276769 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���{{{�1���yyy PINK - FINANCE �' /h�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. � V ncil Resolution w Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RE..SOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and. approves the action of the City of 5aint Paul Boa.rd of Appeals and Review pertaining to the follawing listed propexty and as sho�m by the Excerpted Minutes of said Bo��7. of Appeals and Review dated April 14, 1981, and marked. EXEiIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BQARD NiINU'I�S CASE NO. PROPE�i'Y APPELLANl' 4/14/81 14-81-H 256-258 Marshall TY�s Best (13 units) BOARD ACI'ION: Granted extension of time to co�nplete work ordered in city's letter of 2/24/81 to September, 1981, on aonditian that deteriorating steps at builcling exterior be repa.ired within 30 days. Property Description: Dayton and Irvine's Addition, Blocks 69, 71 thnz 82, 84, 85, Part of Blocks 70, 83 and 87. N. 100 Ft. of Lot 15, Block 82 4/14/81 16-81-H 1819 Marsha.11 Clifford M. Nelson (nine uni.ts) by David Thoelke, Att'y BOARD ACI'ION: Granted request for re�oval of Order to Vaca.tre, and granted 90-d,ay time extension to coa�lete work, as designated in city's letter of 2/1Z/81, on condition that srroke detect�ors be installed and defective drain and st�ve be re�ired within 30 days. Property Description: Lovering Park Ex. Ave., Lot 9, Blcx;k 9 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays . Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon � B Showaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wiison ���� APR 3 0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a•s d by Coun � Se ary B� � ?�� g., Appr by :Vlayor: te �pR 3 � 198� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY PUBLISHED MAY 9198t .� ��s��� _ z_ d/lA /Stl _ MaPtina N.n_ 172 � /� / � ��/ � �' - -- - - - -- --- -- --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- --- 14- 81-H 256-258 D�arshall Thomas Best (13 units) � SUBJECT: Request variance of St. Paul Legislative ,Code , Section 54 . 11 , pertaining to basic facilities , to permit occupancy of dwelling units where bathroom facilities are shared, because of economic considerations . APPEARANCE : Thomas Best PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Best said it was his intention to conver� back to six units , which would bring the bathroom situation into compliance . At this time he said he could not complete the conversions beCause anticipated HRA funds had not come throug�. He was doing what he could as money became available from his own resources . Ms . Bijjani reported that she had talked to Warren Frost at HRA, who told her that there may be funds available next summer under a program applying to buildings of five or more units . She thought it wou�d be appropriate for the board to grant an extension of time to September. �Iowever, there was one item that should have immediate attention , the repair of steps leading into the b uilding which were in hazardous condition. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Sawyer moved that the case be continued to September, 1 , on con ition that the detexiorating steps be repaired within 30 days . Mr. Knutson seconded. P�IOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - S Nays - 0 Abstention�s - 0 Chairman Glassman recommended that Mr. Best inform the Housing Code Office in September whether or not he had received HRA funding. If not , a new approach might be necessary, with the possibility of a need to re-open the case . - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ --- - -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- 4J14/81 - Meeting No'. 172 MINUTES OF THE MEETING . ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS f� REVIEW Tuesday, April 14 , 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 Z11. Kellogg Blvd. � MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Glen Gausman Lucille Burg Harold D. Knutson Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT: A. Wali Naibi William L. Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept . of Community Services - Division of flousing Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau: Greg Plante _ _ OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas H. Best John Myren David J. Thoelke Gerard Johnson Harold Petschauer Dennis Homel Virginia Hill A. J. McDonough Lyle D. Tollefson Mary Barrett STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glassman at 1 : 3Q p.m. Minutes of the meeting of March 10 , 1981 were approved as distributed to the board members . -4- 4/14/81 - Meeting No. 172 � � ��7b'��i� 16-81-H 1819 Marshall Clifford M. Nelson (nine units) by David Thoelke , Attorney SUBJECT: Rec{uest removal of Order to Vacate effective 4/30/81 because o�owner's poor health and hospitalization , which has made it impossible to arrange for rec{uired repairs . Request variance of Section 54. 14 , pertaining to light and venti•lation in meter room and certain interior rooms of Apts . #1, 3, 5 and 7. APPEARANCE : David J. Thoelke Mary Barrett , NW National Bank of Mpls . , Trust Dept . , Real Estate Division PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Thoelke stated that because of Mr. Nelson's extreme poor health Northwestern National Bank Trust Department of Minneapolis � has been appointed guardian of his estate. He acknowledged that in recent years the city had found it difficult to deal reasonably with his client in their efforts to obtain cooperation in repairing his nron- erty, but with the bank as guardian, it was their intention to do all the work required. Mx. Thoelke asked that the Order to Vacate be lifted to allow the p resent ten ants to remain there . Alice Bijjani said the city had used the Order to Vacate only as a last ditch effort to produce some action. There were many violations of long standing, and the city had been unable to persuade Mr. Nelson to take care of them. With the appm.ntment of the bank as guardian and their expressed wish to cooperate , there would be no objection to Iifting the Order to Vacate , buth there were three conditions that needed prompt attention: smoke detectors were needed, and repairs were called for on a defective bath�ub drain and a stove that wouldntt work. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved that the Order to Vacate be lifted and a 90-day extension of time be granted to complete work orders listed in city's letter of Feb ruary 17, 1981 , on condition th at smoke detectors be installed and the defective drain and stove be repaired within 30 days . Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 Chairman Glassman noted that there had been a written communication from Merriam Park Community Council recommending that the Order to Vacate be removed and the appellant be allowed an extension of time . -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---- --- � 4/14/81 - Meeting No: 172 � - MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS $ REVIEW Tuesday, April 14, 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. NIEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman , Chairman Glen Gausman Lucille Burg Harold D. Knutson Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT: A. Wali Naibi William L. Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept. of Community Services - Division of , ��ousing Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani St. Paul Fire Prevention Bureau: � Greg Plante OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas H. Best John Myren David J. Thoelke Gerard Johnson Harold Petschauer Dennis Homel Virginia Hill A. J. McDonough Lyle D. Tollefson Mary Barrett STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glassman at 1 : 30 p.m. P�Iinutes of the meeting of March 10 , 1981 were approved as distributed to the board members .