276967 ��s�s�
F�i N A L O R D E R By �°'� �� �,,t,'�L,��/
File No. l��"'�
In the Matter of fa�r��ris� th�r folioriy� scs�rt �r th� C�pfta2 �ps�et
snd�t hro�r� �C21) 1�► ata+r�rwtti�s �r �itu�aa�w ra�dwy +rit2� a�aarft� +a�b
�ad gact�r, i� a�t��i� �rivavtp�. ewt�aUcs, •�, a� n�ts�pr +sttici�ot
li�ti.a� s�rsta� +�ai bx �oi� all oe�x xsrcic ew�a�s�arr a�d i�eaid�s+el �o
asi,d itpsann�eat.
� wYi� • tto� =as�ir 8e�t ta re�il�rd
•♦ w�
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order approved
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
JUN 9 1981
Yeas Nays
Certifie as ed by Council Sec ry
1�1!"; .. _3
, , Hunt In Favor
; , Levine ��� i � 198�
r Maddox �Against
``" �`" X McMahon Mayor
C"� ' " �Eer.
; . _ :;�,� Tedesco ��Bt1SHE�;� J'U� � � �JB�
+<^r:�.y+.0 IA/ilson
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�•�7 aodide�dril ta�aid
H86NOYER AVEN'{JE — imm BxMtk
, $traet to Pdhtm 81vd.
T�C�p�d�'o(thiC�tJarf,Q�{st Pau�,irviog.
reptMd.t�e.a�or�,ad the.]ta7p'S�Oq¢!k:
�!�!P9�t4 Ll�7 tfwlVes:
wd:tF�the ep�im�'tei ca�t thefkot ls
fZ1��D.,�ty!O�D7[„�IB 197Y!'untis.
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M t�t'Cit�'I#a1T�d Court
Ha�:'ffiu�dfut la t�Clt�oi 8dot Paui.
3.Thit notice M sald Publlc c
`Iven to�E petswas �i'�
D�a+u+n�ii't aod 4he total esat tper�.as .
- �O�i• - ,
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MipmweBl�Yy't:IML ' _ M
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� •� Date : .May 27, 1981
;r�- .
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`TCt � Sainf Pc�ui . �s#�O �ouncii - � �.
�� �� � Co�mi���� on PUBLIC �JORKS (May 27, 1981) � � , -
+•- . -
. victor J. Tedesco. D Cr�QlfmQn� r,pkes ��t}e tvtlowii�n � � : �- _
. t•�porfs d�txx� . � . � �[ prcfi�r�ane� � ` �� .
. � (� R�solufior� -
. � Qi-h er �.
. �"x�x���X� . : . - -. .
___ __ . . . . . . , _ . •_.
� '.� l. Vacation of certain parts of F1ynn Street, Schroeder Drive; Rosen Road, � '
and DeCourcy Drive for the development of Energy Park; also,' rezoning . .
. . of certain pro�erty. (Council, June 2, 1981) _ ,, ._ � .
' 2. Petition of Burlington��Northern, Inc: for the vacation of a_portion of ' - � � �
: Gibbs Avenue (Council �??')� - •_- �.. . •, '. . ' . • .
� _ . . � . � - . r -
; ,� , 3. Vaeation �of a .north=soutti �ailey in Auditor's Suhdivision No. 52-�from• �• _ � . .
7 � Selby Avenue to M�iden ..La�e_;`(Council, June 9, 1981) •- .
� . � . - . • . • -
' . 4. Construct�on of a sanitary :�ewer in Ames Avenue from Hazeiwood Street .� -
to 410 feet west o��.�Barclay:�Street, and in Barclay Street from Ames
, Avenue to Mechanic .Ave-nue: ..�: (Rescheduled to 3une 23, 7981 before Council) � �
- 5. Improvements to.DeSoto St.reet from Whitall St. to Case Ave. and in Jessie � _. :;.;.;-�':
Street from Whitall St. to .York Ave. by constructing bituminous roadway � - '
� ' � with concrete curb and gutte.rs,, driveways, etc. (Council 6-9-81) =::
� � ':,_ 6. Proposed improvements under the Residential Street Paving Program to _ � '
Ross Avenue from E. 7th St.� to Atlantic St. , Nugent Street from C.M.St.P.�P. - -
RR to St. Clair Avenue; Western Avenue from RR to W. 7th St. ; Michigan Ave �
� from Western Ave. to Cliff St. , and Emma Street from Western Ave. to the RR.
, (Committee approved plan for poles but not for lighting. The lighting portion
was laid over to the July 22 Public Works Committee meetine: the �ortion
� rPgarding theCpoles will come before the Council on 6-2-81)
� b � � 7. Improvement to Desnoyer Avenue from Eustis St. to Pelham Blvd. by constructing
=•:.��31 OVER
,-.,�, . .
