BLUE - MAYOR File N O• � ����
City Attny/PBB . .
f� c�l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that the City Clerk is directed to accept and keep on file that
certain Pedestrian Concourse Agreement, dated March 10, 1978 ,
between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; the City of Saint Paul; and Watson P.
Davidson, Jr. , and C.M. Bend, Jr. , as Trustees and successors
to the Davidson Company, attached hereto, which Agreement
contains covenants and obligations touching and concerning
the following described property in the City of Saint Paul: �
Lots 8 , 9 and 10, Block 17, City of Saint Paul
(St. Paul Proper) ;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized
and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution (with
attachment) in the Office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County.
COU[VCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays �{'�
Hunt ��1,
levine In Favor
McMahon a Against �, Y
Tedese6� �.
MAY 19 1gg� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date — �-2��a/
Certified Passed b Council S retar By � �CJ O
� � -7
By, g�% d�G�G�
� 9 � Approve Mayor for Su i io^to Council
App by :Nayor: —
By _ _ BY
PUB�ISNED MAY �3 0 lygt
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� . . _ Albert B. Olson: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Cc�tl� C.e�Jth
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I fuive compahed #he at,t�ched copy o� Counc.i.e �-i.e.e. No. . . . . . . • •
Counc,t.e �y 19' . J981.
a.a adop�ed by #he Ci.ty .. . . .. . • . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
and appnoved by �he Ma�on . . . . . . . . .�y.26:-. . .. .. .. .. .. . ]9'�l . .
. cu.i.th �he o�ug.ina.L �heh.eo� on �.i..Ce .i.n my o���.ce.
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THIS AGREEPiENT made and entered into this /o�day of March, 1978,
CITV CLERH Council �.�y �
FINANCE. . � � � *T T C�� ��' /I
DEPAATMENT (� I T}� ���'� �A I NT � I L� l: l� / (
MAVOF< File NO. G _. �•_ > _
��� r�try/FBB "� • '
� � -, C � cil R esolution
N:rsentrd f3� _ %� �
- };
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that the City Clerk is directed to accept and keep on file that
certain Pedestrian Concourse Agreement, dated March 10 , 1978 ,
between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; the City of Saint Paul; and Watson P.
Davidson, Jr. , and C.M. Bend, Jr. , as Trustees and successors `
to the Davidson Company, attached hereto, which Agreement
contains covenants and obligations touching and concerning
the following described property in the City of Saint Paul:
Lots 8 , 9 and 10, Block 17 , City of Saint Paul
(St. Paul Proper) ;
BE IT FURTHEF RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized
and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution (with �
attachment) in the Office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County.
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:,,..� �
Nays �' �_�j� \
Yeas `
H u nt �","J
Levine � In Favor
Maddox � a � ��� ��
McMahon l.� AgainSt �� Y
MAY 1 4 �9�� Form Approved by City Attorney
;1^,;pre:i b� Cuunci;: Date _—__-- , , •
' � ,��� �"3G'--�''/
i�c r'.1 � c . �� d �y Council �retary i By
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�., i ' `'� � �' �9�� i; Approve Ma��or for Sub{ri �io�to Counci;
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r�� l,�:.t�vrity tt�rough a Contract for Loan and Capital Grant datecl August 30, 1964, in the
• case of the Federal Government and a Cooperation Agreement, dated June 9, 1964,
in the case of the City; and `
t,THEREAS, a major objective and element of the Redevelopment Plan is the
separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the Project area by zedesi�,
Widening and improvement of eaisting streets and the development of an upper level
pedestrian system within easeraents through existing and new buildings spanning streets
by means of overpasses or pedestrian bridges with provision for vertical access betweer.
