276757 WMITE - CITY CLERK w���� PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 � 4 � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N . il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Inez Aspelund has filed an appeal to the City Council from a decision of the Board of �oning Appeals pertaining to her application for review of a decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for legal nonconforming use Status for the building at 615 Case Avenue for a determination that the building was a legal nonconforming use as 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms, the Board having denied her appeal and the City Council being asked to reverse the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, The City Council having considered the appeal, the minutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the report of staff and the testimony submitted at the hearing duly held on April 9, 1981, does hereby make the following finding and determi- nation: BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council does hereby grant the appeal of Inez Aspelund and the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby reversed, and the City Council does hereby find and determine that the building located at 615 Case Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, is and constitutes a legal nonconforming use status as a building containing 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms, this finding having been made upon the City Council's determination that evidence exists which has demonstrated that the use of this property as 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms has been in existence continuously for 20 years prior to the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Inez Aspelund, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon snowa�ter __ Against BY -- Tedesco Wilson APR 2 8 i�gg Form Approved by City Attocney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified _ d by Counci Secr ry BY By Ap d by ;Vlayor: te PR 3 0 1�1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAY 91981 i city of sai nt pau i board ofi zon�ng appeals resolution . zoning file number_874 __ {�ate _Februar 10, 1981 ____ WHEREAS, INEZ ASPELUND has applied for Administrative Review, under the provisions of Sections 62.102(a) and 64.205(a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for Legal Nonconforming Status for 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms in an RM-2 zoning district; and 41HEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on December 9, 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the require- ments of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as s��bstantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the following findings of fact: l . That the use of the structure at 615 Case as 8 apartmer�ts and 4 sleeping r°ooms was not established, converted, or t�nlarged pur�suant to building permits issued by the City of St. Paul . 2. That the applicant has not demons�rated by clear and convincing evidence that the use of the structure at 615 Case as 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms has been in existence continuously for twenty years prior to the effective date of the Ordinance, December 13, 1956. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals , that the Zoning Administrator did not err in refusing to grant Legal Nonconforming Status not be yranted. m oued by Mr. Woods Decisions of the Board of Zoning se co n ded b Rppeals are final subject to appeal �/ Ms . Summers _ to the City Council within 30 days ir� f,�var 6 by anyone affected by the decision. against � ... .. � __ , __ _ . _ , � . _____ ,__ __. _ _.. ___ ,. _...._...__ ._,__.__. ... .. . . _.....,_�..-.M.�.�..o.>.�„�! ' v,-, , MIP�,UTES QF TNE MEETIP�G OF THE BOARO OF ZOPdING APPEALS IN . , CITY`COUNC'IL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, PIINNESOTA, JA�JUARY 27, 1981 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Summers ; t�lessrs. Grais , Kirk, Osborn, Reterson and 4Joods � of the Board of Zoning Appeals; h1r. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Ms. Dayki n, P�s. P1cPdea l ly, Mr. Tedesco ano Mr. Tors tenson of the Planning Division Staff. ABSEP�T: PJone The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. INEZ ASPELUND (#8774) : Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Admtnistrator to deny an application for Legal Nonconforming Use Status for a building located at ' • 615 Case. Mr. Torstenson qave a brief review of the case, including previous testimony. He stated that since the case first came before the Building Department, there has been a text change in the Zoning Ordinance which removed the requirement to find undue hardship on the property owner in order to grant legal nonconformirrg use status , ' and that the staff recommendation for denial is based on findings 10 and lI of the staff report. He reported that he had talked to Bill McCausland of the Health Department, who explained that their concern with the stoves in the sleeping rooms was based on their experience with such situations : that there often was inadequate cupboard and counter• space, no sink, and a resultant increase in fire danger and sanitation problems. He also stated that a letter was received from the South of Cdse Project Review Board in support of the appeal . Alice Bijjani , from the Buidling Department, reported that there is no clear and convincing evidence that from 1956 to 1976 the structure had 12 dv�elling units . The Building Qepart.tmen� cannot approve for more than 4 units as built. Ms. Lane clarified _that Sam Blue, from the Building Department, gave testimony to that effect on December 23, 1980. Mr. Torstenson explained that if legal nonconforming status were granted for 8 apartment units, variances would still be required from the Building Department because the building would be nonconforming. Mike Palmquist, staff person for the South of Case Project Review Board which is a separate group from the District 5 Community Council , spoke in support of th� appeal . Ms. Sijjani stated that the Assessor's field card lists the building as : 1914, flat building remodeled in 1913; 1940, 4 units ; 1947 flat building, 11 light housekeeping apartments , 4 up and 7 down, and one 5-room apartment. F1r. Grais made a motion to grant the appeal finding that the Zoning Administrator erred in his decision to deny legal nonconforming status based on the evidence presented. The motion failed for lack of a second. Mr. Petersqn made a motion to deny the appeal based on findings 10 and 11 of the staff report. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call Vote of 5 to 2 with Mr. Grais .and Mr. Kirk voting against the motion. Submitted b� Ap�roved by• _, _ , � �� �� ��' ''� . �.��-�_�'�'c`'v.' ' ' " �?i ��2� hllan L.. Torstenson ` Gladys �lorton, Cha�rman � _. _ _ _ _ _.___�___ _ - ,. .__. ..__. . . _ ,,._ . ,_ . __ ,_ . _._. _. . � _ ... ._ .: �' � ,� , , � MINUTES OF THE MEETIfJG OF fFfE BOARD OF ZONIPr'G APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAi�1BERS, ST. P11UL, MIPINESOTA, J«NUARY 13, 1981 PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Sunm�ers ; Messrs. Osborn, Peterson and �,Joods of the Board of Zoning Appeals ; t�1r. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; P1s. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, h1s. Daykin, P1r. Tedesco and Mr. Torstenson of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messrs. Grais and Kirk. , The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. INEZ ASPELUND (#8774) : Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for Legal Nonconforming Use Status for a building located at 615 Case. The appellant �ras present. This matter was laid over from the meeting of Deceinber 23, 1980. Patrick Burns , reprE�senting the appellant, requested that the matter be laid over for 2 weeks in order to explore the possibility of reaching a eompromise with the South of C�ise Organization. Mr. Peterson made a motion to lay the matter over until January 27, 1981 . Pts. Sumrr�ers seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous vofice vote. ' Submitted by: � Approved by: ( , � // /{} ��( � ,7 ) ���/ � .� :-//� /L• "J (:1 /�' ` !, � 6 Allan L. Torstenson Gladys Morton, Chairman � - . , __ ._ _ _ _. , _ . . ,__. _ _,. _ �.�. r..., _„n.-._,�.. ..�..