276828 VYHITF - CITY CLERK ��['��/'�
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_ , .
O/ /`C Ordinance N 0. �� 7 7 �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapters 60 and 62 _
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining
to zoning.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Levine In Favor
Showalter A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. : - �sszs �
, . , , �.
Section 1. � ` �
That the definition of� �'Accessory use" or "Accessory"
as given in Section 60.201 of the Legislative Code be amended -
to read as follo�,rs: -
Accessory use, or accessory. ��-u�eeesse��-�seu-�a
A use t�hich is clearly incidental to, customarily
found in connection with, and (except }�-��e-ea�e-a�
- aeee�sa�3�-e��-s��ee�-�a��}�g-s�aees-e�-�ea���g as
provided in Section 62. 104) located on the same
zoning lot as, the principal use to tvhich it is
ZJhen "accessory" is used in the text, it shall have
the same meaning as accessory use.
An accessory use includes, but is not limited to, the
follotving: •
(1) Residential accommodations �or servants or caretal�ers.
(2) Swimming ps�ols for the use of the occupants of a
residence or their guests.
(3) Domestic storage in a barn, shed, tool room, or
similar accessory building or othzr structures,
(4) A newsstand primarily for the convenience of the
occupants of a building �vhich is located WI101.1y .
within such building and has no exterior signs
or displays.
(�) Storage of inerchandise normally carried in stock
in connection with a business or ir��ustrial use, '
unless such storage is excluded in the applicable
district regulations.
(6) Storage of goods used in or produced by i:�dustrial
uses or related activities, unless such storage
is excluded in the a,;�pl�c�,hle di�trict regizlat�oiis.
('7) Accessory off-street parking spaces, open or
encloseci, subject to the accessory off-street
parking regulations for the district in whieh the
zoning lot is located.
�. � ; ; 2�76�28
(8) Uses clearly incidental to a main use such as,
but not limited to, offices of an industrial or
commercial complex located on the site of the
commercial or industrial complex; greenhouses
located on the premises as incidental to a
(g) Accessory off-street loading, subject to the � -
off-street loading regulations for the district
in which the zoning lot is located.
(10) Accessory signs, subject to the sign regulations
for the district in iahich the zoning lot is located:
Section 2. �
That the definition of "zoning lot" as given in Section
60.212 of the Legislative Code be amendec��" to read as follows:
Lot, zoning. A single tract of land which, at the
time of filing for a building permit, is designated
by its ot,mers or developer as a tract to be used,
developed, or built upon as a unit, under ownership
or control of one person or joint tenants. A zoning
lot shall be in one zoning district and satisfy this
code �vith respect to area, size, dimensions, and
frontage as requir�d iii the district in which the
2oning lot is located. A zoning lot, therefare,
may or may not coincide TJit�l a lot of record as
filed wi�th the county recorder but may include one
or more lots of record.
Section 3.
That the definition of "off-street parking lot" in Section
60.215 of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows:
Off-street parkin� facilit,y. All areas, spaces and
structures desi�ned, used, required, or intended
to be used for the parkin� of uiore than three motor �
vehicles. This definition is intended to include
adequate driveways, access�Jays, parking bays, gara�es,
or a combination thereof, but does not include public
roads, stree�ts , high�a�.,Ys, and alleys.
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: . . � �� : 2`�6828
Section 4.
That the definition of "parking �acility, off-street," in
Section 60.216 of the Legislative Code, be amended to read as
follosls: •
� ���e-e�-�e�e-�asee��e�-a�t�e�e���es-s€�-��e-�a���s
s��ee��-e�-a��e��T--��=�a3�-ea�$}s�-s�-a�-e�e�-�e�; .
Parkin� facility, commercial. An off-street parkin�
facility, not accessory to any principal use, for
which a fee is charged for the privilege of Parliin�.
Section 5.
That the de�inition of "parking space" in Section 60.216
of the Legislative Code, be amended to read as follotas:
Parking space. An area of definite length and
width designed for parking of motor vehicles; said
area shall be exclusive of drives, aisles, or
entrances giving access thereto �a�c�-��a��-#�e
Section 6.
Ttii�t �ect�_ons Fi2. �_03, 62.104, 62. 105, 62. 10'7, 62. 108,
62.109 and 62. 110 of the Legislative Code are hereby amended
by deleting the same in their entirety and substituting in
lieu and in place thereof the following:
62. 103. Parking requirements.
Subdivision 1. Off-street arkin�. There shall
be provided in all dis ricts, except in a B-4 or
B-5 District, at the time of erection or enlargement
of any main building, automobile off-street parking
spaces. Before a certificate of occupancy shall be
issued, the number of off-street parking spaces
provided shall be as hereinafter prescribed.
Subd. 2. Site plan required. No building permit,
except for one and two family dwellings, shall be
issued for the construction of any off-street
parking facility �anless and until the planning
commission has approved a site plan for the facility
meeting tYie standards and regulations contained
; . , ; � t ����8
in this section, Section 62. 104 and Section 62. 108.
Site plans for one and two family dwelling units
shall be approved by the zoning administrator.
Subd. 3. Enlargement of structures. Off-street
parking shall be provided for all new buildings -
in accordance with the requir.ements of this section.
jdhen existing buildings are enlarged, off-street
parking shall be provided for the additional usable
floor space of increased intensity of use in accordance �
with the requirements of this section, unless the -
existing off-street parking, after the enlargement,
meets the requirements that this section iaould
impose on new Uuildings, for all facilities, .
structures or uses served by such off-street
Subd. 4. Chan�e in use of parkin� areas. Designated
or ideritifiable existing off--street parking
facilities, accessory to one or tnore principal uses,
structures or facilities, may be chaiiged to another
use �vhen the remaining off-street parking meets the
requirements that this section would impose or_: neza
buildings, for all facilities, structures, or uses,
including the new use. When the remaining off-street
parking does not meet such requi.rements, oi;her
off-street parl�ing shall be substi�Luted for the
parking sp�,ce changed to another use, and additional
off-street parking shall be provided for the new
use in accordance iaith the requirements of this
Subd. �. Rules for com utin� requix•�d parkin�.
(1) For the purpose of computing the number of
parking spaces required, the definition of
'�usable �loor area" in Section 60.206 shall
(2) tidhen units or measurements determining the
number of require d pa��Iiing spaces r�sult in '
the requirement of a fractional space, any
fraction up to and including one-half sha11
be disregarded, and any fracti,on over� one-half
shall require one parking space.
(3) Two or more buildings or uses may collecti.vely
provide the required off-street parking,
in which case the required number of parl�ing
spaces shall not be less than the sum of
the requirements of the individual uses
computed separately.
• 4,
, . � � � �6��8
(4) When operating hours of buildings do not
overlap, the planning commission may grant
an exception permitting the dual function
of off-street parking spaces.
(5) tiJhenever access to the handicapped is required
. by Chapter 55 of the Minnesota State Building ,
Code, at least one space per 50 spaces, or �
�raction thereof, �shall be provided for the
use of the handicapped. Each space reserved
for the exclusive use of the handicapped shall •
be designated by an international wheelchair -
symbol .
(6) The storage of inerchandise or trucks, the .
repair of vehicles, or the business of
selling merchandise is prohibited in off-street
parking areas. ��
Subd. 6. Parkin� require ments by use. The minimu�n
number of o�f-street parl�ing spaces by type of use
shalT be determined in accordance with the following
(a) ftesidential . One and .one-half for each
dwelling unit.
(b) Housing for the One for every three units; _
Elderly. provided there is space
avail.able un che lot t�
meet the 1-1�2 space require-
ments for multiple-family.
(c) Trailer court. One for each trailer site and
one for each employee of the
trailer court.
(d) Boarding house. Two for each d�aelling unit
plus one for every two roomers.
(a) Churches or temples.One for every three seats -
or six feet of pez,Ts in the
main unit of worship. .
(b) Hospitals. One and ox�e-half for each
hospital bed.
(c) Nursing home or One for every two beds.
boarding care home.
(d) �lementary and One for each teacher, etny?•.,y�e,
j��.inior high schools. or admini.strator.
. 5.
. , ' ' ������
(e) Senior high schools. One for each teacher,
employee, or administrator
, and one for every ten students.
(f) Private clubs or .lodge One. for every three persons
halls. allojaed within the maximum
occupancy load as established
by .local, county, or sta'�e .
�ire, building, ar health codes.
(g) Private golf clubs, On.e for every two member
tennis clubs, or other families or individuals.
similar uses.
(h) Golf courses open to the Six for each golf hole and '
general public, except one for each employee.
miniature or ��par 3�'
courses. �
(i) Fraternity or sorority. One for every five active
members, or one for every
tSJO b�ds, zahichever is greater.
(j ) S�adium, sports arena, One for every three seats
or similar place of or si� fee1; of benches.
outdoor assembly.
(k) Theatres and One for every �five seats
auditoriums. plus one for every two
(1) College, university or One for every three employees
sec�inary. and members of tY�e staff
ana one :for every three
� full tirne students not
� residing on campus.
(m) Dormitory. One for every three beds.
(n) Community resiclential One for every tivo group
:facilities. home residents allosJecl by
thi.s code.
(o) Tiissions. One for every five occupancy
(p) Indoor teru�.is courts open Three spaces for each tennis
� to the general public. court and one space for
each employee.
(a) Auto laundry (auto �aash) . One for each employee. In , '
addition, 20 reservoir
. parking spaces sha7.l be
(b) Beauty parlor or barber Three spaces for each of
shop. the first two beauty or
barUer chairs, and one and
one-half spaces for each
aciclitional chair.
(c) Bowling alleys. Five for each bowling lz�i��.
6. .
� . . � �� . 2"�6828
(d) Dance halls, pool or One for every three persons
billiard parlors, roller allowed within the maximum
or skating rinks, exhi— occupancy load as established
bition halls, anci assembly by local, county or state
halls without fized seats. fire, building, or health codes.
(e) Establishments for sale One for every 100 square
and consumption on the feet of usable floor area.
premises of beverage, . -
food, or refreshments.
(f) Furniture and appliance, One for every 800 square
household equipment, feet of usable �loor area. _
repair shops, showroom of _
a plumber, decorator,
electrician, or similar
trade, shoe repair and
other similar uses. �
(g) Automobile service TWO for each lubrication
station. stall, rack, or pit; and
one -�or each gasoline pump.
(h) Laundromats and coin One for every two machines.
operated dry cleaners.
(i) Miniature or "par 3" Three for each hole.
golf courses.
(j ) Mortuary establishment. One for every 50 sc�uare feet
of assemUly room usaUle floor
area, parlors, aiid slumber rooms.
(k) Motel, hotel, or other One for. each occupancy unit.
commercial lodgin;
establishments. �
(1) Nlotor vehicle sales and One for every 200 square
service establisYiments. feet of usable floor area
of sales room and one for
each auto service stall in
the ser�Tice room.
(m) Retail stores except as One for every 150 square feet
other�aise specified herein. o� usable floor area.
(n) Theaters and auditoriums. One for every five seats
plus one for every t�vo
(a) Banks. One for every 100 square '
feet of usable floor area.
(b) Business offices or One for every 200 square
professional offices feet of itsable floor area.
except as indicated in
the following itetn (c) .
(c) Professioi�al offices of One for every 140 squa.re
doctors, dentists, or feet of usable floor area
similar professions. in �aaiting rooms, and one
for each eYamining room,
dental chair, or similar
� use area.
, �.
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(a) Industrial or research Five, plus one for every
establishments. one and one-half employees
in the largest worliing shift,
or one for every 350 square
feet of usable floor area, -
whichever is determined to
� be the greater. Space on
site shall also be provided •
. for all construction worker.s
during periods of plant
(b) Wholesale establish- Five, plus one for every
ments. employee in the largest
working shift, or one �or
every 1700 square feet of
' usable floor area, whichever
is greater.
Sl�bd, 7. Parkin� requirements for other uses.
For Lhose uses not specifically mentloned ln
Section 62. 103, subdivision 6, tlie requirements
for off-street parking shall be in accordance with
a use which the planizing co�tunission considers as
similar in ty�e. j�ien tlie planning commission
determiiies that there is no use listed in
subdivision 6 i�hich is similar to a petitioning
�ise, the �lanning commission may� determine the
minimum number of parking spaces required for
such use.
