276858 WHITE - CITY CLERK COU[ICII ����� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L �•�� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. , Cou il Resolutio� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the matter of the Application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the Abate- ment of Special Assessments on 896 Galtier Street, gg6 Galtier Street, 432 5uperior Street, 907 Marion Street, 913 Marion Street, and 918 Galtier Street. WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, owner of propertp listed above, did file applications with the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County and the Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Minnesota to have special assessments for street cleaning and removal of refuse abated from said property for the year payable in 1981; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Department of Taxation has determined that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul is an exempt party and that the assessments for the year 1980 should be fully abated. N06V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the applications of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the abatement of special assessments payable in the year 1981 as such applications are more fully described in the application identified as County Auditor' s Report Nos. 99125, 99139, 99151, 99152, 99153, 99154, and 99155 respectively. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage and adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of same to the Ramsey County Auditor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon snowaite� _ Against BY ��- wi�son MAY 19 lg8i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas:ed Counc.i Sec ry B ��6 � B � � � Appr d �Vlavor: D MAY 2 6 1981 Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �t��LI�N�� MAY � 0 1���� , , ��f�5� �� , .. `RO��t==a.'M � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY M iiii�i i�i o . „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY +es♦ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 20, 1981 Al Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Bldg. Re: Abatement of Special Assessments as Applied for by HRA Dear Mr. Olson: Consistent with your request of April 14, 1981 relative to the above matter, attached herewith please find the appropriate resolution together with the seven County Auditor' s reports. Very truly yours, -�---_." - TER Assistant '-�y' Attorney WAB:r 1 Enc. ,r�� � � � '�,or����� ' DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION '�"' � � � c COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA April 6, I.9HI. DIVISION MANAGERS: Directoi Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Directo� William M. Killeen Mr, Albert B, 0].SOri Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff City Clerk Land Records Room 386 Court House RE: Application for abatement submitted by Robert T, Simon on behalf of: Housing & Redevelop- ment Authority. Dear Mr, Olson: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatements: 99125 99151 99153 99155 99139 99152 99154 There is an assessment levied against these parcels that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: Del Refuse District Assessment Year Str. Maint ��32 ��43 2 1979 140.60 5 1980 27.20 8 1980 85.00 7.40 Please initiate the necessary action, Yours very trulq, Lou McKenna, Director .�,,; Department of Property Taxation ��... � ` . .y�=-�' � . .. :, � � �,• Supvr. Appraisal Services RKP:em Enc.-7 - 55 - c !� tEPOST UF ASSES30R, RAM3EY COUNTY Abatement No. 99125 .ae�ment District: St. Paul March 11� ly 81 assl Description: Lewis Second Addn. oAOPERTY IDENTIFICATION WNM pi�ditl plat PucN $M�d , Property Coded Ass 08 44200 210 14-2 idrea�of Property: 896 Galtier St. >plicant: Robert T. Simaaf HRA iilinQ Addrees: 21 W, 4th St. 55102 . ',plicsnt's Market Value: Land = Imp. $ Tota! $ Insurance $ � C/Ds 3 ,eeed ae tollowa: 1980 Exem t A lication d� U ESTIMATEO MApKET VA�UES I�MITED MARKET VALUES A35ESSE0 � A YEAR C L�nd Bidp/OIAa Tot�l ��nd BiOq/O�hsr ToUI C4sa �1 WW� 5 U 80 1650 28996 30646 H 16 4000 nl N 22 EXCEPTION EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT Z CODES RESD UWNED LiMITED MARKET cooe o S uN�TS �HSTa� VA�UE — FIRST " � � � T � N ACRE LAND ONLY �gs PR G E E G P c ' � MT �P R E E Y � �seor'a Recommendation: ' F C 7 1 7 0 V ESTIMATEQ MARKET VALUE$ LIMITED MARKET VAlUES ASSESSEO � � YEAR C ��nd Bldp/OtMr Tol�l ��nd BId9/Otnar Tote� Ciaas X Value 5 U 80 1650 28996 30646 ER 40 12259 ;rtof Investigstion: . Applicant acquired property on 4/24/80 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/80 by statute. . hKP ��'pr' RKP Steno jW � � Authorized Signature . , �..�,..Ww�.w:�.��,._ _ _„_. _ _:. ,.�.., �_ .._ __�.�.. �,�.<.�_ ZEPOBT ES$08, RAM3EY COUNTY Abatement No. 99139 .s�ear»ene Di t: S t. Pau 1 March 9� lg 81 4�a1 Deacription: Montville Dayton and PpO�ERTV IDENTIFICATION WNK Warrens Prospect Addn. ��.v+ci oi.