276918 WHITE - CITY CLERK �6918 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUtIC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co nc ' es u ion Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the matter of the Application of the Housing and Redevelo�zt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for the Abat�nt of Special Assessments on 224 Walnut, St. Paul, Minnesota Wi�REAS, The Housing and Redevelo�it Authority of the City of Saint Paul, LVfinnesota, awner of the property mentioned above, did file an application with the Board of Comni.ssioners of R��ey County and the Conmissioner of Revenue for the State of Minnesota to have special assessmexits for street cleaning and r�roval of refuse aba.ted frcen said property for the years 1976 through presen.t; and Wf�REA.S, The Ra��sey CoLmty Departzrent of Taxation has determi.ned that the Housing and Redevelo�it Authority of the City of Sa.int Paul, Minnesota is an exempt party and that the assessments for the years 1976 through present should be fu].ly abated. NUW TI�REE'ORE BE 1'I' RESOLUID, That the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby approve the application of the Housing and Redevelo�nent Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for the abate�ent of special assessntients payable in the years 1976 through present, as such application is fully described in the appli- ca.tion identified as County Auditor's Report No. 99564. BE IT FCTFtTF�R RESOLVID, That upon passage and adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed tA transtni.t a copy of same to the R�ey County Auditor. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays '�� Levine In Favor Maddox M�� � __ Against BY — Tedesco Wiison MAY 2 8 1�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Y• .s by Council ecre B' �^1���/ Appr by Mavor: � �Y �,, 9 ��) Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY PUBUS�tED J UN 6198a . i � 7 _ DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION ����p O ' COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Directoi Me,y $� 1981 Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Albert B. ��.8011 Land Records Citq Clerk Room 386 Court House Attention: Council Recorder RE: Application for abatement submitted by Robert T. Simon on behalf of: Housing & Redevelopment Authority Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is a copy of the followi.ng abatement: 99564 PLEASE RUSH There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: DISTRICT ASSESSMENT YEAR STR.MAINT.��32 SEWER��2069 3 1976 14.26 8.12 1977 14.26 7.72 1978 14.26 7.30 1979 17.48 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation �� . � i ���' Supvr of Appraisal Services RKP:em E�ic. O � ` ' ! . � . - ' . � � , � �'69�$ Y � f + � ,� . � " • �'�7� L�� • � 1MW�i������ __.. . Eytoe� Or Nor►•Hstd.,,:__C�e�l.�' ;i Hom�stead Cfedit .,._..._._... • . ���._ ,, Aa�sessmettts ._...;..._.,..�, �1.�'� � .� , ,,�,��` , :<'��,�;� _ Totat Tax �,:r.,...,._...