62 104 Off-street p�,rking facility standards and aesi�3i.
�vherever the off-street parkziib requirements ln
Section 62. 103 require the builcling of an off-street
�acility or where P-1 Vehicular Parking Districts ,
(Section 60.720) are provided, or where any off-street
parking facility is built, such off-street parking
facilities shall be laid out, constructed and main-
tained in accordance zvith the follo�aing standards
and design.
� Si�te lan reviez�. A site plan shall be submitted
for revie�� as outlined in Section 62. 105. In
addition, the follozving shall be submittedt
(a) Osnlers:�ip of aII lots or na.xcels intended
for use as parking.
(b) Indication of all structures or facilities
to be served by the off-street parking :facility.
� IG r �C.��I.T
(c) Location and direction of drainage for
stormwater runoff.
Applications for building permits that involve
changing any parking space to another use shall 1
include the following infoimation: -
(a) A11 uses, ' structures or facilities served
by such off-street parking spaces; .
(b) Total number of parking spaces accessory
to such uses, structures, or facilities;
(c) Number of parking spaces proposed;�to be
changed to another use.
� Parking facility location: residential .
Residential off-street parking sha11 consist o�
an off-street parking facility or parking spaces
as defined in this code. Parking spaces for
one- axld ttao-family dwelling units shall be
located or. the same zoning lot that they are
intended to serve. Parking spaces for buildings
containing three or niore d�velling units shall
be on the same zoning lot, . in a P-1 zoxiizlg
clistrict, or in an abutting zoning lot in the
same or less restrictive zoniug district.
� Parlcin; facility location: non-residential.
Of�-street parlcing for other than resldential
use shall be either (a) on the same zoning lot
(U) ir, a P--1 Vehicitlar Parki_ng District, or (c�
within the same district as the principal use
and within 300 feet of the builciing it is
• intended to serve, measured from the nearest
point of the Uuilding to the nearest point
of the off-street parking Zot.
� riinimum layou� dimensions:
: � - � ;������
� (;�.) Minimum layout dimensions :
Parking Space Parking Space ing LanE
Pattern Wioth Length 4:idth
Parallel �
, Parking 8 ft. 21 ft. 1Z
30� - 53� 8 ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 12 �
54� - 740 8 ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 15
75° - 90° 9 ft. 18 ft: . 20
F$� �
� � �
2' 22'
� g F6
� ��'
� �
� � �,$ $6 f-18'--�
� 72' " T
15• 20' 9.
E •
Parallei 3p°-53� 540_740
�5� Compact Spaces .
Accessory parking facilities may designate up to 50• p erce:
of the spaces for compact cars only, in which case,
the minimum layout dimensions may be reduced to 8'
width and 16' length.
Commercial parking facilities may designate any
number of compact parking spaces.
• 10.
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� Handica�ped spaces._ Parking spaces for the
handicapped shall be not less than 12 feet in
width and shall be located so as to provide
accessibility to ramps, elevators, sidewalks,
buildings, and other public rig��ts-of-way
in accordance t�ith the provisions of Chapter " _
55 of the Minnesota State Builcling Code,
Facilities for� the Handicapped.
� Maneuverin lanes. Except as provided in .
paragraph 8 of this section, access to �.ny
parking space for a use other than one or two
. family structures shall be provided by a
maneuvering lane. All off-street parl�ing .
facilities shall be designed so that any
vehicle leaving or entering the facility
from or onto a public street ?shall be
traveling forward.
� Stacked parkin�. Stacked parking shall be a1lotJed
in any off-street parking :facllity tiahenever an
attendant is present. Space for any maneuvering
of vehicles must be provided in the attended
parking facility.
� Entrances and exits. Adeqizate entrances and
e�its to and from the parking facility shall
be provicled by means of clearly defined and
limited drives.
(a) Entrances and exi�s .to and from �the
parking facility on resicl�ntially zoned
land shall not be across land in a more
restrictive residential zoning district.
(b) �ntrances and e�its to and from a parking
facility in a commercial or industrial
zoning ciistrict shall not be across land
in a residential or o�fice�. service district.
(c) Entr�.nces and exits to and from all parliing �
facilities located in land zoned other than
. � R-1 through R-4, RT-1, and RT-2 shall be
at least 25 feet from any adjoining property
in R-1 through ft-4, RT-1 and RT-2 zoning
� districts.
(d) Entrances and e�its to ancl from a parking
:facility shall be at least 30 feet from
the point of intersection of curb lines
� of two or more intersecting streets. .
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10 Wheel stops. Provisions shall be made by use
of such devices as curbs, tvheel stops and ea;rth
berms to prevent vehicles from damaging or
overhanging adjacent property or public rights-
11 Setback. Off-street parking . spaces shall not
be zaithin a required front or side yard except
as other�Jise provided in Section 61. 103(b) and
sh.all be a minimum of four feet fram any side �
lot line. "
12 Visual screening. For off-street parking facilities
which adjoin or abut across an alley, a residential
use or zoning district, a visual screen shall be
provided and maintained, as required in Section
13� Landscaping. �'or any parking facility, other
than a parking garage, landscaping shall be
provided to (a) buffer the �acil.ity from
adjacent properties an�l from the public
riglit-of-ZJay; (b) reduce the visual, glare
and heat effects of large e�panses of pavement;
and (c) provide areas for the retention and
absorption of stormiJater rLinoff:
All required yards and any underdeveloped
space shall be landscaped using materials
such as trees, shrubs, sod ar groundcover plants.
In acidition to perimeter landscaping, parking
lots for more than ,50 cars shall �onta.in
plainting islands . As a minimum, one square
foot of landscaped area shall be provided for
every ten square �eet of paving. Any landscaped
areas shall be plainted and maintained in
accordance with Section 62. 109.
14 riaintenance. All �eas of all ofF-street
parking facilities shall be kept free from
refuse and debris. �
15 Pavin�. All parking spaces and off-street
parking facilities shall be paved taith asphalt
or other durable, dustless surfacing in
accordance iaith other specifications of the
zoiliiig administrator. The �arl�ing ar�ea shal3
be pavecl within one year o:f the date of the
permit e�cept as provided in Section 62. 108,
subaivision 6.
� � : � � � �s��s
16) Lighting. All parking facilities shall be
illuminated to a level to allos�r safe, secure
� access to the parking facility ancl iaithin it.
All parking facility illumination shall
conform to the provisions of Section 62. 110.
17 Storm�caater runoff. Off-street parking facilities -
storm�Jater drainage into public sewers shall be
controlled so that peak stormjlater discharge
rates from the site for all storms up to and -
including the critical 100 year frE�uency will _
not exceed:
Q=1.64 x A sahere Q = the maximum acceptable
discharge rate in cubic feet per second and
A .� the site area in acres. .
Parking facilities shall be designed so that
discharge of all stormiJater runoff and surface
water shall be in a fashion so as �to preclude
drainage of water onto adjacent property or
toward buildings .
62 105 Off-street loadin� ancl �.tnl oadin�. On the same
premises witYi every building, s:tiucture, or part
thereof, involving the receipt and aistribution of
vellicles, materials, merchandise, supplies or
ec{uipment, there shall be provided and maintained ot� the
Z011lll� 1ot, in addition to zoning off-street parlcing
requirements, adequate space for maneuvering, standir.g,
loading, and unloading in order to avoid undue
iiiter�erence with public uae of dedi:;at�d right.•-
of-�oay. Such space shall be providecl as follotvs:
(1) All spaces shall be laid out in climensions
of at least 10 by 50 feet, or .500 square feet
in area, with a clearance of at least 14 feet
in height. Loading dock approacYies shall be
provided tiaith a pavement having a permanent,
durable, and dustless sur�ace. Al1 spaces •
shall be providecl in at least the follotaing
ratio :
0 - �, 400 - None
1 ,401 - 20,000 - One space
20,001 - 100,OU0 - One space plus one space
for eaeh 20,000 square feet
• in excess of 20,001 square feet
100,001 and over - Five spaces
. 13.
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(2) No off-street loading space sha11 be located
in any yard adjoining any residential use or
zoning district. ' '
(3) 5pace shall be provided tvithin the off-street
loading area so that any maneuvering back into ' -
or out of a loading space can be conducted
outside of any,� public right-of-way.
62. 107. Visual screens. Sdherever a visual screen is
required Uy this code, it shall be of sufficient �
height and density to visually separate the screened
activity from acijacent property. The screen may
consist of various fence �naterials, earth berms, plan�t
ma�terials, or a combination thereof.
�dherever visual screens are required, for the uses
belosa, the follo�ving standards shall apply.
(1) Hei�;ht re�ulations
Use Minimlim rlaximum Height
Hei,�llt for jJa1ls�Fences
Off-strc:e�t parking 4 ft. 6 in. 6. 5 ft.
Outdoor storage 6 ft.. --
Junkyard 8 ft. " --
Hospital , ambulance
and delivery areas 6 ft. 8 ft.
Utility buildings,
stations and
substations 6 ft. 8 ft.
(2) Visual screens shall be; located completely ��ithin
the lot line.
(3) Visual screen locations shall conform with front
yard setba�k lines in residential districts.
(4) ZJhen mutually agreeable to all property owners
involved, a required visual screen may be located .
on the opposite side of an alley rYgYit-of-way
from the noil-residential zone. Niaintenance shall
be the responsibility of the person required to
erect the screen.
(5) The laz�d between the screen and the prop�rty line
shall be landscaped and maini;ained so that a11 '
plant materials are healthy and that the area is
free from refuse and clebris.
(6) �tequired screens shall have no openings for
" pedestrians or vehicles e�cept as otherwise
provided for in this code.
1 . � � ' ' L�.���'F�\_.%
(7) Visual screens shall be maintained in a good
state of repair.
(8) In all cases where a required visual screen
would eYtend to an alley or street which is an
entrance to or exit from an off-street parking �
facility, it shall be permissible to end the �
visual screen not more than ten feet from such
' alley line or street line.
62. 10S. Site plan revie�v (all districts. ) '
5iibdivision 1. Plan to be submitted. A site plan
sllall be submitted to and approved by the plannin.g
commission before a permit is issued for the
erection or enlargement of usable floor area for
any development except one and t��To family dwellings,
but including �lie �olloiainb:
(1) Any development of one and tSJO family residences
which together e�ceed two acres (�7, 1�0 square
feet) in area:
(2) All residen�tially relatect uses in one-family
districts, such as , Uut not l.imitecl to,
churches, scliools, and pul�lic facilities.
(3) Any inclustrial use in an I-1, I-2, or I-3
District abutting a Resiclential District.
(4) Any use WY11C�1 abtits to a major thoroughfare.
(5) Any development on a slope greater than 12 percent.
(6) Any development in the River Corriclor Critical
Area or in the Floocl Plain District.
('7) All o�f-street parking facilities for uses
otlier thail one or tsro family d��*ellings.
(8) Any other use or development for �lhich tY� '
subrnission of a site p1an is renuired by
any provision of this cocle.
(9) Earth-sheltered structures.
SLl�)CI.. 2. Site plan application.
(1) Applica�:ions f.or site plan appraval shall be macie
to the planr�.ing conunissic�n in such form as
the commission uiay prescribe in its rules.
, . _ . : : r�.��,,��
(2) Saicl rules may provide for a delegation of
authority to the planning administrator of
the aity of Saint Paul of all poivers and duti es
granted to the planning commission under
Section 62. 1Q8, and such rules ���ill be filed ,
i�ith the office of the city clerk. -
(3) Application for site plan approval shall
include ten sets of plans s,rith sufficient .
detail to demonst�ate that the plan complies _
with the provisions of this code.
Subd. 3. Site plan revieza and approval . In order to
approve the site plan, the planning couunission shall
consider and fincl that the site plan is conszstent
tai th:
(1) The city' s aciopted .Comprehensive Plan an.d
development or project plans for sub-areas of
1;he ci ty.
(2) Applicable orciinances of the city of Saint Paul .
(�) PreseriTatio�l of unique gealogic, geographic
or historically significant characteristics of
the city ancl environmentally sensitive areas .
(4) -Pro�Lection of adjacent and neighboring properties
through reasonable piovision for such matters
as surface tvater clrainage, sound and si ght
buffers, preservation of views, light and
air, and those aspects of �esig� �,Yiich may
have suUstantial effects on neighboriilg land
(5) The arranbement of buildings, uses and facilities
of the proposed development in order to assure
abutting property and�or its occupants will not
be unreasonably affected.
(6) Creation o� ener�y-conser`ring design through '
landscaping and Iocatioil, orientation and
elevation of structures.
(7) Safety and convenience of botYi vehicular and
- pedestrian traFfic both within the site anc�
in relation to access streets, inclucling
traffic circulation features, the locations
ai�d design of entrances and exits and parl�ing
areas �aithin the si�e.
... _ ._._;. . ...;.:�:..�... . ... :.. . : :. . .. ..,.�..�.w .. , . . . .� _ , .._„__�,y.........�,�..�..x,:v.�,�.y.,ti -�...
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(8) The satisfactory availability and capacity
of storm and sanitary seiaers, including
solutions to any drainage problems in the
area of the development. ,
(g) Sitfficient landscaping, fences, walls and
parking necessary to meet the above objectives.
Subd. 4. Compliance requirements. The planning _
commission may make such requirements �aith respect �
to the above matters so as to assure compliance
with them.
Subd. 5. Revie�a of earth-sheltered structures.
In reviewing the site plan for earth shelterec�
structures, the planning commission shall , in
aduition to �the aUo�e objectives, consider:
(i) Type and location of landscaping to insure
maximum eompatibility with aajacent abo�•e
grade housing.
(2) Proper safegu�,rds for erosion control
including, but not limited �o, landscaping and
seecling to topsoil . S1ope and bluff locations
slzould be evaluated �or their ability to '
withstand crumbling or sa,gging.
(j) Proof of soil conditions which �aould not
cause aamage to adjacent users.
(4) Proper drainage systems to handle stoi,mwater
(5) Nlinimum setbacks of four feet shall be required.
Subd. 6. Security a�reement. Before the site plan
is approved, the applicant sliall file a performance
boncl equal to the estimated cost, as determined by '
the planning administra�tor, to install required
landscaping, paving, screenixig or items required
by special condition.
Upon completion of the bonded taork items, the
os�ler shal� apply to the plannin� admin�tratoi
for final inspection. If the planning administrator
finds that all installations meet the requirements
of approved plans and specifications, the securitiy
__ .__ � . ..:::.. _ ., . . . ,,. . , _ ._... . . ._. . _�...� ..�r:;�. .,�,�5..�.�r:��-���.:���,...-
• ' ,_ • , ' IG� �V�V+
agreement shall be released. Ho�aever, a security
agreement for landscaping shall be effective and
held for one year after completion of the work
in order to insure that such landscaping �,riil� ,
survive. If improvements are not completed as "
proposed within the established time limit, the
city may proceed to require performance by the •
surety, or complete stich installation by contract �
or force account and seek reimbursement o� its _
costs from the security agreement.
The planning administrator sha11 have the riglit
to accept a cash escrozo or irrevocable letter of. -
credit in lieu of a Uond in an amount a.nd under
such circumstances as tlze plannin� administrator
shall determine appropriate. �
If. seasonal weather conditions or phasing of
construction present practical difficulties in
tlle installation o-r completion of landscaping,
paving, screening, or any required item, the
completion - may be delayed for
not more thaii six moriths by the planriing adminis�trator.
The �stension of ti.me shall be granl;ed in j�rriting.
Subcl. 7 . Certificate of occupancy. Certificate of
occupancy shall not be issued until all items
required for site plan approval are completed or
an agreement has been made under Sec�tion 62. 108,
subdivision 6 above.
�ti�lien a site plan is required by this code, a
certificate of occupancy shall be renetved only
if the use is in conformance wi�th that site plan
and all conditions of this code.
62. 10�. Plant materials. The species, size, location
ancl sp�zcing ot plant materials shall be appropriate
for the purpose intended. A list of plaiit materia�s '
]iardy in Plinnesota is providecl in Appendix C to
Zoninb Coc1e and shall be regarded as suitable
for purposes of this Code. Plant materials shall
meet the folloz�in.g standards:
(1) Nlinimun� �lan�; si.zes (at time of planting) �
Medium and large trees� - 2-1�2 in. caliper.
Small trees - 6 to 8 ft, overall height.
Shrubs - 15 to 18 in. overall height.
�slzall be balled and burlapped stock.
- �
' � '.,�' ' /G t� ���Q
(2) SiTherever plant materials are used to satisfy
a visual screen requirement, planting shall
be sufficiently clense to provide an unbroken
visual barrier saithin a maxiruum of tSao grojaing
seasons af ter the time of planting.
(3) Planting areas shall be at least four feet in `
(4) The genus and species of all plant materials
must be identified on all plans suUmitted for -
permit approval .
(5) The os,�ners shall be i•esponsible for maintaining
all landscaping in a healthy and gro�vinb condition
and keeping it free �rom refuse and debris. Dead
plant materials shall be renioved Wlt$lIl a reasonable
time and replaced durinb the �normal plan�;ing season.
G2. 110. E:�terior li�htin�.
Subdivision 1. All outdoor lightinb in alI use
distric�ts�' iizcluclino off-street parl�in� facili ties,
sliall be shielded to reduce glare and sliall be so
• arranbed as to reflect lights at�ay from all adjacent
residential districts or adjaceut resideiices in such
a z��ay as not to ezceed three foot canclles measured
at the resiclence clistric�t boundary.
Subd. 2. All liglitinb in all clistricts usecl for
ttie eYternal illumination of buildings sliall be
placed and shielded so as not to interfere W1t�2
the vision of persons on adjacent hi�hways or
adjacent property.
Subd. 3. Illuminatioii of any other outdoor feature
sliall be waintained stationary and constaiit in
inl;ensity and color at all times tiahen in use.
PINK - FINANCE �' " pr(„
BLUE _1�� �M11�YOR File N O. .
��� Y
r O/ W Z/`fZILCG Ordinance N O. 1 ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 7 .
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given �
an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of
the next revision of said Legislative Code.
Section 8 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Levine In FavOr
Maddox �
�� Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date M� 2 g ��� Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified P b Council cret BY
- 2 9 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
A r d by Mayor: te
PUBLiSHED ,1 UN 6 i98�
� .
% . ��ss��
Proposed AMEND�IENT to C. F. 276828 in order to conform
to the style and numbering system established in ne�a
Legislative Code and to include certain changes in the
text per memo of riay 18, 1981 to Councilman Levine from
Steve Grochala -
Amend C. F. 276828 by striking everything after the -
enacting clause and substituting the following:
WHITE - CITY CLERK � � �/(��
IINK - FINANCE � COUflC1I , ! !_1���
Ord n /`C Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapters 60 and 62
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per-
taining to Zoning.
Section 1.
T at ec ion . ode be amended to read
a follows:
0.302 Accessory Use, or Accessory: �-�Aeeesse� ee�
�e use which is clearly incidenta� to, custom y
foun 'n connection with, and (except ��-�l�e- se-e€
aeeesse -e�€-s��ee�-ga�l�}�g-sgaees-e�-�e �e�} as pro-
vided in tion 62 .104) located on th ame zoning ol
as the princi use to sahich it is elated.
When "accessory" i sed in t text, it shall have the
same meaning as acces e.
An accessory use inc es, t is not limited to, the
a. Resident' accommodations for vants or caretakers.
b. Swi ng pools for the use of the oc ants of a
� r dence, or their guests.
. Domestic storage in a barn, shed, tool room, r
similar accessory building or other structures.
d . A newsstand primarily for the convenience of the
o ich is located wholly
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�"'"e ' [n Favor
Showalter A gai n s t BY
Form Approved �y it ttorn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By � l
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by� ay for Submission to Council
By — BY
� �ss2s
within such building and has no exterior signs
or displays.
e. torage of �nerchandise normally carried in tock
i connection with a business or industria use,
unl ss such storage is excluded in the ap licable
dist 'ct regulations.
f. Storage of gaods used in or produced b industrial
uses or lated activities, unless su storage is
excluded i the applicable district gulations.
g. Accessory of street parking space open or en-
closed, subje to the accessory o f-street parking
regulations for the district in w ich the zoning lot
is located.
h. Uses clearly incide tal to a m n use such as but
not limited to, offi s of an ndustrial or com-
mercial complex locat on th site of the com-
mercial or industrial znple
i. Accessory off-street load , subject to the off-
street loading regulations or the district in
which the zoning lot is lo a ed.
j . Accessory signs, subject o th sign regulations
for the district in whic the z ing lot is located.
Sec ion 2 .
That Section 60. 350 of the egislative Cod is amended to read
as follows:
60. 350 Lot, Zoning: single tract of land which, at
the time of filing fo a building permit, is signated
by its owners or dev oper as a tract to be us , de-
veloped, or built u n as a unit, under ownersh or
� �
, '��i��?�
_ 1
contro of one person or joint tenants. A zon' g lot
shall be in one zoning district and satisfy t s
Ordinance with respect to area, size, dimens ' ns, and
frontage a required in the district in whi the
zoning lot located. A zoning lot, ther ore, may
or may not c 'ncide with a lot of record filed with
the County Reg' ster of Deeds, but may in ude one _or
more lots of re ord.
Section 3.
That Section 60. 366 o the Legislative ode be amended to read
as follows:
60. 366 6ff-8tree�-Park g-�ets--P�- ae����p-g�e��e���e�
*aeh�ett��r-par3���e}-�gaees �e��-da�� -ae�ee�tte�e-e����aes-a�e�
a�s�ea,--€e�-�e�et��er��e�;- -es-�e �e��e�e-aeeess-fe�
e���anee-ar�e}-e���-�e�-�l�e-g �l���e} e€-x�e�e-��a�-���ee-{3}
Off-Street Parkin Facilit : 1 areas, spaces and
structures desi ned, used, re red, or intended to
be used for the parking of' mor an three 3 motor
vehic es. T is de inition ls nt ed to inc ude
ade uate driveways, accesswa , pa ing ba s, garages,
or a combination thereof, bu does t a.nclude pu lic
roads, streets, highwa s, a alleys.
Sec 'on 4 .
That Section 60.368 of the egislative Code ' s amended to
read as follows:
60. 368 Pa�k��e�-�ae���� ;-A€�-St�eet---P�-ee �e�a��p
ege�a�e�-e��-s��ee�-gar ��e�-�e�-g�e��e���e�-ga� 'r�g-sgaee
�e�-€tve-{5�-e�-�ere-p sse�e}e�-et��ex�eH��es-e�€ ke
gt�b�ie-st�eet-e�-a��e s.---��-ata�-ee�s�s�-e€-aa- er�-�e�;
` ;�tb�`�
a-� e�ge-e}a�a�eT-�amg;-e�-e��te�-s�rt�e�tt�e-a �-aeees-
se��- �����es;-abe�e-e�-t�r�e�e�g�et��re�.-
Parkin f ility, coinmercial: Ari off-st� et parking
facilit no accessor to an pr�incipal se or whrch
a fee i s cha ed o� t �e pr ivi leg�e o p ing.
Section 5.
That Section 60. 369 f the Legislative ode is amended to read
as follows:
60. 369 Parking Space An area of definite length and
width designed for par 'ng of mot vehicles; and said
area shall be exclusive f drive , aisles, or entrances
giving access thereto. a -sl�a� l�e-�t����-aeeess���e-�e�
�ke-s�e�a�e-e�-ga�3����-e� e��►� �ee�-�e�s�e�es.-
Secti 6.
That Sections 62 .103, 62 .104, 05, 62 .107, 62 . 108, 62. 110
and 62.111 of the Legisl.ative Code re ereby repealed in their
entirety and the following adopted in 1 u and in place thereof:
62 .103 Parking Requiremen s: The shall be provided
in all districts, except ' a B-4 o B-5 District, at
the time of erection or e largement o any main build-
ing, automobile off-stre parking spa es. Before a
certificate of occupancy shall be issue , the number of
off-street parking spac s shall be provi ed as herein-
after prescribed.
a. Site P1an Require
No building perm' , except far one, two, ree and
four family dwel ings, shall be issued for the con-
struction of any off-street parking facilit unless
and until the P anning Commission has approv a
site p an for the facility meeting the tandards
and reg lations contained in this Sect on, Section
62. 104 a Section 62 .108. Site plan for one,
two, thre and four family dwelling its shall
be approve by the Zoning Administr or.
b. Enlar ement Structures
Off-street park'ng shall be prov' ed for all new
buildings in acc rdance with the requirements of
this section. Wh n existing bu ' dings are enlarged,
off-street parking hall be pr ided for the ad-
ditional usable flo space or increased intensity
of use in accordance ith the requirements that this
section would impose new ildings, for all facili-
�ies, structures or use ser ed by such off-street
c. Chan e in Use of Parkin as
Designated or identifiab e ' sting off-street
parking facilities, acc sory o one or more
principal use, structur or fac lity, may be changed
to another use when th remainin off-street parking
meets the requirement that this ction would im-
pose on new buildings for all fac ities, structures,
or uses, including t e new use. Wh the remaining
off-street parking es not meet such requirements,
other off-street p king shall be subs ituted for
the parking space hanged to another us , and ad-
ditional off-stre parking shall be pro 'ded for
the new use in ac ordance with the requir ents of
this section.
d. Ru1es for Com ing Re uired Parking
(1) For the p pose of computing the number of
parking s aces required, the definition of
� � �'�1�82�
US LE FLOOR AREA in Seetion 60 35 shall
appl .
(2) When u its or measurements de ermining the
number f required parking s aces result in
the requ 'rements of a fract ' nal space, any
fraction p to and includi one-half shall
be disrega ded and fractio s over one-half
shall requi e one parking pace.
(3) Two (2) or mo e building or uses may col-
lectively pro 'de the r uired off-street
parking, in whi h case he required number of
parking spaces s all n t be less than the sum
of the requiremen s o the individual uses
computed separatel .
(4) When operating hour of buildings do not overlap,
Planning Commission m grant an exception per-
mitting the dual f ct n of off-street parking
(5) Wherever access the han icapped is required
by Chapter 55 of the Minnes ta State Building
Code, at least e (l) space er fifty (50)
spaces, or frac ion thereof, all be provided
for the use of he handicapped. Each space
reserved for t e exclusive use the handi-
capped shall designated by an 'nternational
wheelchair s ol.
(6) The storage f inerchandise, trucks; he repair
of vehicles r the business of sellin motor
vehicles is rohibited in off-street p rking
� ������
e. Parki Requiremerits b Use
The mini um number of off-street pa ing spaces
by type o use shall be determined in accordance
with the f lowing schedule:
(a) Residential One d one-half (1-1/2) for each
dwe ing unit.
(b) Housing for the Elderly On � (1) for each three (3) units;
r vided there is space available
" the lot to meet the 1-1/2 space
uirement for multiple-family.
(c) Trailer Court ne 1) for each trailer site and
one ) for each employee of the
traile court.
(d) Boarding House Two (2) or each dwelling unit plus
one (1) each two (2) roomers.
(a) Churches or temples One (1) for e h three (3) seats
or six (6) fee of pews in the main
unit of worship.
(b) Hospitals_ One and one-half -1/2) for each
one (1) hospital b
(c) Nursing home or arding One (1) for each two 2) beds.
care home.
(d) Elementary and unior One (1) for each one (1) teacher,
high schools. employee, or administrato .
(e) Senior high s hools One (1) for each one (1) te cher,
employee, or ad�ninistrator a d one
(1) for each ten (10) student .
� ��f�.��
(f) Private clubs or lodge One (1) for each th e (3) persons
halls allawed within the aximum occupancy
load as establish by local, county,
or state fire, b lding, or health
(g) Private golf ubs, One (1) for ea two (2) member
tennis clubs, o other families or i ividuals.
similar uses
(h) Golf courses open the Six (6) for each one (1) goli� hole
general public, exc t and 'one (1 for each .one (1) employee.
miniature or "par-3"
(i) Fraternity or sorority One (1) for each five (5) active
ember , or one (1) for each two
) b s, whichever is greater
(j) Stadium, sports arena, On l) for each three (3) seats
or similar place of or (6) feet af benches.
outdoor assembly.
(k) Theaters and Auditoriums 0 (1) or each five (5) seats
us one 1) for each two (2)
(1) College, university or One (1) for ch three (3) employees
seminary and members o the staff and one (1)
for each three ) fu1T time students
not residing on pus.
(m) Dormitory One (1) for each t ee (3) beds.
(n) Community Residenti One (1) for each two 2) group
Facilities home residents allowed y this
. �.��i���
(o) Mik�,sions One (1) for each f' e (5) occupancy
�� units.
(p) Indoor�''r,�ennis courts open Three (3) space for each one (1)
to the c�neral public tennis court an one (1) space for
�ach employee.
(a) Auto Laundry uto Wash) One (1) for ach one (1) employee.
In additio , twenty (20) reservoir
parking sp ces shall be provided.
(b) Beauty parlor or b ber Three (3) spaces for each of the
shop first tw (2) beauty or barber
chairs, nd one and one-half (1-1/2)
spaces or each additional chair.
(c) Bowling alleys Five ) for each one (1) bowling
(d) Dance halls, pool or On 1) for each three (3) persons
billiard parlors, all ed within the maximum occupancy
roller or skating rinks, lo s established by local, county
exhibition halls, and or sta fire, building, or health
assembly halls without c es.
fixed seats
(e) Establishments for sale ne (1) for ach one hundred (100)
and consumption on the square feet usable floor area.
premises, of beverage,
food, or refreshments.
(f) Furnit e and appliance, One (1) for ea eight hundred (800)
househo equipment, square feet o usable floor area.
repair sh s, showroom
of a plumb , decorator,
electrician, or similar
trade, shoe r air and
other similar es.
(g) Automobile servic Two (2) or each lubrication stall,
station. rack, o pit; and one (1) for each
gasoli pump.
(h) Laundromats and coin One ( for each two (2) machines.
operated dry cleaners
(i) Miniature or "par-3" r (3) for each one (1) hole.
golf courses.
(j) Mortuary establishment On 1) for each fifty (50) square
f t f assembly room usable floor
ea, arlors, and slumber rooms.
(k) Motel, hotel, or other ne (1) r each one (1) occupancy
commercial lodging nit.
(1) Motor vehicle sales and One (1) for e ch two hundred (200)
service establishments. square feet o usable floor area of
sales room and e (1) for each one
(1) auto service tall in the
serdice room.
(m) Retail stores except s One (l) for each on hundred and
otherwise specified fifty (150) square f t of usable
herein. floor area.
(n) Theaters and Audito iums One (1) for each five ( seats
plus one (1) for each tw (2)
` \ ✓��:\-���III'�'
(a) Banks One (1) fo each one hundred (100)
square fee of usable floor area.
(b) Business offices o One (1) or each two hundred (200)
professional offices square et of usable floor area.
except as indicated
in the following item
(C) ,
(c) Professional offices of e 1) for each one hundred (100)
doctors, dentists, or sq re feet of usable floor area
similar professions. in iting rooms, and one (1) for
e h amining room, dental chair,
sim ar use area.
(a) Industrial or research Five (5) , p s one (.1) for every one
establishments. and one-half -1/2) employees in
the largest wo ing shift, ar one
(1) for every th ee hundred and fifty
(350) square feet of usable floor
area, whichever is etermined to be
the greater. Space n site shall
also be provided for 11 construction
workers during period of plant con-
(b) Wholesale establi ents. Five (5) , plus one (1) f every one
(1) e�nployee in the large working
shift, or one (1) for ever seventeen
hundred (1700) square feet f usable
floor area, whichever is gre ter.
� � ;���I682�
f. Parkin e uirement for Other Uses
For those es not specifically m tioned in Section
62. ]�03 (e) , e requirements for o f-street parking
shall be in a cordance with a us which the Planning
Commissian con 'ders as similar n type. When the
Planning Commis 'on determines hat there is no use
listed in Subsec 'on e, which s similar to a petition-
ing use, the Plann' g Commiss on �nay determine the
number of minimum p king sp es, required for such
62 . 104 Off-Street Parking c lity Standards and Design.
Wherever the off-street parki requirements in Section
62 .103 require the building n off-street facility or
where P-1 Vehicular Parking is ict, Section 60.560 are
provided, or where any off- reet arking facility is built,
such off-street parking fa lities hall be laid out, con-
structed and maintained i accordan with the following
standards and design.
a. Site Plan Review
A site plan shall submitted for rev ew as outlined
in Section 62 .108 f this ordinance. I addition, the
following shall b submitted:
(1) Ownership of 11 lots or parcels inten d for
use as park ' g.
(2) Indication f all structures or facilities to
be served the off-street parking facilit
(3) Location d direction of drainage for stormw ter
Applications for building permits that involve chang ng
any parking pace to another use shall include the
following i for�nation:
� �`d��2�
(1) A1 uses, structures, or facilities served by
suc off-street parking spaces;
(2) Total umber of parking spaces a essory to
such us , structures, or facil ' ies;
(3) Number of arking spaces propo d to be changed
to another e.
b. Parkin Facility cation: Resi ential
Residential off-stre parking hall consist of an
off-street parking fa ' lity or parking spaces as
defined in this Ordinan e. P king spaces for one
and two-family dwelling it shall be located on the
same zoning lot that they r intended to serve. Park-
ing spaces for buildings co aining three (3) or more
dwelling units shall be on same zoning lot, in a
P-1 zoning district, or in an butting zoning lot in
the same or less restrict' e zo ing district.
c. Parking Facility Locatio . Non-r idential
Off-street parking for her than re 'dential use shall
be either (1) on the s e zoning lot, 2) in a P-1
Vehicular Parking Dist ct, or (3) with'n the same
district as the princi al use and within three hundred
(300) feet of the bui ing it is intended o serve,
measured from the nea est point of the bui ing to the
nearest point of the ff-street parking lot.
' �
d. Minimum layout dimensions:
Parki g Space Parking Space ing Lane
Pattern Wiot Len th 4Jidth
Parking 8 t. 21 ft. 12
30� - 53� ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 12
4° - �40 8 ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 15
75° 90° 9 ft. 18 ft. 20
F8� _
2. 22,
�' "•6
, �,�0 y
� 18� a- �
g6 F--18'--�
j , ��� 12'
15• 20' g,
Parallel 30°—53° 54°—74° 750_ o
e. Com ac S aces
Access ry parking facilities may desi ate up to 50%
of th spaces for compact cars only. I which case,
the nimum layout dimensions may be red ed to 8'
widt and 16' length.
Co ercial parking facilities may designate
nu ber of compact parking spaces.
* ���l�G�J
f. Han 'ca ed Spaces
Parkin spaces for the handi apped shall be not less
than twe ve (12) feet in wid h and shall be located
so as to ovide accessibil' y to ramps, elevators,
sidewalks, uildings, and o her public rights-of-way
in accordanc with the pro sions of Chapter 55 of
the Minnesota tate Buildi g Code, Facilities for
the Handicappe
g. Maneuvering Lanes
Except in the case o 62 04h, access to any parking
space for a use other h n one or two family structures
shall be provided by a neuvering lane. Al1 off-street
parking facilities shal e designed so that any vehicle
leaving or entering the f ility, from or onto a public
street shall be traveli g rward.
h. Stacked Parking
Stacked parking shall e allowed in any off-street
parking facility when er an atte ant is present.
Space for any maneuve ing of vehic s must be provided
in the attended park' g facility.
i. Entrance and Exits
Adequate entrances nd exits to and from e parking
facility shall be p ovided by zneans of cle ly defined
and limited drives
(1) Entrances and xits to and from the parkin facility
„ on residentia y zoned land shall not be ac ss land
in a more res rictive residential zoning dis ict.
,� ��16�2� �
(2) En rances and exits to and fro a parking facility
in Commercial or Industrial oning district shall
not across land in a Resid tial or Office
Servi district.
(3) Entrance and exits to and f om alI parking facilities
located i land zoned other han R-1 through R-4,
RT-1, and T-2 shall be at east twenty-five (25)
feet from a adjoining pr erty in R-1 through R-4,
RT-1, and RT zoning dis icts.
(4) Entrances and its to an from a parking facility
shall be at leas thirty (30) feet from the point of
intersection of c b lin s of twa or more inter-
secting streets.
j . Wheel-Stops
Provisions shall be made se of such devices as curbs,
wheel stops and earth ber t prevent vehicles from
damaging or overhanging a jace property or public
k. Setback
Off-street parking spac s shall not within a required
fro�t or side yard exce as otherwise rovided in Section
61.103 (b) and shall be a minimum of 4 et fro�n any side
lot line.
1. Visual screening
For off-street parki facilities which adjoi or abut
across an alley, a R sidential use or zoning ' strict,
a visual screen sha be provided and maintaine , as
required in Section 62 . 107 of this Ordinance.
_ _16-
� , �j/r 1 V��
m. Landsca 'ng
For any pa king facility, other t an a parking garage,
landscaping hall be provided to ) buffer the facility
from adjacen properties and fro` the public right-of-
way; 2) reduce the visual, glar and heat effects of
large expanses pavement; and 3) provide areas for
the retention an absorption o stormwater runoff.
Al1 required yards d any un veloped space shall be
landscaped using mat ials su as trees, shrubs, sod
or groundcover plants. In ad ition to perimeter land-
scaping, parking lots f mo than 50 cars shall contain
planting islands. As a 'ni u�n, one square foot of
landscaped area shall be p ided for every 10 square
feet of paving. Any landsc ed areas shall be planted
and maintained in accordan ith Section 62 .110 of
this Ordinance.
n. Maintenance
All areas of all off-str t parking acilities shall
be kept free from refuse and debris.
o. Paving
All parking spaces and off-street parking cilities
shall be paved with a halt or other durable dustless
surfacing in accordan e with specifications o the
zoning administrator. The parking area shall b paved
within one year of t e date of the permit.
� ��s���
p. Li ht
All park g facilities shall be ill inated, to a level
to allow fe, secure access to the a�king facility
and within t. All parking facili illumination shall
conform to t provisions of Secti n 62.111.
q. Stormwater runo
Off-street parkin facilities s rmwater drainage into
public sewers shall e controll d so that peak storm-
water discharge rate frozn the ite for all storms up
to and including the itical 00 year frequency will
not exceed:
Q=1. 64 x A where Q = th m imum acceptable
discharge rate in cubic t per second and
A=the site area in acres.
Parking facilities shall b des ned so that discharge
of all stormwater runoff d sur ce water shall be in
a fashion so as to preclu e drain e of water onto
adjacent property or tow d buildin s.
62 . 105 Off-Street Loading d Unloading. On the same premises
with every building, struct re, or part th eof, involving the
receipt and distribution o vehicles, �nateri ls, merchandise,
supplies or equipment ther shall be provide and maintained
on the zoning lot, in add' ion to zoning off-s eet parking
. � ��sg��
requirem ts, adequate space for maneuverin , standing,
loading, d unloading in order to avoid u ue inter-
ference wi public use of dedicated right -of-way. Such
space shall e provided as follows:
a. All spaces all be laid out in dimen ions of at least
ten by fifty 10 ' x 50 ' ) feet, or fi hundred (500)
square feet in rea, with a clearan of at least four-
teen (14) feet i height. Loading ock approaches shall
be provided with pavement having permanent, durable,
and dustless surfa All spaces hall be provided in
at least the follow �g ratio:
0 - 1, 400 - n
1, 401 - 20, 000 - O (1) space
20,001 - 100, 000 - On (1) space plus one (1) space
fo ach 20, 000 square feet in
e es of 20, 001 square feet.
100, 001 and over - F e ( spaces
b. No off-street loading space shall b located in any yard
adjoining any residential e or zoni g district.
c. Space shall be provided wi hin the off- treet loading
area so that any �naneuver ' g back into 0 out of a
loading space can be cond cted outside of ny public
62 .107 Visual Screens. W rever a visual scree is required
by this ordinance, it shal be of sufficient heig t and
density to visually separ e the screened activity rom ad-
jacent property. The scr en may consist of various fence
materials, earth berms, ant materials, or a combin tion
� ������
Wherever isual screens are required, for the uses below,
the follo 'ng standards shall apply.
a. Height re ulations s`'
Use Minimum Height Maxi Height for Walls/Fences
Off-street pa king 4 ft. 6 in. 6 ft.
Outdoor storag 6 ft. ---
Junkyard 8 ft. ---
Hospital, ambul ce
and delivery are 6 ft. 8 ft.
Utility buildings, ''
stations and sub-
stations 6 ft. 8 ft.
b. Visual screens shall located completely within the
lot line.
c. Visual screen locations s 11 onform with front yard
setback lines in residenti istricts.
d. When mutually agreeable to a property owners involved,
a required visual screen �nay located on the opposite
side of an alley right-of-w om the non-residential
zone. Maintenance shall be the esponsibility of the
person required to erect t scr n.
e. The land between the scre and th property line shall
be landscaped and maintai ed so tha all plant materials
are healthy and that the rea is fre from refuse and
f. Required screens shall ve no openings or pedestrians
or vehicles except as o erwise provided 'n this Ordi- �
g. Visual screens shall maintained in a goo state of
N i �l�'f.+�
h. In all cas s where a required visual screen would
extend to a alley or street which is an entrance
or exit to an from an off-street parking facility,
it shall be pe issible to end the vir�ual screen not
more than ten O feet from such al,.�ey line or street
line. ;;�
62.108 Site Plan Revie (All Distric ) .
a. A site plan shall be su itted to and approved by the
Planning Commission befo a per t is issued for the
erection or enlargement o usabl floor area for any
development except one and o ily dwellings, but
including the following:
1. Any development of one and family residences
which together exceed two r (87,120 square
feet) in area.
2. All residentially related ses in ne-family
districts, such as, but n t limite to churches,
schools and public facili ies.
3. Any industrial use in an I-1, I-2, or -3 District
abutting a Residential D strict.
4. Any use which abuts to major thoroughfa e.
5. Any development on a s pe greater than 12�
6. Any development in the River Corridor Critic
Area or in the Flood P ain District.
7 . All off-street parkin facilities for uses oth
than one, two, three r four family dwellings.
8. Any other use or de lopment for which the sub-�t
mission of a site pl n is required by any provision
of this Ordinance.
� �l�VVI'�-
9. Earth- eltered structures.
b. Site Plan A lication
1. Application for site plan approv shall be made
to the Plann g Commission in suc form as the
Commission ma prescribe in its les.
2. Said rules may p ovide for a de gation of author-
ity to the Planni Ad�ninistrat r of the City of
Saint Paul of all wers and d ies granted to
the Planning Commis on under ection 62 .108, and
such rules will be fi d with he Office of the
City Clerk.
3. Applicati�n for site plan p roval shall include
ten (10) sets of plans wit ufficient detail to
demonstrate that the plan c lies with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance. '
c. Site Plan Review and Approva `
In order to approve the site, plan, th Planning Com-
mission shall consider and nd that t site plan is
consistent with:
1. The City' s adopted Comp hensive Flan a develop-
ment or project plans f r sub-areas of t City.
2. Applicable ordinances the City of Saint ul.
3. Preservation of unique geologic, geographic o
historically signific t characteristics of th
city and environmenta ly sensitive areas.
4. Protection of adjacen and neighboring properties
through reasonable p vision for such matters as
surface water draina e, sound and sight buffers,
preservatio of views, light and air, a those
aspects of d ign, which may have subs ntial
effects on ne hboring land uses.
5. The arrangement buildings, uses a facilities
of the proposed d elopment in order to assure
abutting property d/or its occupa ts will not
be unreasonably affe ted.
6. Creation of energy-con rving des gn through
landscaping and location orient ion and elevation
of structures.
7. 5afety and convenience of b h ehicular and
pedestrian traffic both withi the site and in
relation to access streets, i uding traffic
circulation features, the lo ti ns and design
of entrances and exits and p rkin areas within
the site.
8 . The satisfactory availabil ty and ca city of
storm and sanitary sewers including lutions
to any drainage problems n the area o the
9 . Sufficient landscaping, fences, walls and rking
necessary to meet the a ove objectives.
d. The Planning Commission m y make such requiremen with
respect to the above mat r so as to assure compl nce
with them.
e. Review of earth--shelter d structures.
Sn reviewing the site lan for earth-sheltered
structures, the Planni g Commission shall, in
addition to the above objectives, consider:
� � ���s���
l. Type and cation of landscaping insure
maximum ca�n tibility with adjace t above
grade housin
2. Proper safeguar for erosion c ntrol including,
but not limited , landscapin and seeding to
topsoil. Slope an bluff loca ions should be
evaluated for their bility t withstand crumbling
or sagging.
3. Proof of soil condition whi h would not cause
damage to adjacent users.
4. Proper drainage systems to ndle stormwater runoff.
5. Minimum setbacks of four ( ) et shall be required.
f. Security Agreement.
Before the site plan is app oved, the plicant shall
file a perfor�nance bond eq 1 to the es 'mated cost as
determined by the Planning Administrator o install
required landscaping, pavi g, screening or 'tems required
by special condition.
Upon completion of the bo ded wark items, the wner shall
apply to the Planning Ad inistrator for final i spection.
If the Planning Administ ator finds that all ins llations
meet the requirements o approved plans and speci 'cations,
t�ie security agreement all be released. However, a
security agreement for andscaping shall be effecti and
held for one year afte completion of the work in or r
to insure that such la dscaping will survive. If iinp ve-
ments are not complet as proposed within the establi ed
time limit, the City ay proceed to require performance
by the surety, or com lete such installation by contract
or force account and eek reimbursement of its costs from
the security agreeme t.
The Planning Admini trator shall have the right to accept
a cash escrow or ir evocable letter of credit in lieu of
a bond in an amoun and under such circumstances as the
Planning Administr tor shall determine appropriate.
� V ;�'�6��8
If seaso 1 weather conditions or ph ing of construction
present p ctical difficulties in t installation or
completion the landscaping, the ompletion of the
landscaping y be delayed for not ore than six months
by the Planni Administrator. Th extension of time
shall be grant in writing.
g. Certificate of Oc upancy
Certificate of Occu ncy shall n t be issued until all
items required for si e plan ap oval are completed or
an agreement has been de unde Section 62 .108 (f) above.
When a site plan is requi ed b this ordinance, a
Certificate of Occupancy s 11 e renewed only if the
use is in conformance with a site plan and all
conditions of this ordinance.
62 . 110 Plant Materials. The sp c es, size, location, and
spacing of plant materials shal be ppropriate for the pur-
pose intended. A list of plant ate 'als hardy in Minnesata
is provided in Appendix C and s all b regarded as suitable
for purposes of this Ordinance. Plant aterials shall meet
the following standards:
a. Minimum Plant Sizes (at ti e of planti )
medium and large trees* 2-1/2 in. calip r
small trees 6-8 ft. overall ight
shrubs 15-18 in. overall eight
*shall be balled and bur apped stock
b. Wherever plant material are used to satisfy a v ual
screen requirement, pla ting shall be sufficientl
dense to provide an unb oken visual barrier within
maximum of two (2) gro ng seasons after the time o
,2 5 _
t �L ��l'M�
• �
c. Planti areas shall be at least our (4) feet in
d. The genus a species of all pl nt materials �nust
be identifie on all plans sub itted for per�nit
e. The owners shall b responsi e for maintaining all
landscaping in a hea thy and growing condition and
keeping it free from fuse nd debris. Dead plant
materials shall be remo ed ithin a reasonable time
and replaced during the al planting season.
62.111 Exterior Lighting.
a. All outdoor lighting in a 1 use districts, including
off-street parking facili ies, s 11 be shielded to
reduce glare and shall b so arran ed as to reflect
lights away from all adj cent resid tial districts
or adjacent residences i such a way s not to exceed
three (3) foot candles asured at the esidence
district boundary.
b. Al1 lighting in all di ricts used for the xternal
illumination of signs r buildings shall be aced
and shielded so as not to interfere with the ' sion
of persons on adjacen highways or adjacent pro erty.
c. Al1 illumination of s gns and any other outdoor
feature shall be main ained stationary and constan
in intensity and col at all times when in use.
�It� - MAYOR File N O.
O/ f�f�Z/L�/`CG Ordinance N O.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Comm tee By Date
Section 7 .