� n.,c.i an.a . Property Coded Ass 02 52000 341 00-5 M jdreae of Property: 46 Point Douglas Rosd S. �plicint: Bemard L. Edmonds Parks & Recreation ailin�Addre�s: 1618� White Bear Ave. � 55106 � ;spiicant's Market Value: � C/Ds 6 Lnd= 1mp. $ Total $ Insurance E eased as follows: 1979-1980 Exempt Application � U E8TIMATEO MARKET VAIUES LiMi7ED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED ;�� A YEAR C lM0 Bldp/OIMr TotN ��na 810q/Otner 7otN Cl�u X V�lu� '_5 U 79 5800 39799 45599 5644 29322 34966 H 18 3780 E 30 4190 �5 U 80 5800 49270 55070 NH 28 15420 E%CEGTION EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT �iMITED MARKET CODE z � cooes RESO uwNEo p S UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST N A o � r � N ACRE LAND ONLY �SS PR r+ E E G ° a ' , MT �P R E E Y Y eaeor'a Recommendation: - '' :0 � 1� 0 V ESTIMATEO MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED � A YEAR �'C C lan0 Bldp/Othp Tot�l �and Bldq/Otnsr Toa� C�us 7► V�lue � U 79 5800 39 99 45599 5644 29322 34966 EX 40 1 � �rtof InvestiQation: . Change to exempt. Property was purchased Feb. 1� 1979 by Ramsey County Open Space. _ .-- "V ^ � �� WOM ApprWOM Stenojw �� � �-���c'" _.. A u thor i z��S'�geratU ie . • �� � � . �. • �� ''� ��`. �, ; �� � . ��;- 3.J �� � 'nj�. i�•� . �;�'� , �`•+• � �`y � .i) . �; APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form '�Y����" �' (If reduction requested exceede s500 make application in triplic�te. otherwiae in duplicste) To the County Board and County Audltor o1 Ram�ey County, and Lo the CommLdon�r of Rw�nue o!t6e Stat�ot Mlnnaota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, _ Couaty of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being duly sworn deposes and says that he��i��t ��s the Admi ni Gtrat-nr _ uPa� E�+-at�_of tho Kc�using and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesotaandthat said Authority is a public bodv, corporate and politic, dulv orqanized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on April 2�, 198i the Authority acauired "title to the followinq de�cribed real nro�.r_t_y locat< in tha City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: � 08-44200-210-14 for redevebopment as pgrt of the North End District No. 6; that title to said property passed• on April 24, 1980 by a warranty deed, filed as Document No. 2077699 on April 29, 1980� that the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2) , between April 24, 1980 and the present. �htrtfoct applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued aqainst the aforesaid propertv pavable in the vear 1981 be fully abated. 1 �. HOUSING AND RED�VELOPMENT AUTHORITY ' TT ' SOTA . , L.•� 4 _ `'�'"� �plicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th da f anuar A.D. 19 81 � � � �� � , _�� � - � . � �HM�AAAqAqAM/1ri1MAAAqI1AA�,/qn �� �� gAFt�ARA HOUGNTELIN � �`+�;rs�-t�+i Notary Public, Rsmscy Co.. MN � � MY�Comrntssion Explres � �, July 10, 1953 y� hAIWWWVt'LY`�'�4�V'.�.•v.;t°,�.MV1r'VW,My '' ✓M ♦. �t � ` � T �" � � � � d. ::�a �� a�ag � i��°o K ►N-� � , o b � �� � S.a o.� a a�� q � hd E fD � � � 3 y "� a � � � ^ � �"a'��$" ►� 1� O r�-� r�r rt > � O o wo ��, y, O �' H � c o : g�ge� SR; " � � �: C <• ,. � �`e y � N CA V] �r $ � 3 � D .�..� �p O W ^ .�� � m // !� � rt .L C M $ � � .N r� � � � � M N ° �a S��°e �� " � "g � C! A r'.� m m � (� x p �' `" � S� V1 �� '�^ p. �, � yg ..�° � � a � ,p +� o rr P O � G a ��vBA � NO �, I � r� � � � Z ,., n. M: ;O�a��� � w a,� � 1; � r•., m .. N� O V� p ,.�y� � M O V � � .. � n W p� a �� ^ ]� °.�" o p � Q .� \ ' ^ ..,�''�5 •�Q•9 � � � � 7� .� ��p � n ^,~ 7 � a o 6� w � � p O O M "'O ""O P � T .' ..w .A. �ep ^� � � '/� z W aH � � OE � � � �' > (a C ao oo �Sx•eA �y,� A a m am w � m � � ao �, � Q x i�..� ^m �.s�.r�.xo°'rF.N'm N � � - a N 7 � fD A N 00 O. ( � � � c�o � o A » rN' •p•�~ n ir �°��;� ^� „�,• r�'- no. � � � C G'b �� 9� G' in C �0 3 �..a7 � N O�C"!� O O W ti � t�f �.q QA� � � m . � � m m o �o �, a �. a<`° " a° �- °' ° � t� � �`' � e ;; C � ^ ° yoo� ;; p . � a , � �' c `° �: p, �o � � o a�� �a aK � � � A � � tn � °,o'�o � � � �p�oeap,�e � m � � � D � �j'-�,M yp w N w ,��,p O O M O Y � �-{ o .� � ,"�ya � � � " t � w� °��a � ro � m m {'r a n m " NH �,3� � g �N• a� � � y d � O cr,� � �, , o C �c„ � w o � o A � cy ' a n� " � a � N � a� � o a� � � o o � o � Z o C� � •, n � R � � � ° ,°„ -, ` � �'� � go �' °g � � °" e�� � o �r � m - 8 " oa•o ^� x � '� �'�'0 9eoa� 9q ... A � en .^..H N��'J' �7. �° � � M � ,,K�:'n C. � $ m � �. � � a,� �.s �. R a,�� o M�� o, y g Z D o y � � F a � Q a � � & a �o � C ,.� m �'J. n w p� � M'� �P • ' n '.��y p� . ,m � Ow. N N G'� 'O "' .., O O �O � P O �i 9 � .,� �.� '� �D � n �� � p �^� � M '� b C7 � m � � o n d � � pn � �� C G A �• � b � � o � � � c � �p �� y � I � p � w I � c a o.io.�o 0 �r • A ro m aa � :� i° ��xn 5-aw°o �e e � 5 � � ��o3?pnd d�vnoa �S�ndaQ � --- �H '-6i ' t�as TeT�r,�jo pue puey dm ssaul?M , io1ipny �i�uno�Rasmeg �saiaauI�o uop�npag sii? a�e� xey - �(�tauad�o uop�npag M3N xo�.�na�x zvxi��xo alqe.te� •ssassy �ipa�� san1BA �eloJ, te?�adg pea3sawoH ssa^I xey te�aua� xe,y 3QaQ Passassy :pazuo�ne aq 3uau� -pun;al teuoi��odoJd �eql ptad uaaq aney saxel aya 3t pue `smotlo} sa sr 6opapaawwo�a� piss �0 3jnsa� ayi �)r1�a� �Sqasay I � � a S 38 paY� pua o� paanpax aq�sixdoid p�er jo ant8n passassa aqa�aqy :uoiys�[idde ptes vodn•m�uoa.tqazaq I utaiaqm•uot;epuatuwoaax 8u}mopo;aql apew•panjonu�slunotus aql pvs pacuaouoa suouad aaqao pae sza.cedxel ay;;o sa�usu ay� aut,�►oys 'paooax���qnd a se sauipaa�osA a7{Jo sa3nvTw aq1 uoCn paaalaa paa pa3Aope �f�np aopoa[ uodn uoc»s ist�c;;o .tq •pxeog Aauno� P18S ' 6i Piaq �T�P Lu}3aaw e �e '3eq� �tJ►7iaa xaq'linl i anal ais a�uau�a1879 Pue auo��e8amt p�ss �eqs anaF�aq .Srtaan pua {190VMII0� a�t an+ uo�s�u�msxa p�as uioaj 78y7 Pus ;�aedm Rq pus 6aunop P(es 3o paeog daunop aq3 dq apaut uoaq nq uop�ropdd* u�y�►�M+ aq� u! y7ao� las slUOwo7*�= pue svor�¢laRa aq� o=u� uo��eutwaxa tn;a:eo s Zeq1 dJ47xao .tqaxay op •�i3uno� pamau v�q7i^+ 8R1 )o ao3ry�y �c3uno� 'pouf�uapun aq� 'f aoliane �1Nno� oNd aaeoa �1Nno� �e . g�j�9� N011b'aN3WW0�3a �O 31b��i�lla3� . . � . � ,� . `�t. a • ;_r � � C� a `� ti �� � �~J ��' C °� �� �t q . � ' �,j Form OPT 229 F'� J � z;� , � APPLICATION FOR ItELIEF—General Fort�i ��' ;`� _ � • �' (It reduction requcsted exceeds 5500 maka application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) :�� :,� To the County Board and County Auditor ot Runsey County, ' and to the Commisstoner ot Revenue of the Stale of Minnewta: � STATE OF MINNESOTA, ' County of Ramsey City, 7PXDQ�S�i4X#XR�(�f�( St. Paul ss. PROPERTY CODE: ��- �!