�---------------- ��- �
By ��e_sc` c)
S»lE�6S cl�r� g•It�868
File Na
�n the Matter of x�����C�„� af p�blia sils�ralics �nd al� a�h+ex asz�k iecidawt�t tl��r�rtas
8-10�idS liouth �tid� �i! 7'RM�'� S?l�i� tr� Nab�sha f t�c+Nt to ��r S trpt asd
ii�st sii+r o! CR� e�t tara� ?s�� �trree to �+�cb 1.OZ fe�c plw.
��l0�lif E+��t sido o� 'itAf�A41M S?��! l�ar l+�arrh �tra�t tm EL�rw�th 8 tz�ret
6•kti�� :�tb si.�l� oi 'i'!N'!� =t�!' ft� N�l�s�� StrN� to �nat sad
Wq� aid�t o! ��11 ffi'�' f ra� �utl�� �ts�s t ts !es th S trra t sai
M�rs� sid+� ot EXt� fltlt�IY #raM iisbasha �cr�ct �v it�sc. abutti�s tbs
t�r+i Tlwt�s.
�-�066i Ssutb �!ii�r si �IT!' A� lre� fi+etor� �ttxut to !►rraa Stre�t.
w• ,��
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order � / � a � ! approved -� �� ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date '`� 9 ��i
Yeas Nays
�:� - � Certified Passed by Council Secretary
� . Hunt
( �,,, ;�r. Levine In Favor
r, , � ,� Maddox �- JUN 11 19�1
McMahon Against
11r� �., ���� �, Mavor
'r Tedesco UBLISHED JUN 2
�t�Jc`S:..i? Wilson O �9�'
• , � �� ����
� �" PA � L CIT `� CCJUNCIL �
. ������8
� u � �. � � � E �► � � �vG � o -r � cE
s � DEwA�. � � 4NSTF� UCT10► �
F I � E N 0. 5-10865
f'U R P 0 S E To decide on whether to proceed with public sidewal}; const:uc-
t ion
L-01+�� �� !� South side of TENTH STREET from Wabasha St. to Cedar St. and
West side of CEDAR STREET from Tenth St. to South 102'+.
�E A R!�V° Tuesday, June 9, 1981, 10:00 A�
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City H211
A S S�S S�INN E N�' If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The esti:�ate� (
� t�!FoR I�II Fi�`�N assessments are as follows: I
RECO�STFUCTIO?� (replace ehisting walk)---\0 ASS`SS�1�''�"
FIP,ST TiME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (whe.re none e_�ists> I
For I and 2 famil�� propert��------$5. Q0 per =oo� �
For all other propert��-----------5�• 00 per foot i
In additior., charges for extra work, such �s additic�na� side- I
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. �cill be added to t�ie �
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a first time constructior., the Cit�- Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratifti the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be required to pa��.
�V G S T 1�N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125
- Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 22, 1981, b�* the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
. , � �'�� ���
R t � �
� � � H � � � 1 � � � � � � � � r,..;
� � ����i8
� U6LIC �fEARlt� � t� OTI � E
F � � � (�Q, S-10866
P U R P a S E To decide on whetner to nroceed with public sidewalk construc-
t ion
East side of WABASHA STREET from Tenth St. to Eleventh St.
H E A R t N G Tuesda�� , June 9, 1981, 10:00 A.'�1
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
�.7 S� J S��'�1� If the Councii approves the project, a portion of the cests
may be assessed ag2inst beneF�tted properties. The estimated
'��'���A�`O� assessmerts are as follows:
RECONSTRL�CTIO'� (replace e�:isting wa�k j---\0 AScESc�fE'�T
FZRST TIME CO;�STRL'CTZO?� af 5' �.alk (�:here none ex�sts)
Fer 1 and 2 famil�� propert��------��.00 per foot
For all other rronert}�-----------5�. 00 rer .`oot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additior.al side- i
walk width, drivewa�� construction, etc. will be added *_o tne �
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a first time constructior., the Cit�� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments
for the project. Iou will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amou:�t vou will be required to pa�•.
