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3H6 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
February 24, 1981
hearing for March 26th, 1981
: Garrett to a decision oP the
ing property at 35o w. George.
> property owners as required
Very truly yours,
Rose Mix
City Clerk
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117�/�—AHidavlt o�S�rvtc• !y M�11, (R�vf��d 1972) ��ADY-MAIIGUl15 CO. ST.►AUL,M�NN.
�tate of �ti�t�e�ota,
_ . _.. ss.
County of__ -.._.RamSey_ _---__.. .. --
_..Donna---C��.__QdY.k111.. .. _ __ _ . -- --- -.- -- . ---- .. - .-- -_ -- _ _ , being �irst duly sworn, deposes and says
thai on ....�_�n.u.d..rY._2� _ --- - , 19 $-�---, ------.he seraed the occa�h�d . Res.ol uti_on._#.8Z84----------------------------------------------------
-�- - - . ... �-��- ---- --- --- -- - - •- -- - - --- upon_ - -t'!YL I.E GARRETT - - - .. .
_ - - ---- --- -- ----------------------- ----------------�--••----
attorneY-- Jor. -- --- � - -�----_ _ -- __.. . .. - ---- -•---•----. .by placing a true
and correct copy thereu/ in u�a envelof�e addressed as follows:
bdylie Garrett, 350 W. George, St. Paul , P�innesota 55107
(which u the last k�town address of said attorney) and defiositing the same, with fiostuge prepaid, in the United States mails
at_ -- - .St.....Pd_ul.- ._ _ ... __ _-� - - - -- -__ ., Minnesota.
Subscribed an�l sworn to before me this ._28th �� '
- - --
day o/.......January-- -- -----. .. , 19 .81..- - (,�1/1��-. � '_ �- � - ...._...-- -------------� �----•------
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city of saint paul
board of zoning appeals res�lution
zoninc� file number �,��
dal�; _ Janu�,r•y 21 , I981
WHEREAS, WYLIE GNRRETT ha5 aNplied for• a variaiice tr•uu� thE si.rict application
of the provisioiis of Sections 62. 1(►1 (d) and 62. 113 of the Saint Paul
Le9islative Code pertaining to 6'6" privacy fei�ces constructed within
requir�d firont and side yards , as well as , coriier clearance height restrictions ,
in an RT-1 zoning district; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul B�ard ofi Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on
January 13, 1981 , pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements
of Section 64.2113(a) of t��e Leyislative Cude; and
WNEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Loniny Appeal�. based upon evidence presented
at ti�e public h�aring, as substantially refleci.ed in the minutes attached
hereto, made the folluwing findinys of fact:
1 . That the strict application of tr�e regulations enacted would not result in
peculiar or exceptional practical difficulties to tt�e owner of property at
350 W. Georye as distinyuished f��om mer�e ii�conv�ni��►�ce by reason of the
_ existing physical conditions ofi the property.
2. lhat the va� iance cannot be yrar�ted without substanCial detriment to the
public good and without substantially impairing t��e intent and purpose of
the Ordinance.
3. That granting the variance will diininish or� i�n�air established property
values within the Surrounding area, and imNair �ublic health , safety,
and welfare of the inhabitants of the City oi� St. I�aul .
NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE�, by the Saint Paul (3uar•d ut Zoning Appeals that
under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Ciiapter 6�4.206, the variance
to permit maintenance of an illegally built 6'6" obscurin�� fence within the
required front and side yards and a 3'6" fence within the corner clearance
area be denied, for �roper•ty described in the leyal de,cription of the
application for variance and the site plan attached heret�.
m Q��� b�/ _ Mr._Grais__ _, __ Decisions of the Board of Zoning
seco nded b Appeals are final subject to appeal
�/ Mr. Woods____. _,_ to the Ci ty Counci 1 wi thi n 30 days
in favor � ____ by anyone affected by the decision.
against _ � . _ _
� . � .
c1TY COU�JCIL ciiAP�I�ERS, Sf . ��l1UL , MIP�rlESOTA, I)E.CEr�16ER 23, 1980
PRESENT: �1me. Morton ; Messrs . G���iS , I'�terson ��ncl Wuods of the Board of
^ Zonin�� Appeals ; f�lr. Jerun�e Segal , Assistant Ci ty Attorney ;
Ms . Lane of the Division uf Ilousiny ancl Guildiny Coc1e Enfiorcement;
Ms . Beseinar� and hir. Tedesco of the Planniny Division Staff.
ABSENT: Mme. Suirnners ; Plessrs . Kirk ancl Osborn.
The �neeti ng was cha i red by Gl adys ttorton , Cha i rivan.
WYLIE GARRETT��8�784� : A reyuest for variances ufi fr•ont and si�e yard setbacks
in order to build a 6 fuut high Nrivdcy fence on Nr�operty located at 350 W. George.
The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing.
1�1r. Tedesco showed slides of tlie site and reviewed his staff report with a
recorrnnendation for denial . One letter was received in opposition.
Wylie Garrett, 350 W. George, presented a petition fron� residents in the neigh-
borhood stating they have no objection to the fen�e. He explained that when he
constructed the fence he did not know a building peri�iit was needed. The corner
of the fence has been chanyed so that it is no lonaer obst:ructing the view. He
said the fience looks good and the adjoining proF>erty owne►•s have no objection,
and did nut feel there was any ��eason to take it down.
Hearing no further testimony, Ms . Morton closed the public hearinn portion of the
n�eeting. •
Ms. Lane stated that the City Council passed an Urdinance which states that fences
cannot be placed in a required front yard unless they are 6'6" or smaller. There
is also a section on corner clearance which state5 that a fence cannot be any
higher than 2 feet. She explained that the Zoning Ordinance is ver,u unclear
about fences and the Buildiny Uepartiiient has been applyir�g the Ordinance passed
by the City Council to the Zoning Ordinance treating it as an accessory structure.
Mr. Peter•son asked Ms. Lane if the appellant would need a variance if he lo4�ered
the fence to 42" and had the fence 2 feet on the corner?
Ms. Lane indicated that would be perniissible. She also mentioned that dirp,ctly
west of the clwelling there is a garage with a driveway that could be a ha2ard
if someone were backir�g out if the fence is 6 feet high. On business property
when a 6 foot fence is put up, they are asked to place the fence 10 feet in
from each of the property lines just for• safety purposes .
Mr. Peterson made a n►��tion to deny the variances based on findings 2 through 5
of the staff report. Mr•. Grais seconde�l the motion. The rnotion failed for lack
of �t affirmative votes on a roll call vote of 3 to 1 with Mr. I�Joods voting a�ainst
the motion.
Mr. Grais then made a motion to lay the matter over until January 13, 1981 .
��Ir, bJoods seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 4 to 0.
Subrni tt by: ,� �l Approved by: , --
L� � �'k � ���'�'"�4le:l,�-• �:�f'-�� �-f. ' �j'�c �, -_ ��
� �.
R ony F.- fedesco Gladys P�orton Chairman
, . / �
. . MINUIES 01� illl M�L11Ni, Uf I�IIE L�UAIIU UI� lUfll�l(a l�l'PEI\LS I��!
C1TY CUUNCIL l;li/1f�llilllS, ', I . I'AUL , M1NflLS�JI{1, J/1Pl1111RY 13, 1981
f'RESEP�T: Mmes . P1ortoii uii�l Suininer•�. ; hiessr•s . Osburn , I'e(.c���sur� and lJoods of
the E3oarc� of Zon i i��� 11p��•�i I s ; f�1r. Sega 1 , 115s i s tan t Ci ty Attorney;
Ms. Lane of the Di v i� io�� ot Iluus i►�y and l>u i 1�1 i���� Coc1e Enforcement;
Ms . l3eseniaii , h1s . U,�ykin , Mr. Tedesco anct Mr•. furstenson of the
Plar�ning Uivisiun St,afr .
