ' �� p� Prolect EIIq IDIIIfY �nd Acfivi. 0 nes Repwt. Reloc�Hon Plsn MV COfT1fT11SSlOf1 expires — �aed�T�R Mcremenl Financiny . Plao�r�on fIN l0 1Ne oHkes o/ . . . the Cl�y Cle�k,Room J16,Clry . - � Hsll �e0 of t�e Houslny and � � Rsdev�le ml�t Aufho�lfy Of tne C�ty o�SsiM Pau6 M��nesa XAA�AaAA�A�MA�61.�A1AlAA�',I�GA�.�A�Al,4A@�* u, �ttn ebor,Cly Ndl Annax. � KAY M RITCHIF � snd sre svsllable tor lospection � .•;�,.�`. � � durin�repul�rbvsln�sstaurs. '� ;-';�'. e��. N�1;'qqY PUOUC At;;�"IESQTA Oa�e MaY�l.Iql :�'�� : ' AlDerr Olw� � ,. .��''�1 . '$ ~''�py �v}.' WNSNiNCiTON COUNI'Y f„�m I�lb �Prlss•OHpMay2�-not10 __� � ' d�`?� h1y Commission ExpirCS Oct. t0, 198� � ��"db tl"y'tlG'��hi9VC'm'yV�G7�tl��`�'lY7�'dtl WJ( '.VHITE �- CITY CLERK ' - ?IN�R - rINANCE C%ih ARY - DEPARTMENT � � T � �'� ��� I� COUi1C1I F'°�" B6UE - MAYOR �) 1 TY 't�I� `7E� I „ T 1 [�LT L City Attriy/JTH File FI O. ����9 _ �'�unc��' �esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING THE HOUSING DE�IELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, there has been prepared and submitted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Housing Development And Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Develop- ment Project together with a Project Eligibility And Activities Report, Relocation Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan for said Project; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan proposes the undertaking of a program and project to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing for all income groups with emphasis on low and moderate income families, to provide such housing in cooperation with private developers on blighted and deteriorated sites within the City thereby effecting their development or redevelopm�nt, to as�a.st in the provision of low and moderate income housing in such development at affordable prices and rents, and to undertake and finance these activities by means of tax increment generated by Project improvements and develop- ment; and WHEREAS, as demonstrated in the Project Eligibility and Activities Report, eleven of the eighteen sites constituting the Project Area are undeveloped land which by reason of subsoil conditions, parcel configuration or topographical problems, and the cost of correcting these conditions have prevented their normal development by private enterprise, and these and the remaining sites involve land or structures which have not COUNC[L:V[EN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hu�t Levine [n Favor — Maddox McMahon Showaiter - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wiison :\dupted h�� Cc�uncil: Date — Form Approved by City Attorrie ��. ,`'1�� - ///,/ Cert�fied }'ass�•d bti' Council Secretary, By -- b ` j ` /��l y � / B�, —_ i Approved h� 11a��ur. Date _ _ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council B5' ---- – — BY ;LHITE - LITY CLERK PINK ' - FINANCE �'�� �'p ���. e:ANARY - DEPARTMENT (� �� I� COURCII `K BLUE - MAYOR `.� j �I��� �r .J L� I N T 1 L�II L � � � � � ' File N�. ��u�cil ��esolution Presented By Referre� To Committee: Date Out of Committee f3y _ _ Date -2- developed or redeveloped for reasons of infeasibility of private action unaided by public financial or other program assistance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 81-6/3-12 approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project has determined that the housing development sites constituting the Project Area are blighted or deteriorated within the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.421 Subdivision 13 (1) , (2) or (3) , and constitute housing, housing development and redevelopment project undertakings within the provision of Section 462.421 Subdivisions 12, 13 and 25; that the program proposed and Project activities provided for in said Plan can be accomplished and feasibly financed only by their undertaking as one housing