276837 WFIITE - CITY CLERK ';/�f�J�,�� PINK - FINANCE COURCII �� � �`�`•} CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAII L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � C�Y � Co � 'l Res ution v�iaav Bu�U Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the City Cauneil of Saint Pau1 authorize and direct the proper City offYcials to accept and record a Qu3t Claim Deed conveyin.� title of Garfield School site described. as follaws; "Lo1s six (6) thrcyugh ten (10) of Block ninety-aeven (97) o� West St. Pau1 Praper" fraan the Independent Schc,ol D3.strict �b25 to the Ci#y of Saint Pau1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Finan and em nt Se s Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon Showalter __ AgaltlSt — Tedesco Director Wilson MAY 12 igg� Form Approved by 'ty A orney Adopted by Council: Date — � � .S'�� Certified Y s-ed by Council , ret B� l, Ap d by Mayor: D _Y 1 3 �98� ppprov Mayor for ub ' si n,to Council By _ BY " " �����'� �a,, .. . f� ..,� � t1J,-. ' l.�`��..1�•�;�.� �t;�-i� � Is%J� , . OM Ol. 12/1975 . , Rev.: 9/8/76 � ���3� EXPlA1�ATI0N OF ADMINISTRATIYE OROERS, l , R �������� Date: '�y�� 1 ���� i Agr3.1 30, 1981 __ T0: MAY4R 6EORGf U4TiMfR `,� _ � l�/" FR: J. W�. Donova,n, qal. 8a�ssmt. ffi�gin�, Dept. of �.n�aee b Mg�t. 8erv�ices (Sxt.7019)' RE: Accrpting and recording Quit Cla3m Deed for the Ga►rFleid S�ol site•frc� independeat School D3.strict �5 to the Cfty of S�int Pau1.. ACTION REQUESTED: . ,�.. �yor's apprcyval. to submit resolution to Ci�y Cvuncil. P'JRpOSE At�D RA?IONACE FOR THIS ACTION: �� Px'aP�z'ty xill be conveyed to Hausing and Redevelop�eat AuthoMty Yor recl�velc�pm�ent. RF��� o,�,�� 'y�Y. �F� ''�'�o�''�+� �°�ry r �98� � ��NT p��iR�. : Ai?ACHMENTS: M,� Fj cT ��.—Ccynacil xesolutioa �T ��NC� , 2. Ccpy of D�ed ��� 3. Ares Map 2031—Qult Claim Deed. j�orni No. 31 �� $• �th & So►t, Minneeppll4 Corporation to Corporatlon. • Mfnnelot� Unl}o/Rl CAllwyanClny Blenks �R�v. 1973) �',�.,'���.`�� �C�i� �a�ber�ture ✓Yla�leth,is.. ..... . 9th....._..--.......da o April.. ....._............. 19.81......., ................... . ... . . . . �betwecn INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, a public school district ....................................................••----•----�-��-•--•--�-----�-•-._......_....-----•.--�---�•---�-�----�-�---.............----�--� .....................-� ............................................... as�c xns�i� zcrzcler the lau�s o the State o ..... Minnesota � f .............................. .............��---.... party of the fcrst part, and CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipa ' _......... ................... ................. ....... ................................................ . xr, cor oratiori u-nder the lazvs o the Stat,e o Minnesota p f f................._.._............................._...... ..................._............_........................................_.... partJ of the second part, �tne��e That the saL pa rtr� of the first part, in eonsideratiorz of the sztm. of One Dollar ($1 .0 and o��ier good an� baluable considerations - - - - ...........................................................................................................�-�--...........................................................--��-�-..........................................DOLI,.RI�,S, to it in hc�nd paid by the said party of the seconcl part, tTie receipt whereof is hereby ac.knowledged, does hercby Grant, Bar�sain, Quitclaim, and Co�zUeJ unto th.e said part�� of the second part, its auccessors and assi�ns, Forever, all the tract............or parcel...._.......of Land lyin�' and bein�s in the County Ramsey and State of J{tinnesotc�, described as follows, to-u�it: o f... ................... Lots six (6) through ten (XO) of Block ninety-seven (97) of West St. Paul Proper. �o �abe anb to �oib tije �ame, To�ether with all the hereditam-ents and appurtenances therc- unto beluro�in� or in an�wise appertainin�, to t.he said partJ of tyce second nart, its successors and assi<�ns Forever. /^� �1n �e�tintonp ��jereaf, The said first party has caused t.h,rse / � presents to he execzLted i-n its corporate name by i-ts..Chairman / Treasurer & Clerk _.and its� corporate .scab Gn � �� ccn,d its.............................._....................... �\ be hereacr�to aj�'i�x�ecl tJee da� and �eccr first above written. � INDEPENDENT SCH00 IS ICT N0. 625 �� .. .... ....... .................._.............._....__.......... .... ...-- � -_....__. .. .......... . .. ..._.... . .... I3y.. -- ................ ......-'--. .... . ..... .. ........... ,.,��,,;.. ai � Its............................. . ...... ..... ..................��� < . Treas r ta............................................... ...�--�----�--...............---.......................... - - - -C - - - - - `i�� - - - - - - - - C/�� Clerk Its- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -