276814 WHITE - CITY CLERK Y.t'�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WfiEREA5, On the petition of McDonald's Corporation the C'ity of Saint Paul
by CoLmcil Resolution C.F. 276661 adopted April 9, 1981 and a�roved April 13,
1981 did vacate certain portions of B�nson 5treet and an alley in the City of
St. Paul; and
Wf�[tE�.S, The Valuation and Asses�.t �gineer has requested that Condition
No. 11 of said vaca.tion be am�x�.ded.
NOW TF�f2EFORE BE 1'I' RESOLUID, That condition No. 11 of Council Resolution
C.F. 276661 above m�ntioned is hereby amended by t� substitution in its place
of the follawing:
11. That the vacation be subject t�o the ric�.ts of the
Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad Ca�any to cooperate
and maintain its tracl�s and adjacent facilities
ov�r that portion of Benson Street and the parts
of alley in C. W. Yo�gman's Rearrangement of
Block 2, Palisade Addition vacated herein as it
naw exists.
BE IT FURZ�R RESOLUID That in all other respects Co�cil Resolution C.F.
276661 acbpt�ed April 9, 1981 shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Hunt Fi & ment Services
Levine [n Favor
McMahon � � Director
snowaite� __ Against
MAY 7 �gg� Form Approved by 't Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified a.s by Coun � Sec � z�_��
By ��
Appro by :Vlayor: e _M� � �QQ1 Approved b Mayor for Su mission to Council
By gy 2�;'�
YdC417•-.;�..... �,1(:.� � . S..
�+�7L�3i�d.:� l�i�--a� .i. %,: i`.j�'SI
N!HITE •� - CITY CLERK . f,(7. .
PINK - FINANCE " - V ^ ` I� T � C011[1G1 ��3�!}��
CANARY - 6EPARTMENT �)nI T L ♦l�+` �71� I 1\ T 1 i1 V L
bL.UE ' tdAYOR � = iy i.y
_ • , File N 0.
' F� ' C�u�cil �Zesolution � • �
ti . ��� �,�
Presented By ;'',f ...._.__ -- -
Referred To Committee: Date -�/�" � " ' ._c.�.
� �
-� =''*�=��..:•_.;,.�._,....,�; �,., :
Out of Committee By_ Date �
RES�3LVED, T�at upon the petition of I�bci)onald's r�p,,,
�the sections of public street and public alley heresnafter
de�cribed, be and the sarae hereby axe vacated and discontinued
as a public street and pu�lic alley:
_ i> k���� _ All that part o€ Bex�son Street Iying west
�� + �;'��""" of west ra ht- f-w 1' e A
g o a� a� a� l+�ad�.son ven�e
• ta the westeriy right-of-wa�r line of the
a'.�,��'� Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul aad Pacific
�";�/�,� Railroad right-o�-way which is also the
�� terrninus o€ a pr�evious vac$tion approi�ed by
C.c�. 27I222; and
A 11 af a l ley in C. w. Yotu�r}tt�n's Rea r_-ange�ent
of B�.t�c� 2, Palisade addition to St. PauI.;
subject expressly to the fo3.lowing conditions and rese.n�atiar�s:
1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
and conditions of Chapt¢r 228 of t�e Czty of
St. Paul LegisZative Code, �as amended.
- 2. That a perman�nt easetnent be retainec� by the
��ater Utility for water jaiain maintenance; said
easement to be de9crihed as follaws:
— - -,
CUUNC[L:41F,N Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays ' _
\ '
�ev�r,e In Favor �'
McMahon + B
Showalter - __ Against Y —
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
CertiEied Passed by Council �ecretary B 1��
B� ---
Approved by :4lavor: Date _.__ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�5' --------- -- — By — -
.w �����,� .
} � ��
h�� �
South thirty (30) feet of the north
thirty-five (35) feet of that portion
of Benson Avenue lying west of the
southerly extension of the east line
of Lot 32, C . W, Youngman' s Rearrange-
ment of Block 2, Palisade addi�ion to
St. Paul;
Restrictions within the easement 'area are as follows :
a) That no buildings, structures, or trees
are permitted within the easement ar�a, �
or any temporary structure, material
storage, fixture or other objects that
will prohibit normal access to water
facilities for maintenance purposes .
b) That no change from the existing grade
is permitted without written permission
from the Water Utility.
- c) That no change in surfacing witnin the
easement area is permitted without
written permission from the Wa�er Utility.
d) That McDonald' s �orp. , its successors and
assigns shall fu11y indemnify, defend and
save harmless the Board of Water Com-
missioners, its of�icers, agents, employees,
and servants from all suits, �ctions or
claims which shall arise from any injuries
or damages received or sustained by any
break in any service pipe, water main, or
connection in said reserved easement,
arising out of or resulting from any action
or negligence of the petitioner, its
employees, agents or business invitees.
r , ��j l �
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, 3
3 . That a specific easement be retained to
protect the interest of Northern Statss
Power Company and Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company in said alley.
4. Tha t P�cDona ld' s Corp . , dedica te to the C ity
and the City is hereby authorized and
directed to accept an easement for street
purposes real property described as : -
. The north 60 feet of Lot 4, C . W.
Youngman' s Rearrangement of Block
2, Palisade addition to St. Paui;
5 . That McDonald' sCorp. , grade and pave this
new street and pay for all costs associ-
ated with this construction, including,
but not limited to, revising the existing
traffic signal locations, construction of
new drive openings, removal and restoration
of the existing ��Tinchell'-s dr.ive opening
' and necessary revisions and restorations to
Winchell ' s parking lot to the sazisfaction
of Winchell ' s.