development and redevelopment project and tax increment financing district; and that the displacement to occur by the Project undertaking is limited, relocation of displacees can feasibly be accomplished and residential dis- placees shall have priority in applying for purchase or rental of new housing units developed in the Project undertaking; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission by its Reso- lution, File No. 81-21, and after consideration of the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project Program, Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans, determined said Plans to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive , Plan and recommended approval of said Plans; and COU[VCIL;I�EN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter - __ Agatnst BY — -- Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted bv Cuuncil: Date —_ _ Cer(�(�ed P�ssed by Council Secrc�t�ry By _ B': Approved bv llavor: Date _—____ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council {3y ------ - — BY _ `-iIHITE -.- CITYCLERK �y��.�,��,�� P�lVK� ' FINANCE 3� �`ANARY - DEPARTMENT �) � TY �� ►7A I N T �,A I_T L COUIICII`, � BLUE - MAYOR File i\O. �au�c�� �e�o�ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing upon and heard testimony respecting the Plan and Project proposed there- by, has revieFVed and considered the Project Redevelopment Plan and supporting documentation including the Project Eligibility And Activities Report, and, upon this evidence and other relevant information within the knowledge of the Council members, has concluded that the Project undertaking is necessary and in the public interest in order to accomplish the purposes and objectives set forth in the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan; Now Therefore, be it, RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the foregoing recitals hereby adopted as findings, that the following further findings are hereby made: (1) That the sites in the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project would not be made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing including housing for low and moderate income families be accomplished, without the financial aid sought and to be provided under the Project Financing Plan; (2) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and Project area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole, for the provision of new housing by redevel- opment of the Project area by private enterprise; and COUNCfL;41EN Yeas ;vdys Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �evine [n Favor — Maddox i1AcMahon snowa�ter - __ Against BY — — Tedesco 'Nilson Form Approved by City Attorney ;;dupted hv Cuuncil: Date , �'en�f�ed E'assed by Cuunc�l Secretary By _ F3� _--- -- :lppruced by Ylavor: Date --_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B}' ---- --- BY VVHITE - CITY CLERK � DL�E RY� ' MAYOR MENT �) � �TY 't�I'� ►_7[� I N T ��A U L COU[ICII d"' ���3� File ��. � �'�u�c�l ��esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- (3) That the Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan for said Project conforms to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan which is the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Housing Development and Redevelopment Plan and New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project therein proposed are hereby in all things approved, and that upon the approval by the City Council of the New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Tax Increment Financing District and Plan, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is authorized to undertake said Project in accordance with the provision of said Housing Development and , Redevelopment Plan. COUNC[LiViEN Request�d by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt '� Levine [n FavOr Maddox I McM�� _ O __ Against BY -- Tedesco Wilson ��N g �9a� Form Approved by City Att rney :'ldupted ht• Cuuncit: Date — _ i � � � ,, ' �ertiffed Yassed by Cuunci! Secretary By . ' '' �` '�"��� ��' — --- — / Approved hv lta�or: Date __ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�� � _ — BY OM Ol: 12/1975 ��5�-- Rev. + 9/8/76 . --__ _� Rev. . 