276946 WHITE - CITY CLERK . �����
City Attny/PBB , ,
nczl Resolution
Prese �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
(1) redesignates the original boundary line
between District 14 and District 15, Randolph
Avenue, as the present boundary line;
(2) appoints, pursuant to the existing Council
policy contained in C.F. No. 266179, working
committees in each district to develop structure
and byla�and to hold public hearings as required -
(a) the "Ad Hoc Committee for a District
14 Community Council" as the working
committee for District 14, and
(b) those District 15 residents holding
elective office in the Southwest Area
District Council as the working commi�tee
for District 15; and
(3) instructs the appropriate city staff to make
every effort to provide notice of pending city
actions to interested persons in District 14 and
District 15 during the period of organization of
separate councils.
COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In Favor
McMahon � B
Showalter - __ Agalnst Y —
JUN 2 �� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified a•�e by Council ret BY
By — A
Ap by Ylavor: D t 4 190� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY
PU ISHED ,1UN 13 i98i
iINK - FINANCE C01111C1I �d� ��b�
CANARV - DEPARTME � L F� T w� i, r
9LUE - MAYOR ► .�) N�I,Y ��1' a JL, 1 ♦\ �T l i�I1 L � . � .... .�".�
City Attny/PBB • � File N 0.
�'����it� �es���t�0�2
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By _ Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
(1) redesignates the original boundary line
between District 14, and District 15, Randolph
Avenue, as the present boundary line;
(2) appoints, pursuant to the exist-ing Council
policy contained in C .F. No. 26617� "-n
committees in each district to dev
and byla�and to hold public heari �
(a) the "Ad Hoc Committee for �
14 Community Council" as the �
committee for District 14, ar
(b) those District 15 reside �„
elective office in the Soutr �
District Council as the wor} � �
for District 15; and � �
(3) instructs the appropriate c � �l ' ��
every effort to provide notice G� • "�-
actions to interested persons � � �-~-
District 15 during the period �
separate councils. '�
Ye<is NaS�s � � �
Levine I11 I'3vOC
M1AcMahon � l
Showaiter - v __ r'��al[1St �Y ----- —
�UN `Z, 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney
:ldopted b�� Cuuncil: C)ate — - — -
(�ertilird P:�s�c�d bt' Cuuncii Secretary �Y — �
�'� ---— -
.,�k �« `,�,� ,, ,�,i`,��. ��. `�, _ _ � Approved by 1layor for Submission to Council
B� --— ----- ------ — By — ----
PINK - FINANCE � �� ���
�ity Att 'PBB ' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee y Dafe
RESOLVED, th t the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby reconfirms th boundary lines for the Southwest Area
District Council as th now exist, covering an area compromised
of both District 14 and D trict 15.
� �
Yeas Nays
Levine [n Fa�
snowa�ter - __ Against
Adopted by Council: Date _ , �:ity Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary
BY --
Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – — BY
a2 � � �
Clyde Illg
Martin Kellogg
Tom Watson -
Julie Burmeister
Judy Roe
Joan Baker
Lyman Parkhurst
Possibly 1 or 2 others if time allows
_ '�3�..�.� �A GA1J .
� .
. +� �
�( � q (�..�'
. 0 m � lb
UBLIC HEARING: Tuesday, 3une 2nd, 7•3 p �
CI7Y HALL (Kellogg & Wabasha}, 3rd Fioor, Council Chambers
. AGEhtDA: Proposal to recognize a DISTRIC'i 14 CO*�.MtJt�ITY COU�ICIL
EORMAT: Half-hour opposing, half-hour proposing, discussion and action
by City Counci7 . �
PROPOSING: Eric 4�'atkins, general presentation .• _ . (10 trrsnutes}
G.C. Sponaugle, extreme distances within district (l� minutes)
; Nancy Stolpestad, grass roots participation Reeds �
� smaller districts .. (7� mirrutes}
Nancy Larimore, grid too big to represent ('1 minute}
Sally Frost, neighb�rhood not represented by .
,_:--:___. -- --- - - � �-- SWAD; disassociation,: isolation (1 minute� . -- ---_
____._ - -- �
. A1 Oertwig, CIB differentiates between two districts, � � �
anyway; agenda so long CIB rankings �
� 'never done . _ . �12 minutes)
Jim Gabler, Housing Task Force problems �i� minutes)
� . _ �.+�'����A�..�'1'1�i�
, times have changect, ad boc items �2 mirrutes�
- Dav�id Lanegran, land-use & planning differences �3 minutes)
• Don Smolik, 'Grand Avenue Susiness Association �2 minutes)
� Ray Faricy, philosophica'1 (political� differences (4 minutes) '
PL�ASE NOTE: Time constraints are critical, therefore you should .
write out your remarks and practice re�ding t�em aloud
so that you ar� sure you wi1Z keep w-�thin .your limit. .
. _ �._
�__�a ._m_.�._. _,.. �_ ._�.,._..._,..�..�:�.w...�.__�—
, .3� '
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,- . � , _ ���J% �-,�
_ F ;
: - Kai► 7, i9B1 ,
" M.r. W�lliam Petton �
_ P'E.D
•l�th Floor� City Hell Atuie�t .
. Dc�r Sir: , - : �
' The City Counci� set a date Pf hearing� for June 2n8� 1981
� at 7;30 P.M. in the Cit�r Council Chamber-s to consi@er t.l�e �
`� petition of Diatriet 14 ad.hoa committee ta es#,ablish s �
Distrfct 14 Community Courtcil. _
, - Yery tr�l,y youre, -
. , . ,
A1 Olaon �
_ City Clerk � - .
• ASO:la - ` ;
ac: Jerry Jenkiae `
� � �, �
; , .
- T
,_.. :
_ I
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..______-. :\��, ,��� �;
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'��: Ceur.c�l Pres�der,t Ron Mad��tox
and Memhers of the City Council
From� 4lilliam Q. Patton'���cj�
J���r°y Jenki ns �,�„a -
Uat��: ;�lay 6, la�l
Re: Petitiori from District 14 Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a District 14
Cona��uni ty Cour,ci 1
City Courcil re�olutioi� #266179 dated October 9, 1975 esta�lished a ter�-step
process for recognition of district councils (see attached}.
No Cii:y precess was established to revise, amend, or char�ge distric� council
oi°gari�zatior�al structures at the time the citizen pari:icipation proce�s vras
im;�l ementEU. , .
D�is�;ric�s 14 and 15 t�r�re recoyn�ized under a single orgar;izational str�!cture,
Sl�l�,DC, by Cot�ncil resolution #�71042, May 11, 1978 (see attach�d copy}. This
cum���ined s�tructure is unique. All of the other district councils organ;zed
��� ; sin;l� district basis.
The S?�iACi, byia�,�s �include a provision for dissolutior� txrt do not speak to the
m��tt<_ r cF separat�ing the districts and sub5tituting �wo or�ganiza�;ianal
structures for ore.
A* -its /Ip��il 21, 198I meeting, the City Council received a letter from _
Eric 4��atkir�s, Chairman of the Ad hoc committee for a Dis�;rict 14 Con��munity
C;ou��c i 1 r�e;uesti ny recogni tion of a separate Di stri ct l�+ Com�nurii iy Counci 1 .
ilttached tv the 1etter Gvere s�gnatures of indiv�iduals and officers of
r�c�i�hbor�iood organizations in District 14 supporting the petition and proposed
byl at>�s an�f budget. The Ci ty Counci 1 referred the matter t�� the Communi#;y
De�.�e�opr�e;�� Division for reco�r;��endation.
Ifl~'? CG�illi�liiliiy� L't'VE?�0(lpi�'.Ilt L�1VlS'i011 CCI1LdC�E.'Cj 'tflE,' Cltj' ��tj:QY'i��i;y'`s office i�QY'
adv�ce or� thi� i�ia;;ter• (see af;tached letter) . City Attorney Starr has asked
P�ii? Qyrr1� of his staff to prepare a report. At th�is wr�it�nq, h9r. Qyrne has
nct haci sufi"icient time to complete his re�;ort. He sugyes�s setting the
n�ah-Iic hearing on June 2 which allo�-rs three sveeks from the time S1�1ADC receiv2s
►�,r1t�;P_11 net-ification. H� is meeting ti��ith us on '�lay 7, 2:30 P.M. , to review
�the ma tter.
Reconenendati or�
l�Je �recam�>>end thai; the City Council se� a date to receive public comment on
estab1isi�ing a District 14 Cummunity Council as a separate organizational
. . � ' � � � � � 1 /' '1 S�'� /
, • . , F
s�ructure from District 15. We sugg�st that �th� date establisheci ;t�oi�ld
allo�;� tir�e to noti-fy S4�lADC before its meeting +'ay 11, 1981 and to �l,re
notice in the Hic�hlanc( _Vi-lla�er by its deadlir:� �1ay 13 for publicatio;�
P�ay 2Q, ?`��Sl. G�Je further suggest that the �;�,_et���c� be hei d i n t"e ev�n;ng i n
C^��r���:i i �►�ai„h;r°s. Siac,:g�s�-:_�ri ciate: J�,ne 2.
7fie purpose of the public hearing is to deter�»ine t�thether there is t�rot�d-based
public support in Dis�;r�ict 14 for the establishment of a separate District l��
Com�nun�ity C;;uncil . �
If at the close of ii�e pii�1ic hearing tf�e City Couricil detern�ines that �here
is sufficient broad-based support for establishing a District 14 Comniunity
Council , tr? District 14 Ad hoc committee should be instructeci to follo�ri a
- modified process to recogni�:�on as follows:
1) l�lidely advertise a District 14 community mer�l.ing ta be held in District 14
to hear proposed bylatia�s which establish its �r�ganizational structure and
to receivP comments, answer questions and mak� revisions, if necessary.
?.) If there are no major revisions, a vote to adopt the byla���s niay be taken.
Al1 residents and business E,eople in District l� in attendance are
entitled to vote. Adoption require.� approval by major�ity of those votiny
� on the i��atter.
3; If there are major revisic:r�s, a second Distr�ict 14 co�r�munity mee�ting, one
week later, should be called to approve the byla�rrs as revised. Again,
all reside��ts and 'ousiness people in District 14 in attendance are
entitled to vote. Adoption requires approval by major•ity of those voting
on the mat�;er.
4) District 14 Ad hoc committee requests recognition and s��ds a copy of
tt�e approved bylaws to ti�e Community Development Division staff'. Staff
prepares a report to the Mayor recommending recognition of District 14
Cor�nunity Council .
5) Mayor recommends recognition to the Ci�ty Council .
6) � City Coimcil holds public hearing at regular City Council meeting on the
prepos��d structure o�= District 14 Community Co�ncil and approves, rejects
or modifies the proposal and, if approved, the City Counci] moves to amend
its Co�mcil fi�e #�271042 by deleting �istrict 14 from the St�lADC
n•r�,r:izational s-;:,�ucture.
Fl��� this pc�int:
1) Uistrict 14 Conimunity Council implements its structu►,e and organization
. and submits its '81-'HZ bud�et request to the Community Development
2) SI�IADC suk�,�i ts i ts revi sed byl a���s and i ts '81-'B2 budqet rec;uest to the
Con�munity Develop�nent Division and implements its revised structure and
. organ�zation.
' ` � 3 - �,r �` ,'����'
• •, ' '. '
If there is not �ufF-icient support for� t.!�n Distrirt 14 �d hor ce,rmi�tee
petitior�, �he Ci ��y Council �T�ay rec;o�r,;;�e„c; r;hat citizens in Uistrict 14 & 15
establis{� a pror.e;; to reach an an�icablc solution. I�f t��ere a�°c� legal
censtraints, City Co�!ncil nremb�rs ��ri�ll bc inf���r�ed before �)u;;r � and may
p��oceed acco;°d�i;�gly.
Or anizatian Costs
Costs incur�ed by District 14 �,d hoc committee dur•ing the proce�,s of
oryanization ma,y be reimbursed fro�n the 'ol-'�?. budget allocation to
District 1-4 Cc;�:r�r�urii ty Couricil . .
Citizen f'articipation I�ud_c�e-t Timeline .
tJe anticipate the Mayor' s recommendation to City Council on Ci�tizen
Participation budgets will be subm�i�tted by May 20, 1981. Allocations for
District 14 and District 15 will be contingent upon resolution of the requ�st
for reoryaniz�tion. '
LJe anticipate the Finance Committee of the City Council ti�;ill consider Citizen
Partic�ip�tion budget allocations in June ti�iith final adoption by �:he City
Council before June 30, 1981.
k'�p�JJ/sd ,
A�i tach^icnt �
cc: Phi1 Byrne �
. ... � ���L Lt
" � ,�.'. t : _� .
: �;,,;,;;: .
To: Council President Ron Maddox
and Members of the City Council
From: William Q. Patton'��j�
, Jerry Jenkins ;�,� .
, �
Date: May 6, 1981
Re: Petition from District 14 Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a District 14
' Comnunity Council
City Council resolution #266179 dated October 9, 1975 established a ten-step
process for recognition of district councils (see attached).
No City process was established to revise, amend, or change district council
organizational structures at the time the citizen participation process was
implemented. .
Districts 14 and 15 were recognized under a single organizational structure,
SWADC, by Council resolution #271042, May 11, 1978 (see attached copy) . This
combined structure is unique. All of the other district councils organized
on a single district basis.
The StJADC bylaws include a provision for dissolution but do not speak to the
matter of separating the districts and substituting two organizational
structures for one.
At its April 21, 1981 meeting, the City Council received a letter from
Eric Watkins, Chairman of the Ad hoc committee for a District 14 Community
Council requesting recognition of a separate District 14 Community Council .
Attached to the letter were signatures of:�-ndividuals and officers of
nei�ghborhood organizations in District 14 supporting the petition and proposed
bylaws and budget. The City Council referred the matter to the Community
Development Division for recommendation.
The Community Development Division contacted the City Attorney's office for
advice on this matter (see attached letter) . City Attorney Starr has asked
Phil Byrne of his staff to prepare a report. At this writing, Mr. Byrne has
not had sufficient time to complete his report. He suggests setting the
public hearing on June 2 which allows three weeks from the time SWADC receives
written notification. He is meeting with us on May 7, 2:30 P.M. , to review
the matter.
We=recommend that the City Council set a date to receive public comment on
establishing a District 14 Community Council as a separate organizational
� — ,
.. . - 2 - f
, . . �,"_
structure from District 15. We suggest that the date established should
a11ow time to notify S4JADC before its meeting hlay 11, 1981 and to place
notice in the Highland Villager by its deadline May 13 for publication
May 20, 1981. 4Je further suggest that the meeting be held in the evening in
Council Chambers. Suggested date: June 2.
The purpose of the public hearing is to determine whether there is broad-based
public support in District 14 for the establishment of a separate District 14
Comnunity Council . �
If at the close of the public hearing the City Council determines that there
is sufficient broad-based support for establishing a District 14 Community
Council , the District 14 Ad hoc committee should be instructed to folloNi a
• modified process to recognition as follows:
1) l�idely advertise a District 14 community meeting to be held in District 14
to hear proposed bylaws which establish its organizational structure and
to receive comments, answer questions and make revisions, if necessary.
2) If there are no major revisions, a vote to adopt the bylaws may be taken.
All residents and business people in District 14 in attendance are
entitled to vote. Adoption requires approval by majority of those voting
on the matter.
3) If there are major revisions, a second District 14 community meeting, one
week later, should be called to approve the bylaws as revised. Again,
all residents and business people in District 14 in attendance are
entitled to vote. Adoption requires approval by majority of those voting
on the matter.
4) District 14 Ad hoc committee requests recognition and sends a copy of
the approved bylaws to the Community Development Division staff. Staff
prepares a report to the Mayor recommending recognition of District 14
Comnunity Council .
5) Mayor recommends recognition to the City Council .
6) � City Council holds public hearing at regular City Council meeting on the
proposed structure of District 14 Community Council and approves, rejects
or modifies the proposal and, if approved, the City Council moves to amend
its Council file #271042 by deleting District 14 from the St�ADC
organizational structure.
At�this point:
1) District 14 Community Council implements its structure and organization
. and submits its '81-'82 budget request to the Community Development
2) SWADC submits its revised bylaws and its '81-'82 .budget request to the
Community Development Division and implements its revised structure and
, organization.
�' . ' . - 3 -
If there is not sufficient support for the District 14 Ad hoc committee
petition, the City Council may recorrHnend that citizens in District 14 & 15
establish a process to reach an amicable solution. If there are legal
constraints, City Council members will be informed before June 2 and may
proceed accordingly.
' Organization Costs
Costs incurred by District 14 Ad hoc committee during the process of
organization may be reimbursed from the '81-'82 budget allocation to
District 14 Community Council .
Citizen Participation Budget Timeline
� We anticipate the Mayor' s recommendation to City Council on Citizen
Participation budgets will be subrnitted by May 20, 1981. Allocations for
District 14 and District 15 will be contingent upon resolution of the request
for reorganization.
We anticipate the Finance Committee of the City Council will consider Citizen
Participation budget allocations in June with final adoption by the City
Council before June 30, 1981.
cc: Phil Byrne �
: � ,.
wNIiE C�TV GLENK ' •...
P�NK -'�INANCE � � \ y COUOC11
CAN�,R� - DEP�RTMENT mnunity (� I T�� �� :�A I 1` T PA U L � ��
B��E _ NA�ON Dev lopment) � File N0. ,
' � � � � 'n l�esolution
� . - . ,�
Presented By .
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution No. 266179, approved on October 9, 1975,
approved� guidelines and steps for the establishment of the citizen participation process
�to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Area District Council has applied for recognition as the
General District Planning Council for Districts 14 and 15; and �
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the Southwest Area
District Council has complied with the City Council 's guidelines and steps and recomnends
that the City Council recognize their organization and appropriate $2,000 to assist
the organization in implementing its work program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on Tuesday, May 2, 1978, for the
purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's recomnendation,
and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint. Paul does hereby approve and
recognize the Southwest Area District Council as the General District Rlanning Council
for Districts 14 and 15 and does �hereby approve and appropriate the following funds
and budget for the organization for the period May 1 , 1978 through June 30, 1978, and
the Mayor's Office is authorized and directed to administer the budget on behalf of
the organization in accordance with such procedures as may be established by the Mayor's
Office Equipment . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1 ,550.00
Communications (telephone, postage, printing) . . . • • • • • • 340.00
• Office Supplies & Miscellaneous . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 110.00
� 2,000.00
COUN(:ILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas • Nays
Bucie� � Division of Comnunity o ment
Hozza !n Favor
Hunt � '
Levine �_ Against BY� 'l����� ���^'
Tedesco MAY 1 1 �9Ta Form Approved b !C' y At rney
Adopted bt• cil: Date � �
Certif Pa��� �• Council Secrotary By �
� - -. gtg— � '` \
Ap r �•e b�� .11a�'or. D t ApPr by May�r Eor S mi ion to Council
B)' BY
v���� i;��n r11AY 2 � 1978
�` �r� �u�,�--��� ��
' Kr�ITC �1�• CIE�+M ( )
n ... � i�•,•y:' COU(1C1� �O ~� � 7���
_.,.•�• - :�.. •..r,.. � (i.l "1'�" C) 1�' �.1 I \1' I�A i; L ... 6) �.�
�, �� _ ...�� . File N�. _.
�'oa�� r " �eso �Z , .., �a� ���
� r, ."+��
, Robert Sylvester -� r,�` ' `�
F'rr�rrtr�, I3�� -- - — ' —
Refrrreci To Cor�mittee: Date
' Out of Commitiee E3��___ Date �_ -
w'I�REAS, the City Council fully supports the go.al of improved citizen participation
in the City of St. Paul, and ,
WHEREr1S, the City Council adopted the boundaries of July 22 as amended delineating
• seventeen neighborhoods in the city, and
WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has directed the Office of the Mayor to use these
districts sinsularly or in combination as a basis for citizen input for coumunity
development programs, and
k'HEREAS, the City Council has requested the Office of the Mayor to initiate an
early warning co�nunications system between the city and the neighborhoods, and
L�'HEP.EAS, the citizen participation component of the general district planning
process may be found to be inadequate in some districts,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Office of the rSayor is authorized to take steos
to create or i�prove the citizen participation process when one or both of the
following circumstances exist:
1. The district planning teams recogni ze the need for increased
Zitizen participation in order to expeditiously bring about
' tRe cocapletic.�a of the general district planning process. In
this case th� Office of the Mayor would begin the citizen
participation process by initiating whatever steps necessary
to make the plar.nino process viable,
2. The neighborhood itself may recognize the need for a broader
based citizen component and request that the Office of the
• Mayor implenent the necessary steps to strengthen tne
citi.zen participation process.
The guidel3nes and steps for this process are attached to this resolution and snall
be considered a part thereoL.
1'c:,� Nays kequested by pepartment of:
Christensen � �
!X}yu: Hunt ' In Fa��or . — --
Le���ne � J �
Roedler Against BY -
President }{1s�tt Hozza .
- : • Form Approved by ity ttorn y
Ad.�ptcd by� Council: Date
Certiti��d f'.�:y_ o}• ouncil Secret�ry BY � ------.
B5 --�}— _--'- — -- — �
� Approved by ltayor for Submission to Council
Ap,�ru� b}� :�lavor: ate "
Bti' -- -(�1� -► r-4— By --- --
�--__ I--- ._.
�� �: � 1
' • � ' . r v '� '-,
„ ��_ t J�
• ,
There are some areas where difficulties are arising with the general planning
� process because there is no clear organization or combination of organizations that
speak for residents of the area. Since planning can not take place in a vacuu�
this not only hampers the plans to be developed but will probably make the
le�itimacy of these plans open to question when the implementation phase begins.
. In these cases it would seem more logical to emphasize the development of a
citizen participation process prior to the completion of the district planning
process. Unfortunately, the action of the City Council of July 22, 1975, which
delineated seventeen neighborhood districts, directed to the Office of the Ma�or
to use these districts singularly or in combination as a basis for citizen input
for community development •programs, allowed the initiation of an early warning
communication system, and the initiation of a general district planning process,
did not give the administration the authority to pruceed on the development of
citizen participation components where necessary. Tnerefore, it is necessary [o
provide the administration with the authority and guidelines for this process.
The. citizen participation process outlined in these guidelines may be
activated in one of two ways:
(1) The city planning team may recogrrzze ttie need for increased citizen
participation in order to promptly bring abnut the completion of the
general district planning process. In this case the administration
shall begin the citizen participation process using whatever steps
necessary to make the planning process viable.
(2) The neighborhood itself �ay recognize the need for a broader based
citizen component and request that the administration implement the
• necessary steps to bolster the citizen participation process.
��.��.��•+�� ' .
' � ' � ' , w��� ���J� ��
i • r
�� �?
The steps and guidelines are as follows:
• Step 1. The city shall develop an inventory of community groups and organizations.
This inventory shall identify all existing groups, institutions,
. organizations, clubs, individuals, social service agencies, churches,
labor unions, fraternal organizations, and business associations.
SteP 2. ThQ city shall initiate contact with groups and individuals within the
district and describe to theca the citizen participation process and
its relationship to community development activities and other programs.
In addition to meetings with groups and individuals, the city should
use, whereuer possible, existing resources within the area such as
community newspapers, church bulletins, or community bulletin boards
in order to assure broad dissemination of information relating to the
Step 3. Refine designated boundaries. The citizen organizations in the districts
should first make every effort to reach agreement among themselves on
the boundaries. If there is a dispute, citizen groups should be given
' a maximun of 45 days to resolve the matter.
City Planning staff should be requested to analyze the disputed area,
taking into consideration such things as natural or man-made boundaries
and other appropriate planning criteria. Planning staff should then
make their analysis available to the couununity groups, as well as to
appropriate City officials.
� If the comcaunity groups are unable to reach agreement on the boundaries,
the City Council, or an appropriate subcommittee tnereof, should schedule
a public meeting with advance notice to all interested parties. After
hearing the facts of the situation and making use of the planning depart-
• ment analysis, the final decision should be made by the full City Council.
,.Y -�`..
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. ., . .
- . . ,.,
Door-to-door survey within the disputed area tu elicit the opinion of
the residents should be considered., Tliere may well be areas in which a
survey could be used and reasonably valid results obtained. (Step 3
represents policy already approved by City Council.)
Step 4. The City shall establish a working committee to develop structure, by-laws,
and functions of the district organization. '
All meetings of the working committee shall be open meetings.
Each district shall determine the structure for the process of citizen
participation. This may involve the creation of a new organization,
recognition of an existing group, or a cooperative arrangement among
existing groups. However, this structure shall be one that will
ensure that the process is broadly based, democratic and nonexclusionary.
The by-laws governing the process shall include: the purpose of the
organization; the method of election or selection of officers; membersnip
qualifications; duties of officers; the manner of conducting meetings;
a regular meeting schedule; boundaries; and an affi r,native action plan.
Step 5. Public hearings in the neighborhood on the proposed structure and by-laws
shall be held. Prior to the hearing there shall be ample public notice
and ample time for groups in the c�mmunity to discuss the proposal at
their regular meetings. �he city shall provide groups and individuals
with adequate material and resources to describe and explain the process.
Step 6. Following the above hearings, the working comraittee shall refine the
proposed structure and make wnatever changes necessary in che proposal.
Step 7. A public hearing in the neighborhood on the revised structure shall be
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SteP 8. The proposed structure is presented to the Mayor and City Council. The
proposal is reviewed by City staff and staff makes recommendation to the
Mayor and City Council.
Step 9. The City Council holds a public hearing on the proposed structure of
the community organization. City Council approves, rejects, or modifies
the proposal.
. Step 10. The neighborhood implements structure and organization and integrates
it with the district planning process.
If it is desired, the City shall assist the neighborhood in conducting
any elections or community conventions required. The City snall also
assist the working committee in notifying the residents and distributing
election or convention materials.
' � Li�/'l�
;�°�;�:;o,��,,,, CITY OF SAINT P�UL
�; '�` �;
�� iiii�i,ii�ii �'
-,,� 1�1 w�_' ROOM 1420, CITY HALL ANNEX
,��� „ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
„ 612-298-5586
May 5, 1981 �
Mr. Edward Starr, City Attorney
647 City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Starr:
The Community Development Division requests your legal opinion regarding
the following:
1) Can the City Council amend its approval and recognition of a District
Council? �
2) Is a public hearing on the District 14 Ad Hoc committee's petition the
oroper forum for discussion of this petition? Does this hearing
provide due process?
3) Is ten days or more sufficient notice for such a public meeting?
4) Are Districts 14 and 15 two separate and distinct districts under the
original Council Resolution #266179?
5) Does deletion of District 14 from the recognition of District 14/15
under one organizational structure, SWADC, remove recognition of
- District 15 or does District 15 remain a recognized district council?
I have attached relevant materials to this letter. If yau have further
questions or a need for more information, please call . Thank you for
your assistance on this matter.
. Sincerely, .
� . ^'-r � � ' . 1 ' ' • ��V .
r �. . - ,� . ,. (:. .
; �
Citizen Participation Coordinator
. �� � ,,
�? �� �� �
:_ � : zt � �
councilman Apr i 1 15 , 19 81 �RL NEID, JR.
Legislative Aide
T0 : City Council/
City Clerk ✓
Mayor George Latime
FROM: Ron Maddox
Council President ,.
Within the last several days we have all received
numerous amounts of correspondence from Eric Watkins
and signatories on the formation of a District 14
Council .
In that light , I have discussed this matter with Eric ,
representatives of the council and neighborhood, Bill
Patton and Jerry Jenkins . The issue is one that deserves
adeauate study and a clear-cut policy review and process .
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I would sincerely reauest that the data received then
be submitted to the Division of Community Development
for their review and comment. In 1975 we adopted a
10-step process relating to recognition of district
councils . I think that this process could also be
adapted to this issue, however , I believe it is important
to have this matter reviewed by our staff and receive
their comments .
RM: rs
cc : Eric Watkins and Signatories
.r .. . . .�, . �
, �:�
_ ,�
page 1 of 3
- � � April 9, 1981
Ron Maddox, President A�� � 19� '
St. Paul City Council
City Hall, 7th Floor COUNeiLAAAN
St. Paul, N�N. 55101 RON MADDOX
Dear Councilman Maddox:
We, the undersigned residents and elected representatives to the
Southwest Area District Council from District 14, herewith petition�'-=:-��`�:
the St. Paul. Cit_y Council to recognize the formation of a District 14-"'�
Community Council. .,.
Several years ago when boundary lines were being dra�vn, Planning
Districts 14 and 15 were conceived as separate entities and were ir�-
tended to have separate District Councils. Representatives from the
two districts, however, elected to merge to form a single entity, the
Southwest Area District Council (SWAD) , on a trial basis. At the time
this seemed a desirable move: Citizen participation in District mat-
ters was minimal, the District Councils themselves were still in a
formative stage, .and the issues and agendas had not reall_v develoFed
and could be easilv handled.
The subseauent years have brought tremendous growth and activitv
- � in SWAD Council matters on the part of elected representatives--and - -
community participants. In fact, the SU�AD Council is beginning to
suffer from this very growth and success, and like a cell that has
grown too large to operate effectively, must soon divide. At present,
the SWAD Council is the onlv one of 17 District Councils in St. Paul
that embraces two separate districts with a combined population of
nearly 49,000 , or about one-sixth the population of the city.
(District 5 is the next largest with about 28,000 residents. )
In short, the present SWAD Council is simply too large: it en-
compasses too great an area for Council members to inform themselves
knowledgeably and reasonably of all the many issues, arguments, and
problems, that come before them for discussion and a vote; there are
too many issues at any one time for the Council members to address
adeauately and responsiblv in the allotted time; the governing board
of 29 members is much too large and cumbersome for effective discus-
sion or action; the agenda is often too long; the committee and task
force meetings increasingly are more freauent in order to deal with
the press of business; and the demands on the time and efforts of
these volunteer members of the Council are becoming unduly burdensome.
A logical solution is to divide the SWAD Council into two District
Councils, as was originally intended. In fact, for CIB budgetary -
proposals and funding the two Districts are already considered
separately, and the changes we recxuest merely formalize this adminis-
trative separation.
•✓ .
