00-721OR�GINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�INESOTA � ,- � - u, :, Referred To �� Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, in 2000 the Legislature of the State of Muu►esota passed enabling legislation(Omnibus Tax Act, 490, Art 11, §40) regarding a housing TIF district iu the northeast quadrant of dowmtowA and (Amendment to 469.084, Subd. i. LAR. Ch.286.) regarding port authority xecceational facilities need noi abut riv�s and lakes; and WI-IEREA�, the enabling legislation becomes effecpve upon local apprAVal iu co�npliance with Mmnesota Statutes 645.021; and Wf�REAS, the city wishes to approve said enabling legislation; NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLYED: That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, ia compliaace vKiih M'innesota Statutes b45.021, does hereby approve Omnibus Tax Act, Ch 49Q A�t 1 i, §4U and the amendment to 469.084, Subd. 1. L.Ait. Ch 286: and FIdRTFiER RESOLVED, the city clerk is hereby direeted to fiie a certificate with the Secretary of State, in a foran psescribed by the Attorney �'renexal, stating the essentiai fads necessary to valid appxoval, and to take all other steps necessary to satisfy Minnesota Statutes 645.021. Requested by the Off�.ce of: Fi.v,�n�c��c SE�,�� � �S r.�a Ado tion Cer�ified by Council Sec�etary By• `'1 \,��3 � \> _ _. Approved b�r�C� te �/� By: � Form �pg�oved by City Attorney By: C�OUnci�d by Mayor for Submission to B Y' <-� �i.2��%l/ cou�u F,le � � o_ 7�.�, �S�# � � Adopted by Council: Date �oo v ao -?Z1� GREEN SHEET �,_::.�..r� No 101154 � u�� u��— �ceoaaY aw�f �ss�cr �apreet�aon � rnrv�arr a�raaR aauta�o anuet �^Y'ouam�csaa �rwwo�tacnrxra �� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � reso4dion provides bcalappro�2l for Onu�sTaxAd. Ch , 190. A[[ 11. o. 40 and tde a�aerdmer�t b 4�.084r Subd. t. lJ1R. Ch. 286. PUWNING COlAAAISSIQN CIB CQbIM4TfEE CML SERVI6E COMb11SS10N Hae tlUe P�saKUm erer Mn[ketl w�der e mpfact farUws.tleper6reN'J YES MO Flac UYS Da�eaKum e�er been a aH e�pbYea? YES MO Does U�ic Pe�soN7�m popess a ak9t not+nmallY O��bY euN �� �Y �Ok+Y�� YES NO b tlis peiaaJfina a faryeted �aidor� VE3 Fl0 x ZOOD LeG�e dU�e Stafe d MWiecda pa�ed �.Y.Uisletbn (Omnidu imc�Atl. M I90. AA. ti. ac 4%� �es1M'8L PaW MRAmayer� ausirg 71F drstrict ix a�e mU�t yuadrafa ddo�naown ar mm.ow�aroxupiedana.r�al tausirm. �rt�me G�te are �ed ara ta�7r kimme C�ineC'. aM art�neM fo i�.084� 9uhA. t. IAR. CY��28& vA�iCh.sfatea • SL PaW P� � tea�tkrelfadWles�neetl aat abut �s and lalces.' becomes �fetfive. RECEIVED C4TY ATTORNEY �,���� '�' �' Q s COS7/REVFNUFBUOOE7ED{GRCLEON6) YEE NO I1GE1Nliaf►l{AOER '� F � p � y S� to y � y }IIJCJGbt.�I! iJvle �� JU� `� `� �-�a� C�JIIr`C��. �t� ' `�il�l Norm Coleman, Mayar September 5, 2000 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Oifice Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F>ed Owusu Ciry Clerk Tel.: 657-266-8989 Fax: 657-266-8689 i�oc;tyxan I S W. Kellogg Boulev�d SaintP¢u1,Minnesota 55101 / 3�g6789 0 . � sEF 2000 (MM) SECRD OFSTAfE ARY �'zJ3••d.. � ZG����� �, ���'� „{ I�C. � J1/ J Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Omnibus Tax Act, Chapter 490, Article 11, Section 40 and the amendment to 469.084, subd. 1. LAR. Ch. 286, Laws 2000, as approved by Council file 00- 721, adopted on August 9, 2d00. Please time stamp the attached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City C1erk,170 City Hall, 15 W. Keliogg, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c_C�t / �/�2 l Shar� Mc�re Deputy City Clerk Attachments RECEBVE� �€P 13 20UQ �ITY CLERK �D-��� CER'TIFZC?.TE OF �PPROV_.