276832 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����'J PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUtIClI � BLUE - MAYOR � File N . ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has been reorganized from four divisions into five divisions; namely, the Divisions of Planning, Business Revitalization, Community Development, Housing, and Development, NOLJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. Pursuant to Section 10.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of Alan Emory as the deputy director for the Division of Business Revitalization. 2. Pursuant to Section 10.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of G. Terry McNellis as deputy director for the Division of Housing. 3. Pursuant to Section 10.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of Stephen ��lellington as deputy director for the Division of Development. 4. Pursuant to Section 10.05 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of Peggy Ann Reichert as deputy director for the Division of Planning. 5. Pursuant to Section 10.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of IrJilliam Patton as deputy director for the Division of Community Development. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favor �X a McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesc:o �Ison MAY � 2 1981 Form Ap oved by City ttor Adopted by Council: Date - Certified a�sed by Coun � Se tary BY B� A r ed by Mavor. t ' '�MA`( 13 � Ap o by Mayor for i 'o to Council B �lia�l;iiitil i'ri�-;�( 1 (i I`��� . ,. . , . ,, :., -�' �.' , ,. : ,.: ' � ���� E3�f'i;��F I QN 0� �DMI�fiI.STRPtT I VE �i�ERS� , : ���OLtJT�t'�1S, A�iD {�fl��1Af�C�� �_� _ . �.:: QA�'�.. .Apri] 27, 1981 _ ' , , - � : �� � ���� T0: MAYt�R �EORGE LATIMER , ���� ., ,n.� FR�l: +]ame�.J. Bel l us , < � �.����a A ' RE: Ap:p�i�t�nt of Di vi s i on Heads _ ,. _ _ E � ACTION REQUESTED � � � Signature on at�ached resolution. � � � ,�.�; - � _- - - - ;. ; : ; _ > ., . � ; �PURPOSE AND RAT I OI�ALE FOR TN I S A�TI ON: . ; � : The resolution is to confirm the appointments of the following: Wiliiam Patton, deputy director of Corr�nunity Deveiopment �ivision , �, G. Terry klcNe]lis, deputy director of Housing Division Alan Emory, deputy director of Business Revi�alizatian Divisibn Stephen �el l i ngtor�, deputy di rector �of Developmer�t Di ui si c�n : Peg9Y Ann Reichert, deputy director of Planning Division_ ' : The ordir�ance establishing the �Q divisions becomes iaw on May 11,19�1. :ATTACHMENTS: _ ,. .. ,. . t .. . . � ., , ,_:- : � . -�'�'*--- . � ...._�--^�'�_.�-;�^��---^�,.,...-,-...,.;;,-,�..�,.-...�,.�.. ..�-�.---->r-"--: -:,x'--•-�- _�+�^-. . . ,w. . _ . ,�. _