' ' � 'f ` _ /
. page 2 of 3
Manv members of the SWAD Council have remarked on this situation
at various times, and the sense of a need for a separate District 14
Council has slowlv emerged. Several representatives to the SWAD
Council from District 14 discussed these issues recently and agreed
that given their concerns and those of others, a formal meeting with
wide District 14 representation should be held to discuss forming a
separate District Council. Such a meeting was held on March 19 , 1981
to which were invited all elected or appointed representatives to the
SWAD Council from District 14 (including Grid reps, At-Large reps,
Task Force chairs, and CIB reps) , as well as spokespersons �rom estab-
lished community groups in District 14 such as the Grand Avenue Busi-
ness Association, Tangletown Neighborhood Association, Edgcumbe Boost-
ers, and Randolph Heights Neighborhood Association.
Eighteen people attended. After lengthy discussion, the elected
representatives from the ten grids that comprise District 14 were
polled, and the majority indicated it felt the present joint arrange-
ment with District 15 in the Southwest Area District Council was unsat-
isfactory, that District 14 's interests and affairs might more effec-
tively and expeditiously be served with its own Council, and that
therefore steps should be taken to nursue formation and seek recogni-
tion of a separate District 14 Community Council. The vote was 6 in
favor, 2 abstentions, and 2 were absent. There were no negative votes.
A second meeting to which were invited the same representatives was
held a week later to review and amend by-laws that had been drafted for=_
the proposed District 14 Community Council. Approval of these by-laws
as amended was unanimous.
This proposal will be an agenda item for discussion at the next �
SWAD Council meeting on Monday, April 13th at 7.30 pm. FIe hope that '�
this proposal will meet with the support and approval of the City Couri-
` cil, and that timely action will be fortficoming so that we �may meet
.-• impending budget deadlines. We are, of course, at your disposal for
any auestions you may have, or you may write or call me at 188 Amherst
St. , St. Paul, 55105. (.Tel: 699-2023)
Respectfully subm�tted,
Eric Watkins, Grid #3 rep, and
Chairman, Ad hoc committee for .
a District 14 Community Council�
and Signatories attached
attachments: by-laws
proposed budget
cc: St. Paul Council members
Mayor George Latimer
Bill Patton
�S��JAD Council 1�?embers
Kathie Tarno��ski
, � , , > , � ;1y '-' r�'
- page 3 of 3
SIGNATORIE5 to proposed District 14 Community Counci.l:
` � ;l / . � ��'� ,-�-
David A. Lanegran Ray T�J. Fa 'cy
� � `', (��6i�--rZ-.,./
`�'►''�-+�-�4.. /
Dennis A. Osborn, Grid �5 Kathleen Vellenga
�,�). �. ��� � /' �
W.R. I}ick Barrett� Grid �10 Nan s , rid �1
��C6l.cC �� � .
'�- ,
5ue McCloskey, Grid �8, and G.C. S augle, CI Ta Force
SW�" P for Membershi,�Relations �
� -f�.� ..�C / � " � '�i ��1��
G S ers� S . 8- nd Sally Frost, At-La.rge rep (197�81),
i n me er :�1AD V-P f r Membership (1980)
_ -
'� % y C>�./�� _ _
Albert '�1. Oertwig, G d �2, Na cy ?�' imore, Grid #4
SWAD V-P for Corr�nun't ions
_ a et L. Jo n Pres ,, /�ndolph Harvey G se, President
ghts�i bor ' A s� 'iation Gra d Av ue Business Association
, ,
�� .
Jam Ga er, hairman , B n 'rly Ba e , President
;SW " ous g ` orce g be st Associatio
, ��� �-(,f�(/�\ '
be Mooney, Treasurer � ohn B. Davis� Jr.� Pres ent
an� etown Neighborhood Association �;�Macalester College
Kat en Callahan, Grid �6
.. ,. ' . . � i
: , %`
The name of this organization shall be the District 14 Community
The boundari�s of the District 14 Community Council in St. Paul,
Minnesota sha1Z include Summit Avenue �n the north; Randolph Avenue
on the south; The N1lississippi River on the west; The Short-line Road
and the proposed 135E corridor on the east.•
The purpose of this organization shall be: �
Section 1. Charitable and educational so as to unite, zn common
cause, residents of and organizations serving the area describ�d in
Article II in a continuing effort to promote harmonious environmental
conditions and favorable community relationships therein and to under-
take such charitable and educational actions and services as may, by
its membership, be determined to be desirable to serve these purposes. :
Within these purposes it is intended that this organization shall �
aLtempt to educate the cornmunity as to the necessity for .maintaining
commur�ity pride in matters of common interest for the preservation of .
a desirable livable r�eighborhood.
By way of examples of carrying out these purpos�s, the organization
shall initiate and �articipate in such actions as may be determined to
be desirable to enable residents to preserve and maintain good
• residential housing, live in a healthful environment, provide recreat--
�ional facilities, and protect the neighborhood from crime.
In furtherance of th� foregoing, the purposes of this organization
shall be to solicit funds and to accept gifts and contributions, to put
to productive use all of the funds and property wh3ch it may own at any
time, and to use and distribute its income and property exclusively for
charitable and educatiunal purposes.
Section 2. To develop immediate and long-range plans, programs,
and pro�ects which shall provide for the physical, economic, and social
needs of the district.
Section 3. To establish a consistent means of communication so �
that citizens may be made aware of proposals affecting the district
by public agencies and officials, and may, in turn, participate in the
planning prior to action.
. "� (..,� y' ji�. �
� �/' � , ���.. . :,� .
' � By-laws p.2
Section 4. To have a well-informed district realisticaliy
pursuing its best interests, thereby improving the vuality of life in
the City and increasing the confidence in the future of the district
and of the City. To this end, the organization will use various media
to inform the district of issues which may affect its interest. -
Section 5. To set realistic goals for district projects and
programs wr.ich may require funds from outsi.de sources, whether public
or private, and to work to unite all elements of the district in
seeking to obtain such funds.
Section 6. To provide a forum for open discussion so that
residents and business people of the district can work together toward
the common goal of a safe, healthful, and attractive district within a
safe, h�althful, and attractive city.
Section 1. I,�embership shall be open to aIl residents who live
within the boundaries established for the District Z4 Community Council,
who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, regardless of race, sex,
religion, or national origin.
Section 2. Associate members shall be any church, organization,
civic group, social or educational institution, service group, business
or business association in the Council's area which has applied for � �
membership and has paid the required dues, if any. Similar organ-
izations or associatians outside the Council's area may become .
associate members upon approval by the Board of Directors.
SQction. 3. Members shall have �the �right to apQear on the agenda
� at regular board meetings to present �ertinent items of interest in
District 14 (e.g. , recom*nended projects for consideration, recommend-
. ations for change to by-laws, etc.) .
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of one member
from each of the prescribed grids. A description of the grid
boundaries is attached to t�:ese by-laws as Exhibit A. In addition, .
three (3) directors at large shall be elected. Term of office: two years.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall have power:
(a) to fill vacancies in its own membership.
(b) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office,
except president. .
(c) to exercise all of the powers of this organization.
(d) to appoint committees as necessary.
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. By-Iaws p.3
Section 3. At the first annual meeting, aIl even numbered grid
regresentatives and two (2) of the at-large Directors shall be elected
to a two {2) year term of office: The odd numbered grid representa�ives
and one (1) of the at-large Directors shall be elected to a one (1}
year term of office. Thereafter, all board memUers shall be elected to
a two (2) year term of office. Elections shall be at the annual meeting.
