276770 .71VHITE r- CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE (1 C�NARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L COUIICII �h�� BLUE - MAYOR �/ �� File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4/14/81 20-81-H 934-944 Ashland Ave. John Myren (12 tmits) BOARD ACI'ION: Granted variances of St. Paul Lec�isla.tive Cod�, Sections 54.13 and 54.14, pertaining to ba.sement occupanc�, and to light and ventilation, respectiv�ly, on conditon that awner secure contracts for all remain- ing work designated in city's lett�ex of 2/2/81 within six nx�nths, that proper fire separation be provided between heating plant and exitway for basement txnit in 934 Ashland, and that retaining wall adjoining 942 Ashland be repaired and restored to upright position. Property Description: 934 Ashland Ave.: Swrnnit Park Addition Lot 4, Block 29 Property Description: 942 Ashland Ave.: S�unit Park Addition Lot 6, Block 29 and be it FURTf-�ft RESOLV.E�, That upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct�ed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. -2- COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon a B Showalter __ Agalnst Y — Tedesco Wilson A� 3 � 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — /, Certified s b ou .� Secr ry By Q.�4' T' �7�f By APR 3 0 t981 ppproved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap ro by ;Vlavor: Da ,e -- — gy By PUBLISHE� MAY 9198� ���"�'�� , -2- 4/14/81 - Meeting No. 172 � � X �.� � i r � -- - -- --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - ----- ---- -- -- -- --- - -- -- --- 13- 81-H S61 Van Buren F � W Properties , Inc. (15 units) by Harold Petsehauer SUBJECT: Request clarification of board' s intention in action taken at meeting of 2/8/77, and subsec{uently ap�roved by City Council in Council File No. 268711. Housing Code Office disputes appellant�s interpretation as to number of dwelling units he may oeprate on third floor. APPEARANCE : Harold Petschauer . - 3- 4/14/81 - Meeting No. 172 PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Petschauer said he understood the board's action in 1977 to mean only that there was a limit of four on the number of units where shared bathroom facilities would be allowed. He had recently � added a fifth unit on the third floor with its own bathroom facility an d felt this was entirely proper. Alice Bijjani said the fifth dwelling unit was in compliance with hous- ing and zoning codes , but the 1977 board action specifically limited the number of units that could be operated on the third floor to four. If the board should act to remove this restriction , there would be no problem. At present , there were three third floor units sharing one bathroom, and two apartments with their own private facilities . BOARD ACTION: Mrs . Burg moved to amend C. F. 268711 by removing the limit 0 our we ling units on the third floor and increasing the number to five , on condition th at no more th an three persons share use of one b ath- room facility on third floor of the building. Mr. Sawyer seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDE RED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 - -- - - - -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --- 4J14/81 - Meeting No. 172 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, April 14 , 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. NIEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Glen Gausman Lucille Burg Harold D. Knutson Rudo lph S awye r ABSENT: A. Wali Naibi William L. Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept. of Community Services - Division of Housing Code Enforcement : Alice Bi j j ani St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau: ' Greg Plante _ _ OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas H. Best John Myren David J. Thoelke Gerard Johnsan Harold Petschauer Dennis Homel Virginia Hill A. J. McDonough Lyle D. Tollefson Mary Barrett STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glassman at 1 : 30 p.m. Minutes of the meeting of March 10 , 1981 were approved as distributed to the board members . � l� �' /�� -d- 4/14/81 - Meeting �io. 172 -- - - - -- --- - - - -- - --- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - ---- -- --- - ---- -- -- - ----- 17- 81-H 106- 108 Leech Lyle Tollefson (three units) SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining to basement occu- pancy, to permit use of dwelling unit more than 50o below grade . Otlner wishes to occupy third floor and move present tenant to proposed t��o- bedroom dwelling unit in basement when completed under impending Section 8 housing program, which, in turn, is dependent on a variance before �inal approval. APPEARANCE : Lyle Tollefson . -S- 4/14/81 - Meeting�a����� �� PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani stated that Mr. Tollefson needed a variance � e£�ore—he could get Section 8 financing to construct abasement apartment, because it would be more than 50 o below grade . Mr. Tollefson said that he would install larger windows and a windowwell, suitable to serve as escape exit . BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moved to grant a variance of Section 54 . 13, to permit occupancy of a proposed basement dwelling unit more than 50% below grade , on condition that in all other respects it meets code requirements . Mrs . Burg seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - -- - --- ------ ---- -- -- ------- , -5- 4/I4/81 - Meeting No. 1T2 ,_., �r������ - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- - --- -- -- ------ -- 20- S1-H 934/944 Ashland Ave . John Myren (12 units) SUBJECT : equest variances of St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. 13, pertaining to occupancy, and Section 54. 14, pertaining to light and ventilation, to permit occupancy of two dwelling units more th an 50$ below grade and deficient in light and ventilation, because owner needs variances to secure Section 8 funding under city financing vrogram. . APPEARANCE : John Myren PROCEEDINGS : A1ice Bijjani point�ed out two items of concern to the ousing Co e Office : (1) the need for fire separation between the heat- ing plant and the exitway in the building at 934 Ashland, and (2) the light and ventilation was inadec{uate in the basement unit of the other five-unit building at 942 Ashland. If larger windows with a lower sill height were installed, an emergency escape route would be improved. Dir. l��yren said he planned to sheetrock the area of the heating plant to provide the separation from the exitway in 934 Asfiland. To correct the problem of light and ventilation at 942 Ashland, he and the owner of the adjoining property had agreed to sh.are tf�e cost of repairing and rebuild- ing the retaining wall,which would correct the angle and restore the natural light and ventilation. He also explained that he neede d ta be able to continue operating five units in each af the buildings to mal�e them economically feasible , and, in addition, the Section 8 funding �rogram applied only to buildings of five or more units , so he would need permission to operate that number to c{ualify. Even if his applica- tion for Section 8 financing was rejected, he said he would need to operate both basement units to retain the interest of an investor who had indicated he would like to join the venture, providing needed tin- ancing. _ -6- 4/i4/81 - Meeting No. 72 � '7���� � • BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved that variances of Sections 54.13 and 54. 14 be granted, to permit occupancy of two basement d�velling units , on condition that the owner secures contracts for� all remaining t+rork designated in city' s letter of 2/2/81 to be done within six months , that proper fire separation be provided between the heating plant and the exit�vay for the b asement unit in 934 Ashland, and that the retaining wall adjoining 942 Ashland be repaired and restored to 'an upright position. 1�Zr. Sawyer seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - S Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 r_ _ �__�-__ _ � ___ _ __ __ ____ __ _� _� �_ _- __� _ __ __ �� __ -� ___� �_ ����_�����������.