276888 WNITE - CITY CLERK ���QQ PINK - FINANCE COURCll VV CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L BLUE - MAYOR . File N . Council Resolution Presented By L.CCi:::��; CU1;,1�1'�i'L?�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ���e'�r.AS: Proper notice has been received as to a chan�e of oificers in Liquor City, Inc.� Off Sa1e i�i.quor I�icensee at 560 �t. Como Avenue, �therefore� be it �SOT,�J:�ll: 1^hat with the res�onation of :�ichael i�. 1"ilm as Vice President and Treasurer, the sole officer now is T,eo A. Scheu, holdir� the o�fices of President� Vice President, Sec- retar-f and l�easurer a.iid Leo ��.. Scheu is �1so tl�e sole stockholder. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays /' — Hunt �O �evine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y — Tedeu:o "°�` MAY 2 0 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yasse y Council ecretary BY �a ��� -� App d by ;Navor: te MAY 2 6 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY PUBLISHED MAY 3 0 1981 ����� , ..,,,,,,,, =:�`'T' °'�;�--. CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� ,.,, 'o ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES =�� nii�ii�ii A�� '`• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'J�'J� I/�• � '�im«,,,,,,��'�`` Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR i�iay 20, 19a1 i-:r. President and Iionoraole ::e:�bers of tY.e City Council Saint Paul, iiiru�esota iir. �resident �.nd �_onorable T�embers : Liquor City, Inc. currently holds an Off Sale Liquor License issued to �hem ut 560 '��. Como Avenue, doin€; busi.ness as Liquor Cit;r. �'roper notice has 1^een received as to a change of officers in the corporation. �:ichael �. Xlm has resi�ned as �iice Pres;�dent-"'rea- surer and he has not '•_:e:_�n replaced. The sole oificer is �eo 1�. �cheu, holding all �our offices, President, ti'�ce President, Secreta.r�T and �?reasurer. IIe :is the sole stockhol�er. �his applica�ion �ias '�eeri reviewed by the License a.nd �ernit Division and tihe �i�y l�ttorney's o�fice. Ll�e reco.:rnend- ation is i ol ap�roval. Very truly�J�rours, //'j-�ALA'�I�^! r �4/L��' Joseph :�. Carchedi License Ins:�ector �� ' - - -� 4�-� � g � � � _:........., „ � `'T''°'�'" CfTY OF SAINT PAUL ,o ;,-. = ! ���,,,,,, ;: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �����1��, .� ,� �� • = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION .,,;"' ' Room 203, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55�02 M11YOR I•fay 15, 1981 T0: Councilman R.onald 2�laddax Councilman George :•icMahon President, City Council Councilwoman Joanne Showalter Councilwoman P.uby Hunt Councilnan �Tictor Tedesco Councilnan Leonard Levine Councilman Bill 47ilson �r�0?•:: Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector On 2:ay 20, 1981, at 10:00 A.I•i.� the following license matters will be con- sidered by the St. Paul City Council. This meeting will be held in the Council Char�bers, third floor City fiall and Court House. l. Ein�o �plication - Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.�., Inc., Post 162, lt08 I�iain Street, 51 periods. (Edward J. Lan�man, Sr. Vice Commander, and Alfred , r'�i'schall, :lanager, notified to attend.) � � ' ^ �� �j 2. Bingo I�pplication - :iavoux General Assenbly, rourth De�ree Iinights of Columbus, , 1t08 i�izi.n Street, 52 periods. (William E. 4Jerner, Faithful Idavigator, and John P. Zeuli, I�:ana�er, notified to attend.} � � / 3. bingo Application - Tanner's Lake VFt�I 8217 Auxiliary, 1795 E. Seventh Street, 50 periods. (R.ose riarie Schwagel� President� and Rose Carroll� l�ianager, notified to attend.) r� L /� : � � �b 1�. Application for a Gaming Session License b3• Chimera Theatne Cor�pany, 30 E. lOth Street and/or 75 '�1. 5th Street. (Dale �. Huffington, 2iana�ing Director, and Cynd3r Janzig, Gambling I•:ana.ger, notified to attend.) � 5 ` .,��-_,� , jc 5. Application for Gar,iing Session License and Ternporary On Sa1e I3alt Eeverage License by St. Paul Council No. 397, ���hts o� Coluribus, at Higrland Park. (Ames H. Ha1ey� , Gr2nd Enight and Gamblin� I�:anager, notified to attend.) , . � � �� � � . 6. ?�equest b�- Interr�ode, Inc., CY�.ester Daxe, President, Qn Sale Liquor Licensee at ', 1t9�% it. ��obert Street doir� business as The Grand Finale, to use additional space � in the rear of their building (outdoors) on June 19, 1981 after 6:00 P.i-i. or in �, case of rain on June 2Q, 1981, after 6:00 P.i•i. (Chester Daxe notified�o attend.) � 1'i x, -.. c� 7. Char�e of officers of Liquor City, Inc., Off Sale Liquor Licensee at 560 i�J. Como l�venue. (I10 one notified to attend.) , � � �� C, i/ 6. Public hearing on the application for the transfer of the On Sale Liquor License, ; Snnday On Sale Liquor, Class C2-Restaurant, Entertai�uaent, Off Sa1e I�ialt Beverage ; and �iowlir�; Alley Licenses from Boe-�rans, inc. doing business as Bo's Lorence , :�ecreation to Associated Corporate Ser�rices, Ine. at the same address., 1t60-6 No. � Lexi.ngton Avenue. (Jeffrey S. Karter notified to attend.) J �, , t 9. Public he�sin� on the renewal of Class Cl-Restaurant, On and Off Sale i�Ialt Bev- erage Licenses by :3odney L. Schultz, doir� business as the Terminal Bar at 10lj.1 < . �.��nda for '".sy 20, 19E31 - cont. <� � �.zti-mond ;,venue. (Reconmended for derLial bs the Division of License and Per- , mit l��d.�.inistration. This matter was previously considered on Z:arch 2S, 19E1. ) 10. ;utlic hearin� on the application for a Pool Hall License by D F. :��itt at � 700 ?,ice Street. (Danny F. i•;itt notii'ied to attend.) � /�� V 11. F.equAst bp Capitol City 1axi, Capitol City !iirline Service and Cit3- l•Jide Cab Conrpany to increase the nur.iber of ve�ly �ax�.cab licenses in the City of St. Paul. (ihis matter was prei�ousl3* considered on ���ril 22, 1981 and l•iay 6, 1981. ) cc: ?•iayor George Latiraer j�.r. Bernard J. Carlson, Director Departnent of Finance and 1•_ana�eroent Se�ces Attorney Edward Starr Attorney Terr� Garvey I•x. A1. Olson, City Clerk Chief of Police, �rilliara W. I�icCutcheon Dr. raul J. Cox, Division of Public Health r�s. Linna I��ohl, St. Paul Dispatch I•ir. Dennis Lien, St. Paul Pioneer Press 2�:s. Jerry JenIQns Vice Unit Ms. Caroline Lowe, ��7CC0 • � '" I;s. Jeanette Harrison, L��'TCPZ l�ir. Gary Hill, KSTP Iveighborhood Contact, Di.strict 6 n ,► u 7 n n n 8 n n n 12 n n n 15 n rt n 17