6. That McDonald' s Corp. , conduct at their
expense a11 necessary maintenance on this
dedicated street sect-ion as part of their
general lot maintenance. This includes
cleaning, snow plowing and all repairs.
7 . Tha t McDona ld' s Corp . , by acceptance of this
vacation, agree to pay all assessments in
one lump sum, within 90 days of submission �
of demand for payment, for the grading,
paving and storm sewer construction in Madison
Street from West 7th Street to Youngman Avenue
for the following described properties:
r �� ������'
a f
. �l � �/ �
Allen L . Herman (Fee Owner)
Luke Baer (Contract Purchaser)
Except Southwesterl_v 5 feet and
Except 7th Street; Lot 1, C . w.
Youngman' s Rearrangement of Block
2, Palisade addition to Saint Paul.
Herman and Herbert E, Loss
(Except 7th Street� Southwesterly 1/2 �
of Lot 15 and all of Lot I6, Blocx 3,
Palisade addition to Saint Paul.
Stephan J, and Florence C . Borctz
Lot 17, Block 3, Palisade addition
to Saint Pau1.
Bill A , and Rose �nn Cuttina
Except Southeasterly 85 feet; all of
Lots 1, 2 and 3, 81ock 10, Palisade
additior. to Saint Paul.
William J. and Donna NIae Cutting
The Southeasterly 85 feet of Lots I,
2, and 3, Block 10, Palisade addition
� to Saint Paul .
Bill A. and Rose Ann Cutting
Lot 32, Block 10, Palisade addition
to Saint Paul .
Louise A . Hawley
Lot 16, Block 3, Youngman and Lam-�' s
Kenneth �'�. and Helen C . Thornton
Lot 1, Block 4, Youngman and Lamm' s
Addit ion.
CANARY - DEPARTMENT r�` T Tv ^L� (� �I � ATTT COU[1C11 �'�''�,"• }�1.,�� �
BLUE - .;MAYOR� �-! 1 1 '1 \J 1' ►J1� 1 •�ITT �t1 V 1.. File N0. �Y �d ?' -'` � �'��
� Cou�cil .Resolution � !� �''��
�� �
Presented Eiy ',
Referred To Committee: Date I
Out of Committee By Date
8. Th,at con�p��z�tion as required by secti�n
228.05 of t�e St. �aul Legislative Code l�e
set a t $13,300, ba sed on street anc� a il.ey
ac�ruals to petitioners property ancl other
valuable cor�ideratio�. including conditi.ons
heretofore desrribed_
9. That A+�cDonald's Cor�., furnish the Citp w}.th a
bond i.n the amount ef $30r00�, and i.r: additiaa
theretv by a-ccepta�ce of the teroas and coudi-
tioris of this vacation, agrees to ind�ai£y, •
defend and save harml.ess the City of Saint PauZ,
its officers and employees fro�a all suits, �
aetions, or claims o€ any charactex, inc�.uding,
� �
but not limit�d tar any clai�a allegi�g lanc3leckiag,
a c�aa.is bronght because of any injuries, or damagss
received or sustained by any person, persons or
pr�perty, on accourit af this vaeationf or because
of any act or omission, neglect vr misc�dric�uc� of
said petitioner; or be�:ause of any claim or
Iiabilitlr arising fraiu or�based on aay violation
of any iaw or regulation made in accordance with
the law, whether by the petitioaer of any of its
agents or e�gloye�s.
30. That McDvnald•s C���, by aceeptanc� of this vacation, -
agree to no vehicular aceess to th�ir property fro€a
Madi�on Av�nue.
Yeas Naps
Requestgd by Department of:
Levine - In FBVOr
Showalter Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Ydssed by Counc� .ecret B �(-x� ����
B, (��c�4�'�
Approved by Ylavor: Date ���� `} t��� Approved by Mayor for Submission t�Council
B>� -- -- - _ By
. . . . _ . . _. . . : .. . _.._. . ...._ ., ..
WHITE - C�TY CLERK � � - - �- �
P1NK - FINANCE � f►p
CANARY - DEPARTMENT � I Z-y Oji S� I 1�1-T, ��11 LT L COU[1C11 ����y� -
BLUE - .MAYOR �'rl U
, . File N 0.
� � �� Council Resolution � �� � � �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Comm�ttee By Date
. _✓: s
11. That the vacation b�s subject ta the rights of
the Chzcago and Northvsestern Railroad to
operate and maintain its tracks and adjaeent
. faci2ities over port ians of Colora Street
and �ee.�w�Avenue vacated herei.n; snbject
also tv--���.cago, Milwauk�e Railraad Company
being permitted to cross Benson Street.
COUNCILI4EN Request�d by Department of:
Yeas Na��s
Hunt r
L�:vine ✓ In Favor
sn�Waice� - Against BY
ppR � �g�� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted b�� Council: Date
Certitied }'assed by Council Secretary B � ���
Approved by 11avor: Date ��R � 3 ��g� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B}� ---- --- — BY
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, . OM Ol: 12/1975
' Rev. ; 9/8/? �
��7 8�.4
� ' : �"��--- �► ��1���''��
A;�� �1981
Ddte: April 24, 1981
�R: J. William Donovan, aluat n nd Assessment Engineer (F�t. 5317) De�artment
of Finaace & l�nagement Services
RE: Amended Council File 276661, adopted April 9, 1981 (MeDonald�Car�p.) . ,
l�yor's approval to submit resolution to City Couneil.
Change Condi�ion ll to read Chicago Milwaukee Railroad Compar�y instead of
Chicago, 1Qorthwestern Railroad, and Benson Street for Colorado Street and
Greern�ood Avenue.
1. Resolution `
2. Cop� of Council File 276601
3. Area 1+�,p