276900 WMITE - CITY CLERK �Cn�n PINK - FINANCE COU[1C11 CA RY - �DEPARTMENT T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L �r UJ j BL� � -.MAYOR File NO• ��ty Attny/SDM u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN AND CREATING THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 273 WHEREAS, a) Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 273 (the "Act") , authorizes an Authority (which term includes a municipality which is administrating a development district created pursuant to Minnesota 5tatutes Chapter 472A (the "Development District Act") to create a Tax Increment Financing DiStrict to implement a Tax Increment Financing Plan within a Develop- ment District created pursuant to the Development District Act for the purpose of financing Redevelopment through the use of tax increment generated from the captured assessed value in the District; and b) The City of Saint Paul (the "City") , after a public hearing, did adopt the Energy Park Development Program (the "Development Program") and did ereate the Energy Park Development District, Development District Number 3, (the "Development District") , on May 26, 1981, by Resolution, Council File Number 276898 ; and c) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, contemplating the creation of the Energy Tax Increment Financing District, (the "District") , have pre- pared a proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plan") , for the District; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B sno�iter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Counril Secretary By � - Apprcwfi� bv IVlayor. Iaatr��-- Ap�dv,eed by Mayor for S�b�ni: a .o �'^•'-^il �y,' - - — B�� _ — _ �' , � �� .. f'r/ I ��i'Q -2- d) The proposed Plan has been reviewed by Council 46 , a joint committee of Saint Paul Planning District 6 , 7, 10, 11 and 12, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission and by the Energy Park Development District Advisory Board; and e) Pursuant to a resolution of the City Council, adopted May 14, 1981, a public hearing on the proposal for the creation of the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District (the "Public Hearing") was held on May 26, 1981, after notice was published, all as required by Section 273.74 , Subdivision 3, of the Act, at which Public Hearing all those appearing at said hearing who desired to speak were heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1 . On the basis of information available to the City, it appears, and the City hereby finds: a) That the Plan contains a statement of objectives of the City for the improvement of the District. The Plan contains a statement as to the Development Program for the District, including the property within the District, if any, which the City intends to acquire. It also con- tains estimates of the following: 1) cost of the District, including administration expenses; 2) amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred; 3) sources of revenue to finance or otherwise pay public costs; 4) the most recent assessed value of taxable real property within the District; 5) the estimated captured assessed value of the District at completion; and 6) the duration of the District's existence. The Plan also contains a statement of the City' s estimate of the impact of tax increment financing on the assessed values of all taxing jurisdictions in which the District is located in whole or in part. b) That the proposed District is co-terminus with the boundaries of the Development District and is a Redevelopment District, as that term is defined by the Act, because the following conditions, reasonably dis- tributed throughout the District exist: (1) Sixteen (16) parcels comprising 70 � of the total number of parcels and ��� of the total acreage of the District are "predominantly occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements" , as that phrase is used in Section 273 .73, Subdivision 10 of the Act. / � V '' � ��f��'y(� -3- (2) Of those parcels which are occupied by buildings , streets, utilities or other improvements, seven (?