�, . � ._. . `_�,1 ' , , ' P1IfVUTES OF THE t�1EETIf!(� OF THE POARD OF ZOP�ING APPEALS IP� . - CI7Y COUPICIL CHA(�iBERS, ST. PAUL, htIPJNESOTA, DECEF1QER 23, 198Q PRESEP�T: t�Une. P�orton; Flessrs. Grais, Peterson and !•Joods of the 6oard of Zoning Appeals ; P1r. Jerome Segal , Assistant City tlttorney; Pts. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; t1s. t3eseman, Mr. Tedesco and Mr. Torstenson of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: �tine. Summers; Messrs. Kirk and Osborn. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Piorton, Chairman. INEZ ASPELUND (#8774) : Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for Legal ?�onconforrninc� Use Status for a building located at 615 Case. The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. This matter ��as laid over from the meeting of December 9, 1980, requesting . information from the Building Code Division as to vlhy the application was denied. Sam Blue, Building Code Division, explained that the reason for denial t,ras the lack of clear and convincing evidence to support the request for 12 apartment units. The Assessor's records indicated that in 1947 the building was occupied as 11 house keeping units , 4 baths and an owner unit, but since 1947 they have not found a continuous use. The Buildina Code Divis�on felt that the structure evolved over the years and drifted around between the number of occupants and the way the premises was used, and without something of more substance, they had to deny the request. After looking over the 2 affidavids presented by the appellant, f�1r. Qlue indicated they would not change their decision. Ne also mentioned that after talking to some of the tenants , .there had been a flexible use of the property over the years . � Patrick Burns , representing the appellant, asked that the record reflect the presence of the owners of the building and a tenant, Angie l�lilliamson, in support of the application. Marie t�lasonz, 887 E. Rose, testified that she had lived in the building from 1952 until 1974. At that time, one-half of the lst floor had 3 sleeping r�oms, a community kitchen and bath, and on the other side, there r�rere 3 house keeping units , 1 sleeping room and 1 community bath. The 2nd floor consisted of 4 house keeping rooms , 1 community bath on one side, and the other side was an : apartment. At the time she moved in Mr. Anderson aias the owner of the building. P1r. Peterson asked Ms. t�9asonz to define the differer�ce between a house keeping room and a sleeping room? P4s. hlasonz replied that the house keepinh rooms had their o�m kitchens and the sleeping rooms just had a sleeping room and used the comr:�unity kitchen. f�1r. 13urns stated that the appellant has denonstrated that deconversion 4iould cause a t�ardship on the owners of the building and the tenants , and that the use has been in existence 2U years prior to the effective of the Ordinance. .. _ . _ _ _ ___._. � . , _ __...� ___...._,._ _ A..... -- _. __ .. __ .___-- - ____ _,. ._.... ._ .�..,,�,,._ _, m,_� 4 ' . , -� i� "/Jr� , . �Z ASPELUN[� #8774) Less Craig, 411 6th Street, P�ewport, owner of the building in question, explained that they have put money into upgradinc� the builcJing, keeping it in compliance with the code, and any profit they make on it goes into the equity. He indicated that the property was purchased with the intention of using the equity for income when they retire. P1r. Segal stated that according to the testimony presented from Ms. Masonz, there were 7 house keeping rooms with kitchens , 4 sleeping rooms without kitchens , and 1 apartment. Under the definition of dwelling unit in the Zoning Code, the 4 sleeping roor�s �iould not constitute a dweiling unit. He also commented that the City Council ar�ended the Ordinance to delete the finding of hardship. f�ir. Burns emphasized the fact that all of the direct evidence points towards the fact that the use has existed continuously for �0 years prior to the effective date of the Ordinance and requested that the Board find that the Zoning Adr�inistr•ator did err in his decision to deny legal nonconforming use status. Hearing no furtP�er testimony, P�s . Morton closed �he public hearing portion of the meeting. h1r. Grais made a motion that the Zoning Administrator erred in his decision to de��y an application for legal nonconforming use status for the building at 615 Case, and that the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the use was established for 20 years prior to the effective date of the Ordinance. The motion failed for a lack of a second. t�lr. Peterson made a motion that the Zoning Administrator did not err in refusing to grant legal nonconforming status for 615 Case based on findings 1 through 13 of the staff report. h1r. lJoods seconded the motion. The motion failed for lack of 4 affirmative votes on a rol ] call vote of 3 to 1 with t�tr. Grais .votina against the motion. I�ir. Woods then made a motion to lay the matter over ur�til January 13, 198T. Mr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 3 to 1 with f�r. Grais voting against the motion. r Submitted by: Approved by: J,'�''��-_ ,��C�% ,,��.� %f�,� �G -r� Allan L. Torstenson �Gladys h1orton, Chairman � _._ . � _ , _ ___ _ -_�_ ., ,� . . ._ __ , _. .,....._. �_ __� __._._____ ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZOPIING APPEALS IN CITY CO�NCIL CHAh1BERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, DECEMBER 9, 198p PRESENT: P4mes. P1orton and Summers ; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Peterson and Nloods of the . Board of Zoning Appeals ; Mr. Jeror�e Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms . Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; h1s . Beseman, Mr. 7edesco and Mr. Torstenson of the Planning Division Staff. ABSEtJT: None The meeting was chaired by Gladys Mortan, Chairman. INEZ ASPELUPJD (#8774} : Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for Legal P�onconformin� Use status for a building located at 615 Case. The appellant was present. There �vas no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. ?orstenson showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a recommendation that the Zoning Administrator did not err in refusing to grant Legal Nonconforming Status . Patrick Burns , student attorney for Legal Aid of Ramsey County representing the appellant, stated that the owners of the building, Leslie and Sharon Craig, and a tenant, Angie Willia�T�son, were present and in support of the appeal . He presented a memo to the Board responding to the original staff report; they had not seen the revised staff report until just before the hearing. He also presented two affidavits , from a former owner and a former tenant, stating that the use was in existence prior to 1956. Ne sai�l the affidavits estabiish b,v clear and convincing evidence that the use had been in existence for 20 years prior to the effective date of tl�e Ordinance. Mr. Burns then stated that a hardship �vould occur to both the owners and the tenants if legal nonconforming status was not granted. Converting the building to a 4-plex �,►ould be the result of a tremendous cost and �vould also cut down on the amount of income available. As to the tenants, l� people would be evicted f1°om where they live. They would be hurt emotionally and psychologically frorn the trauma of having to be uprooted from where they have made their homes and separate from the people they have formed cor.�munity ties with in the building. He commented that the staff report indicated that new, inexpensive housing could be found for these people. By this he assumed that staff ineant public housing. Currently these people are living in private housing and making it on their own. He did not feel that they should be forced to go out and find public housing. He indicated that when something like this is undertaken, it should be given careful consideration and people of responsibility should determine just H�hat the consequences of their actions would be. He presented a petition from various tenants stating that they like living there, they have developed a feeling of community, a feeling of family in that building and would like to remain there. Ne then addressed the issue of overcrowding. In terms of the nurnber of people in the building, if it were converted to a 4-plex, they could have a family of 4 in each unit and possibly have 16 people living there; currently there are 14 people residing there. In terms of parking, there are currently 2 parking spaces in the rear of the property; the garage �vould be torn down making available at least 2 more parking spaces. He conxnented that the staff report was incorrect in stating that there are only two siiared batiirooms; there are three shared bathrooms in the building. He also mentioned that the Health Board violations are being worked on and would be dealt with as they come up. 4 � _ __-- _. __ _. �.. _ _ .