ABSENT: Mess rs. Gra i s dild K i rk.
The nieeti ng was cha i red by Gl aclys Morton , Cha i ru�a��.
WYLIE GAkRETT �7£34� : A reyuest for variances of frunt and side yarcl setbacks
in order to permit an existing 6 Foot hic�h Nrivdcy fence on pronerty located
at 350 W. Geroye.
The appellant was not present.
This matter was laid over froin th� nieetiny on Deceniber 23, 1980, for lack of
4 affi rrnati ve votes.
Mr. Tedesco showedslides of tl�e site and reviewed his staff report with a
recommendation for denial . One letter was receivecl in opposition.
. Mr. Peterson stated that as indic�ated in the minutE•s uf the meeting of
Uecember 23, 1980, Ms . Lane fr•om tl�e Buildiny Uepar•tmeiit ��ointed out t:hat
the erection of the fence coulci b� a hazard because c�f it� closeness �:o the
driveway, and cJue to Mr. ��arr�tt' S r•eluctance to take ar�y kind of sugyestion
from the E�oa rd as to huw he cuul�i aiuend the fence t o kE�eE� i n con�pl i ance wi th
the law, and due �� hi5 r�.�luc�aiice to co�nply with the cour�t order which was
issued in Npril of 19ti��, ayaiii made a niotiun tu den.y the variances requested
based or� findirig 2 throuyl� 4 uf the staff reNo��t. fis. Suuiruers seconded the
niotion. l�he motion passe�i on a roll call vote of 4 tu �).
Subrni tted by ; {1NNr•ovecl Ly:
' / r / . �I ��f' �i ��L- '
1 ,'�
�; ��� �.� �S�' �( _4�,�f'�l'- � � T Tf�f c <'�.j�
Anthony F���'fed�sco Gladys P•lor ton , Chai nnan
� , � �
����� '
�, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C L A S S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rezoning ❑ Variance �
Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑
Detcrmination of Similar Use ❑ Other_ �
Change of Nonconforming Use Q
Ot.her _
3, Lf1CATI0N: 350 W. George Street.
�l. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot l , Black 10, Olivier's Addition.
5. PRFSENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFEREPJCE: Section 61 .101 (d) & 62. 113
6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 1/13/81 __ BY Anthony F. Tedesco
A. PURPOSE: Applicant requests variances of required front and side yard setbacks, as well
as variance of corner clearance, in order to retain an illegally built 6'6" obscuring
privacy fence.
B. FRON7AGE & AREA: This rectangular lot has 50 feet fronting George Street and 62.5'
fronting Orleans Street, for a total area of 3,125 square feet.
C. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: An older two story house occupies this site. The lot is level
and �t sidewalk grade. There is no alley access . Fencing surrounds the lot (see
site plan for height and location) . Surroundin� land use is basically one- and two-
family residential with some commercial along George Street.
D. VARIANCE: Section 61 .101 (d) requires all accessory structures to meet front and side
yard setback requirements that apply to the district. Division of Building and Housing
Code Enforcement interprets the Zoning Ordinance and City Ordinance #16253 (pertaining
to obscuring fences mn corner lots , see attachment) to allow for construction of
obscuring fences of only 3'6" within required front yards , and side yards fronting
streets . In order to build obscuring fences of greater heiqht than allowed, variance
of required yardage, not variance of height, must be granted. The Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement has determined the front yard on George Street to be
10'10" ; the side yard along Orleans Street, 8 feet. The applicant proposes to con-
struct a 6'6" high privacy fence along both George and Orleans . Uariances of 10'10"
and 8 feet are requested.
Section 62.113 states , no fence above 2 feet from the established street grades shall
be permitted within the"triangular area formed at the intersection of any street
right of way lines by a straight line drawn between said right-of-way lines at a
distance along each line equal to the minimum setback lines from their point of inter-
section." The applicant proposes a fence of 3'2 feet within this triangular (corner
clearance) area. A variance of a 1'-2 foot corner clearance is requested.
