276825 �Cr �����
By �
File No. a 1������;��
' Sr08�S� .510$'(od�
�n the Matter of �'��Q�==u���� p� ridawllcs ead •11 vosk i�ai�ts�, ti�arsco: 51 a���
� 1t�Eg7 t��st ai�is o! N, 1t�R g'#'R�` frar Coll�g� Jlraaw to lls�sa�t Awaw.
3 aA85� ioath side ot CAL� 1►4l�At ireN IC�lleg� �lvd. to 1i. 6th St�ra�.
� 1�i0 Nast s�,d. o! �11'[� AV'xM'� t� Nooei��x�d Lwaw to E. 7tla �trast. .
S lt�il wa�at �t� �i lMri� A� tra� ie�aey Awmar to ltt�hsba Aw�w.
.. ,..
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order �� o � approved �� / � U /
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: DateMAY 1 2 1981
Yeas Na s
Certified ssed by Council creta
�{�Z�a Hunt
� f1t Levine �In Favor
�. � Maddox � MAY 13 198.1
M dUx McMahpn Against
�r BhOC!
Showalter Mayor
� �r.ho �i�e� w[�s�n �'Ur�LI�HED i"�iAY 1 b iyul
a ti,r�esc , �
. . .. . � . . . . . . . �t .
. . . . . ' _ 1 _ , � . .. � ' . .. . .
� - �7_b ��j � �
. - . . �v �, 1�
. ; :
• . Mt'. Don Nygaard , :
: Dir�ctor of Public Worka . -
� &th Floor� City Hall Atlaex �
, De�►r 31r: , ,
� T�e City.Council today adopted a Final Order� C.F. 27G825� t'or
the reconstruction of certain sidewalka under P.O. 27b6��.
Prior 'to adop�ion, the side�+alk of ttie north�est side of Xest
7th Street f�rom Smith Ave. to Forbes Avenue (530859) �+as deleted
from the Order. . , -
Very truly yaurs, ,
, \
, Ai 41son . _
. , � Cityr Clerk
. ;
` ABO:la
_ cc: Val�tion Engineer �
; � _ , �
Ceuocll lil� Na 270A�8 �� y yi�tor {.
1+edaco- , `
Inthcl6tierai ` ,i�Ylia�aklcs
anel ail�Y01�18ei�InhY�lerltac; a..:':
S 1Od57.-iilest 3ide o!It.SI)[h'Ii t'l�EL?
trom�1f�►�►�e.�rr�.�1.���l"�_u�ane i�m+w.�
S IOSbt�1o4lK�t oi�.L�E AV�iUE
iran 1C(�tk�/�l1�p�to��Ot4�tnd:`
S 10lSY 'adde ot�: ��'itiTH
Avmue. , ..
8 1a10 Wad sf�s.!�[.PA'Y1PE I�V�NIJE
. ho�s 1Knodvlud AtiwMU fo T�.r�`�t.
S 10161�at-.Aii►:�.$A� AY�i1tVl6,
irom Raaoq Awsoe to 1limNt�'Iq� �
Avmue, , _. .
'i�e Cowxlt:af t4!Clt}�$aii��auT I�RV�
recdwd thi�rePpt�-d��1Ne
above 1mD�,+a4i,��"
aald tMport.haebY;iad�►�a
1.That,Ifie add.n/�yet and !h!:�
�7 aPPrOve��a1t3 m altern�i[�'
and t�at Llx esti�doii�dlrloi ts to
be flntnctd b�Comnna�Dwe3opment
Y�r VII Fuuds.
2.That a'puD11c hwtiu�,8e Lad an s4id i10-
P�ov�eent 4��.tlt6�` ot Ha ;�1 �
at iR00 o'ckek a.� 1�
Ch�enben �9r(�i(tll�d,i'o�kt
": FfoaeeBufidie�tst6si�qot8�{s�l.