That this o inance shall take effect and be n force thirty
(30) days from an after its passage, approval a publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In Favor
Showalter A gai n s t BY
Form Approved ity torne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by ayor r Submission to Council
e • "
DATE: May 18, 1981
T0: Councilman Len Levine
FROM: Steve Grochala�
In reviewing the last draf�� of the proposed ordinance, I have identified
a couple of typing errors and some changes in the text which I have
discussed with the Zoning Administrator' s staff (Wendy Lane) .
If these meet your approval would you introduce them prior to or at the
third reading of the ordinance? The second reading is on the Tuesday, May 19, ,
Agenda of the Council ; third reading will be on the Thursday, May 21 , Agenda.
Thank you. . . .
SG:dmm �
cc: Mike Sirian
Wendy Lane
�3e� L.�tssc„�
l6 / ���V
MAY 18, 1981
62.103 (a)
No building permit, except for one, and two, ���ee-ap�-€eb�= family dwellings,
shall be issued for the construction of any off-street parkir�g fac�ility unless
and until the Planning Com'mission has approved a site plan for the facility
meeting the standards and regulations �contained in this Section, Section 62.104
and Section� 62.108. Site plans for one, and two, �b�ee-a��-�ea� family dwelling
units shall be approved by the Zoning Administrato►°. . _
(Makes this section consistent with present ordinance) .
62.103 (b)
Off-street parking shall be provided for all new buildings in accordance with
the requirements of this section. When existing buildings are enlarged, off-
street parking shall be provided for the additional usable floor space or increased
intensity of use in accordance with the requirements ��a�-���s of this section,
unless the existing off-street parkin , after the enlarqement, meets the require-
ments that this sectTOn wowld imp.ose on new buildings, for all facilities, �
structures or uses served by such off-street parking.
(Part of original ordinance, inadvertently left out during typing) .
62.103 (d) (6) �
The storage of inerchandise, or trucks; the repair of vehicles or the business of
selling .�s�e� �e��s�es merchandise is prohibited in off-street parking areas.
(Recommendation of Zoning Administrator' s office. This does not prohibit the legal
i��e of non-par!;ing areas for the sale of inerchandise) .
62.104 (o)
� .
All parking spaces and off-street parking facilities shall be paved with asphalt
or other durable, dustless surfacing in accordance with specifications of the
zoning administrator. The parking area shall be paved within one. year of the date
of the permit except as provided in Section 62.108(f) . �
(Allows an extension of time if needed to complete the work) .
62.107 (a)
a. Height regulations
Use Minimum Height Maximum Height for Walls/Fences
Off-street parking 4 ft. 6 in. �-€�.- 6.5 ft.
Outdoor storage 6 ft. ' ---
Junkyard 8 ft. --- .
, Hospital , ambulance
and delivery areas 6 ft. 8 ft.
Utility buildings,
stations and sub-
stations 6 ft. 8 ft.
(Makes ordinance consistent with C.F. 268843 ),
62.108 (a) (7)
All .off-street parking facilities for uses other than one, or two, �q�=ee-e�=-�e��=
family dwell"ings. . —
(Makes section consistent with (a) above) .
62.108 (f)
If seasonal weather conditions or phasing of�construction present practical
difficulties in the installation or completion of ��e landscaping, avin ,
screening, or any required items, the completion e�-�be-�ap�sea���� may be
delayed for not more than six months by the Planning Administrator. The extension
of time shall be granted in' writing.
(Allows for extension of time if needed to complete the work) .
62.111 (b)
All lighting in all districts used for the external illumination of s�g�as e�=
buildings shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision
of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent property. �
62.111 (c)
A�� Illuminat.ion of s�Qps-a�d any other outdoor feature shall be maintained stationary-
and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use.
(Signs are. dealt a�ith in sign ordinanc2) . .
�'r b���
R' ;
+ riii It��i .+'
�••� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
April 15, 1981 r '
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Council President Ron Maddox
Room 719
Re: Site Plan Review Criteria and Parking Facility
Zoning Text Changes
Dear Council President Maddox:
Peggy Reichert, Planning Director, requested that our office
prepare the amendments to the zoning ordinances as proposed by
the Planning Co�nmission and sub�nitted to you on March 4th.
If you have any questions, please c� am sending a cop
of t draft to Peggy Reichert.
Ve y ruly ours, �
` �
JE E J. S AL �
istan ity Attorney �
J S:cg � �
cc: Peggy Reichert (w/enc. )
� �
,� .',..`�, , CZTY OF SAINT PAUL �
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`z� '' 0 o t e : May 7, 1981
-- ;'
TO : Saint Pau! City Counci!
Leonard W. Levine, chairman, makes the foilowing
report on C.F. . X[� Ordinance �
[] Resolution
[� Other
T t 7 LE : Letter from the Mayor transmi tti ng a
Planning Commission resolution together
with recommended zoning amendments
dealing with site plan review process
for the City and with parking facility ..
�---- design and special requirements.
--- ._ : _ _
The Committee recommends approval .
(Attachment) .
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; � Y't�s Ci�y. Couaail relerred �Lo t2se C�.ty Dsv!�]]�ccposot & Tr4nspor'E+�- t � �
tion Oom�mittee, t'or-cons#.d�rstian arsd tor_rsooim�endstioni a letter
_ • oP. tl� Me�ror trsaamit�Liag s F'lsanis�g t�ission �esolut.�on to-
gutl�er +Kth rseammeqded Zoniicag Ordinaact �mae�doeat's 8ealing vith� �. , , .
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'' ,��� 347 CITY HALL
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
P�9arch 4, 1981
Council President Ron Maddox .
and Members of the City Council �
Room 704 City Ha11
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear P1r. P�addox and Counci 1 Members :
I am forwarding to you with my recommendation for approval the attached
zoning ordinance amendments. The amendments deal with the site plan
review process for the City and with parking facility design and space
The major changes are outlined in the Report Brief attached to the
ordinance. These include revamping the site plan review process to make
it clearer and to ensure compliance with the city-approved site plan.
The ordinance recognizes changed energy conditions by encouraginq parking
design for compact cars and reducing parking requirer�ents for some uses.
The ordinance also addresses the spillover effects of providing parking
by specifying storm v�ater run-off limits , landscaping and screening
requirements as �vell as lighting requirements.
The Planning Commission initiated the 40-acre study in 1979. The report
has gone through public review and was approved by the Commission on a
vote of 13 to 0 at its February 27, 1981 , meeting.
I hope you will concur with me in approving this ordinance change.
Peggy Reichert, Planning Director, and Steve Grochala, Senior Pianner,
wil] be arranging a time to brief you on the zoning changes. They can
be reached at 298-�t151 if you have any questions.
Sincerel , �
Ge e Latimer
Ma o
cc: City Attorney
�ty Cl erk
Peggy Reichert
Steve Grochala
� � � ���2�
city of saint paul
. planning commission resolutior�
file number 81-05
date Fahri�arv 27� 1QR1
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Commission at their May 11 , 1979
meeting, initiated a 40 Acre Study to 'amend Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code pertaining to parking regulations., site plan review criteria
and procedures (Sections 62.103 through 62.111 and definitions) ; and
WHEREAS, the Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission
reviewed the suggested ordinance amen�ments and has recommended them to the _
Planning Commission for approval ; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357(5) , the Planning
Commission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular
meeting on Noverrd�er 7, 1980; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined:
1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the
Ordinance renders the obtaining of written consent impracticai ;
2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made;
3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this
Ordinance proposed are related to the overall needs of the community,
to existing land use, and to a plan for future land use; and
4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was
given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on October 17, October 24,
and Qctober 31 , 1980.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval
of the zoning code text amendments attached hereto as proposed in the 4� Acre
Study pertaining to parking regulations , site plan review criteria and procedures
and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution
to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action .
mo�ed by gryan
���d �y Panqal
in favar ,3 .
agairlst o
= � � ���?�
. . _ .:
� JANUARY, 1981
(612) 298-4154
� D� D D � D �``16�28
ZONING TEXT CHANGE ANALYSIS Parking Requirements , Site Plan Review Criteria and
40 ACRE STUDY Procedures : Sections 62.103 through 62.111 of the St. Paul
Zoning Ordinance.
�Jhat does the proposed Ordinance do?
The Ordinance updates and revises the parking requirements
and site plan review criteria and procedures sections of
the Zoning Ordinance.
1 .Plajor changes are:
A.Site Plan Process
1 .Procedures spelled out for site plan reviews
(p.14-16) .
2.Security agreements required to assure completion
of required landsc:�ping, paving, and visual
screening (p.16) .
3.Certificate of occupancy used for site plan enforce-
ment (p.16) .
4.Site plan approval delegated to Zoning Administrator
for one and two ur�it residences (p.14) .
S.Minimum standards set for required visual screening,
plant materials or lighting (p.13, 17, 18).
B.Parking Requirements
1 .Requirement for handicapped spaces changed to meet
State law (p.3) .
2.Requirements for theatres and auditoriums changed
to one parking space for every 5 seats (p.5) .
3.Requirements for one and two family dwellings
reduced from 2 spaces per unit to 1 .5 spaces per
unit (p.4).
C.Parking Facilities Design and Location
1 .Site plan review required (�.8) .
. 2.Parking for multi-unit residences allowed in abutting
lots (p.8).
3.Rule for compact spaces established (p.9) . �
4.Stacked parking permitted with attendant (p.10) .
5.Setback, landscaping, maintenance, paving and
lighting required (p.11 ).
6.Standard set for storm water runoff (p.11 ) .
D.Reorganization, re-numbering and titling of other
sections whose content was not changed.
2.l�Jho initiated the amendments?
The Planning Commission.
3. Is the proposal timely?
General review and adjustment of the Zoning Ordinance
occurs regularly. Changes in the Planning and Economic
Development Department and in City procedures for site
plan review made changes in that section of the Ordinance
appropriate. Changes in auto use and auto sizes
necessitated changes in parking facilities design
4.What problems will be solved by the amendment?
The amendment codifies the site plan review requirements
and specifies clearly the enforcement procedures. The
parking facilities section removes outdated sections;
adds requirements for proper buffering and landscaping
to preserve the City's character; and changes require-
ments for the dimensions of parking spaces.
Conflicting language and site plan review requirements
have been reconciled.
The Ordinance provides clear requirements for controling
storm water runoff from newly paved surfaces.
� S.What problems might the amendment create?
The amendment necessitates changes in PED and Building
Code Division administrative procedures in order to
provide a process for accepting and administering
security agreements under the site plan review procedures.
6.What economic effects will result because of the
a.The changes in required parking facility dimensions
will lessen development costs.
b.The requirements for landscaping will affect some
developments which did not provide planting in the
past. Most developments will see no cost change from
their existing patterns of landscaping.
c.Security agreements will increase development costs
dependent upon the ability of the developer to obtain
� appropriate credit or bonding.
7.Is the amendment consistent with the general purpose of
the Zoning Code?
The proposed amendments are consistent with the Zoning
Ordinance's intent to: 1 ) conserve property values ;
2) lessen congestion by providing for off-street parking;
• 3) protect all areas of the City from harmful encroach-
ment by compatible uses.
8. Is the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan?
Yes. The St. Paul Land Use Plan Polici�es 1 .4-1 and
1 .4-3 direct the City to improve site plan review
process and landscaped buffering. Policy 4.2-7 states
that the City, through design controls and zoning, will
"encourage businesses to maintain scale of development;
. . � , �s���
reduce parking problems; buffer unsightly areas from
adjoining residences and businesses ; and maintain and
improve the existing appearances of their structures."
Policy 4.2-9 states that the City will investigate
instituting security agreements to guarantee compliance
with standards for commercial areas.
9.What are the consequences of defeating this amendment?
