276846 - CITY CLERK �t+.��� `� ANARY - DE A TMENT � C I TY OF SA I NT �PA LT L COUIICII ` (� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. p. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR THE CREATION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO "".INNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 273, SETTING THE DATE FOR SAID HEARING ON MAY 26, 1981 , AND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF SAID HEARING (ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANC- I�JG DISTRICT) . WHEREAS, a) P�innesota Statutes, Chapter 273 (the Act) authorizes an Authority (which term includes a municipality which is administrating a development district created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 472A (the "Devel- opment District Act")) to create a Tax Increment Financing District (the "District") to implement a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plan") with- in a Development District created pursuant to the Development District Act for the purpose of financing redevelopment through the use of tax increment generated from the captured assessed value in the District; and b) The City of Saint Paul is contemplating the creation of an Energy Park Development District and adoption of a Development Program and has authorized a public hearing to consider the same for May 26, 1981 ; and c) The land in the proposed Development District is predominantly occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and twenty percent (20%) of the buildings are structurally substandard and an addition- al thirty percent (30%) are found to require substantial renovation or removal in order to remove such existing conditions as: inadequate street layout, incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of build- ings on the land, excessive dvrelling unit density, obsolete buildings or other identified hazards to the health, safety and general well being of the community; and COU[VCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine Irt Favo[ Maddox McMahon B snoweiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ By ��TE �- CITY CLERK . (%"��`'� �` n(1 ARY - DE ARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUflC1I �li/ ����Y BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- d) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development have prepared a proposed Plan contemplating the creation of the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District, which Plan will be reviewed by the Development District Advisory Board, the Saint Paul Planning Commission and Council 46, a joint committee of Saint Paul Planning District8 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12; and e) Before proceeding with the consideration of the plan, and the creation of the District it is necessary for the City Council to hold a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 273. 74 subd. 3 of the Act. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Pau�. as follows: 1. A Public Hearing upon the Plan will be held before the City Council in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, at 10 o'clock a.m. on May 26, 1981. 2. A draft copy of the Plan together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, are available for public inspection be- ginning May 14, 1981, from 9 o'clo�k a.m. to 4 o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday, at the offices of the Econom�.c Develop- ment Division Department of Planning and Economic Development, City Hall Annex, 12th floor. COUfVCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by .Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY f WNIT+.E - CITY CLERK ������ P�I�SK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L COUDCll BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Notice of Hearing to be given on publication in the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and in a newspaper of general circulation, not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for said hearing, as sh�wn in the Notice of Hearing hereto attached. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by rt of: Yeas Nays Hunt levine In Favor Maddox McMahon J snowa�ter __ Against BY .�e� Wilson MAY 14 1981 Form App�,oved by C'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ i' � ° � CertifiE:d • s ed b Coun ' Sec y BY ' ��� � By ' � Ap by 1�lavor: _ .�AY 1 9 �9�� Appro e y Mayor for b issi n to C uncil � �- � ' B $Y ° �� !'�. �1'.�' � PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 i981 �,..,��:�:�...�.�,�.�»�:��.�.....�..:.�.�W.�.aa....,.,..�.,.o..�� -r:s,.�,�;;. oM OZ . I.2j1975 : . Rev. : 9/8j75 � <. RPV.: 5/7/80 FYF.LANA`1'IOI�� OF' AD��II�?TSTRP.T2�7E 'ORDERS , P.etr. : 4/30/S1 t2�'�SOLUT:tONS :�L3W �:�D�ivl��10ES ����A� `3 � D��'ce; 12 May 1981 � . TO: Mayor Latimer F>:C��?: Gregory Haupt : �; Energy Park Tax Increment District Public Hearing ACTION RE�U�STED: Signature on attached resoluton and transmittal to City Council for consideration Thursday May 14, 1981 . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS 1�CTION: Resolution sets public hearing for Energy Park TIF District. M.S. 273, Minn. TIF Act, requires public hearing notice between 10 and 30 days prior to hearing. Resolution aut;horizes publication of notice. F I?�fAT1C I�L Ir1PACT: .e This resolutton itself has no financial impact. ATTACF�MENTS: 1 . Resolution 2. Public hearing notice � � � �: t �`���„}�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A �ROGRAM TO CREATE THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND TO ADOPT A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING REDEVELOPMENT IN THE DISTRICT To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will meet at the City Council Chamber , City Hall in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota at 10: 00 o'clock a.m. on May 26, 1981 , to consider the proposal that the City Council create the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District, and adopt a tax increment financing plan for the purpose of financing Re- development in the District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 273. Energy Park is a development of 226 acres in the Midway area of Saint Paul bounded on the east by