__. . _ . . . _ . .„ .. ..__.. _ ._ �__._ __.___- __._ ._.._ < �, .t.:..: _ _.., , �,. ' . . .+.a':wqtl�'..�.-.�.. .���. � . ��. � - . . . .. : - -- : � °�v � INEZ ASPELUND (�8774), � �' P ge 2 Mr. Peterson asked the t�tr. Eiurns to explain the Polk Directory data. t�lr. Burns responded that he could not explain the Polk Directory data. He said that this was the first time that he was aware that the reason for denial was because they were unable to show that it was a continuous use for 25 years. He referred to A1ice Bijjani 's letter dated October 10, 1980 which stated no reason for denial . There was discussion concerning stoves in the bedrooms of some of the apartments and conversion of the building without a permit. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the� public hearing portion of the meeting. Ms. Lane reported that she was not sure what tne intention was in denying the legal nonconforming status. She also added that when applications are reviewed, approval or denial is based on any inforn�ation that is available to their department and that the Polk Directory is definitely questionable as to its accuracy. Mr. Segal stated that the letter sent out from the Building Code Division gives no reason for denial and that it would be difficult for the 6oard to determine whether the Zoning Administrator erred unless they know the reason for denial of the application. �1r. Peterson made a motion to lay the matter over until December 23, 1980 in order to allow time to find out why the Building Code Division denied the application. Mr. Grais seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Ms. t�lorton stated that the meeting on December 23 would be open for further testimony. Submitted by: Approved by: ;, /' , ?� _... ---.- ,�/�= � �/��^2 �-�-- t.�- ��' � �J l�'� �� Allan L. Torstenson , Gladys Mort" on, Chairman � .. _ _ . _ _ _ ___ . _ ,_. _ � _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ __ _ _.__,_. �__... _ _..,. _ _ _. _ �: � � � � � � �'' � �' �' � � ` W � �' � � �"' N � � d � � � � � � t � � � � — ' ` .� U1 a � � , w `. V . � � � ! � � � (,1 \��1 T�i �• i � � � � 0 Rl � . �, .M.�,�.._...� d � � � � � � � � � � � m � � � �` -� • • /NSPE�T/�N REPOR T : cr , �x�+ , � ST. PAUL DNS9IGN OF PUBLIC HEALTH �.,_./ r�b ' r�-�Re� 555 Ced2�z' 3treet 227-7741 �ntn �da�'' eaz ' ssr� ` 1� � ` 7�� -6 76 � � S� ��s �o �t;�e �(� `r b 1 7 ����_ n� ocr op a�: � / �-Ro�csne i AGTN ) z-ReinsPect ( S �� �� 3-Other L� �month �a-J ear � � ( Of��tAIN�? � order ►j*f� FOLLO'v�TING Ilr4�F2CnTEMENT,S Mtb'1' HE OOi�IbTED IMMEDIATELY OR WTI'filN 'I'�?E TII�'SE SFECIFIED ::o. n ` �L % 1 ` �- • . � e� .�s, � . r � � � c c ��"` �� � �' � .�:� �5�� S�:S" , .,�.---� � ._� � �, . � � � `-. ' ' v o� � - � � . , U �, � _ � . � � � �- J� , _. , � � ;��'Z�� �_��. � ' . J � ' ' �:..� -:,c� -����,�: -:�� az�=� ::,�� h� ���: —; �eFOZe �� ezistinq estnblie:r�zrtt '; nlCerec4, c33tai1«i dreuL^�ys Nex a;x! u.;ed — a:.d sq�:%~.�nt spacificatio:ts ahsli be s�'�itted a:zd approved �j �iF-�ent to be L^s:al'.ec.' -.:sc be •,:e 3t..Pa�l Division ef P�.iblic ifaalth. � � �^ro9� or equiealent (3ea �:iteri��. ...._... ?:f r'.V''.� °Y: '^�.:4I�""-i FG� (r�� �r y�=-`�--f�L 3A:i iu1.Q Li`• _ .... �ZJ�a:: 2900 _ t �. . : _.. _ . � ' /_ r'', , CITY OF SAINT PAUL • ' � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH • s \ �3�C� ' � � A�ril 7, 1980 � Leslie W. Craig 411 6th Street Newport, Minnesota 55055 � RE: Inspection of Rooming House a�t 615-6I? Case, St. Pau1. Dear Mx. Craig: This correspondence 3.s in r�latton to tha inspection of your rooming housa at 615-617 Casa Street on March ll, 1980. This inspectioa was in response ta yaur application �or a Roo�ing fiouse licanse and to detarmine the necassary actions that mu3t be taksn be�or� the facility can qualify as a racming housa. This letter will only r�flect th� pasition af th� Division of Public Health, a�a you should contact the Fira Prevention and Housing Code D�.visions for Dany options they may have available. �ae wil]. ba witnholding approval af our copy a: tre license a�plication until such time that there is substantial correction of the following list of daficiencies. For claxification, the square footage of the slaeping, rooms and the totaZ number of comnlete bathrooms (toilet, hand sink, and bathtub or sho�rer) de- ter�ines the maximum capacity o� roorasrs for the facility. Tha capacity of the apartmeat is datez*niaed separately. The maximum legaZ capacity of roo;ners for ths room�ng houss is ei�;hteen (16) , with the limiting factor being the thrae (3) shared bathrooms (a�art��nt unit excZud��), i'ha Fire and Housing , Coda Divisions may possibly hava otner limiting conditions. The maxiMUm capacity of each slaepSng room will be listac followi�g tne narrative portion of this letter. One Major coaditian that should be e:,phasized and Which must be corrected prior to licenss approvai, is tn� prese�ca of stoves in many of the sleepinq roor�s. Sl�eaiag rooms may not have stoves and these appliances nust be renoved fron a?1 roons khere t:�y a�e present. i�.is requir2�ent �o�s not a�ply rto Room B-�, which is a le�it�c�ate apart;a�nt or dWelling unit. . � .� 615-617 Case -2- , April 7, 1980 CITY OF SAINT PqUL . ' � DIVISION OF PUBLlC HEALTH �� In regards to the sta�CUS of each room and the maximum legal occupancy, please use the folloWing information as a guideli.ne. Roo� B-1 actually has a lagal capacity of only 2 psrsons due to lack of windo�r area in the second bedroom, but th� present occupancy wi11 be perraitted. l. Presently 7 sleeping rooms on fihe first floor and shared kftchen. 2. °resently 2 full shared bathroo�ns on first floor and 1 fuil shared bathroou� on second floor. 3. Presently 1 toilet and 1 handsink in basement. 4. Presently 4 sleeping rc�oms and 3. apartment on the second floor. 5. Maxiu�um legal occupancy o� 18 ersons in sleeping rooms. 6. 29aximum total roomer capacity of 21 persons, but limited to 18 persons by the number of full hathrooms. The maximum roomer capacity of each room is as fo2loWS: � FIRST �'LOOR - 2 FULL BATHRO�I�S Room A-I - 2 persons Room A-2 - 2 persons - Room A-3 - 2 persons Room A--4 -- 3 persons Room A-6 - 1 person Roo:a A-7 � 1 person Rao:� A-8 - 2 persons SECOND FLO�JR - 1 FU"LL BATHP.�?Oi�f ' P.00m B�l (Apt)-(1 Full Bath) - 2 persons, but �resent occupancy permitted Room B-2 - 3 persons DRoom B-3 - 2 psrsons Room B-4 - 2 persons � Roa� 8--5 - 1 pers�.� The fol2owing conditions aill require subst3ntial attention and carrection before the license application can bs approved: l. Roam #A-1: T'tiere is a stove in the sleepin� room. Remove th� stova. 2. Rao�n #�A-1: There are several cracked windows. Replaae the cracked wf ndows. 3. Room f#A-1: There was peelfng paint on thz walls. Refinish thz �alls. � 4. Room i�A-3: Exterior storm �.rindo� was cracked. � Replaee the craeked window. 5. Room {�A-3: Ths elactric li;ht iixture in the clos�t was i�properly wired and there we:� extensive extension cords. Install proper wiring. 6. Roo� �R-4: Tnere is � stove in the sl.eeping roo�n. Rem�ve the stove. 7. Room #A-4: Numerous paper sacks atuffed behir.d refri.gerator. Remove papa: sacks from behind t►�e refri��ratoz�. a. Roo:a 7�-4: Oae s:�ade was toz�:1. Replaes th� shade. 9. Room �A-8: There i.s a stove in the slee�ing roo:n. Remova the stove. 10. Roo� �9-1 (Apartr.�ent) : Windows in bedroora an� bathroo� are missing so�e p�atty. Rsputty windows. 11. Roor ,��-1: One living room shade is torn. Replece shade. 12. P.aon ;��-l: One cracked storw win3ow, several cracked insids windo�rs, an�� on:s windox raissin� putty (all in living room). Replace cracked Hindo�rs and reputty ona win�o�r. .,_ _ _ _ _._ __ _ � 615-617 Case -3- • Agril 7, 1980 , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DlVISlON OF PUBLIC HEALTH �-.�•p 13. Room �B-2: Sleeping roon has a stove. P.emove the stove. 1�+. P.00;n ,iB-2: Several crac?cec� windows, several windows raissing putty. Replace �r�:�ked Windoxs and reputty windows.. 