276873 WHIT6 - CITY CLERK � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � ���� s ue �- MAYORE GITY OF SAINT PALTL F lecilNO. � � City Attny/JTH CZl Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION CREATING URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT REVOLVING FUND AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER SAID FUND AND PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is the recipient of Federal Urban Development Action Grants (UDAG) authorized pursuant under Public Law 93-383 adopted October 12 , 1977, as amended, 42 U.S.C. �5318, the Act; and WHEREAS, several of the UDAG Funding Agreements and appropriate regulations promulgated pursuant to the Act, 24 C .F.R. Part 570, provide for the recovery by the City as program income, repayment of UDAG monies or other income generated by UDAG assisted projects for use in assisting additional qualified projects; and WHEREAS, UDAG program income is now being received by the City, and it is desireable to establish an account for the receipt and disbursement of said funds and to provide for the administration of their reinvestment; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this meeting a proposed Urban Development Action Grant Program Agreement (Agreement) between the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) providing for the administration and implementation of the UDAG projects reinvestment program by HRA. COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Appr by Mayor mission to Council BY - – BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �J' /��' /� PIYK - FINANCE COUtICll �„� � o CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L BLUE � MAYOR . F1Ie N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- NOW THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that there is hereby created the UDAG REVOLVING FUND for receipt and disbursement of Program Income from the UDAG Projects identified in Exhibit A to the Agreement. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Urban Development Action Grant Program Agency Agreement between the City and HRA is hereby approved substantially in the form on file in the Office of the City Attorney and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City , Ri hard Sc roeder Bernard J. a lson, Director Budget Director Department Finance and Management rvices COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by�artme t of: Hunt Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon snowaiter __ Against BY iedese� Wilson MI1V Form Appr ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — F�1 � Certified Passe b Co ncil S retar� BY � �r� �. A r ed by Ylav r ate MAY 2 6 1981 App by Mayor f b ssi n to Council B — BY PUBLISHEt? MAY 3 019�1i �.___..,_.......__....�._....._......_... : .. _�,._`._._..��__.__�.._.............:..._...._..__.,.__.______�__.._.._..:�..._..:_..� _.:___. _.._.,__.___....�. _ _.__,..�_._ y. ..._.�._,.�._._..._.ti.....- , .� `;. ' 16�r�;��J ` � URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT PROGRAM AGENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of ; 1981 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a muni p 1 corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated as "City", and' the HOUSING At�J REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and polltic created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.411 et seq. , hereinafter designated "Authority". WITNESSETH: � . � tdEREAS, in compliance with the Federal Housing and Community Deve7opment Act of 1977, as amended, and Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the City has duly made applicat�ion to the U.S. Department of Housing and tlrban Develupment _ for URBAN DEVEIOPMENT ACTION GRANTS (UDAG) ; and � WNEREAS, the City has been awarded the grants listed in Exhibit A for the purposes of carrying out projects approved by the City Council and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, thQ City has accepted and has entered �into appropriate GRAN�' AGREEMENiS: and . WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared, approved and submitted for ratifica�tion � to the City Council , its Redevelopment Plan for Corrmunity Development, which Redevelopment Plan was ratified by the City Counril ; and 41NEREAS, the City and Authority desire to enter in�o this Agreer�ent for -�he purpose of setting forth their r�spective responsibilities in carrying aut to a successful conclusion the City's appraved URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRAhT PROJECTS in accordance with all applicable Fee�eral , State and Lacal laws. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CTTY AND AUTHORITY DO HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLO��S: 1 . Term of Agreement: This Agreement and activities authorized her�under shall take effect and be in force from and after the 15th day of April 1981 , and � shall be in force and effect for the term of the City's responsibilities as s�ecified in the several UDAG GRANT AGREEMEN7S and as may be extended by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2. Scope of Services; The Authority sha11 �erform all those activit9es set forth in the City s federa1ly-approved UDAG Projects and /�uthority's City-approv�d Redevelopment Plan which specifically provide for and require develapment imp1e- mentation by the Authority. The program activities to be unciertaken and coordinate� by the Authority shail be in accordance with the provis�ons contained in the City's federally-approved UDAG Projects. In carrying out its activities under t��is Agreer��ent, the Authority shall report periodically to the City on the status of the program activities. � ,....v._ .... ..._.