'3.Tdat notlee M�eild'pi�lic 6earl�g be
-- _ - ;
Siven to ihe pe4lams� in ihe manner
. -:��bY k���a�statin�the Ume
. ari_�f�h�l�,, natuqe0f t4e im.
p�A�1i��a��6�§.r.oc a8
estimate�.;:=y c-_
File No.3 tOBS?t!w$10�¢l. , ' '
Adopted br tife Ca�acii��.10/k '
Approved Apr[l 1S.1��j
(AprIt 18.f961)
�__ __ ° �. _ __ . � �_��1..�1
r ST. �' A �JL. C � �` Y COU �i � � L
PUBLlC � � �� ING N � TICE ������
IF I L E N Q. s ios6o
r U R P � S E '�'o cecice o� wnet�er to �roceed witn public ��dewal�: construc-
a `;�;,
LO C AT I 0 N iWest side of PAYNE AVENUE from Woodward Ave. to E. 7th St.
H E A R I N G Tuesdav , May 12, 1981, 10:00 :"�:`:
Citv �ouncil Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit,� :-iall
AS SESSINIENT � I` t'r�e Counc�l approves the project, a portien of the costs
�:.av be assessed against benefitted properties. The estirtated
INFORMATI�N I �ssessme^ts a_re as `ollows: _
R�C�\>T�;tCTI�'� (�epi�ca_ existir.� walkl-- ti0 ASSESS:�SE'�T
� �'IF.ST TZ:�i� CO\ST�LCTIOti af �' wa1�: (where none exists)
� �or i and � *amil�� �ropert��-----=57.00 �er foot i
� =or 211 oti-ier nropertv-----------SS.nO �er `oot ;
� In addition, charges for eYtra work, such as additior.al side- (
I w3;.�r: (�iGCil� G�rivewa�- construction, etc. �cill be added t0 C^O
i assessTer.� for t'�e beneiitted property.
I� this is a first time constructior., *_he Cit�� Co�sncil will
hold a pubiic hearing afte: the sidewalk is conpleted. The
�ur�ose of that hearing wi'1 be to rati`�� the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advisir.g vou cf the amount vou will be reauired to aav.
Q U E S T I 0 N S CO\TSTRliCTIO:� - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 29$-7125
Also, City staff will be available to answer any last mir.ute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
tiotice sent April 24, 1981, b�- the Valuatior. and Assessment Division
Department o` Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hal� - Court House
St. .Paul, Minnesota 55102 ;
' s. , � C-�r�Cc ��lC�L�
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8t� �
F� l� � �. IC � � � � ING NaTI � E ������
F I L E N0. s ios6i
PURPOSE � -� �c��::� ,,� ;arEtPer �o �roceed W��� publ�� _���wz1r: ��,�.5����- �
� `,�;-;
West side of PAYNE AVENUE from Reaney Ave. to Minnehaha Ave.
HEARING � Tuesdav � May 12, 1981, ��=�� ='-`�
Cit•� Cour.cii Char.:bers, 3rd Floor City Hai1
AS SESS�IIIENT j If the CoLnc�l approves the project, a por�ior, o� tne costs
Ir.iav be assessed against benefitted properties. . The estimated
INFORMATION i assess��e^�s are as follows: _ �
��Cr,`:>."TLC�Z�?\ (rep7,ace e�:�sting wa�kj- -':C �S�iSS`?�'�T
` =IRJT TI`1F CO`STFUCTIO�v of �' �halk (�'here ner.e e::-�stsj
� �or i anC < �a:?!11�' propert�•------:;, 'Jn ner `oo*
I �cr ali etner ^repert}=-----------;�. ^�� �er `ec:
E In addi*_ion, charges for extra work, such as addi*ior.al side- �
walk ��icth, drivewav construction, etc. caill be added *_o tne
assess_�:er.t for t�-!e benefit�ed propertv.
If this is � rirst time constructior., the Cit�� Council will
hold a pubi�c hearing after the sidewali: is co:�:rleted. �he
purpose o` that hearing will be to ratif.�� the assessments
*or the rroject. You will receive a notice at that time
advisir.g �ou of the ar.:ount vou will be reouired to pa�.
Q U E ST I 0 N S CO'�'STRL'CTIO� - 298-'�2�5 ASSESSME�T - ?95-51?5
Also, Cit�• staff �.�ill be available to answer anv last minute
questions or: this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 A.M the same dav as the hearing.
tiotice sent April 24, 1981, b�- the �'aluatior. and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and '�anagement Services
Room 218 Cit�� Hal= - Court House
St. Pau1, '�:innesota �5102
, ���
.4 �' flL �
ST. PAI� � � � � �' CC� � � � �����
PUBLIC � E � RING � � � I � E
. F � � E N c. S �085� ,
� PAG E j
pu1♦ PdSE TO '�e�.'�C� .... �•7[iECiE'� �O 7rOC2ZC vii_.� ;�:._^l�� _ '_C��v2ir. COiS`_Ti:�- �
i ���n i
LO C A ! I O i� �West side of W. SIXTH STREET from College Ave. to Pleasant Ave. I
� i
H E A R I N G Tuesdav , May 12, 1981, =����� =''-'= i
Citv Cour.cii Chambers, 3rd Floor City ria�i ,
�S SESSAAEfV�' � I` t'r.e Counci' approves t':�e proiect, a norticn o= t�e costs �
I :-:av be assesse� 2gainst be::e�it�ed pro�e-��es. '''he esti:�:atec i
tNFORMA�f�� '�-SS0SSID2P_�S 8T°_ HS FOilOWS:
i Ar�(;i�J�'.^.t�C='Tn�: (r2a�ace Z?:iSt1P.� W2�KJ---��(i �SJ�SS:`t^.��'r j
i =T�j'i' 7'Z�{: �:���ST:��C1.ii7� OI �' :,'3�� �G:i.ET° riCP� 2_{iSLS ) I
� �cr i and 2 �a�*i1�- ;,T'OPErt�'-----==7. JO rer `oo� ,
V �CT 2�� othe� ^renertv-----------��J. �'1 ?e'_" iC�O� �
� • ' .
iIn adc�tion, char�es for ext�a work, such as additior.al s�r_e-
i »di�: wiCt}l, drivewa�- constructior.� 2tC. �Jlil �2 3��c� t0 C":P-
assess��:er.� fcr the bezefitted propert•�•.
If tris is a 'irst time constructior., the Ci�� C�uncil w�il �
hold a pubiic hearing a`ter the side�;aii: is co^pleted. '='!�;° i
purpose o`. that he2ring -�i�1 be to �ati*�� the assess�ents �
tor the project. You will receive a r.oti�=e at that time �
advising vou o` the ar.:ount vou kill be reauired to aa�-. I
QU G ST� �N S CONSTRUCTIOti - 298-42�5 P.SSESS�fE:�T - 29s-S1?5
Also, Citv sta�f will be available to answer anv last mir.ute '
questions or this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
`+otice sent April 24, 1981, b� the t'aluatior. and Assessment Di�ision
Department of Fin�nce and ?�Iar.agement Services
Room 218 Cit�� Hal'_ - Court House .
St. Paul, '�inr.esota �SiO`' ti
:>� . , l.L.� C._��
r� � 4 �
� � � � � � � � � `�° � � � U � � g �
� � � �. lC � E � � lNG � �OTIC � �'��?�
Sl � EWA� K � � NSTE� UCTIO► N
F I L E N 0. s ioss9 ,
F�U R P a SE � T� .�z���� �-� �;hEtPEY �o �roceed w��:: ��b��� ���ew�lr: �_ �.�����-
� �;��
LO C Q T�� � i Northwest side of W. SEVENTH STREET from Smith Ave. to Forbes I
� Ave.