Section 1. The officers of the District 14 Comrnunit� Council shall
be: a president; a vice-president; a secretary; and a treasurer. The
term of office shall be two (2) years. No officer shall serve more than
two (2) consecutive terms in the sarne office.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected hy the Board of Directors
from �ts members at a meeting te be heZd within one (1) month following
the annual meeting of the council. �
Section 3. Mid-term vacancy of the president's position will be
filled by the vice�president. Other :nid-term vacancies shall be filled
by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Any officer or director may be removed from office by
a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors for cause. Absene�
from three (3� consecutive board meetings or four (4) board meetings
durir_g any fiscal year shall constitute grounds for removal from office
of any officer or board member. - -
� Section 5. The duties of the officers of the District 14 Communitv
Council shall include but not be limited to the following:
A. President
1. Preside at all meetings of t:ie District I4 Community Council.
2. Have general responsibility for conducting the affairs of the
� . District 14 Community Council.
3. Have general responsibility for the implementation of alI
� resolutions �assed by the membership.
4. Shall designate committees with the approval of the members
of the Board of Directors.
5. Shall with the vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, be
responsible for employment contracts of hired staff.
6. Supervise and direct staff.
B. Vice-President
1. Shall perform the duties of the president in the president's
absence, inabilitx or refusal to act, and such other duties
as the president shall so direct.
2. Shall assist the president in conducting the business of �the
District 14 Comn�unity Council as requested.
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• ' By-laws p.4
C. Secretary
1. Shall take and keep accurate records of all preceedings of
District 14 Community Council ;neetings.
2. Shall keep a file of reports submitted bv all committees
and subcommittees.
3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all organization'
correspondence, letters and other communications witn
various pe�sons, businesses, and other entities.
D. Treasurer
1. Shall receive and secure monies obtained for conducting
the organization's business,
2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direction of the
Board of Directors.
3. Shall keep accurate records of the fiscal matters ot the
District 14 Comm�anity Council.
4 . Shall prepare an annual statement which wi11 be submi�ted
to the organization along with the report of ±he Finance
Commi tte e.
5. Shall present a full treasurer's report at each Board
Section 1. Annual Meeting. The District 14 Community Council
shall hold its annual meeting in March or April of each year. The _
date, time, and place of the meeting shall be set by the Board of
Directors. One (1) . month prior written notice shall be reGUired for
each annual meeting. �
Election of the Board of Directors sha11 be the first order of
business. Nominations shall be open from the floor. The Board of
Directors newly elected shall assume office at the conclusion of the
. meeti.ng.
� Annual reports shall be provided by the president, secretary,
treasurer, and chairpersons of such coanmittees as the Board of
Directors may reQUest.
Issues of concern to the District, proposal� for projects or
programs shall be presented and discussed. �
All participants shall sign in at the meeting with the
appropriate residential or business address.
The method and procedure for electing directors shall be
�letermined by the Board of Directors one (1) month in advance of each �
annual meeting so as to provide for a democratic sele�tion of those
Directors required to be elected under these Articles.
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� By-laws p.5
Section 2. Board of Director' s meetings. The Board of Directors
shall hold regular monthly meetings, as determined by the Board at the
first meeting. Board members shall be notified by the secretary at
least one (1) week in advance as to time, place, and agenda.
Section 3. Special meetings. Special meetings of the Board of
Directors may be called by the president or by a majority of the Board
of Directors on matters of urgency, provided that notice is made at
least three (3) days in advance specifying the time, place, and reason
for meeting.
Section 4 . Quorum. A majority of the Board of Directors shall
constitute a quorum at any duly convened meeting.
Section 5. P.11 meezings covered by these by-laws shall be
conducteci under Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
Section 6. All meetings of the District 14 Conununity Council
shall be open to the public. All eligible participants from the
residential and the commercial sectors of the district are encouraged
to attend.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall estaDlish cammittees and
task forces as deemed necessary for its purposes. �
Section 2. The chai�person of each committee shall be appoin�ed
by the officers with the approval of the Board of Directors. Any
person, a memb�r or associate member of the District 14 Community
� Council, may serve as a member of any committee.
Section 3. Each com*nittee shall include at least one (1)member
of the Board of Directors. No officer of the Board of Directors may
be chairperson of a standing or permanent committee.
Section 4. Committees shall have power only to issue reports to
the Board of Directors and the membership. They shall not take any
• action without prior a�proval of the Board of Directors. Committees
shall provide written reports of their progress upon reauest of the
� president and upon discharge of the committee.
Section 5. All committee meetings shall be open to the public.
Whenever possible, committee meetings shall be announced to the •
commuzity in adrance of the meeting.
e . •
� By-laws p.6
Section 6. There shall be established a Finance Committee whose
existence shall be permanent in nature. The duties of this committee
shall include an annual audit of the District 14 Community Council
finances, and the committee shall insure the treasurer complies with
all established regulations in the handling of Distriet 14 Community_
Council funds.
Section 7. There shall be established a Long-Range Planning
Committee whose duties shall include implementation of the District
14 Plan, and keeping the Plan current as the issues and interests of
the District 14 Community Council change.
Section 1. No substantial part of the activities of the Council
shall be the ¢arr�ring on of �ropaganda,� or otherwise attempting to
influence legislation, and the Council shall not participate in or
intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements)
any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office
Section 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles,
the Council shall not carry on any other activities not perntitted to be
carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under
Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the
corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue
Law) or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible_ _,..
under Section 170tc) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the
corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue
Law) .
Section 3. Upon the dissolution of the Council, the Board of
Directors shall, after paying or making orovision for the paynent of
all of the liabilities of the Organization, dispose of all of the
� assets of the Council exclusively for the purposes of the Council in
� such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, educational, reZigious or
scientific purpose as shall at the time aualify as an exempt organ-
ization or organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any futurc?
United States Internal Revenue Law) , as the Board of Directors
shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be dis-
• posed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal
office of the Council is then located, exclusively for such purpo.ses
or such organization or organizations, as such court shall determine,
which are organized and operated exclusively for snch purposes.
Section 4 . No part of the net earnings or funds of the Council •
shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members,
officers, or other private persons except that the Council shall be
authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services
rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the
purposes set forth in Article III hereof.
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� By-laws p.7
� Section I. These articles, or any that may hereafter be adopted,
may be changed or amended by introduction of the amendment(s) at a
regular Board of Directors' meeting and voting on such amendment(s) at
the subsequent general me,nbership meeting or a special membership
• meetzng called for that purpose. Notification of all impending
changes in these articles, including the proposed amendment, shall be
given at least one (1) month in advance of the meeting. A two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the me:nbers present shall be necessary for
Section 1. The fiscal vear shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 1. Wherever written notice is required or authorized by
these by-laws, such notice requirement or authorization shall be
satisfied (unless otherwise specifically provided in these by-laws)
if notice is delivered to the member's resid�nce by handing it to a
person at the member's residence, is left in a conspicuous place, is
mailed to the last known residence of the member by first class mail,
or is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area as
defined in Article II. - - - -
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July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 �
Organizer (half-time) $ 8,5Q0
Secretary (part-time) 500
Rent - office 1,500
Rent - meetings 300
Telephone 500
Office supplies 500
Office furnishings (used) 125
Copier lease 500
Printing 600
Postage 800
Mileage 300
Insurance 250
5, 375
TOTAL $14,375 _ _ ...
, . 14 April 1981
'� ' Ron Maddox, President ' , - ' -� f, ��
St. Paul City Council - ^
City Hall , 7th Floor
St. Paul , Mn. 55102
Dear Council President Maddox:
Attached is the agenda for the Southwest Area District Council meeting held
last night, April 13th, at which was discussed, among other matters , formation of
a District 14 Community Council . Highlights of the meeting are noted below.
# Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. , with 27 out of 29
members attending.
# One item was deleted from the agenda, and 4 were added for
consideration at end of ineeting, including a resolution opposing
formation of a District 14 Community Council .