streets and the upper level concourse system; and
� Z,THEREAS, the City and the Authority have agreed upon the location of the
� several pedestrian bridges, .as is set forth in the Cooperation Agreement hereinbe�ore
t"°'� referred to, and�pedestrian bridges spanning Fourth Street between Robert and Sackson
� �Streets (the "Fourth Street Bridge") and spanning Robert Street between Fourth an3
Fifth Streets (the "Robert Street Bridge")�have been constructed; and
�,�HERE.AS, the Company�has constructed a pedestrian concourse within the
i'ior.eer ar.cl End:cott Buil�ings aud is willin� tu grat�t ar. �asemeiit t� the public for _
pedestrian ingress and egress so as to create a pedestrian concourse segmznt fro�IFouTt
Street through the Pioneer and Endicott Buildinas to the Jackson Ramp and to Robert
Street�; . �
� I�0�,1, THERr.FORE, it is hereby agreed among the parties as follows:
1. The Authority has caused the'Fourth Street and Robert Strect Bridges
Lo be constructeu in accordance wi�h plans ana specifications prepared by the
' Authority and approved by the Department of Public jti'orks of the City whichfbri�ges
were constructed with IIrban Renekal Bond Funds. .
2. The Authority ack�owledges that the Company has provided at its
sole expense, electrical distribution panels, switche-s, wiring,� electrical energy, 1
and heating and cooling system, and ductwork within its
i���rove�entsjfor the operation of the Fourth Street Bridge. J� The Company shall
suppl}� heated and co�Ied air, in season, within the Fourth Street Bridge co:nparable
to that normally raintained within heated and air-conditioned rental office sp�ces.
The HF.A acknowledges that the Cor.:pany has provide� necessar} do�.-nspout and buildi�-:g
drains within its improve�ents to adequately drain the run-off collecte3 b3 the
draina�e syste:n within the Fourth Street Bridge.
. �
• � ` .4. � r ' , , I�.' _ � �,. �A �
, . �A .��'�!�
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, 3, The �uthority acknowledges that the Company has develop�_d at its .
sole ea�ense a second level pedestrian concourse system within the Pioneer ar.3
� En�icott Buildings which connects to thejFourth Street and Robert Street Bri�ge.s
� . - t
� zn3 to the Jac�:son Ramp, substantially in accordance with the Second Eloor LPve1
t-'1 _ -
� Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. Segnent A1(outlined
in E�hibit A in red)�is the vertical access within Company propert} from Fouzth
Street to the second level pedestrian concourse and has been completed �and a:e -
hereby approved. Segnent B (outlined in green on Exhibit A)�is the structur�.l.
support for the Robert Street1Bridge and an escalator from the second level
concourse to the ground level which have been completed and are hereby appro:ed_
4. The Companp shall,{ by the instrument attached hereto as Exhibit
E, and incorporated herein by reference, grant�easements. of record for inoress,
egress and pedestrian passage within the concourse system. The form of said{
Exhibit B is hereby approved and shall be executed and recorded with the Office �
of the County P.ecorder in and for Ramsey County as soon as practicable after
: this Agre�ent has been executed by the parties hereto. � Nothing herein co:itai�ed
shall Iinit the right _of the Co�pany or� its successors in interest to demolish -
the Pioneer or Endicott Buildizzgs, or both of them. In the event the Piozzeez _-
or Endicott Buildings, or both of them, are de�olished and are replaced by a
building or buildings prior to the vacation or abandonment of the pedestrian ccncourse
system, the CoLLpanp or its successors in interest agree to grant new ease�en_s �hich wil:
allaa continuation of the pedestrian concourse system into, through and from s�id _
building or buildings. Subject to the hereinafter recited conditions, the C:��any shall
have the right at any time to change the location of such ease.��ents, and the e�se�=nts s'
-3- - -
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' � ' o;, tnc coi�Jitions tt�a� c�c:� c�sr�u��its arc �;:a�ited «hich perr.;it Lf�� c�n-
�o ?:o�i��.
� tinuity o[ t:�� pcdesCri��n concot�rsc and tlic Co:n�any ii�stalls a ncw pcdestrian .
� concoursc on the nc�-� ezse:�ent area at the Co►�l��ny�s so?e cost and e;cpeuse.
�` In t�ic event thc Co;�pan�� elccts to substitute 1 nci� eascr�icnt locatio:�, i�
� shall s��L:��it to tne City the descri.ption tt:ereof, and plans and specifications
�. � . -
` � thcrefc+r, and.proof of abitity t� pay and r.ieth�d of paST:ent thcrefor for the �p- .