� or 33 � of such buildings not incl d niu g outbuildings are structurally substandard as defined in Section 273 .73, Subdivision 10 of the Act. (3) Of those parcels which are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and are not structurally substandard, �i:ght (8) or 38 � of the buildings constitute blighting influences as set forth in Section 273.73, Subdivision 10 of the Act. (4) The District is a "Redevelopment District" as defined in Section 273 .73, Subdivision 10 of the Act by reason of clause (a) and by reason of clause (b) of that Subdivision taken together. THEREFORE, the City Council hereby finds that the area is predominantly occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and at least twenty percent (20�) of the buildings are structurally substandard and at least an additional thirty percent (30�) are found to require substantial renovation or removal in order to remove such existing conditions as: inadequate street layout, incompatible uses or land use relation- ships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, obsolete buildings or other identified hazards to the health, safety and general well being of the community; and c) That the proposed development in the opinion of the City would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. d) That the Plan conforms to the existing general plans for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole . e) That the Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the District by private enterprise. f) That the City elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Section 273 .76 , Subdivision 3, clause (a) . i . , a ��aa..,, WHITE - CITY CLERK �CQ�O PINK - FINANCE COUtIC1I i�� Uv e��*R� -�'Mw OR MENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- g) That before the formation of the District, the City provided an opportunity to the members of the County Board of CommisSioners of Ramsey County and the members of the School Board of Independent School District 625 in which County and School District the proposed District is located to meet with the City concerning the creation of the District. The City presented to the members of the County Board of Commissioners and the School Board its estimate of the fiscal and economic implications of the proposed Plan and District. 2 . That upon adoption of the Plan and the creation of the District, the City Clerk shall file the same with the State Planning Agency as required by the Act, and the Mayor shall request that the County Auditor certify original assessed value of the District as provided for in the Act. 3. That the Department of Finance and Management Services and other City departments are hereby authorized to proceed with preparation of an Official Statement for the issuance of Energy Park tax increment revenue bonds pursuant to the Act and the Plan with an intended offering for sale date in August of 1981. 4 . That the Plan is hereby adopted and the District is hereby created. The District consists of the property described in Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine [n Favoc Maddox Mc.� M�e e,M�;r _ � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 g �gg� Form Approved y Ci �+ Attorn ` Certified ssed by Councii Secretary BY �"���_ �/ � B " v� App by 14ayor. te — 2 9 1981 Appr ed by Mayor for S ston to Council By B PUBLISNED JUN 61981 � � _ � � � � ����;,��� ,. , f�`pu�tc �_�.;. .����r. � �- � s�c+Y rs�ir,�c"�� �,������":: rLexXOSSnEe� _ ;' op'�tt�_swa nv ses�isrriiurt��-"' 1b Whptn It ffiqy Cootern; No�oe h tN��ym#��� of 4he 4Ytt of 8�p,�y���� at the pt�Co� �� ���i���R�. tha � ��rlet N��F����L�ep'i4l��i�m� Proc'itdepl llrcwf(tIM"P�!7 purnupt to��ty��t4721t �Pa�!bi d���� ���'°-R���e+sded m t8� �w�p�q� �e�vat b7 'N�m�1B'�i�#�fd�s�tad� tLe wa��l�ne'h'a�u o�f ttee fo�a' C'��4`�ead. lysb o! Bnarp. ��k�ed taz d�vNspeYS!aee °�k.�.�*$7bcLuoiop Ginta�by �O°�i.�tt i�lam,Pd0 imit{�tiious. ��' '�i�`€`�d aa � ��7!}'�'Cm6�Bntldip�,Ioe.Led f°r adi�b�t�fn�-Parie k. �a���Paet Authoeiff a[ffie ��OO���T�MROir�mboed - �tlal awt�tiD p�y�a�LVeoar_ merriial eAqltooeti6ut, 1n:�. a niw net�ber600�ts'Ailnt laat. T6ls ne� �rr� to Ir� Iti owp c�1 heatf��p����P�wlde 6eat to � ���PlAter. °��[fg fLois=�p�1p!he wemaer. Ctmstai�m fn�Puk a���lyp. tt�ot�i�in the Hutlin�On Nortlieta's Como. �' �t ��.Y+� 'KlU utilize � � arder to redttoe edetp oe�in�Perk. �ZY b#�to�o$pro'vidl�ia� dustsles aii�c�l�aY ptse��will pe���$ rad��ed �dependence oa the a°t��A�at►o ehaere to flveanA vva�k�i�erp.pirty.y��conm �m�7�. Ultl�aiely � qap yenaw �vtll b� �D1o7�d itr�erp'Park arld s�pp����, 3.000�wC4 iir�i iiyr thne..The ovsrall devdopmeng lnc�ytkl aew utilitlee,qieets,. ��P�'°�"��`�J�1e aad walklps P8�'!°�a•��to pa�ridt+belta� P�strlui aapq.�1acl�eeat wat�r to all of'the is.tluP4ark. buiiBLrtp A �� �ud ths propp�ed proiram. tO�'�!''��#�ts�pd�shiDlb' thaeto, gp�� �� ��T-i#. . ' eck�i.m.'to.: 4 o'clo¢k p,m,r ofifoes of tl�:#�.' .et tfie L� . 'nt Olvl- siao.nep.�P�aR.;�,�� , ; � DeveloPment.Ct��t1i,�Ml9t. floor. At the tims ead .fa� Publk Hearing,the Ctty Cowt�. �ot,S�lnt p��r,at t��������� theirvie�vs���'� .Dated this 1�lh day ot IEty,�,.,,; _...'