276857 �
�- 5 io��3
File No. 8�1�$62
In the Matter of 1CecoraetruQtion ot aid�alics and �rork is�aidea�te'1 tharsto:
�6-1Q862 Morth aidf ot i�Il�t'!Y AYl�!! fso� �o Awau� to
t11,�sbury Stre�t.
�-iA869 ioth •i+d�a o! t�l1I�tSITY AY� l�tor� ltiltoa Stx�t co
� t�ia tevor th 6 tr�s t.
t �
-- ....
under Administrative Order "' approved
under Preliminary Order �2�/ /� approved ��y���
; The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City of�cers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
MAY i � 198�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
Certified Passed by Cou cil Secretary
HO 2� � �it�
� Hunt
H� t Levine In Favor r'
Lev n nnaaaoX MAY 2 6 1981
Ma pX McMahon �Against
MC ✓� h��� Showalter Mayor
$ ��, �t� Tedesco PUBUSHED hf�tY �O 1��I _
T�dPSCn Wilson --
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TO COUNCIL `. �p���'�`2�1,,1,981
Dete .of Hea��.ng ' . De,scr��vt_ion , �°,^t
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,.: . .May. 19,. 198� . Reco�ts.truct�.oa a��f; sidewalks ai� •�ar�C f��de�t�l -� ,
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$ :10861 Nc�'�r�h ��fde of UI�T�'��,:Y,_AVBNUB frise� Ha�3�n� �Ave�aa+e'. � .
to l�i�lsbury �Street,. � .'
, � S' 1�863 Both s�aes' of �x�i� Av�Mr� .;�:ro+�. r�sitio�:;�s��ree� =
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� � � �. IC � � � RING NOTICE
SIDE'if�ALK � � �VS�' f� UCTIC� N
F I L E N Q. 5-10863
PURPOSE -� ��t�:�c� ��- �ahet^er to ����ee� W��h p�b��� ;��eWa��: ��.�5����-
� t�ior,
LO CAT 10 N Both sides of UNIVERSITY AVENUE from Milton Street to Chatswort
H E A R I N G Tuesday, May 19, 1981, 10:00 A:`:
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
ASSESSAAEIVT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
INFORMATiON assessmerts are as follows:
R�CO\ST�liCTIO� lrea:,,ace e�:isting walk)---ti� ASSESS:�S��T
FIRST TIME CONSTFUCTION of 7' walk (where none exists)
�or 1 and 2 familv propert�-----=$�.00 per `oot
For all other r.roperty-----------SB, pp per foot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additior.al side-
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the
assessment for the benefitted propert�.
If this is a first time construction, the Cit�- Council will
nold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif� the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising �ou of the amount you will be required to pa�.
Q U E S T I 0 N S CONSTRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 298-7125
Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 1, 1981, b� the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department o` Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Hall - Court Aouse
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
_ . ._.� _... . � . .��� .
r� �.3 i . � � � � � � E f � � � t�l � � �
� � � �. t � � Ea � on� � No -r � cE ��s���
i �F I L E N 0. s-ios62 !
` � PAG E �
PURP � SE T� �z.;�z �� �:nEt^er �o �r��2za W��� p��l�� ��������.: ��:�5����- �
l t�or.
North side of University Avenue from Hampden Avenue to Pillsbury
Street. ' �
H E A R I N� Tuesday , May 19, i9ai, i o:oo :��:
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall ;
A S S E S S AA E 1V�' If �he CoLncil approves the project, a po:tion o: tne costs
mav be assessed against ber.efitted prorerties. The esti^�ated
�NF�[�MA��V� assessmer_ts are as follows:
R�CO\STRt?CTIO'� (replace e}:istir.g walk j---tiC ASSiSS:"�\T
� FIRS'=' TI'�E CONSTFUCTION of �' walk (�.�.ere ncr:e e_;i�ts)
�or i and 2 familv propert�°-----���•��� ner `oc*_
For all otner ^roperty-----------55.�� rer `cot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additior.al side- �
wai�: width, drivewa�� construction, etc. will be adred te t't�:e �
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a iirst time ce^struction, the Cit�� Council w�il
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is cor..r-leted. �he
purpose of that hearing �ill be to ratif.�� the assess;�ents I
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be reauired to pa�•.
Q V G S T��N S CONSTRLTCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSME\T - 29$-5127
Also, City staff will be available to ansker anv last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearin�.
Notice sent May 1, 1981, b� the Valuation and !�ssessment Di�ision
Department oF Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citv Hall - Court House
St. Paul, riinnesota 55102
r� / c.
+ �" �1 f� f L.._
� � �
Coucuit File No. 276712 — By Victor J.
In the Matter of reconstructton of sidewalks
and work incidental thereto:
S-I0882 North aide of UNIVERSITY
� AVENUE from Hampden Avenue to
Pillsbury Stieet.
'_S-(0863 Both sIdea of UNIVERSITY �
AVENUE from Miltoa Street to
Chatsworth Street.
5-10884 Northwest side ot WEST 7TH
• STREET from St. Cla[r Avenue to
lttchigan Street.
� ir.:.i[;�lnl�l u:!h^_l.lc�ol Stlirit PaGi;:u rl��g
� rcceived the report of the Maqor upon the
' abc�e Improvemeat. and 1uWn`consldered
I said report,heteb�caaolvea:
i. That the said report and the same (a
hereby approved with no alternatives,
and that the estlmated cost thereot is to
be fina�ed by Communitq Development
' Year VII funds.
Y.Thst e publlc hearing be had on sald im-
provemeat on the 19th dayof May,1981.
a! 10:00 o'cicek t.m., m
Chamben ot t6e Citq Hall and Cow{ '
House BuUdins in t6e City ot Salnt paul.
3. That aotice ot said publtc 6arLig be
aivm W t6e Penom and in the manner
P�ded by the C6arter.stating the tlme
and place of hearing,the nature ot the im-
pravement ond the total cost thereot as
dtlmated. '
Ftle No.510882thru 510884.
, Adopted by the Coun�u April 16.1981. .
• Approved April 17.1981.
(Aprll 25,198A
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, �Y' �9! 1981 ' -
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- l�r.-�a 1�Jlgasrd " ' ,, , .. - .
�3,rector o! Pub�ia Morks Departmeat � .
6-th.'Floor, City Asll /1one�c . . .
! �
° Res C.!'. 271G857; 1►iasl Order for tbe reconstrne�ion o! aiderslts " .
: � ' oa ps�ttt� aa listed af Ut�iv�ez�sity at�d ii�st 8ev�entb 8t. w�3�r . ,
. ,Preliviasry Order C.F. 2?�T3.2. .
;',Dear Si=: , . � • , ' , " -
_ ,
' � ;. •
� ` J i The abov�e-referenced teas ameadeH teti st.ril[e tbe aideMSlk re� ,- � �
, � .consL�ruction on the nort�eat side of K. �eweat.b Strs+�t �an
�' 3t. Clnir �o i�fichigan. . �
/ .
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' �� This for �rour intox�atic�. ,
;' ; , ' - " •
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' �_ � l+�r. AI �l�on
! ,. _ , City Clerk _
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