---��.__. ___._... . _ ...�.. . . ._ .._,.�....__.w,.._.�___�_ _.__`�.� ._.._ _ _ _ ... .. ,._. _ .._ .�. _�.. ..._�_. ,_.. . . _ _ _ � . . �A ����F��� -2- 3. Fundin : A11 funds required for these programs undertaken by the � Authority sFta 1 be provided by the City with funds derived from the repayments from federally-approved UDAG Projects. These UDAG repayments sha11 be placed in an Authority account which will be monitored and reported upon consistent with - Federal , State and Local requirements. The account shall be called the "UDAG REVOLVING LOAN FUND". All program income, including interest earned, shall be deposited into the UDAG REVOLVING LOAN FUND for Wse in eligible activities. 4. Non-Discrimination: The Authority shall be deemed a contractor for the application o a provisions hereof and ordinances and other laws against unlawful discrimination on account of race, creed, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, or color. This Agreement is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 � (Public Law 88-352) and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, and the Authority shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (4 CFR, Part 60). The Authority agrees to. comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in Minnesota Statutes � 181 .59. The Authority further agrees to comply with all the terms and canditions of Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislativ� Code pQrt�ining to non-discrimination, and specifically, Section 74.03A thereof pertaining to af�irmative action, the provisions of Chapter 74 are hereby inco�rporated herein by reference. 5. Regular Reporting: The Authority shall submit to ti�e City on an annual � basis a full account of the status of the UDAG REVOLVING LaAy FUND. This sta�us report sha]1 record the activities of the previous reporting period, as well as the cumulative work and activities performed, and shall be submitted using such format as the Ci�y may presc:�ibe. � 6. Other Requirements; 7he Authority shall comply with all requirements imposed upon the City pursuant to the "Housing and Community Development Act of 1977" and Rules and Regulations adopted, ar.d as may be amended from time to time, pursuant to said Act by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and codified in Title 24, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570. 7. Termination or Reduction of Payments: The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is empoti�rered by Section 111 , T�tle 1, Public La�a to terminate or reduce payments to the City, or to limit avai7ability of payments to th� City should the Secretary find, after reasonable notice and �opportunity for hearing, that the City has failed to comply substantial1y with any provision of ?itle I of the Act. The City agrees not to do anything which tivill cause the Secretary to take such action, and the Authority shall be notified of any proposed action by the Secretary, and tfie Authorit� shall be given opportunity to be rep- resented at all such hearina�s. The City's obligations to prov�de funds to the Authority is deemed dependent upon the City's receiving funding from the Secretary, and all obligations of the City hereunder shall either te,minate or be reduced or limited in the event the Secretary should take such action as authoriz�d by said Section 111 . ., . . .�.�.�_�:.�._...._..._�.__._�._�_ __..--...._,�.._ -- - � ,_...�__..:..._..._�4-- ..._.,_._:__......,,. :.�...,_..�.:..._.._......._._._._.._.._,:__...,.:.�.,-_- = -, - � � �`����`� -3- _ IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, the parties haye caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. � AS TO BOTH THE CITY AND THE HRA CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVED AS TO FOR : � �� � � stant City Attorney Mayor , Director, Department of Finance and Management Services � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORII'Y OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO?'A By I ts By I ts __....., _ . :____ _-__ _�._.__:..�...��....,...,......�._�._.,.w.�.,..,..,.�.,.f_ .. _�.._......,,....___.�._..._...._...._..�_.��..._...,._.____ __ __....,. ��.�,.,..�.:.•:�,...z....:�::.,::. � .... ........�...,._.,. � � ♦ . �� i �� �•' ,� . �.'`' ' . EXHIBIT A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . URBAN DEVELOPPqENT ACTION GRANT � REVOLVING FUND CONTRACT PROJECT LIST PROJECT # PROJECT DESCRIPTIQN DATE B-78-AA-27-0002 TOt�IN SQUARE APRIL, 1978 B-79-AA-27-0006 BRO��fN & BIGELO��J APRIL, 1979 6-79-AA-27-0009 EAST 7TH STREET JULY, 1979 B-80-AA-27-0015 BLOCK 40 APRIL, 1980 B-80-AA-27-0016 FORT ROAD APRIL, ]980 6-80-AA-27-0017 ENERGY PARK � JULY, 1980 B-80-AA-27-0018 ST. PAUL NOTEL � JULY, 1980 B-81-AA-27-OQ27 MCKNIGHT OCTOBER, 1980 .._. . . ,_ _ _ _. . ._:.. .. _�..:_..�,_.r._�._,���:<�__�._._ ,-, .�,:� � .._, . •:, j. . �. ._ � _ _ _ _ �����'�"�_�_�....