15. Room nB-2: One worn shada an3 one sbade not r�o�anted. Replace worn shads and mount oth�r shade. 16. Room �B-3: There is a ,stove in the s2eepin� room. Remove the stove. 17. Room �8-4: There is a stove in the sleeping room. Re�nove the atove. 16. Room ��B-�: One window is craeked. P.eplace the windoH pane. 19. Room #B-5: Thera is a stove in the sleeping room. Rzmove the stove. 20. Room h!B-5: Several win�ows are missing putty. Reputty the windos�s. 21. Room ►{B-5: One window broken. Replaca the windou pan�. 22• Room #B-5: Some of the wall naint is flaking. Re�inish the walls xhere there is fla;cing. GENERAL j 23. The 2nd �floor shared batnroo� has a deteriorare3 floor covering. Replace the floor covering. 2�. The lat floor shared bathroom (east) has a i,rorn floor covering. Rsplace the floor covering. 25. The lst floor shared bathroom (east) has holes in the wall under the sink. Repair the wall and refinisn. 26. In the hal].ways on the lst and 2nd floors, some *rifi work is misszng or hasn't been com�letely finished off. Install the trim uork and finish off the hallway areas. 27. In the 2nd floor hallway, one outlet t;ad a broken faca plata. Replaco the face plata. D 28. In th� attic, one windoH has loosa glass and taere Was evidence of bats. Securs the window �lass and ciosa a]1 openin�s where bats could en�er. 29. Rear stairway landin� (from ist to 2nd floor) : Window missing sash cords. Provide window sash holders. 30. Shared kitchen: The area behind the stove was dirty. Clean behind the stove. 31. Al1 extarZor chimn�ys had loose bricks and loose mor�tar. Point up the chimnsys. Secure all l.oase bricks. 32. The exterior foundation had so�e hol�s and loosa mortar. Repair the foundation. • 33. Th� e�xterior trim paint �ras fla;cinp,. Repaint th� trir�. 34. On tho front porch, the center support column has loose and missing concrete at the base of t:�e colur�n. Repair and secure the center support colurnn. 35. Part of th? wes: front ratainin� wa11 was broken away. P,epair tne retaini,n� wall. 36. 'The east basensnt Windo�.r (exterior) was broken. Replace uir.�ow pane. 3�• Rsar rain gutter was rusted througii. Reolaee rair. gutt�r. • . 615-617 Casz -4- . Ap;il 7, 1950 CITY pF SAINT PAUL � � DIVISION OF PUBI.IC HEALTH ��p If you feel thase requirements a^e unreasonable or will crsate a financial hardship, you may make applicaticsn to the St. ?aul Board of AoDeals within 10 calendar days after the date of this notice. You may cor.tact the Board of Appeals by calling 298-4163. 2`� Z If there are any questions please contac� us at �7741. Yours truly, Nilliam J. hicCausland Sanitarian II � . WJM/kmj L�.J t . . pc �i � CI'Y OF S7 . PAUL OcrA�;T"sFNT 0� COMtdUNZ7Y S�f�VIC�S OIVISICPJ OF �IOL'SIAlG AN� 9UI�DING C�CE ENFQ�GEMEN"+ 445 C;,TY HR�� , Si. PAU�, �tI�;�i�SOTA 551.C2 �HUNE 612-298-4212 �/ � / �U - �c CKAI� � p� ��.�s/�I� ,.1 67H „T , ;�atPOi=:T MiNN 55055 ' ` REs CERT:FICA�'� QF OCCIl�AtvCY L%���� 6f� C�S� 011 Ut•;ITS :rA� F�'O�FF.TY Owf.�:? s . : CERTIFICAT� OF OCCUPANCY i1vSF�:CTiON WAS NADE CF 615 CAS= +ra e�i2�iac. �H� VIO�A�IONS 0�1 �NE cP�CLOSEC II�T nUS7 sE Cop►;�CT_0 wITHIN 6 r"Oc�T�S ��� ?EFO�E YOUF BUTLOI�dG CAN �t:. CEfTIFiEQ. .;.TH UGH A C�fTIfIGA�c CAK�dOT 8� ZSSUED AT YHIS �IME, TH� F�� IN TFt= AMCUNT OF 7� IS NOIr' CUE. PLEASE FiLI. QUT TN� E�iCLOSEG FORM QN� ?�'TURN IT L�tI�H iNE 'EE . - :PF ���aIKS Ar;� N�►r Ir�S7a��AjiGr�s �cuS7 �E Na��_ rra ACCORCANCE wI7H TNE �QF� IATE CQOES• �'FKM�i� MU5T t3� GcTAI�r.0 NHF=E F:r�UI°,F_D . CMA��GES A►v�-0� .OG�7ICyS TO Ats E��.CTR.ICnL SYSi'�t� *��,Y p�Qt1I?E U�G��A�ING 0�' rNE SE�vICE SIZE ?� �.rEcE�i7 plATIONAL EIFGl'RIC�L COd� F;-'_CUIr�FMENTS. �0�4� PLUMBING P,�FdZR� MAY ;ECF5SITATE Ur=DA3TNG pF TNE FIx7URc.S a;,�-OR FIP:�3G INWOlVEO. A �ERNIY iS �C;UIFFO FG% At�Y �ci'QT� Jtr hEW I.NSTliLI ATIO;�. FE�-.MI TS MA Y 8E OBTA ItiEC F�CH i N� �IVISICN OF HOUSIraG ANC �UILOING CCD� F�rFORCErt."nt, �0f3M ac�, , C;I7Y NAf.L . HCUZC YOU �-ECE;VE f%�NTAL T_ NCLMc �ROM TNrc �W�L?ING AN� FAIL 70 CO"'PLY 'rtITFi HjS Q='RE° , TNE ST . PAUL O��A�7' McNT GF CQPiNt;�;�Y SE�:VIC�S MAY �IOTIFY Tl�� �?i���ES4?A GE.F�R7ME�vT OF {.CIIENUi: OF r�CldC0�9?I.IANC�. Ih TH; �V�NT rHE S7A"� � � � :�"�Fi.E�, CHAP?F� 225, i.AW� OF NI �N�50TA 191s, ��;OViOES �'Cr D�r�IAI �F TN'; c^;ST .N;! rF"==F�IA=?Qhi G�GUC7i0hS FCF� SU�STA"��A��.0 6UILt�,�NGS �URIP;G THc �'�?I0� �F :CnCCt'��7AhC�. 3Hi5 r+E��R�AI. NAY l,r:AC TO A� AUuii 0� YOUR MTNN�SOiti STnT� NCQuE 7AX . IF YOU A�CC UJrAi?L� TO rft�AMCF THF Cr,�RECTIOh 0�? R�FiA�3rLITA�?CFI �F H� P�:=��ISES T� C0�1F1.Y NIT�+ iNI5 GG��E? , 7��E�E �:'.E STA7� ANr IOCAL _HAEII.ZTATIOti ��OG�'ANS FOR WNICH Y�11 uAY GUALT�'Y. F YOU FEEI. T!iAT ;HE COp�ECT,T,ONS F:�.CJUZficF..D A�� U�lQEASO!'�A9LE OR WiLI CR£AT� A �NANCT,'1� HAR��NI° , YOU "�AY MAK� AF�LICATiCt� �'G THE �30Q�:D C� AP�=ALS Y!?� NI�i TcN IG ) �A�=n�r.� GAYS A�TER THE CATE CF ;'►irS �rO7If,t. YQU MA1' CONTACT TNc �OAR!? 0= PFc':Qi.S �Y CA:.!I'"d�: 298-4163 . F You NavF AldY oU=�TIC�NS , CO�rTnCT Cud?LKS a. V�T�L ?�TwEEN 8 : 00 ANO Q : ��J a .M. �= al?CE a.:JJ��.I e��7f�EEN Esi OU a .M. �:N� 4s3 � r. *�. 7N� 1�ursE�ER TO CALL IS 29�+-42i5 N z��-�sa� . c u�=.s ;.�u�Y , � I g � __ G �E f l-p U'� ft P��O N1 P��'c�� �l - � G�. 1-r-E Nt S q � �-r� 7��OQ �i. rANK A . S'fAFFF.hSO►d �/�/o I — 3 APTS CGP� ��-- U�E�VISO�-NOUSiNG CO�E f`// l� Z — l�- A P 1 5 CO f'� P L ETG r:c!o�u::ES : V I 0 L A 7 I Q h! L I S T �/Q Z ' S��� �-�-L K. �� t.c.�'-��5 (D� INI7I'AL F�� Fa�Id — F�.EAc� n�rU?tr' wITN CH�CK r�? AMCU�'T F.ECU=ST�^ AEOVE. A SErARATF CNECK Afd�� FOR`s A�E �F�UiRE� FG�. E�CN f�U?LDIhG. F.*Ll. IN p1�cP���S NAME , AG���ESS, ZI� CG�E , �H�ti� NUM�3��:, A;J� TH�: NUNQ�R OF UMITS. _.__ _�...------__- ---- . � '� ,' n ' , • � }~ � � . s i •� :s �� Av . 4 � .-,s __ � __ . _•y�_ . . . . . —+nenr�.�s�. . . ":.l._._...._. ., _ �25 CASF � 03288Q 05760GQ61 �R 10923a cA�� 2 ?0'?CFt NII:r;�SGTA S?ltiE rTM7Ui�� 1�76 SECT3CN lE�.t3� REQUIr;cS THAr �qC;{ �W��� Ir�C UttTP �z1'HrPJ At� A�.9i- TNENT HGUSc 3E F�?�VjCiE'? t�(zT}i A S'•tOKt O�:TFCTRF �Y JAt:UA�;Y 1, 198L' . IOtICEs TNIS II�SP�CTIO�! REFO"r;T �qF� �p � � M�LY THAT �Hc �UiL�IhG I� iN C�M�! �-- ANCE WITH i HE "�;UL�S F�i< E�dEfi(;Y CONS��UATTGN STRNCAF,C�S FOR �XISTI:VG Kf.S�Q�hCES QF TN� STF1T� QF MINi�lFSOTa;". Li.GAL ��FERENC�= VSOLATIO!� OE�C�2IatIQhS • �A$f_Mtt�T a��a� NEATING N!ANT �1P�A 1 5�. 12 NTG '`�` TNE VAI.VE Ot�' �NE 1.I �'� FF:CM TH�. ?(;I�,����0 THF �XPANS�Oiv Ya►�K LACKS a SA�'E�Y TAG . PRpVI�E n -� OF�rv� TAG �crr rHIS VALVE . 2 13. u � '�� ENCI.(:S� THr". f;00M C�NTAItdI�!G TNz NcATING f=LANT WiTH Ot�� HOUh F�.R� nATEO F'AT�RIA��. ltttY t OOrS "SUSr HA'J� �Jivc N'0l1�; f"Ir� �CA+��G ANO NUST 8E S�LF-CLOSIiVG. TWO AUTJM,4TIC `:��IhKLEi� HEAGS t�JAY �� TNSTA�.�.�� r�V�? i N� NEATI!!G PC..4Ni aN I. I�U GF �rOVTr`I ?JCi A O��f-NOtJ�-'. FI�-?F-�;AT£p CEILINCi� 3 13. 06 �"�� TH� GOGR 7t� TNF (�QTL�� 0'= FU=N:1C�' ?OOt�t IS IH�� � ^ :'r �' ' �?�E: Or. _ 1'tla�?f�G. rNSra�.� q SFi.F-CLOSIt•!G C00� WITN �N�' HOUR �=I�:�4 ��a�Tr:r,. cxw �o^�= cA���s �xlsr.��r, 000as MaY gE ec,v�?E� N�TH 2tl GUAGE: SNEE� METAL) . �xT�?Io,= 4 Mjf;Ti STA7U?cS (� FC$7 IN q Cpp:SPICUOUS PLACF: GtS TFiE �!!IL^vING A :VQTiCc' CChTAI�J:[P:G �FiE N�".:1E: AND ,a��h:rSS CF -�t� GWNE� QF TN� P�:FMI�ES. .4tdp -TNE P�kSOfJ AUTHO�I ZF� T� MA���4G� ?HF ��E1+ISE>. 5 54. �9 �E� TN� EXT�;IGR FOU�.(?� ?IO�V iS H'SSI\G �,Or?�A� . TUCKPOYlJT �CUr��GATI0r1. � `4. �9 �� T�+E wzNJO�rS ar� GE„E�:a�LY �tTSSIr;G SC�:EFNS. -�a�l��� SC�:'EENS FOF ALL WIN!'CWS �3c'�Qt+' TH,_ rCU�?iH Fl.O�P, FCO�S JUh� 1 ;U OCT 15 �F �!!CN YCAR. F� 0!r't 7 54. �Q THE �Gl.'�i:.'ATIC'N ON TF;=' F�:r_rYr (St� � �� :iiilCF-i ALl01d c �i� + c.; � U i.i 5�0�� HAS C�i-ECTc 0� P.TS 7G ,_�,TE- . �� �AIF, AND �OO�.hT-�i?Cn� FQI;tiGATICN . (QUAi�',TER IraC}� � :1��;�,jT_�?G�F�NG SC'�E�t�ING MAY � �: US�U GVI_� U=N7S, ETG. ) F 54. �9 � Th; F:?GNi t�OUTH SIQ` } 1cT FL00? , P��;�H SUFFORT COLU►��NS A•KE �'�<OK�t:, LOJSE , QF ��TTEO. r-EPAIR 0� °EPIAC�' COI.U"tN�. °- 5 4• `-'° --rl�=---F=2-6-t�t��*N—SI�-r��; .�t"*;��-t-L}t����C-M--�K--k�� ��'r�3�t�`Cid-��--'ic�:3-;�c�--�—p�--?1-i S�-��pA�i G-.—y��'r'-«-��a��--^tEtC,.K. F i.r.i� C T:): C•V M f' "1 L� ���� � . r 5u. �n ;�E r�nsT 51� �1 r,�?7 ►�tiF � �-�- , X CNi��+NkY. Y �A. t�.1.�Si.TYG �RZCK . ��PAIF. :1 5r�. 3a � Ti�c I�AST Sr'.?c) CNI "KEY NAS A p�Fc"C7IVE CA� . ?E�n j; CHIc�NFY CaF. � GA R A G E ---__..___._.-------.___________......__.._. ..._.____. ;-.,-, -, , ., - � � � 7 �, -, '�yf .: :9�� _� . . � J .. �. 1 �:.-� .�....... .....,..,.�.........�.......�..�._.,� . �.-__._-«�_�_. '_,..___....__..'_."'_'_. ... ..._... ---_....-�.__"'-.`..�.-_.•_____�._ .6 ..1 � . . . . ..-... .. . .. . �'. .� .... , ,. � % Ear -i� e� t --, -, � ,: � ^� , '� .� t. ;, ,, �` �' " � �, ... �s� �v 1`� C�Sr. fl328ea 0676�D06i50 i�9234 �aG�' ; 12 54. C'8 7NE GA�2AGE IS G£P3EkALLY �7EiEF''I0:'. t1TE0. COi1Pl.c�ELY ����` j� 0�Novc TH� GaRn,E. � � � ���Z � CO�itiON USt AF,tAS A'�TIC 13 54. 1� �� REFAi� THE O�F`CrIVF FLOOR TQ A SO!lF.O Co�JnrT�pN IN Q WOYKl�Ai� LIKE MAtJNEP. . ;,4 5=+. 10 �.�'�� Fi:CVIQt' A HAtlD�AIL. FG� A i i T C S7AIRS. �XTERIOR F�;CP�R3Y Ak�AS 15 5 4. Q 8 g_p�� T jV 0� �.�-G?�J i 2 ED tf�-3--'S-T-�F�--l1���-�-�h rse-r Q Q€'c`�t�Y-?E--p L-A Ct: � ' ' ^� ' �?-i-t�--33�;�-AS__`NDT�A?E�7'-Q1V-flL�-iV�-°��-Pr±��tt�t�• �t`�-�-z-�l`-c9�tf�N£--tt . 16 .`�4• QS Fr.PAIF, 7Y; GEF�.CTZVE N0�'TH S��JcHA�K �S NEEOEt7. �-4.��j �s ��i�' i7 54. �8 kEFAI� 7H� DLFt�TIV� WEST SI^�WA�K AS NEFUED. `� l� ���5` �� aFA?TNrN7� A- 1 :£ 54. 11 fiLnG THIS DW�:�LING UNIT NAS ;SO �ATIi?OflM, ��OVIDE A 2pQH WiTH;N THE 01��cLtTNG UNi i WHiCH AFFO�COS �RIUACY AN�J W{-fICH COrdraIN; A TOIL`T , F'Ar,QSItdK , AND A BQTHTU� Qr� SNOH�? . iCQNVeRSION OF TNI ; t1NIT TO A U0�)�1ING UPJIT NITHOUT COOKTNG FACI�.ITIFS IS A �OSSIB�E Al.TE�r�AYIVE. C�ECK wlrf+ 'HIS OFf'It;E F'Oo EX�C� RfCUTR�MENTSo ) KI7CNEN O �y. 12 F!�G TI-iE �'Ai�G�-: 0? GTH�R GAS E3U�NI��G CEVIC� I�! THL' KITCi�1EA1 NAS !;N INFRQ�c.F GAS CON�ECTC:� ANu-Of�� LACKS A P��JPFR SNUT-OFF VALVF. F�CVIDE �t� a��;�OVE� FIEY.IaLF �� F. IGI� �LaCK PI�; CC�N�ViCfC�;. l� ��Vch-HA?dpLEO GAS SNUT-CFF VALVE MUST !3�" ���CVIOEu G�t �NE 3U1l.CING S� C?E QF THE CONNEC70K . �� n�;�M�1��rs n-z IIVi�:G r'.00N '� 54. 1Q 7F1� CEIL �hG IS ���Ar=� DAr±AGE�. FcpqIR G�£LItdG AN� MAK= N�CE�SA� Y ��FaI�=s ?Q f�:�EV�i�tT FU? TtiE? wATEQ JA�tAGE . '1 54. i� �=�A� T,:.� IS iJrFECTIVF . Q��nIt: �La.�Tr� AA10 R!=F'��tlSh AS NEFGci� . — 1�l:=L 4�A�T �,cP:TS A-3 ;_ 54. 11 �L�3G Tti�� 04;t;_LIt��; UNI ? NAS �JG r�ATHt;00M. �:°,OVIp� A �GC11 PIITNIN 7HE �h`LLItQG UNI� WHICN AFFO�CS QRI1,�l1CY AN� �H.�CM CL'!�i A?NS A TCIiET � NANOSTNK t ANQ A �AfiHTU�? OZ SHQVtE�. {CCtYV`RSIOtd t'F THIS UNIT 7t� A �?QO�TIVG UtJ7T S+iiHOU� COOKI�iG FnC£�ITI-S IS � �O�SZ9�� A�TCR!r'ATIVE. CNEC►c r►T'r{ TF!IS OF�ICE FQ� �XACT �ECUIr,E�"1£N�S. 1 _------ -. .-- ----- _ , t __.. .,.. _- - . . i - -- .• _ ;:r;� �,� ; . , .'�" . �7 �s.sra py� L:.a � J .� [.���. •�� !7 'c) �J... �._� �V .re� �5 �A='F G3289� t7676C!��Jfi15G 10923+) PAG� 4 II�lIhf �OOM ?3 54. 12 EI�E� THct�� IS TLLEGAL OR IMP�CpE°LY T_ r�STa�LE� WIRING. 4EM�V� OR RtPLACE. A�A�;'fN�NTS A-4 ?ti 5a. ii r!BG ThIS QHELIING UNiT hAS ��0 BATH�OON. ca0VZ0� a �QJM h'I7FiIN TNF ;:iL�l.� +_P�G UNiT WHI(:H AFrOR�)S PRIVACY ANQ WNtCH corr7nlNS A TOIIET , HAND,INK , ANO A �tITNTU�3 G� SHOWE:�: . (COt� U�FSIUM 0�' TNIS UNI7 T� A ?QOMINC Ut�IT WITNOUT CQt�KiNG FnCI��?'I�'S IS n x�oSSFaI.� ALT��;N�ATIVE. CHECK HI'N ±H?S OFFICE F02 EXACT R��UIR£ycN7S. ) KI i�H�'N '? P�OVI�J� A GNGU:�Jt�,:,''i OUTLE7 4�?CVc +H� KI7CHEN SI�dI<. AFA�T �'��f�* S � SID; 1STFLt3AT - 9ATFtYOL�M �E, 54. iv THt: �ATN�:paN FLOG�' COVE2It�C, I� DFFFCI'rVE . RE�AIR Of; . �E�'LAC'�, tdAKF TMPL�VIOUS 7�J WAT« At�lL� S�AL A%OtlN� E4GES AN�J FTXTUR£S. '7 54. 10 TNF rATH�:�Ot' �LOG? IS NO i Tt1��RV'CUS �'0 W.ATFF, NAK� FLC�K. It�SPEF,UI�US i Q h'ATE= l�N;; S�.^,t A:�OUND EOG�S A�EC � 1XTUhZ�$ . a�a�Tr��►�ts e- a. tTvzNC �ooN '� `'E!'GU� A�vQ R`StdSTA�L SMOKt CCT�Ci'0� 12 TNCHES FRCM CO?NE� CF WALL OP. CEI�ING. Ai-ART�icn?S �-5 '9 54. 11 FLOG 7�HI� �wEL�. I�r 11yIT NAS r!C C�A;HROC�M. GROVIO� a ROOM 'rlI7fiIN i NE DW�L�i?'IC, UrJT7 NNICH AFFOROS FkIVACY AKp HtFiICH C�P:?AIhS a faIL��� HA��OS7NK, Ai10 A P.ATH7Ut3 0�? SHQWC�', . (COIvV�kS 7GN OF TH�. S U��I T TO a �oo�Ir�G UNI i W?TNOUT CCGKIr�G FACI�ITI�5 IS A r=oSS?9LE Al.?'�Rr:ATIVE. �N�CK WI'�'N TNiS OFFICE F0� c'.XACT RC�t1Ii*EH�N i S. ? �svirr .r, f;ccM ��� 54. IG TNE CEI!FNG IS 'rtf.T:^ �AMAG�C. =F�AfP CEIi._TPdG A�dC MAhF t��CESSA��Y �2EF%ATr�,� ?Q Fi�EVc�JT FU+; ?HER WAT�ft flaMAGE . 31 5�. ! � P!ASTEn �S OcF�CTiV�. REFAin Pl.ASl'c.fZ ANO REFIt�tISFf A� --_-�,_._-___�...�... _ ___ _.._._._.�,,,,, ,---------. ___ , ____----.. .-- --_.._-----,----. ---.____.____.._._.___,�._. __.____._. �._.�,..._�,.,�.- � ,. � � - ----�-- _____._._ __�.�_�___., _. ` _ � �3.7:�� - . . �:.s H , _, �V L,![� . � i. I f: �a :•.v } ��� , �� — � :I :-3 i5 CA�� �J3268Q C6760Q061�� 20923fl °I�GE 5 �lEEO E0. � _ WA�L. 32 54. 1� TN� iJALLS fiAVE G�F�.CTIV� P�AS7�� . REMOUF ALL LO�Se PLASTE4 AND F:.FPAIP. A;dO R£FIidISH AS i�ECESSAKY. 33 ,4. 10 7HE GEILZNG SUQFACr COV�'�Fh'G IS OEFFCTIVE. RE°AIF �URFA�� COVE�Ird� U�; °�?EP•ti�� aN0 °.EFINISN SURFACE. 34 54. 10 ZH� SU.;FACE CGVE�2?t�G IS QEFECTF'J` . 2�FAI� 5U�FACE C01Jk.� ING 0�? PF;c.PAfZC '�NO ^r=.FI!`lISN SURFACE. — WAI.L 35 � 4rALL AFAnTMcNTS ZNC FLCO�. �.ATNR pQ I}�1?G'17�� 36 PnOVIO£ A GROUT�p;�G GCtvV�tsIEt�C� OUT�Et N�AR SINK. A�AR7N::hTS ?-4 LIV�NG f�00M . �7 54, 10 TNE �ATCH 1�N�-0;� LOCK?NG Mr:C�►AidI �!�1 Qhi THE• Ft�dT�AP:CF C�QC� IS 'JEFECjIVc. R�PAIR. �TrcN�►v �� �k�VI�� A GRC.U�V�^C Ct�'TLci AflOVE 'Ht SI�VK . A^rARTI"•ENi S E- 3 �9 54. li FLL�G + TNIS OWELLIt�G UNIT I-A, ;a0 SA�HkO�r�. �.a,OVi�� A �OGM WI'FNIN THE �W�L!ING UNI � WHICN AFFOR�S PRIVpCY ANL� WHICN Can7niNS A TOTLEi , NANC;INK, A�dO a BATHTUf? Or� SNOWF�;. (COi:U��S7:Ot� QF THi; UNIT TO A p00MIhtG UNIT WTTHOUT CC10KiNG FACIIITIE� I� A FOSSiF�Lt AL7ER,NATIVE. CHECK %�I?'F! rhIS o�FTc� Fo� c xa c�r ��c:uT��EN�P!T�. � K�TCHCN C ,4. 14 �L.EC TtiEr�.E �':F 7�SUF�ZC:FhT ELCG i=';�CA(. OUTL£�T5 . �r�JVICc. AC�I :IOt�AL �UTLc:� iS � Fd� A TOT�'t� OF TH?E� CUTLE i S (Qt�l� 0� HHYCH MAY P� SUF�Li��' C�I�.T_ NG CR I�IALL TY�E 1.IGFiT FiX7URE3 . .1 54. 1?_ �4�� �FiE OU7L�� C�! 7H- td�±;. �^, DKF��:C?IVE �R �OOSE. R��aI�Y A�IC SECUri.�. ��UTL�T . �2 �i►. 10 �;N� WAtI�' H:;VE: D��ECTIVc ?LAS�E°. �?E�M011�' AI.L LOC'Sc PLAS7ER ANv = E�'AI2 At��� ��FTPdISH �S NECCSSAf,Y. :� `��• la TIi:= SUl?r=�UC COVEMI;dG I� �F:FKGTiVre R�PAI�? SU;FACE (;�Vz�I?�G GR f=��c+'�RE AN:� :FF'ItiISN SUF,FAC�� . — ht1 Ll r4 — W11LL AFA��N_�ITS A�l. UNi s"� ..—,.,..-0...-�r..,,_�,-�--..a�.-..�.��..�,..��x�:.-....,,.:-x.z-��.,.rw,...�_,..d�..,�.......e.-�._....�,._..,..�...........�..._._._._.._�� �_ � - . � 15 CA�:E �32880 0676 �L0615� 1�9233 . flAG� 6 KITChEP1 "a5 �ll UlVITS hHICN HAVE A G'A�1TiY TYrC NOOG VENT A90VE �HE Y.ITCHEh STOYr: SNOt1LC nF kE'�OV�O. PRaVIGE A s�14CHANICAL V�NTILArp� F0.°, TNES� AREAS, 0� AN OPCNAALE NINDQW. 4�a�TMENTS �—? �,vzNC �oe�s }5 ��+• i� ;HEF E ZS W1,;ER DA'��GE TQ TNE WALIS. �.�'PAIR i,'At..LS A1s, hfAKE� REPAI�S NEC�. SSA�Y T�J F�EVE��i F��'TFiE? WAi'E� GANAGf. >7 54. i0 TNE CcillNu IS t�AitR OA;"AG�D . KF�AIR CE_TLING atv,'? MAK� P2EG�:�SAt�;Y r?EFAIRS �'0 RREVE!J� FUr27N�R WATE!? UAMAGF . +� 5�+. 10 iNE C�'IIiPlG SU�FACc COV�RIWG IS OEF'�CTj1/�� s�r�pI� S�JnFAC� �OVE�.ING 0^; F?EFI,�'E AN� ;;EFINISN SURF4C�. +9 F4• 1 � fN� SU�FaC� CoV�i< It�G iS JE��(;TIVE. R��AIr Su;►=nC� C�V�F ItQG OR P!�E°l1Rc_ AND RcFT�lISH SU4FACk. ;p ' �"a!� - Wh�L _ I".�..----------____.__ -____. �_____--�-------____ � ---- ---- : _,_ _. �,. ___$. � �_:�- w -_�.-�*- _----._-_ ._._..----..__.. .______ . --- - , � --- -----------�-------------- ------------__._�.__ -a . _ . � � � , , � � � � �►�� . `" j`�- r �� �' �'� 4l�� JuQy 9, 19�0 t Nocr��.n 8 B�d Code � R�: 1 � 9 9 � 6 5 Case ..onve�c.a.ton Room 445, Cowr,t Nocua e S�. Pau.�, ".in 55102 � ATTENTION: ;.�. AP,i.ce B-i.�jani. Dean M,3. B.iS�aru,: � Aa pe�. occn di.dcu.bbtion a.ti,th fou and Sam BQue, -i,t � owc �.n,ten.t .to conve.�c,t au.�, bu,i.ecli.ng a� 61 S Ccvse bacf� �to a 4-p�ex� � aa .i.t wa.d o�u.g�,na,P,�y. Tl�e pn.eaen�t amol�e detec,to�vs w� be ne-�.rvsxa�ed pe�c code. The kea,ti.ng p.P_an.t wi,P.� be enceo�ed ,�vc �a�e�y �on -P.L,�e nequ,ih.emewt� by J-1-k 1 , The�c.e wi.2� be �ivu eomp�ete apale.tmen.t� b y 1-)-�1, .t�trcee eomp.Pe.te apcvc.tmen.ta b y 7-1-B l, �ocvic eomr.ee,te apa�c�»r2x-t�s b y 1-1-82 and �he �s�.dewa,efz on the. i��e.a�t �s�.de o� .the 6.Qdg, w.i.Ce be eomp�'e.te b� 1-1-3?. The ga,7age w.i,� 6e .taFzen down by -th,(� .5 ame da,te. � Ene.eo�ed ane pr�opo�ecl �h e,tche� o S .the bu,i.Pd�i.n� a s te�. won.� .i.6 comp.�e.ted. Thanl� yau �on yawt. a�e��ance �.n �ht� maztE.c. Yoc.vv� -t�u�,2�, , ; �.��,� Lc���.-c_�.7 �' , . ��� �. � _ �/��C�"�/ � � . Le��,i.e w. � sha�corc B. Cncug SBC Lnc.�oaw�.e ' � �l� � ` � .�i a ' .� � �.i.. .. .. ......'! �.�`��,� ;� ! �Y:, ��_....'_� _"_�_�._��"_'___�_�_ - -r--____., . � � . • .. . .1 . . . .. , . .. . . . .. . ... ......._._ . ... _... .:,.. _ . . ._,... ,._.., �. � / � ��'-� G-C�`� - - �'� f��-�C/ �'/�U�7 5-S�O / � �,�-���,-e��? � �9�U � f� �I` �7'/_r/y �,� �" �.. / (�j ;��--1 f �-/G� ll`�?s�? �l� �� �/- C..G �/"/ / �{'y'��, f�Csz..- �'�' U l�- - �l�'. ���fG° ,:; � ��!� _ `�,�E'.� ff?i f.: . GC%'.�'u �U ��.:,`jfG uG<� C�;iSC%�o' :/ . =, ' / !�/ � / � G'v�C.'- i%�7L�� /J��7J j77��rj.�E� j�"�%l•�°. �G` %���`%G�2 7"�/ y /� � / . 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On January 27, 1981 , based on required findings that the present use of the building was not established, converted, or enlarged pursuant to building permits issued by the City of St. Paul (it was built as a 4-plex and converted illegally) and that it could not be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the use of the building as 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms had been in existence continuously for twenty years prior to the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance (it appeared to have had flexible use as a rooming house, light housekeeping units and apartments, but never 8 apartments; even now it does not contain 8 apartments, but has one apartment and 7 sleeping rooms with stoves) , the Board of Zoning Appeals denied the appeal of Inez Aspelund on a roll call vote of 5 to 2. In April 1980, inspections by the Division of Housing and Buildinq Code Enforcement and the Division of Public Health turned up a number of violations at 615 Case. The Health Department was particularl� concerned with the presence of stoves in some of the sleeping rooms because of their experience with such situations : that there often is inadequate cupboard and counter space (with things getting set on stoves) , no sink for cleaning dishes, and a resultant increase in fire danger and sanitation problems . The owner of the property could obtain a license for a Rooming House if the stoves were removed from the sleeping rooms , safe and sanitary kitchen facilities were provided in shared kitchens, and other violations corrected to brina the structure up to code. The buildinq could get leal nonconforming status as a rooming house. a�0 �� . April 6, 1981 Page 2 The property could also get legal nonconforming status as a 4-plex, since that is how it was built. Again, the reconversion to a 4-plex would provide for safe and sanitary units. In July 1980 the owners of the building agreed to a phased schedule for reconversion to a 4-plex to be completed b,y January l , 1985. Since one of the tenants in the building, Inez Aspelund, has appealed for legal nonconforming status as 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms, the reconversion was never begun. This matter is scheduled for hearing before the City Council on April 9, 1981 . Alice Bijjani and Sam Blue from the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, Bill McCausland from the Division of Public Health, and I will be at the hearing to answer any questions. Si ncerely, Allan L. Torstenson City Planner ALT/mb cc: Alice Bijjani Bi 11 h1cCaus 1 and Sam Blue attachments 8774 -. �' 3' ZUNING STAFF REPORT , � � . APP� I('ANT: INEZ ASPELUND DATE OF HEARING 12/9/80 _ •� C L A S S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ` CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ❑ Rezoning ❑ Variance Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review O Detcrmination of Similar Use ❑ Other __ Change of Nonconforming Use Q �t.her 3. lf1CATI0N: 615 Case (North side between Edgerton and Payne) . �t. LEGAL D�SCRIPTION: Lot 25, Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEREP�CE: Sections 62.102(a) & 64.205(a) 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 12/2/80 BY Allan L. Torstensnn A. PURPOSE: Administrative Review of the decision of the Zoning Administrator to deny an application for Legal Nonconforming Use status for a building containing 1 full apart- ment, 4 sleeping rooms sharing l bath and 1 kitchen, and 7 apartments with kitchens sharing 1 bath, on a 5,000 sq. ft. lot in an RM-2 zoning district. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: This interior lot has a 40 foot frontage on Case and a depth of 125 ft. , for an area of 5,000 square feet. C. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: The site contains a large old residential structure in an area of mixed residential land use. Just east of the site is the Payne Avenue comnercial strip. . D. ADMIP�ISTRATIVE REVIEW: Section 64.205(a) of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance gives the Board of Zoning Appeals the power of Administrative Review: To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is an'terror in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by the Zoning Administrator and any other administrative official in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance. Section 62.102(a) states that "a use will be presumed legally nonconforming if it can be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, the use was established, converted, or enlarged pursuant to building permits issued by the City of St. Paul ; or if it can be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the particular use had been in existence continuously for twenty years prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. The burden of proof shall be on the applicant for a permit or certificate of occupancy as the case may be." E. FINDINGS: l . Building Department records show the building to have been built in 1888. It was assessed as a 4-plex with 4 baths between 1910 and 1919. The site was zoned "B" Residence in 1922, which allowed for single family and duplex residential , and under which the structure became a legal nonconforming 4-plex. 2. The conversion of the building from a 4-plex to what it is now was done without permits. The owner of the building has presented evidence to the Building Department showing that the conversions took place before 1956. 3. In 1975 the site was rezoned RP1-2 Medium Density Multiple Family Residential . Because of th� lot size, however, the only conforming use for the property would be a single family home. 4. The application for a Determination of Legal Nonconforming Use status for the building was denied because the 7 apartments sharing one bath, although defined as apartments because they have cooking facilities , would need a variance from the Housing Code because of fihe shared bath. ' INEZ "ASPELUND (#87174) ' STAFF REPORT Page 2 E. FINDINGS CONT'D. 5. The owners of the building have agreed to reconvert the building to a 4-plex (see 7/9/80 letter from Leslie W. and Sharon B. Craig) . They have set up, with the Building Department, a phased schedule for the reconversion to be completed by January l , 1985 (see 10/10/�0 letter from Alice Bijjani ) . 6. The Building Department has found that to change the permanent status of the building by granting Legal Nonconforming Use status for 8 apartments and 4 sleeping rooms is not an appropriate solution to the short term problem of relocating existing tenants : that it is better to grant a temporary waiver of requirements until January 1 , 1985. Although the Building Department considers the existing reconversion schedule reasonable, the BZA has the option of extending it. 7. The Housing Information Office has informed us that they can find reasonably priced housing for the current tenants , and that they have already found new housing for the tenants that will be relocated for the first phase of the reconversion. The applicant will be eligible for senior highrises by the reconversion completion date in 1985, a date the Housing Information Office also considers reasonable. 8. RM-2 density standards for 5,000 square feet would mean two, 2-bedroom apartments or four efficiency or 1-bedroom apartments. By all Zoning Ordinance standards, the property is overcrowded. 9. Granting the requested Legal Nonconforming Use status would tend to exacerbate the parking problem in the neighborhood for years to come. 4:�.,Wy;� .-... _....,...,....�....