# Discussion of proposal for formation of District 14 Community
Council . In general , representatives to SWAD from District 14
supported the proposal while those from District i5 opposed it.
Motion made to move forward the resolution opposing formation
of District 14 Community Council for consideration earlier
rather than at end of ineeting. D1otion defeated.
# Considerable anger and protest expressed by 3 of 5 members of
nominating corr�nittee formed last month to solicit names for
executive officer positians on SWAD Council . Committee was
never convened despite repeated inquiries of chairman by
corr�ni ttee members. Despi te objectifln, chai rman of nominati ng
committee then presented his own slate of names for approval �
from floor. Nominations made and approved, nominees elected
by majority from floor.
# Three hours into meeting, at approximately .10:30 p.m. , a motion
was made to table or lay over all further items of business,
except those of a critical nature, because of the length. of the
agenda, lateness of the hour, and lack of time for discussion and
due consideration. The r�otion carried. Five members of the
Board had already left by this time because of the late haur.
# Further discussion and action on seven items, including one item
added to agenda at the meeting. Other items , inciuding those on
published and distributed agenda for consideration at this
meeting, were laid over or tabled.
# Resolution opposing formation of a District 14 Community Council
was not considered because of lack of time.
# Meeting adjourned at 11 :32 p.m.
Eric Watkins, Chairman
Ad hoc committee for a
cc: St. Paul City Council District 14 Community Councii
Bill Patton
�, . .�
� _� AGEN�A
April 13, 1981
Fairmount Avenue methadist Church
V�I. Roll Call
(/ II. Additions or deletions to the Agenda
✓III. Approval of the Minutes of the march 9 f�1eeting.
IV. Administrative Organization Report - martin Kellogg, Chair; Presiding
.A. Report of the Chairman
✓ 1. Consideration of the community organizer�s request to be paid for
� time.
✓ 2. Discussion of proposal to separate Districts 14 and 15 into separate
district councils (see attached letter from Eric Watkins)
✓ B. Report of the Vice President of f�embership Relations, Sue fllcCloskey
� C. Report of the Treasurer, Joe Hamelin
✓ 1. �uarterly treasurerts report (see attachment A}
�2. Adoption fo SlUAD Council budget for 1981-82 (see attachment B}
� D. Report of the Community Organizer, Kathie Tarnourski (see attached)
� E. Report of the Nominating Committee, Howard Guthmann; Chair
U. Action Organizati on Report - Howard Guthmann, President; Presiding
A. Report of the Uice President of Governmental Relations, Clyde Illg
1. Report of the Land Use/Enviornment Task Force
(Q.�.�� a�
�j b. Resolution forming an ad hoc committee that will study the
impact of the proposed airport Runway 4-22 on the southwest area
�/ c. Resolution supporting a variance to the zoning ordinance that
would allcw the Shepard Park Partnership fewer parking stails
for their new office building on Youngman between Springfield
and Rankin than required (see attached}
v d. Resolution on parking lot buffer between Shepard Park Office
Building parking lot on the south side of Stewart between the
neighboring residences (see attached)
lA�'�� 2. Repvi•t ar �ho Shepc�rd Park Study Committee, Clyde Illg; Chair
�^ �r-�� Recommendation that thiq report be adopted
iLS�!"' `�
-�tJ''�"'� B. Report of the Vice Presidor�t of.C�+��n���ity Relations, A1 Oertwig
�,_...,..�..'..._...,,__ _..._._.. __ ..__....._._._. • _: -- . . .�.-... _
� • .�� 1. Report of th e Housing Task Force, Jim Gabler; Chair
'� ✓ a. P,esolution apposing the acquisition by St. Thomas College of GraP'd
Avenue apartment buildings for use as dormitories.
(/h. Resolution on forming an ad hoc committee to work mith St. Thomas
College and the f�lerriam Park Community Council to resolve 2ny
neighborhood prohlems caused by the Collegefs existence in the
neighborhood (see attached)
� c. Resolution supporting the re-zoning oP the land between Benson
and the railroad tracks east of P�iadison so that 64 detached -
two-story condominium units can be built there-providing that
the recreational needs of the additional units can be met
t� d. Resolution supporting the re-zoning of th e Edyth Bush Theater
so that it can be converted into 10 one and two bedroom condominium
units-providing that the parking needs can be addressed (see attached)
2 Report of the Education Committee
a. Resolution supporting the formation of a Citizen's Budget
• Review Committee for the St. Paul School District
�-� b. Resolution directing the Education Committee to make specific
� recommendations on the process of that committee
c. Appointment of a representative from the SUAD Council to serve
on the school district�s committee that will explore conduct
problems associated with high school football ga�es
C. Report from the Uice President of Community Activities, Jim Zdon
`� 1. Fesolution forming an ad hoc committee to study solutions to the
parking and traffice problems on Pinehurst Avenue between Kenneth and Finn
'� 2. Resolution appointing Ronnie Stockton, 20U7 Pinehurst, chair of -
the Pinehurst ad hoc committee
D. Capital Improvement Budget Process
� 1. Appointment of further delegates and alternates from Districts 14 2nd 15
to serve on the three CIB Task Forces (see attached)
U 2. Prioritization of the capital improvements suggested for the two
districts - to be done seperately
IV. Other �usiness
A. Resolution from �lancy Larimore, grid 4, with regard to closing a gap in
the cityts Early Plotification System policy (see attached)
B. Resolution from Nancy Larimore, grid 4, recommending formation of a
council of presidents or presidPnt's representatives from all of the
district councils to promote intra-district council com��unication
C. Resolution by A1 Dertwig, grid2, with regard to the operation of the
�..� Youth Community Recycling Center in District 14 _
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MACALESTER Saint Paul, C�f`��'�
COLLEGE Minnesota 55105 (612) 647-6207
� � �"�: -. 4' �/ / ..C'
April 15, 198 I
The President
. ��
Mr. Ron Maddox ' � � � r�;
President '
St. Paul Cfty Council �U�C+4�,jA�
City Hall, 7th Floor �1app�X
St. Pauls Minnesota 55101
Dear Councilman Maddox:
Under date of April 9, 1981� a letter was sent to you over the
signature of Eric Watkins relative to the formation of a District 14
Community Council.
Attached to that letter was a petition.
I sfgned the petition on the assumption that City Council authority
was necessary to permit an examination of the issue. . . •
The covering letter from Eric Watkins implies that petitioners
endorse the creation of a separate District 14 Community Council. I have
no position on this matter at the moment.
For this reason, please consider my name removed from the petition.
- Ve . sincerely,
;� � 1
; �
�`��:� �� ,l����iv�4� . ;
"�-% jo ri B."Davis, Jr.��
jBD:mm �/
cc: Eric Watkins
Mayor George Latimer
Martin Kellogg
Howard Guthmann
Pau1 Aslanian
jack Rossmann � �
_�,.__�._._...,v.___ __..__ ._...._. . ......__ _------__.___.._._.�_�.,_.._.. . . _ _. .,_.... . .._.. __.. . .�__�.�.. _ . .__�_._�.__..___,. ,., -
t 'f A ��� � ��.
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts in St.
Paul, residents of District 14 do not presently have a council of
their own. ) This Council would enable residents of the District to
join together to build an even better community thrQugh neighborhood
action in areas which can include housing, parks �nd recreation
services, social issues, traffic, parking and zon�ng. It would be
formally recognized by the City of St. Paul as the official citizen
participation council for District 14 .