If this amendment or something similar is not adopted,
City site plan review procedures and off-street parking
regulations will remain those presently in the Zoning
, Q � �6�28
c�ty of saint pau! _
plannir�g commission resolut�o�
fi�1e �umber 79-��
da�� Mav 11 1979
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Current Planning and Zoning
Committee and Planning Staff that amendments to the text of the Zoning
Ordinance are needed pertaining to parking r°gulations, site plan revieu�
criteria, and procedures (Sections 62.103 through 62.111 and definitions) ,
IJNEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under P•iinnescta Statutes
462.35;(5; and the St. Paul Legislative Code h4.210 to initiate a 40 Acr�
Study for the purpose of amending the te;:t of the Zoning Ordinance;
f•�O�J, THER�FORE, SE IT RESOL�lED that the Planning Comr.rission of the City of
Saint Paul initiates a 40 Acre Study for tne purpese o� considering amand-
ments ta Chapters 60 through 64 oT the St. Paul Leaislative Code and refers
the R�atter to the Current Planning and Zoning Cor�itt2� for its review arid
moved by Bryan
secc��d �y �eVv
ir� favor Unanirnous Voice Vote ,
Off-Street Parking Facility: All areas, spaces and
structures, designed, used, required, or intended to be
used for the parking of more than three (3) motor vehicles.
This definition is intended to include adequate driveways,
accessways, parking bays, garages, or a combination there-
of, but does not include public roads , streets, highways,
and alleys.
Parking facility, corrmercial : An off-street parking
facility not accessory to any principal use for which a
fee is charged for the privilege of parking.
Parking Space: An area of definite length and width
designed for parking of motor vehicles; and said area
shall be exclusive of drives , aisles , or entrances
giving access thereto.
Lot, Zoning: A single tract of land, which at the time
of filing for a building permit, is designated by its
owners or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or
built upon as a unit, under ownership or control of one
person or joint tenants. A zoning lot shall be in one
zoning district and satisfy this Ordinance with respect
to area, size, dimensions, and frontage as required in
' the district in which the zoning lot is located. A
zoning lot, therefore, may or may not coincide with a lot
of record as filed with the County Register of Deeds , but
may include one or more lots of record.
Accessory Use or Accessory: A use which is clearly
incidental to, customarily found in connection with, and
(except as provided in Section 62.104) located on the same
zoning lot as the principal use to which it is related.
There shall be provided in all districts , except in a B-4
or B-5 District, at the time of erection or enlargement of
any main building, automobile off-street parking spaces.
Before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued, the
number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided as
hereinafter prescribed.
a. Site Plan Required
No building permit, except for one, two, three and four
family dwellings , shall be issued for the construction
of any off-street parking facility unless and until the
Planning Commission has approved a site plan for the
facility meeting the standards and regulations contained
in this Section, Section 62.104 and Section 62.108.
Site plans for one, two, three and four family dwelling
units shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
b. Enlargement of Structures
Off-street parking shall be provided for all new
buildings in accordance with the requirements of this
section. When existing buildings are enlarged, off-
street parking shall be provided for the additional
usable floor space or increased intensity of use in
accordance with the requirements that this section
would impose on new buildings, for all facilities,
structures or uses served by such off-street parking.
c. Change in Use of Parking Areas
Designated or identifiable existing off-street parking
facilities , accessory to one or more principal use,
structure or facility, may be changed to another use
when the remaining off-street parking meets the
requirements that this section would impose on new
buildings, for all faci.lities, structures , or uses ,
� including the new use. When the remaining off-street
parking does not meet such requirements , other off-
street parking shall be substituted for the parking
space changed to another use, and additional off-street
, parking shall be provided for the new use in accordance
with the requirements of this section.
d. Rules for Com utin Re uired Parkin
1 For the purpose of computing the number of parking
spaces required, the definition of USABLE FLOOR AREA
in Section 60.335 shall apply.
. , , . �6828
(2) LJhen units or measurements determining the
number of required parking spaces result
in the requirements of a fractional space,
any fraction up to and including one-half
shall be disregarded and fractions over
one-half shall require one parking space.
(3) Two (2) or more buildings or uses may
collectively provide the required off-
street parking, in which case the required
number of parking spaces shall not be less
than the sum of the requirements of the
individual uses computed separately.
(4) When operating hours of buildings do not
overlap, Plannino Commission may grant an
exception permitting the dual function of
off-street parking spaces.
(5) t�Jherever access to the handicapped is
required by Chapter 55 of the Plinnesota
State Building Code, at least one (1 )
space per fifty (50) spaces , or fraction
thereof, shall be provided for the use of
the handicapped. Each space reserved for
the exclusive use of the handicapped shall
be designated by an international wheel-
chair symbol .
(6) The storage of inerchandise, trucks ; the
repair of vehicles or the business of
selling motor vehicles is prohibited in
in off-street parking areas
e. Parking Requirements by Use
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces
, by type of use �shall be determined in
accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Residential One and one-half (1-1/2) for each
dwelling unit. .
(b) Housing for the Elderly. One (1) for each three (3) units;
provided there is space available
on the lot to meet the 1-1/2 space
requirement for multtple-family.
(c) Trailer Court. One (1) for each trailer site and
one (1) for each employee of the
trailer court.
(d) Boarding House Two (2) for each dwelling unit plus
one (1) for each two (2) roomers.
(a) Churches or temples One (1) for each three (3) seats or
six (6) feet of pews in the main unit
of worship.
(b) Hospitals. One and one half (1-1/2� for each one
(1 ) hospital bed.
(c) Nursing home or boarding One (1) for each two (2) beds.
care home.
(d) Elementary and junior high One (1 ) for each one (1) teacher,
schools. ' employee, or administrator.
(e) Senior high schools. One (1) for each one (1) teacher,
employee, or administrator and one
, (1 ) for each ten (10) students.
(f) Private clubs or lodge halls. One (1) for each three (3) persons
allowed within the maximum occupancy
load as established by local , county,
or state fire, building, or health
(g) Private golf clubs, tennis One (1) for each two (2) member
clubs, or other similar uses. families or individuals. '
(h) Golf courses open to the Six .(6) for each one (1 ) golf hole
general public, except and one (1) for each one (1) employee.
miniature or "par-3" courses
(i) Fraternity or sorority. One (1) for each five (5) active
members, or one (1) for each tr�o (2)
beds, whichever is greater.
(�) Stadium, sports arena, or One (1) for each three (3) seats .
similar place of outdoor or six (6) feet of benches. °
. � �����$ �����n
�k) Theaters and Auditoriums One 1 for each_five �seats plus on
one or each two 2 employees.
(1 ) Colle e, universit or seminar One (1) for each three
emp oyees an members of the staff and one (1) for each
. three full time students not residing on campus.
(m ) Dormitory. One (1 ) for each three (3) beds.
(n ) Community Residential Facilities. One (1 ) for each two (2) group
home residents allowed by this Ordinance.
(o ) Missions. One (1) for each five (5) occupancy units.
(p) Indoor tennis courts open to the general public. Three (3)
spaces for each one (1) tennis court and one (1) space for
each employee.
(a) Auto Laundry (Auto Wash) One (1) for each one (1) employee.
In addition, twenty (20) reservoir
parkin spaces shall be provided.
(b) Beauty parlor or barber Three ��) spaces for each of the
shop. first two (2) beauty or barber chairs,
and one and one-half (1-1/2) epaces
for each additional chair.
(c) Bowling alleys. Five (5) for each one (1) bowling lane.
(d) Dance halls, pool or bil- One (1) for each three (3) persons
liard parlors, roller or allowed within the maximum occupancy.
� skating rinks, exhibition load as established by local , county
halls, and assembly halls or state fire, building, or health
without fixed seats. codes.
(e) Establishments for sale and One (1) for each one hundred (100)
consumption on the premises, square feet of usable floor area.
of 6everage, food, or
(f) Furniture and appliance, One (1) for �each eight hundred (800)
household equipment, repair square feet of usable floor area.
shops, showroom of a plumber,
decorator, electrician, or
similar trade, shoe repair
and other similar uses. -
(g) Automobile service station. Two (2) for each lubrication stall ,
rack, or pit; and one (1) for each
gasoline pump.
(h� Laundromats and coin One (1) for each two (2) machines.
operated dry cleaners
(i) Miniature or "par-3" golf Three (3) for each one (1) hole.
courses. �
(3� Mortuary establishment. One (1) for each fifty (50) square
feet of assembly room usable floor .
area, arlors, and slumber rooms.
(k} Motel , hotel , or other com- One (1� for each one (1) occupancy
mercial lodging establish- unit.
(1) Motor vehicle sales and One (1) fo�r each two hundred (200)
service establishments. square feet of usable floor area of
sales room and one (1 ) for each one (1)
auto service stall in the service room.
(m� Retail stores except as One (1) for each one hundred and fif�
otherwise specified herein (150) square feet of usable floor area.
(n) Theaters and Auditoriums One (1) for each five (5) seats plus
one (1) for each two (2) employees.
, , �����
(a) Banks One (1 ) for each one hundred (100) square
feet of usable floor area.
(b) Business offices or pro- One (1) for each two hundred (200) square
fessional offices except feet of usable floor area.
as indicated in the
following item (c) .
(c) Professional offices of One (1) for each one hundred (100) square
- doctors , dentists , or feet of usable floor area in waiting rooms,
similar professions . and one (1) for each examining room, dental
chair, or similar use area.
(a) Industrial or research Five (5) , plus one (1 ) for every one and
establishments . one-half (1-1/2) employees in the largest
. working shift, or one (1 ) for every three
hundred and fifty (350) square feet of
usable floor area, whichever is deter-
mined to be the greater. Space on site
shall also be provided for all construction
workers during periods of plant construction.
(b) Wholesale establishments. Five (5) , plus one (1 ) for every one (1 )
employee in the largest working shift, or
one (�) for every seventeen hundred (1700)
square feet of usable floor area, whichever
is greater.
f. Parking Requirement for Other •Uses
For those uses not specifically mentioned in Section 62.103(e) , the requirements
for off-street parking shall be in accordance with a use which the Planning
Comnission considers as similar in type. When the Planning Commission determines
that there is no use listed in Subsection e, which is similar to a petitioning use,
the Planning Commission may determine the number of minimum parking spaces required
for such use.
Wherev�r the off-street parking requirements in Section
62.103 require the building of an off-street facility or
where P-1 Vehicular Parking District, Section 60.560 are
provided, or where any off-street parking facility is
built, such off-street parking facilities shall be laid
out, constructed and maintained in accordance with the
following standards and design.
a. Site Plan Review
A site plan shall be submitted for review as outlined
in Section 62.108 of this ordinance. In addition,
the following shall be submitted:
(1 ) Ownership of all lots or parcels intended
for use as parking.
(2) Indication of all structures or facilities to
be served by the off-street parking facility.
(3) Location and direction of drainage for storrrwater
Applications for building permits that involve
changing any parking space to another use shall
include the following information :
(1 ) Al1 uses, structures , or facilities served by
such off-street parking spaces ;
(2) Total number of parking spaces accessory to
such uses , structures , or facilities;
(3) Number of parking spaces proposed to be changed
to another use. �
b. Parking Facility Location : Residential
Residential off-street parking shall consist of an off-
street parking facility or parking spaces as defined
in this Ordinance. Parking spaces for one- and two-
family dwelling units shall be located on the same
zoning lot that they are intended to serve. Parking
spaces for buildings containing three (3) or more
dwelling units shall be on the same zoning lot, in a
P-1 zoning district, or in an abutting zoning lot in
the same or less restrictive zoning district.
' ' "1'/�( .'��
c. Parking Facility Location: Non-residential
Off-street parking for other than residential use shall
be either (1) on the same zoning lot, (2) in a P-1
Vehicular Parking District, or (3) within the same
district as the principal use and within three hundred
(300) feet of the building it is intended to serve,
measured from the nearest point of the building to the
nearest point of the off-street parking lot.
d. Minimum layout dimensions:
Parking Space Parking Space ing Lane
Pattern Width Len th 4lidth
Parking 8 ft. 21 ft. 12
30° - 53� 8 ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 12
54� - 740 8 ft. , 6 in. 18 ft. 15
75� - 90� 9 ft. 18 ft. 20
2' 22'
� �6
, �,�0 y
� �1$ 86
' 12, , � E--18--�
f 20, ; ;�,
. 15'
: .: � ` ; ,,. i ..?' . ' . �e:.��,
Parallel 30°-53° 540_740
e. Compact Spaces
Accessory parking facilities may designate up to 50%
of the spaces for compact cars only. In which case,
the minimum layout dimensions may be reduced to 8'
width and 16' length.