���c?- `•�'��-��� Applicant: Bernard L. Edmonds, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, 161&; White Bear Avenue. St. Paul . Minn 551Q6 states that: On Februar.v 11 , 1979, Ramsev Countv acquired tbe propertv ,��yc�� i n Montvi 11 e_ na�t� & Warren's Prosnect Addi ti on coded a�Q2 52000 34a 00 That i nasmuch as the above- _od d � rty i t to hP �,�p� ac a �ar nf (]npn � ac� Project #73-8_ Mis�isci�n; R;�o� Rl��ffs, in accordancP with tha t aws of Minnesota. 1971 , Chapter 950, as amended, the �nerty should be classifi d a�exemqt r - , Applicant requests: that the property be classified as non-taxable as of _�anuary 2, 1979 and exempt as of Januarv 2, 1980. And that the ad valorem taxes, payable in 1980 & 1981 be cancelled .� ,,s� " ;� : , ''� � � y�� Applicant Asst. Director, Parks & Recreation Dept. _ DATE F_ Pbruary 3 A.D. 19.$1_ CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, tti� und�rsip�ed, County Audltor ot Lhe withln named Courty, do h�reby esrtlty tIIat a caretul �xamin�tlon lnto t6a�Ileptlons and �tatem�ntt Nt �orth in th• withtn �pD�c�Uon hu been m�de by th• County Board ot sdd Countr �s►d br mral! and that Irom wId e:amin�tloo w• ar� coaWnc�d �nd v�rily beLeve that �+�ld allesatlons and statsment� ar� tru� ! turtA�r certlty that, at a meeUn� dulY hsld 19 , s�ld County Soard, by otHcial ' actloa nDun motiop duly adopeed �nd ente:ed upon the minutea ot 1ts proce�dlnp u a pubLc reeord,�howln{th�namei of the taxD�Yen and otLer D�o�coneem�d and th�amounts Involved,made the tollowin�recommendattoa,w6ezda[6eeeby concur,upoa wid aDDLcadoa: That th�auea��d vdus ot said proDrty bs r�ducad to and 8:�d�t : c I hereby certify the result of seid recommertdatio� is as tollowa; and if the taxes have bea� pdd that proportiona! refund- ment De wthodzed: � � Assessed Leas Homestead Specia! Total � . Values Debt.Tax . ,Generai 'Tax Credit Assess. Pe able ORIGINAL ` . , , , _ . . . � ,. . . . • REDUCTION / NEW Reduction of Penalty T8X Rete ^`1�15 Reductton ot Interest RamwY County Auditor Witness my hend and ofCicial sea! , 19_ By Deputy County Auditor. _ �r Q " � � a 7 ���� � �� O . 7 .�. O Y Y 9 L Q « I . U o� �L I � 5 q.0 w C 7 '«y � Y 7 a ': � ae Q a i8;, a."uFa � .'� Q � e � � � � o, � a.p6� y � � a � '4 �v ` a A '" a a �a o o ,� a v d b " (� W�• , • W Q ' Y ' . , C f� � O U� p.. . . ~ . . � $ �rJ' � , w v�/ �.. 5 Y, � $ .. v A ° � �3- m °' � Q Z .l7 L � �'� R.. ��y � O • � Y d G U O C� o > . .a �. � _ �: ��: � `� � :� . �� $ed� , . .� GL� u"i �' °' � a �9 °< o�a.� g e „ .. oc � ,: oc . � � � 9 ° a c e o� v e Y,� Z �. V �a °c ° v. �a .. � � >� C 1` _ Z LL' � o' �� � 7 r �p . . o. . w c���.o O. �. r�C � O 0 � 0 Y V �r y T L' �j V L' L M 1� LL z .. � 'N �w a �,o� � .� k� w v5 � � • . u •� : _ v333� � ��� � yv ra ,v � �•. o F, ' y p^ • �i � , O CI ~ � ' C � ^ - �M W w i.« � - 'C o � � ` u$ � . Fa- Q e u { . � ��� a.a;:y YC G � .'$ . o °i.c�• � y a � m a, ' �v •.ce'auao � V .o , +'au.o « W . v � � � � " Y o04� ° .: f� � o :: a u m m � � ' c9eUU � " °>q , .tv °'. < muos W o � .0. .�qOE���'z �� ' n�°, o o °e�8 � 0. � ' . ' .,e a.� u� � a : �.oE� � . v� ., in �90� « u ..«. . y .,, . Ug 5 c , 6S o! JI� 00• Y Y C i�' � � Y,C M al q �• ., � u • "'u,'� ";'S$ F': W Z � M '° o96� yuu :i � < � s� `„a�� E 6 °g � o H � W fE..l V c`o� o« � oo . • � � yS7 °p° '7 O-�+ � � • W z �� � 0.�i H C .. o , � � � .o t� B ���.e�a '` v < LL O O 0 ;;o,r'e�g c .. . Q � � � MI '� >�: e �a� c �.. � . ^ � t � � � � C y� � ',E C �O e• 'O °', � Z � ' MM � C �Fd • m � uEE'° aF �2 � p a W °' : �gA'" E� � a e tn b � E �.� �. � N � p p � � • � � • g �p o� 4 p� o,� `� « � n � 1S .�9 4 1�1 � N • � y i6a, mm •°•tv :• a _i � � p '' w �� d � �� � ����� �� < o p ) V '� < � E..� � �om,o �yo E � °�� • 1 '° ' o° " g.e >`$ � $u `� 0�. L3 o � ' E g • �p ��-» a a.o > y a «i � — � _ V W P� r-1 1 8�o S.� oa o r► � a � ` < , •. --R • :, L' ��'� c' � - . , . , . .� . � ti'.', ' � , . i . ' � � � � r.w� �. - �'�,. . . _ 'a+ � ���� . `\�.. i•h. . � �''�rr�j�J, ` ' .: ., ^.,; - �• '. �>`_ . APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General For� M�'. (If reduction requested exceeds s500 make epplicaUon in tdplic�te, otherwise Ln duplicate) To the County Bo�rd aad Couaty Auditor of Raauey County, � sad to the Commladoner of Revenue ot t6�Stat�o!Minnsiota: ' STATE OF MINNESOTA, Couaty of Ramsey ss. � City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being duly sworn deposes and says that he�l�4t� '-G -�.hP Adm?nistrator - Real Estate,_ of the Housing and Redevelot�ment AuthoritY of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � and that said Authority is a public body, cori.