HEARING � iuesdav� �y 12, 1981, s�:oo �:�,
� Cit�� Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit; Ha11
ASSESSAIIE(��' i Tt �C'i2 COL':1Ci1 approves t�:e project? 3 tOrr1C'71 Or C�e COStS
' :�av be assessed against benefitted properties. The esti�ated
i 2S5°SST'.1�.'^�S 3r2 HS rollows: -
��CO_��"'�t'CTTO'� (rep�ce e�:isti::g wa1k1- -\0 �SS�SS�•i�'�:
� ` ,
� � �P.S'?' TI'.V:� COtiSTRL'CTI0�1 of �' �alk (where nore e:;�sts)
� =or i and 2 =amiY�° propert�------=�.00 ner `eo*
� Fer al? otner ^repert}�-----------Sg.n� ne� `cot
In addi*_�on, charges *or extra c�ork, such as additiona� s��e- �
wa1'.-: widt':�, drivewa�� co:,struction, etc. will be a�ded to ti�:e (
assessTen� for the beneiit�ed propert�. �
�f this is a iirst time constructior_, the Cit�- Council �w�li
hold a pub'��c hearing a�ter the sidewalk is cor.pleted. '?�he
purpose of that hearing -ai11 be to �atif�� the assessments
*or the project. You will receive 2 notice at that time
advisir.g cou of the ar.:ount vou will be required to pa�.
Q V G S`T��N S CONSTRLCTIOti - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - ?98-5125
Also, Cit� staff will be available to answer anv last mir.ute
questions on this proiect in City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same dav as the hearinc.
'�otice sent April 24, 1981, bc the Valuation and �ssessment Divisien
Department o` Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citr F?all - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 5�102
; �/r,''?�
. • C � CC�
� ST PA � L C � � � � � C� A� � I �
� _ ����
F 1 L E i�Q. s ios5s
` PA� E ,
PURPOSE �'� �e�ice o% whetner �o �roceeC wi�:� p;.ibl�� _ _.::��•:a'r: cc:_s�r�c- �
� `i nn
�-� C A T�O � South side of COLLEGE AVENUE from Kellogg Blvd. to W. 6th St. (
HEARING Tuesday, �y 12, 1981, ����� ='-`�
Citv Councii Chamoers, 3r� rloor City Hal1 ,
AS SESSAIIENT Ir tne Co�.:nci' a�proves t�-.e project, a portien o� t:�e �osts
^.;av be assessec against �enefitted properties. '"he e=*imated
� 1�F�F�MA��QN 2ssessmer.ts are as `ollows:
R�CO\;T�t'C�T:?\ (re�i�ce e�:istin� waii:�---'�� ^.S�ES�'�`r�T
I TIpS"" TIMr CO\STRt'CTTOti of �' kalk (where nore e:._sts)
�or i and ? T2:�i��� ^ropert��------�S.�J�� :?er `cc` I
�or al'_ otner r.:epert}�-----------SS.C,� �e�- �cct I
In addition, charges for z�tra work, such as adcit=onal s:de- �
:aalk widtn, drivewa�� cons�ruction, etc. �•�ill �e added *_e t'.^.e
assess*ner.t for t:�e beneiit:.ed propert��.
if this is a rirst time censtructior., *_he Ci��� Counc,�' :.��1�
hold a pubiic hearing a`ter the sidewalk is com^l.eted. T�,e
purpose of that hearing will be to rati`�� the assess�ents
*or the project. `iou �ail� recei��e a no*_ice at that ti:ne
advisir.g vou of the amour,t vou will be reauiree tc �a��.
Q U G ST� 0 N S CO'�'STRL'CiION - 298-'�255 ASSESS�1r,\T - ?9s-5125
Also, Citz staff will be available to answer an� last �inute
questions on this proiect ir. City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same da� as the hearing.
'�otice sent April 24, 1981, h��- the �'aluati_or, an� :�ssessment Division
Deaart:,ier.t o` Finan�e and �ianagement Services
Room 218 Cit�- Hall - �ourt House
St. Paul, '.°`.innescta 5�10"_'