. .. , •- -
•�.pro�al� of the'City,• t�liich��pprov�I� �shall� not"be unrc�soriab�y�j•�it;i�i�eld:•� The C;ty
� shall lisve one hur.dred eiohty (1S0) daS•s after the subnission in which to apj rovc �
- or reject the sub�ission. If rhe Ci�y rejects the sub�nission, it Lu:st do so in
crritin� F-itliin tie one l�undred eighty (1S0) days period and in such'irritino ss:
fortn in d�[ail the valid reasons for such rej�ction. In the et•ent the City fails
to rejec� the sub:nission within s�id one hund:cd ei,4,�ty �(1S0) da}•s period, the
City's censent shall be conclusively presur..ed. ihe City shall not Ue required to
_approve any c�ianoe in ease:aent location unless the ease;.ient to bc substitute� tnere-
€or cont�ins at least the saane area ar.� diniensions of the e:cisting ease�ent, ar.3 the
ic�rove�eats the�eon are of the s�.me ch,racter and q«a?ity o� the� initial concoarsa.
tifien tne City appro�es the su�stitt!tion as zforesaid, t}-.e �arties shall then join �
. �n the ex�cution and delit�ery o� an amenc?atory a�ree;�ent in recorc:a5le forna c�:^.i�h
decior.ates the substitute location and terrin�tes the f.nSC'u:ent over th� old Ioca-
- tion effective upon co��pleLion of the const�uction of ti�e r.ec•r pedestrian cor,cou�se. �
S. The Co=pany �or its successor iri ir�terest slia2l L�aintain and e�erz�� .
*?�e �?.e�tri-zl ar.d cachan�cal fa:il�t��s in tf:e pece::tri�.n trid�e spanr:ino reur_h
Street an.d concourse s�ste� ��ichin the Pioneer ar.d� Endico��t Bt�ildiri;,s zt its sole
cost and expense, shall '_ceep and �,aintain said brid�e and concourse sys�em in rr�air
• . r_ • .
an� in a reasonabl;� safe condition for pedestrizn travel, and the faciliries sha11 �
be o�e:�ted �urir.o a11 hours tl:at the syste:n is open to tne public. itie Cc:lpan� �
�or its successor in in�erest fur�ner abrees to pro•�ide the riecessary repa�rs �
�nd r.ainten�nce of ttie ped�strisn b:id�e spa�nir.� Fourth Street, its intebral p__t's
an� the coacourse sSstc� wit�}in �tie Pio:�eer and Endicott Buildinbs at its sole e::-
pc:.se �nd zt no e::per.sc to tl�e City and the Auttiority. Sucti r,.aintenznc� sh�ll in-
clu�e, but not be li�:ited to, ���i:�de:., ftoor, and r.:etal trim c1e�i�i:1�, �olishi:„
re��ir ��1 re�l�ceT:ent; rooF r,iainten?z�ce, repaintiit�; li�h� bulb replace:;ei�t �:�Z
xi�`.�t fixture cle�ni.no. The .Chicf En�inccr of the City shall be Ltirnisliecl �;ith .
rl�r.s an�i �pecifica�ions for �all re,sirs, rcr.Iace:�en�s , ��dJi[ioi�s or all-eraCio:�s .
. -4- . . -
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� to said bridge and concourse system, which plans and specifications shall be
C� '
� s�ject to his approval before courmencement of the work contemplated thereia.
�� In the event of a vacation or discontinuanre of use of the conc
ourse sy tea
or aay part thereof pursuant to the law then in effect, and in the event that the
Council of the City of Saint Paul shall require as a condition of vacation or
discontinuance of use the reu�oval of the pedestrian bridge spanning Fourth Street
or the concourse system within the Pioneer and Endicott Buildings, then the Cospany
-�or its successor in interest agrees that it shall remove said pedestrian b ridge,
or s2id concourse system, and the abutting property shall be restored at its sole
• cost and expense.
� in the event that the Coapany ��'or its successor in interest fails to
I , naiatein, r�pair or re lace tre
; l� pedestrian bridge spanning Fourth Street or the
concourse syste:n within the Pioneer and Endicott Buildings to a reasonable standard
� of safety, or shall fail to undertare maintenance repair of the system after receipt
of thirty (30) days kritten demand thereof by the City to do so, the City �ay under-
tal:e the �aintenance, repair or replacement thereof and may recover its reasonable
cost incurred thereby from the Conpany a�or its successor �n interest; provided,
��c:e❖er, ti.at the C:ity retains the right to assess such costs against the Co�any .
property as a local inprovement in the nanner provided by Zaw.