1 . The Division of Building and Housing Codes Enforcement building permit files show
that on July 25, 1979 a building inspector discovered an illegally built 6'6"
obscuring fence at this site. (Building Division staff contends that the applicant
was informed prior to the construction of the fence that it would be illegal ; the
applicant built the fence illegally, none-the-less) . On April 16, 1980, Ramsey
County Judge P1arket ordered the applicant to remove the fence or get a proper
building permit. On August 7, 1980, the applicant got a building permit for the
fence, however, the permit allows for only a 3'6" obscuring fence. On October 27,
1980, a building inspector noted that the 6 6 obscuring fence had not been altered
� ��
to comply with the building permit. On november 7, 1980, Judge Market gave the
applicant 60 days to remove the fence or get a variance.
2. The strict application of the regulations enacted would not result in peculiar or
exceptional practical difficulties to the owner of property as distinguished from
mere inconvenience by reason of the existing physical conditions of the property.
3. Granting the variance, and thus allowirig for the maintenance of the illegally
built fence, could impair the vision of autornobile drivers approaching the street
intersection and thus impair public health and safety. The fence could also
diminish surrounding property values.
. � ������
4. The variance cannot be granted without substantial detrirnent to the public
good and without substantially irnpairin� the intent and purpose of the Ordinance.
5. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire for economic gain.
F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon required findings 2 through 4, staff recommends
denial of the variance request.
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Referred To _– — Committee: Date – ---
. �,. �r�. •
Out of Committee By _ .______� � ____ -------- Date — --- -_
�_, . , .
� I�.n ordinanco am�nding Ordin�ncQ 2:0. 1573�J •
� �clopt�d rlovciY�er S, 1974, pertaining to •
. .
• � builcling canstruction and tence requircments.
a, , , , ,
, SeCtion 1.
� , .�
• That 6ee��o:�-?-r Paraqraph 1, Subsectxon � .09, E?}ettee-�p
�.; , Section 1 of ordinanco No. 15730, Council Filo �io. 26�414 aclop�ed
! � i �� , November 5. 1979,�, nro�ently encodod as Section 25.G9 (1) of the
,;:,. ,, � � Saint Paul I,c,gislativQ G�ode,_ bo and tho salun is hereUy amended as
a follawss
, ,, . ,' r89-i�eRee�---Re���ner��e
r� 1. HCigh� of Fences. ' 2do fencc� shall ba erected excceding six
� ;,,,. feot� six incheF (6' G") in h�ight �ave t�zQ sid�ti•�alk or. f3.ni�hed
grade of any l.at in a residenca district or an any lot occupied for
xesidential�� �uz'poses_ Fenceg and all suppoLtinc� ��tructures �hal.l
°. ' . be compl�toly t��ithin tho l:>ound�ries of such IoL•: A�.1 fencea
r�" .' � erectad betwaen tho front �arQpe�cty 1in� and �a����i:��-��ne--�1�2a�� �
:,;;�_, . .
; � � eera��y-ti�t�.�t-6eel��ea�G9�A�-e��-�3e-6��-�ab�--�e�ra�c�L�:�r�--�o�t�rn:,thU� ...
.:��',.. % .
-'•�� • � � �ror�b front 3etback 1i:�e as de.£�nnd in �ction, G0.336�of the St. =. .
� :.;� ; . -
' � � Saint P�-zul ]'F�Rislativc: Cocic� shall bc� no mor�e� thzn threa feet six "
•',1 inchQS (3' 6"� in hei� ht. e:�P��L.�t+k�e-1xek�i:�t�;�-?��►--�:l�e-be��o?-�t�rve
.1� ��
�. eeeleT-S�eL�efl-6�,°��3r x3xo�x�er�-4:���-�'=�e�3 Fence.=.; not obstructin�
�•,� , vision to an extent �n c.YCes� o£ �4 20 p�zccnt r�ov� a'hei ht of tlireo
� . £eet six inchaB (3' G"� ahall. ba exeinnt froru th�� rc�txi.ctfone ticrein.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: .
