276945 WHITE - CITYCLERK ;y+f�� �/s PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT COl1tIC1I I ,�� BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL �'' File N 0. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date V�I�S, The City CoLmcil of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolutian C.F. 276599 ad,�pted March 31, 1981 did ratify the assess�nt of $340.00 which re5ultec�. fran the removal of debris fran premi.ses at 522 Farringt,�n, St. Paul, Minnesota; and W�. The awner of the pr�ni.ses, Cons�r Builcling Service (Consiuner) , did not tunely appeal the ratificatian of the a�sessment as provided by law, Y�w�ver Consturer oontinues to allege that the City acted i�roperly in removing the clebris fram the premises; and Wf�EAS, Consta�x has com�nced. an action i.n Conciliation Court seeking to recover $100.00 as and for the value of the debris r�noved; and W�S, The City and Cons�er have reached an agre�nt as a means of settlirig all disputes connect�ed with this matter. N(7W THEREFbRE SE IT RESOLV.E� that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the assessnent of $340.00 made in Go�ci1 Resoluti�n C.F. 276599 adopted March 31, 1981 be reduced � the appropriate City officials t,� $170.00 provided Constmtier agrees in writing to the follawing: 1. Constm�er will co�letely dismiss and will be forever barred from a�m�.nc- ing an action cha.11enging the assessment for r�noval of debris fran its premises as herein mentioned. 2. Cons�r will con�letely dismiss arid will be forever barred trcm clauning any wrongful taking or conversion of its property as a result of the resroval of the debris. 3. Cons�r, its successors and assigns will prariptly pay the agreed upon assess�zt of $170.00 in the same manner as all othex assessments for stmmary abate�_nt. BE IT FURTHER RE50LVID, That if the above oonditions are met by Cons�rer, the City shall be forever barred. from any claim seeking the entire assessment of $340.00. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas N ays Hunt Levine In Favor — Maddox McMahon sr,owaite� __ Against BY i�Oeo �Ison �� 2 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a_s Council ret �'Z ��� By Approved b or: Date �� � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY PUBUSHED JUN 13198