The Com�any �or its successors in interest shall forever indemnify, defend, ,
and hold harcless the City and the Authority against alI expense and liability on
accouat of all costs arising out of or connected with the naintenance, operation •
and/or r�oval of said pedestrian bridge and concourse system, and further conditio�ed
upon �he Co:p�ny a�or its successor in interest co�plying with all the terrs znd
conditiozs expressed in and contained in this agree�ent.
T"r.is obligation shall be binding upon the Cor�pany and its successors and
assigas, a�d its st:rety, and the obligations to pay costs for repairs, improveaents
-S- .
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, , ' • ti����C O1 tI3C �]U�JI1C l.'Ay CC►.l;�itL1111��� L��C :.!',�!`:.1� ��1.:T1 1S1 1d(jil1011 LO
�-'ap��blc l�w bc .z covcn�nt rumiin� vith tcc laiid nr.d thc �rar.� of c �
� _, - . . ������
� �hall so provide.
6. Thc• Cerspany �or i.ts successor in interc�t shaLl _`���ish .1t:c1 nain-
� tain and pay all prcr.iiu;� and other c�;pen�es for �pub:ic Iia�il:�y .znd "r111 Risk"
� phy::ical loss c�verz�e in a duly licet�sed insvr�nce co:�p�ny, s:a�rein the City
;`` • .
• �, and the :.ti*hority s�all ?�c d s co- �
. .. � _ . .. . . . : ' esi.gr,�ted a ir,sureds, sain inscra;ice contai.iro '
� . the :olle:,rin� minir,►uu coverabes: For p�rsonal injuri�s, inclu:in� deat;t, One
.Hund�_ed �'�otisan3 Dolla:s ($100,OG�.O�) for c�ci�•persoa, Thrce �uadred Tno�sand
� Dollsrs ($3�0,0��.0�?) for eacli occurrence; p_o2ert}• da.-�=_�e to.t2:� extent of
One �Iur.cired TnoLSa::d �ollars ($I00,0�0.00} in any sin�le accic�ni. The "All
fRisk" pi�ysical Ioss sl�zll provide coverage in the aro•�nt of th? =u11 rep?ace:-ent
' cost of the brici�e. _ '
7. Tae parties aoree tl�at in t::e construction, rainter.��ce an3 opera�io:�
of the concc•erse sy�tem �Jithin the Pioneer and Endicot� BuiLdi-:ss tney s:�all oe
: �bound by 21I codes anri ordinailces governing buildir.os �nd o��r=�z�ns of inprove-
ments .3r,d relati�o to pub?ic t��oruu�h�ares �nsofar. as applicab_e. the narties
� ' further �oree that the canc�urse syste� cer.stitutes a �ublic �;a} �r t�:o_oughfa:e
subject to zIl the l���zs, codes and o:dinancLs ir► effect fro� t`�e to ti*�e bovcrn-
- � . .
� ing pub�ic t�aJS j.nclufi'ino coristruction, ope_z�ion, �irte:.�n�e, ��sessr.:ent or
� � ' . , � .
vacation a�d abandon�r.n:.t thereo�. ' � '
� 8. The�Authurity proposes to er.ter i:�to ?e�estrian Co_,cc.:r�e ��greemer,ts
� substai�ti�lly similar to tnis Aoree,�ier_� with a11 :edeJela;ers i-: :h= D�wnto::•n
Urban Rer_�ti-a1 �re� in order to insLre acco�i�Izs:��cnt oL t':ze obj=c_i•res 2nd ' .
specifi.c concours� sj�ste:-a provisio�s set forth ir. t5e i.e:3_�•e?o�:�-:t :'lan for �
- s3id Projeet. • � � � ' •
. . ` .
� , 9. Tne res�ective ri�h�s and oblio��ie�s of t�ie p�r�ies set for�h in
. this �`��rcenent shail he bindin� u�on .ar enure to t1:e h�:c�it of L;-_� res*iective
parties anct tt�eir succ?ssors aiid assi�ns, ai�d s}:all con�i.ue in fczce unt�l
such tin:e <-�s t:�e c�nconrse syster.. �r aar� thereof is v�cated ar a��r.'oncd in '
tt�c nani�cr rec�uired Lv law. ' ' '
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IN ti�'ITNESS VVHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands �nd
� seals all as of the day and year first above written.
�. .
� In Presence of: SAINT PAU�, MINI�'ESOTA
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Appro��ed as to Form:
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�55 � t General Counsel j" �/
In .Preserr_e of� CITY OF S1�II�'T �p.UL
Its May
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'�T�'atson P. Davidson Jr. j
- � �/.�� c�--.--�� 'f�- ����� �.� -,�� By `� , � � '
C, �1�. Berid, Jr. �
A s Trustees and Successors to Da�:d=on
�pproved as to Form:
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attorney for Trustees and
Successo:s to Davidson
Company .
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THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this `��day of March, 1978,
by and between
a public body corporate and politic,
organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Minnesota, (herein- �
, -. ; � �_ �� tt,P "Authority��� .
� . - � �=, � 7 l�,�''��j'
, �
- June I, 198i `
. .
�. . �
, _, �
County Recorder's �Of£iee � � ` .
Room 155 . , � �
° Bt�ilding
. ' �
�Dear Sir: � ' . �
� En�losed for fitin , , � .
adQpeed by the SaintiPa�luCityfCouncil on�PY of Counci.Z File No. 276874 .
, May 19, 1981. �
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, Very trul , -.nen
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A1 Olson �'f��, - -
' - City �Clerk.
Attach. . .
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l,utt�ozity tiirough a Contract for Loan and Capital Grant dated Augiist 30, 1964, in the
case of the Federal Government and a Cooperation Agreement, dated June 9, 1964,
in the case of the City; and
WFiEREAS, a major objective and element of the Redevelopment Plan is the
separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the Project area by redesign,
Widening and improvement of existing streets and the development of an upper level
pedestrian system within easements through existing and new buildings spanning streets
by means of overpasses or pedestrian bridges with provision for vertical access between
streets and the upper level concourse system; and �
WHEREAS, the City and the Authority have agreed upon the location of the
several pedestrian bridges, .as is set forth in the Cooperation Agreement hereinbefore
referred to, and�pedestrian bridges spanning Fourth Street between Robert and Jackson
�Streets (the "Fourth Street Bridge") and spanning Robert Street between Fourth and
Fifth Streets (the "Robert Street Bridge")'ha�e been constructed; and
S,THEREAS, the Company�has constructed a pedestrian concourse within the
i'ioreer ar.d End�cott Buildings nud is wil3.in�; tu graiit ar. easem�iit t� the public: for _
pedestrian ingress and egress so as to create a pedestrian concourse segment from�Fourth
Street through the Pioneer and Endicott Buildings to the Jackson Ramp and to Ro3ert
Streetl; �
NOTJ, THEREFOBE, it is hereby agreed among the parties as follows:
1. The Auth�rity has caused the�Fourth Street and Robert Street Bridg�s
to be constructed in accordance wi�h plans anu specifications prepared by the
. Authority and approved by the Department of Public Works of the City whichfbridges
were construcCed with IIrban R�newal Bond Funds. .
2. The Authority acl�owledges that the Company has provided at its
sole expense, electrical �distribution panels, switches, wiring,� electrical energy, 1
and heating and cooling system, and ductwork within its
i��provements�for the operation of the Fourth Street Bridge. � The Company shall
supply heated and co�led air, in season, within the Fourth Street Bridge co�parab3e
to that normally maintained within heated and air-conditioned rental office spaces.
The HP.A acknowledges that the Cor�pany has provide� necessary downspout and buildi�g
drains within its improvements to adequately drain the run-off collected by the
drainage system within the Fourth Street Rridge.