Commercial parking facilities may designate any
number of compact parking spaces.
f. Handicapped Spaces
Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be not less
than twelve (12) feet in width and shall be located
so as to provide accessibility to ramps , elevators,
sidewalks, buildings , and other public rights-of-way
in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 55 of the
Minnesota State Building Code, Facilities for the
g. Maneuvering Lanes
Except in the case of 62.104h, access to any parking
space for a use other than one or two family structures
shall be provided by a maneuvering lane. All off-street
parking facilities shall be designed so that any vehicle
leaving or entering the facility, from or onto a public
street shall be traveling forward.
h. Stacked Parking
Stacked parking shall be allowed in any off-street
parking facility whenever an attendant is present.
Space for any maneuvering of vehicles must be provided
in the attended parking facility.
i . Entrance and Exits
Adequate entrances and exits to and from the parking
facility shall be provided by means of clearly defined
and limited drives .
(1 ) Entrances and exits to and from the parking facility
on residentially zoned land shall not be across land
in a more restrictive residential zoning district.
(2) Entrances and exits to and from a parking facility
in a Commercial or Industrial zoning district shall
not be across land in a Residential or Office
Service district.
• (3) Entrances and exits to and from all parking facilities
located in land zoned other than R-1 through R-4,
RT-1 , and RT-2 shall be at least twenty-five (25)
feet from any adjoining property in R-1 through R-4,
RT-1 , and RT-2 zoning districts .
(4) Entrances and exits to and from a parking facility
shall be at least thir�y (30) feet from the point of
intersection of curb lines of two or more inter-
secting streets .
j . Wheel-Stops
Provisions shall be made by use of such devices «� curbs,
wheel stops and earth berms to prevent vehicles from
damaging or overhanging adjacent property or public
rights-of-way. '
. � � Fr �:� ���1.3
k. Setback
Off-street parking spaces shall not be within a required
from or side yard except as otherwise provided in
Section 61 .103(b) and shall be a minimum of 4 feet from
any side lot line.
1 . Visual screening
For off-street parking facilities which adjoin or abut
across an alley, a Residential use or zoning district,
a visual screen shall be provided and maintained, as
required in Section 62.107 of this Ordinance.
m. Landscaping
For any parking facility, other than a parking garage,
landscaping shall be provided to 1) buffer the facility
from adjacent properties and from the public right-of-
way; 2) reduce the visual , glare and heat effects of
large expanses of pavement; and, 3) provide areas for
the retention and absorption of stormwater runoff.
All required yards and any undeveloped space shall be
landscaped using materials such as trees , shrubs , sod
or groundcover plants. In addition to perimeter land-
scaping , parking lots for more than 50 cars shall contain
. planting islands. As a minimum, one square foot of
landscaped area shall be provided for every 10 square
feet of paving. Any landscaped areas shall be planted
and maintained in accordance with Section 62.110 of
this Ordinance.
n. Maintenance
All areas of all off-street parking facilities shall be
kept free from refuse and debris.
o. Paving
Al� parking spaces and off-street parking facilities
� shall be paved with asphalt or other durable, dustless
surfacing in accordance with specifications of the
. zoning administrator. The parking area shall be paved
within one year of the date of the permit.
p. Lighting
All parking facilities shall be illuminated, to a level
to allow safe, secure access to the parking facility
and within it. All parking facility illumination shall
conform to the provisions of Section 62.111 .
q. Stormwater runoff
Off-street parking facilities stormwater drainage into
public sewers shall be controlled so that peak storm-
water discharge rates from the site for all storms up
to and including the critical 100 year frequency will
not exceed:
Q=1 .64 X A where Q = the maximum acceptable discharge
rate in cubic feet per second and A=the site area :
in acres.
Parking facilities shall be designed so that discharge
of all stormwater runoff and surface water shall be in a
fashion so as to preclude drainage of water onto
adjacent property or toward buildings.
On the same premises with every building, structure, or
part thereof, involving the receipt and distribution of
vehicles , materials, merchandise, supplies or equipment
there shall be provided and maintained on the zoning lot,
� in addition to zoning off-street parking requirements,
• adequate space for maneuvering, standing, loading, and
unloading in order to avoid undue interference with public
use of dedicated rights-of-way. Such space shall be provided
as follows:
a. All spaces shall be laid out in dimensions of at least
ten by fifty (10' x 50' ) feet, or five hundred (500)
. square feet in area, with a clearance of at least four-
teen (14) feet in height. Loading dock approaches shall
be provided with a pavement having a permanent, durable,
and dustless surface. All spaces shall be provided in
at least the following ratio:
0-1 ,400 - None
1 ,401 - 20,000 - One (1 ) space
20,001 - 100,000 - One (1) space plus one (1) space
- for each 20,000 square feet in
excess of 20,001 square feet.
. 100,001 and over - Five (5) spaces '
b. No off-street loading space shall be located in any yard
adjoining any residential use or zoning district.
c. Space shall be provided within the off-street loadinq
area so that any maneuvering back into or out of a
loading space can be conducted outside of any public
. . . . _ �`�����
Wherever a visual screen is required by this ordinance, it
shall be of sufficient height and density to visually
separate the screened activity from adjacent property. The
screen may consist of various fence materials, earth berms,
plant materials , or a combination thereof.
Wherever visual screens are required, for the uses below,
the following standards shall apply.
a. Height regulations
Use Minimum Height Maximum Height for ldalls/
Off-street parking 4 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. Fences
Outdoor storage 6 ft. ---
Junkyard 8 ft. ---
Hospital , ambulance
. and delivery areas 6 ft. 8 ft.
Utility buildings,
stations and sub-
stations 6 ft. 8 ft.
� b. Visual screens shall be located completely within the
lot line,
c. Visual screen locations shall conform with front yard
setback lines in residential districts.
d. When mutually agreeable to all property owners involved,
a required visual screen may be located on the opposite
side of an alley right-of-way from the non-residential
zone. Maintenance shall be the responsibility of the
person required to erect the screen.
e. The land between the scrQen and the property line shall
• be landscaped and maintained so that all plant materials
are healthy and that the area is free from refuse and
f. Required screens shall have no openings for pedestrians
or vehicles except as otherwise provided in this
g. Visual screens shall be maintained in a good state of
h. In all cases where a required visual screen would extend
to an alley or street which is an entrance or exit to
and from an off-street parking facility, it shall be
ermissible to end the visual screen not more than ten
(�10) feet from such alley line or street line.
a. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the
Planning Commission before a permit is issued for the
erection or enlargement of usable floor area for any
development except one and two family dwellings , but
. including the following :
1 . Any development of one and two family residences
which together exceed two acres (87,120 square
feet) in area.
2. All residentially related uses in one-family
districts , such as , but not limited to churches,
schools a�d public facilities .
3. Any industrial use in an I-1 , I-2, or I-3 District
abutting a Residential District.
4. Any use which abuts to a major thoroughfare.
5. Any development on a slope greater than 12q.
6. Any development in the River Corridor Critical
Area or in the Flood Plain District. _
7. All off-street parking facilities for uses other
than one, two, three or four family dwellings.
8. Any other use or development for which the
submissiqn of a site plan is required by any �
provision of this Ordinance.
9. Earth-sheltered structures .
b. Site Plan Application
, 1 . Applications for site plan approval shall be made
to the Planning Comnission in such form as the
Commission may prescribe in its rules.
2. Said rules may provide for a delegation of authority
to the Planning Administrator of the City of St . Paul
of all powers and duties granted to the Planning
Commission under SECTION 62.108, and such rules
will be filed with the Office of the City Clerk.
3. Application for site plan approval shall include
ten (10) sets of plans `with sufficient detail to
demonstrate tha€ the plan complies with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
' 14
_ � _ . . . �'���?8
c. Site Plan Review and Approval
In order to approve the site plan, the Planning Commission
shall consider and find that the site plan is consistent
1 . The City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and development
or project plans for sub-areas of the city.
2. Applicable 'ordinances of the City of Saint Paul .
3. Preservation of unique geologic, geographic or
historically significant characteristics of the
city and environmentally sensitive areas.
4. Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties
through reasonable provision for such matters as
surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers ,
' preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects
of design, which may have substantial effects on
neighboring land uses.
5. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of
the proposed development in order to assure abutting
property and/or its occupants will not be unreasonably
6. Creation of energy-conserving design through landscaping
and location, orientation and elevation of structures.
7. Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian
traffic both within the site and in relation to access
streets , including traffic circulation features , the
locations and design of entrances and exits and parking
areas within the site.
8. The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and
sanitary sewers, including solutions to any drainage
, problems in the are-a of the development.
9. Sufficient landscaping, fences, walls and parking
necessary to meet the above objectives.
d. The Planning Commission may make such requirements with
respect to the above matter so as to assure compliance
with them.
e. Review of earth-sheltered structures
In reviewing the site plan for earth-sheltered structures,
the Planning Commission shall , in addition to the above
objectives, consider:
1 . Type and location of landscaping to insure maximum
compatibility with adjacent above grade housing.
� . . _ . _
2. Proper safeguards for erosion control including, but
not limited to, landscaping and seeding to topsoil .
. Slope and bluff locations should be evaluated for
their ability to� withstand crumbling or sagging.
3. Proof of soil conditions which would not cause damage
to adjacent users ..
4. Proper drainage systems to handle stormwater runoff.
5. Minimum setbacks of four (4) feet shall be required.
f. Security Agreement
Before the site plan is approved, the applicant shall
file a performance bond equal to the estimated cost as
determined by the Planning Administrator to install
required landscaping, paving, screening or items required
by special condi�ion.
Upon completion of the bonded work items, the owner shall -
apply to the Planning Administra-tor for final inspection.
If the Planning Administrator finds that all installations
meet the requirements of approved plans and specifications ,
the security agreement shall be released. However, a
security agreement for landscaping shall be effective and
held for one year after completion of the work in order
to insure that such landscaping will survive. If improve-
ments are not completed as proposed within the established
time limit, the City may proceed to require performance
by the sarety, or complete such installation by contract
or force account and seek reimbursement of its costs from
the security agreement.
The Planning Administrator shall have the right to accept
a cash escrow or irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of
a bond in an amount and under such circumstances as the
Planning Administrator shall determine appropriate.
If seasonal weather conditions or phasing of construction
present practical difficulties in the installation or
completion of the landscaping, the completion of the
landscaping may be delayed for not more than six months
by the Planning Administrator. The extension of time
shall be granted in wr.iting.
g. Certificate of Occupancy
Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until all
items required for site plan approval are completed or
an agreement has been made under Section 62.108(f) above.
When a site plan is required by this ordinance, a
Certificate of Occupancy sMall be renewed only if the
use is in conformance with that site plan and all
conditions of this ordinance.
16 �
. . : � . ��t���V
The species, size, location, and spacing of plant materials
shall be appropriate for the purpose intenaed . A list of
plant materials hardy in Minnesota is provided in Appendix
C and shall be regarded as suitable for purposes of this
Ordinance. Plant materials shall meet the following
a. Minimum Plant Sizes (at time of planting)
medium and large: trees* 22 in. caliper
r, small trees 6-8 ft. overall height
shrubs 15-18 in. overall height
*shall be balled and burlapped stock
b. Wherever plant materials are used to satisfy a visual
screen requirement, planting shall be sufficiently
dense to provide an unbroken visual barrier within a
maximum of two (2) growing seasons after the time of
d . Planting areas shall be at least four (4) feet in width.
, e. The genus and species of all plant materials must be
identified on all plans submitted for permit approval .
f. The owners shall be responsible for maintaining all
landscaping in a healthy and growing condition and
keeping it free from refuse and debris . Dead plant
materials shall be removed within a reasonable time
and replaced during the normal planting season.
� i � , ,
a. All outdoor lighting in all use districts , including
off-street parking facilities, shall be shielded to
reduce glare and shall be so arranged as to reflect
lights away from all adjacent residential districts
. or adjacent residences in such a way as not to exceed
three (3) foot candles measured at the residence
district boundary.
b. All lighting in all districts used for the external
illumination of signs or buildings shall be placed
and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision
of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent property.
c. Al1 illumination of signs and any other outdoor
feature shall be maintained stationary and constant
in intensity and color at all times when in use.
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