___ _ ._ __ ____ _ 10. The present use of the building was not established , converted , or enlarged pursuant ta building permits issued by the City of St. Paul 11 . It appears that it can not be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the use for which t�ie applicant seeks Legal Nonconforming Status has been in existence continuously for twenty years prior to the effective date of the ordinance. A sampling of Polk Directories shows the following for 615 Case: 1955 - 3 Units 1962 - 9 Units 1961 - 7 Units 1964 - 11 Units 12. The Division of Public Health has inspected the buildinc� and compiled a long list of conditions needing attention. A problem they emphasized was the presence of stoves in many of the sleeping rooms; the stoves would have to be removed before the Division of Public Health would approve an application for a Rooming House License. The reason the applicant is requesting Legal Nonconforming Status for 8 apartment units is because the Zoning Ordinance uses cooking facilities to define "dwelling unit;" if the stoves are removed as requested by the Health Department, the 7 sleeping rooms with stoves would no longer meet this definition. The eventual reconversion of the building to a 4-plex would solve these problems as well as the problem of the shared bothroom facilities noted by the Building Department. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 10 and 11 above, staff finds that the Zoning Administrator did not err in refusing to grant Legal Nonconforming Status for a building containing 1 full apartment, 4 sleeping rooms sharing 1 bath and 1 kitchen, and 7 apartments with kitchens sharing 1 bath at 615 Case. 1 STATE OF r1INNESOTl1 CITY OI' SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS --------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of In�z Aspelund,, regarding 615 Case. This matter is before the board to review a finding that the apartments at G15 Case have to be converted into four (4) apartments. The building has been as it is since before the Korean 6Jar, possiUly longer, and now Ilouses, withot.it any problem, fourteen (14) people. These people have lived at 615 Case for up to fourteen (14) years. If the board adopts the staff position they will all have to go. Tiie proulem rose only recently �alien the p.resent owncrs applied for a certificate of occupancy, not knowing that by doing so, the City would be qalvar.ized into the task of " improving" the neighborllood by eliminating its long time residents and facilities. The residents of 615 Case are a mix of basical.ly lo�•�-income people ; low income people who arc_ struc�gling to make ends meet but who are proud to support themselves to th� best of their abili_ties. This is the gist of Ms. Aspelund' s Petition. Ther_e is no nced here £or the City to get involvecl. Ther_e is no need to drive these people out into publicly subsidized housinq �ti�hen they r.an provide for themsel.ves c.lean, healthy hous�.nc� and can obtain it at a price they caii af_for.d. This i s not �� case o f o�_���ressecl ai�d ab�asc�d tenants seelci.nef reli.ef �r-ori� �l profi_tee.r�_nc� ].andlord. Rather, this is a case of qovcrnmcnt r.cyulation gonc overboar.d � carryinq with it the chosen home of Fourtcen (1_4) famiiies. `�'lle buildinc7 at 6]_5 Case consi.sts of twelve (12) units a�.Loc�ether; one full apartment with both kitchen �nd bathroom; four (4) uni.ts �haring or-ie kitc}��n , seven (7) units having thr��.r own cooking facil�ties; and eleven (11) units sliar_ing three bathrooms {not two (?.) as indicateci by the st�ff. report) . M11s. Aspelund, in order to pr_evail in f.ront of tllis board, must show that the zoning administrator er_red in makincr the decision . . to deny the application for legal not�-con£orming use status. An error was clearly made. St. Paul Zoning Ordinance 62. 102 (a) , as reprinted in the staff report, plainly sets forth two (2) alternative conditions either of which must exist before a use will be presumed legally non-conforminc�. It is clear from the f.acts on the record that the latter alternati.ve is met here; that ' the use has been in existence contiriuously for twenty (20) years prior to the effective date of the ordinance (1976) and that reconversion would wor_k an undue lz�:rdship. That the use has been in existenc�� continuously si_nce before 1956 is clear from the 1lffidavits submitted. This much is conceded in the staff report_ It is also apparent that a reconversion of the hulding to a conforriing use (in this case a four-plex) would work a hardship on both the owner and the tenants. On a purely �coizomic basis the owners, rlr. and Mrs. Craiq, will suff_er a loss of income from the buildinc� as caell as incurring significant costs for the conversion. Presently the - building Produces $1, 400. 00 per month incorne bef-ore etipenses. [�lere the building converted to a four-plex wit}� each apartment renting for $250. 00-$300. 00 per month, the monthly income would drop to $1, 000. to $2 , 000 a si_qnifi_cant r.eduction. I?ur_thcr, the conversion itself would cost From $$ , 000. to $10, 000. dollar_s (not including tempora.ry loss of income during construction) or approximately ten (10) months rent frorl thc building. This does not take into account the noneconomic hardst�ips which would be faced by both the tenants zncl the owner. Currently in the Twin Cities there is a shor_taqe of private apartment units and in this seller' s market inexpensive, clean housiny is hard to find. Just as difficult to f_ind would bc housing which is as conveniently located. The bui.lding is less than a block away from a business district and a major bus line. Many of the ten�ir�ts in the buildinq ar_e lonc7 time residents, almost half having livecl there more than th .ree {3) years and two (2j having lived there more then ten (10) years. It would be unconscionable to r.equire thc Craic�s to force these tenants ta - 2 - . • • tear up their roots and leave -th�ir established ho me because of a condition which does no harm and which has existed without problems for more than thirty (30j years. �s can be readily seen fr_om the above 615 case is � precisely tlie situation zoning ordinancc 62. 102 (a) was designed to meet. 11 situation whcr_e tf�e t�se has withstood the test of time aild in ��Ilich reconvel-sion would work an injustice. The zoning administr.ator; faced with the facts which exist in thi.s case, was requirecl 1�y ordinance to rant the a 9 pplication for_ legal nonconforminc; use status and, having failed to do so , .�clearly erred. Accordin 1 9 Y, it is respectfully requested that the Board of Appeals reverse the decision of the administrator and grant the application for legal nonconforming statt�s. SOUTHERN MIt�NESOTII I2EGIONI�L LEG11L S�RVICLS , INC . . ��— � I3 Y _ �� • P11'I'R 1 CK UB ZP 1 N S --- � Certified Student I�ttorn�y for the AppZicant � �0 East Fourth Street St. Paul , Minnesota SSlOi (G12) 222-5863 - 3 - . _ r._ _. , �.�- ' 1 _ . . _ _ _ _. . �. , _ ... _ . .._ _ _ ��. � � BOARD OF ZONIVG APPEALS � IN THE MATTER OF i ; THE �pPLICATI�N OF INE7. ASPELUND RE�ARDI:VG 615 CASE '; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- �` � � 4; `; STATE OF i•1INNESOTA)SS i COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) !; i i �i M. B. Anderson being first .dul_y sworn, upon oath deposes and states I ` as follows: � 1 ; That he was the owner of the buildinp at 615 Case, St. Paul during the I' • ; year 1945. }: i' That during that period the apartment units were the same size and the i � � floor plan was the same as it presently is, i.e. 12 units comorised of � ;� r one complete unit with both kitchen and bathroom,' 11 units sharing three � T � � bathrooms, and four units sharing one kitchen. � ; �� . ` Furt't�er Affiant �ayeth not. ! !� � , . n � i � - � ��s-. : � _� � : � , � � �, i . �'-; � � �, • �, _t. . . And"erson � � Subscribed to and s orn � before me this �T� ' ' day of ember, 80. ; ' otary Public , � ; i ' ��' ,. S "�� � , r>-�'�' � -� - f ' �'� � � ; � �� `' ��� t � ` - � � .�, ; , �� + `;,, ,'� � � � � �� ' � � i ::, �r ; Y,,y _;;� � ,,F;� ,:�' � � � . � � i : j � � � I i t� :. ; i l: � , l; !:� � i' � �� � . , -. . - . � � I� r � � � .. . �' . � . _ . ..�111.rt ^ - l � 4� � /a�_ ✓� � • � ,. - _ __ _ i,___ ... ... ........ �_ . ._._ ,. _...w., ...._ ... . ..... .. _._.... ..��,�.�......�...,�.....��.,�.,�...,.�.._.._�. u,. . ._.-�.... ._ . . .