5/7/SO EXPLANATION OF ADMINIGmR�m'�" n,� , Rev. : 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 2'76J6��� �� RECEIV�D ��--�-J �� g �81 ��-�, Date: ,1UIV $ - 1981 " MAYORS OFFICE C� TO: � � FROM: �•�,_ ���,, �°��� � �`SA RE; ° ,J�o1 ,�,. �� � r10U�S 1� �^+� . 1 �-'� � , _ -_ 9C c � ACTION REQUESTED: � `�'"�"' ��� S + � �- ` 1�s c��� . _�_ �� ��. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , 1 S � .�, `(�, � � �,,,,,,,,�Q "�S ,/1s�.5e��,� �ll�.�� � ,.�. ;v.�o �z.. °��c�(U_"�".� � � \ U . � , n � �` �� ���� ot�-� ��� r � (r, + , '� ` � ,�.�Q � ,,�.� �,�. . ,�S 'Q�. � - � -I� " '�. -.� � 1 �� 1 _ . 0� ,�,�-�- .�S ,�Q �. ^ � , , � �� _�� 1�.� � � i� - � s�-a � � � �r�z^es. S FINANGIAL IMPACT: �_ Q�,�, 1s �� . 1 � �. � -� c�:� �� � � � �� �� ^ � � � �- � �� �s � � ,. . � �� ' '� . � 1 G�2S _ l � �—��. � ! � - : � ATTACHMENTS: .. - • /� ' - � �..�yt �`6��9 ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: May 13, 1981 TO: Council President Maddox Members of the City Council FROM: Terry McNellisQ.M SUBJECT: Public Hearing for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project The Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act requires in Chapter 273.74, subd. 3, that "The municipality shall approve the tax increment financing plan only after a public hearing thereon after published notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least once not less than ten days nor more than thirty days prior to the date of hearing." Therefore, by means of this memo, I am respectfully requesting that this item be placed on the Council agenda for public hearing and your consideration on Tuesday, June 9, 1981. ' Also, I am requesting that the City Clerk be directed to publish the necessary notice as required by law. Thank you for your attention to this matter. TM/lle , Y � ` ...� _" :, ��fi��9 ��F CITY OF SAINT PAUL • INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: May 13, 1981 TO: A101son FROM: John Wenker `� SUBJECT: Getting the "New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project" on the Council Agenda Al, attached is a memo requesting that: 1) the above referenced matter be platced on the Council agenda for public hearing; and, 2) the City Clerk's Office publish the necessary public notice. Per our discussion of 5/12, I will prepare a "Notice of Public Hearing", run it by Jim Hart, and get it to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your help in this matter. JW/lle ' � � �rb��� NOTICE OP PUBLIC y r�pNG UPON TNE pgpp03ED NEW NOUSING AND BLIGH�p��g _ DHVEWlIIENT rgp�g�,AND TAJ[ INCAtMENT FINANCllVG DIS77UC! AND UPON TBE DEVELOpIME]�1'� � ANDAEDEVn,OP�g�AND T'�11�CREMEN7 FINANCWG rLAN3 FOR SAID rtpGgA� rROJECf AND DISTRIG? • —,--__ N�T�1�HERESY GIVEN tL�t a public 6earing betore the Cwa�cll ot the City of Saint Paul,Mianesoy a.(ll�y�ld In tpe City Couo- cIl C6ambe�s, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg - Boulevard, at 10�.,=.k a m on J��.� _.1981.to con:i�t the ptep�l ot�e�� and Redevelopment Au g S�fat • � o uodertake 0 New. °usm[ and Blisht� p�velopmmt Wnlram aad pmject, r�k a Tu Incre. � : meat Finaacin�Dlst to . /�� ,, sa3d proYra+n aad proje��, o consider"ap: '_ proval of the Developmmt �d g�evelop �-r,ment Plan end Taz Increment Fioaacing p�, for saidpeo�ram.P�1�t and dlsttlrt. The ea• aulns � � " Development ProjeM R•ould be�derta�cm to increax tl�e supplY ot decent. safe and 'EBti�an'�+s�g avallable in Seint Paul W' meet the housing�$6i'aU fncome 6�p� a'i�emPhesis un JlLe,provisfc�of�ta1 hous __� _,._••---- �__ _ .