'eas � Neys �
nu�ter � � Cor�uni� S�rvices � . ._._.
Houa ' , In Favor � --.- •_ - ;f
Ilunl ' ► _,- .�;.. � ,
LeY(ne � Agalnst �� ;E`-jZ-��- - -.•- -...
Roedler � �
Sylvcster � ; ' .
TeJeuo ' �
' ' Form Approved by City Attorney
� � b� Council: ' Date T_
J,Passed by Council Secretery . ` By —
gy — .
�proved by Mpyor: Datc � Approved by Mayor for 4ubmis�,i,on to Council
B �Y •\L_��_,(�i�_�n `-.�. :f�:1�' .�
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' , ���Z�C���.� Ordinancc N O. __ �__ t n��� J�
v,,.y.) ,i •
.'resented Dy --___ ------
Refe�ced To ����r'� � �
-- Committce: Uate
Out of Commitlee Dy -.-_._—_�. Uate
2. . � •
., Fences erect�d on a corner lot shall «lso be sub-i�ct to the pro—
visions of Seetion G2. 113 of tho Saint P�ul Le; i�lative Code.~
xf aftar investigation it is t'ouncl that sita or t�rzain con—
d�.tions mako it ne�es�ary to exceed tho abo�re hefght rostri�tion�a,
' the Duilci.ing ,O�Eicial inay vary tha 'liiait�tions accordingly.
i . .
� ' � .. .• . � . .. � . . ; ` , .
, , . . ._ . '. . _ � , � .. . ' . _ . _ . �..� ��• t : : , ,.; - •.� _
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COUNC[LMEN ' � � � ' . ,
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Dullcr CORYilU� SC't'V�CeS '
Hozia � . • In Fevor .. �� �
Hunt ' • � t
Roedle� � � Against �,. �C-r' ���•
Sylve�ter - '
� --�� r►1AY 12 �9T7
,.led by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney .
� �
:rtified Passed Council Secretar B / '�f�'�'''�.�
� y . . Y--, �'� ��-f•����r..-..
i • _ �
t3y � � '
:proved by Alayor. DAIe l,�:AY 1 9 197.71 � Approvcd by M�yor [or Submission Co Council' .
. . � }� , � �'
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'�'��` 1. Propsrty interest of applica�t: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.)
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4. Expiain how YOUr cete Co�formt to eech of the following: �'�� � � i
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p. Thpt th�itriCt qpplicstion of th�provisione of the Zoning OrdianCe would result i r (
,�f .:,, or exception,l practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. �
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CAIVFR'' _ DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � F.i��i" � � ��
���°��a _�+�'-'- MAYOR File NO.
Co ' Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Wylie Garrett applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals
for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of
Sections 62 .101(d) and 62 .113 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to the 6 ft. 6 in. privacy fences constructed within
required front and side yards as well as corner clearance height
restrictions in an RT-1 zoning district for his property located
at 350 W. George; and
W�iEREAS, Following a public hearing with notice to affected
property owners, the Board of Zoning Appeals by its resolution No.
8784 adopted January 27, 1981, denied the said application for
variances based upon the following findings of fact:
(1) That the strict application of the regulations enacted
would not result in peculiar or exceptional practical difficulties
to the owner of the property at 350 W. George as distinguished from
mere inconvenience by reason of the existing physical conditions of
the property.
(2) That the variance could not b�e granted without substantial
detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the
intent and purpose of the zoning ordinances.