�L OF SPECL�I, LAtiV BY GOVER�ZtiG BODY �ll:SL'2IIC :0 MIIIItESO[2 St2LL'.25, 6G�.O� �.e o^-5.021) STATE OF_l�i'1'ESOT� County oi Ramsev TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF _I�VNESOT:�: PLEASE TAKE �iOTICE T.Zat the undersisned chief cleric2t office: of the Citv of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws. �? 490 requiring approval by a majoriry' vote of the �overnin� body o[ saic local �ovemmental unit before ic becomes effective, [he Saint Pau1 City Council (desionate �oveming 6ody) 2000 a[ a meecing duly heId on the9th day ofAugus t �k , by cesolucion did approve said Laws, �Q99 Chapter 490 (iF ocher than resolunon, specify) by a �_n majoriry vote* oi all of the members thereof (Ayes �_; Noes p , .�bsent or not voting � and the fnllowin� additional steps, if any, required by satute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is nereco annexed and made a par[ of this cer[i by reference. Sienec: ��1�-U / /�td-� SEAi I� ,.��1 C, Clei-,� (Offectal des gna[io of officer) (This [orm presc.ioed by the Attomey General and t"umishea by the Sec.e:ary of Sca[e az required in Yiinneso[a Stacuces 645.03:.) *if extraordinary majoriry is required by the special law, mser, fraccion or percentaoe he:e. P(ease see reverse side ior instructions ior compiet+,rtg this forr.i. cer.auth.o65 Aev 7f98 OR�GINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�INESOTA � ,- � - u, :, Referred To �� Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, in 2000 the Legislature of the State of Muu►esota passed enabling legislation(Omnibus Tax Act, 490, Art 11, §40) regarding a housing TIF district iu the northeast quadrant of dowmtowA and (Amendment to 469.084, Subd. i. LAR. Ch.286.) regarding port authority xecceational facilities need noi abut riv�s and lakes; and WI-IEREA�, the enabling legislation becomes effecpve upon local apprAVal iu co�npliance with Mmnesota Statutes 645.021; and Wf�REAS, the city wishes to approve said enabling legislation; NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLYED: That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, ia compliaace vKiih M'innesota Statutes b45.021, does hereby approve Omnibus Tax Act, Ch 49Q A�t 1 i, §4U and the amendment to 469.084, Subd. 1. L.Ait. Ch 286: and FIdRTFiER RESOLVED, the city clerk is hereby direeted to fiie a certificate with the Secretary of State, in a foran psescribed by the Attorney �'renexal, stating the essentiai fads necessary to valid appxoval, and to take all other steps necessary to satisfy Minnesota Statutes 645.021. Requested by the Off�.ce of: Fi.v,�n�c��c SE�,�� � �S r.�a Ado tion Cer�ified by Council Sec�etary By• `'1 \,��3 � \> _ _. Approved b�r�C� te �/� By: � Form �pg�oved by City Attorney By: C�OUnci�d by Mayor for Submission to B Y' <-� �i.2��%l/ cou�u F,le � � o_ 7�.�, �S�# � � Adopted by Council: Date �oo v ao -?Z1� GREEN SHEET �,_::.�..r� No 101154 � u�� u��— �ceoaaY aw�f �ss�cr �apreet�aon � rnrv�arr a�raaR aauta�o anuet �^Y'ouam�csaa �rwwo�tacnrxra �� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � reso4dion provides bcalappro�2l for Onu�sTaxAd. Ch , 190. A[[ 11. o. 40 and tde a�aerdmer�t b 4�.084r Subd. t. lJ1R. Ch. 286. PUWNING COlAAAISSIQN CIB CQbIM4TfEE CML SERVI6E COMb11SS10N Hae tlUe P�saKUm erer Mn[ketl w�der e mpfact farUws.tleper6reN'J YES MO Flac UYS Da�eaKum e�er been a aH e�pbYea? YES MO Does U�ic Pe�soN7�m popess a ak9t not+nmallY O��bY euN �� �Y �Ok+Y�� YES NO b tlis peiaaJfina a faryeted �aidor� VE3 Fl0 x ZOOD LeG�e dU�e Stafe d MWiecda pa�ed �.Y.Uisletbn (Omnidu imc�Atl. M I90. AA. ti. ac 4%� �es1M'8L PaW MRAmayer� ausirg 71F drstrict ix a�e mU�t yuadrafa ddo�naown ar mm.ow�aroxupiedana.r�al tausirm. �rt�me G�te are �ed ara ta�7r kimme C�ineC'. aM art�neM fo i�.084� 9uhA. t. IAR. CY��28& vA�iCh.sfatea • SL PaW P� � tea�tkrelfadWles�neetl aat abut �s and lalces.' becomes �fetfive. RECEIVED C4TY ATTORNEY �,���� '�' �' Q s COS7/REVFNUFBUOOE7ED{GRCLEON6) YEE NO I1GE1Nliaf►l{AOER '� F � p � y S� to y � y }IIJCJGbt.