�orate and politic, duly organized , and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on May l, 1980, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, COunty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: 08-44200-170-14 . for redevelopment as part of the North End District No. 6; that title to said propert_y passed on Mav 1, 1980, b_y a Warranty Deed, filed as Document No. 2078381 on May 6, 1980; that the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2) , between May l, 1980 and the present. �htttfort applicant prays that al l raal a�t-at-a taxaG and aaRPeRmentG asGessed� levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1981 be fully abated. � � � OF THE CITY 0 ; SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � tK��� . � - •�` - APPlicant o er , imon - inis ra or - ea s a e � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd �, day of Febrt A.D. 19�1 _ . � , X/i111.A/;t.R7U�"s��*�e.,e....,nu,ry.r.:n. � �;�� ;�, i .:Utl :1-�..'id �� � t�h;t� y h � �;s,�„�uy Gc.. .,., .. ��':�:W.< <��Y ��.Vi�it�:i'i-,i0l1 t;�allGS S d .�uly 10, 1�-83 � �liYilWWwv`�vYVh•:ytis��;n�.v�vw.n;vv n =�-s'° CIT'S� �� �.r�.�:�''�' �.E�.'CJL , r"�-:�t.'... ..*<���V %:: f + �''i;. O��F'I� � O:r' 2zI1=. CC'1'X CO�f 1 C?x. �r�� r .'� . ���� ���':t ' 1 �_ �:�� �-:�:`�-1; i��, ��'.�� ,�. :,; ��11 7 � � � � . f:-� . ` � ~.y ,f��, C1o�`e > May 14, 1981 �� � `�,� �� .. � � ra� !�'� � i �'� � �� � � � � � • - � � : �ain� P��t Gify Cou�3�i� ��= � �RO � � CO71i�'i��'2'E4 OT3 FINANCE, MANAGEMEP�T & PERSONNEL� . � � George McMahon ; ehc+iFinan, �Jaltes i'ha fe! !o�•�ing . _ �eparfi un �G.�. � � Ordinac�c� . (g) X� Resoiu�ion . . - . . . • � �?;h a t' - ' � 1��...� : . At its meetinq of May ,14, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of � tiie fol l owi ng: � . . . _-- 1 . Resolution changing grade of Practical Nur.se from Grade 16 to Grade 17. (1I.932-GM) ' 2. Resolution approving-1980-1981 Rgreements between the City and AFSCME�Locals 2508 and 1842 to amend insurance article in contracts. (11931-GM) � 3. Resolution �approving budget transfer of $3,012,978 for 1981 �salary needs. � . _ 4.. . Resolution providing supplemental appro�riation of $150,000 for 1981 operating � budget. . � 5. Resolution in the�- matter of Appli.cation by the HRA for Abatement of Special � Assessments on 886, 896, and 9]8 Galtier St. , 432 Superior St., and 907 and _ 913 Marion St. (11426-McM) . 6. Resolution approving budget amendments in CD Years III and VI for� � Neighborhood House Project. (11969=McM) . � ' 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in CD Years III and VI for Mounds Park Recreation Center improvements. (11971-LL) 8. Resolution creating Urban Development Action Grant Revolving Fund and authorizing execution of agency agreement with the HRA to administer fund and program. � (CONTINUED . . .) . !'iTY iT�LL SEVE:�T�-[ FLOOR S:'�1\T Pr�lii, i�ti1'`�S�JTr1 S�iQ� . _ . . :•� ..,� t tEPORT UF ASSLS30R, RAM3EY COUNTY Abatement No. 99155 �weamenfDiatrict� St. Paul March 12� 19 81 :�al Description: LeWis Second Addn. opOPERTY IDENTIfICATION WN« pitlrfet PIN P�icd $h�d , Property Coded Ass OS 44200 290 14-8 '3drees ot Property: 918 Galtier St. �D����� Aobert T. Simon/HRA ailing Address: 25 W. 4th St. � 55102 � �plicant'e Market Value: C/Dt 3 1�snd; ]mp. $ Total $ Insurance' $ asaed aa tollowa: P�cem t �p�lication - ,a U ESTI6AATE0 MARKET VALUES L�M�TED MAqKET VALUES ASSE83E0 ;�� A YEAR C l�nC Bldy/OIMr Tot�l L�nO BIGq/Otnar Tot�l Clu� N V�lu� 5 U 80 1650 27365 29015 H 16 4000 onl N 22 884 E%EMPT NO.OF PERCENT E%CEPTION Z COOES RESO UWNED LiMITED MARKET cooe o u UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " � � � T � N ACRE LAND ONLY �SS PR G E E G P c ' MT �P R E E V � 7 1 7 Q eseor'a Fiecommendation: • U ESTIMAT6D MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED � A YEAR C L�nd 810q/OIM� Toql L�nd Bldp/Otnsr Tolai Cl�ss Y. Vdu� > EX 40 11606 ort ot Inveati�stion: , p,pplicant acquired property on 4/24/80 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/80 by statute. , . R� Appr. R� Steno jw ' Authorized Signature . , _. �...,�.....,. �EP(�RT UF ASSES$OR,, RAM3EY COUNTY Abatement No. 99154 r -.aessment District: S t. Pau 1 March 12, 19 81 e�sl Description: Lewis Second Addn. oROPERTY IDENTIFICATION WN�r - ' Oislrlet PI�1 PutN $h�d Property Coded As: 08 44200 030 14-8 jdress of Property: 913 Marion St. �plicant: Robert T. Simon/HRA �iling Addrees: 25 W. 4th St. 55102 . -�plicant's Market Value: � Land i Imp. $ Total $ Insurance S � C/Ds 3 �ased as tollows: 1980 Exem t lication o� �1 ESTIMATEO MARKET VA�UES ��MITED MARKET VALUES A3SEHSEO �� A YEAR C L�nd BWq/OIAa Tobl 1�n0 BICp/O�ne� ToUI Ctass �1 Vdw 8 650 27865 29515 H 16 4000 N 22 994 EXCEPTION EXEM�T NO OF PERCENT Z CODES RESO UWNEO LiMITED MARKET cooe o s UNITS �r+sTO� VALUE — FIRST " � w S T A N ACRE LAND ONLY ASSM PRO C' E E C' E r' T T P R E V Y �asor'a Recommendation: . F C 1 7 0 V ESTIh1ATEp MARKET VALUES �IMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO �� A YEAR C L�nd Bldp/OtMr Tol�l L�nd B�dq/Otner Tou� Clpa % Value � U 80 1650 27865 29515 EX 40 11806 nl nrt of Inveatigstio�: , APP icant acqu re su ect on - - an was en e � to exempt classification on 1-2-80 by statute. • . �p App�. g1(p Steno jw . Authorized Signature _ $EP�R.T UF A83ESSOlt, I;AM3EY COUNTY ,�baternent tvo. 99153 �asetsmentDiatrict: $t. P8u1 March 17� 19 $� egal DeacriDt��� Lewis Second Addn. �ROOERTY IDENTIFICATtON WNw • Oi�ltlq PI�1 PucM SAW . Propexty Coded Ass 08 44200 O50 14-2 3dreas of Property: 907 Marion St. pplicant: Bobert T. Simon/HRA ailin�Addrets: 25 W. 4th St. 55102 ' �plicant'a Market Value: • C/Dt 3 1.snd i Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ aesed as tollows: 1980 F�cempt Application p� U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMiTED MARKET VALUES A3SESSED ;C A YEAR C l�nd Bldp/O�Mr TotU Un0 Bidp/Other Totwi Ciau % Valw :5 U 80 1500 6 H 16 6 EXCEGTION EXEMPT NO OF PERCENT CODES RESD UWNED LiMITED MARKET CODE o S UNITS (HSTD) VAI.UE — FIRST " � � � T � N ACRE LAND ONLY �ss PR G E E G P o ' , MT �P R E E Y Y essor'a Recommendation: • �' FC7170 V ESTIMATEO MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO �� � YEAR ��� C Und 81dp/Oth�r TO1d L�nd BIOp/Othe� To�e� Cl�ss 11 Value EX 40 ortof Investi�stion: , �Plicant acquired property on 4/8/80 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/80 by statute. . �I�P _ APP�• R� Steno w Ga�"� `— j Authorized Signsture REPOI�T UF ASSES.�S08, RAM3EY COUNTY Abatement No. 99151 Msessment Diatrict: St. Paul March 11� 19 gi I.e¢al Deacriptioe: Lewis s�COnd Addn. PROpERTV IOENTIFICATION WNN Oiaria oi�� Vues� ShW Property Coded Ass 08 44200 170 14-5 AddreasotProperty: 886 Galtier St. Applicant: Robert T. Simon/HRA Mailrng Addreas: 25 W. 4th St. Applicant's Market Value: ' Land = lmp. $ Total $ Insursnce E C/D: 3 A�aessed as follows: 1980 Exem t A lication ��� U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LiMiTED MARKET VALUES, �SSESSED Obd-tt A YEAR - C L��d 8�tlp/OtD�r Totsi � a BiAq/O�ner Tot�l C4u � Vdw 625 U 80 1650 27266 28916 H 16 4000 onl N 22 862 � EXEMPT NO.OF' PERC LiMITED MARKET EXCEPTION o cooes Reso vw�+ COOE U UNITS (H31 VALUE — FIRST " � W S T A N ACRE LAND ONLY �SS PR G E E c ° o ' MT �P R E E Y � Assessor's Recommendation: . 7 1 7 � s���� V ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES IIMITED MARKET VAI.UES ASSESSEO Oiqriet � YEAR C L�nd Bldp/OthN Told L�nO B�Op/Ot��r Total Clu� K Vdw U 80 1650 27266 28916 EX 40 1156; onl Reportof Investigation: , Applicant acquired property on 5/1/80 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/80 by atatute; . � . J lEx. � App�. � Steno�W ��"" " Authorized Signawre ' . W �EPORT UF ASSES30R, R,AMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 99152 �+a.eamg,��,Districc: S t. Paul March 11, 19 81 e�sl Description: Smiths Addn. �NOPERTY IDENTIFICATION WNN pisvkt V4� Gucel �W PrQperty Coded Ass OS 69300 110 Q1�+ ddres�ot Proyercy: 432 Superior S t. pplicant: Bobert T. Simon /HRA silin�Addreas: 25 W� 4t�1 St• -"��102 � ,plicant'a Market Vslue: � C/Di 4 �nd i Imp. $ Total $ Insurance i �aeed as tollow�: 1980 Exem t A lication -0� U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MAqKET VALUES A35ESSE0 �� A YEAR C l�ntl 81dp/WMr TotU 1�n0 61dp/Otnsr Tot�l C��u � V�lu� EX 40 1440 oni H 16 239 . , EXCEVTION E%EMVT NO.OF PERCENT LiMITED MARKET cooe z � cooes aeso uw►+eo O UNITS (MSTD) VALUE — FIRST N A w S T A N ACRE LAND ONLY �g p N E N n p T � SM RD G E G E G T T P R E Y � �ssor's Recommendation: . V ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE$ � LIMITEO MARKET VALUE$ ASSESSEO � A VEAR C l�nd Bldy/Other To1�l �and BldqiO��er Tota� Cl�ss 1r Vtlw 40 100 5092 EX 40 2037 �rtof InveatiQstion: . - Applicaut acquired property on 1/7/80 and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/80 by statute. �--• . , �� � RKP APP�• RKP Stenojw — / G����-- _ Authorized Signature � f�. � , � . , . . . .����' � ' .. � - . / � � : . . _ . . . ♦ \ t � � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Forrri � �' (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make epplicetion in tdplic4te� otherwiae in dupiicate) To the Coun4y Boud Rnd County Audltos oi Ramser Countr. and to the Comwissloner of Revenue ot th�State of A/innawt+: ° STATE OF MINNESOTA, Couaty of Ramsay ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being duly swom deposes and says that he O�u�d�g1K � � the Administrator - Real Fstate, of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota andthat ► said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, dulv organized and ,existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on January 7, 1980, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsev, State of Minnesota, ` to-wit: 05-69300-110-01 for redevelopment as• part of the�West Seventh Street District No. 9; that title to said property passed on January 7, 1980 by a Warranty Deed, filed as Document No. 2068201 on January 11, 1980; that the Authority has held sai� property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, �ursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivision (1) and (2) , between January 7, 1980 and December 15, 1980. �hcrtfoc2 applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid bropertv pavable in the year 1981 be fully abated. � . � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - P INNESOTA � n-� - ��nt - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 rd day of Febr uar v A.D. 19 81 , _ . - � �T ���♦ ,,.,nr�.���,.�RR�! � �},V�:v�'./�R/tra�r4�.�.,lR•. . . . �: �•:,: �^,t;;,�,�,^ ���UGFi't"st_iN ? r�� , I�M1N ,r �j,C:4j, � ��.�i�ij;:� �?��M`�eJ C.O. i' 1��1`^,4�.