Q V E S T�o N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 22, 1981, by the Valuation and Assessment Di`isicn
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Ha11 - Court House
St. Paul, .M.innesota 55102
. . ���t- �',��i
s �: � � � �. � � T � coun� � eL �
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� u � �. � � � E � � i�r� � r� oT � c � �r���s
F { L E N 0. s-ios6� �
p�� p O SjE To decide or. whether to �roceed with public sidewali: construc-
t ion
L�C�i t �0 +Y South side of TENTH STREET from Wabasha St. to west and West
side of WABASHA STREET from Exchange St. to Tenth St. and North
side of EXCHANGE STREET from Wabasha St. to West, abutting the
�"�E A f�0 N� Tuesday, June 9, 1981, 10:00 A.�,
Cit�� Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit} Hall
�i� ��� S�Ei�� If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
::�av be assessed against bene�itted properties. The estimated
(���� ������ assessmerts are as follows: i
r^.�'CG\STRCCT70'� (replace e�:isting walk)---'�0 ASSESS°;E'�T
I FIRST TIME CONSTFL'CTIO\ of 5' walk (where nene e�:ists)
ror i and 2 far..il�- propert��------�5.00 per foot
For all other r�eperty-----------�5. 00 per foot
In addition, charges for e�tra work, such as additional side-
walk width, drivewav constructien, etc. will be. added to t7e
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a tirst time constructior., the Cit�- Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be required ta pa�.
Q V G S T�0� S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSME:�T - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer an_y last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 22, 1981, b�% the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� ' ��� .0 -�l��>
� �° P � l� �. C4T �' CQUN � IL �
Pl� � �. � � HEA � I �IG NOTICE ������
� SIaE ''V��4LK � C� NS�" � UCTiON
F I L E N 0. s-iosbs
�?u R P � JC,G Te decide on whether to nroceed with public sidewalk cons�ruc-
South side of UNIVERSITY AVENi3E from Victoria Street to Avon
H E A R I N G Tuesda��� June 9, 1981, 10:00 AM �
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
A S S E S S�OE I�T If the Council approves the oroject, a portion of the costs
�;av be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
INF'��M� 6'ioi�E assessments are as follows:
RECO\STRt�CTZO'� (repiace e�;isting walk)---'�0 ASSESS�IE'�T
FIP,ST TIME CONSTFUCTION of �' walk (where none e�ists}
ror 1 and 2 famil�r propert�•------�5. 00 per foot
Fer all other .r-roperty----------�-54• �� per foot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
wal�: width, drivewa�= construction, etc. will be added to the
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is comp2eted. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.v the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou wi11 be required to pa�.
�i U�S T� �1� � CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent rtay 22, 1981, by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room ?18 Citv Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
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,irom Tenih Street to:�kven�:
"1�litl�Mnippti_�1Yest si�li�of
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Street to Tenth BErset and North ry�of
EXCHANGE � tro� Wa►asha
Street to W�t,�but�ing the(�1y�ter
AVENUS tro�V��Avon
St'E°k�; ,_ ;'v,iit�ii''�'`.�rr'�.
Tbe�Au�e9 bltbi�it�3��pving
abaN@ i � ot-+tF�e 11a�fi u1►al�'the
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FILE N0. 1s2o2
I 'f�� ci�r�• icl�� �+�i wl��rt.l���r t:c, ��r�cc�ed witl� im roving the following
" ` --'-- ��-^ ��r-�*a7 Imnroveme_n_t Budget Program (CIB) by
Please note that the Public Works Committee of the Cit
this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council atitheircuss
May 27th meeting. Please bring any concerns you may have to this meeting
on Wednesday, May 27, 1981, in Room 707 Cit Hall at 10:00
y A. M.
r.aagiu......�..a ---- . �.
Lighting (Includes E & I) 15,OQD.00
Capital Improvement Budget 1979 $218,000.00
Construction 292-6281 Assessments 292-7029
Al.SO, (:1cy vl�iff will he ava11ab1e to answer any lar�t minute
c�uestions on this pro.ject itt Room 21F� (:i.ty Ila.1.1. from 9: 30 -
10:()(1 A.M. lhe same day a� the hearinK.
M AP � ��, w.w�-..:���.�:�,:J�,, - ,..��� ���,
,�..�`- -� `, ,��-.;; .
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���✓•�` ' r .�� �.'~� .i %�/� -�-;�I
Area to be improved y � �, ;� :I�( ,(, (-=�.� ." `�'c'' "':`�•�:I;
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�'� � \ ' \�� (`OiTNTit1' ;� J�:..�
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Notice sent Ma 22 1981 �;�'`` ��� ' ,
Y > > � �.'�,. ri,� �t ,,.��„ � „ �
i \ ���_,1 J '
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AK���.St��. � _. '1 �'r7'��h;��r_�c. ._ M.II:.��AIL
_'i,w r f'_._"'1 r' _�
l�v the V�luations a»�l
Assessment Division,
l)e��artmenl of. Finance
ancl Piana�e.ment Ser.vi.ces,
5l . Pri��l , htinnes<�tri
� '�,"� Ifl