276941 Corranun i ty �c���
`WHITE - CITY CLERK Devel opment coun�ll ���
Council Resolution
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the Community
Development Block Grant Year VII Application and the updated Three-Year Community
Development and Housing Assistance Plans on March 17, 1981, Council File Number
276522, and
' WHEREAS, the City Council did also authorize and direct the Mayor to submit
said Corr�nunity Development Year VII Application and the updated Three-Year Community
Development and Housing Assistance Plans, to the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said department;
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved
the City's Community Development Year VII Application along with the updated
Three-Year Community Development and Housing Assistance Plans, with certain minor
changes and conditions as stated in the attached letter and grant agreement from
said department to Mayor George Latimer, dated May 13, 1981; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept the
Comnunity Develo�ment Block Grant for Year VII with all the conditions and terms
attendant thereto as contained in the attached grant agreement and letter from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed
to execute the grant agreement and contract between the City and the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development for the Community Development Block Grant Year
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: �
Hunt PED• Comm n i t �
Levine ��� [n Favor
Maddox �
McMahon A gai n s t BY
Showalter --
,��� 1981 Form Ap y City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date — � '.
Certified a-sed by Counc� Sec y BY
Approved by r: Date ��N 4 19 � Approve�Mayor for Subm on to uncil
� � �'�t�'� +� oY; �2�i���
� ttev.: 9/8�9�6
, Rev.;: 5/71�
, EXPLAMATION OF I�MIINISTRATI�fE #�R�itS. Rev. : 4/3f1/81
_ RESt1i.tlTI�+IS �t'J t�IJC�C�$ i
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D��e: MaY 27, 1981
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, ` 1�DT g�T 1 .
ACTitt� �Q�STE�: • ` ;
� Approval and signature `
� r��POS� �wo �►T�.�, � �� �ris ac�r�a�: �
—..._.. �. .
Appraval of this resolution wiTi acc�pt �he CD�G Year VII entttlen�nt gr�ant
fr��n th� fed�ral government, and authorize th� proper` City :officials to
execute th� grant agre�nent. � _
Fit�4i1CiA1� IM�A�'t': �.,.
._._.. ��R .,.....__
: � The C�BG Year VII grant wiT1 provide the City with �10,17fi,D0a,` as.���lated .
. i n the 1981 Capi tal Improverr�nt Budget.
ATl'A�'i'S:. . ,
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Council Resolution
HUD Correspondence dated 5/13/8i
HU� Agreement
_ : . , � � : .
F M r o,.
�� +'ip "o� DEPARTMENT i�� HOUS'NG ��,'��D URBAN DEVELO°P�+EiUT �
�* �i�����'�'�� *L MINNtAPOLIS-ST. 'AUL AREA OFFICE ;�� C' ����.,
�� �������� c; 220-2ND STRCFT SOUTH
� MiNfvEAPOLIS,R^ °��VESOTA 56407
��3A30 N�o .
y�,.���j�y V iti REPLY REFcP, ',��".
�'�!A�✓ � 5��S 5.6�:
Honorable George Latimer ��C�[���
Mayor of St. Paul
34� c�ty T�a�l fVIAY ? 6 19�1
15 West Kellogg Boulevard ,
St. Paul, r�uv ssloa 1��1A1'ORS OF�iCE
Dcar b?avor Latimer:
SL<:��ect: Community Development Block Grant Progr�
St. Paui, Minnesota
I ._n pleased to i:�torm you that we have approve3 your Community Develcpment
Block Grant application in the amou��t of $10,176,000. Your program yeai
starts on Ju�e l, 1981.
Our approval of your application constitutes approval only of ac� _vities
schedule? cor yc�,,: 1981 program yeal� and is not to be construed as approval
of new or continuinq activities to :;� undertaken in succeeding prograr.: ytars.
F,nwever , �o the extent that no deficiencies are noted in this ��tter with
respec.t r_o activities to be undertak���n in fut_t�re years , you *:�ay asst:mE. ��hat
subsequenc applic;rions tha� conform to the Plan will generally be approved.
Jf cours��, subsequent applir.atians ��.at co�.tc��m to the Plan may �ieverthE:less
be disapproved wh: re subst�ntial additional intormation contair.ed in tne
sur�sequent applicUtion, or received through monitoring or other sources,
indicates that the activities proposed are plainly inappropriate, ine�igible
or do not meet other legal requirernents.
If you undertake r��w activities or siqnificantly alter your approved prograr,�.
prior HI;D approval is required. Please refer to Section 570.312 �f t;�..
August 2?, 1979, rcgulations for further information.