�' P1013.y i > . K""_�+t"r'� �,�y �ommissian Expfres 4 �`�`.yr > ' July 10,1983 > r�rvv�n++r`<':'��•rcvvv����•r�:u�ww-r>w�+',nrw � �o° �� �$9 � `j ',o CJ' � � � � �A � o�e �:�� O U� N7d � � 3 � a � �, �R . e ��°,m ,°��B M i � '} � � '7 a �n c o � m ^eoo�,H � ►,d • > �', fj • p , O ~� � � o : g�g� 9 �'� � � r � ° � ° � <. � ��. y '0 = � �+ y �' g R. 3 -, ° �p �ro E n� � m a�.m r I ,. ►�' � ro Q p y °� p „ •'�» 9 Q N (� � � x x (A � ° a �� �-ro o n � > ,� o� ,. , � � � p y � � � Q Q ° 3 � N 0 . � � C g�,"e�'�6 � p �,i � : o co p � � z g ►-� m m m � � a N!, :��o'+N �� v N i m O.p � OM O � � � w \ M O A O n H � N O � r "�' 1r H�P"< � � B 5� � ��°,�'. 0 0 � � o A � � � (��,� �+,Q�L°,s'....� O 4 y p '�"' �p - � : Waoa � "b �� � �lL ;� �.fj�/ T w D D o ^C a�i a'�' w F�-� � C � ,°,we � �J � � ni � m m .. �ep av � N � C . a B 9 o G'-,� � � r• > , >s 'm o ��g C o^ � a x n' a m �Jpp �� T ry 7 N.,ry,, y 9 M w 7 p tD fC (A OG O. ( r ' cP 7 � p " f• �?Q � C ��'� `� " . � ,�,� r A m °3 � � w v 'U . p� �A H�,��� " C� 'ti y v '0 fn Q�ro rp O O Of � ..n O e 0.��' ti ti Of . � O N m o cxo� �- a � �'<y A An� ap � � 7 c' vc � A �0 0. ' t°in opA '° a ' O � � yc �° a � � � � oa�C �a � � a°' 3 � � r�o � m tn � p � $ o � a o •• ; E:..� y �„ 5' � a' � � -,�-�i °w �' � � ^��� �G1a�� � � a � 70 D � 4'x' a� � y ' m �,� 0 o n O F ' ...� � :°.. � ° o, rs o. � " �� a� a�� c�o a � O o y� A � ;� �tra n ,a, y ;; m p p� T � o w '* m Z �v y � � ° �•^,�, � a a� o � ° � � A 5 � �' � a'<_� o a^ ro � F ° °'� � o � Z o �� m �o � n 10en a ..'° O». p� . f7 + < f0 C + � � � 7 M � Z T� °g �ofpAj'ro � g � �"�,a~ �` �dN arr m a��r � o a o ^� � �'M y,� an g ... m < O `,�� 9 � ': g �� .~^..m a� E � � °» E:m " �. y m � � c � '° '° '"s o' ,� °'i� o� ��. o �, g Z D �a � o; ti � � p m C � ` � m �� � m - a ccon �,� �� - � '� m . .m � M '��O .+ � . � y � ��' v o � � o �n� p A� G'b `D Z7 � q `° � .� � . 3y n � 7 f1 f0 < � � °� A� � � < � � . � a � � � 3 � � ° �c ^�ra�� I c n I :� A �w aa a :� ^ ��'arA 5aap � e � o � -�o�ipny �(iuno� �(3ndaQ � ---- �S -6T ' �as lei�T��o pus pveq e(�u ssaul?M io�ipny�(1uno�,Casiue2( isaia�ui;o uo�anpag SjIT a�ag xey � � �Iiteuad;o uonanpag� , M�N - I10I.L�[1QH?I 'Td11I`JI270 ajqe ed •ssassy i?Pa�� xay ie�aua� xey 1qaQ sanieA leloy tet�ads pea3sawoH ssa-I passassy :pazuoq3ne aq �aau� -pun�a� iauor�lodad 3ey; pred uaaq aney saxe� ayl )? p� 'smo�jo3 se si uopepuawmo�a� p?es ;o �tnsa� aq3 �C)r3�a� �Cqa�ay � ,` �e paxc3 pua oi paonpax aq dudoid pces jo anisn passassa aq1 1gq,L ` � :uot�a���dde ptec vodn•inauoa,tqaxaq{ucaiaqm'uoF1epa�mwoaax 8u�moRo3 aq�apcut•panlonu�s1unotua aqa paa panteovoo suos:ad aaylo pus • s�a�cedxal ay��o ¢au[su aq;Tujmocis •paoaax ��qnd s ae saaFpaaoo:d q��o salnulu� ay� aoAn pa:a1ua pue pa3Aopa d�np uoF�ov� aodn uo;�ae �e���j;o ,(q •paeog �S�uno� PSec • gT P[aV �[�P supaam s la 'i891 �S!'l�ao iaq'Janl I aru� oa sauawa�v�o pus �uopeLaRa p�as 1eyl anaFTaq .(T{aon pua pa�u{nuoa an am uo�leu�wexa pres iuoaj laq�pue jtas,cw �cq pus d�uno� p�es jo pinog d�ano� aql .Sq vpacu uaaq seq uo��eo�dds u�q3fnn ay1 u� t�ytoj �as s�uawa�eJs pus saor�e8ana aq1 olu� uoc�eu;wexa In)axe�s 3aq1 63l�xaa.fqaiaq op '6lano� paweu utq;�m ay� Jo :o3�pn�r �c7uno� 'pau8}saapun aql 'I aoliand �1Nno� aNV oadoa �1Nno� �a NOIltJoN3WW0�3a �O 31`d�l�lla3� ' �' • ' .. .. . , , r �r, � � f . C . . [ � � = APPLICATION FQR RELIEF—General Forns `-� � � (I[reduction �equested exceeds SS00 make applic�tioa in tdplicate. otherwise ia duplicate) � To th�CountY��d aad County Auditos ot Raensey Coualy, a and to th�Commi�don�r ot Rev�bue o!th�State ot Minnesots: STATB OF MINNESOTA, � Couaty of Ramsey � ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being duly sworn deposes and says that he r�i� �� the Administrat�r - RPa1 F�tatP' nf thP u�using and Redevelopment Authoritv o� the Ci.ty of Saint Paul. Minnesota , and that � 53i c� ALth�ri t� i G a =�ihl i r l�O�y CGL.rGlra't�' c'�ril��011'tlf`� G�L11�' ^'"^�^' °°'a and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on Apri�. 8. 1980 the Authority acquired -titla to the following described real property located in the Citv of Saint Paul, County of Ramsev, and state of Minnesota, to-wit: 08-44200-050-14 . for redevelopment as• part of the North End District No. 6; that title to said property passed on April 8, 1980 by a Warranty Deed, filed as Document No. 2076616 on April 16, 1980; that the Authority has held said �roperty in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to the Minnesota Statutes, Section 272 68, Subdivisions !1) and (2) , between April 8, 1980 and the present. �h�tfoCt applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid property pavable in the vear 1981 be fully abated. � . M D L ENT H Y OF THE CITY O SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � - ' 'Y'��� Applicant - o er . imon - minis ra or, Rea Es a e � Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of_�'Ph� A.D. 19,,,$],__ \ � � - ��. �1rAMa�rtnn«n�rr�.�,.s,^...�r.ennA�.,�' � s�"'r'�- ".., .."U:,.,T,_L:Pd � iv;�.i� r' .,,. , ...�,.. t�G:�., Gi�J ' .•t•�'.> h1y (:••��.i;,i:�sii�n c;prres � Juiy 10, 1�83 ' '��1/6NW v�ti�fl'ir�v vv�''vb'���tr�:'b'vV W4^c"a'v L'r CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, the undenigiied, County Audttor ot Lhe wlthin named County, do hereby certify that a caretul examination into the alleeations and statements set torth in the within appllcation has been made by the County Board of said County and by myselt and that from said exam►nation we ue convinced and verlly believe that uid allegations and statementa are true ! turther certlfy that, at a meeUn� duly held 19 , aald County Board, by otticial action upon motion duly adoD�ed rnd entered uyon the minutes of its proceedinss as a DubLc record, ehowtne tda names of the tazpayers ' and other persom concemed and the amounts involved,made Lhe tollowina recommendatlon,wherein I hereby concur,upon wid epplication: That the rssessed value of said D=oprty be reduced to and Sxed at i I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional retund- ment be authorized: Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total Values Credit Assess. Pa able ORIGIN AL REDUCTION � NEW � • . Red on oE P nalty , - Tax Rate �*ills - educ4on Intere a sey C uditor � Witness my hand and official seal , 19— By ` -- Deputy County Auditor. r • .s M I ,�0, �j � 7 I � °�b l. � �� p ; � O L N�A � � �y q q c a.