� ing for lmv and moderate income pe�sa�s and . . • familio.to develop or redevelop.la coopera- tion with private enterprise, elghteen bli�ted,uadeveloped or iaappropriatdy us- ' ed sites tor provision of such lausina,lo assist in the provision ot reMal housinsYorbw and � moder�te iacoate tamilfes in these : develapments,and to tinance these underlalc- in�s b�means ottu fneiement tinanein`. Up�said publk�rio�all iateiested peo- . t. som will be�iven opportunify fo be heard and . , the City Councll wtil consider whNher(1)the.- project area and sites qualify u housing.hota- ftis development and redevelop�nt pmjeds _under Micmesata Statutes Section 46Z.421 and � as redevdopment and housing districtc under Seetion 273.7s.ts)the projecY land wrouta not be made available tor the development to oa cur �vithSn ihe rcasooabk tuture solel� �' through private mterprlse without tMe tax iu crement tinancial asslstance proposed,(3)tbe Develo�mt and Redevelopment and�Tax In- c�ement Finattins Pla� rill afford ma=- imum,contistent with the sound needs of the localify as_a whole, for 'devdopment or redevelopmmt of said project areaa and district by private a�tecprise,(4)t6e Develap ment and Redevelopmcnt and Tax Incremmt. Financing Plans conform to.the Comprehea- � dve Ptan for Saint Paul,and(5)the Pmject � and Distrfct ahould be c�eated and the Pio gram and Financic�Plans should be spprov-'� ed. . . • Copirs of t4e Ne�v Housint and Bli`hted , : Lnds Development Project. Developmmt and Redevelopment Plan Project Eli6ibillty and Aetivitia lteport, Relocation Plan and - Tu Iocrnnent Financing Plan are on file in _ the ottkes of the Citq Clerk,Room 3lB,Cit� � H�ll�nd o!Uu Hauin�and Redevelopment " � Author[ty o! the City_of Ssint Peul, Mio- ` g nesota,iscn noo�,Ctty Hal!Mnex,and r�e �avdlable for-Inspection during regular busit�ess houa:._ . ` Dated Esay 21.19E1. - . ALBERT OISON . City Clerk (May 23,1981) ����ST. rAUL LEGAL LEDGER►►►► � � _ � - �'����9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON THE PROPOSED NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND UPON THE DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVEL- OPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR SAID PROGRAM, PROJECT AND DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will be held in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, at 10: 00 o'clock a.m. on t�'�,nz9 1981, to consider the proposal of the Housing and Redeve7opment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to undertake a New Housing and Blighted Lands Development program and project, to create a Tax Increment Financing District to assist in financing said program and project, and to consider approval of the Development and Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan for said program, project and district. The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project would be undertaken to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing available in Saint Paul to meet the housing needs of all income groups with emphasis on the provision of rental housing for low and moderate income persons and families, to develop or redevelop, in cooperation with private enterprise, eighteen blighted, undeveloped or inappropriately used sites for provision of such housing, to assist in the provision of rental housing for low and moderate income familie and to finance these undertakings by means of tax increment financing. �N rr,ts� flcu��.o�H�,� Upon said public hearing all interested persons will be given opportunity to be heard and the City Council will consider whether (1) the project area and sites qualify as housing, housing develop- ment and redevelopment projects under Minnesota Statutes Section 462 .421 and as redevelopment and housing districts under Section 273.73, (2) the project land would not be made available for the development to occur within the reasonable future solely through private enterprise without the tax increment financial assistance proposed, (3) the Development and Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans will afford maximum, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for development or redevelopment of said project areas and district by private enterprise, (4) the Development and Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans conform to the Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul, and (5) the Project and District should be created and the Program and Financing Plans should be approved. ..r. � .