D001068W'hite - CityClerk Pink - Finance Dept Ca°z�l' ' pePt �� BUDGET REVISION C6anee ADMIN7STRATIVE ORDER� Consistent with the autharity granted W the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the D'uector of the Deparimrnt ofFacecntive Administmtion to amend the 1996 budget of the Generel fund, the Diiectm of the Department ofFinance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Current Bud¢et � OQl-OQ157 - Ol l l 001-00157 - 0434 001-00159 - Ol l l 001-00159 - 0439 • FROM: 001-00162 - Ol l l 001-00162 - 0439 $349,163.00 $ 48,464.00 $229,003.77 $ 67,016.00 $216,225.00 $ 60,976.00 �aredby: Ac6vityManager � q stedby: DepartrnentDirector City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF 'I'HE MAYOR � 1 Iul►1 •. �•� • $ 1,0��.�� $ 260.00 $12,000.00 $ 3,120.00 ($13,000.00) ( $ 3,380.00) No: �����L% Date• � �``�`�� Amended Budeet $350,163,00 $ 48,724.00 $241,003.17 $ 70,136.00 $203,225.00 $ 57,596.00 �`��-c� 1r ��x� Appro by, or /p - �3 .-�Cp �..�� n�rn.gT�rrrrox�[c�couivcu.: nax� nvrrinx�o S.,t,JlJtvV� Office of Human Resources 10123/96 GREEN SHEET No.: 40103 CONTACTYER80N &PHONE: .� PmWIDAYS 7[dliniJDa'PS hn Hamilton 266-b470 �� DEPARTMENT DIR 1a��1 crrr covrrcu, ��gg CTCf A11'ORNEY 3 CiTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �a Z BUDG£1' DII2. 4 F1N. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING MAYOR(ORASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I_(QdPALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncriox�uESr$n: Transferbudgeted saiary& fringe benefits to Section. RECOMMENAATfONS:APAw°�A)orRelxt(R) PERSONALSERVICBCONTAACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING QUESfIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVIf.SERVICE COAA4SSION 1. Has�ispason/fnmevcw«kedwdaaorotraafart6isdepaztmmt? CIB COMbIlTfEE _ Yas No ^ STAFF _ 2. EfaeffiispcsonlFomcverbcmaciryemployeeT DSSIRICT COI3RT Y� No SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCII.OB7ECTIVE? s. no�m��ds�v�� v� xo E�ldn rR yes rm,ren on sepaeate e6eet and Wach to �rem aheet INITIATINCYROBLBM ,issus,orroxTCrxrrr �uno,wmt,wn�,wme. Realignment of staff throughout Office has created , unfavorable variances in Salary and Fringe Henefit dollars at the Section level. nnv,�vrncES�nrrROVEn: Salary and Fringe Benefit eacpenditures will accurately reflect actual spending at the Section level. SADVANCAGFSIFAPPROVED: nis,wvnxzncES � xar nrrxoven: 5alary and Fringe Benefit expenditures at the Section level would not accurately reflect actual spending levels. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 516,380.00 CO5f/REVENUE BUDCETED: FUNDINC SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANG7AI, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � "V RECEiVE� QCT 2 4199fi �fTY CLER� �