. BY��lsALSODT ''`�it�Clak ` � (May i8.19et) .�..,�.�..v .._. . .._ _.� ..� __.. ., e _ :_._ .._.,..�_�_ , .�.,�-.�.,,�.�,.w.,.��.�.� � _ � � '/ Y f:�-:'� ������"` CITY OF SAINT PAUL -4e`L,*, DI� - . �� � �- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT °� unu!nm ,; ;,i n!1��u u ^= '� � 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 �...a..-� '����:�:��,,,�,. GEORGE LATIMER ��� MAYOR ,-tJ�Y �� S t�i "��i Q� '�� May 13, 1981 l.ERK Clts�C�,AUL,,MIy�F�C� N. Mr. Lou McKenna, Director , Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation 109 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District Dear Mr. McKenna: � On Tuesday, May 26, 1981 I anticipate� City Council approval of a development district program and tax increment financing plan for Energy Park, and adoption on that date by City Council of resolutions forming an Energy Park Development District and an Energy Park Tax Increment District. On that day as we11 I expect Mayor Latimer will be requesting of the County Auditor a certification of original assessed value for purposes of establishing a tax increment district in Energy Park under provisions of Section 273.76 Subd. 1 of the riinneso�ta T� Increment Financing Act. In anticipation of these actions, I am transmitting herewith a list of the properties which are being proposed for inclusion in ttie Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District. I hope that this early notification will permit you to more easily assimilate the work load which necessarily follows from a request for certification of an original assessed value. In accordance �v�th Sectior. 273.76 Subd. 4, I hzve asked the City's administrato~ of tt:� Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement to prepare a list of permits issued during the previous 18 month period on these listed properties. He will make that available to me in a matter of about two weeks. I will transmit it to you with due dispatch. Thank you for your anticipated assistance in this regard, Mr. McKenna. My thanks as well to your staff, members of which have given me advice and assistance on this project through the course of the last few months. Sincerely, .� Gre or�Ha t Project Ma ager cc• Mayor Latimer Steve Wellington Robert Ellis Len Olson A1 Olson . �`769�4 EXHIBIT A LANDS IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, COUNTY OF RAMSEY AND STATE OF MINNESOTA: All that part of the unplatted lands in Section 27, Townsliip 29, Range 23 and Section 2a Township 29, Range 23; that part of Lot 1 Block 1 and Lot �l Block 2 Kasota Addition; that part of Blocks 23, 24, 25, and 31, St. Anthony Park; vacated Bartlett Court and vacated Beard Court; all lying within the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the North line of Kasota Avenue , with the Westerly line, extended, of vacated Bartlett Court, thence Southerly along said� Westerly line and its extension to the intersection of the North Right-of-Way line of the joint Great Northern, and the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway tracks; thence �n�theasterlv a.?.�n�* said Northerly Right-of-Way line to its intersection with the East line ' of Lexington Parkway; thence Northerly along said Easterly line to its intersection with tlie Southerly Right-of-Way line of the St. Paul and Northern Pacific Railway tracks; thence Westerly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line to its intersection with the Easterly line of Highway 51-125 (Snelling Avenue) ; thence Southerly and Soutt�easterly along said Rigtit-of-Way and interchange to its intersection �oith the 6Jesterly line of Flynn Street; thence Southerly along said 6desterly line to its inter- section with the Northerly line of Rosen Road; thence Northwesterly along said Northerly line to its intersection with the Northerly line of Kasota Avenue; thence continuing Northcaesterly along the Northerly line of Kasota Avenue to its intersection with the Westerly lot line of Lot 1, Block 2, Kasota Addition; thence Northerly along said �•7esterly lot line to its , intersection with the North Zine of said Addition, also being the Southerly Right-of-�9ay line of the St. Paul and Northern Pacific Railway tracks; thence Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line to its intersection with the t9esterly Right-of-�Jay line of Gibbs Avenue; thence Southwesterly along said Westerly line to its intersection with the Northerly line of Kasota Avenue; thence P7orthwesterly along said Nort::erly line to the point of beginning and there termina.*_ing. .