276739 � WHITE - CITY CLERK � j�/1�_Sy PINK, �y� FINANCE N �! E,)tJ CANRc� - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T �A LT L COUtIC1I BLtYIE — MAYOR File N . RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BURFAU �ou �l esolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the street va.cation resolutions, Council File Nos. C.F. 276372 as amended by Council Resolution C.F. 276640, adapted February 13, 1981 and April 7, 1981 respectively, are hereby flxrther amended by authorizin� the proper City officials to execute and deliver to PEMB Co a deed of conveyance of real property, legally described as follows; Th�t pe.rt of North one-half (N 1�2) of Lots twenty (20) arxi. twenty-one (21) in Block two (2) of Cruicksha.nk's Garden Lots, tha.t lies within a strip of larld sixty (60) feet in width, the center line of which is de- scribed as follvws; Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Stillwater Avenue and the West line of Schoch's Re-arrangement; thence to a point on the center line of Bismingham Street which is the point of intersection of the center line of StiLlwater Avenue as platted in Tracy's Outlots produced and the center line of Birmingha.m Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Caunty of Ramsey. Also the South thirty (S 30) feet of the North one-half (N 1�2) of Lot numbered twenty-two (22), Block 2 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, according to plat thereof on file in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey. Also tY�a.t pa.rt of the South one half (S 1�2) of Lot numbered twenty-tv�ro (22) in Block two (2) of Cruickshank's Ga.rden Lots, that lies within a strip of land s�xty (60) feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows; Be�inning at the intersection of Stillwa.ter Averiue and the West line of Schoch's Re-a.rrangement; thence to a point on the center line of Birmingham Street which is the point of intersection of the center line of Stillwater Avenue as platted in Tracy's Outlots produced and the center line of Birmingham Street, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Co�unty of Ramsey. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Finance and MarLagement Services Levine In Favor — Maddox McMahon D ire ct or snowa�ter _ Against BY Tedesco Wilwn Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B� _ � 7 ^����� gy. Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK !�'F �1 /�Y PINK - FINANCE �� � / +J 11 CANA�- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII BkJE - MAYOR File N 0. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU �oun •` l tion Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Also the North thirty (N 30) feet of the South one-half (S 1�2) of Lots twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) in Block two (2) of Crua.ckshank's Garden Lots. and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that in all other respects, all of the terms, conditions and requirements imposed in Cauncil Resol.ution, Council File No. 276372, as amended by Council Resolution, Cauncil File No. 2766�+0, sh�.11 remain in ftii7.l force and effect. COUNCILMELV Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: �""r, Finance and Management Services Levine In Favor Maddox McMaho� � A ainst By Director Showalter g Tedesco wlson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 3 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified ;•ed by Cou � Se ary B ���2_�, B� — APR Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council A d by Ylayor: — By BY PUBLISHED MAY 21981 _,�. .r Ol�l Ql: 12/1975 _ ' R+ev.: 9/$/76 �'�6'�3� EXPLAPIATION OF ADMINiSTRATIVE URDERS, , t��6f��'.f� Date: ppril 22, 1981 ' : T0: MAYOR 6EORGE LATIMER FR: J, Wi�. Donavaa, Valuation and Assess�ent Eagineer (Ext. 531`7) Dept. o�' Fi�ace & R�: l�a�nagement Service� Still�rater Street Vacation ACTION REQiJESTED; .., ... __ Approval by l�yor and submission to City Couacil. , (: : � PJRPOS� At�10 RATiONICLE FOR TNiS ACTIDN: To amend the legal descrip�tion oY the area vacated. AiTACHMENTS: 1. Council Resolution � 2. Copy of Cvuacil Re�olutions, �'276372 and �276640 WKIT�, - CIT�1 CLERK , s • ! � � � . •. . ��`�a• ���•�y) PIMK - FINANCE i /� ��� � / CARl�4RY �DEPARTM6NT �i I T y O F SA I N T j,�L COUQCII N v �,r bLYi�'��?MAVOR File N 0. � • �J;�.