�. I���S�9�� A��9� RED�U�L�����T A�T�lO�iiZY 0� TW� C1TY OF S�1P�T �'AUL, N�I��I��OTA '�. Fi��i��T TO TN� C0��9�5���1'�R� DAT� Apri i 3, 1981 R��p����� : Resolutian Authorizing an Agency Agreement With the City of Saint Paul Creating the UDAG REVOLVING LOAPd FUND � The Agency Agreement between the City and the HRA creates the UDAG REVOLVING LOAN FUND. Creation of this fund brings the City into compliance with the terms and conditions of the several UDAG Grant Agreements ai�d with applicable Federal requirements for Program Income. Program Income from a federally assisted project is defined as gross income earned by the grant supported activities. This income is to be deposited into a project account and may then be used for activities �,�hich are eligible under Title I of the 1977 housing and Community Development Act. Aut"ority for the definition of treat,��nt and program income is found in the Fe�eral circular: Uniform l�dmir�istrative Requir�men�s for Grants and Aids to State and Local Governm�nts. UDAG applications and supplemental documents specify how the repaid UDAG funds are to be used. In each instance the program income is ta be placed in a City-1Jide Revo1ving Loan Account and used for neighborhood revitalization activities. This project characteristic has been instrumental in our being able to compete successfully for these Action Grants because we can program direct benefits fior neighborhoods which might not otherwise qualify fior UDAG support. Listed below are the income provisions of each UDAG Grant Agreement: 1 . Town Square: There is no program income anticipated from this project unless u��e sell the public facilities construc�ed with UDAG funds. In this event, the proceeds will be considered program income. _ . _ .___ __...._ , .__.��.�_. .. .. ,_.. ,. . ,_ , ..._. ._..�....._......___.... __._.�_W...� �- �. _ , t _... _. _._.. __.._ ..... . _ �.....,.. y.. .�_ .� . _..�. .._ .. - .- _ ._... _ _ _ . _ ,_ _ .}y w._ r. . � J �w � - ������ry . _2_ 2. Brown & Bigelow: The grant agreement anticipated the repayment of up to $1 ,525,000 ta the City. When repaid these funds are considered program income. 3. East 7th St.: Tt�e project includes a provisian for the proceeds from potential land sales to be deposited to thts project's UDAG account and to be reused within �he project for other approved activities. 4. Block 40: The UDAG funds are being used as financing for approved project activities. All proceeds from this financing will be program income. 5. Fort Road: UDAG funds are being used as a loan to the developer and for public improvements. There will be program income from the loan repayments and from part7al assessments for the public improuements. 6. Energy park: The UDAG funds are used for infrastructure, land acqufsition, and the energy distribution system. Profits .from land sales and the energy system are program income. 7. Saint Paul Notel : The financing for the hotel rehabilitation includes a UDAG 7oan. Proceeds from this financing are program income. . 8. Family Housing Fur.d: This project provides for the use of UDAG in an e�uity participation loan pool . At such time that the property is sold the UDAG � loan is repaid v�ith equity accrued. These repayments are program income. Jim 0'Leary �-�' �'X'.�'�'' fl�' �i.�L�:�:';''n �.E�,Y.T:L � r=:��_:,,,. ` � F �� �� O�l�.F'x�' � O.: TzTI�. CLr.CX CO'7�C?l.. t� +'� ►'';;" . �:. 1�.-- � � ��� . `� i .; i=' :"i�: :1 j"; . ,:.�ti ,�. :,�. � � `���_` �`�; C1a ts ; May 14, 1981 \`1 1`0:�`� . . . C � �� �� � f T � � �� � �' � � i - . . � p : 5ain� Pcul Gif � Ca��3��� ��: '��cO� � CO?lit'it'�2`��' Otl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . � � Gearge McMahon ; et►aiFinan9 malces fihe foiios��inr� ., . repart an �G.F. � � f3rdiriatic� . (g) � Resolufiion _ _ . : � . � • � f?�h ar : . � 1��...� : _ . At its meeting of May ,14, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of _ � the fol l awi ng: . . . ._-- 1 . Resolution .chanr�ing` grade of Practical Nur.se from Grade 16 to Grade�l?. (1:1.932-GM) � 2. Resolution approving•1980-1981 Agreements between the City and AFSCME�Locals 2508 and 1842_ to amend insurance article in contracts. .(11931-GM) � 3. Resolution �approving budget transfer of $3,012,978 for 1981 �salary needs. � . 4. . Resolution providing supplemental appro.priation of $150,000 for 1981 operating � ' budget. = . . . 5. Resolution in the-matter of Application by the HRA for Abatement of Special � Assessments on 886, 896, and 918 Galtier St. ; 432 Superior St., and 907 and . . 913 Marion St. (11426-McM) 6. Resolution approving budget amendments in CD Years III and VI for� � . � Neighborhood House ProJect. (11969=McM) _ - � 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in CD Years III and VI for Mounds Park Recreation Center improvements. (11971-LL) 8. Resolution creating Urban Development Action Grant Revolving Fund and authorizing execution of agency agreement with the HRA to administer fund and program. � (CONTINUED .. .) . � !'tI'Y �I.,�i_L 5EVE;ti�-["FLOOR . S:1I�T Pr\LTL, A•tE\`ESU'Ti1 S�1Q?. .� . � - �. . . . . ____._ . _ _._... _.___. . . .. _.______...._.__...,........._.�..._.._..,._.,__�_......_....._... . _......... ................__.�........_._.". "'__,. ...:.:.,...... g .-.,.�,..., . .. u.-,wr. ... .. .. ...ow