� , f2EDUCTION' ' Assessed Value-Hstd Debt E�ccess or Non•Hstd 0 Ge�l. c � Momestead�eelit�--� �°� Totdl Reduction � . . C�RyRECTED �'AX: Assessect Yalue-Hstd Deht __ Excess cx Non•Hstd��E��• Homestead Glredtt — A�sessmestt�l _--. Totai Tax -�'..��� ,.� --_' � ; �'� _{=- '-��y % , ,,i'• f �! . ` �' � /� ,. '' ��'_: • ,. _ }�� , , . . . /; � !O � �'V . . � � 7 . 1 � % `i ' , ' , , ' �RIGINAI. TAX: Assessed Vatue•Hstd Depq Excess or Non•Hstd�C'�=�nl.� / - �JF?1�INAL TAX: �'�0+��@$tead Credit � ; ,� . � � "" °-� �� Assessed Value•Hstd '�-�•�° Assc1:;s;:�;;nts 'l .; - 1 Debt � 1 Excess or Non�F�std ' `j'� To�-. •r�:; � . , _ Grnl. - � ; y , �-°—�-�=-�- � Homestead Credit � �- R�?'i: ��N� _ � � ;� .u � ... A5�(?S5Cr�PfitS -- P ., . .'.:e U�+� ��^' T , ;' . ,. �;r ' G '� ��X �� � f> . �,. -� . . ./. _,a.z._�..��i. RE: nN; ""`—�— .. � �, F-,c�. ,.�:��'�--�?�c�;""� _ . _- ._ TN ..� � , .� �� Y�„�„ F, . ,�� �ast� Debf Cr� ��� '.���'' •�ti.X: ' ' Ex _ . ��. . 'r,n . /'�I. g,�•- _. ,.. .. -..__.._...,..._ ,� No. , .3:r�;=� �° ����� A..s�s,�tid Value-Hstd Cl�:�t Tc: . ! '::•-'u� on ��� � Excess or Non•Hstd Ge�l,�,______„_„_ CC � ,�.;qx: Nomestead Ctedtt Aas 'ssed Value-Hstd D��bt Assessments Excess or Non-Hstd Genl.�� Total Tax �'� �+omestead Crodlt �� .. Assessmertts �'�"' , )' % �.? Total 7ax �' y ........_..«— ��l , !} �{. /_ � ��. � i � /- r / �� / �? . . .. - i �, J, ' ,.,. / � JRIGINAL TAX: _ y Assessed Value•Hs�d Debt _._..�.._.. Excess or Non•Hstd �� .�Genl.�-� Ho:��est�.ad Credit � � y r ,i�. ��..��� , �,.. � ; � a=:;E�;,S-,•: :, S � :, _ � �: �� �� , To.. .. . RE: • ..r"ti; -�-=�-:+--- p. . . ::�� �a��,-� Debt ���� y- E• �:. . • �"��'',. Genl..�.�:�.� h:�:::.. ..�u;:�--��,��. � � , Tn':.. �.-�clu���,n �°�. .. :�^" � , - � .. : I'-..�_..'.�:h_ ;'�J,� ��" i ' ,' Ass ss�d v,Iue�i-is: ::`.i , r= , ' Excess Or Non-Hstd �enl.______�,___ ,� %, , . u Homestead Crodit �,�____ � Assessments �_i,.,. Tot�i TaX -°°► � f V � % �� ' .. ' • . ' Y�� Y�� � i JFtIGINpL TAX: Assessed Value•Hstd p�t . Excess or Non-Hstd ' " Genl. , `, �/,,.�,, ' � J Homes±ead Credit ,r, � � � � Assessr:l�nts ! , , ,,,,� , �, . rr, 1 ,,. .. , i .. � -- , ,t. , 7'0?��! �aa ""'�-_-..- ,,� J . �.....� � REr�.;C i�(?N: A:.; ss•�-:;° ;:�i�.,e '-ts�d Debt � >�� Ex� ��ti�:. o= +,;c�,: �; G�ni. . Ho�*+�a�1 �',• :;� �.s„� �0:�11 ric�C{U'.>:'C'1 t , . ,1? C��tRECTED 7AX_ Ass>:ssecl Vaiue-Nstd �JeDt Excess cx Non-Hstd Genl. Homestead Credii Assessmranbr Tota) Tax ,i s---� .�.......... ��EPO�iT UF ASSE3�OR, RAMS��Y COUI�1'� Abat�n,ent Na 99564 �nwnt DJrtsit�t: S t. Pgu 1 May 4� 19$1 �pt Descriptiar�: Rice & Irvines Additiort ypOpEptVIDENTIRICATtpN w.va Blks. 26 thru 41, 46 thru 53 01NMet MN MqtW i�Nd � Praperty Coded Aaa OS 64000 C161 3S- ddrea�ot Property: 224 Walnut � (� � ! a` pplicant: Robert T. Siraon fox: Housin� & Redev�Iopment �ailin`Addreu: 25 W. 4th St. 55102 pplicant't Msrket Value: C/Di 5 �nd= Imp. = Total i Inauranca i esee�i as follows: A l.icgtion for�xemption � U ESTIMATED MARiCET VALUEE IIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO .r;4y A YEAR C LMe Skly/01�M' 7otll 1�n0 010p/01Mr Tolol Clsu �1 VNua 5 U 76 1927 1513 344n 1694 1331 3�25 NH 40 1210 1513 3440 1864 1465 3329 NH 40 1332 5 U 78 1927 927 2854 1927 927 2854 NH 40 1142 5 U 79 2009 900 29U0 2000 900 2900 NH 40 928 5 U 80 2000 2500 4500 NH 28 1260 EXCEPTION EXEMPT NO Of PERCENT Z CODES RESO UWNEO LiMiTEa MARKET cooE o $ uarrs (MSTO) VALUE — FIRST " � � u r � k ACRE LAND ONLY �yg oq a E E a P a T MT �V R E E Y d d �seor'e Recommendstion: � � 7 .