(3) That granting of the variances would di�ninish or impair
established property values within the surrounding area, and impair
public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of
Saint Paul;
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.204 Wylie
Garrett duly filed with the City Clerk his appeal from the determi-
nation made by the Board of Zoning Appeals, requesting that a hearing
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
�evine [n Favor —
sr,owaite� _ Against By
Form Approved by C' y ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
sy _ By
w µ{
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the
actions taken by the said Board; and
WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Sections64.204 through 64.207 , and
upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a
public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on March 26,
1981 wherein all interested parties were given an opportunity to be
heard; and
WHEREAS, The Council having heard the statements made, and
having consid�red the variance application, the report of staff, the
minutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby
RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby
affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter
and does hereby concur in the findings and conclusions made and
determined by said Board; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Wylie Garrett be and is
hereby denied; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this
resalution to Wylie Garrett, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning
Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
Maddox �
McMahon B
sr,o,�,aite� __ Against Y —
APR 2 8 1981 Form Approved by ity A orney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified P s uncil ,e reta BY
B �
App by lNayor: t APR 3 0 1981 Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council
gy BY
� �r������
'1t0y �7
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, '����IR, i s s•
� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151
March 18, 1981
� �
t�s. Rose Mix, City Clerk /
Room 386 City Hall /� /—
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 �� ���
�E: Zoning File �Jo. 8784 - Wylie Garrett ;� _ u�``
City Council Hearing: March 26, 1981 A '
Dear Madam:
G��`` �f�F
This letter is written in response to the appeal of ��Jylie Garrett of a
decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying his request for variance
of setback and corner clearance requirements in order to construct a
6'6" privacy fence along the George Street and Orleans Street sidewalks
on this corner lot.
" The 6oard of Zoning Appeals received one letter opposed to the variances;
the Zoning Office has recently received one letter in favor of the
variances (see attachments) .
The Board of Zoning Appeals cond�lcted a public hearing on the variance
requests on December 23, 19�1 . A motion for denial , which requires four
affirmative votes , failed on a 3 to 1 vote. On January 13, 1981 , a
motion for denial passed on a 4 to 0 vote. The r�ain concerns expressed
were that the fence would impair traffic visibility and the lack of proven
The appeal is scheduled for City Council public hearing on P�arch 26, 19�1 .
Please notify me by March 25, 1981 , if any member of the City Council
wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing, or
requests additional information.
� � �
A c%��� T d
nthony F. e esco
City Planner
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`./ . ..c..� ' . t::�',� �'_.
ST. PAUL CiTY CaUNCIL `� ��'���s�
F��E No. x2�o9
To consider an appeal to a decision of the Board of
Zoning Appeals regarding the application for-a variance
from the height limits for a 6 foot privacy fence at
350 W. George Street.
i �
PETITtONER Wylie Garrett
HEARING Thursday, March 26, 1981, at 10:00 A.M.
City Coiincil Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court T�?ouse
QUESTIONS Zoning 298-4154
Contact the Zonin� Section of the Planning and Economic
Development Depar*_ment, ?:oom 11�1, Cit�� Hall Annex,
25 �d. 4tt� Street, St. Paul, *tinnesota 75102
Notice sent March 6, 1981, bv the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and '�ana�ement Services
Room 21$ Citv Hall - Court House
St. Paul, .M,innesota 5�102
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T�epartmeat of Finaacs ,
,_:s -,:,
Room 2L8, Cfty Hall . �
' -��►r 8ir:_ � ,=1
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`;T�e �iLy Ct�i�nei3 set ai date of 2�earing for �larch, �6Lh, 1981 �� � •., ,
to �conaic�ar th� aPpea�l ot Wy21e (iarrett to a_ 8ecis#o�:.�f �t'he; - ' f�
, Board ,oP�oning App�ala regardiag proper�,jr at 350 :�t. (ieorg�e, ' •.
, r will you please send �dotices to propei-ty oxmsrs as required ; , . 1;
. . .,.by law? - , r , �
�. _ -�
Yery truly youra, -� -,
� � ;
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, , : - Rose Mix ;. - :
- -i� � .. , �
City Clerk �_ . �
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c�: Plsaniag Stalt, 7soning 'Sfatioa .
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