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3. The Authority acknowledges that the Company has developgd at its _
, � _
sole expense 1a �second Ievel pedestrian concourse system within the Pioneer aad
� Enc�icott Buildings which connects to. thejFourth StreeC and Robert Street Bri�ges
and ta the Jackson Ramp, substantially in accordance with the Second Floor Leve1
Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. Segment A�(outlined
in Eahibit A in red)�is the vertical access within Company property from Fouzth
Street to the second Ievel pedestrian concourse and has been completed �and aze -
hereby approved. Segment B (outlined �in green on Exhibit A)�is the structur�l
support for the Robert Street1Bridge and an escalator from the second level
concourse to the ground level which have been completed and are hereby approged.
4. The Company shall,fby the instrument attached t►ereto as Exhibit _
B, and incorporated herein b�r reference, grant�easements. of record for iagress,
egress and pedestrian passage within the concourse system. The form of said{
Exhibit B is hereby approved and shall be executed and recorned with the Office '
of tbe County Recorder in and for Ramsey County as soon as practicable after
: Lhis Agree;aent has been executed by the parties hereto. � Nothing herein contaiaed
shall li_mit tbe right .of the Company or� its successors in interest to demolisb -
the Pioneer or Endicott Buildings, or both of them. In. the event the Pioneer -
oz Endicott Buildings, or both of them, are demolished and are replaced by a .
building or buildings prior to the vacation or abandonment of the pedestrian concaurse
system, the Company or its succe5sors in interest agree to grant new ease�en*_s which «ill
allow coatinuation of the pedestrian concourse system into, through and from s�id .
Building or buildings. Subject to the hereinafter recited conditions, the C�gany shall
have the right at any time to change the location of such ease.�--tents, and the ea.se�ents sha
-3- . .
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�o'"�:o•.•id�, on tnc ca«Jitio,�s tt�.zt i�es.r c�s�u��^�its arc �;:aiit'ed whictt pcn;,it thc �on-
tiRUity of t:�e pedesl•riun coiicoursc and tlic Co:n,any installs a nca� pedestrian
concoursc on the ne�� ease�ent area at tlie Co����any's sole cost and e;cpense. . .
In tl,e event the Co.lpany elccts to substitute 1 nec� eas�raent locatioa, i� "
shall su�:��=t to the City the descri.ption tt:ereoL, and plans and specifications
, ' chcrefc�r, znd proof of ability t� pay and r,icthc►d o£ pa��r:ent thcrefor for the ap-
i • r
' - � • . •-
- '_proval� of the'City;• t=.liic�r'�ppro�el� 'shatl' not�be 'un'rc�soriab�y'c•�i*_;�h�eld: � The C;ty �
shall h3ve one hundred eiohty (1S0) days zfter the subnission iii which to aptrov� '
. or reject the suS�,ission. If Lhe City re jects the sub�nission, it m�:st do so in
writin� F�itliin t:�e one hundred eighty (1S0} days period and in such"writin� se:
farL'n in �e[ail the valid reasons for such rej�ction. In the eti�ent the City f�ils
to zejec� the su��ission within s�id one hund:ed ei�5ty -(1S0) days period, the
City's censent shall be coaclusively presur.:ed. ihe City shall not be required to
.approve zny c�iange in ease:,►ent location unless the easenent to be subs�ituted tnere-
. for contains at least the sauie area ar.� dimensions af the e:cisting ease;�ent, an3 the
i�sprove�eats the�eon are of the s�.me ch3racter and qua?it3• o� the� inir_ial con=o:�rsa�
. - ,
- . k'hen tne Ci�y apprrn;es the su�stitution as zforesaid, the parties shall then join �
�n the execution and delivery of an amendatory a�ree;:ient in recor�aSle fora c�rich
desio�ates th� substitute Iocation and terr..in�tes the easerent over th� old Ioca-
� tion effective u�on co�zple�ion of the con�truction of ti�e r.ec:• pedestrian co�,co-.z:se. '
S. .The Cor,pany �or its successor in ir►terest s1iall maintain 2nd o�erz�e _
� *?�� :.1.e=tri-al zr.3 ��ach�an��aZ fa�il-��:.�s in ti:e pede:;tri�.n trid�e spanr:ino 'r'e�:rth
Street and concourse syste� ��itliin the Pioneer ar.d� Endico�t Buildiri�s at its so2e
�cost and es.-�ense, shall '_�ceep and maintain said Srid�e and crncourse system in rc;air
• . ��_ . ..