�1. V ESTIYATEG MARl1ET VAlUEB UMITED 1�1ApKET VALUES ASSE5SE0 � A VEAR C LaW SMyl�Mf� Totrl ��nd B�Op/d�M� Tmri Ciaa 1� VUw 3 U 6 1927 1513 440 I694 I331 3025 EX 40 12 B 1864 1465 3329 F.X 4fl i U 78 1927 927 2854 1927 927 2854 EX 40 1142 i U 9 20 900 2 00 20�0 900 2900 EX 40 EX 40 �rt ot Inveaci�st�io�n: . pPp�icant acquired ti tic tn sub j ect property on June 18, 1975 by condemnation and was entitled to exempt classification csn Jan. 2, 1976 by statute. ~ ^..� �pr /�j1DY. R� $�t+tYYO �'W Authorized �iansture IG� ����tJ oF���tT=o. qy CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r iitt�llllp o . „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,... 647 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR May 18, 1981 Al Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Bldg. Re: Abatement of Special Assessments - 224 Walnut - HRA Dear Mr. Olson: In accordance with your request of May 12, 1981, please find attached herewith the appropriate resolution in the above matter. Very truly yours, . �WALTER Assistan• City Attorney WAB:rl Enc. J : � � � C� ��� . � . , c : _ . . � ' . . �. � .� APPI.ICAT°ION FOR REL�EF—General �Form `��: �" (If reduction raquested exceeds 5500 m+vlce aPPlicatlon in triplicate, otheraise in duplicate) To tho County Boud and County Auditor of R�eq County, aad to th�Commluioaez ot Revenue ot the Stat�of Mlmewu: STATE OF MINNESOTA, Couaty of Ram�ey ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. S imon being duly sworn deposes and says that he ����t is the Adm?n?strator, Real Fstate - of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesotaand that said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly orqanized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amend�d; that on Aucaust 19, 1975, the Authority acc�uired title to the fol].owinq described re�l�roperty located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: . 05-64000-061-35 for redevelopment as• part of the West Seventh Street District No. 9; that the Authority acquired title to said property on Auqust 19, 1975 by a petition in Condemn�tion filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date; that between August 19, 1975 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 272 .68, Subd. (1) and (2Z, �hcrefore applicant prays that all real estate tax�s and assessments assessed, levied, and accrued aqainst the aforesaid pro�erty pa�rable in the years 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 and 1981 be fully abated. v OFUTHE� �TY O�DSAINTPPAUL,AMINNESOTA . l ' , C`- - _ *' ' ��l�cant . , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March p,D, �g 81 - ,..;�'�� � /i�r �r- - ;� ��__..��f� l�.� , . �^'��ttiu�,. ' � e!(t11y�.' ; RFejARAAI�t�AAAnA.t�q ; ;. �� � k tin,i i-!OUi.;tllc:ii�.