�I! iJvle �� JU� `� `� �-�a� C�JIIr`C��. �t� ' `�il�l Norm Coleman, Mayar September 5, 2000 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Oifice Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F>ed Owusu Ciry Clerk Tel.: 657-266-8989 Fax: 657-266-8689 i�oc;tyxan I S W. Kellogg Boulev�d SaintP¢u1,Minnesota 55101 / 3�g6789 0 . � sEF 2000 (MM) SECRD OFSTAfE ARY �'zJ3••d.. � ZG����� �, ���'� „{ I�C. � J1/ J Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Omnibus Tax Act, Chapter 490, Article 11, Section 40 and the amendment to 469.084, subd. 1. LAR. Ch. 286, Laws 2000, as approved by Council file 00- 721, adopted on August 9, 2d00. Please time stamp the attached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City C1erk,170 City Hall, 15 W. Keliogg, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c_C�t / �/�2 l Shar� Mc�re Deputy City Clerk Attachments RECEBVE� �€P 13 20UQ �ITY CLERK �D-��� CER'TIFZC?.TE OF �PPROV_.�L OF SPECL�I, LAtiV BY GOVER�ZtiG BODY �ll:SL'2IIC :0 MIIIItESO[2 St2LL'.25, 6G�.O� �.e o^-5.021) STATE OF_l�i'1'ESOT� County oi Ramsev TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF _I�VNESOT:�: PLEASE TAKE �iOTICE T.Zat the undersisned chief cleric2t office: of the Citv of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws. �? 490 requiring approval by a majoriry' vote of the �overnin� body o[ saic local �ovemmental unit before ic becomes effective, [he Saint Pau1 City Council (desionate �oveming 6ody) 2000 a[ a meecing duly heId on the9th day ofAugus t �k , by cesolucion did approve said Laws, �Q99 Chapter 490 (iF ocher than resolunon, specify) by a �_n majoriry vote* oi all of the members thereof (Ayes �_; Noes p , .�bsent or not voting � and the fnllowin� additional steps, if any, required by satute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is nereco annexed and made a par[ of this cer[i by reference. Sienec: ��1�-U / /�td-� SEAi I� ,.��1 C, Clei-,� (Offectal des gna[io of officer) (This [orm presc.ioed by the Attomey General and t"umishea by the Sec.e:ary of Sca[e az required in Yiinneso[a Stacuces 645.03:.) *if extraordinary majoriry is required by the special law, mser, fraccion or percentaoe he:e. P(ease see reverse side ior instructions ior compiet+,rtg this forr.i. cer.auth.o65 Aev 7f98 OR�GINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�INESOTA � ,- � - u, :, Referred To �� Committee: Date �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, in 2000 the Legislature of the State of Muu►esota passed enabling legislation(Omnibus Tax Act, 490, Art 11, §40) regarding a housing TIF district iu the northeast quadrant of dowmtowA and (Amendment to 469.084, Subd. i. LAR. Ch.286.) regarding port authority xecceational facilities need noi abut riv�s and lakes; and WI-IEREA�, the enabling legislation becomes effecpve upon local apprAVal iu co�npliance with Mmnesota Statutes 645.021; and Wf�REAS, the city wishes to approve said enabling legislation; NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLYED: That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, ia compliaace vKiih M'innesota Statutes b45.021, does hereby approve Omnibus Tax Act, Ch 49Q A�t 1 i, §4U and the amendment to 469.084, Subd. 1. L.Ait. Ch 286: and FIdRTFiER RESOLVED, the city clerk is hereby direeted to fiie a certificate with the Secretary of State, in a foran psescribed by the Attorney �'renexal, stating the essentiai fads necessary to valid appxoval, and to take all other steps necessary to satisfy Minnesota Statutes 645.021. Requested by the Off�.ce of: Fi.v,�n�c��c SE�,�� � �S r.