• . ������9 Copies of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project, Development and Redevelopment Plan Project Eligibility and Activities Report, Relocation Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan are on file in the offices of the City Clerk, Room 316, City Hall and of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 12th floor, City Hall Annex, and are available for inspection during regular business hours. Dated May �j, 1981 ������%����� Albert Olson 1�'�'_ City Clerk `� �����9 N�A!'RUDtJpSSA�Wa: `RP61t?���,p�Y tiffR 60lT8i{ip,iiAi���� W���� A1r8 tlf'b(iP 1�g�y�,p��, ���!'�tiDi T�N�13�I�NCUiAn_ lSAJ[��litsli� ����!'GLV�N t�e�:p�bUc �'brtoreibtGeiari�ai e!e�d 8aint Paei,�w�;ieA�id ie�Wt Ckr Coun- M�eV�: '�' NiA: 15°N�t I(ellogs a:m.'N I.�.Y and� °�'��g s.tne��•tjtn.aty ot �•'1�ISdEa ta uod�et�lu a Nea, Hatein�.���t P�m�IR!4.to c�aq�,t.Tat I�e. ment Finw°o�i;p�riet to:,ast��t in P+'�al��P+qieet.�nd to cm��. �ent Plan and T���emtat Fin�;�� tor s�idyrojram,y���d distrfet, 7'he New Housing and.B1f�AEed'' Development ProjeM wouM bgun�,.e����-A� incFease the'suDD1Y of deceet,- y e x'�qa saputarY_�using avatlable;'in meet the hoesii� �nt paul to E needs dY all lncorr}e wifh emphasls on�,groy '°"`at��' .-_-- -r-�-• � ing tor la.and n�odenl.±.be�peaars;.na famiIios,fo deveLop m r�vq{{�,.�era- tion w{th private enterpi�w. dghteen b4ghted,undevel6�d or ie�AppK+ ns- ed sites for pr�ti�A of sueh housliij,,�ist in the provisiop o�rental hoi�sin`iortow and moderate incanEie iamilies iu1`'these developuieata,andio tlnant!these undeitak- iags by�iesas oltaat lnrrement finat�efng.: ' 17P�s11W F���f�mteeested pv' sa�s will be�fped opporjuniit�to be I�ard and the City Couoeil wi11 i�nsider whetLer(i),the. proiect area and s[tea quallty as housing,hous ing devllbyiaent aad re�velopment s under Miistesota 8ta�utes Section as redevdopmeat and hotiathg'ilisfi�ets t�er 5ectiom 273:9i�1S3�'}�oJoct�d would not be made avallf�ble tat thr devaelop�ent to ce- cur vrJthkl=�'fia�ble'tuture soDely thro�l►Rti,w�fie e�lrise.witlwat the tK in- crelN�f4�1�/�t�qa�,l�4.t$�the De�iR1q1�:t�d:$�develo�geM and 1'ax la- cre�eeDt �lnaaciat Pla�s �vUl atfa�d.max- im�if,�is6p�t ai1�M,thp�rcwnd aeeds of the 1 (� f{ a.�e toi.�oP�N1f ur re����,�io��;,p�'�je�t ac�as and dlitrkf Lt priess�ee�twprl�e.(�)fho DCxelop mini and liciepalopment and'faa lacran�t. P'�d�`�Iei�'!da'Yorn►tts the ComPi'Qhen- �e�r�tor aa�+e��.��s�c�r,ni� :�ts�ea�a'�°c�re.a�a'�a cn�pm- , gi�„�n�iheNU6t�-�tsns s�►a ae a�ipiov- e�a , �dp�s ol''thE�1�o�9otmnd Blfg6ted I�qd� i'�i . �: �ct;�?kveloDment a�lk�bi�s' ProkM Llijiblfify ai6�'.71eNylli�!�lilP!�:`�ltrtaeatfon Plan and Twc L�ern�nt lbY�pels�Plao are on fik ia - tA��ot't!�d��,`krY�'Raom�.Qty I�II�ei at 9� atiA Aedevato�ement R�1ly 6f'!!i�`�b�`B�iM Paut; ldie� e� !�'�1oY1���1 Kahex:aad tre 8T���'�;BH.•a11FlOg�:t!{Y�'lf �'�'"�� . . � b81$���}i-• :..:. �- .. . Wi." ",�'A:S ♦p�� u:� �,^�Cr _+ _ AI.B�AT�aNVN City Clerk ;� #��,,_� Y.23.1981) ����T.�11�7.LBGAI.LEDGBE►►►► � � � ��7��sg � .�.. ���� � � ��� � � ��� .� � : . r� � �� ' �+n�s.s, ri� � ,� I' �AIiM.+se. ;. ,�,. � �� �'f�RA id IN � IAO•�.:, . ' . �rIM An�Ha� � � �� v�� _e / �� � �; ���s ..61�p�y�pi�•��'_ ��� gyg�� � l��1 N • . E `��lr:. '1'11 � ? A r 9 k 1 C�I _ :Nn¢ �M: •� } . Mli 4 11�P i, !� � I �. i ( ' � � i11 ` k�M�A� � .�.N;:, � � . 't. r � ���`s, `�' �