6•Thile our approval of your application incluc�c+s an approval of your Hcusi_ng
Assistarce Plan, you should be aware that no commitment of Section �� funds
is intended or implied. Any proposal for assisted housing under 5ect�on 8
m�ist be consistent with the goals se� in your. HAP. Any units included in
the HAP f.or housin� rehabilitation m.ust h�:ve been determined to be sub-
standard and must r�eet the Section � Existinq Quality S�andards when work
is completed. These standards are described in 24 L'FR 882.109, and are
As you know, the August 2, 1979, am�r,:]ed environmental regLlations exempt
certain activities from environmental assessment and clearance procedures
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Page 2
and categorically exclude many activities from such procedures. Based
upon th�s, funds for the followinq a;rtivities are exempt from en�ironmental
review Nrocedures and costs may be incurred immediately:
Resurfacing af Rice Street Library Parking Lot
FIolly Tot Lot Upgradinq
i�1ay Park Renovation
Hampden Park Improvements
West 7th Multi-Service Center-Design
Selby Avenue Public Improvements
University-4aheeler Traffic Signal
People's Park Improvements
St. Peter-�x�hange Traffic Siy:�al
Sidewalk Reconstruction
Handicapped P�destrian Ramps
ITF Special Programs
ITA Publicity Activity .
Red School House Fehabilitation
Liqhting Improvements
Residential Street Pavinq and Liqhting
Handicap Accessibility to City Buildings
Property Management, Disposition and Maintenance
*Design of CD Year VIII Public Improvements
North End Multi-Service Center
Ge-�era1 Administration
*Please note the special condition in Section 18 of the grant contract con-
cerr.ing fundability of this activity.
Funds for the following activities are conditionally approved pending com-
pletion of environmental certifir.ation procedures:
West Side NSA
Margaret-Sibley NSA
Railroad Island NSA �-
Rice Street-Lewis Park NSA
Arundel-Galtier NSA
Cliff Street NSA
Newell Park Addition
Acquisition of Taxicab Refuel?tiq Station
Tree Planting Program
Commercial kehabilitation
Multi-unit Rehabilitation Loans
Housing Rehabilitation I,oans
Housing Rehabilitation Grants
Selective Clearance ,
Workshop Development Achievement Center
Special Rehabilitation Fund - N.H.S.
No costs or obligations may be incurred for the above activities until the
environmental review and certification procedures are completed and funds
d- '
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Page 3
are released �rom this office. Costs and cbligutions for any conditionally-
approved activity incurred prior to such release will not be eligible �or
If funds allocated to "c.ontingencies and/or unspecified local options". are
programmed for new or ditferent activities, the environmental re.�iew and
certification procedures must be completed and the activities release� from
environmental conditions, prior to incurring any costs or obligations. How-
ever, if f_unds allocated to contingencies and/or unspecified local options
are programmed for activities already released from environmental conditions
without altering the nature or scope of the activities, no further en��_ron-
mental review is necessary.
Your Funding Approval Contract is enclosed. Please sign all three Gopies of
it, return the original and one copy to us, and keep the other for your
records. Upon receipt of the executed contract, your Letter cf Credit
account will be increased by $10,176,000.
Income ge:�erated during the implementation of program activities must be
tised according to instr.uctions contained in Section 570.506 and Section
570.503 (b) of the regulations. In addition, tne amount of inccme that you
receive must be regularly reported to our office on each Standard Form 183,
Request for Payment submitted to the Treasury Department. The appropriate
place tc record tne amount received is Section II, Line 3, Coll�ctions,
Refunds, and bliscellaneous Receipts.
FoLr application contained assurances of compliance with Davis-Bacon and
related acts. Please identify, on the enclosed form, the person who is
responsi�le for Labor Standards activities and return the form to oux office
with the signed Funding Approval Contracts.
Another assurance required compliance with Executive Order 11246. This pro-
hibits discriminacion in employment contracts and directs Government contrac�,�rs
to establish and maintain a program of affirmative action for al.l empl�yees and
applicants �or employment. This Executive Order is administered through thc:
local Office of Federai Contract Compiiance Programs of the Department af La��r.
Any questions c.oncerning your responsibilitics under this Executive Grder shoulc
be directed to Mr. Gene Dar_io at (612) 725-2192. An informatior_ packet has aeen
developed by the Department of Labor for use at pre-construction confcrences. F
copy of it is enclosed for your use.
If you have any questions or need assistance with any of thc-se concerns, please
call your Community Development Representative, William Grasavaqe, at (612)
349-3026. My staff and I will work with you to achieve those qoals outlined in
the HAP. We look forward to successful implementation of your Community Develop-
ment Program.
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Thomas �. . "�eney J�
Area ....