276730 WHITE - CITY CLERK � ����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII M CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I�NT PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. cil solution Presented By �CLICJL COT�Ii�iIT`i'�I. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �R:;SOZ�'�D: `i'hat license for permit to conduct �:in�o Games, applied for by the follo��ring org�.�n- ization ati the address stated, for the days, da�c�es and hours indica�ted on the a��li- cation� be a.nd the same is 1�ereby �ranted. St. �dalbert `�'.osary �ociety �t59 .+'abasha �treet 52 ��'ds. �ppn. �?20086 ��ene�aal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: iiu�r Levine In Favor Maddox @ McMahon B snowaite� __ A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wiison Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 2 19$� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a: � y Co� ci , re r BY sy p v d by ;Vlayor: a e �A� 2 3 1961 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY P BLISHED MAY 2 1981 , � �'����Q ...�q�«qUR . =���`'T� °'�"'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .--., �� '�� DEPARTMcNT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� nii'iii'ii •: �- `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION °'��,m',';��`��1 Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR t"�-�r;_1 22, 1981 Is. President anci `r�onorable ��embers of the City Council St. Paul, T:innesota i�ir. President and Honorable %�embers: The St. ridalhert �osarar SocietJr makes application for perr.:ission to conduct '�in�o i:ames for 52 periods at 1�59 'vlabast:a Street be�;innin� I�iay 13, 1981. The application has been made by Ldna Uavel, iresident and liolores Troj an will be managin� the games, tahich will be play- ed on :tednesday afternoons Uetween the hours oi' 1:U0 and 5:00 p.i�. �'rlis applica.tion has been reviewed by the License and Permit �ivision and the City Attorney's office. The recoMmend- ation is ior approval. �Ter3r trulSr yours, �� � Joseph I�`. Carchedi . License Inspector f� 1 � �� ; „ ._ * � a; . .� Kr a 1 ,�y . - . � � . *i • � .. L _, � {� � ���,tN, '>'� F�. . �. � � � `_��i T�OL�, . ' � .a:� � . ,.. a�•� ;;--.,, CITV OF :SAIt�T:`PAUL `' ~' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT:SERV{CES 0 ia �jj� e� `�' _= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'V4o„�'�TtM••��` Room'�209.City Hali GEORGE UTIMER Saint.Paul,YMinnesoq 55102 MAYOR Edna Pavel 3494 Edgerton St St. Paul, MN 55110 Your application for a Bingo 52 Periods license has been received by this office. l�fter review and investi�ation of this �plication, this : office will reconmend to t,he License Committee that such license(s) be granted. A hearin� on your application for sa3.d Lcense(s ) will be held before the License Committee on . April 22, 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall and —�'I�ime Loc ati on Court House. You are hereby required to a�pear at such reari.ng. If you �re unable to appear at said hearin€, please notify this office iruned;ately. Our telephone number is 29��-5056. JOS�,Pfi F. CAP�CY�DI License I nspector �. ' ' ` ��6��n ``sc�,�0,,' s.•' :;•.,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `° ": DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� n ;: -� u � �� `'' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �,�•,'w+�.���_�_ Room 209,City Hal) GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR Dolore Trojan 3675 Highland Av, Apt A21 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Your application for a Bingo 52 Periods license has been received by this office. �fter review and investi�ation of this application, this office will recor.ir►end to the License Committee that such l�cer_se(s) be €ranted. A hearin€ on �your application for said l�cense(s ) will be held before the L�cerse Committee on . April 22, 1981 Date at 10:00 AM at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall and ime Loc at;on Court House. You �re hereby required to a�pe ar at such re�ring. If you are unable to appear at said hearir,�, please notify this office iruaed-�ately. Our telephone number is 29��-5056. JOS�,Fii F. CnP�CFi�DI I,icense Inspector