Lexington Parkway, on the west by Prior Avenue (extended) , on the north by the Burlington Northern main line tracks and on the south by the ma.in line tracks of the former Great Northern Railroad. Parts of Energy Park already scheduled for development are as follows : an Energy Technology Center by Control Data Corporation, 950 units of housing by AHW, Inc. and an office/research building by Energy Center Building, Inc. Land for additional development in Energy Park is available through the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . The concept of Energy Park is one of mixed residential and job providing industrial/commercial environment, in short, a new neighborhood in Saint Paul . This new neighborhood is to have its own central heating and cooling system to provide heat to all buildings in Energy Park during the winter and cooling to those buildings in the summer. Construction in Energy Park and reconstruction of existing buildings in the Burlington Northern' s Cnmo Shop Yards will utilize energy efficient technologies in order to reduce energy consumption in Energy Park. The proximity of housing to job providing industries and commerc`i al establishments will permit reduced dependence on the automobile for persons who choose to live and work in Energy Park, thereby further conserving scarce energy resources . Ultima.tely some 4800 persons will be employed in Energy Park and appro�zmately 3, 000 people will live there . The overall development includes new utilities , streets , sidewalks, street lights , bicycle and walking paths , and a concourse to permit sheltered pedestrian access in inclement weather to all ;�f the buildings in the Park. � ' r �1��'�s -2- A draft copy of the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, are av�ailable for public inspection beginning May 14, 1981, from 9 o'clock a.m. to 4 o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday, at the offices of the Economic Development Di�ision, Department of Planning and Econ- omic Development, City Hall Annex, 12th floor. At the time and place fixed for said Publ�c Hearing, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minneso�a will give all persons who appear at the hea�ing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal . Dated this 14th day of �y , 1981 . By Albert B. Olson ity er w ` `� J �! � '"�T� ' •ITZ' F ► AI1�'T YALL � � � ��� � �;�, L O � � / � � � �="' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR / _ - ,", � . . " � �o � IIIIIiIIIII .0 �.; � II.Iljllllll, ^�' � � � 347 CI'TY HALL .��°"�.^��r.•�O�~ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 295-4323 • MAYOR May 15, 1981 Members of the Board of Education Independent School District #625 Saint Paul , Minnesota RE: Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District Dear Board Members: A public hearing by the City Council to receive comments on a proposed Energy Park tax increment financing district is scheduled for May 26, 1981 . Enclosed for your information is a. draft of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Energy Park. The document proposes that the Energy Park tax increment district be a redevelopment district of twenty-five years duration. The draft is still subject to refinement. Some of the data and exhibits are still being developed. In order to incorporate in the document concerns and suggestions which you might have, City Council has scheduled a session at the conclusion of the City Cauncil meeting of Thursdny; May 21,'` to informally discuss the Energy Park Tax-- Increment Financing Plan with you. Or, if you would prefer, comments or suggestions may be provided directly to the staff persons who have prepared the enclosed document. They are: Mr. Stephen B. Wellington, Deputy Director for Development, and Mr. Gregory J. Haupt, Project Manager. Mr. Wellington may be reached at 292-6039; Mr. Haupt's number is 292-6252. They are both at 1200 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102. Naturally, I am available as well to discuss Energy Park with you at any time. Sincerely, Geo Latimer May , Enclosure cc: Members of the City Council Mr. Albert B. Olson, City Clerk Mr. Stephen B. Wellington - � Mr. Gregory Haupt Mr. George Young, Superintendent of Schools , _ ► � <i�=o;.\,, CIT�' OF SAI�TT YA L7L ;`� �"^ '� OFFICE OF THb MAYUR �o �_ -�!_ � �� �uui inu .� •,/ �l� Inn �n u ^_e` .., �:� ���� E 347 CITY HALL � ' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIhiER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR May 15, 1981 Members of the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County c/o Mr. Larry Brown, Executive Director � County of Ramsey City Hall and Court House Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 RE: Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District Dear Corr�ni ssi oners: A public hearing by the City Council to receive comments on a proposed Energy Park tax increment financing district is scheduled for May 26, 1981 . Enclosed for your information is a draft of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Energy Park. The document proposes that the Energy Park tax increment district be a redevelopment district of twenty-five years duration. The draft is still subject to refinement. Some of the data and exhibits are still being developed. In order to incorporate in the document concerns and suggestions which you might have, City Council has scheduled a session at the conclusion of the City Council meeting of Thursday, May 21 , to informally discuss the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing Plan with you. �� Or, if you would prefer, comments or suggestions may be provided directly to the staff persons who have prepared the enclosed document. They are: Mr. Stephen B. Wellington, Deputy Director for Development, and Mr. Gregory J. Haupt, Project Manager. Mr. Wellington may be reached at 292-6039; Mr. Haupt's number is 292-6252. They are both at 1200 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota. 55102 Naturally, I am available as well to discuss Energy Park with you at any time. Sincerely, eo e Latimer May ' Enclosure � cc: Members of the City Council -� Mr. Albert B. Olson, City Clerk Mr. Stephen B. Wellington Mr. Gregory Haupt