(11i1A1r � • Qt��"' I hUtJf Eu �t3t:1��:'1'' . .4s.''�',.ti: y ,.bGr:, _. . ,,.�.. ; . � MOY i.:;:�`rr;t�:;- . � !;. i_g•,'�� �,�ryy��, .i u�Y _�+, 1��3 I : t�llr�i'�k'ia�.l'�..,. �`. 1',� '!�11V'�/1v'V4'V s+ CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION _ BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, tt�e undenigned, County Audltor o! the within na�ned County, do hereby certify that a careful examinatton into the allegations and statements aet lorLh in the wlthln appllcation has been made by the Coun4Y Board of sald County and by myaelf and that from aaid «xaminalion we ue convinced and verlly believe that seid alle�ations and statements ue true • -------- I turther certify that, at 'a meltind duly held ,19 , said County Board, by of(icial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedinas aa a Dublic record, ahowing the names oP the taxpayers and other peraons concerned and the amounts involved,made the tollowing recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application� That the assessed value ot caid pzoprty be reduced to and tixed at E t hereby certify the result of said recommenda[ion is as (ollows; and if the taxes heve been paid that proporUonal refund- ment be authorized: Assessed Debt 'I'ax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total Values Credit Assess. Ya able ORIGINAL REDUCTION NEW Reduction of Penalty - Tax Rate �*+ills Reduction of Interest RamseY County Auditor Witness my hand and official seal , 19— By ----- Depury County Auditoc ( o v � � ° oY,�� � � a�i o � � o u°a b � 7 �. � a q d~ �'� � � �� � u o o�+ � u � � 41 (J � V � � d �+ � � M � U W � C � " � a A a � °' °�q � d A � ` �a�, °� a � o� o@,,� ° a o� •ca �v E r� A a o a �o v N o w� � 14 � d ca �o ° � 03 ' w . m � `�� i9 d ' d d .. C C Q Z ra s o �� � o ��� � o $ ��. � o � > 3 � '8 u� k� .' w 4 y •`� �d rJ''' y W � uyj � �' v 8 '�°aa,� �'�� � 6 v ar,, C � a`, E Z � � � Cj ,,, b.c .. d v o o ` � ., � �i >� V Z LL 0 - O 6� � � � Yj a� V � w W,0 �.7 O G O O � 0� �V �� d T p ��� a y �"" Cy w TI'C7 �' N� W y � N N «X7 0 W �' h M � m � F p �, � l0 Ey x O) a�, 7 � 'O v b.0 �+'� C.o' � � 'O .ri. G �" � � � W � 'y •F7 ��a w O � �' m N QI„'.0 � �. C W Q � c o � °�'O� o,p C u ' C G�~7 U,,,, u ~ t9. � u � C v ~ � T"'a °i ��" C u 'C7 �� v � « � N �'O .C.q a�.� O W � T w � , �, � � v � � � �.c �'p � °' '° �q p . v � moo4 aud . v a� � � �'.e �' °� • a v a�c� w �.d �p a � a� o m 7 C 'Q ] O w C y w N� M 7 C G Y,� o.N aO p �0 6 O ed �'O� � O t0 O O a N 11 N , a� °' �� e" ��" d � 4 °' a � � ; E d .� ";� ° � v V1 ... cA .:C A C .'[.. u w.+ N ... U� � Q � � � �, ri � tll b N C d S N �tl �tl •u �i... 41 � CNi� „�,� U�S a a�1.�7 ("'� W a1 �+ 9 �"' T �� �""� �W.. � «� � '��, < � �� ` =S " 8 °e HG y .� � � o �. Z ( ^ I' a'i ^e, CO � �C � N r � �J,J �wi� �1 °� O V C O��.«�. y C C � • r W � y, � � e� °a� 8 y o a : � �C � � G ,,� � ir s � �8•S'��'a "e � - � O Q� O z O � M ri "u .. c � m � � w� Y M � �r >...... y 1'� �r � ~ V y� q y 8 � y y„O y N ✓f �, � � � C . o � � €. o$ .• b �� ; W � r� +� � 0 Y �..,� y �y C�� 91� w � � ,��y. O a � O. 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