� C 7 �� V � ,�, � d (� a e� � 6 p jC R T a � w � � y � d 0. �1� �, a � o .°.� a � o'�° 08,,� � a A �:o .. E x A sa✓ . .a' r �.. U � o ^' a v$ m o W• W � w � C A � O w O Y M � W fJ' p 10 d . � Q Z .�'!. .C O � d C M i�Y•p � O � 3 y C V O � .� '"�a ,,. ».. � � � N N �� O > � � „ ,'�,� o ,", � � •� 3 $ o C'-� � q� 0 � „ Z K�. rJ p ' � , w al A.�. y,O O C O � O� Oj >'O V . Z W o t° ° °' � yau " V o ;; `° � o. � A � p y �+A 7 >.b u y �- q p y V p•C y � O . y:O � L 'O Y N a � � lJ" LL. Z a � � °�,° m� ��� E m F„tv � � a. N y a O �, �O � v v 'dx �b �y,5 9 v � � � � ` ° . l�iJ 1� •N l� � �.Q. O i0 � 1/� •N c`�"F d � C' �.qC N M �M N . . G' IO y V U� � f"' a G V �j G p r' C: 'I.T.�+d Y iL� ' F U � « d l+"' V . y a � � ,�` � �b � C C�7 �b O ,Z? C � d 'Cf� a � `� T W v d y 7 .ci p � p , v �, w y Y O O�i • Y a� W . 'O C7 � � y.Q �' CA � a � � obe°O " q�w ti c '2 ama, om ao o m ao �a „v,wq� �" o a o o d�m.o° rn �� C1' 'aM �A6WEd� a� a � � � � EvCu VJJ .,", � !n �.�A O � u w.� y ,,, U.�+ af C af uf b u cdi � �d � q» _ � " a C'u'�,C'�'�'�'�' E'w 'T.. 'O M w 0'�O 8..Vi d � � ,4,< LJ� 'O � A� M��� p p O'O � � .. � m � a oB8 t-e , � (V � ea w a« L1J � �y O C, C O.� � .r+ L C C + r� �i'J W � � � � �� a�i E y o o : M � B '��' � M LL a � � ` Ce�i•C'8•.7� w 01 < � ' u. O � 0 "� ::o•r'C'�+ �S � cd w �i uda6« � � � � M � � ` . � � � � O� EO y 8 �' q w"� "�'�K Vi ' � w t1 . +' °D � °�° d ''� k �°` >H c .� Z � '� �'' � � � �i C �� m a �,a� �$ < v 1 ��, ' a w � C/] � � � a � $ H tn 0; N� N z � � � � � � � � � Y � ° �~ a� �� ~ a 2 � 8 .� H � O � y � 8�� a q.°.$ M� � � � a � a �d N d � o� S ���o� < E � s ~ � Q � � � � 3 p, e y o a�«M$ u . � � u � � e � . � 4��va� � �t a a (�'�., N C%Z O w�'"a a.o � p � � � � tQ � '• � � �I 8�'0 �.� ao i O OG O . A �'' � . . , � � ,..,, � .-- � T . �� APPLICATION FOR REI.IEF—General Form �' (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 meke application in tdplicate, otherwise in duplicate) To the CountY Board and CountY Auditor ot RunseY County, and to the Commisdonez ot Revenue of th�Stats oi Minnesou: - � STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robe rt T. S imon being duly sworn deposes and says that he c�a�asc�t i� t-hp Administrator - Real Estate of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota , andthat said Authority is a public bodv, corporate and politic, dulv orqanized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended ; that on May 21, 1981 the Authority acQUired -title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota ' to-wit: 08-442.00-030-14 for redevelopment as• part of the North End District No. 6; that title to said property passed on May 21, 1980 by a Warranty Deed, filed as Document No. 2080099 on May 28, 1980; that the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2) , between May 21, 1980 and the present. , �hertfoct applicant prays that a11 real estate tax .� and aG� .GSm .nt� aaa _ssed, levied and accrued aqainst the aforesaid propertv pavable in the vear 1981 be fully abated. � a t � ' A �l.:-L u-��" .-'`."`:- Applicant � o er . imon - Adminis ra or, Real Es�a�e � Subscribed and sworn to before me this �r�� cJay of A.D. 19 R1 � , . ,_ .� ` � - .rr;�n,r..4f.,,t,.. . 4r��n�.�nr�erhF,A��r ,�', �i' , 1 ;v i IT�!.{�: . M .� . ,.. .:c;C�, hi'� � . .'• Y Iriy C��;.,,,� ,:c;,i �:;pires :: '•i:�� d July 10, l.�;13 ;ti �'J�VVw'�/+N�vi.•:��•+,�.>;'.!:r�u✓vv�r,/vnvdr! CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, the undatiip�ed, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certity that a caretul examination inio the alle6ations and statem�nta �et torth !n tht wlthin applicatfon haa been made by the County Board ot said CountY and bv myselt and that from said examin�tlon we are convinc�d and verlly belle�e th�t sdd allc`etfons and �tatements Rre true - � i furtder certify t6at, at a mcetlna duly held ,18 , said County Board, by official action upon motion duly adoDted and entered upon the minutes ot ita proceedlnas aa a Dubllc record,adowlna the names of the taxpayers and other Denons concemed and the amounts involved,made the toAowing recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application: � That the asseued�alue of said Droprty be:educed to and Hxed at = . r � I hereby certify the result ot said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxea have been peid that proportional refund- mec�t be authorized: Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special 'Cota1 Values Credit Assess. Pa able. ORIGINAL • REDUCTION � NEW Reduc ' of P alty �„�• -� Tax Rate ^+ills educ 'on Intere n j ta seY 4nt uditor Witness my hand and official seal , 19- By �' --- � , Deputy County Auditor. I G � v .- - T. Q'E'O� Y A,�J~ d C 'O'O N Ol L • p � ; I Y M�� � a�6i� � 7 � O L'CJ'O L F � p r C [. w.. G yp, � � U O T u 7 (aj � r � V �Y� ..