and in a re�sonably safe condition for pedestrian travel , and the facili�ies shall
be o?erated durir.o alI hours that tile syste:n is open to ti►e public. TI�e Cc:zpany �
�or its successor in in�erest furtner adrees to provide the riecessary repa�rs �
and r.2intenance of tlie pedestrian brid�e spar_nir.� Fourth Street, its intebral p�ri•s
and the co�course syste.� w•_tliin �tie Pioneer and Endicott .Euilding� at its sole e::-
pe:sse and at no e::per.se to ti�e City and the �utiiority. Sucli r,.aintenznce sh�ll in-
clude, but :i�t be li�:ited t�, ���i;�do:,, ftoor, and r,�etal trim cle�tii:1�, polishi:„
repsir and repl�ce.T,ent; roof r.�aintenacice, repaintin�;; liEh� bulb r�placer•.ent anZ
���;�t fixture cleanino. The .Chicf En�incer of the City shall be furnisi�ed s:ith .
pl�r.s and �pecifications for -all re,airs, rer.Iace:�ents, �d�itioc�s or alterarians _
. -4- � � -
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to said bridge and concourse system, which plans and specl�ications shall be
su:wject to his appzoval before commencement of the work contemplated thereia.
Zn the event of a vacation or discontinuan�ce of use of the concourse s tem
or any part th ereof pursuant to the la� then in ef£ect, and in the event that the
Council of the City of Saint Paul shall require as a condition of vacation or
discontinuance of use the removal of the pedestrian bridge spanning Fourth Street
or the concourse system within the Pioneer and Endicott Buildings, then the Company
�or its successor in interest agrees that it shall remove said pedestrian b ridge,
or s2id concourse system, and the abutting property shall be restored at its sole
- cost and expense.
Zn the event that the Company -�'or its successor in interest fails Lo
maiatain, r�pair or_ replace tr e pedestrian bridge spanning Fourth Street or the
concourse system within the Pioneer and Endicott Buildings to a reasonable standard
o f sa fety, or shall fail �o underta'r.e maintenance repair of the system after receipt
of thirty (30) days written demand thereof by the City to do so, the City may under—
take the mainteaance, repair or replacement thereof and may recover its reasonable
cost incurred thereby from the Conpany ��or its successor �n interest; provided,
���:eJer, �i.at the c:ity retains the right to assess� such costs against the Company .
property as a local inprovement in the manner provided by law.
The Company �or its successors in interest shall foreve�. indemnify, defend
and hold harmless the City and the Authority against alI expense and liability on
account of all costs arising out of or connected with the maintenance, operation .
and/or re�oval of said pedestrian bridge and concourse system, and further conditioaed
upon the Conpany �or its successor in interest co�plying with all the tez�s and
conditions expressed in and contained in this agreement�
T'cis obligation shall be binding upon the Cor�pany and its successors and
assigns, and its surety, and the obligations to pay costs for repairs, improveaents
. i
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: ` ��, ���� oi thc puLl ic t�ny cc�n,LltuLf��i; tLc s��tr-� ����
/ .. , - �•I in ndJiliot� to
/ appl�.cablC law bc � covenant runi�in� c�ith thc land srsd thc �rar.E of casci�ent
P ,---� � �j � � "J �
shall so provide. '� '
6. The Cerapany ��or i.ts successor in interest s2�aLI Fu�i�h .�ncl nain-
tain atid pay �11 prcr.iiu.:► at�d other c.xpcnses for ipuSlic Iiabil:�y and "All Risk"
. phy;:ical loss cover;eoe in a duly liceiesed insurance co�p�ny, �.-ci�rein the City '
_ ' . ,�, and .tiie :►itrho�ity s�*all �e desi.gr,��ted as co-insureds,� sain_insc:ran�e coaraiairo .
. the .`.ollc�a:n� mini�uu c . -es• � .�-
overab . For personal injuries, inc1L..ZLia death, One
.Hund�.ed T'�oiisan3 Dollar$ ($100,OG�.O�) for c�ch•persen, �hree ?u.-�cired Tnous�nd
Dollars ($3�0,0��.0�) for eacli occurrence; pro�crty d�.-�a�e to_�k� extent of
' • . .
