276950 WHITE - CITY CLERK �at PINK - FINANCE COUIICII .`J',�� CANARY - �EPARTMENT G I T F SA I NT PAU L � °� � ' BLUE - MAYOR File N O. c ' esolution Presented By LIC�i;ai Dlvial0ii Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ;���;���5: Proper notice has been received as to a chan�e of officers in 1=rndrew i�appas, 1.nc.� On ;�ale iaquor Lice�isee at 21�.1. L. �:eventh �treet, doing business as t't:e uopher i�ar, therezore, be it t�i.L,JOLUL'iJ: lliat with the resi�nation of i-�ndrew Iiappas as jres�.dent� the o�i�_cers now are Geor�e i�ap-y.�as, I'residen� �d nssistant �ec�°etary, Ph�rllis �z. riappas, Uice `:'resident, Secretary ar�d ireasurer a.nd .�?nbert �.r. JoY:nson, ilirector, and the stocl� is held b�T �.;zdrew i�=appas� Ueorge Yappas and �hyllis t�. ;�appas, be a-.�_d the sar:e is liereby a��roved. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox 1� McMahon 4� B snowalter - A gai n s t Y ��L.es - wlson n� � �uN 3 �,v� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ y_ Certified b Coun ' S t BY B� Ap by ;Vlayor: D e �VN 5 1�1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY — ;'����;`;i,�`� �Ui� � U �981 � ����� .....,,„,,,� ����`'T' °'U''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL =•` :;-,,,, '�~ ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� �� uim�i �: ;: �m �nn ^� `'• m = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `''�,,. �... �,,,_ �, ,,,� Room 203,City Hdll GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 3, 1981 I��r. �'resident and �ionorable i•:embers of the Ci�:y Council Saint raul� '•'-inn�sota :ir. :'�^esiderlt ar�ci :�onorable �iembers : rroper notice has be�n received as to a chan�_e of officers oi t�ndrew I�:appas, �nc., Gn �a�e L�quor Licensee at 21�1. i;. �ever�tYi �treet, doirib busir_�ess a,s the Gopher �ar. l�.�drew Fappas has resigned as Yresident, and the current of-�icers notia are George Y:appas, Yresident, �iss_stan� �ecretar�.T, Pl.yllis H. t:appas, 'v'ice President, Secretary arld `ireasurer and �;pbert ;. Jol��son, llirector. �i�l.is application Yias been -rev�_ewed by the License �.nd :'ernit :)�vision and the City �lttcrney's ofiice. "'he re- commendation is .ror ap�,rov�l. ��r�J trul;� j ours, � Josep:� r. Carc?��edi License Inspec�;or ��