276916 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L F le cil N O. �r �� . BLUE - MAYOR ouncil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon reaommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10 .07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1981 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General Transfer to Budget Fund 09060-536-000 $4 ,992 To: Finance and Management Services License and Permits Administration Salaries not certified - Temporary 01350-132-000 $4,992 App oved, as to funding: Approved: Director udge D e tor Department of Finance COU(VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine [n Favor — Maddox � McMahon B �o,�,�� __ Against Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — MAY 2 g �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P _s by Counc� Sec ry BY ., Ap o a hY :wa�o�: AY 2 9 1981 APP� v d by Mayor f ub i ion to Council By. B PUBLISHED JUN 61981 ��'. �_+ f3M �1: �2,�'3.�?5 , ��.E� Rev. 9 f'�f'��i .�e�. s' �j7�$� EXPI,ANATIpN OF 1�.DMIrIISTRATIVE ORDE�Z,S, ' RESO.LUTIONS D C)RDINANCES , ' �=: . , ��,���`������ Ai . � . , i M � .,: . . . . . . . . • , .. ; , : Date: _ :Ma� .26, I9 8I. ����, . � , ��; M��'c3� GeC��'ge Latimer , . , ,i FROM: �e�flard ��, Carlsan , � : _ > -J.. ` .-_. �� .. . � . ., .�.. � . . . � .. . . ,. . . . . . . .-. � .. -�.. -.` . �. .'.�' �� �ditional Appropriatian from ContiMgent Reserue . _ _ _ � � � � _ 4 " AC�ION R�QUESTED: - : , - ��` APP�t�val of Resolution (Transfer of F`un�s) ` � . : ; , . �' . _ , . . �. ,, , : . .P��SE' A1�"R�i�-I�.A�E FQR THIS ACT�C�1: , , . . ; ; : � ._,t ..'�,b p�+i�v�.d�. ..funai�c� for tem��rary he1t� zn t}�e -Li��nae =�u�i� �� :' , . ` _ �it�3��c5� c�f the Fina�ice �ni� T�ariagemerit' �r�lices 1�epa��i��t:` '�`' - , ` � ��a��ry h��l-p is needed to update cu�rent r�co�ds and ac3�, : �ddit�c�n�l information �o the 3ystem 6 autom�xted infai^�tt�ta� ,'�� �i.le. ';. �. . .� : : , ,,; ., F��C�AL :�i�4P.A�": : J _ ,; , . , ; ` ..�+, �'+w.o C�:er� �i3.�st I for 1�; weeks 384 x Z x 6 .5 biw�ek = $�;992 "� , Soeial 5ecurity and PERA do' not : app.ly -U� ` � _ . : ;z Eontingent Reserve Balance 73,761 ' �;, ' Less Per�ding Transfers ' 45,084 : L�ss t�is Resolution ' 4,99� . � Projected EQnt. Res. Bala�ce ��� � ; � , , , �.. . : ,.. >; _ ,�:N , : . , - : _ . . . . . ,.._.,. .,.. ,.:. �. � ,,_ = , . t '. �TTACHMENTS: ° <; Councii Resolution � r ,� , . . �....,,.�,. �„ _., . �