��� . . 4/14/81 - Meeting No.. 172 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING . ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS $ REVIEW Tuesday, Apri.l 14, 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman , Chairman Glen Gausman Lucille Burg Harold D. Knutson Rudolph Sawyer ABS�NT: A. j'�ali Naibi William L. Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing Code Enforcement : A1ice Bijjani St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau: Greg Plante _ OT��ERS PRESENT: Thomas H. Best John Myren David J. Thoelke Gerard Johns�n Harold Petschauer Dennis Home1 Virginia Hill A. J. McDonoaxgh Lyle D. Tollefson Mary Barrett STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glassman at 1: 3Q �.m. Minutes of the meeting of March 10 , 1981 were approved as distributed to the board members . . - � , � ' ' � ' � � 7 � � � � � � I � � � � - � � � STATE OF -MINNESOTA ) ' � Coun,ty o� Rnmaey j aa. . � CITy OF SAINT PA(JL ) � � !"'� I .Albert B. Olson .�� �� � . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. . . . .• . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . :� � - o� �'he Ci.tlf o� Scu.n,t Pau.L, Mi.nne.bo�a, do he�ceby ce�cfi,�sy �ha-t 276770 I hcive compa�ced �he a�tuched copy o� Counc,i� F.i.�e. No. . . . . . . - - [td ado #ed 6 �he C�.t CounC.�.e. _ April 30: . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1981 . . .! P y y . . . and app�coved 6y �Ite Ma.yo%. . . . . .. . Apri1.30: . . .. .. . . .. .. . 1981. . _ cui.th �'he vn.i.g.�na.L �he�ceo� on �.i,Ce .i.n my o���ce. � . 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M�Y:. . ... . . . . . . . ..A.V. l 9g 1 . . . • •- �� � - . , . .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •� . " , . - ci:t� Cee�cfz. ` 1155 $ OQ. 00 - A � . w ` � ci�v c�.E�K 4,i 1�t`!ih�+ . o,ryK rrNnN<e ., . (�• f } a.JL:ll:l� l�,I 1 Ef i � � ..'�:A �� - i.)E'PARTMEN7 C)'j ��... +t� C.� ��' • �:� � t`M � � 1� �I I� �. H a.l:E - �."r R Y:7 R F I 12 N O._. ...`.. ._�..r.'"' Council Resolution Presented By ---- Referred To Committee: Date-� - Out of Committee By Date Ba T! �. 'lf�at th� DO�t�c3l e� tt1B CY'tY C� Saiiit Patal 21er� c�crtiff,es arx3 � a�+oqe� th� aatiae o! t2� �ity a� �aint Pan1. eoatd ot ApQeal�r aad Iievf,a�► *�+����, to #� �1�� 1�� P�F�tY �a�d a� � by tbe �ooer�6ed � of �a3,d Boasd � of�lppeeels afld Resfre�t, dabed.Apar�I 1�, 198I. a�d mtlbed F�IBT'!' �. a�ad attsd�ed hereb� � a� msr3a a past bmz�o,f i�q zaed�e�re�oe: � n�a aF � �� � � c�se a�. � �� _________ _____--.. � �/3.�f'$1 1�'82-H Sbl Vffi1 Bt�ea P i �i PL�Op@'at3L�r I�C. �f _ ' t15 nnitsj bg Nasvld Aetschao�r ����°- _ . r � �iC�It'�1: 7�i�S�ed Oaca�c:il File 268721, the nu�a6mc of �t i� vnit� �at �oep be ooc�i,ed tsi third flco�r from �cx�r tn fi�, ca cocydit3an ' . tt�at m �n� t13an th�e per�oais sha�+a t� o� aae 2�ethsva�a f�rcilltY - �- cn said thisd lloor. _. � :� � �` Michel's 9+ah. o! BZ,c�dc t • �� . � - E. 4� Pl., T � cr�Lo#s ?9.and 3Ei, 87cc:�c 1 . � , _. .. . , .. -� � r� *, . .. �, , , .-��, .s. _. �a, ..,..� ,_ - �, ,.��t.. ° ,,, . z•�• �` . �/I�/'81 � 1?-81-8 105/lt)8 Ieec3t � Lyle Zbllafson � �; . � `_�'�.':. ... t� ��} .. . .. �.r . .y�y�.., � .. . � . ..r . .. '.:A.� . . ' � - . � HCwt� �l�C.'P�Ts C�'�rttred V�anoe O� 9t• P�til I�eg33l8titie Q7de. SeCt3Qt 34.13, �D per' • �t coaapa� af pccopo�ed be� �lwe�l.l.ing tait mo�+e t3� SE� bslo�► - . gs'ade. a� arnditiat tt�at 3u a21 o�tt�e�' z+�pects sa3d mft �eets code . ^ ��- - psv�peat� De�cipt3on: 9�a1 �eec�ies �Ladit3�an R ' Lo�t lt't, EL�ck T .: ;:j �:` :�� �;d; .� ...��r...�.. ��-s.. ;, ,��!' a . .r,�!'?,;: - � � . � ��� � � COUNCILMEN � � �� `�� � ��� ��' �' Requestgd by Department of�' ,��, Y eas N ays '�' }'� ` � � ct� �� � � ���� "�' Hunt �'" "� Levine �Ii FaVO[ �a': ' �� Maddox ,�'; ,�'��$', . , McMahon Agal[1St BY Showalter �. TedesCO ` ` � }'�` , ,. wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , � % 'I �/ g .r � � .. ,�:-�. ' . Certif�ed Passed by Council Secretary B�: _ _ . Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,>ppruved by Ylavor: Date ---- - --- ay By ___._____.__.__-- —----- __- � a � - . • •?s�.'�;�F: 4ui�u�`f��. sx� rY,; -m,....�€ �;� f:: .r ,. � T . . , i , :,�' _�'�vy �2 � � . Yt✓ . t S: s'r.� � . � .. � . _ - . ' 'P�'� µr,l�'�"�'�� . .. . ✓�� , . , .. . � .� . v . � � µ R � - �I'�� F����� � . � � ,� . . � . .. . _ . . . .., '����'. . ;'. . .; .._ ` ;. . ... �,, , � •: �� �. . � . . . � . � � . -. . . . -. �� .':. ., � •' . t, ., . _ '✓ ,p"•'` �����.'` � � • � � � � � i!v � '. , � + �i. ' r �'� � - _ ` �x • - �, , 'Y . _ � .� � .. . . . . . � . . � . . . . � .. ! h:'r' - „ ' ' � . � . . . ' ' . � . . . \ . , , , �.. ' /_'.' . . .. �'4+ �xA�:.'�!. . . � . . . .. . . . . i j. . , . , . � .. . . . .. . �. . ���: .�. . .,. . ,. . �� - � . 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Baard of Appe8ls 8ad �` s '�1 - � k _ �',. . ;.. ;�d Y� Pl�ae. record fa your offiae. ` � -. :/'.� � 1� e=� - ;� '�,., _ ' Very truly yot�rs, s �� � .-, • ± , i � ��: . � .t . � i ,r, ti -� 1 ` � �/ � �:. �, . � O��OtI � /i. • . � ,�,� � ��� � �<� ' - \ --- City Clert � �, �� r � �i 4� � � � . � � � , �` � s�cub. • , �` y� _ . . - . i. . . . . , i � .; . .. �,�.� � . . � _ - ' �. � . . � � � i± � '�t . . . . . . . . - _ . . t — . `r. ; . - '�� '` I • . a ,,.; t 4 " j . � - _ . � � _� ' , , /• � , � _ `. t, � �\\\ � � • \�t - � • � .. � . � � / � � . � , � � , . . � . _ . . . . . � - . � � � �: � . . ' . . . .� . . . . . . �. £`.' N+li.�.. +�TY CLEFtt. r�i�JY ` IeNANCE i� . . -�y�.. C.�►:��F • � DEPARTMENT ` +� •�r ` 1 ) L,�J,+i1C:1 + J ,;ti : i � MA`.nf� 1..��1 : �� ��� ►�t� � .V 1� 1 t� 1.T �.. � j�i.1 �'f �.� File N 0 ..---_ _ ___. .�.__. _. _... Council Resolutio� Presented By � - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date \ �I�/'81 ZO-81-8 93�-9�i �slilmnd llas. Jc� �yt� � � �� � BO�131C3 AL��: 6t'anl�eR v0s�3a�oea t�' SG l�l Z�e�g.tatlative�bcie, Sect3roos S+i.I3 and � _.�; 5�.14, Pe�ctain�q tp �t ooc�pe�ay aa3 bc� 13ght ar� vientilati,on, � <;'� s+espeetiv�ly, on asdifioa t1�st vian�r secast+� aa�txacts l�oec aII z�r- � . �" 3�9 �x�a.�c cie�igaatm3 ia cltys l�etter o! �/�/8�3 �d.thfn six �oat2�, ° td�t pa�pee fire sepnrat3raa bs p�ded b� 2�eatfag pS�t amd ��}� � aacit�y � L�s�oent t�it ia 934 �a�d, and tt�t retaining Ma].1 u`* �� � adj�O�nir�g 9�2 Astilend be z�pafre8 aad ib8'b0�+bd fi� t�ie�t Po�itf�an• � .��=- Ac�ape�rtr De�crip�ti�on: 334 llshland A�+e.: � - 8tsmd.t Pa�lc l�d�dittrsi , Lot i, Slr�cic 24 . ... � . . ....�.��. � . .�� ��w�i� � `�Y�M �7W i . � � - � � � f �f � `� � � . . � . . . . . K'v`. . . . . 1 ,.;+. µ��s •. � �t ���#�i �;: t ` `` . Yio�l i� 8]odt Z9 : - . x,. �.:� � ,:�- . ; . �ad b� it ; ,�,: : ,.: � �R �tID,� �itt npaa pa� o� tbfs reso�t� t3�e Cfiy Cle�ic fs h�y �es a�d dfaect�ed t� �ra�m�it a ao�y o� �is �ao�Inttcs� �oar r0oo�cding b� t2ys � � �ti�eeY Oo�ntY t�f3oe t� t�e H�gis�eac c�t° �-_ `�.:' �' b� `t k... .. � � �3 �z . . y�. ' .. , .. . �,Y;� . . -�� .. . . . �'��, �. �� � S � - :'�. „�-,p'` ,� .r .. . �'� �a� '"y��;'": . � . �. . � r� -. . ,. . . . . . . . . � . . COUIVCILMEN » �: Yeas "`, Nays Requestgd by Department of: � � - Hunt ' � �.. � > Levine A� `` _ �fl F8Y0[ . Maddox �^` � >°a� McMahon�"� 't "x . � � ` sno�iter�' : �'` Against By . redesco �: w�son �"� � �, ti � APR 3 0 �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council Date ---} Cert�fied P�ssed Eouc�cN Secr.e ary By -~����1� +'�������� � '7 �, By. __ `v�~� � �... -------- Appruved by Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY —-- ----- ---- ___ _ _--- By _ _ !7 . �7 i F t • ' � • � • � � � � � � � O ' � . �• . � m � � ° � N. `�. � o —"i � � N � co `° �' � m � � � ao � � o O ,� v, � —"' c� S � C m o �, c� cn �o °, � Z � � ��� � � � �, z _ �fz1 z ° � o � � � m � '�>. = q � O O �- � � N V) ' "� � � Q ci "''' �• .-�. � `�G � (� � �,` ^ �' O r* a o > v � ��i1 � � . N n '� °o — �, � a � , �o .� ��:��p po � = � � • C11 � �f :,� 0 � _ � _. �� •` � � � N y � N � � � �. � � , . � � � 3 �� .. . C .��+ A � 0 �.��� �t