�;-. �-� . Council Resolution � ���7 � Presented By �' - - - � . � % 7 � Referred To -` ------ _ � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - " . �ti�O�YlD� s`lyst n�pc�=t t!� p�liti�oa of lrpoo �st Lttst� , Da�r�lop�rn'r. tdat s�etioo ot pabll�e atswrt ladrtia�tt�r drescri2�d, D� and .tl�t aa�a d�ac� is �t�d sad di�co�ntlna�d � as a p�ablic str�ats 1112 tl�st pe+rt o! 8tillvatar �1� lzo�s th� �st rfqht-ol-+�raY lin+e of sir�inqha■ �tr�et to t.h� sast line o� Lot 24. �lock 2, Cznick�haalc•s 6�r�ea Lota t snb ject �cgr�slr to t3�e follo�vi�g coaditio�s and sysar�rstions: l. Sh.t tts. vscsti�oa b. stib ject �o .�i tQ• t�rs. aad ccs�ditians o! C�pLsr 328 0! th� St. pa�.I I.�qialstiv� Coda. aa sMaded. :;� , ,�. - _ 2. St�t s 3t! loot rid� g�ra�aa�nt �a�t b� z�- tsia�d tor fvt�rs saaftary se�vas s.aZf stos�o sratar l�rs imqe. s�id �asw�nt b�ing ctat�rid a long St il 2�+a t.�c 1tve�na� a nd a�xt�adinq tt� tn11 laaqtti ot the ,racat:a az�s, snb ject to , tha foilcrinq restricti+oass - _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine �R Favor Maddox McMahon s,o�ite, Against BY — - r�� hr,i�� Adopted bv Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney , '_"_'� � Y.{ � . . ` ' , r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY -- � '� ` \_.-% By Appru�•ed h� �lavor. Date _ I Approved by 1layor for Submission to Council F1•�� �� ;�. �: , . , :: hr i v C� 1 �.� �� J ♦ � ���� � � 7 , 2 a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area , or any temporary structures, material storage, fixtures or other objects that will prohibit normal access to sewer facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Sewer Engineer. , c) TY�at no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted wit-h- out written permission from the Sewer Engineer. ` d) That the petitioner, its successors r and assigns, by acceptance of the terms and conditions o� this vacation agree to fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of St. Paul, their officers, agents, employees, and servants from a11 suits, actions or claims, including a claim for landlocking, which may arise from any . injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of this vacation or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner , its employees, agents or business invitees. 3 . That the petitioner pay to the City as market value the sum of $10, 800 .00 as compensation for this vacation. ; . . . . . . �.::- t t . �'F F�•�� �'��Y�'�. ,.. ,., .,. ...: . .,s ' • - �t•.r�.. . . . . . .. :- n�� . ru•- � � � . � _. � � �"T �11 T Y O F S A I N T V ��A LT�'" Lounci� �4 1� V I N , -,,� `�File N 0. ; -. .� - - .. �� � -. Council Reso.:lution� _ � :7 _ _-- ��cea By . . — � ^"`-Re`f'�ced�'o---------��: _ T . . Committee: Date -- - --.--- � .. ..: �• � Out of Committee By - � - - •--�-�-- °---�-DaCe -- — � . . 3 � �. 'lhat t� 'p�tft3+oa�r .l�oncai�R !6� C;� �rith • bo�d fa � - . th� a�oroa� o� iS.o0o.oc�. asd br.ac�ptaa� a! t!� lt�s ssd co�itiats� o! tLfs. �cati�t a¢s�s !o - fs�d�iiY* d�l�d aad sa� bs=a�ss ffi� City of st. - - taul, its ot!lc�ncs �d wglorMS is� a].� �aita. - setion�, oac c2si�s� inclad�q lssdlodcinq, ot aaY � � ebarset�r. iaclndfaq, bctt eoL Iisitad to s clai� bsoagst b�csase o! sap inj�sri�s, aar �s s�i�rsd � oac wstsinsd bY aq,T psrso�. psrso'ns or paco�rty oss acco�! o! tAia vacationt os b�eana� o! a� act oz asi�a�oa�, �41�ct or �isco�ct o� pid pstftio�ct os b�caws ot •� clsis oar lfabilftY szisinq lrc� os ba�ad an s� �►3olstfaa�t ot sr� la� oac s�a2atioa � �d� ia s�xo�sac� �rith tb� Ia�r� �s bY !h� � p�tit.Lorwr os anr o! its ss�at� os �Plo�s- . ,. .:��� • sf T�� qpo�s ua�p� sad e+o■iplfaae� �ritst tL� t�s�s ot ttsfs �sestl,oe� tt� proprr Citr otlf,cls2s b� antho�sis�d � to c�oo�p titl� o! tl�e �nb�j�ct prop�strs bY 4nit Clsiaa D��d taasfaq to thr propertr �ra�ss loeat�d oa th� ioath sf� o� St311wt�r 11� �seatsd bwcsis as s�qa+rst�d. �;_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �,;� [n Favor k+�daox - �,� � Against - BY Tsdesco � � . �YA�' � ' _ FEB 1 `� �98�� Form Approved by Cityc Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . - - �� CertiEied Passed by Coucrci� Secretary °3'-�-' � ���, �' ����' ', ey L�.