�a Y � > ij � L+ 1��. V � 0�7 G M � . �^, a A a 6 d p as1.5 C� � q y;� °: E aG A �l ., O. w� :i a� o:� Q G,� w w. N a .p 07 w p � W. , � ►, �« � o $ . o , � $ C s� m �j • q�o r O' „ S � � ro e� � ' � � p Y M 'C� A p C 3,� C � q ,. ,_ �� Q Z rJ �.. O �p qM �M/,�tl � .r�y+ L 6�..� V O ~ W .�.� « . . � J, . . �: lI 'S M Y 9 � •� �6 ' «��G pt„' .� `��C W W 4 ~ U Y .'� � oy�� � � . � o O C O � U` c p � N � �'. � �.� up � �� Y� 4� �A U o a � � u O � O O y . O Y �V ��+d"� d� O W � �' a LL Z 4 � u � / p r O~ � W (.�i�C m�� W � b �y ' � �.«wQ �� e�� '� ,. . 'O 1'J' � . 'O o � � O � a a �"' Y! J M O a� y ��''� � Q � � o W � °s�v���A c � � o � o v�� u �.. Q� � " � � � �wq�q� " "'«q e � � � uo � y '� c� q a� � � � °i � vyN a� Q '� � $i' . � rt '� M M o O� Y q � � D .. 6 � �d �L' 7 C �, 7 O 9 u�U Y M m"''� 7 C � «.Y � N m o o a � � ��'� m � o W a o a, � m$ � a ° ' '' ��y��.� �:� °: � � � oo� v N ."i .. fA :.r.1' A C .+ o F. .+ fA ... U a+ � C . � {S td ��61 C L� b � � a+ ' � � y�� ���CI� ��.1"J.F7 F"w �?'.. C y � �� �� L Y CI ,a„� W C � �'� .V.�'�� O O ov � � N � � � � �� 066 Fa � � �' N M 00 r C W r � � w �•y�y� � � � � u�,� z ,ti � �� °a.6ey�o`o : � `a � M � c �e.5�.g« a+ < . � u' Q � cd M � �yO�� � �� U " " ° . }� O {,a >.... ge �3 � a.. -U M F O r u 13 � Y�i 8�G �w Q o N f9 ^ � t �- W � _ � up q Y � op� •° 'O - � W ',n c� � � � O � �" + „ �°°a«�°o �F � �1 � � d Lta °' � � " � "� � ` «A� 6vi < a N V� �. 1' � � � O � � � cr � w 1°~ °0'� � � . N V� M p �� �r�ayW � a4 �� a � � s 4 -� � ' 6 y � �r$ „�s� +� _ A + � � � � � �d N d w o� � ��o� s E ° 0 � <' a G''� ty�3 °°� ,�� � o � < � � a U e a u1++ � M �`� e�o ee�o A o '� � u a C3 + o N V] O � �"ss.o � eg � � � «+ «+ ' �. � 1 80 0" 8.r�' aow � a � a' � .. ' ..y . . . . - " '' - : • � ""�. , . - - ' �^ �� . `�� "J �� �� s�� ��� �•� �,� �,L� �`4�' �, �• !�'J �-J �` �\s C�� ' � ,�`��4 . APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form ,� �' (If reduction requested exceed� =500 make �pplic�tion in trlplicate. otherwise in duplic�te) 4� � To the County Board wd County Auditor of Ramsey County. ` aad to tbe CommLdoner of Reveaue ot the StRt�ot Minadota: ° � STATE OF MINNESOTA, � Couaty of Ramsey ss. ' City, Village or Town Saint Paul Robert T. Simon being duly sworn deposes and says that he �si€Desxi� �G the Ar�n i ni Gtrai-nr - uPa� FstatP, �f t-hP uousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of S�=int Paul, Minnesota � and that said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on April 24, 1980 the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, to-wit: 08-44200-290-14 for redevelopment as part of the I�orth End District No. 6; that title to said property passed• on April 24, 1980 by a Warranty Deed, filed as Document No. 2078021 on May 2, 1980; that the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdivieions (1) and (2) , between April 24, 1980 and the presant. �hcrcfore applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1�81 be fully abated. , ; � ¢ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORTTY OF T CITY OF fAINT PAUL MINNESOTA - � L I� i _'��`- �PPlicant . , " Subscribed and sw�rn to before me this 3rd da of February A.D. 19 81 ____. � � � � �C � c� > ,�n� e�-�'�7.Il�eA��� AM�n . . � "�f^�a��� fi,1F; .,?�"xnaa ��rr..e.r�'�' < +(: t '' , � Vi7,���' � � ' � � . t�n Ex,�lres ;. 4: lu�y 19, 1'.i33 l �Wk'Vb''d�r�:;btr.d:V4 JV1^�',ryyL"rY6 . o > � � �n�° �g ��e 9 � � A ` o 3 ro � � Va� qaA $ a � � NO � 3 � � � �A » ! pA I • cY �7 D " °� � c � a'a »�oG'� � � ►d � � > �' O � o � > g�g^� o M '0 ^� p� � `� `�, °a � o o �. �gg �, �, �p � � � y � � R. � o .°.� ,'��o E e°Ae ^»9 � o � 't. � � � Y� (q � N (� p �p, Ib• Is u „ IC '" 9 � �Q C} � ^�A x x '° �� � a ��Vl �� '� ~ p . v ��oN � � a �' �. 4 � � p c � Q � Z � , � •�e �"j �"� A Q�'� � � � � " A � m .s \ G' •� 'D.Ow y � qW °° �'� • � � � � � w `^ "n ;;� ° ^ m 9 �.�.� " �.�. � " p » a � e � O O � 8 5 D 2 �� o n= p 0 � �C /� � � �e �.E`�"'...'� o '1 y 7J . p 1„q � °�� � ti ,•�m g � v� $'' m ' O O N ��N �IR' � � � G .... y �° 5'� ' !� o z �-! 39 � E �4� C � u' > N � r�� C . ,o, � � 'x�yt° �9 C�w N p' x �'F� t77 - n"� � 'rJp :� SA'�•N•,p„ � N � CIZ , i w � a N A w O�G O.� � /'t� �!✓\ a pe p n ^ f^ �'rv � � W��'` �^ -� � t'y' m co a p . �T y � �C . � � °�9 � � `� �o '0 - `�R„ e �g�;.9 ��G 'fl `� v `0 N O 7c'�! � � 7 G .�t ';v O �e Q'A ,�j .�i p Y - � � � q m �°r`° � y � a �— �° ° p " yce;; '�' a fD a . 0 W '� �, c `° F: A � � � oaA� �n ac 3 � � � � -mp v� ° � ° �~ °' o � �� � �e e� .." � g � a D 'i n ^T� � � a ? m ��e� °' ° � °: ° � �p D ^ �n A m ;; � ' a �, o»�c y � —I 19 °' � a s � "�o� � a C " cy a� 7�' � m o ' � � °' � :; ir°. ° n H fD m Q � „ ��3 m g � � om � m Z 'n w N : A � °' ti'N�� o'o.� C � o .—I �� � c y ° � n p'�' o^ � ° ° - � � ' � . 'y �.O.m � ,C,,, A m � � � y � m ». C] . � „, � Z � < fD G '� Q � d q �'Cr O � .0 � `� o a.o•°+ '�° � ,��, ��o >o °'� 9 �' �o < O � �yN.�.r. E �: � 5 �'" �n:' N E m � � �. � � rv � o a n ..p cr�. � L a m ' c'E � n � v o'� $ � � �: p � � C D "�t m p � .. o ^ o � vo , � c3ct m Q� ~ ro r1 a 'f'J � • G o � O � M R `e ,�„ `� 'O • ,� t7 77 N � o'a v� �o � � 0 �8 � �°� �'� � � � �.. o 9 � • � � � •^ � CI d ,� • � I � ,�, `e o � � � � � ..p� a�.g � b A � � � 0 �e c �a co-�o o ,< o w°�o � m�e o � A P- � A A w aa o � �''rrA �aap •� `o �iolcpny 6�uno� A3ndaQ --- �S —6i ' teas 1eT�?33o pve puey �tui ssau�sM �.iozip dau �,cas � 3 �a3al uop�npa sTtT aleg Xe.I, - .f3ieu d o . �^Pa?1 . 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