Onc �Iur.ured ThoLSa•;d T`o �
. .. llars (Y100,0��.00) in any sin�lc accic_IjL. The "AlI
Risk" pi�ysical Ioss st�zll providE coverage in t:�e aro•�nt of th� �ull rep?acer,:ent
cost of the brid�e. -
7. Tne parties aoree that in the constructiort, rainter.��ce an3 opera�ic�a� -
. of the concc.sLrse sy�tem eiithin the Pioneer and Eadicot� Bui�di-:ss they c;�all oe
: �bound by 21I codes and ordinances governing buildir.os :nd or_r����n� of inprovc-
ment� �3nd relatino to pub?ic t�►oruu�h'rares insofzr- as applicab'•_e. 3'he parties .
' .
" � ' fartlier �gree that the conc�urse systera cor.stitutes a ?ublic c�aS• nr thorou�.lfare
sub ject to zll the lac•�s, co3es and ordinances in effect fror t�e to ti*�e govern-
. , .
� ing pu��l.ic i:•aJS j.ncluc.ing coristructian, operatYOn, �irter.znee, assessr.:ent or
� . � � . . . � - � . ,
vacation ar►d abandonme:,t thereo�. • - •
�8. Th�e �iutharity provoses to er.ter into Pe�estriun Co�cc-J:se �'�greemer,ts
� substantially similar to tnis Adree.�er_t k�ith alI redevelopers ia �h: Do•.�nto-rn '
Urban Rer_�s�:al �rea in order to insure �ccoai�Lish:r.ent o� t`�� obj�c�i•res and ' .
speeifi.c concourse syste:a provisio�s•set forth in the nE:3��•�Lap���t Pl�n for �
• s3id Project. • • - - - • .
. . � -
- . 9. Tne res:►ective ri�h�s and ob7ia�tioas of the���rties set forth in
this A�recm�nt st�all be binding upon..or enure to the bcr.efit of t�� res;iective
parties and [t�eir successors aiid assi�ns, a»d s�:all con�izue in force unti,2
such tin:e as t:�e concourse sys ter,. �r aa:� thereo£ is vacated or a;.-ar.doncd in '
tt�c nanncr re�ulred by Ia�r, � ' • -
' , - ' • -6- . '
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IN �'VITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands �nd
seals all as of the day and year first above written. -
. ,
� .
� By h�
/ its �-�- -
' � By .�
U I � � __
. • ���V�.
Approved as to Form:
� %�
��--�- �. c���
�55 � t General Counsel �
In Pre�er�e of� CITY O� SAINT ��!.UL
. �
Its May
By ��-%
It s
In Presence of: �� �j
/ /
��'���r- Cl� ,� ^���`.� By � /? �'.�,�%���;;-=.
�atson P. David n Jr. �
�.�,� _ �
� �/.� �-,..-���-. ���p �_.��,,..� By ` I �
C. M. Bend, Jr.
A s Trustees and Successors to Dav-id=on
Approved as to Form:
� � / � i��-
�� , „�2,,
Attorney for Trustees and
Successors to Davidson
�� . . Yi_r`` ,., - ��e
.� Z . . ����.
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Y/'l'F i.a � -
: May 4, 1981 ���► �.�� , f ,s�
FR�'l: M�rk Senn, PED �"� :
RE: Skyway Agreement Resolution ,- HRA/Davtdson Cempany.
Execute attached Couneil Resolution ' ,�
3'kcis original pedestrian concourse agre�ment dated March 10, �.978, between . ;:
th� Ho�sing and Red:evelopment Authority of St. Paul ax�d Watsoz� P. II�vtdson
Jr., ana e.M. Bend Jr, , as Trustees `and succe�sors to th� D�vi�l�rm C�mpar�y,
is an agreement covering the construction and operation;of the Con�ourse
between Federal Courts building and �he Brem�r Arcade. �.'he original, agreem�nt; `
has never been recorded and th3s attached reso3.ut3,on dire.cts �t�e,C�.ty Clerk
ta fi:l:e� such agreement in the Office of the County Recordez, Rsmsey Countg.
�. .
Cauncil Resolution :
Pedestrian �crncourse Agreement �".