�a Ado tion Cer�ified by Council Sec�etary By• `'1 \,��3 � \> _ _. Approved b�r�C� te �/� By: � Form �pg�oved by City Attorney By: C�OUnci�d by Mayor for Submission to B Y' <-� �i.2��%l/ cou�u F,le � � o_ 7�.�, �S�# � � Adopted by Council: Date �oo v ao -?Z1� GREEN SHEET �,_::.�..r� No 101154 � u�� u��— �ceoaaY aw�f �ss�cr �apreet�aon � rnrv�arr a�raaR aauta�o anuet �^Y'ouam�csaa �rwwo�tacnrxra �� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � reso4dion provides bcalappro�2l for Onu�sTaxAd. Ch , 190. A[[ 11. o. 40 and tde a�aerdmer�t b 4�.084r Subd. t. lJ1R. Ch. 286. PUWNING COlAAAISSIQN CIB CQbIM4TfEE CML SERVI6E COMb11SS10N Hae tlUe P�saKUm erer Mn[ketl w�der e mpfact farUws.tleper6reN'J YES MO Flac UYS Da�eaKum e�er been a aH e�pbYea? YES MO Does U�ic Pe�soN7�m popess a ak9t not+nmallY O��bY euN �� �Y �Ok+Y�� YES NO b tlis peiaaJfina a faryeted �aidor� VE3 Fl0 x ZOOD LeG�e dU�e Stafe d MWiecda pa�ed �.Y.Uisletbn (Omnidu imc�Atl. M I90. AA. ti. ac 4%� �es1M'8L PaW MRAmayer� ausirg 71F drstrict ix a�e mU�t yuadrafa ddo�naown ar mm.ow�aroxupiedana.r�al tausirm. �rt�me G�te are �ed ara ta�7r kimme C�ineC'. aM art�neM fo i�.084� 9uhA. t. IAR. CY��28& vA�iCh.sfatea • SL PaW P� � tea�tkrelfadWles�neetl aat abut �s and lalces.' becomes �fetfive. RECEIVED C4TY ATTORNEY �,���� '�' �' Q s COS7/REVFNUFBUOOE7ED{GRCLEON6) YEE NO I1GE1Nliaf►l{AOER '� F � p � y S� to y � y }IIJCJGbt.�I! iJvle �� JU� `� `� �-�a� C�JIIr`C��. �t� ' `�il�l Norm Coleman, Mayar September 5, 2000 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Oifice Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE F>ed Owusu Ciry Clerk Tel.: 657-266-8989 Fax: 657-266-8689 i�oc;tyxan I S W. Kellogg Boulev�d SaintP¢u1,Minnesota 55101 / 3�g6789 0 . � sEF 2000 (MM) SECRD OFSTAfE ARY �'zJ3••d.. � ZG����� �, ���'� „{ I�C. � J1/ J Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Omnibus Tax Act, Chapter 490, Article 11, Section 40 and the amendment to 469.084, subd. 1. LAR. Ch. 286, Laws 2000, as approved by Council file 00- 721, adopted on August 9, 2d00. Please time stamp the attached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City C1erk,170 City Hall, 15 W. Keliogg, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Sincerely, c_C�t / �/�2 l Shar� Mc�re Deputy City Clerk Attachments RECEBVE� �€P 13 20UQ �ITY CLERK �D-��� CER'TIFZC?.TE OF �PPROV_.�L OF SPECL�I, LAtiV BY GOVER�ZtiG BODY �ll:SL'2IIC :0 MIIIItESO[2 St2LL'.25, 6G�.O� �.e o^-5.021) STATE OF_l�i'1'ESOT� County oi Ramsev TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF _I�VNESOT:�: PLEASE TAKE �iOTICE T.Zat the undersisned chief cleric2t office: of the Citv of Saint Paul DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws. �? 490 requiring approval by a majoriry' vote of the �overnin� body o[ saic local �ovemmental unit before ic becomes effective, [he Saint Pau1 City Council (desionate �oveming 6ody) 2000 a[ a meecing duly heId on the9th day ofAugus t �k , by cesolucion did approve said Laws, �Q99 Chapter 490 (iF ocher than resolunon, specify) by a �_n majoriry vote* oi all of the members thereof (Ayes �_; Noes p , .�bsent or not voting � and the fnllowin� additional steps, if any, required by satute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is nereco annexed and made a par[ of this cer[i by reference. Sienec: ��1�-U / /�td-� SEAi I� ,.��1 C, Clei-,� (Offectal des gna[io of officer) (This [orm presc.ioed by the Attomey General and t"umishea by the Sec.e:ary of Sca[e az required in Yiinneso[a Stacuces 645.03:.) *if extraordinary majoriry is required by the special law, mser, fraccion or percentaoe he:e. P(ease see reverse side ior instructions ior compiet+,rtg this forr.i. cer.auth.o65 Aev 7f98