. a � ��°>.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLTPdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIlKIJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in- �
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, tra`ffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particioation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation couhcil for District 14.
suMntir �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COr'.�IIJPdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�ILTNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation counci2 for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council .of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�ILIPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
• ' � . CI.AiQ �` E
s-� r c I W �
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� ��
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�IIJ�IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
� better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
� clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. a � �a�,,
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The Randolph Hts. Neiahborhood Assoc. hereby resolves to support the
formation of a separate District 14 Community Council. (Unlike
other distr_icts in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have
a council of their own but must share one with another district. )
This Council would enable residents of the District to join together
to build an even better community through neighborhood action in
areas which can include housing, parks and recreation services,
social issues, traffic, parking and zoning. It would be formally
recognized bv the City of St. Paul as the official citizen partica-
tion council for District 14.
, . a � ���.
s-�- r c-F- I � . ""'�
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Q�nn ` � l3��i L.�.�. �,v� �sl c -�-� �r��-�s�6
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� oo �/
✓ � �vv �(`-
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLTPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� s�MM�T �
. - � . u.P+tiQ �V
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
, of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiT12TY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
� s�nM�r �
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Y�/yt�C��i��� 3�-! gc�. Pc�ca.Q. S S/DS �98 - o G S�
��t S 3 �'r�s�-�. s��v.� � �� -z � 33
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� -�-,� , .
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�tiR1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particination council for District 14.
. � SVM1M 1T �
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S-�" r C I � �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�IUTJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. � SuM1M11T �
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� _ _
. � �� / 5
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a counci�of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council'�aould
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
. ' � �► ��'�•
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� �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�lUf7ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particiDation council for District 14.
� suMn�T � � �
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S �- C I W W �E
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� � �-�-7
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�itJ�JITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen nartici�ation council for District 14.
- _ � �� suMh�T � �
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�-�-�y '�� _
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�ItT�7ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particivation council for District 14.
� s�Mn�T � � �
• • � . CL.l�11Z �` E
s-�- r- c i W M
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9--��- ���-y �,��,� � �7�� ���-��--
�!VWV� (�� 'J` '� ��r n�j'U�' S.Jr'' 10� �pa�'o�oZ 0 0
� ��-�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of �a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�ITJPdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUN1M 1T cn
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��`�" - X�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMUfdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUM1�91T cn
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� -�' - �` •
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONII�ILJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of. the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SVMM 1T cn
• a ��
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�J - ��`''� �?
We, the undersigned residents of District 14 , support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�IU:IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SllMMI IT cn
. • a � ��'>.
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f--M- ��nl tiy� ��
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMML1i1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particioation council for District 14.
� a ��
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiRtITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. � SIIMtM11T �
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,�--��:�� 1
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
. oc �1 �?��
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.�„ .-tv1?
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� —Cs�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SV�11'!1T cn
a ��
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� _� 'r
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMIJ�IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SvY1M IT �
• a � p�
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� —��'�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�ILIPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
bette� community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. ' a � ���
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0�'7'r �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA'lLRZITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents� of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
- ' � . C1A11� �L E
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particivation council for District 14.
SU�+1Ml1T cn
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COI�lLnJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district.) This Council would
enable zesidents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particiDation council for District 14.
. � SllMIMIIT �
• ' � . CIAI� p�•
s�- r c I W �M�
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMU;IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SlIk11+11T �
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�Jl '` d
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COP+II�ItnIITY COUNCIL. {Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district.) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particiaation council for District 14.
Sl1Y1Ml tT �
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�— `-�-"
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�ILRJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� sunn�r � �
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The Edcrcumbe Boosters hereby resolves to support the
formation of a separate District 14 Community Council. (Unlike
other distr_icts in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have
a council of their own but . must share one with another district. )
This Council would enable residents of the District to join together
to build an even better community through neighborhood action in
areas which can include housing, parks and recreation services,
social issues, traffic, parking and zoning. It would be formally
recognized by the City of St. Paul as the official citizen partica-
tion council for District 14.
. a � ���.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONII�ItR1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would:be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SU�11�IT tn
• • a . c�.p+iR � ��'`
s�- r c I W W ���
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON.Q�ItJPdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� suhM�r � _
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S-i` r C`�- I W N
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� C� 1�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�iL�lITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
¢ sunh�r �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�IiJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� Sl1M1M 1T �
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�/ ��� 1�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMtTP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
suMM�T �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DfSTRICT 14 COMMU;JITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� SVMM�T �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLTNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particit�ation council for District 14.
, � a � �,,
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMIRIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. • � � �p�
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� � ��
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts in St.
Paul, residents of District 14 do not presently have a council of
their own. ) This Council would enable residents of the District to
join together to build an even better community through neighborhood
action in areas which can include housing, parks and recreation
services, social issues, traffic, parking and zoning. It would be
formally recognized by the City of St. Paul as the official citizen
participation council for District 14.
SUt�1Ml IT cn
. a � ��'�.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14 , support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�IU:IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable �esidents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� SVMM�r �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONII�ILTr1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUMM 1T cn
. � . C1.A1 � ���•
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�'ILJP7ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SV1�1M!IT c,�
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLRJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SVMIl�11T cn
• ' � � ���
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�ILJPdITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particivation council for District 14.
SUM1Ml IT _ _ ,N
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� �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�ILJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� s�MM�r �
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r'„ C�..r-.,v�
��� � .
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON.�ItJPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. � su�+t�f 1r � �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLTPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particioation council for District 14.
• ' �i � ��
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�ILTPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� Sl)M1MiT �
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-p�d 3
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�ILTP�ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized l�y the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� SvMM�r � �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
� of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� s�Mn�T � �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
• • a . c►.,��Q � ��'•
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMIJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of '
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� s��rM�T �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�lIJP7ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
� s�hh�r �
• � . cug�Q � �`
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�� 3
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMtJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUM1Ml1T cn
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`-�� �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMtJ�1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
• ' • � . ClA1R. � ���
S-�- r� C�- I W W ��F
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C,�.X.r,�,,� � . C�,�,�-� ��� i +��--� � �� 5�
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiTPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
w St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUM1t+11T v►
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1 � W w '�F
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�'liJ�lITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� s�MM�r �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON�lUTJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
, own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zon�ing. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen partici�ation council for District 14.
. � su»M�T � � �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. - °� � ��'�
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� .k��� z
. �� �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMiJP1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUM1M11T tn
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLTPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even .
better community thLough neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
• • � UA11� � ��`
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
. o� � 1'�•
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. �� � �
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONA�ItJr1ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
' ' � � ���
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• We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts in St.
Paul, residents of District 14 do not presently have a council of
their own. ) This Council would enable residents of the District to
join together to build an even better community through neighborhood
action in areas which can include housing, parks and recreation
services, social issues, traffic, parking and zoning. It would be
formally recognized by the City of St. Paul as the official citizen
participation council for District 14.
. • a � ��°�.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�ITJP7ITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen particioation council for District 14.
St1�IM11T v► -
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� We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CON.�IiJNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14 .
SUM1�11T �
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•- :.
We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMML1iJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with anotlZer district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUM�91T c,+
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMIJP1tTY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMIJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMU;IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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-,__ _ We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
�of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMU:IITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SUt�1f�91T �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DIS?'RICT 14 COMMLIPJITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking ancl zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
� SU�1M1T �
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 CONIl�ltJNITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
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We, the undersigned residents of District 14, support the formation
of a separate DISTRICT 14 COMMLJPIITY COUNCIL. (Unlike other districts
in St. Paul, residents of District 14 do not have a council of their
own but must share one with another district. ) This Council would
enable residents of the District to join together to build an even
better community through neighborhood action in areas which can in-
clude housing, parks and recreation services, social issues, traffic,
parking and zoning. It would be formally recognized by the City of
St. Paul as the official citizen participation council for District 14.
SVt+ll+f 1T cn
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