__�._. .. . �� +.., � i� � i � '� i �{ BOARD OF ZONIN� APPEALS �� � IV THE :�IATTER OF i� �� THE APPLICATION OF y" INEZ ASPELUND REGARDING {; 615 CASE � --------------------------------------------------------------------- , i' ;, a; :� - . STATE OF MINNESOTA} i; COUNTY OF RAMSEY )SS � �� !; ;; �` Marie M. Masonz being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and states ;: )� ;; as f ol lows: . - i: ! That she was a tenant at 615 Case, St. Paul, r4n. from September 1, 1952 � until December 15, 1974. �! i I' That during her entire tenancy the apartment units were the same size � and the floor plan was the same as it presently is, i.e. 12 units comnrised � of one complete unit with both kitchen and bathroom, 11 units sharing " three bathrooms, and four units sharing one lcitchen. t, t Further Affiant sayeth not. { . �� � t. _ - i � t. , ; / ,�' �,.,ti_- > ' � .:r � � ✓ Marie �f. Mas nz � i r�. '- Subscribed�p,��n2�',sworn. b�,fo�e"me ,��ii's '' � � �`, •=—•. ' d��.qf .Decemb:er 1980. :; ' �f���r�GC/ '����,,,��z�i��'(� � No��ry' Puliiic� .;/ � � i . � , .� � f ' � �� �, � � ' � ' ��� �. . �� � �` f' ,; , , ; !� " j', , . �� � , �3 # �, ... � , . _ - .. a... __.__.. ,.. rrr . �i - -.`�.� r��� �� uv t. ;.,.�.V��:��,..�� ; � � ,,,.�,r.....r. r--°-----^; i�f ;"'' ".�"I-.- ,� �� '�^`� ,�a, F : .;(`�l T �� �'�) q ~--- , - � �'� � � � r ,� --! ' U �. .� 1 � � � 1 t ���� - ;� 1 ' � _�. .. ' . J � � � � _L �F � -_�-- -1_- - - -- 1_. � - _._�__ _ _i___ __ _ . ( . �J ' ; ' ; . � � � .� i i • � , , - � ��. � 1 f r-, J O - -�— � ' � //,� I � S V � __— �A � tLJ � � , � r - _ _ - - - �J,�� �� AVE. _ �_ ; o � � � � � , �-.->� � , , , ,• _ , � � - - -' ; : � , : v = - ` -� - . v __-- --1- . , , • - -- -- -- - , -- — , • ` � r 5 t � ,� � __ _ � � • Q, o � p O� Q b` O �� c � • �� __ �, � � � oo , _r ,... �,� , � � n�.__ - , - i � r � �„ � � � �'i� ' • ,�,�Obi r � � � � � � � �.." I __ I , � � I. � � r- � RO. - ( wi�_oER i � �- - . ' �• � � . , : ► 1 t I � � � �° 693 York Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota ,� January- 21, 1981 Gladys Marton Chairperson Board of Zoning Appeals 25 4lest 4th Street - St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Morton: ,� Recently, the South of Case Project Review Board was made aware of the � application for legal non-conforming use status by Inez Asplund for the building at 615 Case Avenue. Partly as a result of cur inouiries into t�e progress of that application, the decision of the Board of �Zoning Appeals was delayed until your January 27th hearing. � Shortly after your January 13th hearings, the Project Review Board convened a fact-finding committee to investigate the building at 615 Case. Our committee members spoke with the owners and the tenants of the building. We also were given a tour of the buildinc�. It is our understanding that the requirement for the granting of iegal non-conforming use status is the proof of continuous use of the building as it is currently used since 1956. The tenants assure us that the bui.ldinq has been used as a 12 unit dwelling since well before 1956. They point to an affidavit signed by P1arie Masonz, a tenant in the building from September 1, 1952 to September 15, 1974, which states that the buildino was used contin- uously as a 12 unit dwelling and to tax records dating back to tMe 1940's as evidence that the conditions exist for c�rantinn legal non-conforming use status. The Project Review Board supports the tenants request that legal non- conforming use status be granted by ,your Board. 4Je found the buildinq to be clean, the tenants satisfied with their living arrangements , and the owner � res�onsive and reasonable man �vho is apparently well thoueht of by his tenants. UJe have received no complaints from neighbors regarding the occupants of the building. It is our hope that you will see fit to c�rant the request for legal non-conforming use for the bu�lding at 615 Case. Sincerely, � / ,,1, �5�,����,.� � Charles Stander President South of Case Project Review Board ; CS: mep cc Pat 8urns, 3i11 Kummer, District 5 Community Council _ . �. . . . . . ., . ....__ .. . ....._.... :. .... : - .. . � . . - 'r: .. . . . _.' , � � ._ °. . . . � . , � . _ . . ri �. . . . . ,- . . . . . . .� .. l =���. � , , . � . . .. � . . . . t'- +'"_ . � . . i � � � - - � . . s- � '_ .. .. . � . . .. .. ._ ��f � � 4E - . _ . . . . �. � � - . . . .s . � . .� . � � � . ' . . . � � ' . , c . � . - . �. � . � � . . � - . - � , . . � . . . . . � � -_ �- � � � -. � - `--;�!. . . - . � . . � ' � � . . . � � �l: .. . . . .� . . � � . .. - . . .. �i'�., � _ � .. .. . � . . . . ' . _ ;t � � � � . � - � . . _ � , .� . . . . .- . . . � .. � . . . . � : {.'.�( -- � � . . , � -� i- . . � .. . � .. � . - ; � . �. i . - . � � i � . . . . ^ _ � , , 1�IaTCh 1.2, 1981 , � ;. _ - _ _ . - �:. : -� . ` - , #= : � N'.r. Paul Aesch DF:partment of Finance , � - � Room 21�� City. Hall : - . � ,?; , Dear Sir: . _ - �� - The City Council set a date o#'-h�aring ,for April 9th, 1Q81 � � to cons�der Lhe appeal of Inez Aspel.und toa decision oP the � Board of Zoning Appeals�regarding property at 6�5 Cas� Avenue� � ' " Zoning File No. 8'T71+. Will you please send not,ices to praperty - ' . � _ � - owners and`send a notice to Patrick 8. Buxas� attorney f'o'r " ` _ ' the appellant, at the add�as listed in the attached �carrespondetlQe. - r-� Yery trul�r yours, � ' , � � . � � . • � - � . .. - r. . . . r:: Rose Mix City Clerk �;, � � , • ` t = - � � � . . ' - , � -r..i/,� Attach. A80:1a ' - . - � cc: Pl.anning 3te.lf, Zoning Sectioa - , _ � Ho�sing & Bldg. Cade Eaforceme}�t Dept. �t � ` , �, ` � • - . ;., . � � , . .. � . � . � � • _ _ � i`i . , . . . . .� � . . . �. . - . ' - � .t -. -t�': , .. . . . � - . . .. . .;� � � . � ,.'. . . �+: - � � � ' � .. ' �. F% � ; � i ` y �. � I U -� -� z' r-' � 6 � � r' � � � � � �- � � � Y . a ��-�� � � � � �`^� � a o c � ,� � � �' �' � � � � � r r� � �� .� � �� o � �, � � � � � �� � � � � � � o� � e 0 D C � �`�. . � , 9- 8'� . .� ,� � � � 9 � 0� ��°J � IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INEZ ASPELUND REGARDING 615 CASE ZONING FILE N0. 8774 NOTICE OF APPEAL T0: The City Clerk and City Council for the City of Saint Paul: Pursuant to Saint Paul City Ordinance section 64.204 notice is hereby given that the undersigned appeals from the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals Resolution in the above captioned matter dated February 10, 1981. Appellant alleges that the Board of Zoning Appeals erred in finding that the applicant had not demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the use of the structure at 615 Case has been in existence continuously since December 13, 1956 and further erred in refusing to grant the relief requested by applicant. Dated: March 9, 1981 /� �� � I z As lund � � _ .. � � � . _ �; � ,. , , �..__. � , � � s ` ..-� %�" r��E c�E.t���t,�vcE wc�vn� r�a�rzc� BEPt�R1T�'IEiVT QF FIRE I�NND SAF�F�TY SER.VICES � FR�tTIO�TT DIVISION 101 EAST �EC�I ST�ET 224-7811 5�• P�Ui�, MII�E�O'TA 55101 �,,��r/Occupant ' �� , .��5 __ l"lS`'�- �/� � " .��nts�—c�. �2� ' G�/ �t � - s��:3��� F�.re Ins�e r �" Date �'o G�neral Inforu�a, ian: � ti+1e Gx'e advis�ng all building owners that the Fire Prev�ntian Divisian of St. Paul �epartr�n.t of Fire and Safety Services has a s�rict enforces�t policy �rith reference to fise doors and other fi.re protectian equipment, Cc,� liance �larning 2lotice: This for�i is an offici.a.l Fire Code C,amp�.iance Warning 1�tice that alI firc �rs and other fire protectian equip�nt �tast be insta.11ed ar�d maintain.�d as xer�utred by the City Fire Code, Ox'�inance Violation Ta;s: � �� GitY z''i�'e Inspectors will issue ordinance yiolatian tags to the ir� ac�mers an subsen,.a�nt inspectians for any viola,tions of the Fire Fi.re Co� Ftegulatian: \ Fire Cr�de Co�smliance Warning Notices are being issued for the following ti-iolations of the rixe Code g�gulatians: . Fire Doors ��� � • ke D�tectors � Fire Alarms Fire Extinguisher � /�� � vtar.dpip�s fltt�r Code Violati - CcxYarnnt . �����'� � ���� L'�� � ���� � � e � �, � _ . _ , _ . .. Ae a conce�cned ne,i.gh6on, I �ee,e .i,t wou,ed 6e �o �he adva►tita.ge o� a.P,e conc¢�cned {yon 615 Ca4e #o nemcc„i.n. a mccP.t',i.p.�e dwe.P,P.i,ng un,ix a.b .i,t .i,�, a,a appoeed �o eonven,ti.ng .i,t �o a � Fowc-P.�ex. NAM�:�i� A�R�SS r •1 Cf l� �� ���_ . . �� � � A� a conce�cn.¢d ne,i.ghbon, T �ee.� .i,t wou.ed be �o �he advawtage o!� a,� conc2h.rced �oh 615 Ca.�e xo nema,ivc a mu.C�i.p.Ze dweP,�,i.ng u►T.i.t a�s .i,t -i.b, a,a opp�d 2d �o conveh,ti.ng .i,t zo a goun-p.�ex. �. NAME: . � A1JDR�SS: S�'i � �� �(/.� s-�. ��