�,-`'v(�� �-�-�-- - Approved by Mayor: Date FEB 13 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council T _ - n.. �-'�y ��'y ��ar��� •� �� a}� '�f� � � - ;�p �4: � w y .�.. � ' "�`a�,�Q� � ' n �, �, � � � � �.e �`�3,� i '�"k"�miYf� .�;r �' �����" 'S.�`,� '.'" ` .�-�'� U':,� Tt? •:� �y������b��u* '� �.ti .a:.. .�a�, � .`a,,.n`R3#` �` �r1 '�" � L +�r'�''�,��'�. . _ �., � � 3'�'�.,�'� .���� �iV�'!`�, �g4 4�' kw �« #� x { sfi � '�:� ^ x �� ,�, � � �4w� '-2. � ;.�y�.;, ����.��ca���': "'..'C i� . , .. .. <- yy. , , .. . . ��,Y(T - x - Committee. "`�p e #�� .��. _ � y,,��, "".t ;�,�� � D�at � ``�1�:����"��'�`�. ._. : . ����`�;��t�- .•s <-�--_..., t1'i i � :. . .;;. -. , . r. .J.. ... . . . �,., . � ,,Y�. . . `v � �''�"��r`�Y.�'%�'"�� �M�' - � . � �; > ' 'r � � 2 �.f,. � � . . �t" � . 4 §3.. p'` a . .... �' � . � . „ . , . .. .,�'. �' � �'� s�7 �, t �y. i7 t•y �}�"a��'��R�IIIF��.,��������� . . . . .� . .� # ,r �a r^�, . � x... � _ 'Y F., T #'�.r.' � , . r y,k�,�. e� "?:- F � .:�:��. �:���� � �'s;.'-``. ' � � � . � r�"�,Y'y, t r �- .. _ ' n,.f y. ' , ' . . � - . � �� . � �` ���.5� - ����������_�� � _ ;���•�R'���•'�� � '`� , �,,, �11�1�,_��".�;��..-;�:;�`'�r�s � ,;� .. . . � ,f , _ �„ _ _ .. � . . . _ _ _ _._ . : . . _: _. _ ��� ��, �:��-��-����rlw���► �������a��ie��rr! �t-t�s.���,+,�,� 'w � � � ��� . . . - `�. �e ��t3�i�i��� •��-�� � � � , , .;�- ..r ._.,,, -.$:��:.11�.:��-.�Oa„ � �Ile'�,�-�� �:�'� � �i�►'�� - ,_� : . __ - - . ._ . _.. . _ �� ;;.,� �;: �, `��4��1l�-�iR��fMR��';�;:#IMr� :. 'x �',�`�'o�'!'� �°�,���A����'�'� .•, , ;>.�'.�.'�r'��'���°�M��'��S , -_ �•�j, - , : , . . . - _ , �, _ _ �ai�it-�::;ir�M; � '.� �et�'� �t �t �re�t' . � �= - . !�I� ��t . � :� �I�h � �Mf��t`i�t � � ��h .. �"A�r��st �rr-�re� �'#�d�`�iMs�;, �'i a�i � . �� � 2s ���It�#��eliAt�!l�1; . _ .:��+i � i� R COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: _ Hunt �.: ',� ����ne In Favor Maddox McMahon ,sr,owaic� _ Against By :.`Tedesco wlson �- Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney • 8�..�----'��- � 3-.?5�-�'! r : , � � -Certified Passed by Council Secretary f�;; By . • ,, .Approved by 17ayor: Date Ap v by Mayor for ssion to Council . ;.�`: ; , BY - -- _ ` . - �y�G1��p'73� UEi'AFti'M�IV T r Z �7- J � �•vutat.aa !� • �V�Y ..� - MAYOR� r 1 U�'' °J�A I N T � A LI File. N 0. , , � �- . • ��$ �� �� +a � ��Y�� ; ou�����Y. �eso� ution�4�j� . � - 4 � ; � �� �. -:�s - � ��'�--.� h PreseRted.By � � � � � y- �� � , . < ,.: . . „ , : �, : ;;`�. ' Refer�ed.'I`a` ` Committee: Date .;� � = Out of Comm'�ttee By Date s � _� � �� _ .. � n �� ''�'������ �t� � Ii3�r ` �r � �.��E��'�`� �t� � �s : � ` '"�. #mM�t �it �E �1�#=��It . _ �"��� '�i fl���ilf�����'�'' . . ; . ��-�� �� � , . . _. .�,. . ���. . _. �, '��'��°� '�' '�'�!'i�R` . .,. � . � �;,�� � �+ . - �� �� ,�, . , .� '1i!��•�� �1fG'�''��� ,. '"° : _: .. ._ ��� ,. . ' . . _ _. _ . � �� � . : : � � ; . � sir�:�:�.�-���Ir�i��s���`�a 3i��t �imuc+r�f � `. . ��. �"� - . . _ _ . ,; : , . _ . . . : T� �. �..� ;� '�"�� � r : } '�.��'�'���`�` ,'�' r _ � �.� _ ':'�II���I�i�ll1� � , . ,� � � ' ' -� 4.,,s r �`i: ": ���: � 1l `£ � �r+�i� � ; � ���,����v��'�. k lb �µ� � � � ' +P 'G�4�. .y. � - i � .. � �� ���. ' . F ��i £ � � ��* 4 a T J " ._.� ._'??� �� C .r.:.f . � : `�� �. ,. '.... �.. .. � � , �~ �'•` ,� - ,� . � e � ; . ; ♦ � � ''4�.4 F yP , ���.�.�����.�Y � . . .. . - . d` . A 7n�4 � ,� .vta: . , . . . �'� Y '� ; � yt . � . r��'��` _ ._ .. .. .. . 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