276948 WHITE - GTY CLERK *^p.��.(��(��[1 PINK - FINANCE / ,�^V ]� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ���L COUIICII a„ , �f F �,� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � c ' esolution Presented By L:CCi��SL COi�i�I�l''��E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ':1iu„�,.�=�: i roper notice has beeiz received a� �:o a ci;ar�,e in ofi'icers of �voboda l�oat ;?orks, Inc., On Sale Liquor Licersee of an inactive license, therefore, k�e it r;ESCL�LD: ir�at the officers are i�ary ��. Svoboda, President and 'v"ice President, a:ld Cheryl a. SvoGOda, aecretary, and the stock is held by Gar� Ii. Svoboda, be and the sa,-ne �re hereb�� approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox � McMahon snoweite� __ Against BY — �edeseo Wilson +��� „ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� Certified '• 5• by Cou �1 Se ar BY sy � � JUN s� 19$� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap ro by Mayor. D — By — BY tlB�l�hE� .l�IN 2 � ��R1 ,..,,.,«,,,, ����� ,'_.����`,T' °;�,° CITY OF SAINT PAUL _s� •' _A ���i� �' �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� �ii�iii°i •' ` �� `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'�`�,,. �... _ �im��,,,,,,��'`^ Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR June 3, 1981 :ir. Presideiit and F,onorable liembers of tr.e �`ity Council Saint ?aul� i�•inneso�a �ir. Fresident and Fionorable 1`-enbers: The current officer and stoc?�holder of Svoboda �oat .:or�s, Inc., On Sale Liquor Licensee of an inactive license is Garg �-i. �voboda. Proper notice has been rece�ved as to a change in the corporation. Cheryl A. Svoboda has been elected as Secretary, Gary -'. Svoboda remains President and Gice President. The sole stocYholder is GarSri':. Svoboda. Tl�is apj,lication tlas been rev�.e�red b�T the License and ?ermit J:i_vision arid the i,�ty xttorney's cf�ice. ir�e re- commendation is ior a��:roval. Ver�r tr T yours, � . Joseph r'. CarcYLedi License Inspector ��